#(and probs for gay space pirates as well?)
timefirewrites · 5 years
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I made a bingo for Of Gods and Heroes! When you fill it out, please feel free to tell me more about your wip!
Taglist (ask/comment to be added/removed) below the cut!
Edit: Added a picture description below the cut as well! (Please tell me if it needs future editing!)
@shadows-on-everkin​ @marewriteblr​ @black-lakritz-dragon​ @theswordofpens​ @glowingmooncreations​ @kit-tells-a-story​ @saxoniowrites​
First row: High fantasy, m/f friendships, multiple POVs, lgbtq+ cast, tragic backstories
Second row: found family, magic, mythical creatures, gods, lonely characters
Third row: end of the world, merfolk, free space, lost civilizations, travel
Fourth row: secrets, high expectations, different ages, biolumiscent plants/fungi/beings, learning to trust
Fifth row: unreliable narrator, growth, dragons, glowing eyes, little to no romance
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twobrokenwyngs · 4 years
last night the process of Marie Kondo’ing my life began (bc we’re moving!)
my therapist suggested that I don’t need to keep everything that has sentimental value to me, and that instead I could take pictures of these things so as to retain the memory but not the stuff that takes up unnecessary space
and so, in a self-indulgent act that prob no one else will care about, here is Part 1 of Items From My Past That I Used to Care a Lot About But Have Kept in a Closet for the Last Decade
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1. in 2005, my high school participated in a movement, run by the GSA, where we all purchased, and then wore on the same day, shirts that said “gay? fine by me.” it was a powerful day, but a painful one too, as there were also a lot of assholes who showed up with shirts distributed from the local church that said “Crimes Against God” as well as some homemade white polos scribbled over with hate speech. I’ll never forget it. And it was on the news! 
2. lmao what can I say? I loved the Spice Girls. I’ve kept this for the last 22 years. the book may be going in the garbage but girl power never will
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3. in 2006, during my freshman year of college, I made this and hung it up on the wall of my dorm room. I was totally obsessed with AFI and in the middle was a countdown to their upcoming album, Decemberunderground. every single day I got to rip a number off and it got everyone else on the floor of my dorm so hyped for me, asking me if I ripped the day’s number down. just more evidence that I have never loved anything half-assed lmao
4. I actually fucked up - I should have taken a picture of ALL the POTC shit I found last night. I had two posters, two purses, a shit-ton of school supplies, jewelry... you name it. somewhere in a closet is still a Jack Sparrow throw blanket. the fixation with pirates started young I guess!
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aplpaca · 5 years
can you tell me more about inda? im curious
so Inda is the main character of the Inda Quartet by Sherwood Smith. its kind of a historical fantasy series? its not set on earth and theres magic involved, but the story is more focused on politics and world events than the magic (tho the magic plays a part in that).
but yeah the series follows Inda, the second son of a prince, throughout his life starting with his childhood at the Royal Academy, where nobility learn strategy, fighting, etc.  he does pretty well there, gets mixed up in some stuff, Stuff Happens, he ends up on a trade ship, and then a pirate ship, and then stuff interconnects with a larger war that had been brewing since he was a kid (these are over the course of a bunch of years). so thats like a vague gist
some stuff i like/that i found interesting about the series
Inda is autistic (its not outright stated in the book but its easily intuited imo also i emailed the author and she said it was intentional).  and like ive never really seen that in a fantasy book series before (renarin and steris are great and i love them but theyre not main viewpoint characters Yet) so thats really nice.  but yeah as a character his thoughts and emotional processing were super relatable. and even tho his Thing is that hes like super good at strategy and problem solving, it doesnt come off as a Wow Autistic Savant Lets Marvel At It type of thing bc the book actually goes into his thought processes and shows you how he gets to his ideas. also his friends are respectful and accepting of his differences and its great.
the series is has a really interesting emotional vibe to it that gives a really cool sense of the passage of time. i dont really know how to describe it more than that other than if it was music it would have a lot of violins
the characters are super complex and their dynamics are super interesting. and like even when they do stuff thats like What The Fuck My Dude its like not in a bad way bc characterization is well done so its like “of course thats what theyre gonna do. the bastard.” coughcoughFoxcough. they just feel very real in general
the culture is super open about sex and romance (theres a lot of talk about sex, but its not shown explicitly if thats a thing youre not a fan of). polyamory is super common and not looked down on and neither are different sexualities.  There are major characters who are bi and gay, and also lots of minor characters who are also.  Theres also at least one character whos grey-ace and Tdor reads as demi imo.  Inda is polyamorous, as are most of the main characters.  (also on the authors website theres a big thing about stuff that happens after the end of the series and theres a group of characters that end up in a man-his boyfriend-boyfriends wife/girlfriend-her other husband relationship)
theres a bunch of more mundane uses for magic. like theres a spell that can prevent someone from getting pregnant unless they drink a specific tea, so thats used as a birth control thing.  theres a spell where people can make a baby, like automatically without waiting 9 months and regardless of the number of people doing the spell or their genders.  like one character has a single mom who did the spell by herself, and whos grandparents are lesbians who did the spell to get his mom.  
the societies are pretty interesting, like Inda’s country is loosely Mongolian inspired, with some weird Spartan-esque stuff thrown in.  Most of the characters arent white, with the exception being the Venn (the country that the Marlovans, Inda’s people, are at war with), who are nordic-inspired (literally nordic is prob more accurate tho.  theyre descended from vikings who somehow got into a magic space rift and ended up on the planet the series takes place on. but that was way before the series happens. i got that confirmed by the author via email also).  also theres pirate societies and thats always great
but yeah. its a bit heavy with worldbuilding to start off with (lots of names) but its really super good and i wish more people knew about it. 
can you see why it took me so long to answer this?
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dangermousie · 6 years
Like Space Opera Romance? Do I have a book series for you!
Seeing that Sherrilyn Kenyon’s Born of Blood is going to be published next week, I thought it’s a good time to give push to one of my all time favorite romance series - Kenyon’s The League series aka space opera romance extraordinaire!
Space opera and fantasy are probably my favorite genres and so is romance. And a good space opera romance is very very hard to find. So imagine my love for The League, which features space pirates, intergalactic organizations, aliens, space ships, assassins, genetic modifications, bounty hunters, galactic emperors and the rest. There are only a couple of books in that series that get less than “utter and complete love” from me, and even there, I do like them. Featuring Kenyon’s trademark super-tortured heroes and tough ladies who love them, here are the books in order with my very biased fangirl thoughts:
*  Born of Night - first and arguably still my favorite. Our hero is a half-alien League assassin. OK, make that former League assassin - nobody ever leaves the League (think a military/political organization that controls lots of stuff) but he’s managed, even if he’s been on the run ever since. He does take random jobs to help him survive and the latest one is a doozy - to protect a daughter of some planetary president who various enemies want killed. CAN YOU SAY, BODYGUARD ROMANCE? I knew you could! Oh God, I love this book! He’s hulking, terrifying, barely verbal and with a horrid background of scrabbling for everything. She is a tiny petite dancer who looks on the bright side but can hold her own in a fight (sort of. She is no assassin.) IS HE WORTHY? (Ummm yes.) Are there birth secrets and space emperors? (Ummmm yes.)
* Born of Fire - It’s not one of my faves in the series, but I do like it. Hero is alcoholic space doctor (and BFF of BoN hero), heroine is female bounty hunter set to bring him in, things don’t go as planned blah blah. I have never loved romances with medical protagonists and apparently space setting is not an exception. it’s a solid book, even if not one of my faves. 
* Born of Ice - this one is weird because she wrote it before she knew she could continue the series so it involves the next generation and is out of chronological order. It’s a lighter romance so if bags of angst aren’t your thing (though why are you reading Kenyon then?), this is a good bet. 
* Born of Shadows - space pirates! Amazons! Seriously, do you need to know anything else? It’s yet another lighter entry that’s pretty darn fun. Not a fave (angst junkie here) but solid. 
* Born of Silence - ummm, ummmm, ummm. THIS WHOLE BOOK IS ONE GIANT TRIGGER WARNING AND I ADORE IT. (Also, we now know where BoShadows angst went - here! This book has more angst than five other books put together.) OK, so our hero is named Darling Cruel, so we already know this book doesn’t give any f**** what you think and if you are not ready to follow its blend of delicious insanity. Anyway, Darling is a Caronese (planet) Emperor. Which is all well and good except his position is held in regency by his monstrous uncle who has no plans to give it up any time soon. He’s torturing the populace, and mistreating Darling and fam and is just generally a horrid person. So Darling needs to figure out a plan to get his family safely off-world before any coup and meanwhile he’s doing the Scarlet Pimpernel thing and working with the rebels, wearing combat armor so nobody knows the rebel hero is actually the useless royal everyone thinks he is. He also has a passionate relationship with a lady rebel leader, Zarya who also doesn’t know about his double identity. All is OK except due to a bunch of really bad luck, before he can evacuate his family and do in his evil uncle, he gets captured by rebels as himself. They have no idea he’s their big helper and proceed to gruesomely torture him for weeks. (This is probably a good time to reiterate the trigger warning is real - between stuff in his past, which is prob one of the worst romance novel pasts ever, and rebel torture stuff, this is probably the most triggery romance novel I’ve ever read - think Kenyon’s Acheron or Styxx only hero does not have divine healing powers. Or maybe Robin Schone’s The Lover) His girlfriend, aka the rebel leader, basically pays no attention as to what is going in her dungeons and lets them do whatever. He eventually gets rescued and stitched up by his friends but by that point, the little of his sanity he was holding on to has fled the building and he goes on a well-deserved murder spree, starting with doing in his uncle and culminating with building a tower of skulls of his enemies outside the palace. Man knows how to cheer self up! Anyway, his friends are all !!!!!! and bring back Zarya (who they dumped far far away) in hopes of trying to calm him down...This is delish and angsty and very very insane and I love it, maybe the most in this series because it’s a hardcore h/c angstfest with the whole “heroine is his sole link to sanity” theme. 
* Cloak and Silence - Darling’s gay BFF Maris gets his own book and romance. YESSSS! Maris is one of the few sane people in this series :P
* Born of Fury - a little less angsty that BoS :P OK, a lot less angsty. Hero is sexy rebel alien, heroine a League assassin that is targeting him, true love. It’s actually a perfect combo of not too much angst and ton of awesomeness. 
* Born of Defiance - another one of my faves! (I think this, BoS and BoN are my three favorites, though maybe BoL below also belongs.) Our hero is an outcast - who has no social standing or position due to the circumstances of his birth in the very rigid/class-structured alien society (yes, hero is a humanoid alien, so is heroine.) He is basically a tough, unbeatable boxer. Heroine? Felicia is a delicate and beautiful courtesan.Yes, it’s a boxer x h*oker romance. YES PLS. There are royal plots, angst, rescues, and the whole “he can kill anyone with a pinkie but turns into a leaf in her delicate presence” is my kryptonite.  
* Born of Betrayal - Talyn’s parents...I like it but don’t love it, tbh. 
 * Born of Legend - Ohhhh, this book. This book! On one hand I adore it, on the other, continuity-wise it gives me a headache. The protagonist is Julian, the evil twin of the hero from BoN, who also appears and does evil things in some other books. Kenyon tried to do the same thing here she did with Styxx (show evil twin of loved hero is actually not evil) and it worked a lot better in Styxx because she had to bend her continuity in insane fashion and turn some secondary characters from normal to headcases to do it. However, taken alone, this is a fun angsty book.  And I do mean ANGSTY!!! (Not as much as BoS but nothing could be.) Also a doorstopper. Also I am rereading it right now. It’s so gooooood!
* Born of Vengeance - love princes recovering their stolen inheritances? So do I!
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fyrapartnersearch · 7 years
M// OC RP (Read my dumb gay post)
Hi! I’m Jonesy (or JJ) and I’m on break from uni so I have a lot of time on my hands to-- lel jk, I’m grown. Anyhoo. I’m in my late 20’s and am looking for M// literate (advanced) rp partners, ages 25+ please. I do not fade to black or avoid mature themes. My writing style has a casual feel to it, but I use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation, and I prefer that you have a good grasp on this, as well. I write third person paragraph style, and am looking for someone who likes world building and writing three dimensional characters. You know what I mean. If our characters walk into a town, I want to know who else is there, how the buildings are painted, what the air smells like. Take me to it. Paint me a worrrrrrddd pictuuuuureeee. If your character has a Maserati, I want to know how he treats it, how he drives it, and if he has that kind of money, why on EARTH would a Maserati be his car of choice?
  Absolute No’s: ….Well crap, I can never think of these until someone asks.
  Things I don’t like so much:
-Winey characters
-Super young characters
-Unrealistically serious characters
-Too much drama
-Posts that don’t move the story along (sometimes this is ok but not EVERY post…)
-Short posts.
-Spanish dudes (HA just kidding I LOVE spanish dudes.)
  Things I like:
-Spanish dudes
-All dudes
-Size differences
-Humor (Didn’t see that coming, did you?)
-Realistic dialogue*
-Open communication
  Genres I like:
-Sci fi
-Space stuff (This is its own genre, don’t argue with me.)
-Mild horror
  So what I have is a bunch of ideas for weird couples, some with loose plots, others with none at all. I’m looking for someone to plot with. Even if none of these characters take your fancy, or the stories, but it looks like we think along the same lines and might get a whole new story with new characters together, contact me anyway. I only bite if you have dumb ideas. (Hard.)
  Made for one another:
Could fall under sci fi, apocalyptical, dystopian, adventure, hell it could fall under all of them. I have a really loose idea for this one. Two characters are genetically made for one another. Not romantically, but as in two parts that make up a whole. Both are genetically engineered to do something different, but both of their abilities need to be combined for whatever final outcome to happen. (The outcome being what they were created for.) Reasoning behind this was that maybe one person having both abilities, or the one ability that the both of them make up, would overload their system and kill them. Or significantly harm them in some way. Thus, two genetically engineered people were created.
The loose plot I had for this was that maybe one character has escaped the facility that created them. (Escaped a long time ago, perhaps.) This facility has some major unethical and downright inhumane practices (like lab growing people.) Character A. we’ll call him, decides to destroy the place, maybe from the inside out. (Perhaps he’s some kind of mercenary or rogue whatnot, living his life in secrecy so no one from said facility finds him, blah blah.) Ever see Alien Resurrection? With that scene where Ripley goes into the lab and finds all the failed experiments?.... No? Just me? Okay. Anyway, so while Character A. is torching the place, he finds Character B, who is the only experiment alive. He can’t just leave him there to die, so he takes him with him. That’s how they meet, but I don’t have much else for a plot for this story, other than that I see Character A as being kind of an asshole so they struggle a lot and much later they discover they’re literally made for one another.
  Mad Max:
This would be sort of based on the Mad Max world (as in the 2015 movie, even though I do so love the originals) though not using any of the characters, places, or… you know, anything. The world is a wasteland, but it’s not oil/gasoline that’s the hot commodity, it’s water. The wasteland is filled with different tribes, none of them very nice unless you belong to one of them. This pairing would be a character that’s kind of like Max, a lone wolf who belongs to no tribe and wanders, and…. I dunno, I guess he would be a POW? He’s a warrior from another tribe that was captured. Character A stops (cautiously) in one of the territories to trade for water and supplies. Character B is pretty roughed up and knows he’ll eventually end up dying if he doesn’t get away somehow, so his main objective is to get Character A to trade for him. Obviously, this eventually happens. Character A discovers that Character B has something that would be useful to him (maybe it’s just knowledge of mechanics and whatnot) so he ends up trading for him. Plot twist! They end up HATING one another. And maybe Character A finds out that Character B was lying all along and can’t really do the thing Character A traded him for, however now they’re stuck together, because they’re crossing the wasteland.
  Space Pirates (Totally not nerdy AT ALL.)
I have a space captain. He’s an alien. He has a super cool space ship and a super cool crew. His species is rarely seen in this part of the galaxy, usually they are a very secretive race living in deep, deep space, that remain secluded, however Janka has been exiled, and now creates a lot of havoc and headaches for anyone he encounters. I have a real old descrip of him from… jesus, like 2010 that I haven’t updated, but I’ll send it if he sounds interesting! Anyway, he’s a sarcastic, lazy sh*tface, kinda pretty gross without meaning to be, but he’s a real loveable character. Likes blowing things up. Kind of clumsy, which isn’t the best thing for someone who’s built like he is. He’s well known in space ports all over, so he sticks to the real shady ones, where he’s somewhat popular. This character comes with an entire crew, and bonus interesting genitalia. He really needs someone to take care of him (emotionally.) Very hard headed when it comes to relationships (“What? No, I didn’t get you anything for your birthday. You said not to get you anything.”) but when he falls for someone, he falls hard.
  Steampunk Whathaveyou:
Ashby Thornton Foster is a real strange creature. Not just because he’s very proper and likes to keep a position as the head butler in a household even though he probably has enough resources to never have to work ever. He’s tall, painfully handsome, with round antique glasses, and auburn hair. Sharp tongue, but can be a little daffy if you catch him off guard. He collects frightening tea pots, has been learning how to cook for 9 billion years but his chicken stew will probably send you to the can for the rest of the night, is excellent with mechanics and spends a lot of his free time tinkering, and has read almost every book ever written but can’t remember what happened in the last chapter of the one he’s currently working on. I should mention that this character is not human. He is a specific species of being that I created myself. I’ll go into it if you’re interested, but the basics are that he has handsomely jagged teeth, large amber eyes, and claw like nails that often lead him to be mistaken as a vampire, however when he shifts out of his human form, he looks more like a sphynx cat and a lady got together. That sounds awful, but he’s actually quite exquisite. (NOT a furry. He just looks a tad strange and has interesting legs.) Ashby is very sweet natured but runs a strict household. He is well respected and well loved. This character comes with an identical twin (Molocai, who prob won’t appear) and a Soul Eater character, who sets up camp in whatever town he settles in due to being promised his soul whenever he shuffles off his mortal coil. They’re best friends. (It’s a long story.)
  *Please note that all of my characters are usually in their late twenties or older with VERY few that are mid-twenties. I also do not play with younger characters, and prefer them to be around the same age category.
  *Let me explain about the realistic dialogue. Two OC’s walk into a bar. My OC walks up to the bartender and says “Ay, Sugartits, I’ll have the usual.” Your OC says “I will have a beer.” Unless your OC is either a.) An android or b.) Two 12 year olds in a big coat, or c.) Horribly constipated, he’d better say something an actual human being would say. “I’ll have a beer.” “Gimme a beer.” “Just whatever you got on tap.” “Uh… Beer’s fine.” Don’t make your character sound like they’re reading a bad script.
  If I haven’t scared you off, shoot me an email at [email protected]
My RP mediums are usually Skype, Email, and I can be persuaded into Discord.
  And just to clarify. Gay RP. Plot before Porn. Thank you.
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