#(and I can't remember what it fully said๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜‘)
girirajattawar ยท 2 years
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When I read this poem for the first time I was in the 8th class, aged 12 or 13 maybe....I had this poem by W.H. Davies called "Leisure" included in our English's syllabus...as a kid I simply rote learned the poem and critically appreciated it in the test and scored well....I was happy but I was just a "kid" and I didn't realise how deep this poem is. Obviously my English professor was also at fault but...no worries... i spare her...because I know the fact that since the last one hundred years the only thing that has remained unchanged is THE EDUCATION SYSTEM....just saying. ๐Ÿ™‚ So, two years hence, when I was in the 10th year, somehow I got to read this poem again...I don't know if I was mentally more matured than what and how I was in the 8th class but this time I understood the depth...oh Maybe I wasn't more matured....I just had more vocabulary...cuz me and maturity still haven't met ๐Ÿ˜‘...leave it. So, this time I understood what Mr. Davies actually wants us to grab from this poem...the actual meaning...in the 8th class, even after rote learning the poem the message didn't sink in my mind....but this time it did...this is what is the difference between understanding and blindly learning...Anyway...since then...like since the time I read this poem for the second time after 2 years, it's just been with me !
Friends....really..just have a look at it and you will understand how true it is....I remember of asking myself a question when I understood the poem...it was....Giriraj, when was your mind totally empty and relaxed the last time ? And I didn't get an answer because even if I do nothing, I keep on thinking about something...something that bothers me...till today never did I ever enjoy my own company...I always want someone to accompany me so that we keep on chatting...I never sat with a thoughtless, calm and relaxed mind beneath the sky, listening to my favorite music pieces, enjoying the beauty around me, just looking around and enjoying my own company...ah...what a feeling it is...I have never been in a state where I ain't sleeping but I am not even fully awake..believe me it's the best state a person can be in ! Completely relaxed but not sleeping...
We always think about our physical appearance..overall our body but do we ever think about our soul ? some of you surely do but most including me don't..... Sometimes we should do things according to our hearts...just tell our professional minds to shut up and let the heart speak up !
Just once...just once in my life I want to forget all my duties, all my responsibilities, all my worries...I want to forget about my goals and just relax..just once ! I just want to know that this life, once gone is gone forever !
This poem taught me that yeah...it's not possible to be totally careless everyday in this world but be like that at least once !
The last last line literally is a slap on my face...howsoever rich you are...you are a poor person if you can't give yourself a day without any worry, any responsibility and any restriction !
Indeed this poem rules my mind and everytime I am stressed or worried I read this poem and it acts as heaven !
I will soon be better at this..I promise......tell me my mistakes...I m just trying to open up and share my thoughts..if I have gone wrong somewhere or said something wrong..i am really sorry ๐Ÿ™
Thank you !!
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lowkeyclueless5137 ยท 3 years
First things first
Bear with my dumbness...
Second: this will be a crossover explanation...
Third: It will be Hella long so... Yep... :/
So... I found out about this game called 'Obey Me!' and a lot of people are making crossovers with Twst... Like... I didn't know why they actually found some comune points, especially since obey me! was an otome game... But like... That was before I did my homework on it.
And by homework I mean seeing some of the wiki articles and browsing through the Fandom's memes... Because memes are educational...
And somehow... I reached a conclusion: Man... This could actually work... This is another clownhouse!
That and the fact that I am a sucker for Mammon angst and Dialuci content... This is ma main ship for this one... And I'm a simp for fluffy ships. :D
If I had to pick a favorite... I would say either Mammon, Beel, Belphie or Satan... IDK but it clicks with me.
Anyway... Still not entirely through the whole game plot... But like... I have a somewhat general idea of it.
You know this isn't my first rodeo when I pick something to crossover and dive headfirst without knowing actually a lot about it. So don't come @ me about it... I am fully aware of what I am doing and I am an idiot who still does it because why not...
:D yeah... And this will have mammon angst because I said it and I'll say it again: I'm a sucker for it... I can relate to his big bro kind of thing to some degrees since I have a little sis that's acting like she's above me.
Funny story: this shit was supposed to be posted on Wattpad before the new update on the main story came... So like... When it came out I was all like:
Anyway... Let's put the set-up... I saw that those crossovers usually have the MC accidentally going from twst to devildom or vice versa and Yada-Yada... Some have the thing where the two MCs are siblings or similar looking and so they change their place... And some have that trope of 'school fest' And bring the 2 MCs together...
No... What I have in mind is different...
What IF Mammon was the MC for this.
Like... The 7 Brothers get in an accident... And trying to protect their hooman exchange student (let's say after OM!MC meet everyone and brought them together), mammon uses a lot of his magic.
The 7 of them get isekaied... And because he used so much of his magic, mammon accidentally gets stripped off his demon powers. Meaning no magic at all. At the others we'll get back in just a sec.
You can imagine that any normal person's reaction to Grim blowing you up from a coffin is to scream and run off. Well... Mammon is squaring up with the fire cat. (Ace is that you?)ย  BUT once he realises that 'oh no! I don't have magic anymore'... He breaks in a run to escape Grim.
Well... As they get caught by headmaster Crowley, the rest of the ceremony goes smoothly. The 6 remaining brothers still have their magic, but they didn't do such a ruckus, trying to play along and then figure out what exactly happened. They get sorted into dorms(And sorry if it isn't how you imaginated, but it's for the story):
Lucifer- Scarabia (I wanted to say diasomnia, but like... I see him as a deep planner and this will serve good in the future)
Leviatan- Ignihyde (Look... You can't tell me he isn't at least a bit above the average with tech handling)
Satan- Heartslabyul (he's happy he's not in the same dorm as Lucifer, but once someone points out that his pen color is almost the same at his, Satan throws another existential tantrum)
Asmo- Poemfiore (A lot of people said that he's perfect for this role and I won't complain)
Beezelbub- Savanaclaw (He's like... A somewhat combination of Ruggie and Jack... IDK why I feel like that about it but anyway...)
Belphiegor- Diasomnia (sleeping buddies with silver... You can't tell me otherwise)
They are all first years :D
And now... Mammon returns! Dragged by Crowley. The mirror sees no magic out of him, because remember: he was stripped off of it. And so, the mirror says that he isn't fit for any dorm.
Well... Now the brothers say that he's their bro... He must have magic too. But the mirror says no. Well... Crowley asks for the mirror to guide mammon back once everyone else leaved.
The mirror says that he doesn't belong anywhere. Welp... Nice way to say you're not welcome anywhere. Points for the mirror for being a straight forward Lil shit... :/ the bros tried to summon a portal back to devildoom, but it didn't work.
So with that... Mammon realises that 'Hey... If I'm not a demon anymore, that means no more sin to take in account!' at least that was sorted out.
Crowley dumps Mammon in Ramshackle. Mammon is positive about it because he has a whole dorm for himself. This is now the Mammon cave! Only for the great Mammon!
And Grim... Who came in here because of the rain.
And also the ghosts, who scared the crap out of the 2.
Yeah... The 2 have to cooperate after another attempt at squaring up one against another. (seriously... Is this Ace 2.0?!) and surprisingly... They do a good job.
And Crowley is in tears when he realises that Mammon and Grim can cooperate. Srsly dude... It was for survival... So Mammon and Grim are now handymans of the NRC! Yay... Let's hope this place doesn't end up on fire.
Meanwhile... The bros get to know a bit of their dorm heads. Satan is a good kid... And respects the rules. He wants to read something for the first night so he did ask Riddle from where he could access the library. The redhead is pleased that at least someone is willing to learn. (Adeuce... He's looking at you 2) Satan is rooming with Ace and Deuce... So... Good luck with that.
Beel wants food... Beel eats the most out of the savanaclaw kids. They are happy to dump their veggies on Beel, cuz he's like a living vaccum for food. No Beel, you can't eat Ruggie. We know he smells like donuts, but it's not food. He rooms with Jack.
Lucifer adapts Jamil's resting bitch face when he sees Kalim... That's it... That's the whole interaction. He rooms with 3 other scarabia students, including scarabia resident B (man... We Stan you... You gorgeous NPC)
Asmo and Vil are like besties now... They are still coming in terms with who's the most pretty. And it doesn't help that Rook compliments both of them to no end (Srsly, dude... Stop... You're fueling their egos even more). Epel asks what's wrong with these people. He's rooming with Asmo, which sucks.
Levi doesn't interact with almost anyone... Except Ortho. This baby boy is trying to get closer to Levi because he reminds him of his nii-san! He's rooming alone thankfully.
Belphie needs to be dragged along silver back to diasomnia because they fell asleep. He's rooming with Sebek so... We don't know how to feel about it.
First day of school rolls around. Mammon is cleaning the main street with Grim when he meets up with his bros. They asked headmaster Crowley if he did get mammon out, but he said no... And so they found him.
Cue some mean remarks that mammon lost his magic and now he's cleaning after everyone. Satan is giving all of his attention to Grim. Cuz he cat. Mammon gets smug about it and says that Grim and him are a duo and that means Satan cannot bring him to Heartslabyul or pet him for the matter.
At least Satan is not attacking Mammon... If he puts good with him, maybe he'll let him pet Grim. All for the cat! Must. Spoil. The. Cat. (Don't spoil him... He'll become even more of a little shit!)
Yeah... That and the fact that the only other cat in here is Lucius and he avoids Satan. So like... Grim is the only option I guess.
Yeah... Ace comes into picture... And explains about the great seven. Satan did read about them in a history book Riddle lend to him yesterday until he got to the library today. So he had an idea about them. The others faked that they know about it. Mammon legit was the one who didn't even fake it.
And so Ace Gets to Diss a bit Mammon and Grim. Yeah... Grim is squaring up this time for good. (mammon... Meet your spiritual twin: Ace)
Yeah... The brothers let Mammon do his thing. They don't interfere because they don't want to be kicked out of the school. On top of that, Mammon cannot be expelled... So he has a pass.
Yeah... The prologue rolls almost the same except is dumb, dumber, more dumb and the dumbest, all in a mass chaos. The cojoin forces over their iminent fear and survival desire. The blot monster gets defeated through sheer dumbass luck.
Yet once they meet the overBlot monster, Mammon involuntary turns in his demon form. You know... Panic^4 (-why are you panicked, mammon?! -I don't know?!?)
And after that, Mammon is detransforming again involuntary. This, of course is a panic motive... Cuz it means that when he was stripped off his magic, the magic goes to those monsters. Hence when meeting one of them he transforms... (I have my own lore shit in here...)
Mammon has to fill the 3 up with his situation, forcing Grim, ace and Deuce to promise that they won't tell anything about it to anyone.
Back at the Heartslabyul dorm, ace gets collared and Satan interrogates Deuce as to why he returned so late... Deuce optes to not respond.
Satan goes full detective mode. (box 15 plays in the distance)
And so, Ace crashes in the Ramshackle. (-it's the mammon cave dammit!) as much as mammon plays tsundere, he still let's ace stay overnight and goes to the point of letting the ginger in the best room our of there.
And Mammon has the wierd af mirror dream. :D
The next day, mammon proposes to get help from Satan. Since the blonde probably got his hands on the rules in that dorm.
Lucky, now Mammon is enrolled with Grim as one student... And in the same class as Adeuce and Satan(1-A). Lucifer was in Jack and Epel's class(1-B), while Levi and Asmo in Sebek's(1-D), the twins being in class 1-C.
Satan is suspecting that something happened with those 4...they are suddenly best friends out of the blue. And Deuce was pretty shaken up last night. So Satan takes the opportunity to try and see what the hell are these 4 up to. (and pet Grim, but that's now a side objective)
Satan revised and knows most of the rules of the Queen of hearts... So he proposes for them to bake a tart as an apology token.
For that, they go to Trey. And so they make a maroon tart. Satan had a somewhat bad feeling about it, but he couldn't pinpoint why.
Only when it was too late and realised that maroon tarts were forbidden at an unbirthday party, Satan realized that... They fucked up. And Riddle kicked out all 5 of them.
At this, Ace riots along Satan. They skimm through the rules of the school and realise that oh fuck, they could actually dethrone Riddle. Satan says why not... He can prove that he's better than Lucifer by becoming a dorm head!
Mammon has a bad feeling about it. He holds Grim in his arms and watches as Satan and the Adeuce combo duel Riddle and lose against the 'off with your head'.
They fail, but their action started a riot in the Heartslabyul dorm. And that pissed Riddle to no End. Someone accidentally threw an egg at Satan's face, trying to aim for the redhead. Yeah... This made the blonde to be only wrath rn and ignore the fact that Riddle too was angry to no end.
And Riddle overblotted. This pissed Satan more that made him turn in his demon form. Mammon was involuntary turned, so he was protecting the innocents along Trey.
You know... When an unstoppable force meets an unmoving object?
Yeah... This is Riddle and Satan right now. Neck in neck. They are keeping up with each other incredibly good. The difference was that Satan was acompanied by the Heartslabyul students and Mammon with Grim. That led to the overBlot's defeat.
After that, mammon falls in a rosebush since he was in the air when he again detransformed involuntary. And he's unconscious, even if in his mind, he got front row seats at Riddle's trauma recall.
Now, unlike the others, Mammon feels a bit simpatic towards the redhead. He too wanted to listen to Lucifer... But his rules sometimes had to be broken. Mostly for his other brother's sake or because his sin was pushing him to.
So he gets his way to convince Satan to not murder someone after things had settled down. Still can't pet Grim... But anyway.
The unbirthday party redo is a somewhat succes... Excusing Riddle's extremely salty tart. (cater was enjoying it though)
Mammon asks Satan to not tell the others about his demon form appearance and the fact that he literally hijacked someone's mind involuntary and saw trauma. Satan said that he will keep his lips tight if he let's him research it. (he also wanted to pet Grim but mammon said to not stretch the cord too much)
After that, Crowley calls the 5 in his office and explained to them about the blot. Mammon gets the ghost camera. (No... He won't lend it to you, Asmo... Pls Asmo... Leave your bro's new camera alone.)
Later, during lunch, Mammon has to choose: sit with his brothers, or with Ace and Deuce. He wanted to go with the latter, but Lucifer dragged him to their table. Save yourself, Grim!
Lucifer nags Satan and Mammon about not calling for the others when the overBlot occurred. Belphie gets his dose of dissing a bit Lucifer by saying that he would have done a bigger mess by bringing another dorm in this. Satan is ready to throw hands. Catch them if you can, Lucifer.
Mammon just... Evaporates from there before Lucifer could hang him up from the ceiling. He forgot they aren't in their house... And so... You know... He goes to Ace and Deuce.
Wierd accidents start to happen, so Crowley assigns Mammon and Grim to solve it, with the promise of letting them play in the opening match for the magishift tournament. So knowing with what he has to deal, he asks for Lucifer's help... But he was busy training cuz he was selected to play for scarabia in the magishift tournament. Same thing with Beel.
He couldn't find Levi, nor Belphie... Asmo was kinda not interested in it, so Mammon had to pull the trump card: Satan
"And why would I help yo-" "I'll let you stay with Grim after classes until the tournament." "Deal."
This... This is legit their convo. Mammon has now Satan on the team! And Ace with Deuce joined because they wanted to prove they could be of use and convince Riddle to let them on the magishift team.
And together they pull an investigation team. Going at Ramshackle after classes to contemplate. Sometimes sleeping over in there. Mammon even read to them bedtime stories at one point.
At one point, Lucifer is targeted. Satan is rubbing it in his face cuz he managed to somehow sprain his foot. (He fell on like... 4 sets of stairs...) Mammon is worried, especially since Trey too fell, and along them more accidents occured. Beel didn't have any mishap yet... But Mammon was worried since they did figure out that only the magishift players were getting injured.
So Riddle and Cater join the investigation team! Hooray! And together they do the Cater check!
Asmo provided to them the Intel from poemfiore. And Beel was really kind to tell them that Savanaclaw didn't have any accidents up until now. And that he made a friend! (Jack wouldn't say exactly a friend, but he can't hide his waving tail.)
Anyway... Now on the matter at hand... Mammon didn't have any bro in Octavinelle... So... They had to spy on the Leech twins. Riddle is so not pleased with this.
Floyd sees them and goes on a blast with the nicknames!
He already named Asmo(Malawi) and Lucifer(Peacock Cichlid). So when Floyd literally names Satan Puffer fish... Yeah... Someone is getting chocked today. :D
Mammon is still shrimpy. So like. He's a nice fried shrimp.
You know Satan had enough of the teasing when he literally almost yeets Floyd over the entire courtyard. The others had to stop him because Floyd isn't a demon and can get injured once you throw him through a stone wall. Satan hopes to not interact more with the Leech twins. (Hope for it, Satan... Cuz it won't happen.)
They find out Ruggie was behind all of this. And chase him around. He escapes... But now they know who the culprit is. And know what they are planning since Beel told to the others that Savanaclaw hates Diasomnia.
Once meeting Jack, who was with Beel, they convince the 2 that indeed, based on the Intel, savanaclaw were the culprits. Beel doesn't really need to be convinced as much as Jack. But they convince them in the end and that's what matters.
Beel alerts Belphigor of the Savanaclaw plan and Riddle's plan... So now Belphie could get Diasomnia on board with it too.
Fortunately, Riddle's plan successfully fooled Savanaclaw. And now they were facing the culprits. When labeled as traitors by their dorm, Jack responded that he was against a dirty way of paying, while Beel responds that no one messes with his twin and his dorm. (Beel is pure and hungry... That's it... That's my whole impression of him)
Yeah... It's safe to say that when Mammon changed in his demon form meant one thing. Already the Heartslabyul boys have dealt with an overBlot. So Satan did require his demon form too.
Beel goes full battle ram mode after he changes in the demon form. Like... Nyop in the blot beast. Belphie attempts homicide on Leona and it's ๐Ÿ‘Œ! This time Mammon joins in the fight and not just protects the possible victims, since most of them got evacuated.
Another trauma sequence! Yay! Mammon get ready for a career in therapy! After someone gets you to therapy first.
It's safe to say that Beel and Belphie have question marks about the whole Mammon and overBlot thing. But... Unlike Satan... They couldn't snitch to Lucifer about it even if they wanted to.
Why? Oh... Cuz Lucifer was with Trey, Jamil and the other victims of the accidents in there. Mammon didn't have time to beg the twins to keep it a secret.
Mammon just grabs Grim and wants to get out of there, but Crowley stops them to congratulate on their good job. Crow man... Perfect timing actually! Since it distraught everyone with the magishift opening.
Mammon, Grim, Ace and Deuce along the Ramshackle ghosts play in the opening match against savanaclaw. Mammon gets a murder disk in the head and his brothers(except Beel who's playing against) are cheering for that.
At least he blocked it from marking a point... But now Mammon is in the infirmary since no magic=no demon power=human immunity to both diseases and wounds=flimsy when it comes to a disk coming at an incredible speed towards your head. (I hit it with some logic shit in here and my poor braincell now needs to be poked with a stick)
When he wakes up, Mammon is meet with Ace, Deuce and Grim, who fill him up on what he had missed. After that, they meet Cheeka. Their reactions are still priceless.
I also saw that a lot of people theorise that Mammon raised Satan... So we will go with that too... I'm down with it because it's fluffy, angsty and good to work with.
Anyway... With that... Mammon naturally was good with kids. So handling for a bit Cheeka and take him off Leona was like a breeze. Levi and his video-games are harder to break up.
After Cheeka leaved, the demon bros came in the picture. Oh... This was bound to be something.
Lucifer was mad... Like... REALLY mad. Cuz Mammon didn't tell them at all about the involuntary demon form changing. And also about the recklessness of Mammon and Satan, who was the one who dropped Grim off in there. Mammon was silent and after all of them leaved he groaned and asked to be left a bit to nap since he felt still tired.
It was a lie, but Mammon felt like he really needed that.
After some time... The exams come. Lucifer wasn't letting any of the brothers to slack off. He basically invited himself in Ramshackle and bossed everyone into learning. Mammon did have to slack a few times since Crowley was a lil shit who dumped work on him. That ended up with him not being believed and then hanged off the ceiling. Yeah... Hard times for Mammon. Grim is angry cuz he is the boss here, not Lucifer.... And that's his henchman you are hanging!
So when one night, Asmo crashes in Ramshackle, Mammon isn't surprised. It was one day before the exam results will be announced and Asmo was really panicky.
So Mammon gets for him a glass of water and invites him to the bed to cuddle. No wierd things, just cuddling. Since in there electricity was inexistent, Mammon was using a candle that Grim lit up.
He did ask Asmo why he was so scared after he calmed down. Asmo said that he wanted to score good in the exams because if he does, Vil will borrow to him his electric brush for a month. So he cut off a deal with Azul. And now he had doubts and a looming fear about it. Now he realised how stupid was that.
Mammon just suggests to think positively about it before reading to Asmo a bed time story. At this point, Mammon did borrow several bed time books in case of a surprise guest appearing in the middle of the night and in need of something to relax/distract themselves/fall asleep.
The day of the results came and Asmo scored good! He was happy.
But... So did most of the others... Asmo was 51 on the list. Mammon had a mediocre score, being bearly in the first 100, but still passed so it's OK!
Yeah... Asmo got an anemone as a new accessory along Ace, Deuce and Grim.
Mammon gets along Jack and meet again the tweels, yet this time... They meet the man behind all of this mass slavery: Azul.
All the 6 Brothers want to save Asmo. But when it was brought up about giving up their powers for it... They went all like 'no'.
Yet, Mammon says why not. Azul is ready to shake Hands when Mammon says that he has no spec of magic. Azul proposes then: to steal a photo from the Atlantic memorial museum. If he fails, Mammon will have to give up Ramshackle. If he actually succeeds, the anemones get free.
Lucifer says that this is surely a scam since Mammon can't pull this. He demands for Azul to give to him a task so he could save the anemones, but Azul says That it's all up to Mammon's decision. He gives him one day of thinking.
All day, Lucifer and the other brothers except the twins, pester Mammon into putting Lucifer to do a task instead of him.
That night, Mammon gets visited by Tsunotarou for the first time. While his new friend was talking about gargoyles, Mammon was thorn in between accepting the deal or leaving Lucifer to handle it. He asked Tsunotarou what he thinks about it and he did reply that Mammon should follow his heart, since this was about the family.
After tsunotarou dissappears, the twins crash at Ramshackle. Mammon welcomes them in the only good bed from there. Beel does ask what he intends to do tomorrow and what would happen to Asmo.
Mammon tells them just that Asmo will be alright.
The big day came. And Mammon was confident in this. He was with Lucifer, Adeuce, Jack and Beel in the office. Azul had the contact on the desk and Mammon was face to face with him.
Mammon chooses to get Azul the desired photo. He had 3 days to do so.
Lucifer is again mad. As well as the other bros. Beel wasn't though. He saw Mammon being confident in himself and decides to help him out. The others said 'No' and let Mammon to go on his own merry way. Lucifer was trying to force Azul onto calling off the deal.
So yeah... Everything was going off just like in cannon. Except this time Lucifer was still pestering Azul.
It was at the peak of Mammon's plan (he did get the photo) when Lucifer does Leona's opsie and burns the contracts before Azul's eyes. Mammon just returns with Jack, Beel, Grim, Adeuce and the Leech twins. Floyd adds more fuel to the fire.
OverBlot go brrrrrrrrrrr.
Yeah... Lucifer gets a taste of having no magic since Azul targeted him first. Mammon is having Beel and Asmo now as the only demons besides him who could actually fight. Floyd uses to deflect the opponent's attacks with bind the heart as Ace, Deuce, Jade, Ruggie and Leona attack.
They defeat him! Yay! And everything comes back to somewhat normal.
Asmo give to Lucifer the credit for freeing him. Azul just pats Mammon on the shoulder and offers to him a favor from the house part. Cuz it was somewhat painful to see that. Mammon will take it in account and thanks him anyway.
Now... After this chaos was settled... The Winter holiday was coming up. Mammon was invited to the Diasomnia party by Tsunotarou himself. Belphie invites only Beel and Asmo to come. Asmo turns down the offer, saying that he goes out on the holiday, on an opportunity to get as an actor. Levi was busy with his games. So that leaves 3 options. Belphie is OK with just Beel.
Mammon doesn't say anything about his invitation from Tsunotarou, since he knows the others will butt in.
His handyman jobs became more easy to manage, so Mammon and Grim planned to have a feast at Ramshackle along the ghosts. They invited Levi and Satan over, but Levi again said no. Satan was ok with just having Grim, so he tagged along. Mammon was planning to have a good time along Satan. Like they used to have before! He already had in mind a bunch of fun activities they could do! Reading books, talking about stories, making cookies, making some snow builds, even playing with the ghosts in the snow was on board too.
Well... This gets scrapped off when they meet Jamil in the kitchens along Lucifer, who drags the 3 along to scarabia for intense training.
Marches through the desert ended mostly with Mammon worming his way towards the smallest speck of water. Thank goodness for Kalim and oasis maker. Mammon was so so tired! Lucifer and Satan weren't, but the other Scarabia students were beat up by this intensive routine.
Mammon was locked up in a room with Grim and Satan. He wasn't having it. Not at all. He wanted a fun holiday... Not this! He did call Ace and Deuce and the 2 were worried about this.
So Mammon plans to escape! This would piss off Lucifer, so Satan is on board with it too. They do try to escape after some time, but when the magical carpet picks only Mammon and Grim, he's unable to get Satan. He tried. He really did try to get him, he even attempted to somehow turn around the carpet. But it only threw Grim and Mammon into Octavinelle.
Yeah... The twins and Azul vouche for them. After that, Mammon asks if it's possible to get Satan out of there too. The octatrio are a bit surprised about the situation at Scarabia, but at Mammon's request, since Azul did say he could ask for a favor out of him, they had to go and get Satan out of there.
And also investigate wtf was going on in there.
Lucifer is popping a vein when he sees Mammon returning, with the octatrio. Satan is curious about it, especially since they were rooming with him. Azul did get his sweet time into changing the ways of training for the Scarabia students. That did show signs that something shady was going on before their arrival.
So once they piece it together, Mammon has a plan! He doesn't really guarantee it'll work 100%, but that's why he shared it with Satan, Grim and the octatrio. They put their minds to comune and finally shaped Mammon's plan to an absolute success.
And it worked! If by working meant exposing Jamil, then pushing him to go apeshit and into overBlot, then throwing our group and lucifer with Kalim, across the entire Scarabia.
Yeah... It worked! Anyway!
Lucifer turns into his demon form and manages to grab Kalim and the twins, while Mammon catches Satan and Azul with Grim. At this point, they were way too far and even with flying they wouldn't get back in a good period. Lucifer blames Mammon for his stupid plan.
And you know what? Mammon snaps. He's tired, he's depressed, he's constantly ignored and bullied by his own brothers.... He's done... He's completely done with it.
He tells Lucifer that if he wasn't so prideful, this wouldn't have happened. He was able to prevent that from the very start, but he didn't. Mammon hated how Lucifer stuck his nose in his business. He hated how his bros are coming at night to him for reassurance, then the next day they are like he's the biggest scum on the earth. He wanted to spend some quality time with Satan for the holiday, since Lucifer didn't give a damn about him when he was little. But no... He has to now deal with another overBlot.
Yeah... It's safe to say that Mammon was furious. And the others speechless.
Mammon tells Kalim to make a river with oasis maker, since he knows the twins could swim fast. With that in mind, Mammon and lucifer had to fly, the second born holding Grim, while the twins carried Azul, Satan and Kalim.
They did reach quickly to the overBlot scene, but Mammon was so mad, that he punched it in the face. Like... Legit he was trying to throw all of his anger onto the overBlot. It was victorious! But Mammon was so mad, that he only stood one night at Scarabia after Kalim and Azul insisted that he's in desperate need of rest.
The next day, Mammon was out of there when he meet up with Adeuce. They were really worried when Mammon was so mad and told them that not one of his brothers is welcome anymore in Ramshackle.
So Ace and Deuce are OK with it, and try to make Mammon feel better. They do all of the activities Mammon planned to do with Satan. At night, Mammon meets up with Tsunotarou and explains to him what happened when he didn't show up. But now he reassures him that he's free now and they could spend time together if Tsunotarou is up for it too.
They share some hot coco and talk about gargoyles... :D
Yeah... Mammon ignores at all his brothers. They aren't welcome anymore in Ramshackle, they couldn't get in touch with him no matter what they tried and also Mammon ignored them whenever they would directly try to approach him. To make some kind of money too, since Crowley wasn't planning on giving to him and Grim more than the bare minimum, Mammon got himself as a Monstro lounge employee, since Azul did pay a adequate sum for the labour. He was good at it. He wasn't going to force Grim to get a job too, but he did appreciate when the monster would cuddle with him and purr before bed. Grim was taking pity onto Mammon's situation and he was trying to ease a bit his Henchman.
Adeuce and Jack weren't oblivious to this at all... Ace and Deuce would find any kind of excuses so that Mammon won't go to Heartslabyul or with Satan. Jack too... They would invite Mammon to hang out after clubs or sometimes even in other places around the campus. Grim was very much welcome to do mishaps along them.
Asmo, who got back from the holiday, had to be filled in with what happened. Of course, Lucifer's version and Satan's version were quite different, so Asmo had to get a 3rd party's story in order to have the general idea of what happened. So he asked Rook to help him with it. The hunter was delighted with that! So he did provide the information to the best of his abilities... Which... Is surprisingly a lot of info...
Asmo is a bit worried about Rook's ways, but also... About the total chaos that happened in Scarabia.
So, the lust Avatar is proposing for his brothers to go and dine at monstrolounge, since Asmo did get a good sum of cash from his internship... Mammon of course didn't know about this and neither did the others.
So it was a surprise for Mammon, who was wiping the bar when he sees his brothers getting a table. And a close one to him on top of it.
So he asks for Jade to vouche for him so he could finish his shift earlier. In exchange, Jade can have that wierd mushroom that is growing in Ramshackle's basement. The eel is content with that, but Floyd gets in between them, oblivious of this, and puts Mammon to serve at another table.
Good thing! It was in the opposite part of the lounge. Mammon takes the said order and Jade takes the brothers's order. Asmo asks if it's possible for Mammon to bring to them their orders because Asmo wanted to talk to him, yet Jade says that employees can't slack on the job just to talk with clients, whether they are people they know or not.
Mammon overhears their convo and it's really grateful Azul had those rules in the first place.. So with that, he has a somewhat ease when Jade tells to another employer to send the order. The eel asked if Mammon was still up for the early shift, but this time he refuses. Jade is sad he couldn't get his hands on those mushrooms... But he'll get the opportunity another time.
After that incident, Asmo is dead set on talking to Mammon. And Good thing the VDC was coming! Asmo heard from Vil about him using the Ramshackle as a training camp for the contestants, so Asmo is polishing his skills at dancing and singing. He's going to get that place in the training camp. He pushed his brothers to come to for the audition.
Mammon comes too to the audition, but more like to support Grim. He meets Ortho! And he's really nice to him, unlike someone. They bond!
Satan is like... Super jealous on them rn. The rest of the younger brothers are jealous too. Their Mammon is spending time with a kid he bearly meet like they are bros. Levi, who was dragged all the way in here by Lucifer, is handling the worse. So he straight up goes to Mammon while Lucifer is in the audition room. Mammon of course wants to avoid him, but also to not cause a scene.
Levi only asks him when he plans on giving to him back that movie he borrowed from him. The Otaku panicked, especially since he knows Ortho the most out of the brothers and he knows the kid CAN blow up this place if so desired.
Mammon tells that he'll get it to Ignihyde after the audition. For now, he has to support his friends!
Meanwhile, Satan tries to bribe in Grim, but it doesn't work... The fire Raccoon monster isn't having it. Ya made his henchman feel like shit... Of course he will treat you like shit too. And Grim refuses to acknowledge them, no matter how much tuna will they bring. (Grim has a huge character development and we appreciate him for that.)
The auditions were shit on the most part. Vil has to dig up the best of the best for it. Rook proposes a few names.
Later that day, Ortho came to Levi with the movie Mammon borrowed, saying that Mammon himself tasked the boy with delivering to Levi the said DVD... Levi internally is a mess.
So... Weather or not Mammon likes it, Levi is crashing at Ramshackle that night. It's the first night actually, but Levi needs some emotional reassurance and his big bro is the only one who can offer something like that.
That and the fact that Ortho kicked him out of there until he makes up with 'the nice Mr Mammon'. He got beat up by a kid... Levi isn't ready to face to his brothers or the public that kind of humiliation.
Seeing how it was rainy outside, Mammon skeptically welcomes inside Levi, giving him some warm tea and spare clothing since the envy Avatar came drenched in rain.
Levi stops Mammon from going upstairs. He... Just apologises for being so ignorant and treating him like a scum. They are the biggest brother besides lucifer, they need to be united... He will try now to not be a jerk to Mammon anymore. And also... Levi missed the Mammon cuddles. Mammon is content with this apology. He too missed a bit Levi, but now it's OK... They are willing to build again what they destroyed.
So they have a movie night, since Levi did bring in some movies and a laptop to watch them on. Grim was in Mammon's lap, purring at his caressing, yet no kind of response to Levi. Grim is still salty... When it comes to the bed time, unlike the other brothers who only saw Mammon already in pijamas, Levi could see a glimpse of him changing when Mammon searched for his pijama blouse, shirtless.
And also the wounds and scars Mammon had on him. They weren't just from the overBlots... Nonono... They were also from the fights he had and from Lucifer's hanging. Mammon was practically a human now... So that meant that he could get easily hurt. Levi now realised that it wasn't like back in the Devildoom, where Mammon was constantly getting punished without an actual lasting consequence and not getting hurt more than just a scratch. In here, Mammon was really really careful, since his body was now more fragile and more prone to getting severe injures.
Levi decided that he has to prove to Mammon that he is caring for him too. Not just a verbal apology and some cuddling. Levi decided that it's better to have his actions speak. Like in that anime he bingie watched a month ago!
So... Levi now spends some quality time with Mammon. He gets to meet Ace, Deuce and Jack. The first years are skeptical of this. And Levi is shy af, because you know... Socialising... But they somewhat get along. Mammon is happy about it, which has become a rare thing to see him actually happy since the Scarabia fiasco. Progress, people! This is some progress!
The audition results come and Mammon almost gets an arrow shoot through his neck. Mammon does get the letter from there.
Ace, Deuce and surprisingly Levi, passed the audition! Mammon and Grim were required to come to poemfiore for some important things.
So they meet with Kalim and Jamil on the way in there! And again get blinded by poemfiore students... Literally this guys are radiating sparkles. Levi believes that they must be from an anime he watched back at Devildom: 'I accidentally entered into a dorm where all the students are radiating light and sparkles because of their unreal beauty'
So yeah, Vil informs Mammon of Crowley's plan of making Ramshackle(-The Mammon cav- ya know what... I give up with it) a training camp. And since Crowley kind of promised some decent renovations. Mammon couldn't say no.
Along the 5 in the group, it's added Vil, Rook, Asmo and Epel, which makes them a total of 9. Vil made the said song they will be going to use. Levi is dying with shyness. Why did he have to accept to go to audition??? Why did Lucifer have to drag him to it??? Mammon awkwardly patts him for a somewhat reassurance.
Asmo knows that with this, he can talk with Mammon about everything that happened while he was away. He has a genius plan!
Yeah... His 'Genius' plan, gets scrapped off when the training camp shows to be hell. It was intensive and with a lot of restrictions. Normally Asmo would be content with that, but now he needs a bit of time to talk with Mammon.
Well... Mammon sure becomes suspicious when he has late night convos with the mouse in the mirror and sometimes he would find pure white feathers where he slept. He didn't exactly feel prone to acting Greedy like he used to and he had a back itch, but that might as well be from his most recent wounds. Bandages sure are annoying. (I am the only one who actually has unexpected itching when wearing a bandage... Like bruh...)
So, at night, Asmo slithers out along the Adeuce combo and Mammon to the fridge. Levi again was up watching anime, so like... He did spot them. Asmo wanted to initiate a convo with the second born, when they get hit by Vil's UM because they ate from the forbidden food. Mammon didn't eat. He was out for a glass of water to shake a bit himself. Kind of unfair that Grim gets cursed too, since Vil did say he and Grim are allowed to eat whatever they want.ย  Levi gets a shot to laugh at the ones on the floor, until Vil catches him and sends him to bed.
When the big argument Epel and Deuce have with Vil and Ace Commece, it's not really pleasent. Asmo still tries to talk with Mammon. Levi is scared to the bone by this and Mammon holds Grim in his arms, not wanting to let him go and cause more chaos.
Done with the bad attempts at communication, Asmo goes to Kalim. Kalim is really sociable, so Asmo can get an idea about why Mammon was avoiding him.
Yeah... It didn't exactly go well when Kalim became depressed about it. He told Asmo that Mammon was tired of the way he has been treated by his bros and that it would be better if they leave him alone.
Asmo understands that Kalim had trauma now and Mammon was mad at the way he was mistreated. Welp... Asmo just respects Mammon's wish. He seems to have made it up with Levi, so Asmo isn't going to pry on it. He's going to concentrate on the VDC and give Mammon his needed space.
Mammon doesn't fail to observe that. He appreciates that at least one of his brothers got the message and it's willing to respect his decision. And out of all of them, it was the only one who wasn't on campus at all during the incident, meaning at first he had no clue about it.
After Deuce and Epel return, the training is back on track. And the VDC finally comes.
There is a legit festival, so Mammon and Grim visit most of the club booths and talk a bit with their friends. They were back in time to see the rehearsal performances.
And also meet Neige. Neige heard about mammon and wants to meet him too, since he saw Vil talked to him and it looks like Mammon was the group's manager. Grim of course was perched on his shoulders like usual. Mammon actually helped Neige with a lost backstage pass and that's how the 2 got to talk.
While the NRC group were having their rehearsal, Neige went to get to know Mammon. They were vibing a bit mostly since Grim kept Mammon busy, so he didn't really talk a lot with Neige.
You know how Levi is the avatar of envy? (it rhymes... It actually rhymes and I don't know how to feel about it)
Yeah... He feels the envy. He's also envious too a bit. Cuz like Neige's performance was so childish and pure, it was almost like he didn't care about the competition. Which made Levi theorise that Neige, being a superstar, means that his fans will vote for him no matter what he presents. Yeah... He's having some self doubt hours rn.
Oh... And Vil, being so envious, does pick Levi's attention. He tells it to Mammon, who tells it to Rook, who brings in Kalim and Jamil. Asmo wanted to talk to Mammon at that time, but he got again stopped when Mammon sprinted after Vil along the others who knew what was up. Asmo was leaved with Epel, Ace and Deuce. Mammon knows that once they busted Vil's plan and he changed involuntary into his demon form, that shit's about to hit the fan.
Y'all wanna see dramatic? This is OverBlot Vil for ya! A dramatic queen indeed. *-*
Having to deal with poisonous gas, Jamil uses snake whisper on Neige and his friends to go and distract the crowd from the colloseum. Kalim, Asmo and Rook are on defense as Epel goes feral along ADeuce and Levi. Go feral my boys!
Yeah... At one point Asmo almost gets smashed by a poisonous apple if it wasn't for Mammon who grabbed him from there. They bearly defeat the overBlot because of the poisoned gas that affected them. Thank goodness Kalim had high poison tolerance along Jamil and that Deuce found his unique magic in the last moment.
Rook has that romantic and dramatic moment with Vil's unconscious body. Asmo proposes that the two should fuck, but gets stopped by Jamil. (Bonus points for Jamil keeping the innocents still innocent)
Vil does apologise... Also his overBlot was somewhat excused because he became conscious of his own actions... So in a way... He gets forgiven... Epel will keep it in mind for future blackmail. He wants to wear his favorite pants and now Vil won't stop him with the blackmail!
Tsunotarou comes, since Mammon gave to him the VDC ticket... Levi gave it to ortho and Asmo gave it to Satan, so they were yet to arrive.
Mammon is dumb and greets Malleus with the silly nickname. Everyone, including Asmo and Levi are SHOOK. More surprising when actually Malleus seems pleased with the name. Mammon finally finds out that his friend is actually the Malleus Draconia. He still calls him Tsunotarou. Malleus appreciates that his friend isn't afraid of him. And because he needs to return the 'gift' (VDC ticket) Mammon gave to him, Malleus fixes the stage and makes it like new.
Yay! :D
Asmo finally gets to talk a bit with Mammon. He does want to start everything over... And he's willing to give Mammon space... So that is settled.
The VDC is a success... They still lose... Belphieย is out for blood... Rook shall sleep with one eye open at night.
In all of that frenzy, Satan gets his way to talk with Mammon. And he even invites him at Heartslabyul to have some tea time and maybe a pijama party... Mammon says that maybe later... Since now he wants to enjoy a bit the Mammon cave without Vil's training exercises.
Neige asks for Mammon to make a selfie with them in memory of this day. Vil butts in and says that Mammon and Grim should first participate in the NRC tribe group photo.
So... Mammon makes both photos... He gets famous Unwillingly... Noice~
Now with that settled... Mammon wants to enjoy the quiet Ramshackle.
Except that he has a wierd Af convo with Mickey, then he searches for Grim and inevitably gets attacked by the apeshit Grim. So now, Mammon was dragging his way, all bloody... Towards Ramshackle.
Who's the one that finds him like this? If it ain't Adeuce themselves.
They immediately call for Trey... Cuz mama hen... And this gets to Riddle's ears too. So of course the news spread quickly.
Beel literally barges in with bandages and everything else once word got out to him too. Belphie was in tow with a pillow and a blanket.
The Grim search team is made out of dorm leaders, but Lucifer insisted to look for it too. Gotta punish the cat.
Ortho finds it and all that jig.
So, Mammon has to recover. Asmo got from Vil permission to stay and take care of Mammon. Levi did that too.
Mammon was in better condition after the festival ended and so, Vil summoned the NRC tribe at Ramshackle to talk about the VDC results. Mammon is overwhelmed when Vil offers his prize money to him along Rook, Jamil, Kalim and Epel. He insisted that Ace and Deuce need to keep theirs since, unlike the others, they actually strive for something that the prize can give to them. Asmo and Levi are going to share with the other brothers their prize.
Their happiness moment is destroyed when some wierd armoured people come in, destroying the Ramshackle. And they had Grim on top of that.
Mammon wanted to fight, but without his demon powers he had a huge disadvantage. Even though, he grabbed a wooden derbit that could be used as a weapon, and fought with it along the others. After all... He wasn't named the fallen warrior for nothing. He could be a fierce fighting machine when needed. But never once in his life, Mammon took away a life and his was going to stand by this oath until his very end.
Of course, the misterious dudes took Jamil and Vil. Asmo was with the other first years as Levi was keeping an eye on Mammon. It was a miracle that Ramshackle didn't crumble completely with all the damage.
Levi brought the first years along Asmo to the infirmary. Mammon insisted that he was alright, even if he was all dirty, bloody and clearly not in the right state to even stand on his own feet.
So Levi called the one who could force Mammon to rest: Belphegor. After all... Mammon needed a bit of sloth now.
Beel brought Belphegor along Jack to the infirmary. At this, Belphie forced the first years to sleep by his magic. The first one who woke up was Mammon, followed by Epel. Ace and Deuce were still asleep. When confronted by this, Belphie told them that his spell was only a small nudge to sleep... It isn't his doing anymore and not even Belphegor himself could tell when they will wake up.
Mammon is furios. The other brothers just arrive to the infirmary when Mammon literally pushes them aside, storming out of there. Epel follows after him as Levi requires for the others to come and help with treating the injuries. The infirmary was full and some students had to be carried to their dorms while others had to be brought in.
Epel convinces Mammon to cool down a bit and so, he proposes to go to poemfiore until Ramshackle is liveable again. Mammon accepts. Good timing, since Levi comes around, telling to the two that it was a chaos in the infirmary and they should check if in poemfiore are any students who need urgent treating.
So the 3 head towards the poemfiore mirror, when they crash into Rook. Levi asks why Rook has a broom with him. Rook replies quickly that he has to go after Vil. That, of course stirred a chain of chaotic events, including the broom chase. Levi was using his tail as to not fall off as Mammon was just screaming his lungs out along Epel, after Rook.
Meanwhile, Luci throws a gasket once he finds out that Mammon and Leviathan are missing. The others are worried too, of course.
And now... Back to our group. Epel, Levi and Mammon are interrogating Rook once they camp for a bit. You can imagine their surprise when Rook shows to them one of his many villas and also explains his UM. Like damn... Also the poemfiore uniform change. Except Levi... He has his Ignihyde one bc yep. He looks nice in it.
So they go after the Charon Rook hit with his UM. Once they reach to the ocean, Levi literally drops himself in the water. He's the Leviathan for a reason after all. Rook makes an ice little Isle to stay on when the Charons come.
And you know what? Levi draggs the Charons in the water, but he gets shot by teasers and thrown out of it. Without the territory advantage, Levi was easily put down. Mammon, surprisingly, was the last to drop.
This time, Mammon has again a vision, along more feathers. He starts to realise he's in those visions only as a phantom, bound to the said main character of the dream, which, by a wierd motive, it was one of the great sevens.
They get woken up and meet Idia! Who introduces them to the place where they are rn: STIX headquarters.
And... Because there is where the cannon stops... I'll stop in here for now... Until next updates...
Phew... This was long... Well... I guess that's it for now...
What do you think about it?
Maybe I shouldn't actually dive in almost clueless... But that's me... This is who I am... And I like to do it this way bc why not...
Wonder how much I got wrong and how much right... Really curious... So if one of you is in the Obey me Fandom... Sorry if I made any sort of mistakes, content wise, and remember... I just dive in headfirst with no idea of what is happening. I'm making up my own lore and yep... :/
Until next time! Bye!
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sf9-ent ยท 3 years
Mbti anon again. I'll try to make the blog when finals are over maybe lol. Also no need to apologize, i enjoyed reading your answer. It was really interesting. I probably should've explained the cognitive functions tho lol bc that's actually the best way to type people๐Ÿ˜… this is probably gonna be long sorry
So in mbti, there's cognitive functions. It's how each type processes info, makes judgements and decisions, how they express, etc. There's 8, each type has 4 as their main set and the other 4 are hidden. They can be developed alongside the main set tho; sometimes they show through stress. Introverted functions are internal based, analysis, and reflective(Ni, Ti, Fi, Si). Extroverted functions are external and rely on environment, action oriented(Ne, Te, Fe, Se). N = intuition, T = thinking, F = feeling, S = sensing.
I'll just use Chani bc I'm sure we're both INTJs lol. INTJ stack: Ni - Te - Fi - Se. He has the lame Ni sense of humor lol, he does make some dumb jokes ngl but I still laugh at them. I think it shows well in the way he talks and writes. I can't remember the exact details(which i think is also the case with chani adjdj. Ni is more impressionistic, so yes a lot of INxJs tend to have awful memory lol. Also why i doubt he's ISTJ - ISTJ uses Si, which is reliant on past experiences, structure, more detail oriented, concrete. He can barely remember their bdays lol), but he wrote a letter to hwi on his bday once right? He briefly mentioned their past experiences together and looked more towards their future. Ni is more future oriented. Te is shown through his straightforwardness and how hard working he is. He's pretty much been working his whole life, so I guess that's just natural. His Fi actually seems well developed. He's not angsty or detached, he's honestly...pretty soft. He's very expressionless tho lol, very common with intjs(the amount of times i've been told to smile๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜‘ i cant help my rbf). Fi can't be bothered to fake emotions, is a lot more private too. Se is his last, the inferior function(the function that fucks you up until you learn to use it correctly lmao. For me since I also have this, it's being clumsy af and relying on physical things under stress...Se is focused on the environment and 5 senses, so eating too much or spending way too much time on my phone, etc). I don't rly think Chani is clumsy, but he has like...impulsive moments lol. Se is reactive and when chani gets annoyed, he can be physical lol. Also why he's kinda slow lol i'm slow too. I haven't seen him under a lot of stress yet(maybe he has already shown it? I'm still like a new fantasy lol barely 7 months, so i'm sure there's a lot about sf9 i still need to learn)
Honestly there's a lot more...tempted to explain the others but i think this is already too long. I hope this all makes sense. I can explain more if you want or google can lol
Ooh damn omg, you've rlly got this typing thing down pat haha ๐Ÿ˜… I definitely should've had a proper look at the letters, the functions sound so interesting! Tbh I still don't fully understand them but I'll do my own reading when I'm free for sure ๐Ÿ‘
With what youve said abt chani, intj makes sense ๐Ÿ‘€ (esp with what you said abt his awful memory, I genuinely thought I was bad, but he takes it to a whole other level ahjdkdk)
Anywayy, you sound like you rlly know what you're talking abt! I'm sure the blog will be a big success, esp with cool in detail explanations like this per person, so send us a link when you get up to it ๐Ÿ˜
Good luck!
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