#(also support Shubble!!!!!)
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merry-mello · 1 year ago
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Support the victim guys
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ivys-garden · 1 year ago
Alright, I'm going to write my own thoughts down on the situation, sorry if this gets rambly
First of all, Shubble is so brave for speaking up, it's really hard for victims to speak up against there abusers in a public setting and she deserves all the respect in the world for it
That being said we do need to be mindful to give her space, this was a really traumatic thing for her and we all need to be mindful of that, give her room to breath.
On the same lines, don't go after other ccs for not ""releasing statements"", content creators aren't companies, there people. Don't get on at them for not publicly supporting Shubble, especially since there undoubtedly doing it in private, which is probably better than shoving it out there for millions of people to see. Let people support there friend in a way they and shubble are confortable with, if shubble wants them to say something or they think they need to say something themselves, they will say it.
It's like Pearl said, just because you don't see something happening publicly doesn't mean it isn't happening
Also, don't jump to call Tommy or Phil or Grian or anyone else enablers because they haven't said anything, they'll need time to process this too, it's hard to find out that your friend is a domestic abuser, let them process this in piece and don't try to cancel them over nothing like a fool. (People like Tommy will need time especially since Wilbur befriended them when they were young and by all accounts manipulated them too)
If anyone of these people have anything they feel they need to say they'll say it when there good and ready, good life tip folks:Don't Harass People. Especially if they have almost nothing to do with this (honestly Saw someone say they were going to go on to fucking RT about this despite him not knowing either person very well, the fuck)
I know why people do it, they want to make sure there favourite content creators aren't also bad, but they are people and they deserve respect, I can garentee you that almost no Qsmp or Hermitcraft or Other MCYT member who knew him stands with Wilbur
(Also if anyone brings Techno into this fuck right off let the man rest.)
Also, some brain dead morons are saying that people calling out wilbur are doing it for clout and that they should have done it sooner, but most of the abuse happened in private, and wilbur manipulated others, many wouldn't have realised anything was wrong and if they did its still better and more respectful to come forward after shubble since its HER story to tell.
(This attack also doesn't work anymore because we have things like tubbos stream, where he actively discourages his chat from treating him like a hero for speaking out, but yeah sure they all don't give a shit about shubble and just want to make themselves look better, fuck outta here)
Now, if your a former wilbur fan, let me make this super clear
"BuT SePuRaTe ThE ArT FrOm ThE Arti-
Nah. That doesn't work here. You can separate a book or game or movie, you can't with a cc. Its there face, there voice, there personality. Find a different band, find a different CC to watch. There are other options, I know it sucks to find out someone you like did an awful thing,but that doesn't mean we should support those people for our sakes, especially when people were actively hurt by there actions. Trust me everyone, this will get better, things will go back to how they were before
Finally, this should go without saying, Fuck William Gold to the core of teh fucking earth. And any who still support him.
He is a raging egotistical manipulator and abuser. don't blame people for not seeing it sooner, no one can do that. What we can do though is blame people who still wholeheartedly support him and his actions.
He has not "changed" nor will he ever at the rate at which he's going. He's still a egomaniac who's more concerned with saving his image than actually apologising for his actions, even then an apology wouldn't fix all he's done,it would just be closer and a jumping off point to be better, but he can't even fucking do that.
If wilbur does reflect and grow, good on him, but if he doesn't then I can say with absolute certainty we wouldn't fucking miss him.
Fuck Wilbur. Support Shelbym
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thattheater-kid · 1 year ago
If I had a nickel for every time I was on my period while receiving horrifically devastating news about one of my comfort streamers, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice, right?
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momentomori24 · 6 months ago
I was working on a longpost about this, but decided that scraping it and putting it in a few sentences should do just fine.
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So I saw this trending two days ago with a bunch of posts wishing him well and "don't let the haters stop you" and "I will support you no matter what" and "hope your thriving" and whatever else adoring fans usually say, so I'll make this very brief: This guy is a domestic abuser that has been outed less than a year ago. In this case, your favourite pretty white boy isn't a fictional character; he's a real person whose actions have caused real harm that shouldn't be treated lightly, especially since he has shown no real remorse over what he's done and instead posted a blatantly manipulative and deeply self-centred ""apology"" where he admits to the abuse. If his friends could speak out against and ditch him for what he's done to his ex, you as a fan can and should too.
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th3-c0ll3ct3r · 11 months ago
Genuinely have Wilbur Soot fans on twitter calling me 'based" FOR NOT SENDING DEATH THREATS TO THEM/DOXXING THEM
Shubble doesn't condone it.
Sane people don't condone it.
So don't condone it.
Block it, report it, don't interact with it PLEASE
I want to remind you, that you cannot support someone action while also not being an asshole.
You can just be like "Hey I don't like that guy. I'm leaving" no one is holding you with a rust metal nail to your eyes forcing you to watch or look at his content.
Log the the fuck off.
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iattachtooeasilytocartoons · 9 months ago
btw i was going through the wilbur soot tag to see others responses to…that. but its also a really good block list
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alliumdykes · 1 year ago
Ok, im still on my break but this has been in my mind and i wanna fucking say something. Block me after this whatever.
We don’t know if Wilbur is Shubbles abuser, and we shouldn’t force her to tell us her abuser. Because not only is it endangering her, but also her abuser because if you didn’t know. Abusers are people too.
And mcytblr has this fucking problem that when someone is mean to their fave they must send death threats, and im sure if Shubble did that person would be in danger.
As well (take this with a grain of sault i haven’t seen shubbles stream due to my personal mental health issues) From what i’ve gathered is that her ex bit her, had a messy room, and had childhood trauma. Im focusing on the childhood truama thing right now but, yall do know that most abusers have been abused right? This isn’t to say it lets her abuser off the hook no it doesn’t, but to say that the little we know of Wilburs childhood doesn’t mean that he is immediately Shibbles abuser because he has childhood trauma.
Also. This whole thing is a he said she said type of deal. I constantly see people saying “Well this person who worked for lovejoy said this” and “this person said that” AND ITS LIKE. WHERES YOUR PROOF. IM NOT TAKING WHAT YOU ARE FUCKING SAYING AS FACT.
Also. People using “well Shubble didn’t say it wasn’t wilbur” is the stupidest reasoning ever. We have pushed Shubble into a completely lose-lose situation. There are no good outcomes for her, If she doesn’t say it isn’t Wilbur people will send death threats and complain publicly, but if she does say it wasn’t Wilbur people will accuse her of faking her abuse to ruin Wilburs reputation.
This one thing has taught me that mcytblr is so fucking horrible when it comes to situations like this. Instead of thinking critically weve all just assumed and got to completely miss the point of Shibbles stream.
It’s not about her abuser, it’s about Shubble. Shut the fuck about Wilbur right now and worrying about everything you enjoyed of him makes you an evil person. And i cannot believe i need to seriously say this but go outside, touch grass, do your best to find a third place.
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shiftingwithmars · 3 months ago
Wilbur fans when Wilbur is abused: “Poor baby, he deserves so much better🥺”
Wilbur fans when Shelby is abused: Immediately sends death threats
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qpenpals · 1 year ago
First of all, support Shubble and support all victims (which is a statement that while said a lot, seems not be followed as frequently, however i hope those who read this abide by it)
Second, I don’t support wilbur soot/william gold, and I don’t think that anyone should after this.
Third, while this situation is not about me, i have feelings and opinions about it that i would like to share, but even if you don’t read anymore,
Please watch shelby’s vod, and maybe try checking her content out, because while i don’t frequently watch her, i enjoy her streams and maybe you will too! her new hardcore series sounds great :)
This is quite long, but honestly this is kind of just for me to collect my thoughts, however if you read to the end thank you<3 im touched :)
Alright, so I have loved wilbur soot’s content for a very long time, 4 years or so. I watched the streams and listened to his music from the start. His content is entwined with many of my fond memories.
Earlier today, I had a breakdown over this whole situation, because, as I’ve been quite busy with school, my job, and other assorted things in my life, I found out about this morning. I had woken from a nightmare about my previous abuser. Who i will be talking about a lot more of as they really impacted my views on this situation.
However this nightmare had left me in a fragile mood, my girlfriend was still sleeping and i didn’t want to wake her, so to comfort myself i went to read one of my bookmarked fanfictions, this fanfiction, while i dont remember the title is one that i’ve found comforting for a very long time, so much so that when im stressed my partner has it saved to send to me so i can calm down.
It was a fanfiction about quackity and tubbo, wilbur soot was mentioned maybe 5 times, and the author had deleted it.
This caused me to try and find out why, so i went to their page and they had posted a temporary fic explaining what had been going on.
My first reaction had been disbelief, I then went to research everything. It was a lot to process.
I watched shelby’s vod. Before this i had mainly been disconnected from what i had seen, taking it it but not with any of my own feelings or thoughts really, just processing.
Shelby’s situation hits really hard for me because a lot of it mirrors my own abusive relationship of a few years ago. The wording Wilbur used against her, sounds like what my old partner would use against me. His actions, such as her having to clean and taking care of food, and amenities, were things i had to experience.
Abuse TW:
My old partner would physically abuse me through biting as well, he would claim that he just liked knowing i was his, and yet, like shubble, if i ever used our safe word, which happened so fucking often, he either wouldn’t listen, bite down harder on my neck, or fucking smile at me before letting go.
This got to the point that multiple times he had drawn blood from my neck, that i still have scars from today. And as i watch Shubble talk about her story which is ever so close to mine, I wonder that if I had watched this before, maybe i wouldn’t have stayed in that relationship.
I proceeded to stay in this relationship for 2 years before i realized how much harm he was doing to me, because i truly believed he loved me, because of all the lovebombing he would do.
End of Abuse TW:
And yet i felt pain aside from sympathy or memories, when learning of this, as the content Wilbur had put out had actually helped me out of this relationship, his music was pretty much all i listened to the months of healing after i got out and it helped, the art is good, and yet the author is one i cannot respect nor support in anyway now that i am aware.
i’d suggest watching this tiktok by @lasmanburg that really explains my thoughts and feelings on this
Right back to the content. I don’t believe that we should throw it all away, i don’t think that people should be deleting their art, fanfiction, or anything based on Wilbur. Because in the end it’s all art that we have created and interpreted and though the man who inspired it is horrible, all that has been made does not reflect his actions, but instead love and creativity from vast multifaceted community.
One can continue their writing and work because they are the ones creating it, not him, and besides most interpretations of him stray quite far from the source anyways
I think that one can continue to engage in his content as long as one does not directly support him, such as pirating his music, but personally at least right now listening to his music which brought me so much comfort-makes me feel sick. So think i’ll be taking a step back.
I don’t really know how to end this, i just needed to get my thoughts out honestly. I have therapy in an hour. I hope all of you who’ve made it to the end have a wonderful day and drink some water. I wish shelby well, and i’m glad she has been able to share this situation. And with that, I must now leave :)
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tommyinnit-fictkin · 2 months ago
scrolled on the wss tag. Worst mistake of my life.
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wonders-life-adventures · 8 months ago
Y'know what? Fuck it, I'm talking about Wilbur Soot again.
How is the fact that the ENTIRETY OF THE DSMP who hadn't interacted in YEARS all dropping and saying that they either noticed the behavior or he did the behavior to them as well not enough for Wilbur supporters???
Oh you're going to come after Shubble for "lying" do you want to come after Niki too? How about Bilzo? You guys are like flat earthers you're given the facts but you refuse to believe them for an ideal.
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esters-reblogs · 1 year ago
are wilbur stans actually okay
literally just saw one on twt say shelby deserved everything that happened to her because she was convinced she could fix him and that she wanted to be his surrogate mother
??? to whose baby? was he planning on getting IVF or something? the fuck are they on?
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sillysootyboi · 7 months ago
I feel like in wake of the music video can I criticize the word use/word choices. I'm not going to argue for Shelby supporters not to criticize Wilbur. That's their/your right and they're/you're valid to express it, but I am going to argue how they/you do so needs to be a little more considerate to other people.
Please, can we refrain from demonizing personality disorders people don't choose to have and using them as insults. Same with drug addictions. Drug addictions are not a moral failure. I know USA pushes DARE, and willpower and choice, but drug addictions are often systemic issues and from mental health crisis and are not a sign of an 'evil' person.
And can I just say, if you want to hold him accountable, if you want to criticize anything about his new music video--please for the love of cats and dogs--please choose your language better.
I'm hoping this is a dialogue Shelby supporters are having because I really don't want to tag them and get absolutely vile hate comments just for asking that if you're going to criticize Wilbur, can you not like...dehumanize whole groups of people and feel good doing it.
Like it's a good time to remind people when you criticize someone for physical traits or things they cannot change or are extreme afflictions they have (weight, teeth, hair, receding hairlines, skin, mental illness, addiction)—there's a very real chance someone you know and like also has something similar and they can feel like crap seeing a trait they have referred to as if it's something horrendous.
I also, though I haven't seen much, but I guess it might be because there's less of us. Do not attack Shubble's appearance either. Don't fight fire with fire.
Honestly, maybe we just need to post more compliments and nice things x_X.
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the-hydra-sys · 1 year ago
Fuck Wilbur Soot, we stand with Shelby.
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fandomdemigirl · 11 months ago
hey guys, who's wilbursoot, I only remember Wilbur Wright, who's birthday happens to be today :)
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faggottonystark · 1 year ago
Final concensus...I will be normal unless something tells me to behave otherwise. thats my decision
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