#(also requires me to go downstairs and. pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff. my executives dislike this)
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queer-omens-in-the-archives · 2 months ago
perhaps one day i will get over the sung notes in the well from the wheel of time show ost. i don't think thats gonna be today lads
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imagine-that-one-thing · 5 years ago
The Rise Of Glory. || 3
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Chapter One. Chapter Two.
One Way or Another.
Thursday, November 5th. 
I’m distracted by the flashbacks of a time I desire to forget, I wish Tara hadn’t brought up my leave of absence. I don't need the constant reminder or the guilt of everything. After Harry took me home that morning, everything went downhill and he never made it back to work for the meetings. Now I understand how Harry feels when he says the more he attempts to forget things of the past, the more they follow and strike him down every minute they can. I wish I could go back to simpler times, but unfortunately, there have never been simple times with Harry and I. There has always been something, and I’m starting to think there will always be something to set fire to our lives. 
“Elle, board meeting in ten,” Harry informs me as he steps into my office. 
I look up at him and raise a brow, unsure of why a sudden board meeting is taking place. I just got out of the meeting regarding the mobbing downstairs and the media, what else could go wrong on this day?
“Is this about your media shit?” I immediately question, exasperated with everything. 
“Darling, I don’t know at this point, I got the text, it is mandatory for all members in NYC.” 
“It bothers me that the board knows our locations, can we not buy them out and not have a board to deal with? Why do we even have them? It is your company. They called a mandatory one a few months ago.” I respond, standing up from my desk and closing the file on my desk.
“When I started, I still had to have aboard, I was a small company, I made my way up and needed independent directors who could offer financial, technical, and/or strategic advice to me,” Harry explains, taking my hand and mildly drawing me back to him. 
He smiles down at me and swiftly kisses me, “I love you. I know this is getting rough, hang in there, okay?” Harry sweetly wishes, attempting to give me some sort of reassurance. He is right to reassure me, I do need it. I can feel that things are falling apart— not that they ever managed to fall back together wholly. The moment I begin to think that things are working out or that things are getting better, something always knocks on the door and generates some sort of turmoil. I’m starting to wonder if life with Harry and I will continuously be a constant battle of demons and predicaments. 
The last few years have been a rollercoaster, to say the least, and I never imagined my life would turn out to be the way it is. I imagined things would be simple and less dramatic, but I was proven wrong. I am not sure when things first started to go wrong; I would love to blame it all on Harry, and blame our meeting, but to be honest, we were perfect together, things didn’t start turning to shit until shortly after we got engaged. That was when his life began taking a turn for the worst with skeletons in the closet wandering out on us. 
I take a breath and nod, “I am trying,” I respond. 
I am, I am trying; I am doing my best to hang in there and not snap, I am trying not to break down and let everything get to me. I am doing my best to get through everything and to hold myself together with grace. 
Harry and I walk out of my office, our fingers intertwined as we march down the hallway towards where the meeting will be held. 
Harry opens the door and permits me to enter first, being a gentleman but in all honesty, it feels like he’s feeding me to the sharks first. I glance around and notice the women on the board are missing, there are just five men. For an emergency board meeting, it’s unusual that the entire board isn’t here. 
I side-eye Harry, requiring answers as to where everyone is, he’s on the executive committee, he has a high rank and should know things. I don’t like the feeling this meeting is giving me, something isn’t right. The room feels stiff and rigid, the men stare at me like I am their weak prey that they are ready to pounce on. For a moment, my breath hitches in my throat as I feel intimidated by the men in the room. After all this time, I still despise when men’s eyes stare at me with their expressionless faces. I know it is just a tactic to show dominance, but sometimes it makes me want to run out of the room and never turn back. 
“With everyone here, take a seat and we can get started,” one man begins with his chest out and his ego flared to the max— this feels like it’s about to be a pissing contest. 
I sit down beside Harry and take note of the fact Niall also isn’t here, another high member of the board. The other women aren’t here, and they are at ALL board meetings,  no matter where they are. I have never been the only woman to sit at a meeting. 
I desire to protest starting without everyone else here, but there is no point, I don’t have enough time as one of the men commences to speak.
At first, they gradually work their way into the financial aspects of the business, discussing how Harry has picked the business up and boosted it dramatically in the last year. After his downfall, he has succeeded in raising the business in all aspects. 
Without much warning, I become the matter of a subject, a great reach from the finances. I raise a brow as we are told about the few things that I have allegedly done wrong.
I stare blankly at the men in front of me, unsure of where they get off expressing their disappointment and dissatisfaction of myself. For the most part, I believed Harry was the one I required to impress and respond to, apparently it’s the board too. Up until now, there has been no issue with my performance or my ethics. Harry has never said a word and he’d be the first one to call me out for any wrongdoing. 
“So you’re wanting to vote me off the board because of some company policy I broke… you do realise we own the company, right? I didn’t break policy.” I pause for a moment, observing the men intently, and as one goes to speak, I shake my head and begin again, “You need to have proof of this ridiculous allegation.” 
I am not sure what they are basing their information off of, and I am not sure who the fuck they think they are telling me I need to step down from a business that is owned by Harry.
“We suggest you resign without us taking things further.” 
I’m quick to rebuttal and defend myself, “I have done nothing wrong, you can’t kick me off the board.” 
“You can be removed by a two-thirds vote of the board at the next board meeting.”
I glance over at Harry and he’s shaking his head with his arms crossed over his chest. “No, you’re not kicking her off the board.” 
“You don’t have a vote in this, Harry. We understand she’s your wife—“ 
Harry swiftly cuts the man off, “No, this isn’t about her being my wife, it’s about the fact you have no grounds for this bullshit, and that is what it is—, bullshit.” Harry leans forward and presses his elbows on the table, “I won’t stand for this.” 
“Well, there is nothing you can do, you have no say in this. It is the board's decision.” 
Harry shakes his head, “I am the owner, I am the CEO, my wife stays.” 
“We will see what the board has to say.” 
“I am the bloody bored,” Harry responds with a heavy sigh, “Why, why must you insist on fucking things up for me?” Harry mutters unhappily. 
The man begins to speak, but Harry cuts him off swiftly, “I don’t want to hear it, Elise, let’s go, this meeting is over,” Harry pushes away from the desk and stands to his feet, his hands moving to his suit jacket and adjusting it. 
I stand to my feet and push the seat under the large desk, glaring at the men before I walk out of the room. Heavy on my heels, I march my way towards Harry’s office, wasting no time with stepping inside it and closing the blinds while Harry closes the door behind us. 
Harry works his fingers through his hair and sighs, “Elle—” 
“No,” I shake my head, “I’ve about had it with your business dictating every-fucking-thing. Harry, fix this.”
“Elise, I can’t. My hands are tied, I can’t fix this.” 
“You need to find a way.”
“I don’t know what you want from me, Elise. I literally have no say in this.” 
I grow quiet and compose myself, deciding there is no need to lose my mind over his business and the board that controls us, instead, I shift my hair behind my ear and step closer to Harry, “I have a meeting, I love you, but this business might be the death of me,” I half-smile, leaning up and kissing his cheek. 
I proceed to step towards the door but Harry gently wraps his fingers around my wrist, pulling me back to him, “We don’t do half-assed kisses in my office,” Harry grins, kissing me pleasantly, “I love you, too,” Harry whispers, “I will think of something, I have a conference call,” Harry kisses me again before putting distance between us. 
I nod my head and softly smile before we step out of each other’s way, he moves to his desk and I exit his office. 
The moment I step out of Harry’s office, I make contact with Anastasia waving me down. 
I love her, do not get me wrong, but I know that wave and it is never satisfying. It is one of those waves where she wants to discreetly get my attention but doesn’t want to cause anyone to panic even though part of her is panicking. 
“Elise, there’s a client here who is demanding to speak to Mr Styles but I was specifically instructed not to bother him this afternoon,” Anastasia informs me, “And he seems pissed, Niall is in a meeting so you’re the only one I can bother, what do I do?” she challenges, appearing frazzled and under stress. 
I have to admit, Anastasia handles more shit than she signed up for and far more than her job description says. 
I give her a weak smile, “I’ll handle it in a minute. By any chance can I convince you to stay and work here with me?” 
Anastasia shakes her head with a small chuckle, “I fly back with Niall tomorrow once he and Charles are done. I don't like it here, I'm sorry.” She responds, and I can’t blame her for wanting to be in London. I also don't blame her for disliking it here, the company doesn't operate the way it does in London, everything is still out of order and will take some time to get in line. It is a whole other ball game here in New York, the people are different and so is their work ethic.  
Today feels as though it has been a shit show from hell and it isn't even eleven yet. I wander into the conference room where Anastasia politely held a client for me, and as I peer into the glass window, I frown for a moment, unsure of why my client is sitting in a conference room, pissed off and demanding Harry. 
I push open the door and smile towards Mr Cohan, “Mr Cohan,” I extend a hand but he sneers and crosses his arms over his chest like a prick. 
This isn’t the man I first met months ago. Cohan was polite and very pleasant when I first met him, and the few meetings afterwards he was just as content, but today, today I am observing a whole other side to him.
“Where’s Mr Styles?” He is rude and straight to the point with his question.   
“He’s busy right now, what is the issue I can help you with?” I ask with the kindest tone of voice I can possibly use right now. I  am unsure of what could have possibly pissed him off. Niall has handled his file while I’ve been gone and I know Niall is damn good at his job. 
Mr Cohan shakes his head, “Why have you not been in charge of my file? I specifically asked for you.” This feels like an interrogation and one that is breaching my privacy. I owe him no explanation for my absence. 
“I have been on leave and Mr Horan took over for me,” I respond. 
It isn't rare for files to sometimes be passed around and handled by multiple people, most clients prefer to have various sets of eyes and to have a team with their portfolio. 
Apparently, this man solely wanted my set of eyes, for what reason, I do not know. I am not the most beneficial asset at this company. To be quite honest, Harry and Niall are the top performers and the ones I would want in charge of my portfolio, not me. 
Niall and Harry are known to catch things before I do, they have been in the game a lot longer than I. I was more so launched into it and forced to learn things promptly. I was fortunate, some would say, I didn't necessarily have to work my way up the ladder in the company, I was given a position that Harry saw fit and here I am, standing in front of a prick who has his knickers in a twist because I wasn't the only one in charge. 
“That isn’t good enough, this was your job to handle. It wasn’t for you to pass off to whom you deemed fit. It is like you did bugger all but you reap the benefits.” 
I take a moment to process what he is saying, doing my best to attempt to see things from his point of view, even if his view is one that is up his ass. “I’m sorry you feel that way, I can assure you I reap no benefits from this,” I assure the man, frustrated that he has shifted from a decent guy to a self-absorbed man and a prick.
“You being on leave is no excuse, personal leave is not acceptable to pass off your job to someone else. I’m disappointed and I want to be compensated.” He is demanding and doing his best to intimidate me to get what he wants. 
I am not sure what he wants to be compensated for, he has had no loss to his assets, if anything, he owes us for keeping his funds on track. 
“Mr Cohan—“ I begin but he cuts me off and continues to go off on a tangent, ranting and raving about my in capabilities to adequately do my job. 
“Get me Mr Styles, I’ll be sure to take this further and make sure you’re fired, this is unacceptable.” He insists, still being a raging jerk for no reason. 
There is no reasoning with this man, he is set in his ways. 
I take a breath and smile at the man who’s making a fool of himself, me being fired would be the highlight of my day at this point, I have had enough of everything. “I’ll get him for you,” I respond, doing my best to keep my cool as I march out of the conference room. 
I march into Harry’s office, having no care that he is on a call. He glances up at me and he gives me the sort of scowl he gives his employers when they need to get out of his office. 
He’s seemingly in a god awful mood, but right now, I don't give a damn. 
He leans forward and places his elbow on his desk, beginning to rub his temples in frustration as he listens to the person on the other end of the call. 
Harry scribbles down a few things on a notepad, "I will get back to you with figures and email you the documentation before we negotiate and sign." Harry notifies whoever is on the other end of the phone. The two say their prompt goodbyes and Harry hangs up the phone.
Harry gazes towards me, seemingly annoyed that I am still standing here needing his presence. “What do you need? I have an international call in twenty,” Harry questions tiredly and without any enthusiasm. His voice is laced with nothing but aggravation. I don’t blame him, I don’t think he has had much sleep in the last few days and today has been a shit show of a day from the moment we woke up to a fussy Alex.
I throw Mr Cohan's file onto his desk, “Your client is a fucking asshole, you’re now in charge of his portfolio,” I bitterly comment.
Harry leans forward and pushes the file back towards me, “I don’t have the time for another portfolio to manage, you need to take care of it.”
“No,” I respond, “I’m not going back into that conference to bend over backwards for the prick. Either you take him or we lose the client.”
Harry drives his fingers through his hair and heavily groans, “What did he do?” 
I shake my head, not wanting to explain things to him. There is a throbbing ache in my throat that is quite the indication that I am ready to break down and cry. “Jus’ please take him.”
“Elise, if you don’t fucking tell me—,” Harry begins, but I cut him off.
“What? You’ll fire me? Don’t worry, your client has made it known he is going to do his best to get me fired, and at this point, if you want to fire me, please do, I’m fucking tired of this anyway.” I mutter. 
“My only fifteen-minute break and I am dealing with bullshit… what else was said?” 
“Just that after months of me not being in the meetings that I am no longer in charge, and ‘personal reasons’ isn’t enough justification for not overseeing everything.” … “Oh, and he will be speaking to the CEO about my lack of showing up to work because, in his words, he signed up for me to oversee everything, not for Niall. The asshole wants compensation." I inform Harry, noticing how he is far from amused by things. 
Harry stands up from his chair and clasps the file in his hand tightly, shaking his head disapprovingly, “Come with me,” he mutters, not giving me a chance to refuse as he marches past me swiftly. I follow after him, struggling to keep up with his long strides and fast pace. 
Harry opens the door to the conference room and gestures for me to enter before he steps in and closes the door. The client turns around from staring at the appearance of the city and he instantly puts his hand out to shake Harry’s. 
“I see there is a problem,” Harry states, not bothering to introduce himself or to be polite with a hello. I can only assume he is showing his position and dominance. 
The man nods, “I have heard highly of your business and her uncle’s, I expected a lot more out of a Cartier.” 
“Mhm,” Harry hums, “I don’t understand what the problem is, your portfolio is managed and balanced, your meetings have been on schedule. The only problem I see here is that the withdrawal you wish to make is large, so you might want to split it up over multiple years to bump you into a higher tax bracket, which I’m sure Elise planned to discuss in today’s meeting.” Harry informs the client, reading the first page of the file in his hand. “I see here Niall has everything in order and up to date.” 
Cohan nods, “I gave the file for Ms Cartier to handle, not to pass around to whomever she deemed fit. She has not been to one meeting in the last few months.” 
“She was on leave.” Harry bluntly informs Cohan. 
It is nobody’s business why I was on leave and it is nobody’s business to even know that I was on personal leave. My personal life is just that— my personal life. 
“That’s not suitable,” Mr Cohan shakes his head, “She hasn’t been in charge like requested and she should not be working on the portfolio now. This is not how it works, she should be fired.” 
Harry closes the file and places it on the table, “You are aware you’re talking about my wife, correct? Mrs Styles, not Ms Cartier. I suggest you take your file and walk out of this building. She was on leave and doesn’t owe you an explanation.” Harry stays firm with his tone of voice. 
“Is this how you treat all clients?” 
“Just ones that disrespect my employees and my wife. You’re no longer welcome here.” 
“You’re making a big mistake, this is a lot of money you’re losing out on.” 
Harry shrugs his shoulders, “Don’t need the money. If you’re not apologising to my wife, respectfully, get out,” Harry gestures towards the door.
Cohan shakes his head, "I demand compensation for this," Cohan demands, causing tension to rise further within the room. 
Harry doesn't say a word, instead, he reaches into his breast pocket and pulls out his chequebook, he scribbles along the lines, signs the check and gives it to Cohan, "Don't step foot again into my building," Harry narrows his eyes on the man, standing his ground until Cohan takes the check and places it in his pocket. Harry stares Cohan down until he steps out of the conference room and can no longer be seen. 
Harry heavily sighs and closes the door as my ex-client leaves. 
"Did you pay him off?" I ask Harry, stunned that he did such a thing, I have never seen him pay off clients, I don't even think it is ethical, surely he can get himself in some shit for it.
Harry shrugs, "What you don't know won't hurt you."
"Harry, do you just pay off everyone?" 
"Elle, if I had to pay off everyone who got pissed at us, I would be fucking broke, leave it alone, he won't be asking questions about your leave." 
“Harry,” I begin, but I pause for a moment. 
I want to open up and express my frustration, my anger and everything else that I am feeling, but I don’t know... how. “I quit,” I adamantly inform him, crossing my arms over my chest. 
Harry raises a brow and wearily sighs, “Oh, really?” 
“Yes, I am done,” I respond.  
I’m done. I’m done with the board, I’m done with the business, and I’m done with asshole clients. I’m done with everything. 
“Okay, when you hand in your resignation, we can discuss this further.” 
I shake my head, “This is my resignation.” 
Harry shakes his head with a small chuckle, not entirely taking me seriously. “No, company policy, resignations must be written and signed, placed on my desk and formally spoken about.” 
“Are you seriously going to be an asshole and make me write it out?” 
“Yes, darling, everyone else has to.”
“Everyone else also has to put in their leave and request sick days.” I point out the fact that he’s currently picking and choosing which rules he wants to abide by. 
“Well, next time you want time off, put in a request and I will get back to you within two to three business days.” 
“I am serious, Harry, I quit.” 
“Mhm,” Harry hums, “We can discuss this at a more convenient time, right now, we have other issues.” 
“When do we not have other issues, our life is full of issues. We have more fucking issues than vogue, and yes, I got that off of social media.”
“Elise,” Harry sighs, “Can we stop being emotional and dramatic for a minute and discuss the bigger matter at hand?” 
“Which is?” I question.
“The media are setting up camp, he’s going to go straight to the media… there’s a red-eye to London, I need you away from the media,” Harry informs me, his fingers spreading through his hair. 
“Are you telling me to go back by myself?” 
“No.” Harry shakes his head, “I’m coming with you, it’s best if we are home instead.” 
“What about the work here?” I question, unaware of how everything’s going to work if we suddenly drop everything and go back to London. 
“I’ll fly out every two weeks if I have to, I’ll do what it takes, right now it’s best we stay low key and away from New York where the news of everything is breaking.” 
“Harry, running won’t solve it.” 
This is what Harry does best, he runs, it is a constant recurrence. 
At any given chance he has, he takes the easy way out and tries to run. By now, you’d think he would know that running has NEVER solved his or our problems, it has always made things worse. 
“Elise, please,” Harry groans, “Look, I’m doing my best here, you want to be in London anyway, it’s the safest thing right now. The media will be everywhere but at least I know our house is gated off and you and Alex will be safe. Don’t fight me on this, we need to get on the red-eye.” 
“Another article was released,” Harry sighs, “I’m going to find out who is doing this.” 
“Harry, stay out of it and let Tara do her job.” 
Harry shakes his head, “I want an investigation to happen.” 
“Okay… when did you become the biggest CEO?” I question, forgetting to have asked earlier when Tara brought it up at the small meeting. 
“When you were burying yourself in paperwork,” Harry responds with a slight bitterness to his tone of voice. “If you’d stop distracting yourself from life, you’d know things.” 
I stare over at him, not amused by his comments, “I’m not feeding into this argument,” I begin, “But can you make sure the media isn’t at our house when we land? I’d appreciate some privacy.” 
Harry rolls his eyes at me, “Just be ready to fly home… Without the sass, please.” … “Come here,” Harry gestures as he leans on his desk, “Come, love,” he opens his arms towards me and I step closer to him, allowing his fingers to intertwine with mine. 
Harry tenderly lures me in between his legs, his loam grey eyes peering up at me, “I know this is hard, I know you signed up for none of this, fuck, I didn’t even sign up for this, but I’m trying, okay? I’m trying to run a business and keep everyone happy, I’m trying to keep it all afloat. As successful as this business is, I feel like I’m failing because I know you’re not happy… Darling, whatever you want, I’ll do. We can close the business for a bit, I can have someone else fill in my position, baby, you tell me what to do.” 
I stare at Harry, unsure of what to say. 
I don’t expect him to take a step back from his business when it’s at the best place it has been in years, he’s one of the best CEO’s out there, he can’t just leave the spotlight now. Not to mention, this is not the first time he has offered to step away from the business, part of me feels as though it is an empty promise. 
I take a breath and shake my head, “You can’t leave the business or take time off.” 
“I can,” Harry nods, “I’ll do what needs to be done for you, for us. I promised to put our family before the business.” 
“I’d like to take a step back from it all…. Maybe be in the office just a few days a week? Work remotely from home or go back to working only at Meyer Enterprise, focusing on that? It runs mostly by itself with my staff, but I don’t know… it would be nice to be at home with Alex more again…” I trail off, unsure of what it is I want. “Is it selfish of me to want to be at home?” 
Harry smiles at me and shakes his head, “No, sweetheart, it isn’t selfish. If that’s what you want, we can make it happen. A few hours a week in the office and the rest at home with Alex. Or you can go back to Meyer Enterprise.” 
“A few hours a week would be nice.” 
“Done,” Harry nods, “Whatever you decide. I will support you. You can decide, you have a few hours on the flight to think about it.”
“Are you sure that I can step away a little bit?” 
“Absolutely, I will make it work. I am committed to making you happy and keeping our family happy and safe.” 
I look at him and raise a brow, unsure of where all of this has come from. 
He has definitely tried a lot more with the family ever since Alex was born and has progressively gotten better up until we had to move here, he slipped back to some of his old ways. Hearing him give me the option of stepping down or him stepping away takes my by surprise. 
Harry’s business is flourishing, he is highly successful and I don’t want to take that away from him. I do not want him to make the decision between me and the business. I have given him that ultimatum before while furious with him for not knowing when enough is enough and when it is time to put family first. Right before Alex was born I gave him the ultimatum; I remember that night as clear as day, I will never forget it— neither will Harry. Harry kept to his word after that night, he did do his best to not take on too much with the business, but right now, he has taken on a lot and although the business is prospering, I am not. I don’t aspire to be selfish, I don’t want to take him away from what he has worked his entire life for, but I cannot be apart of it all as much as I am. 
Sometimes I wonder how life would have been if I had of sojourned at my job before I moved to Logan’s assistant, or how my life would have been if Logan never died and I was still his assistant. 
Would things be easier? 
Would they be harder? 
Either way, that ‘What If’s’ don’t change anything. Life is what it is, I cannot change the past, I cannot bring Logan back from the dead, and I can’t change the fact that sometimes life is a roller coaster that I don’t want to ride. Unfortunately, we have to do things in life that we don’t want to, sometimes we have to take a breath and move forward with life, one way or another. 
One way or another, Harry and I will be okay— I will be okay— but for now, all I can do is attempt to take Harry’s support and love through these hard times. I should count myself lucky to have a man who is trying to be understanding and supportive. There was once a time where his business was his priority and I wasn’t— I would suffer the consequences. 
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angemaries · 7 years ago
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P E T R I C H O R 
by Angelika Valdez of 12-Noether
Pitter, patter, pitter, patter. It’s raining cats and dogs outside. Many people are frantically rushing to the sheds to take cover. Pitter. Patter. Pitter. Patter. The once endless loop of aggressive droplets hitting the roof finally slowed down. Pitter. Patter. And, that was it-the last of those pitter patters. I can finally go out! So, I do. I go downstairs and walk out the front door. A familiar earthy scent engulfs my sense of smell and I immediately find myself relaxed; petrichor.
As the days left for the first term dwindle down to zero, we cannot help but feel excited to turn over a new leaf. They say that it’s a fresh start and I completely agree. A new term with a new set of subjects is certainly a relief after all the hardships and breakdowns we all have been through in the duration of the first term. Even more so since we now have a subject related to the arts, after drowning in numbers and principles all term long. Today, September 26, was the first meeting for our Contemporary Arts class and it seems as if I already found my petrichor and my relief for the second term.
Art has always been my outlet. It’s where I get to express myself, whether it may be through doodles of flowers or scrawls of poetry. Having an arts class is just what I needed after the tough term, and I am sure that the presence of this subject will help me achieve my goal to be a first honor awardee this term. To achieve this, I will exert enormous effort in everything that I do and every requirement I pass, may it be involving the Contemporary Arts subject or other subjects. I will also remain participative and attentive during lectures and when called for recitation, I will strive to give the best, and concise yet comprehensive response.
In this class, I hope that we will be given ample time to accomplish the tasks, especially those that have to do with the actual making of art, because I believe that art takes time. It is surely impossible for a busy student to cram an artwork in one night. However, to be able to meet all the deadlines, I will try my absolute best not to procrastinate so that the requirement would not be a burden on my shoulders, rather a way for me to spend my leisure time. I also expect opportunities wherein I can just relax and make art after a long day full of stress from other subjects. The art sessions this subject has to offer can surely help me relieve my stress in turn, motivate me for whatever schoolwork is to come. Lastly, I truly wish that the meaningfulness and effort of an artwork will be given more importance than its aesthetic. This is a challenge everyone may face because one thing may be beautiful in one’s eyes but in another’s perspective, it may not. Beauty is truly subjective and I hope to overcome this obstacle by being knowledgeable of the numerous design principles and getting to know my audience. In this way, I can be more aware of the things they appreciate, dislike or look for in an artwork. Most importantly, the fair judgment involved in the subject is significant because it does not only teach us, students, what is more appealing to the audience or where we can improve, but also helps us develop open-mindedness. If we learn to take criticisms as motivations to do better next time rather than just plain discouragement, then I’m sure that this subject will not only be applied in the classroom but also outside the bounds of the school. I am certain that when all the goals and suggestions mentioned are executed and considered, Contemporary Arts class will be a petrichor instead of being the heavy rainfall this term.
(Photo from Pinterest)
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