#(also i take back what i said 3 tags ago cus i definitely find 12 hot)
ed89 · 9 months
the pipeline of being in love with 11 as a kid and now being 21 years old and in gays with 12
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15 For 15 Tag
Is it any surprise by this point that the tagger was @thelimeonade? xDD (not that I’m complaining)
So what I have to do HERE is answer fifteen questions (that I come up with, I think) as either myself or one of my OCs. (Then tag 15 people but you know the drill, people. I don’t even think I have 15 people to tag.)
Since I’ve already answered a few questions of my own, I’m going to use a character of mine. Since I’ve been writing from her perspective already today, AND since she’s the fan-favourite, it’s gonna be... *drum role*... Gaia!
insert Gaia arriving on the scene here I guess
1.) What’s your full name?
“Gaia Eluciss. And yeah, that’s not super long for a full name, but that’s all I remember!”
2.) How old are you?
“Umm... we’re not actually sure. They didn’t find my records. But based on what they know - and what I remember, ‘cus, I mean, I was there - I can’t be much older than twenty. At the oldest.”
3.) What’s your sexual orientation?
“Bi! And I wouldn’t have it any other way. Like, I can be interested in more people, that’s gotta be an advantage, right?”
4.) What would you say is your best quality?
“I don’t know if this is what you had in mind, but I don’t think I’d be me without fists. To punch people. So I’m gonna go with my fists.”
5.) What would you say is your worst quality?
“I- well... I’m an idiot. Don’t think I can really deny that one. Even if I do know it.”
6.) Which three words would you use to describe yourself?
“...Big... Uuuh, tall? Uuuuhhh....      I already said “big” right? “Dumb”?
7.) What’s your favourite piece of media?
“Oh my God. Oh my God okay. How To Train Your Dragon?? Those movies? I’m still not over them. I still- oh my God. I’m feeling emotions again. Don’t touch me.”
8.) Who’s your best friend?
“Skye! Vector is also my best friend but we’re married so he doesn’t count, and there’s Jacen but he’s basically my brother so he also doesn’t count. So that leaves Skye! ^_^”
9.) Who’s your worst enemy?
10.) What’s the strangest thing that has ever happened to you?
“Okay, like, I’m not sure if I imagined the whole thing? Or if I was just making it up, or something. But honest to God I’m pretty sure I met my daughter from the future. We had so much in common and it was so... I dunno, it was just really surreal.”
11.) Where were you five years ago?
“...Nowhere good. Can we leave it at that? Please?”
12.) Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?
“I mean, I was totally planning to just stay on with Pandemonium’s Bane forever, but now I’m not so sure. Never thought I’d say this, but maybe I’d be.... retired? Or something? And I mean, I know right, like “oh wow she’s got the baggage of an elderly woman and is married and is now considering retirement, she’s a young adult what is she doing”, but life in the slow lane is looking,,, kinda tempting, not gonna lie. I mean, maybe that’s gonna change, or I’ll decide I don’t like it. Oh! Maybe I’ll take a break and come back later! Yeah, I like that. In five years’ time, I’ll be taking a break!”
13.) Cats or dogs?
“Dogs... and I know! I know that sounds weird, cuz I have a cat. And I love him with all my heart. But he’s the one who found me, not the other way around. So... I dunno. I feel like if I choose a pet, it’d be a dog.”
14.) What would you say is your biggest secret?
“...I hid one of Jacen’s pairs of glasses above the washing machine like three years ago and they’re still there. I dunno if he’s forgotten about them or not.”
15.) Can you dance?
“Maybe... definitely... possibly... probably... not.”
Tagging @startledserpentwriting and @scmalarky
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