#(already sobbing on the floor daydreaming about getting to hold his hand)
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arcaenawrites · 1 year ago
Charmed at first sight
Lyney x Fem!Reader
SFW | reader has a panic attack
You’ve been watching Lyney’s performances ever since you’ve arrived in Fontaine. The first time you saw him, his charms got to you. But what if the charming magician specifically chose to charm you?
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As the crowd waited in anticipation, you continued counting in your head. Was he really able to switch the people in the boxes?! You looked to your side, sitting right next to the second box where they led a girl into. 
You counted down, hoping to be able to see Lyney from closer by. You don’t know why, but ever since you first saw him, you instantly fell for him head over heels. You knew it was stupid. After all, you had a terrible taste in partners. You somehow keep getting cheated on, or they reject you because they don’t feel the same way.
Suddenly you realize there’s only one second left and you snap out of your thoughts. It’s time! And just like clockwork, Lyney bursts through the door. You gasp in awe, admiring him from upclose for the first time. The audience shifts their attention to the second box, as the girl appears. Lyney has succesfully completed the trick. You however, do not even glance at the girl. Your eyes stay on Lyney, taking in the color of his eyes, the proud smile, the performance he put up.
Suddenly, he turns around and looks you straight in the eyes.
“Seems like this performance has captured the heart of a young lady here!~” he teased, saying it out loud for everyone to hear.
“Let’s surprise her with a next trick!”. And as he says that, he takes off his hat, puts it on your head, then pulls a bouquet of flowers out of nowhere and hands it to you with a wink, before bowing to the audience and making his way back to the stage, while Lynette was guiding the girl back to her seat.
You sat there, holding the bouquet while the hat covered most of your face. It was probably for the best, as you had never blushed this much ever before.
The end of the show was being announced now, and you managed to talk some sense into yourself. Your stupid brain had started daydreaming, but you knew his behavior was all simply a part of the show. Some questions lingered in your mind though. What are you to do with the hat? Isn’t he supposed to take it back? Doesn’t he need the hat for his shows? You’re not supposed to keep it are you?
You sigh and get up, walking to the reception hall where everyone is already eating little pastries and drinking wine and fonta. As soon as you set foot in the hall, people start crowding you. All of them wanted the hat or one of the flowers from your bouquet. You felt the flowers being ripped from your arms until none were left, and just as someone was about to grab Lyney’s hat from your head, a familiar voice sounded through the room. 
“What do you all think you’re doing?!”
Suddenly it went quiet, people looked shocked and stepped back, while you were shaking in your place, holding onto the hat for dear life while trampled flowers were to be found all over the floor around you.
“When I gave this lady these presents, they were for her. How DARE you take these from her with your greedy hands. The party is over. Go home.” He said, with a stern look on his face. Everyone quickly scurried out, embarrassment written all over their faces. You however, were locked in place. Absolutely terrified that taking a step would be too much. It probably was, considering you were shaking from head to toe. Lyney rushed toward you. 
“Are you okay, m’lady?” He asked, an expression of worry written over his face. You wanted to respond, you really wanted to, but when you opened your mouth, all that came out was a quiet sob as your legs gave out and you found yourself falling to the floor- except you never hit the floor, because Lyney managed to catch you before you did. 
“Lynette? Lynette I need your help!” He yelled to someone behind you. You were holding onto the hat in your arms, loudly sobbing as Lyney and Lynette brought you to their dressing room, seating you in a safe area. After letting you cry out while Lyney was gently patting your back, Lynette came over with a cup of tea. You drink tea and lightly chat with them as you calm down, although it’s mainly them talking while you nod or shake your head, still a bit shaken. After a while, you slowly stand up and apologize for taking up their time. You should go home and make dinner before it gets too late. You move to give Lyney his hat back, but he immediately places his hat back on your head and grabs your hand, kissing the back of it. 
“Let Lynette and I treat you to dinner, it was my fault you ended up in this situation to begin with. No bad blood between us alright?”
You smile softly. “Are you sure, mr. Lyney? I wouldn’t want to waste your time, I think I’ve already done enough of that..
Lyney looks at you with wide eyes. “But my lady, if I had no interest in you I would have never given you my hat and flowers to begin with. Let us dine together, I’m sure Father would be fine with it if you joined us.”
And with that, suddenly, you were by his side.
I might write more on this or do other oneshots if requested, but my Lyney brainrot has been insane lately-
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maydayblake · 2 years ago
Never Again ( Part 1 ) Ethan Landry X Black Fem!Reader
You we're sitting in the living room of your friend's dorm, staring blankly at the TV screen, showing two new victims that had been found, and the suspect of which they of course assume is Samantha.
Samantha turned the TV off and left the living room, angry and sad, you couldn't help but feel bad, it's completely not her fault. She did what she had to do to survive, but these dumb people just don't listen. Even tho you weren't there when they got attacked in Woodsboro last year, you pretty much lived there all your life. You know what it's like.
" Excuse me ", you excuse yourself and go to the kitchen where you see her sitting down, silently sobbing. You heart breaks.
" You know it's not your fault right? You did what you had to do.. ", you try to comfort her, but you've never been the best at comforting people. But that didn't mean you didn't try.
" Yeah but they think it's me who did all this, it just.. sucks being this hated... ", Sam looks down and continues wiping her tears, your heart breaks even more.
Just in time the others entered and sat down.
" Hey, hey... just a reminder, not a single person in this room hates you. ", Sam just stares at him, and you can't help but give a little smile, Chad has always been the best at comforting people, that's what you like most about him. The way he comforts people, like it's the easiest thing to do.
You zone out while they're talking, your anger bubbling up, you hate those people so much. They think they know everything when clearly they don't.
" I've been sleeping with the cute guy across the hall ", Sam's voice brings me out of my daydream. We just at each other in silence for a second.
" I knew it! I knew it! ", Tara speaks up smiling, Chad and Mindy too, jumping in their seats, talking about core 4 something. Until we hear banging above.
" Ooh they're going at it again ", they laugh and continue talking. However you... you don't have a good feeling. And your gut was telling you she's in trouble.
And it looks like you we're right, because just a few seconds later we get a message, showing Quinn in Ghostface's grip. We immediately go silent, before all of us quickly jumped up in our seats and ran to the door... Waiting patiently for something to happen.
And just a second later, the door flings open and Quinn's dead body falls down to the floor near Anika. She lets out a scream while Ghostface starts walking towards Mindy , Ghostface suddenly takes out a knife out of his ass i don't know and slashes Mindy in the arm.
You jump on his back, but it wasn't successful and you get flung across the room. Your vision starting to darken, and the last thing you remember, is seeing Anika in the hands of Ghostface and everything went black...
2 hours later you open up your eyes, and see yourself in your living room of your own apartment. Ethan sitting next to you, holding your hand, when he sees that you've woken up, he immediately starts questioning you.
" What happened?! Are you okay!? ", Ethan seethes. You place your hand at the back of your head, your head throbbing. You remember what happened, making you sit up right, but immediately laying down when your vision lightens up.
" I-I'm fine, how are they? Anika, Mindy... ", you question,staring at him. But when he hears the name Anika he immediately looks down.
" Ethan..? ", you question, desperate to get answers out of him. He shakes his head, and at that moment, you felt your heart break completely. And in that moment it felt like... I was already dead.
" No No No.. ", you start shaking your head, repeating the same word over and over again.
" Y/N... ", Ethan speaks up, you can hear the pity and... guilt? In his voice. The way his jaw clenches nervously. You want to believe he's lying. But the way he's looking at you...
" P-please... tell me you're lying... ", you beg, taking his hands in his, forcing him to look at you.
" I'm sorry... ", he mumbles, tears pricking his eyes. He didn't think it would have such an affect on you. He can't help but feel guilty.
Finally you let the tears fall, sobbing hysterically. Ethan felt his heart break, seeing the girl he loves like this.
Ethan picked you up in his arms, rocking you back and forth, trying to comfort you. He hates seeing you like this, and especially knowing it's his fault.
You grip his shoulders as you bury your head in his shoulder, that's probably gonna leave scars.
As you and him sway back and forth, you can hear him whispering sweet words in your ear.
You have a weird feeling about him, it's just your gut, you don't know. But at that moment all you needed was comfort, and you didn't really think, that the one comforting you, is the cause of Anika's death, and your suffering...
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brook-e-lynns · 2 years ago
End it all |Joel Miller|
summary: you get bit and all you ask of Joel is to end it all.
Warnings: suicide(in a way but not really, you’ll see) shit ton of angst and sad shit. That’s really it I think.
Note: you know when you have those weird daydreams that you like are by yourself and catch yourself acting it out… that’s me with this… I scare myself.
Also super short.
And it’s not edited cause I’m too lazy
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Everyone says your life flashes before you die but your life was Joel, he was your everything and he was the only thing you could think of, though you didn’t need to think about it much when he’s standing in front of you in disbelief his eyes never leaving your, he knew this was it and this is the last time. Your tears blurring your vision obstructing your view of the love of your life slowly pulling him further from you.
Of course your wound hurt but not as much as your chest from you heart being completely broken.
“Joel” you plead taking a step closer to him your lip quivering feeling the sobs clawing their way up your throat, He takes a step back from you. “I’m not letting you leave me, you understand me” Joel argues his jaw clenched his teeth tight together. “Joel please” you continue to plead with him begging him just to listen to you. “you need to find Tommy but I need you to do this please!” Your voice breaks when you finally make it to him your hands cradling his face, forcing him to look at you. “Please I need you to do it” you could barely speak losing all grip of your reality of what was happening and what you were asking him to do.
“I can’t do it, not to you” he fights back his hands mimicking yours his rough fingers meet your cheeks. “Please Joel I’m fucking begging you, just end it for me so I don’t have to suffer” you raise your voice. Of course he didn’t want to suffer but he also wouldn’t be able to bring himself to pull the trigger. “I can’t” he sobs pressing his forehead to yours, letting your tears fall from your cheeks and chin. “ please don’t let me become one of them” he pulls you in holding onto you with everything he had left. “Joel please” you continue to sob his shoulder muffling your cries. “ I need you to do this for me because if you don’t I’ll never forgive you” you pull away from him reaching for his hand before placing your gun into it pressing the tip to your chest “ please” his head rapidly shakes refusing to look at you. You close your eyes. “don’t let me become one Joel, it’s all I ask” “I can’t lose you too” he adds “ I’m already gone” you quickly press your lips to his allow your self to soak in every last second before pulling away and shoving your ring into his hand. “then go” you say under your breath “ if this is the last time you see me then I want you to remember me though good memories not this” you push him out of the door pressing one more kiss to his lips “ I love you” he gives you a confused look laced with worry and fear. before your closing the door between the two of you and locking it. the instant banging of his fist against the door yelling your name “ open the door” he shouts “open the fucking door” you crumble to the floor tucking your knees to your chest letting out what you could assume were sobs though your were so consumed by Joel you didn’t know if it was coming from you.
Until there it was, the flashing of your life.
All of the memories of Sarah when she first called you mom when she was five, when you and Joel became official, when he spent months working extra hours just so he could get you a ring that he was happy with just so he could show you that he really did love you. But you never doubted him one bit. Random dancing in the living room falling asleep on the couch cuddled up with Joel and Sarah
But one that you loved the most.
Summers in the front yard watering the flowers on the hot afternoons that would always end up with the three of you soaking wet, listening to Joel and Sarah giggle as she chased him around with the hose.
Back when life wasn’t a living nightmare when you didn’t have to live in constant fear constant worry.
But this was your end you didn’t have to worry you didn’t have to fear but you were scared for Joel because you didn’t know what the future held for him or how long he’d go on for before the same fate took him but you were glad that he didn’t have to see you like this, bleeding in pain taking your last breathes you couldn’t let him watch you die like he had with Sarah you couldn’t do that to him. Maybe everything would be okay and the infection wouldn’t take you and one day you’d be able to find him again and continue on with him be with him
Love him.
But this was the end, the end of it all.
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mariondeux · 3 years ago
Hello! Can I request, a nsfw fic with werewolf Koga x red riding hood reader? Same scenario/plot(?) as your nsfw sharkmerman Jun but make it Red riding Hood? 🤔
Please! I need more Koga content(and thank you if you make this request!!) 😔🤌
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— SYNOPSIS ; Koga had spent days and weeks stalking you as you happily went to go visit your grandmother. That is, until he decided he couldn’t go on like this for any longer.
CW ; NSFW, Non-con, blood, scratches and injuries, knotting, possessiveness, mentions of breeding and stalking
PAIRING ; Werewolf!Koga Oogami x Red Riding Hood!GN!Reader
A/N ; This idea was too good to not write! Koga as the role of the big bad wolf and the reader as little red riding hood is so big brained thank you anon for giving me the honor of writing this wonderful idea 🙏
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Koga's patience had run out, so he took you into the woods before he even allowed you to get to your grandmother's house. On the way, you attempted to scream, but he had his strong hand firmly covering your lips.
Your red cloak and clothes lay tattered on the floor as Koga ravaged you, he was like a wild animal utterly unconstrained. Your cheeks were leaking tears, and the sticks, leaves, and other objects on the ground had lightly scraped your skin. The werewolf above you didn't mind, though; he was entirely preoccupied with the pleasure your body gave him rather than the minor wounds the ground was causing you.
He held you in place while your ass was in the air by grabbing hold of your wrists from behind. His wild growls and snarls emanate from him in pure excitement.
“You’re mine,” He growled, fucking his cock into you so roughly you swear that if you’d look now your hole would be an agonizing crimson, “Gonna breed you so well you won’t wanna go back to your old boring life!” 
He hadn't even bothered to stretch you out or give you time to adjust before this all began; instead, he shoved his dick right in. You still bear the scars of that occurrence, dried blood adorning your thighs, and fresh blood surrounding his cock and your hole.
His words stabbed into you like a knife.
At this rate, you don't even think you'll be able to go back. You already knew that this werewolf was stronger than you because he possessed so many traits that gave him the benefit of being able to harm you in any way. To overpower you, inflict wounds on you, anything.
Your wrists were punctured by Koga's nails, allowing small bits and drops of blood to escape through your skin. You continued to scream in pain as you clamped your eyes tight.
You have no idea how long Koga has desired you. Every time you went to visit your grandma in the woods, he would stalk you; in fact, you once came quite close to catching him. When you turned your head to look at a pair of sharp, golden yellow dots that had caught your attention in the corner of your eyes, they had vanished. 
He would daydream about slipping his hands inside of those red, distinctive clothing you wore so frequently. To rip them off of your body in order to see what was underneath in detail. And now, he was in this situation, his fantasies coming true as his remorseless thrusts appeared to never end.
Koga briefly released your arms so he could pick up your body off the ground. He then immediately sat you on his lap with your back against his chest.
“Gonna fuck you nice and good like this, yeah? Why don’t you do me a favor and tell me who you belong to,” As he kept fucking you, his fingernails clawed along your torso. 
You were so tempted to scream and sob at him to let you free and that you didn't belong to him that you almost bit back. That is, until his hand tightly clasped around your thighs, his claws almost tearing you, making you scream.
“I’m yours!” You sobbed, shakily using his weight as leverage, “I belong to you, I’m yours, I’m yours, I’m yours—“
Your words had gone straight to Koga's cock, his tail was wagging so quickly behind him. You nearly choked on your spit as he roughly fucked you while looking for the sweet sense of release. He was getting close, and you could feel the base of his cock gently beginning to expand, which meant that he was going to knot you.
He howled as he thrusted a few more times, making sure his cum was well inside of you before burying his cock in your hole. Koga quickly bit into the nape of your neck, causing you to scream in agony. 
You don’t know how long you two stayed like that for, because a few seconds afterwards you passed out.
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spikesbimbo · 4 years ago
Mood Swings
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Summary: Daddy’s little girl always gets what she wants < 3
Pairing: Nanami Kento x reader
Tags: babymaking ; ) neglected reader, daddy kink, size kink, hurt/ comfort
wc: 2.3k 
 a/n: this was very self indulgent, just like all my other works
this is a reupload from my old blog jaded--enigma
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Closing the door behind you, feet dragging against the floor as you came home from a bad day at work, eyes glossy and red. Immediately going to your finance’s office, wanting him to coddle you and tell you everything would be alright, as he was great at. One of the reasons you admired him so much, being his biggest fan.
Opening the door to see him writing something on his papers, his blazer on the floor, only wearing his white button-down shirt fitting him perfectly. 
His arms barely fit the tight material as your eyes scrolled down to his glasses sitting on the table next to his hands, so pretty and big, instantly getting you worked up, even though that was the reason you came here. Wanting your daddy to make it all better.
Walking up to him making your way in his lap, sittin pretty. Mumbling out a “ken”, resting your head on his shoulder while gently kissing his neck. 
“Not now baby.” he said, gently moving his head away from yours before you could even wrap your arms around him, so why did that make you fall apart? Why were you so sensitive? Why were there tears forming in your eyes?
You gave him a fake soft smile pushing the tears back, saying “okay.” and hopped off of his lap, already missing his touch as you walked out of the room, feet still dragging as you took one last peek at him before you shut the door and started walking towards your own room, knowing he would work till late night, as always.
He was obviously stressed so you understood that he wanted to be alone, but you felt so burdensome, annoyingly needy, as you finally made it to your room. Laying on the bed that you two slept on, hugging the fluffy sheets.
Trying to get your mind off of it, you changed into your baby blue silk nightgown, finding it in your closet full of clothes he bought you. So much that you started using the guest room for extra storage for your shoes.
It fell just over your knees, the straps dainty as a pin, flowing as you walked towards your bed again, dimming the lights on the way.
Dirty thoughts getting to you, remembering that you had to wash them two days ago from him making a mess out of you after coming home from work, taking it out on you. Now covering your face with your hands, pain spreading throughout your body as you tried to subdue it, telling yourself you could wait… but you couldn’t.
Your legs spread open, no panties or bra on, just the gown. Shoving your fingers into your cunt, so wet and needy, making a mess but getting yourself nowhere. Crying softly, the last thing you want to do is make your daddy mad at you.
Fat tears falling from just wanting an ounce of his attention, so needy, so embarrassed; embarrassed over the fact that you couldn't even touch your clit right without getting tired. 
Embarrassed that he could get you off better than yourself, the fact that you were never dry around him; the fact that he had you this spoiled to the point of him doing everything for you made your heart break and flutter at the same time.
He loves how appreciated you made him feel, making him feel like you couldn't do anything without him. He loves to take care of you because he doesn't want to see you let go of your youth, in a way living his life through you. Not wanting to rush to ‘grow up’ like he had to,  you made him feel like he was living his life with no regrets.
Your fingers were so small in comparison to his, thinking about how just one would fill you up, and him simply curling it inside you would make you cum, so responsive to his touch. Trying your best to feel the feel same as his. 
You raised your legs slightly in the air, trying to reach deeper like he did. It somewhat working as you were now letting out held back moans along with “daddy and ken” falling there too, or maybe it was from the lewdness of it all, your messy little pussy all wet thinking ‘bout daddy and his fat cock, if only he knew.
You were so lost in your own world you didn't even hear the door open. He was met with your sticky tears falling down your pretty face as you struggled trying to get yourself off. His composed nature leaving him freezing for once in his life.
You finally gave your self a break, sobbing louder as you couldn't even feel anything looking up to wipe your tears with both hands, finally getting them dry enough to see as turned your head, shaking in place seeing your future husband stand in the doorway.
“K-ken” you startledly whispered loud enough for him to hear while he was making his way to you, loosening his tie, his stoic face staying the same. He got on the bed, hovering over you, his tie and shirt lying somewhere on the floor as he inched closer to you, his nose almost touching yours.
“You know I love you right? He said, taking your left hand into his, grabbing the diamond ring on your finger, stroking it with his finger as it gleamed in the moonlight. You looking at his sliver one in return, too shy to face him after what just happened.
“y-yes” you wept locking eyes with him, your vision being blurry but still seeing his handsome face above you “I know it's my fault daddy. M-m’sorry” 
“Shh, baby it's never your fault. Daddys sorry, he didn't know how needy you were, cmere.” he cooed bringing you closer to him. “Tell me what's on your mind. What's wrong honey?” 
“Everything daddy… everything.” you complained, reaching to wipe your eyes again. He already knew what happened just from you saying that. And as usual the only reason his baby would cry was because of their job or a sad movie. 
‘How about you just be my cute little wife and carry my babies; that's the only thing you'll ever have to do again, okay?” he said already having it in the back of his head ever since he first fell for you. After months of you sneaking him extra bread in his bag when he left the store, always smiling at him with your whole heart; it being the first time he's ever blushed, he was whipped.
“Mkay.” you sniffled, not even bothering or caring to fix your face. He was so kind. The idea sounding great in your head. Never having to see your mean boss again, always getting on you for the simplest things, leaving to go cry in the break room.
“There's my good girl.” he praised, kissing you forehead, dragging up your nightgown over your head, finally being bare for him, as his eyes took in your body. Loving every curve you had, kissing his way down your neck after staring with your eyes. Your salty tears being whisked away from his affection that he gave you, that you loved.
His lips met your chest, wrapping them around your nipple as he cupped that breast. Squeezing it gently while moving his hand from your thigh, his ring leaving an imprint there while grabbing your other breast. Flicking it with his finger, loving to hear the little whimpers you let out, so precious. 
“You’re so wet” he said, attaching his lips to your puffy clit, sucking on it while shoving his long fingers into you soaking little cunt, curling them just like how you were daydreaming about earlier.
“Daddy- please.” you whined bucking into his mouth already so needy, not needing any prep, just wanting to be stuffed full.
“Gimme...”, you said, trying to form a sentence while  his fingers were knuckle deep, hitting your g spot with ease.
“I got you my love” he said, already unbuckling his pants, taking a break from abusing your poor clit as you watched his cock pop out of his boxers. Mouth already watering thinking about taking it into your mouth, but pushing that to the side, knowing that he wouldn't say yes to that right now.
He hasn't seen a prettier sight in his life; your ankles by your ears, pussy begging for him to breed, his mind foggy as ever as you tell him to fuck a baby into you. Freezing at the words coming out of your sweet little mouth. But how could he tell his angel no?
“Open up for me sweetheart.” he muttered, imagining you so full and needy, not even being able to get up without him making him harder than ever. Sliding into you with no condom, as always, only on birth control. But the thought of it not doing its job got you even more hot and bothered, you head flooding with the thought of him fucking his cum back into you.
“Relax” he says, observing your face attentively.
“Youre so big daddy” you breathed out, eyes locking on his cock doing its best to fit in your little hole, even though you were drenched he still had to take it slow.
“it hurt?” 
“No. just fuck me, please. I'll be a good girl, daddy please.” you whined already working your way to make him bottom out.
He puts his lips on yours to distract you, shoving his length all the way in. Catching your moans in his mouth, groaning into yours. Your sweet scent getting his mind hazy as you rested on the mattress, your greedy little hands placing themselves on his back as you grabbed him closer.
He pushed himself balls deep in you, not taking long for you tell him to move whining out for your “daddy to fuck you”. His cock nudging your cervix, slowly easing back and forth to ease the pain you didn't even notice.
You feel so full while trembling in his hold. Feeling so good to finally have him inside you. Knowing that he was doing his best to not just fuck into you, wanting to make you feel good like you deserved.
He breaks the kiss and buries his face in the mattress beside your head, leaving kisses on your neck, as your ankles were now on his shoulders, hips spread wide rough for him to abuse. Your lips brush against his arm while he's connecting his hands with yours. Your rings clashing while you accept, pulling him closer like it's possible.
He's kissing underneath your ear now he starts to move his hips. Moaning at the feeling of his fat cock finally stretching you out. Pulling all the way out except the tip before slamming his hips back into yours, both of you moaning at the feeling.
He continues fucking you deep and fast, knowing thats how you liked it. His big frame towering  over yours, the comfy feeling of his weight on you, the heat radiating from his body making you feel like you were in heaven
“k-ken,” you mouthed not letting a word out but he read your pretty swollen lips. “you feel s-so good. d-ont pull out.”.
“When have i ever.” he stated, his voice unwavering as he brought his face to yours, seeing your eyes glossy and red, knowing you couldn't think straight right now. The only thing being on your mind was him. “You wanna be a mommy?”
“Y-yeah want your babies, want daddies babies, daddy please, please ple-” you whimpered out, clinging onto his shoulders admiring his body before you met his eyes. Overcome with the feelings you had inside you, wanting him to know as much as you. “Daddy -hahh i lov-e you.” 
“I know baby... i love you too” he returned, placing his lips on yours as he continued fucking into your sloppy little hole that he was the cause of.
He grabs your thighs, spreading them apart more, your hips giving away. Almost lifting you up, fucking into you deeper than before. Your screaming with no noise coming out except gasps because your daddy fucking you so good, making your head spin. And all you can think about is having his babies, wanting him to cum in you so much that it never comes out.
“More” you begged, wanting to feel his cum dripping out of you.
Your orgasm, collecting itself all this time, finally hits you like a shockwave. So unannounced that you completely let go and turn limp and he's still manhandling you, getting himself off.
You don't even feel him stop, just feeling his hot cum pouring inside you before you realize your not being thrusted into anymore. You cunt still clenching around him, milking him for everything he’s got as he tunes you over, not pulling out. You now resting on top of him, both of you breathing heavily as you cum for the nth time feeling it drip down your thighs and onto his balls.
“Are you okay my love?”
You cant even talk now, you voice long gone from crying earlier to him fucking you. You just snuggle into his side, wrapping your arms around his bicep as he strokes your forehead, kissing it before you grab his face.
“Kiss” you pouted using your remaining strength to point to your lips.
He lets out a laugh, leaning down to give you what you want, as always. Breaking the kiss when you let out a moan again; his cock was not hard anymore but still took up all the room in you, if you moved it would move it you. 
He repositions himself deep as he can inside without hurting you before noticing your swollen eyes starting to close. “Goodnight doll, love you.” he softly says kissing your forehead again
“Wait” You mummerd out, not opening your eyes but putting all your attention on him too. Wondering what you were gonna say as your soft sleepy smile appeared on your face. Cheeks all puffed out along with your lips. As you snuggled closer to his, mouth right up at his ear.
“G’night daddy, love you too”
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changlix-mp4 · 4 years ago
skz reaction to you being needy
(with scenarios)
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genre : suggestive ,, fluff uwu
warning : use of petnames , suggestive , slight dry humping, slight make out? , playful behaviour teasing , whiny reader, shy reader (depends in some)
❁ reactions with scenarios
❁ A/N : I feel like some are out of context , but I hope you’ll like it tho ,, please don’t mind the many mistakes :(
❁ Feedbacks are very welcomed ♡ let me know which one is your fav :)
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• Chan : I think my boy will find it a bit funny and cute at the same time,, at the way you’re whining and all. He’ll of course help you ;) (the loml) ♡
You were sat on the couch staring at your husband working. His beautiful fingers typing on the keyboard of his laptop rapidly. His bottom lip caughed between his teeth, his eyebrows furrowed, totally immersed into whatever he was doing. He was so handsome you couldn't resist him. When he tapped his finger on his kissable plump lips it was the last straw. You got up from your spot walking to him. He looked up smiling at you "hi baby" , you put your hands on his shoulders straddling him. Chan's hands instinctively came to your hips. You buried your head in the crook of his neck starting sucking lightly on the sensitive skin. Chan groaned caressing your sides "what's up babygirl?" he chuckled when he felt your hands on his belt trying to unbuckle it quickly. "I need you" you whined. He cupped your cheek softly "Can I finish-" you pouted playing with the collar of his black shirt "please Chan" you whined again, fingers toying with the bottons already unbuttoning them " I really really need you" you bite your lip grinding on his crotch , looking at his veiny hands "right. now" imagining how they would look all over your bare skin . "pleaseee" you pleaded desperately as you gripped on his bicep. Chan looked at you quiet surprise at how needy you were. It was kind of funny how you acted but you were just so cute sitting on him, all whiny for him. He sighed before getting up with you in his arms "ok babygirl , you asked for it. Everything for my princess" he smirked before kissing you walking to your bedroom. This night was a busy one ;)
( I’m a sucker for husband Chan sorry )
• Lee Know : I think Minho will tease you asf. He will make you needier and beg for him , evil boy #1  ♡
You were in the kitchen trying to find something to eat until Minho entered the living room and sat on the couch. Just his presence can intimidated you. He does the bare minimum and can turn you on easily. Minho was bouncing his leg unconsciously as he was on the phone talking with Jisung. Your legs turned into jelly as you gripped on the kitchen counter to steady yourself. Boy just breathing and you're weak. His thighs were your weakness, they were so muscular , firm just .. wow. He suddenly looked at you smilling , you stopped breathing for a moment before smilling back. Lord why I am like this ? you thought. He kept on doing that for minutes and it drove you crazy . You moaned unintentionally as you thought of riding his thighs. " ok I'm done" you muttered to yourself desperately. You walked over to him sitting on one of his well-built thigh. He looked at you confused before smirking when he realized that you were horny. The pressure of his strong muscle against your throbbing clit made you whimper. Minho hung up and rested his body back on the couch "is my kitten horny?" he said teasingly. You nodded shyly looking away embarrassed. He laughed turning your flustered face to look at him. Glancing at your position on his thigh, he smirked "do I turn you on baby? Do my thighs make you horny?" he whispered playfully. No answer. Minho bounced his leg making you lose your balance and fell onto his chest. "tell me what you want? want to ride my thigh kitten?" he bite your earlobe. A weak "yes" left your throat as hummed, his hands behind his head. "beg for it" he said before bouncing his leg again. You moaned the pleasure and your needs getting unbearable. "p-please Minho". He smiled mischievously "c'mon baby, tell me. Tell me you want to ride my thigh . Say it hm . Beg for it" he purred looking down at your needy figure "please I need you.. I want t-to ride your thigh" he laughed flexing his muscle when you sobbed quietly. "I didn't hear you. Can you repeat my dear?" teasing dripping from his tongue.
• Changbin : He’ll get a bit needy and shy shy shy . Just by the way you whine , makes him whine too ( ugh binnie’s whines tho <3 ) ,, he won’t tease you at all ( uwu my baby ♡ )
You and Changbin were coming back home from a little walk at the park,, when you entered your living room you tripped over Changbin's bag that was on the floor. Changbin immediately ran to you, helping you standing up, one of your hand went to his shoulder the other one grabbed his bicep. The way it flexed under your palm when he helped you up made you froze on your spot . "y/n you're ok?" he asked caressing your hair. "baby are you ok?" he asked again cupping your cheeks. You squeezed his bicep eyes focused on the hard muscle "your.. you're .. I mean" you stammered. His arms were so big , so muscular.. you knew it already but you never really focused on them. You just wanted to touch them and grip on them like when you- "Binnie , I want you" you suddenly whined. Changbin released a breath he didn’t know he was holding "your- you look so good" you whispered shyly. His heart stopped, the compliment turning his cheeks red. How can something so "normal" affect you this way? Were you crazy? "babe" you whined pulling him by his shirt. Changbin whined as you played with the hem of it. "I need you" you pouted grabbing his hands putting them on your waist craving to feel his hands on your body " shit I need you too" he whined throwing his head back. "C'mere baby" he tapped your thigh signalling you to jump. You eyes didn't miss the way his shirt hugged his bicep tighter. Changbin whined again "stop looking at my arms" he hid his face into the crook of your neck leaving little pecks on the soft skin.
• Hyunjin : Like Minho , he will tease you. But not as much as him. I think he’d be surprised . He’ll smirk and chuckle at you , before giving you the attention you’re craving for ♡
Hyunjin ran his long fingers into his soft locks pushing them back , tying them. He bite his plump lip concentrated while doing so. He's so hot. Just by tying his long black hair. yes. His hair looked so beautiful , soft as silk.. you just wanted to play with them , caress them feeling the texture.. pull on them. You spaced out, many thoughts running through your mind.. your eyes started cascading to his beautiful lips imagining biting on them , then to his neck marked with hickeys , then his collarbones , eyes travelling down his muscular thighs.. he was just so perfect. Your mouth ajar, you could had swore you were drooling over him . Hyunjin snapped his fingers in front of your face pushing you out of your "interesting" thoughts "hey pretty one, did you hear me?" you shaked your head. "well I asked what ya’ want to watch?" how can someone be so pretty? His eyes , his nose , his cheek, his mole under his eye (...) "ok” He sighed "hello .. y/n. You spaced out again? What’s going on? What are you daydreaming about? Is something wrong? tell me baby" he said concerned. " I want you" you trailed off . "huh?" he asked taken aback not sure about what you say . "you heard me Hyunjin" you whined looking away. "say it again princess" he smilled teasingly "I want you" you breathed out. He chuckled " hm that's why you weren't listening to me huh . You were having weird thoughts about me" he smirked playfully "weird thoughts? what? shut up" you slapped his arm before pushing stands of hair out of his face. "Come here" Hyunjin pulled you closer by your waist as he bent down to kiss you slowly his hand cupping your cheek the other one resting on your thigh. Your hand flew to his silky hair, pulling at them slightly making him moan.
• Jisung : Boy will get a bit cheesy because he knows he is the reason why you’re needy? Will tease you a bit. He’ll be all over you the second after ♡
Han was talking with Chan and Changbin about the new song they were working on. He was sitting on the desk, one hand holding his ice americano the other one resting on his thigh. You couldn't looked away, he was just so cool today. His red beat headphone hanging around his neck, his red supreme headband, his not-so-oversized black hoodie, black ripped jean.. e-boy Jisung was your weakness ( everyone's weakness). “I think it can work" Chan announced as Changbin nodded. "Ok then, I’ll do that and we’ll see about it tomorrow" Jisung replied. Chan and Changbin waved at you before walking out the studio. Jisung stretched his arms , arching his sore back due to the way he stayed for minutes. Was he doing it on purpose you thought. Because damn the way he threw his head back made you gulped. He looked at you coming in your direction, crouching in front of you " I’ll have to stay a bit longer, if you wanna go home to-" — "no no , I’ll stay with you" you replied right away making him chuckle. “As you wish sweetheart" he kissed your lips softly making you whimper closing your eyes shut. That was so embarrassing , you just wanted to disappear engulfed into the couch as Jisung looked up at you his eyes wide open. "baby" he started resting his hands on your thighs . You bite your lips, breathing a bit heavily, just feeling his hands on your skin turned you on , how was this possible? He got the hint laughing at you "what’s so funny ugly frog?" you rolled your eyes. "are you.. horny?" his beautiful teeth making their appearance . "no! I’m not... you just look good today.. that’s all" you sighed looking at his fingers drawing little patterns on your thigh. You saying that boosted his ego “so .. I’m so hot it turns you on huh?" you glared at him . You stayed silent making him smirk knowing he was right "aw baby" he purred hand caressing your arm slowly. This bitch was teasing . " let your handsome and sexy boyfriend take care of you" he said before getting up taking your hands in the process to make you stand up too . He pushed you closer to him by your waist, kissing your cheek "are you always turn-on when I’m with you?" Jisung smirked his lips ghosting over yours "shut up idiot". He smiled kissing you passionately, his kisses travelling to your neck making you moan . “You must feel lucky to have such a good-looking boyfriend huh?" He muttered against your skin "oh fuck off" you pushed him away ready to leave, cheeks burning . "Don’t be like that, I’m kidding . Come here love" he hugged you, his hand finding its place on your lower back. "Let me make it up to you". Jisung whispered playing with the hem of your hoodie.
• Felix : Lixie , Sunshine , will somehow find you cute and will do anything to help you ( my cute baby <3 ) ,, He’ll give you so much love uwu ♡
Felix was baking, his delicious brownies smelling heavenly. He was so breathtaking as you admire him from your sit. A bit of chocolate on his cheek, flour on his chin .. he looked so hot yet adorable. You smiled like an idiot at your boyfriend. One of the spoon fell on the floor so you rushed to pick it up and put in the sink. "thanks baby" he said kissing your cheek. He blessed you with one of his precious smiles, eyes forming little crescents. His small hand went to grab a dishcloth, his fingers adorned with rings made you feel some type of ways. Your eyes stayed glued on them- "want to taste one?" he asked "t-taste what?" you gulped "one of the brownies?" He looked at your flustered face. "Of course!” you replied excited. Even if you were mesmerized by his fingers, his brownies were something you can’t get enough. You were practically drooling just by looking at them. Felix chuckled before grabbing one to feed you. You opened your mouth before biting on it, your lips grazing around his finger. Your cheeks started heating up "sooooo?" he asked excited. "de-li-cious!! Like always" you hummed. He smiled proudly "thank you baby”. He turned back to the brownies putting some in a box for Changbin. his hands.his fingers.his hands.his fingers.. Felix took one of the brownies to eat. When he turned to you again, you laughed "what?what is it?" he asked confused before laughing with you. "You've got chocolate on your nose and lips" you smiled before laughing again. First of all , how is it possible to eat brownies and get chocolate on your nose? anyway , he was so cute. He laughed before coming to you "clean it for me?" he said cutely resting his flour-covered-hands on your waist. You were about to grab a napkin to wipe the chocolate off his lips , when he bent down. Felix just wanted to be closer so you can wipe it easily but you got a different message . You stopped moving, not knowing what to do, his lips looked so kissable , soft and right now so sweet. And his pretty hands on your waist - lord he is your weakness. Without thinking , you attached your lips to his, surprising him, tasting the chocolate as you lightly suck on it. You moaned into the kiss. You pulled him closer trying to feel his body on yours, one hand cupping his cheek the other one fingers tangled in his hair. You were on fire, you just wanted him. Wanted to feel his lips, his touches all over your body, the cold rings on your skin making goosebumps raise on your skin.. that's what you wanted. You wanted all of him. Felix embraced you into his arms, arms hugging you tightly. You pulled away to catch your breath admiring his little freckles as he smiled at you. Your cheeks started heating up when you realized your bold action, but it wasn't your fault. He was just so tempting. " I want you" you whispered looking down embarrassed "you have me" he whispered back as he caress your hair gently. "like.. you know.." you trailed out "I know honey" he kissed your temple, you were too cute for him right now, his heart flustered "c'mere, let me love you" he sweetly said before hugging you, enveloping your lips into a loving kiss.
• Seungmin : He will make you wait for a long time . Acts like he’s not affected by you , evil boy #2 ♡
Seungmin was practicing his vocal, his singing was so good. Everytime he sings, it felt like you’re listening to an angel. He was so cute, his hair messy, casual clothes on .. he looked so fluffy you just wanted to hug him. You didn't know what happened but when you heard his deep voice.. you stopped breathing. What? Seungmin wanted to change a bit to see and try to sing in a deeper voice. You'd never heard that sound before but you wanted , needed to hear it again. You stared at him fascinated , you probably looked weird and dumb but yea. He furrowed his eyebrows reading the lyrics again and again. When he started singing again and his voice got deeper, your mouth fell open, throat getting dry.. that was so hot. You ears just had one of the best eargasm they ever had (lmao). You released the breath you were holding heavily , getting his attention "so? what do you think? It’s not deeper than Felix’s but i tried" he joked. "you sounded so fucking hot" you said out loud without thinking. Seungmin eyes widened, surprised by your bold comment. "I mean no- no yes hm I meant it was great .. yea it was great!" You tried not to be awkward but guess you failed . He laughed loudly when he looked at you embarrassed face. Why? So much hate tf . Well, hearing his deep voice sent butterflies into your lower stomach.. it affected you so much that just thinking about it made you whimpered. Thinking about hearing those sounds again when you guys are- *wink wink* . You stayed quiet for a moment feeling the wetness starting forming down there when he wrote some note on his sheets. Seungmin noticed the way you were rubbing your thighs and playing with your fingers. He just smirked “you good there baby?" He asked teasingly. You knew he was doing this on purpose. You got up to come sit next to him, hand resting on his thigh as you started leaving little kisses on his shoulder. Seungmin didn’t move, acting like you weren’t there. Even when you started stroking his thigh, he stayed still. “Minnie” you whined “ I need you please” he looked at you unbothered “I’m working sorry” — “but-are you serious?” You asked a bit annoyed when he smirked “no. Now let me work baby. Thank you” he said . Seungmin put a pillow over his lap and rest his sheet on it, hiding his hard-on. He decided to acted like he wasn’t affected by your needy state and make you more desperate.
• Jeongin : cute boy <3 . He’ll be soft for you. He’ll get needy too. Will take care of you ( my babyyy ) ♡
You were standing in front of your big closet, searching for one of your husband’s hoodie to sleep in (that's so fucking cute help). When you came out of the bathroom, you were meet with one of the prettiest view you ever seen. Jeongin was sitting on the edge of the bed, eyes glued to his phone as he was waiting for you. The way he was sitting made your head spin : manspreading. (that’s so hot just imagine) . He was just so attractive right now you could just jump on him and devour his lips. When he finally looked at you, he smiled opening his arms for you to come hug him. so cute shit. You smiled back timidly walking to him. " aw you're so cute baby" he said cutely when he took in your appearance. His over-sized hoodie reaching the middle of you thigh. Jeongin pulled you closer to him to hug you tightly, resting his head on your tummy. The butterflies. The fucking butterflies. You felt this familiar feeling in your lower stomach making you weak and bite your lips. "so warm" he giggled. He looked up at your flustered face "what is baby?" — "nothing" you smiled lightly. "hm , so what about..cuddle?" he smiled widely. You chuckled before he pulled you on his lap, one hand on your waist , the other one placed on your thigh. You were sat right on his crotch and you would have lied if you said you weren't turned on. You shifted a bit on his lap trying to get comfortable and try to ignore the little "spark" between your legs . But he made it difficult by the way his fingertips caressed their way up and down your thigh. A gentle , innocent affectionate gesture that made you weak to the point you let a soft moan past by your lips. His touches so soft and so pleasing.. so good. Jeongin looked at you in your eyes , mouth ajar as his cheeks turned a light pink. "I'm.. I'm sorry-" you started before he hushed you caressing your sides. "you're so cute" he smiled lovingly, cupping your cheek before attaching his lips with yours. He kissed you gently, forgetting about your surrounding. You started grinding on him slowly unconsciously , the moment exciting you a bit. Jeongin moaned into the kiss pulling away to breath. "baby" he whispered "look at what you did" his gaze on his bulge as he gripped your hips grinding them foward again, pushing you harder on him. " 'feels so good" he bite his lips , eyes still focused on your crotches. You threw your head back moaning his name, your fingers pulling harder on his locks. "let me take care of you my love" he sucked softly on your neck before laying you on your back gently, hovering you his beautiful hands already playing with the hem of you hoodie, rising it a bit to reveal your cute panties "so pretty" he whispered holding one of your thigh before his lips travelled to your throat leaving little marks there...
(husband jeongin is such a concept. bye)
a/n : it was fun writing those :) ,, I'm considering to continue writing Jeongin's one ,, & maybe felix , lino
(+) it was an old request, actually my first one , it was from yer-cute-when-you-scream if I remember
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roscgcld · 4 years ago
DAYDREAMING!AU || only promise
request: Hello! So, I was reading her works with daydreaming reader and I see she cried and everyone was worried because the superiors wanted to do a forced marriage, could you do a oneshot/headcanon about this? if it won't bother you! furthermore, thank you! your works make me happy with each update :)
note: i always enjoy it when people send in new daydreaming!reader ideas! and this idea is definitely one for the books. poor elders of the clan had yet to see the wrath of maki zenin when she is angry! and awe, i am glad that my works makes you happy - it brings me joy knowing that you find my blog as a happy place. lets me know that i am doing my ‘job’ right haha!
pronouns: she/her 
note: VERY long, but explains some internal family drama, new character introduction, but flustered yuta though. also - dad!gojo to the rescue
daydreaming!reader masterlist
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It was a normal morning in Jujutsu Tech - both staff and students slowly getting up to start with their tasks for the day. Most of the students were gathered in the dining hall, quietly enjoying their breakfast before classes start. The only person that had yet to make an appearance is Y/N - yet no one bat an eye to her absence since she does spend half the morning feeding the furbabies that roam the campus. She’d come skipping into the dining hall soon enough.
And they were right - she did enter the dining hall like they expected. However, instead of being dressed in her freshly pressed uniform and her hair done up with a colourful hairtie, she was dressed in a huge sweater and a pair of fluffy sleeping shorts with fat tears sliding down her face. Clearly she was in distress, and it seemed that whatever the letter that was clutched in her shaky hand was the culprit. 
The first person who heard her footsteps was Toge, who had looked over to try and greet the girl; only to widen his eyes when he saw her tearstained cheeks and shaky frame. “Takana?” Toge asks in concern as he rushes over, causing Yuta to look away from the coffee jug he was holding in confusion at Toge’s tone of voice. Yet when he noticed Y/N’s tearful face, he hastily placed his mug down and followed behind Toge immediately. “Y/N? What’s wrong?”
Y/N’s wide eyes snapped over at the sound of Yuta’s voice and immediately she broke out into a sob, throwing herself into his firm chest for some comfort. Yuta stumbled back a few steps from the force of her sudden action, yet he didn’t miss a beat as he wrapped his arms around her tightly, whilst Toge rubbed at her back soothingly. “Y/N, hey - you need to take a few deep breathes, alright? You’re going to end up having a panic attack..”
Whilst Yuta quietly encourages the sobbing and hiccupping girl to take a few deep breaths, the others students had already rushed over. Having heard the commotion from where they were seated in. Megumi was about to say something when he saw a crumpled letter on the floor besides Yuta’s foot; the L/N family seal stamped onto the corner of the paper in bright red ink. Immediately he felt a sinking feeling in his chest as he bend down to grab it off the floor, smoothing out the crumbled and slightly blotched paper to read it.
“Oya? What’s going on here?,” Gojo called out from the entrance of the dining hall, carefully setting aside Y/N’s messy bunny slippers before he walked in, noticing how a distressed Y/N was clinging onto Yuta tightly; eyes puffy and red. “What’s got you so down in the dumbs, Y/N-chan?,” Gojo asked just as he noticed Megumi reading something, his usually deadpan face staring at the letter in shock. 
Wordlessly he walks over and plucks the letter from the younger boy’s hands, flicking it out properly so he can read the letter. Only to ball it up into his hands and toss it behind him without missing a beat. “Absolutely not,” Gojo stated simply, his voice catching the attention of the students around him as they gave him confused looks. “You are not going to get married before you can even legally drink. You need something to tide you over from whatever poor excuse of a husband your uncle have decided on.”
“Y/N-senpai is getting married?!,” Nobara and Yuji exclaimed from shock, their words causing reality to set into Y/N once more as the once calmed girl let out a loud wail of despair. She tighten her arms around a sympathetic Yuta once more whilst Maki slapped both Yuji and Nobara over the head, scowling down at them in frustration as Panda and Toge returned with boxes of tissues in hand.
Eventually everyone managed to settle down, with Y/N sniffling and hiccupping as she cupped a steaming mug of tea in her hands; head leaning on Maki’s shoulder whilst the others continue to converse around her.
“They didn’t mention who it was,” Megumi explains as he gently pushes a plate of toast over to Y/N, who made another face and burrows herself closer into Maki’s side; the dark haired girl quietly buttering the toast before she tries to coax Y/N to take a bite. “The elders just said that they want her to meet someone they’ve had their eye on for some time now. Probably means they are in the midst of the negotiation, so nothing is set in stone.”
“I’ve always hate the practice of arrange marriages,” Gojo hummed as he dumped another sugar cube into his coffee, stirring it with a soft frown on his face. It was rare to see Gojo looking as bothered as he is now, since he rarely takes things to heart. “Marrying kids off before they can do things like learn how to drive or make a name for themselves in our cruel world - it’s something that should have die off some time ago.” 
“Doesn’t mean that we can turn back time now,” Maki said with a tired sigh as she finally convinced Y/N to nibble from a piece of toast. “It isn’t fair for her to potentially get married off to some random person she’s never met before,” Maki continued, to which Gojo hums behind his coffee mug. “You know how clan elders are. They always want to marry us off so we can start procreating.” Gojo pointed out, to which Maki just made a face at that thought.
Quietly Y/N wipes her eyes dry with the edges of the sweater she was wearing, stopping when Yuta quietly told her off as he wiped her tears away with a tissue that Nobara handed him. “I can’t really say no..,” Y/N mumbles out after she’s dried her tears and blew her nose, gently sniffling as reality hits her once more; her shoulders curling deeper into herself. “I am sure daddy is going to try and push it back as much as possible...but my uncle is not going to be happy.”
Her uncle, L/N Hanso, is the current head of the clan. Him and Y/N have a pretty rocky relationship, since her uncle had to essentially bypass his own son when he was choosing the heirs to become the head of clan. All because she was born with a stronger, and very much unique Inherited Technique. “My uncle might use this opportunity to try and get me out of the picture...as if I want to do some important job in the beginning...”
Gojo was going to make a cheeky comment but Megumi beat him to it, reaching over to slap a hand over his sensei’s mouth a deadly glare. “If you don’t want to, I am sure the others will respect your decision.”
“That is not how a clan works, Yuta,” Maki admitted as she looks over at her classmate, who just tilts his head in confusion. “When the elders have set their mind on something, it is pretty much set in stone. If it doesn’t work out, then that’s fine. But that doesn’t mean that whatever it is they demanded you to do is going to be swept under the rug,” Maki sighs as she takes a sip from her coffee, a soft frown on her face whilst Y/N finishes the last bite from her toast. “I don’t even want to get married now...can’t people just let me live with my stuffies? They keep me company enough.” Y/N whines quietly, yet she quietly picks up the other piece of buttered toast to nibble on; pout resting on pretty features.
For once no onw knew what to say to try and make anything better, because it was clear that no one knew what to do. However, Gojo was not going to let his beloved Y/N-chan get married off to some half-ass excuse of a man when he already has his eyes set on getting Yuta and her together. 
So what better way to get what he wants by playing a little dirty?
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Before she knew it the weekend had arrived, and soon Y/N found herself waiting in the tearoom in her family estate as she cuddles Catoru quietly. The white furball had refused to release his claws from her bag when a few maids from the estate arrived to pick her up; only letting go when Y/N picked him up. When she tried to set him with Yuji he just sunk his claws into her shirt instead, refusing to budge. Her father eventually told her to just bring the cat along for the weekend - not like it took much convincing. Her father loves cats. 
It didn’t take long for someone to join her though, the sound of a few footsteps coming down the wooden hallway leading into the room. Y/N glances over the shoji doors curiously as they slid open, trying to not show her dismay at the sight of the man at the door. 
Walking in with all his glory was none other than L/N Hanso - the current head of the L/N clan. On his left he was flanked by his son, a lanky yet lean teenage boy whose arrogance was through the roof. Although he is not the immediate heir as clan head like Y/N is, but he sure has the attitude of on. If people think Gojo is bad, they’ve yet to meet L/N Samuru. On her uncle’s right were her parents; her mother giving her an asperated look from where she stood when she saw the white cat curled up in her daughter’s lap. She had specifically told her to leave Catoru back in their family villa.
Y/N just made a face back before she carefully got onto her knees to bowl at her uncle in greeting, putting on a well-practiced smile as she addressed the Head of the Clan out of respect. “Good afternoon, haku-san,” Y/N greeted accordingly, lifting herself back up as she nodded in greeting to her cousin. “And good afternoon to you too, Samuru-kun,” She hummed before she settled back down on her hunches, letting Catoru climb back into her lap with a loud purr.
“Why did you bring that into the room?” Her cousin asked with a slight sneer, his reaction causing Y/N to tighten her hold around the cat whilst her parents flanked her side quietly. “No noblemen would want to drink tea with fur all over the rim,” He continued, having not noticed the bad mood Y/N was already in before this entire hting; the air around her suddenly starting to feel heavy with barely suppressed annoyance. Even her usually laid back and relaxed father shifted awkwardly when he realised Y/N was moments away from exploding; hastily wrapping an arm around her shoulders to try and ground her.
“With all due respect, Samuru-kun - Catoru was not comfortable in such an unfamiliar place. It’s normal for a pet to want to cling onto their owner when they are uncomfortable,” Her father tried to reason, knowing that Y/N was barely in the mood to deal with this entire thing - she had to leave school to deal with this when she already has a lot of homework to deal with? And she had a grueling training session with Maki the day before? She was only a few more words away from exploding and terrorising the entire estate. “Catoru does not shed unless you’re brushing him with a comb. So I am sure things will be fine.”
Samuru turned his nose up in disgust. Yet before Y/N can give some snarking comment a man appeared at the door, his head bowed the entire time he was addressing the room. “L/N-sama, I present to you the esteemed Fujimura clan!” The man declared before he quietly out of the doorway for the family to enter, returning to his post immediately. 
The family that entered was small; the main family with the heir she was meant to meet, along with who she assumes was two of the elders from their clan. “Fujimura-sama, I am glad that you made it. I hope the journey was not too long.” Hanso greeted with a kind smile, and after some back and forth pleasantries, the Head of the Fujimura clan finally looked over at Y/N to really assess her. Y/N tried not to squirm from how exposed she felt, even underneath the modest layers of her kimono; trying her hardest to keep her pleasant smile on her face. 
The older man suddenly turned to Y/N’s father, who sported a casual yet welcoming smile; trying to mask his annoyance to the entre thing as well. “You have quite the daughter, L/N-san. Not only is she a beauty, her Curse Energy is immense,” The older man from the other clan commented, giving her another glance when Y/N quietly coos at Catoru, tugging at his chubby cheeks with a silent giggle. “And...quite the interesting character.”
“Thank you!” Her father said in a far too cheerful voice, Hanso glaring at his brother in annoyance; clearly not enjoying his tone of voice. “My wife and I had always made sure that she lives true to herself and do whatever she wants. Which is why she is currently enrolled in Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College, and her currently a Semi-Grade One in her second year.”
The two elders from the Fujimura glanced over who Y/N assumed was the heir, a young 20 something year old man who awkwardly coughs and flushes at the judgmental stares. “Already? My son over here is still interning to become a First Grade,” Fujimura commented with a smile, to which Y/N’s mother just gave a charming one in return; reaching over to place a hand on Y/N’s shoulder delicately. “How cute - the two of them can train together for their internships! Who did you say was going to look over your mission? Gojo Satoru, is it sweetheart?”
“Gojo-sensei was the one who recommended me, Mama. I am going to be trianing under Nanamin,” Y/N replies back innocently, having not realised how awkward the family seated acorss from her was from her innocent answer. Yet before the family can cause more damage her uncle stepped in, letting out a charming laugh as he tries to turn the tide on the awkward situation
“She isn’t just a top student - underneath that façade is quite a pleasant young woman,” Hanso chimed in smoothly, Y/N starting to squish Catoru’s face in her hands playfully, gently folding his soft ears against his head to try and past the time. She hopes that snacks will be served soon. “The elders of our clan had always made sure that all female heirs are trained to become the perfect wife. With a powerful Inherited Technique like hers, I am sure that she can provide for your clan powerful heirs for the future.”
Y/N definitely could not stop the face she made at the mention of having kids with someone she barely knew, her face causing her father to quietly nudge her side, amusement dancing in his warm gaze. Her expression did not go unnoticed by the young heir, who tried to mask his laughter behind his hand. “We can wait to have kids if you don’t want to now,” The young man spoke out for the first time after calming himself, giving her a warm smile to try and ease some of the awkwardness she must be feeling as well. “You’re still young. I am sure you’d appreciate finishing the rest of your high school education before settling down permanently.”
Y/N had opened her mouth to give a straightforward reply when her father slapped a hand over her mouth, understanding that it is not wise to caught a fight between the two clans at this very moment. “That is definitely one of our wishes,” Her father stated with a smile, ignoring the confused look Y/N tossed his way as she sat there quietly. “She is still so young - she isn’t even legal to get behind the wheel yet. I am sure that your son would want to be married to someone who is at least legal and out of high school. Wouldn’t it be weird to have someone so young and vibrate to be tied down to a high school student?”
Before Hanso can butt in and stop the small family from making things any worse, a loud commotion came from the outside; causing the families inside the tea room to look over at the shoji doors curiously. “M-My Lord - you can’t!” A woman’s voice cried out just as a shadow loomed over the shoji doors for a few moments before it was suddenly thrown open. The culprit wearing a wide grin resting on his face as he addressed the room. “Yo - glad we made it before the snacks are served!”
“Gojo-san!” The head of the Fujimura gasped at the sight of the strongest sorcerer alive standing at the doorway, dressed in his own clan colours and his Six Eyes on full display; hidden only by a pair of dark sunglasses. “Ah, Fujimura-sama! Had no idea you were the one stuck with little Y/N-chan~” Gojo hummed as he entered the room, also revealing Yuta, dressed in traditional Japanese formal wear as well as he bowed at the shocked occupants in the room with a soft smile.
Y/N perked up at the sight of Yuta, immediately making a beeline towards the male as she hugs him with a delighted giggle; Catoru purring loudly as he weaves about their legs in greeting. “We heard that you guys were planning on negotiating Y/N’s future off, so we decided to come throw our own hat in the ring,” Gojo hummed as he settles down on the other end of the table, resting his elbow on the smooth table with a teasing smile as he met L/N Hanso’s annoyed eyes head on.”Oya? Not happy to see me, Hanso-san?”
“...Nonsense, -” Hanso managed out after a few minutes, taking a deep breath to calm his annoyance at the sight of Gojo in his home, “- you are always welcomed, Gojo-sama. I am just...caught off guard of your sudden arrival,” The man hummed as he gave a sharp glare over at his brother, who held his hands up in surrender; having no idea this was going to happen. “But enough of that - what brings you here, Gojo-sama? It is not every day that you’d make time out of your busy schedule to visit such a small clan like ours.”
Gojo just grins and waves off the man’s ‘concern’ as someone served the new guests tea, knowing never to ignore such an important guest on the L/N estate. “Y/N-chan is one of my many prodigy children. So when I heard that she was going to meet her future fiancé, thought I’d stop by,” Gojo hums as Yuta settled down in the cushion that was set out for him; Y/N happily sitting beside him whilst Catoru purrs and curls up in his lap. “Can’t let her fight this alone.”
“With all due respect, Gojo-sama-,” Samuru suddenly spoke out from his father side, his eyes narrowed a little in anger, “- this is a private family matter that does not concern anyone else. So as great as an honour this is to have you on our estate, we would appreciate if you do not end up meddling with our family business,” He admitted quite firmly, to which Gojo just raises an eyebrow at the teen, eyes giving him a once over with the most deadpan expression on his face.
“Please, Samura-kun - I don’t think you have much room to talk,” Gojo spoke out after a brief moment, giving the confused man a casual smile. “You are, after all, referring to the future head of the L/N clan. I’d give her more respect if I were you,” Gojo hummed out easily, his words causing Y/N’s father to absolutely loose it; hiding his face into his wife’s shoulder as he snorted. Her mother was doing no better, giggling quietly behind her hand at the sight of her brother in law’s look of absolute shock, whilst Samura’s mouth had fallen open from the blunt words that left Gojo’s lips. 
Gojo in return just smiles before he turned to the other family in the room, who had rightfully kept silent throughout the entire exchange. “Right - I do apologise for dragging you lot into this,” Gojo hummed as he gave them all a charming smile. “Well, don’t want to hold you lot back anymore - you guys can leave now,” Gojo stated simple, gesturing over to Y/N who was quietly complaining to a smiling Yuta about how boring this meeting was. “Y/N had made her decision a long time ago.”
Although the other family were hesitant, the youngest of the Fujimura clan caught onto what Gojo was saying, and he was more than ready to take this opportunity. With a parting nod he just gave everyone a bow before he started to gather his parents and clan elders out of the room, quietly hissing at them to just go with it. He did however stop beside Y/N to give her another bow, to which she returned on quite awkwardly. “It was nice to actually get to meet you, Y/N-chan. Hopefully next time we meet, it will be in a more comfortable setting.” 
With that the family left without another word as the young man slid the shoji doors shut behind him, Y/N blinking for a few seconds before she got over it; looking over at Gojo-sensei suddenly. “Sensei, can we go and have mala hotpot?” She suddenly spoke out, to which Gojo hums, letting Catoru crawl into his lap as his hand reaches down to pet his fluffy head. “Sure, there is a really nice mala hotpot place here I had with Nanami once,” Gojo continued, and it was because of this conversation that it snapped Hanso out of state of shock; resting his hands on the wooden tea table as he leans forward with a scowl. “Now Gojo-sama, as much as I respect you as a sorcerer, this is very out of line.”
Gojo looked back at the man at the head of the table, raising an eyebrow at the pure annoyance and anger that was radiating off from the older man. Yet he just sighs and shifts to give the man more of his attention. “Please, Hanso-san, I would no be here if it’s for any other random clan member,” Gojo commented, gesturing over to Y/N who had all but hid behind Yuta’s broad shoulders when she sensed the anger that was brewing in her uncle. “I might be overstepping my boundaries here, but as her sensei I think I know what’s best for her since I am around her all the time. And in my very much professional opinion, marrying her young will do you no good. Much less marrying her off to some stranger because you want her out of the picture.”
Hanso tenses when he realises that even Gojo caught onto what he was trying to do, his silent reaction causing Gojo to grin back in response as he pets Catoru with his free hand; both his presence and his sheer size making it feel like he was the head of the L/N clan instead. “It’s quite obvious you’re trying to cling onto power here by getting rid of her and putting your son as the next in line. But let’s be honest here - putting your son on the seat will just turn the L/N’s carefully build reputation to tatters.”
With that Gojo gestures over to Yuta, who looked away from a pouting Y/N when she was quietly talking his ear off about all the terrible things she had to endure from the moment she woke up to the moment they finally arrived. “Plus, like I said, I am here to throw my hat into the ring as well. This is Okkotsu Yuta - same age as her and her fellow classmate. Was Cursed by a special grade vengeful cursed spirit and learnt how to control it, giving him the title as the youngest Special Grade Sorcerer out there. Definitely better looking than the guy before, does not give a shit about politics, good husband material. I’ll even stand in as sponsor.”
“T-That is selling this a little too far..,” Yuta butted in with the most enflamed cheeks anyone has ever seen on him whilst Y/N just blinks at Gojo in confusion, since he was talking too fast for her to comprehend. Whilst Hanso was quietly fuming in his seat, Y/N’s parents had been silently watching the two of them interact for some time know; having noticed that Yuta was a natural when it came to taking care of Y/N’s personality and ‘childish’ tendencies. He even looks like he enjoys that aspect of it, letting her cling onto him with nothing more but a fond smile as she whines and pouts up to him the entire time Gojo was addressing Hanso. 
Gojo continued on, not caring that the room had fallen deadly silently. “He might not have any strong family name, but he is the favourites of the higher-ups in Jujutsu High,” Gojo continued, shrugging his shoulders ever so slightly. “I am sure having someone quite well known entering your clan will bring you more benefits compared to the Fujimuras.”
Hanso just narrowed his eyes over at Gojo, knowing that his brother was quietly waiting by his side for an answer. It was obvious since the beginning that Hanso had wanted to get Y/N out of the picture. There was no way he can get her out of the picture by force, with her being in Jujutsu Tech with Gojo Satoru doting over her. So the next best option for him was to get rid of her through a marriage - even if it was to a clan that is not up to par with the L/Ns. But of course - he should have known better than to try and underestimate the Gojo heir. 
Because now not only has brought a man that the elders will definitely approve of, he has put him in a spot where he has to either admit defeat or become the bad guy. And as much as he love his son, he does not necessarily think trying to play tough guy now will do him any good. “...I shall discuss this new...development, with the elders. Are you sure you are to sponsor this young man?”
Hanso ignored the look of shock that appeared on Samuru’s face from the corner of his eye as Gojo grinned in delight, knowing that he had won. “Of course. You heard it straight for me too, Hanso-san~” 
The head of the L/N clan just nods stiffly before he got up gracefully; yet an air of annoyance surrounding the man. “Well, I’ll leave this to you?” Hanso tried to bite back the bitterness in his voice as he looks over at his older brother, who just nods with an innocent smile on his face. Just seeing the older man’s expression had Hanso scowling, yet he made no other comment as he turned to leave, haori bellowing behind him with his movements as he walked out of the room whilst Samuru followed behind his father hastily. 
“For a man who is known to cause much troubles, I feel like this time you’ve brought us a blessing.” Y/N’s mother was the first to speak after a few moments of silence in the room, giving the grinning white hair man a smile before her eyes drifted over to Yuta. “And you must be the young man Y/N tends to talk quite fondly of? Okkotsu-san, yes?”
“Uh huh!” Y/N giggles before she tossed her arms around Yuta with a grin whilst Yuta chuckles and rubs the back of his neck, feeling the blush that he had hoped died down flaring back up once more. “This is the Yuta-kun I told you guys about,” She said as Catoru purred and jumped onto the table, sniffing at the abandoned cups curiously. 
“I like him,” Her father admitted quietly after a few moments as he looked over at his wife, who raised an eyebrow at her husband’s words. “He looks like a good man, and he genuinely cares for her,” Her father continued, causing Yuta to tilt his head in confusion; not fully understanding where the conversation is going. “Plus, he can handle her antics quite well.”
“Looks like a patient man too. And Y/N is quite fond of him already,” Her mother continued, both of them smiling quietly between themselves before they turned to Gojo once more. The white haired man just raised an expected eyebrow as he gave them a casual smile. “But my line is that no marriage until she had at least graduated from high school - even better if she can finish her internship and be recognised as a full-fledged sorcerer first before she settles down.”
“Sounds fair.” Gojo hummed, his words finally snapping Yuta out of it as he reaches over to grab onto Gojo’s sleeve with wide eyes. “W-W-Wait a minute! Do I not get a say in this?!” Yuta hisses, voice sounding a few octaves higher from the stress he was suddenly feeling as he jabs a finger at a confused Gojo, “T-This may be normal for you, but this is not how normal people start dating!”
Yuta’s words had Y/N’s father laughing as he glances over at his wife, who gave Yuta a sympathetic smile. If there was one person in this entire estate that knows his pain, it would be her. “He sounds exactly as you did when we discussed about marriage with my father.” He teases his wife, who in return just gave him a half hearted glare. “Tell me, honey - how many people still need approval from their great uncle to get married?”
Y/N’s father just shakes his head with a smile before he looked back over at Yuta, who was still clearly quite shocked about how fast things were moving. Y/N had long moved on, quietly coaxing Catoru to try and drink the warm tea from her uncle’s untouched cup on the other end of the table. “Now, Yuta-kun - you don’t have to agree to any of this yet. This can be all kept on the downlow, and if you and Y/N do not end up working out, we can all forget this discussing ever happened.”
Yuta paused as the older man sighs softly, glancing over to his daughter with a soft glint in his eyes. “At the end of the day, all I want for her is to be happy. And she looks happy just being around you; but I know the entire idea of clans and weddings planned out years in advance must be a lot to take in for you,” He continued, keeping an understanding smile on his face to try and calm Yuta’s nerves. “You don’t have to agree now, you can take your time to think. Even if you two decide that you want to elope in the future, I am okay with that. Because I am willing to stand against anyone to protect her happiness. That’s the duty of a father, after all.”
Upon hearing the rest of her father’s words Yuta glances over at Y/N, just in time to catch her letting out a giggle as she quietly helps Catoru get his head unstuck from the opening of a cup. The sight alone had Yuta’s heart skipping a beat as he glances back at her parents, who had been nothing but warm and understanding to him throughout the entire thing. Even earlier when Hanso was in the room, he knew that when push comes to shove, both the adults seated across from him will jump to his defense. “I am not naïve…I know that clans work on promising and contracts.” Yuta mumbles out after a few minutes, his forehead creasing a little in thought.
“But...for now, I think she needs the time more than I do.”
Both her parents and even Gojo looks over at Yuta curiously as he awkwardly plays with his fingers on the table, trying his hardest to not fidget under their curious stares. “She never enjoyed following the rules or traditions that the clan elders force her to. She hates how old school clans are, and finds that going to the college is a breath of fresh air for her from how stuffy things can be,” Yuta continues, glancing over at Y/N to watch her for a few moments; enjoying how she had the innocent smile on her face as she cuddles Catoru close. “I don’t know if I am ever going to be enough for her, but I do know that she means a lot to me. So the only thing I care about is making sure she can still smile without a worry in the world.”
It was silent after Yuta’s confession, and Yuta suddenly looked up with wide eyes when he realised what he had said; thinking that he had offended everyone from the silence. Yet he was met with three warm smiles instead, both her parents sharing a look between one another before they turned to Gojo as whatever he wanted to say dried up on his tongue. “Guess we can shake on it?”
“Of course~” Gojo said with a grin, shaking the older man with one hand whilst the other reaches over to ruffle Yuta’s hair playfully. “We’ll let the two of them decide,” Gojo continued, causing Yuta to blink slowly from how fast things were moving. Y/N’s father just gives him an amused smile before he gestures for Y/N to come over, the young girl quietly making her way over with a confused look on her face. “I hope you can continue to take care of her, Yuta-kun,” Her father commented as he rests one of his hands on her shoulder, her mother doing the same with the other whilst Y/N just sat there with wide eyes. “It’s good to know that there are people like you with her in school.”
Y/N just blinks up at them in confusion before she looks over at Gojo, who just smiles and waves off her concerns; deciding that he was going to shut his mouth for once. Yuta was still processing the entire situation, so he was as lost as she was; so she just hums before she grabs Catoru carefully. “Can we get mala hotpot now?” She asks instead as she glancing at the adults in the room as she rests her chin on Catoru’s fluffy head. “I’m hungry.”
And just like that she somehow managed to snap Yuta out of whatever awkward headspace he was in, giving her a soft smile as he looks over at a smiling Gojo. “I can go for some hot pot right now.” Yuta mumbles softly, to which Y/N’s father smiles softly and nods, gesturing for everyone to get up. “Let’s go and grab some hotpot then.” Her father agreed and soon the small group were headed out of the estate, her father having asked for one of the estate cars to bring them over to the restaurant that Gojo had been talking about earlier.
Even though things are somewhat complicated, as of now Yuta doesn’t want to put too much thought into it. Because when Y/N turned to him with the brightest eyes as she held out a spoonful of noodles for him, all he can think about is how he wants to make sure to protect that very smile on her face. 
That’s the only promise he knows he’ll fight to the end to fufil.
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�� roscgcld — all rights reserved to me, rose, the author and creator of these works. do not repost/translate/claim my work as yours on any platform.
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nev3rfound · 4 years ago
small changes have the biggest impact : b.b
being with bucky, you've learnt to be rather observant, but when it comes to small changes about yourself you seem to be rather oblivious. that is until you start to pick up on the small signs that you might be pregnant (1.3k)
masterlist / permanent taglist / etsy shop - requests open!
requested: yes! by the very sweet @marry-me-calum-hood warnings: none that I'm aware of, but if there any please let me know!
(everything on my blog is my own writing. if it is shared on another page or website without being credited, it has not been approved to be shared by me. all rights reserved.)
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Standing in front of the mirror, you could see him eyeing you from the bed. He was watching your movements closely, noticing you swaying from side to side and glancing at your ass from various angles.
“Does my ass look bigger to you?” Running your hands over your curves, Bucky licks his lips. "James?"
Snapping Bucky out of his thoughts, your glare breaks his daydream. "I, I mean," He stutters over his words and watches your gaze lower to the floor. "baby, I mean," Rising to his feet, Bucky rushes over. Now resting his hands on your hips, he kisses your neck sweetly. "you know, back in my day,"
He listens as you groan loudly, pulling his hands off of you as you spin to face him.
"If you dare start one of your old man stories, Buck," You roll your eyes, moving past him to pick up the nearest hoodie and slip it on, exiting your bedroom before he can say anything else.
"So, you all know the plan?" Steve questions, looking around at the three of you before the door lowers.
Scoffing lightly beside you, Bucky rests his hand on your waist. "We know the drill, Captain." Bucky salutes, not missing Steve rolling his eyes as he picks up his shield. "How you feeling today, doll?"
Bucky isn't oblivious, far from it. He's noticed some small changes in your attitude of late, how much you're now tugging on clothes or hiding your body from him. You've been feeling queasy during training or sit it out entirely when usually you're volunteering to fight your boyfriend at any given opportunity.
"I don't know, Bucky." You admit quietly, not wanting to draw attention from either Nat or Steve whilst their backs remain turned. "My suits been feeling a bit snug, and I know Tony didn't have it dry cleaned so it's not shrunk."
Humming to himself, Bucky can't help his eyes from wandering over your body. "You look beautiful, Y/n. If anything you're looking curvier." He comments quietly to you, brushing his lips across your cheek with a smile before Steve glances back to see you both.
"You two good?" Steve asks.
"Yeah." You nod, moving away from Bucky and stand beside Natasha. "Let's do this." You force a smile on your lips as Bucky's words linger in your mind. Bucky doesn't mean any harm, and you know that, but for some reason, it's hitting you deeper than it should.
Exiting the jet with Natasha, you follow after her instead of going with Bucky. "Hey, you two alright, pal?" Steve notices the frown forming on Bucky's face and his eyebrows furrowing together as you turn left into the building whilst he heads right trailing behind Steve.
"I think so." Bucky states uncertainly. "Y/n's been feelin' a bit off." He explains, keeping his gun raised behind Steve.
Once inside the building, Steve keeps his shield up whilst Bucky remains behind. "Nat said the same to me earlier." Steve remarks. "Told me she's got this glow." He shrugs his shoulders, unaware of Bucky's eyes widening.
"Glowing?" Bucky repeats. "Oh my god." He laughs lightly to himself, starting to put the events of the past six weeks together. "I, I've gotta find Y/n."
"Buck," Steve sighs, glancing over his shoulder to see Bucky already exiting the building, muttering through the comms for your location.
"Hate to say lover boy but Y/n's back on the jet." Natasha groans, causing Bucky's pace to quicken.
"Is she okay? What happened?" Bucky questions with urgency seeing the jet coming into view.
"Relax, she was just sick." Natasha rolls her eyes, continuing through the building. "She thought it would be best to sit it out. we can handle it."
"Thanks again, Nat." Your voice quietly interrupts their line, and Bucky can feel his heart rate calming at the sound of your soft words, the reassurance you're fine and close by.
Forcing yourself upright you grab a hold of the nearest gun, keeping it trained on the door as movement begins to stir outside. Taking a deep breath, you position your gun, ready to fire as it opens.
"Woah, doll, it's me!" Bucky yells, holding his hands up as he's greeted with a gun cocked in his direction.
"Oh," A nervous laugh sounds from you before you lower the gun to your side. "sorry 'bout that, Buck."
Dropping his own gun, Bucky hesitantly walks toward you. "Baby, is everything okay?" Bucky scans your face, noticing how your brief smile drops, allowing yourself to relax and you shake your head.
"I, I'm not sure, James." You whisper, closing your eyes.
Bucky pulls you over to the seats on the sides of the jet, sitting beside you he rests your hands in his, brushing his thumb over your knuckles delicately.
"It's me, Y/n, you can tell me anything." He quietly reminds you.
"I know." You sigh, forcing your eyes open to face his, only to see him looking back at you with all the confidence in the world. "Bucky, I, I think I might be pregnant." An involuntary laugh escapes your lips, quickly followed by a small cry as you clasp your hand over your mouth, tearing it from Bucky's grasp.
"Oh, Y/n." Bucky hushes, lifting his arm to bring you into his embrace as you sob into his chest.
"Are you, are you disappointed? I, I haven't done a test yet, but it makes sense, right?" You ramble, staring down at the floor.
Removing his arm from around you, Bucky mutters your name. "You, you really think I'd be disappointed?" It hurts his heart, that you'd think something like this would upset him. "Doll, this is everything I've ever wanted, but only if you do too."
Reaching for your chin gently, Bucky lifts your head up to see tears lining your cheeks whilst your lips quiver. "You, you want this?" You manage to ask between sobs.
"With you, always." Bucky reassures you, barely having time to process before you wrap your arms around his neck, burying your face into his chest. Smiling to himself, Bucky rests his arm around your back, listening as your sobs subside. "We're going to be a family, Y/n." He states, listening to how natural it sounds rolling off his tongue.
"Then we better get you back in one piece." Natasha speaks up, breaking you two from your moment as she and Steve stand in the doorway with the files you all came for. "Can't have lil Natasha hurt." She winks before taking her seat opposite you.
"Or Steve," Steve comments, lowering his shield before patting Bucky's arm lightly.
"Yeah, no," You chuckle, remaining in Bucky's arms as you look over to your friends. "but nice try, guys."
Natasha smirks to herself whilst Steve tries not to frown. "Either way, we're getting you back in one piece, that's our niece or nephew in there." Steve points to your stomach, causing Bucky to cover it with his hand protectively.
"Don't you two worry," Bucky smiles down to you. "we've got it covered."
t a g l i s t (thank you for the support!) link in my bio and at the top of this piece to add yourself☺️(if your user isn’t tagged, it’s because nothing comes up sorry!)
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havethetimeofyourstyles · 4 years ago
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in which you and harry meet again after six months.
a/n: hiiii! this is for @theharriediaries fic challenge! the photo used is the one on the left of the banner, and the dialogue i chose was ‘Is this seat taken?’ ‘By you, I hope.’ & ‘I’m sorry it took us this long.’ thank you for creating this challenge, soph!
thank you @sunflowers-styles for beta reading this for me, mwah! <3
WORD COUNT: 12k of dad!harry with slight angst and fluff (pls appreciate the dilfrry dialogues in this lmao)
pls rb to share! <3
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The gold bell chimed quite loudly, informing the baristas that someone had entered their shop. The aroma of fresh ground coffee beans immediately filled your senses once you pushed open the sage green door as the smell feeling of nostalgia and comforted you. 
Everything looked the same in the coffee shop. The oak wood floor never changed with coffee stains in certain areas that didn’t quite seem to come off all the way, no matter how hard the employees scrubbed—but it gave the shop character, in your opinion. Different colored potted plants filled the shop in every corner and on the clean white windowsill, making the place look lively. Crisp oxygen mixed with Columbian coffee beans flowed around the shop, making customers want to come back to a comfortable environment. Black and white bistro tables sat within the café, with silver metal bases, holding the circular table tops up as they alternated with colors along the built-in brown bench against the light-gray colored wall; with matching black and white metal chairs that practically screeched against the oak wood floors when someone was trying to scoot in or out of the table. 
The entire shop was the exact same from what you remembered it to be six months ago. The only difference was that when you sat on the wooden bench, specifically at the black table in the corner that was right next to the window, the person who was supposed to be in front of you wouldn’t be there; and for that, your heart dropped a little. 
Trying not to think too much about your change of mood, you ordered your usual—an iced mocha latte with a pump of sweet vanilla syrup—before you paid and turned around to see which tables were available. The usual corner table was staring right at you, practically mocking you, and you wished that the table was occupied, but then you would’ve felt wrong sitting at a different table when yours was clearly open. 
You took your seat on the bench, and almost immediately, you started shaking your leg underneath the table. Your seat felt hot, as if the wood was catching fire underneath you, burning your legs and making you antsy. 
Luckily, the shop wasn’t crowded so it took the baristas less than six minutes to make your drink and to call out your name from behind the counter. Quickly, standing up from the burning hot seat, you made your way to the counter, thanking Mel for the drink. Since coming here, you had become quite a constant in the cute Portland coffee shop. Mel was one of the employees that had worked at the shop the longest, so she made everyone’s drinks because she knew the menu the best. So, you caught up with her a bit, and inevitably, she asked where you had been. 
“You didn’t find a better coffee shop did you?” She teased, making you chuckle. 
“No, I’ve just been, uh, too busy to come around. But I promise, your drinks and shop are still the best,” you said truthfully, to which she beamed. To this day, you hadn’t found a superior coffee shop than ‘Coava’ because the others just didn’t compare—they didn’t make you feel the same way you did with this one. “But thanks for the coffee.” You gave her one last smile before you turned around to make your way back to your table. 
And then the bell chimed. 
It was as if the sun was peeking out through the clouds; the sun beams strongly pointed down onto the wet pavement after a night of rain, leaving the air with its pleasant smell of petrichor. He was the light that seeped through the curtains, and you knew it was going to be a lovely day. 
“Harry…” you stopped in your tracks, careful not to spill the contents of your coffee cup. Your heart skipped several beats once he flashed you his gorgeous smile that you were still hopelessly in love with. 
“Hi, Y/N.” Harry mindlessly played with the buttons of his coat as he mentally tried to situate the nerves in his head and stomach. His breath felt like it was stuck in his throat, making his voice slightly trail off with a crack to the tone. 
It felt like the two of you were the only ones in the coffee shop—minus the locals who were sitting at the tables, minding their own business, or wondering what the fuck they were doing standing in the middle of the shop—completely and fully captured by the other’s stare and presence. 
The loud screeching noise of steam took you out of your dazy trance as you cleared your throat. Harry looked down at his feet before looking up at you through his lashes, shyly intertwining his hands behind his back. 
“Uh, would you like to join me?” 
Harry raised his brows at your proposal, pursing his lips to contain his giddy excitement. “S-Sure.” You took a deep breath before you started to walk towards the table in the corner—one he was also very familiar with. “This seat...Is this seat taken?” He asked politely but, almost instantly, mentally cursed himself because you wouldn’t have invited him if you were with someone. 
You didn’t catch his slip up, instead, you smiled as your face grew warm. “By you, I hope.” Harry blushed, taking a seat on the black metal chair across from you. 
“So, how’ve you been? It’s been a while since I last saw you,” you mentioned. 
It’d been six months since the last time you saw and sat in front of Harry—a very long six months. The conversation six months ago wasn’t the most happiest of memories because that  conversation brought in the heartache and heartbreak; the chat had included the mutual separation of your relationship that involved tears, chest pain, and as always, the smell of Colombian coffee that surrounded your afflictive conversation, hoping it would calm the tension between you two. 
“Yeah, it has been a while, but I’m doing okay. How are you?” 
“I’m good.” There was a bit of awkwardness swirling in the air, and you absolutely despised it—you wanted it to leave the shop and never return. You had always imagined what it would be like bumping into Harry again, more importantly, what you would say to him. And despite all those moments daydreaming of finding the right words, you were completely stuck, and you fully blamed it on the awkward tension. “Can we not be…y’know, awkward? That’s not us,” you simply said. 
Harry let out a sigh of relief, adding a breathy laugh. “Yes, yes, of course. You’re right, that isn’t us at all.” Mel brought him an iced black coffee since it was his usual, and she saw that he didn’t get the chance to order because he was immediately occupied by the sight of you. He softly thanked her with a smile, only taking his attention off of you for a split second before his eyes were right back on you; he didn’t know what this conversation would lead to, nor did he want to get his hopes up, so that meant spending every moment with his complete attention and eyes averted to you. “I miss you…” he said. 
There was a sense of relief as you exhaled deeply, glad that he wasn’t the only one who was missing the other. His words had brought a flutter of butterflies to your stomach, soaring as they pleased while your face felt warm. 
You and Harry had been together for a year and a half before calling it quits. For most of the relationship, it was happiness and bliss—occasional fights, but they weren’t frequent—towards the last few months however, things were getting a bit stressful. You remembered the days like it was yesterday as the vivid memory crept inside of your head...
It was nearing nine in the evening and the house was quiet. The silence was louder than the ongoing noise inside your head that was constantly yelling at you, making your head ache from the incessant thoughts. It was safe to say that you weren’t happy, and that even Harry wasn’t happy either. But you had only gotten a glimpse of him during the evening, so you were simply assuming that he wasn’t content—but it was a very logical assumption since every time he looked at you, it seemed like he was becoming more stressed out by the minute; as if he didn’t already have a lot on his plate during the day, and by night, he would still have to deal with whatever argument and fight either of you would pick for no apparent reason. 
It started with petty little arguments, getting annoyed and frustrated at the other because of burnt toast or something as small as running out of detergent for the laundry. But fighting over nothing had turned into completely confessing that you weren’t happy anymore, and that the exhaustion had gotten to you. 
“I-I don’t know if I can do this anymore, Harry,” you said in between your sobs that you tried to contain. “All we’re doing is hurting each other—we’re not even happy together anymore!” 
It felt like his heart was exploding, but it was the truth. “Darling…” 
“You can’t lie and tell me that we’re happy together because it’s obvious that we’re not.” You wiped the tears from your face, leaving your skin damp from the moisture. 
Harry sighed deeply, knowing he couldn’t argue anymore. He felt defeated and upset with himself; it was like he was doing well in everything else or at least trying, and he couldn’t even do his part in being a good boyfriend to you. He knew part of the reason why both of you weren’t happy was because of the neglectance, and both of you were too exhausted to even communicate that feeling. You two were both independent entrepreneurs—always knowing when to close business and how to make a well deserved investment or sale with others who were trying to buy whatever stock or product. But when it came down to each other, to Y/N and Harry, it seemed like the individuals that were trying to please and charm others had dissipated, leaving no room or patience for each other. 
“We’re both busy, Harry, I get that. And maybe it’s best if we call it quits until everything settles down—until we both know what we want—”
“I want you,” he interrupted. 
You softly huffed, looking down at your lap as you slightly nodded before you looked up at him again. He had tears streaming down his face and more forming in his eyes; you loved that he wasn’t embarrassed or afraid to show his true emotions—he was being vulnerable every time he let his guard down, and for that, you would appreciate him forever. 
Muffled, static cracks followed by quiet little groans were heard from the baby monitor on the coffee table. Harry glanced at it before looking back at you, knowing he had to take care of his number one priority, and who were you to stop him? So, you nodded, tilting your head towards the room, and he sadly smiled before heading towards the nursery. 
You walked over to the kitchen counter, grabbed a pen and paper, and wrote ‘Meet me at Coava tomorrow. Usual time.’ before you placed it on the coffee table beside the monitor. As you were leaving, you heard soft humming coming from the baby monitor, and your heart squeezed, frowning as this was most likely going to be the last time you were going to be in this house. Taking one look around, you took in all of the memories that you made in the building that made you feel safe and warm before you stepped out, immediately welcomed by the cool temperatures of the evening. 
The next afternoon when you walked into Coava, Harry was already sitting at the usual table you two sat at. His head was down, mindlessly wiping down the condensation that formed outside of his glass. You took a seat in front of him without saying a word, making him look up. He had dark circles around eyes as he hadn’t gotten much sleep. 
“Hi,” you whispered. There was your usual cup of iced coffee placed in front of you. “Thank you for the coffee.” 
He nodded and smiled softly, despite his current mood. “Hello.” 
You took a deep breath. “So…where do we go from here?” 
Harry sadly looked at you with desperation in his eyes that spoke, no, begged you to tell him to stay, to tell him that you two could and would work this out. But it seemed like you hadn’t received that specific message from his green and sorrowful eyes. 
“You were right…We haven’t been able to make time for one another. So, we’ll just…take some time apart.” His heart and voice cracked at the end of his sentence, finding it hard to even form a sentence that didn’t absolutely break him. You nodded, agreeing, but it didn’t hurt any less; you knew this would be best for the two of you because both of you had to focus on yourselves, especially when Harry had his priorities, such as his family, which you weren’t going to make him change whatsoever. “Okay…so, we’re over.” He hadn’t said it as a question but rather a way to see that realization. 
You reached across the table, placing your hand on his, and you were lucky that he didn’t pull away. “Harry, this doesn’t mean that I don’t love you. I…will always love you.” 
“And I’ll always love you too,” he said honestly. 
Behind the civil and mature conversation that occurred, there was sadness and heartbreak. There were no more smiles or laughs, no more love and affection, or anymore meet-ups during lunch or coffee dates during breaks. The painful look on Harry’s face had only pained you even more, but you both knew this split-up and time apart was for the best. 
That was six months ago. 
Now, as you sat across Harry, you felt an overwhelming rush of relief and joy; he just looked happier and you saw a familiar glint in his eyes as he looked at you. It may not be the same sparkle of love as it once was, which you were afraid it wasn’t, but there was still some kind of sparkle—the kind someone would give when they reunite with an old friend. 
“The kids miss you—they miss you a lot.” 
Your eyes look at him fondly at the mention of his children. “Really?” 
“Yeah, they do. They said, and I quote, they miss their ‘pretty fairy second mom,’” Harry said quite proudly. 
Harry had three kids that you absolutely adored. There was Mira and Estelle, seven-year-old twins that looked like their father. Mira was very energetic and talkative—that little girl could talk for hours on end without missing a beat; Estelle was more quiet and reserved, but once you started hanging around, she opened up and was quite fun to have a laugh with. Then there was the sweet little two-year-old boy, Rory, who resembled his mother. He was always babbling and giggling, so happy and free. 
If Harry was being honest, Rory was a complete accident. Him and his ex had separated and broken up when the twins were four, but they were still seeing each other. Those occasional hangouts led to another child, which they both thought would help them bond, but six months into the pregnancy, they both knew it wasn’t right anymore—not like before. So, they stuck to coparenting and, if they were speaking the truth, it was much better than being together. 
When Rory was six months old, that was when Harry met you. On an unexpected literal run in the park when you and Harry were on your daily runs, the trail was only narrow and small enough for one person to run. So, when you and Harry were running towards each other, you braced yourself for the awkwardness you were about to face with the man. Harry politely smiled, moving to his left, only for you to move to your right, which made you both giggle. The two of you then moved to the opposite side, only to clash again. The thought was quite hilarious to the two of you, so you both started laughing, clutching your stomachs. Once you two calmed down, Harry then said that he was going to his left, so you moved to your left, running the opposite directions from each other. 
At the end of the trail and on your way to the parking lot, you saw Harry finish the same trail but exit from the other side. And if it said anything more, you parked right next to his car as well. Harry smiled, dimples flashing and asked you how your run was, which then led to a bit of small talk. In the six minutes you two were talking, Harry made the impulsive decision to ask you if you would like some coffee. He wouldn’t have asked if it were anyone else, and until that moment he didn’t even know  if he was ready to date again. But he took the chance and decided to ask you, and luckily, you said yes. 
The rest was history. 
“I miss them so much too.” You smiled softly, thinking about the kids that you had thought of as your own. 
“I, uh, I know it’s too much to ask, but I figured I should ask either way…Would you like to see them? Mira would never live it down if I told them that I saw you and didn’t ask if you wanted to see them.” He added a chuckle at the end, nerves creeping up his skin. 
Your eyes lit up. “Really? You’d let me see them?” 
Harry raised his brows. “Yeah, of course! You could see them anytime you want, if you’d like. Just because we’re not, y’know, together doesn’t mean that you can’t see them. I know how much you love them and how much they love you too,” he reassured. 
“Would Laurie be okay with that?” You asked about his ex and the mother of said children. 
He nodded. “Yeah, she would. I mean, she also knows how much they love you.” Harry was lucky that the mother of his children and his ex was so kind and chill with having someone that Harry loved be ‘another mother’ to her children; all Laurie really asked of you was to not try and replace her role as their mom and to always keep them safe when she wasn’t around, and who were you to disrespect her wishes? 
“Harry, I would love to, thank you. I really do miss them.” You felt yourself getting a bit emotional because of how much you missed the kids, and it’d felt like an eternity since you last saw them. 
“Great! Tomorrow is the weekend, so are you free to go to the park and maybe get some ice cream after?” 
“Yeah, that sounds like a plan.” You smiled, not too widely as you tried to contain your excitement. 
Harry smiled back at you before quickly looking at his phone to check the time. “I gotta get back. But I’ll see you tomorrow and will text you the details tonight.” 
“Okay, see you soon.” You stood up to hug him, and his arm immediately wrapped around your waist, hugging you to his chest. His stomach was doing flips as he felt your breath against the crook of his neck. He didn’t want the moment to end, and it was the most physical contact that you two had in six months. 
Pulling away, he offered you a smile before bidding you goodbye, and you finally let out the breath you had been holding the moment the bell chimed and the man you still loved walked in. 
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A soft blush was planted on Harry’s cheeks for the entire day. He was driving from work to Laurie’s house to pick up his beloved children as he thought about how his day turned out to be. 
In all honesty, he hadn’t expected to see you in the coffee shop that you two had gone to throughout the entirety of your relationship. He had just gotten out of a meeting and was debating on going to Coava because he hadn’t been there since the day you two called it quits, but he figured it was time and thought that maybe reminiscing on the memories you two had with each other wasn’t a bad thing. So, he walked into that shop thinking he was just going to get a coffee to-go, but he had gone in there and left with something so much better. 
The moment his eyes landed on yours his mind had screamed and reassured him that he wasn’t just dreaming that you were standing right in front of him, he felt his stomach drop in the best way. The heat had rushed to his cheeks, tugging on the corners of his lips, urging his mouth to smile, and he did not hold back his joy when he saw you. You were beautiful, just like he remembered, but he had no doubt that there wasn’t a day that went by where you weren’t not absolutely stunning. 
And the giddy feeling he felt when he asked you if you’d like to see the kids made his heart tumble inside of his chest as he couldn’t wait for you and the kids to finally see each other again. 
Harry pulled into Laurie’s driveway, and he quickly got out and knocked on the door, waiting for Laurie to answer. He chuckled as he could practically hear the twins screaming from across the house to make sure they had everything they needed. When the door opened, he was met by his ex that he once loved, and still had some platonic love for her, naturally, as the mother of his children. 
“Hey, Harry! They’re just getting their stuff ready,” she greeted with a smile, opening the door wider as she walked away from the entrance and let him in. She grabbed Rory from the couch, who was mindlessly playing with a giant puzzle piece, and gave him many kisses to his cheeks before saying goodbye to her son and handing him off to Harry. 
Rory’s eyes lightened up at the sight of his father. “Dada!”
“Hi, my sweet boy. I’ve missed you.” He placed soft kisses to his chubby and squeezable cheeks. 
“Girls, dad’s waiting!” Laurie called out from the bottom of the stairway before turning back towards Harry. “Why do you look like that?” She gave him a knowing look. 
“Like what?” Harry asked, acting like he didn’t know what she was talking about. The blush really gave him away, he thought. 
“You’re just…extra happy today.” 
“Can’t I be happy, Laurie? To see my kids?” He teased, smirking as he hugged Rory to his chest. 
“I mean, sure, but…did something happen today?” 
His smile widened, and it was like he couldn’t contain the exciting feeling anymore and he just had to tell someone. “I saw Y/N today.” 
Her brows raised. “Really? How is she?” 
“She’s doing well, yeah. We talked for a little bit.” Was all that he told her. 
“And I’m assuming it went well.” He nodded, not wanting to tell her more. “Well, that’s great, Harry. She was, is, a lovely woman and she took care of the kids, so that’s all that matters to me,” Laurie said genuinely; she wasn’t jealous, if she was being honest. All that mattered to her was that her kids were in good hands. 
Suddenly more footsteps were coming down the stairs. “Dad!” The twins yelled at the same time. He put Rory down for a moment before he bent down to hug his two girls. 
“Hi, my loves. How are you?” He kissed both of their cheeks, making their small arms hug him tighter. 
“Dad, I scored one hundred percent on all my spelling tests, so I’m qualified for the spelling bee!” Mira explained excitedly once she let go of Harry. 
“Really?! That’s amazing, bug. This week, I’ll help you study for it.” Mira beamed at that before walking over to her mom to say bye. 
“How are you, my sunshine?” He directly asked Estelle, knowing that she was specifically waiting for Harry to have his attention on only her. Even though she’d never told him that, he could tell that sometimes Estelle lets Mira have her moment and wanted to speak with Harry when no one else was paying attention. 
“I’m good. My teacher told me I could become a math…mathmat—daddy, what are they called?” She looked at Harry for help. 
“Look at you, sunshine! I’m so proud of you my little mathematician.” Estelle’s eyes widened. “Is that you meant mathematician, sweetheart?” He smiled. 
“Yes, that! I did good on my math test and even baked cookies for you!” Before Harry could say anything, Estelle ran off to the kitchen to grab the plate of cookies she baked last night. 
“Alright, babies, let’s go. Say bye to mommy.” The kids said their goodbyes before Harry safely buckled them into their car seats and drove home for a week at their father’s. 
When all four of them reached the front door, Harry told the twins to put their belongings away and wash up for dinner. He set Rory down in his high chair before cutting up some bananas in halves, and placing them on the plastic table in front of him for his pre-dinner snack. Knowing that his kids liked home cooked meals better than takeout, fortunately, he set out the ingredients to make some fried rice, which was quick and easy. 
The twins rushed down the stairs once Harry put the leftover rice into the pan filled with sautéed veggies, and they settled onto the couch in front of the TV, waiting for dinner.
“Loves, set the table for me, please!” He called out from the kitchen as he transferred the rice from the pan to a large bowl, topping it with green onions. The girls each had a task for setting the table; Mira was in charge of forks and spoons, and Estelle handled the plates since she was less clums. He rolled Rory’s high chair over to the table, which he was so lucky to have gotten a high chair with wheels because it was so much easier to move him without carrying him and the chair; and he gave everyone an equal scoop, depending on how much they ate, and if they wanted seconds, he would be glad to serve them more. 
As they ate, Harry was occasionally helping Rory eat the rice, just picking up the contents that didn’t make it into his mouth, as Estelle and Mira both took turns talking. Harry loved family dinner, he tried his very best to give all three of his children the attention that they deserved, but dinner was the one time they bonded the most because no one felt competitive or had the urge to start an argument when there was food in front of them. 
“Daddy, how was your day?” Estelle asked curiously, and Harry smiled at his sunshine, as if she was the sun itself, heart swooning. 
“It was great, thanks for asking, my love.” He placed his spoon on his plate. “I actually wanted to talk to you all about something.” The twins didn’t respond, just stared at him, encouraging him to continue. “Do you remember Y/N?” Just at the sound of your name, the crowd went absolutely wild. 
“Y/N, yes!” Screamed Estelle, which was rare for her to raise her voice. 
“Pretty, fairy second mom, of course we remember her, dad!” Mira exclaimed obviously. 
“Fairy!” Rory had repeated the only word he could make out from Mira’s mouth as he fussed because of the volume that had increased from his sisters. 
Harry laughed. “Alright, okay, settle down. Well, I saw her today.” The twins gasped, making him chuckle. It genuinely felt like he was on a talk show with a live audience. “And I wanted to ask you all if you wanted to see her tomorrow? Figured we could go to the park and get some ice cream together?” He asked hesitantly, even though he knew they’d say yes, and he’d get another chance to see you again. 
“Yes!” The girls both answered. 
Harry beamed, turning to Rory. “Bubba, remember Y/N? Your slide friend? Remember you used to go on the slide with Y/N?” Rory giggled, a sound that was Harry’s weakness, and nodded. “Do you wanna see her tomorrow?” 
“Slide with fairy?” Rory asked, and Harry laughed. 
“Yes, slide with fairy,” he confirmed, and Rory nodded his head eagerly. 
Harry smiled, glad his kids were with the plans tomorrow. The rest of the dinner was filled with the twins talking about you; they talked about what you all could do together at the park and what they wanted to show you, and Harry would be lucky if they slept through the entire night without continuously waking up because of their excitement for the upcoming afternoon. 
Once everything was cleaned up and put away, the twins washed and cleaned, Harry give Rory a bath, and everyone was ready for bed, Harry said good night to his babies, spending about five minutes cuddling and talking them to sleep until they fluttered their eyes closed and off to slumber. 
Sighing, Harry closed his door, leaving the baby monitor from Rory’s room on his bedside table before he was able to unwind for the day. He always spent an extra amount of time on his skin care routine, figuring that he sometimes didn’t have time for himself and the only time he had was during nights. 
When he was ready for bed, he felt a huge amount of relief to be getting into bed after a long but grateful day, and he picked up his phone and clicked on your message thread. The last time you two texted was a few weeks after the breakup, asking if you were doing okay, and he could practically feel the awkward tension through the texts as he reread them. But he was glad that this time would be a much lighter and better conversation. 
Hi, Y/N. Hope this is the right number still. But if it is, kids are on board for tomorrow. Does 12:30 work for you? We could meet at the usual park. If it’s not Y/N, please don’t meet at the usual park because the kids are not on board. 
You chuckled at the end of his text, happy to see that Harry is always trying to make jokes and be the comedian. 
Hi, Harry! Don’t worry, this is Y/N. Probably would have hunted the person with my number down to get tomorrow’s plans. But that sounds perfect! I can't wait to see the kids tomorrow. See you then! 
Harry softly smiled at his phone, not feeling the need to respond and figured he would talk to you a lot more tomorrow while the kids are playing. He stared at the message for quite some time, completely blank as he couldn’t believe the chances that he happened to see you at the shop six months after the breakup, and now he’s making plans with you tomorrow; his jaw was aching from smiling so much. 
A few minutes later, he put his phone away to change before he comfortably situated himself under the blanket, feeling the heaviness of his eyes. But once he felt himself starting to drift away into dreamland, his phone buzzed on his nightstand, and he tried his best to ignore it, but curiosity got the best of him, so he picked up his phone and opened the new message. 
And I can’t wait to see you tomorrow too.  
And just like that, Harry was wide awake, struggling to sleep, but a smile permanently etched on his face for the night. 
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The day that everyone in the Styles’ household had been waiting for had finally arrived. Luckily, the kids had gotten their needed hours of sleep; Harry had only gotten a few hours of sleep, but when the sun seeped through his curtains, he didn’t dread getting up for the day. Instead, he felt a rush of eagerness, instantly remembering what the day held for him and his kids, and he jumped right out of bed. 
Once the four of them were out of the house, Harry had successfully fed, cleaned, and changed his children with no complaints. The house and car ride was filled with conversations about how excited they were to see you again, asking how many more hours there was until they got to see you and if they were almost at the park. 
Screams bounced off the roof of the car once Harry parked on the side of the curb; the twins had already taken their seatbelts off, getting antsy as they waited for their dad to open the car from the outside. Harry unbuckled Rory, carrying him until he rounded on the other side of the car to open the door for the twins. They quickly jumped out, clearly excited, but Harry did not forget to remind them that this was still a public area and anything could happen. 
“Girls, slow down, please.” Estelle was holding Harry’s hand as Mira was holding her sister’s; Harry was still carrying Rory in his arms because his sister’s were practically lugging Harry with all their might, trying to get to their usual spot, so he didn’t want Rory to get hurt. “Loves, you know Y/N would tell you the exact same thing. Please, just slow down for me.” He pulled the Y/N card on them, knowing that they were better listeners with you than they are with him. 
Once they were all close enough, they spotted a thick beige blanket under the tree with a picnic basket, and you sitting on top of it, setting everything up. 
“Y/N!” The girls both screamed, Estelle letting go of Harry’s hand as they both ran towards you. 
You looked up at the sound of your name, eyes brightening at the little girls running. “My Princesses! Hi, my loves!” You opened your arms widely, inviting the twins into your arms— they practically collided into your arms, making you fall onto your back since you didn’t get the chance to stand up—and embracing them with a big hug. Laughs came out of all of your mouths as wide smiles permanently stayed on your faces. “Oh, I missed you two so much!” You kissed both of their cheeks, making them giggle. You stood up, helping the girls up and brushed their clothes off with your hand from the grass. Harry and Rory were in sight, and Harry put the little boy down, making Rory run towards you. “My sweetheart, oh, you’ve gotten so big.” You hugged Rory to your chest, placing your hand behind his head as your other arm wrapped around his small body. 
You were glad that Rory still had some memory of you, and didn’t shy away behind his father’s leg. You placed soft kisses on his cheeks, taking in his baby scent that you always loved. 
After Rory was starting to fuss in your arms, most likely due to feeling overwhelmed from the lack of space, you let go of him before standing up. 
“Hi, Y/N,” Harry greeted, offering a hug, which you gladly took. 
You rubbed his back. “Hi, Harry. I’m so glad I’m here with you all.” You pulled away, smiling at him. Harry’s heart pounded against his chest at the sight of you smiling up at him. His heart did a backflip at the sight of your gorgeous smile, trickling all the way down to his stomach where it triggered the butterflies to release from the net. 
“Please, we were all really excited to see you. So, thank you for agreeing.” His hand innocently ran down your arm, sending shivers down your spine. 
You turned around to look at the kids who were making themselves comfortable on the blanket. You and Harry joined them as you sat in between Estelle and Rory, and Harry sat in between Mira and Rory. 
“Okay, so I made some sandwiches. You all still like grilled cheese, right?” You hoped, and the twins nodded; you turned towards Rory. “What about you, sweet pea? Grilled cheese?” At the sound of cheese, Rory nodded his head and clapped his hands, making you smile. 
Harry was so lost in his mind and heart that he was simply so distracted in helping you out as you unwrapped the sandwiches from the foil, putting them on a paper plate. He was just so fond of watching you interact with his children so naturally, like there was no time that was wasted when you and Harry were apart. And he was especially happy that the kids still loved you just as much as they did when you two were together; and how they still kept talking about you despite the breakup. 
Aside from you and Harry, the kids had taken the breakup the hardest. From the knowledge they had based on what Harry and Laurie told them, they understood that their mommy and daddy couldn’t be together anymore due to adult reasons; it took them a while to adjust to that, but they eventually managed and figured it was better and more fun. But when Harry had to break the news on why they wouldn’t be seeing their ‘Pretty Fairy Second Mom’ anymore, they took it harder than expected. They simply looked at it as you didn’t want to see them anymore, which wasn’t the case at all, Harry explained. 
“Sometimes adults need to take some time apart, loves. That does not mean that Y/N doesn’t love you anymore because she does very much, I can tell you that. But it's good to have some time to yourself, especially in a relationship.” 
“But daddy, I thought you were gonna be together forever with Y/N,” Estelle spoke up, tears in her eyes. He was lucky that his kids loved you so much, and he never doubted that they weren’t going to. But his fear had come true when you two called it quits and he had to tell them the truth. 
“And maybe we will, but as for right now, it’s best to be apart. Sometimes being apart saves the relationship rather than letting it burn,” he told them honestly, which was the best as he could explain it. 
“D-Does Y/N still love you?” Mira asked softly. It wasn’t like Mira to be so soft spoken, which meant that the breakup had affected her deeply. 
Harry sighed, grabbing both of their small hands. “She does,” he replied for the sake of more tears coming out of their eyes—plus, he was taking your word for it back at the cafe. “And she also loves you all so much too,” he reminded them again. What he really wanted to say was that maybe one day you two will get back together, but he really didn’t want to get their hopes up. 
Looking back on his conversation from half a year ago, he was glad that he told them the truth on why you two broke up. He didn’t want to confuse his children even further, making them completely oblivious to the situation—he just wanted to be honest with them because he hoped you two would meet again and get back together at some point. 
“Harry, would you like one?” You asked, bringing Harry back out of his thoughts. He smiled, nodding, not trusting his voice to speak; and you gladly handed him a plate with a sandwich, pouring some chips onto the side—his favorite chips, you still remembered. 
“Thank you.” He smiled softly. The corners of your lips turned up as you bashfully looked at the picnic basket in front of you. You placed Rory’s plate in front of him as he seemed to have crawled to sit closer to you, and you cut out his sandwich into small pieces, along with cutting his grapes in half. “Oh, you don’t have to do that.” He stopped you from what you were doing, ready to take Rory from your side as he didn’t want you to feel obligated to take care of him.
“Oh, if you don’t want me to, that’s fine. But I wouldn’t mind feeding him a bit.” 
“If you want to.” 
You gave him the sweetest grin, and Harry was lucky to be sitting down because his knees would give out on him if he were standing. “I want to.” He only nodded, a crimson color laid on his cheeks. 
Harry comfortably watched as you made conversation with the twins as you fed Rory. You always gave them your undivided attention; your expression always lit up everytime they talked about something they were passionate about or interested in, and it just made Harry fall even more with how you were always so supportive in what his kids loved. You were always uplifting them, never dragging their hopes and dreams down. 
After everyone was finished with their meals and had time to digest their food, the twins asked if they could go on the swings and Harry said yes. The tree that they were under was only a few feet away, so Harry had a clear view of his girls. 
“You’re, like, a magician.” Harry suddenly said, breaking the silence once the girls were safely on the swing. 
You chuckled. “How’s that?” 
“It’s like hiring a magician at a party—everyone is so excited to see what they do and see them in general—you’re like that; the girls and Rory were so excited to see you.” 
You playfully gasped, holding Rory to your chest. “You were excited to see me? Well, I was excited to see you!” You booped his nose, making Rory giggle. 
“Fairy!” He exclaimed, and you and Harry laughed. Rory was a quiet two-year-old, but he picked up on keywords that he repeatedly said. 
“So, are you seeing anyone?” You cut to the chase, skipping the small talk.
Harry chuckled, running a hand through his hair. “Nope. Not entirely sure if anyone wants to date a thirty-four-year-old with three kids.” 
You raised your brows in shock, and he knew that look you’re giving him very well—prepared to tease him; even though you weren’t that much younger than him either. “What? Do you think no one wants to date a hot dad? Harry, you’re peak-dilf, everyone wants to date you.” 
“And what about you? Do you wanna date me? A dilf?” He teased; a smirk that you knew all too well appeared on his face, making you want to kiss it off, which was what you used to do. 
Pursing your lips and cheeks heating up, you gave him an obvious look before you said, “Think you know the answer to that one, baby.” In all honesty, the pet name had slipped, and for a brief moment your eyes widened at the realization, but you brushed it off and continued with your confident and teasing attitude; and it worked quite well on Harry because he definitely heard what you used to call him loud and clear. It made his heart flutter as he missed you calling him that; he never wanted to hear that name come out of anyone else’s mouth because only yours would do it justice. 
Harry was left to ponder about your response before you changed the subject, talking to Rory. “Sweets, do you wanna go on the slide?” The little boy jumped up and down, pulling your arm as he had a big smile on his face. You looked at Harry, and he gave you a nod, telling you that he would stay put and watch your belongings. 
You and Rory walked hand in hand, or more like hand and finger, to the slide. It was an open purple slide with two sides, and it lasted about two seconds if you slid correctly and if the slide was slippery enough. You helped Rory step onto the playground as the dull metal steps were quite high for him to reach on his own before you guided him towards the slide. 
Sitting down at the top and on the edge of the slide, you carried Rory into your lap, hyping him up for what he had been waiting for. “Ready, sweets? Are you ready?” Your tone was pure excitement as you squeezed and tickled his belly. 
“Go, Y/N, go!” Directed Rory, and you scooted forward and held onto the sweet boy in your arms tightly as you two slid down the slide. Mouthfuls of squealing screams and giggles came from Rory’s mouth as he clapped his hands towards the end of the slide, causing you to cheer as well. 
And the proper dad that he was, Harry clicked the red button on the screen to stop recording you and Rory from the slide. He zoomed in, capturing the bright smiles placed on his sweet boy’s and the love of his life’s face, screenshotting the perfect frame. He didn’t think the day could have gone any better than this; it was quite the perfect day, he thought. 
When it was rounding two in the afternoon, Rory’s eyes were starting to droop, exhaustion taking over him from running around for almost an hour that his little body couldn’t keep up, so a nap was in his favor. He lazily looked up at you, reaching his arms up for you to carry him, which you happily held him. He settled his head on your shoulder, and it only took a few kisses and back rubs for him to be out like a light while the sun still shined in his face. 
You walked over to the blanket, figuring it was time to call it a day at the park; Harry and the twins were running around nearby on the bedded grass area playing tag. They retreated to the blanket once they saw you with Rory in your arms, breaths heavy from their run. 
“Oh, my sweet, sweet boy.” Harry sighed when he got to spot under the tree; you handed Rory to him, admiring the two boys cuddling as Harry pressed quiet and soft kisses to his son’s head. Since your lap was available, Estelle and Mira took the chance to finally be able to properly cuddle you since Rory was taking most of your attention. The girls took one leg each, and you wrapped your arms around their waist, kissing their shoulder. 
The five of you stayed put for a while, calming down under the breezy weather that had started to pick up until it got even colder was when Harry decided it was time to leave. Luckily the girls were still awake to help with cleaning up, and were rather helpful because Harry was trying his best with Rory situated on one side of his body. 
Once all of you were next to your cars, Harry placed Rory in his car seat as you were hugging the girls goodbye. You and Harry agreed that everyone was too tired to go out for some ice cream since all the twins wanted to do was lie down. Harry knew he didn’t want the day to end, even though it was still quite early, but the older he got, the tougher it was to keep up with his little children who just loved running around; a relaxing and peaceful night was calling him. 
“Hey.” Harry closed the passenger door before he rounded the car to meet you on the grass. “I know we talked about going for ice cream today, but it seemed like we’re all too tired, but I was wondering…” he paused for a moment, a bit of hesitancy in his voice. “Would you like to come over? Maybe…for dinner, or to have a glass or w-water?” He scratched the back of his neck, nerves getting the best of him. 
You smiled, thinking he was the absolute cutest when he was flustered. “Harry, I’d love to. Feels like I haven’t drank any water so I’m parched,” you teased. 
He breathed out a laugh. “Okay, uh, I’ll see you home.” He gave you another smile before walking away and inside of his car, completely unaware of his choice of words. 
Home. More specifically, Harry’s home. It was a place that made you feel safe, and if you’re being honest, it’s been too long since you’d had complete solace. 
Your mental pep-talk throughout the drive toward Harry’s had helped in some way. Keeping it simple without driving your mind into overthinking every single thought, you laid it all down as if you were planning and preparing a business proposal. 
You didn’t want to dive deep into what Harry’s invitation could entail—more like you didn’t want to get your hopes up on if you two were to get back together because the potential rejection you could face would absolutely crush you. Harry’s a kind and sweet guy, he’s simply inviting a friend over for a drink and dinner, if you could even call yourself that. Plus, it was still early to fully call it a day, and he planned for ice cream after the park, so he was fulfilling that promise of sweet dessert. 
Without realizing, you’d been sitting in your car for a solid five minutes, staring over your steering wheel as you were parked on the curb in front of Harry’s house. Harry’s car was already in the driveway, so they were just waiting on you. 
You walked towards the front door, and it swung open before you even got the chance to knock. 
“Hey, thought you’d change your mind when you weren’t getting out of the car,” Harry joked, although that thought really crossed his mind when he peeked out through the window and saw you still in your car. 
You chuckled nervously. “Oh, no. I wouldn’t.” You stepped inside his house, and a wave of nostalgia rushed through you as if you were at the beach and the harsh current knocked you over as you were trying to walk against the sandy wind. 
Everything still looked the same—the same since the night you left without another word to the kids, just a note to Harry telling you to meet at the shop. A pinch of guilt appeared in your face as you frowned, and Harry immediately took notice, but you waved it off as you slightly smiled, telling him that you two would talk later. He didn’t press any further, waiting until later or when you were ready. Instead, he asked if you wanted anything to drink, to which he already knew you’d go for a class of Cabernet, and luckily, he had some in stock—more like, he still had the untouched bottle for when you stayed over. 
The two of you leaned against the cold granite counter as music softly played on the speaker that was connected through Bluetooth on his phone. Conversations were light, but it wasn’t awkward in any sense. As a matter of fact, it felt just like old times when you would stay over his house, talking about each other’s day and simply enjoying the presence of one another. That’s what you think this was, you thought—enjoying the fact that Harry was in front of you after so many months and you were cherishing it until the next set of months went by. 
After a few conversations and sips of wine later, the time had gone by fairly fast, which always happened when you were with him, and it was nearing five. The kids had woken up from their nap at four and quietly settled in the living room—the twins on the couch in front of the television and Rory was on the padded mat playing with his toys, occasionally talking to his sisters. Harry asked if you would be okay watching them so he could make dinner, and you were close to reminding him that he didn’t need to ask to watch his kids, but then again, you had to remind yourself that things were a bit different now. So, you said that you didn’t mind and walked over to the sofa chair next to the couch and watched TV with the girls as well as play with Rory. 
Twenty-five minutes had gone by and Harry called everyone, announcing that dinner was ready. You all walked into the dining room, taking your seats. Your assigned seat was next to Rory’s chair, which was in between you and Harry; the girls were sitting across from you. Once everyone took several bites of Harry’s dinner--a quick fettuccine alfredo--the chatter was back. You enthusiastically listened to the girls and Rory talk; it made Harry smile, loving how natural everything felt. 
Estelle tapped Harry’s shoulder, making him turn towards her with a smile on his face. “What is it, sunshine?” She got off her chair, leaning over to whisper something into his ear and he smiled, turning back to his family who was curious as to what Estelle had said. “Go ahead and ask her, love.” 
You put down your fork and placed your arms on the table. “What’s up, Princess?” 
“Uh, c-can we go to that place?” 
“What place is that?” You asked curiously. 
“That place where you told Daddy you loved him,” she responded quite bashfully. Your mouth was slightly open, not expecting her to say what she did. Looking over at Harry, he simply had a soft smile on his face with his brows raised, shrugging his shoulders.
Did you want to go back there? The answer was a simple yes. There wasn’t any excuse that you could possibly make up on the spot as to why you couldn’t go there, and it wasn’t necessarily a bad place whenever you thought about it. In fact, you really missed going over there and you would be lying if you said that you didn’t think about that place often. 
Your head turned towards Estelle. “Sure, why not. How about we go tomorrow?” You asked everyone, and they all had smiles on their faces. You looked at Harry, directly asking him for permission. “Is that okay?” His elbow was resting against the arm of the brown chair, fingers placed under his lips as he slightly puckered his soft and pink lips; without looking under the table, you knew his legs were crossed. Harry smiled, nodding his head, and everyone cheered. 
The rest of the time everyone was sitting at the dinner table, you all talked about plans for tomorrow, and everyone was really excited. Once it was almost eight, Harry realized that it was almost their bedtime, so he hurried them up the stairs to get ready for bed before saying goodnight to you, getting in as many hugs and kisses as they could get. 
Harry was upstairs, changing Rory and putting him to bed before he walked down and found you in the kitchen washing dishes. He slipped past you, placing his hand along your lower back briefly before he grabbed the dish rag. The action sent a chill down your spine and you immediately missed his hands on you. 
“The kids seem really excited about tomorrow.” Harry broke the silence, glancing over at you as you continued to wash the dishes. 
You nodded. “Yeah, I’m really excited too.” 
Harry noticed the slight shortness, and he thought it may be because you were tired. “Hey, are you okay?” 
You turned off the water and faced him, crossing your arms as he did the same. 
“Do the kids hate me?” The corner of his lips turned up before he started laughing, clutching his stomach. If it were any other time, you would obsess over his laugh; it was music to your ears, the highlight of your day, and the sun when it’s bright out. You softly slapped his arm. “Harry! I’m being serious!” 
“Darling, you’re joking, right?” Your heart briefly fluttered at his nickname for you. “Those kids love you!” He noticed your change of attitude and that you’d been thinking about this for a while and beating yourself up over it. 
“It’s just…I don’t want them to think that we broke up and I forgot about them. I mean I understand if they see it that way because I left without saying another word for six months--didn’t even get to say goodbye to them and have a proper talk. I just don’t want them to hate me.” You looked down at your feet as you played with the thin silver band on your middle finger.  
Harry’s seen you in work mode, and it reeks confidence and power. You don’t need much reassurance during work unless it’s when your employees tell you that progress is moving along. But this was completely different; you needed all the reassurance that you could get to get it through your head that the kids that you’d come to love--from the moment you met them--don’t hate you. And Harry didn’t mind telling you over and over again. 
“They were just that we split up, that’s all. But they quickly understood why.” 
“What’d you tell them?” You asked curiously. 
“The truth--that sometimes it’s better to be apart for a while rather than drive ourselves crazy. Told them that when the time is right, then maybe we’ll get back together.” The look in his eyes was so comforting that you immediately fell into them. Harry was always the best with giving you that extra reassurance that you and his kids need. 
You felt the extra beat in your chest that pumped so harshly against your chest, but it was surrounded by butterflies, making it flutter throughout your body. As you looked so deeply into Harry’s beautiful green eyes, you realized one of two things; the first thing was that you never wanted to look so deeply into another person’s eyes unless it was Harry’s; and the second thing was that you were incredibly and overwhelmingly still in love with this man and his three children, and there hadn’t been a day that gone by where you weren’t. 
Taking a deep breath, itches were crawling up your skin, begging you to say something. “D-Do you think it’s time?” Your voice asked shyly. 
Harry was taken back by your question as he raised his brows. He couldn’t deny the nerves that he felt whenever he was around you, but your question seemed to have increased his nervousness. 
“We’ve been separated for what feels like a long time now.” He paused, taking a deep breath as he recouped his thoughts to say the right words. “I think-”
“Daddy?” Yours and Harry’s head whipped towards the staircase, finding Estelle at the bottom of it with groggy eyes. 
Harry walked towards his sunshine. “What is it, my love?” He kneeled down onto the bottom step, matching her height. Estelle told him that she couldn’t sleep, and that she’s been tossing and turning for a while, so Harry told her that he would lay with her until she fell asleep and carried her to her bedroom. He looked back at you as he was walking up the steps, and you gave him a soft smile, letting him know that it was completely okay. 
You finished tidying up the kitchen, wiping down the counters and cleaning the dining table until you realized that you needed to get ready for tomorrow’s adventure. 
Once Harry came down the stairs, he found you sitting on the edge of the armchair with your purse on your shoulder; you looked up as he walked up to you. 
“I’m gonna head out.” 
Harry’s slightly frowned. “Oh, you can stay the night if you want to.” 
“No, it’s okay, thanks.” You really did want to stay the night, but you didn’t have a change of clothes for tomorrow. “I’ll be here tomorrow morning.” He nodded, walking you to the door, opening it for you. 
You stepped out on his doorstep, turning around as you wrapped your arm around his waist, tiptoeing to plant a kiss to his cheek. The slightest bit of touch from your lips sent Harry’s skin on fire, warming up to the affection. The touch was sent away too quickly as you let go of him completely, giving him one last smile before walking to your car and waving at him as you drove away. 
Harry closed the door, the palm of his hand cupped the cheek that you kissed and he sighed as if he was shot with Cupid’s love-arrow, and he wouldn’t mind it if it meant he would feel your affection every single day. 
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You arrived at the Styles household at ten in the morning with a tote-full of snacks and water, knowing the kids would get hungry from all the walking. You got there forty-five minutes earlier than planned, knowing that the Styles family wouldn’t be out the door right on time because Harry has three kids, two of them who bicker and complain from time to time—especially when they’re sleepy—and a two-year-old who was starting to run away from everything. So, you figured Harry would appreciate your help. 
When Harry saw you standing on his doorstep, he let out a sigh of relief. He was still in his striped pajamas pants and a white t-shirt, holding a small pair of olive green pants. You walked in and saw Rory running around half naked, despite it being early in the morning. You told Harry that he could shower and get ready for the day, and to leave it to you because you’ll handle it—plus, you both knew that the kids often listened to you more than their own dad. He smiled appreciatively, kissing your head briefly before walking up the stairs and getting ready. 
Once Rory saw you, he stopped running around the house and instead, ran towards you and into your arms. You carried him up the stairs and to his room to get some clothes on him, and luckily, Harry was able to bathe him before you showed up. You gave him his favorite toy to fumble with before you walked into Mira's room, setting Rory on her twin bed before helping her get ready. You left Rory in Mira’s room and went to Estelle’s bedroom, doing the same. 
By the time Harry walked downstairs, you and the three kids were sitting on the couch, eating a banana. He smiled, slowing his steps as he was amazed at the quietness and stillness in the house, but then again, he wasn’t that amazed because he knew you’d come in and get things in order. 
Harry’s home was a two minute walk to the train station, and everyone decided to take the train since it was what you and Harry did when you two were dating, and the kids really wanted to walk through the entire path of their father’s love story. 
Luckily, there weren’t that many people on the train—it was practically empty—so they didn’t have to rush to get a spot for the kids. Rory sat in the middle of his sisters as they all smiled brightly towards Harry’s phone that was capturing the adorable children for a sweet memory sake. You and Harry were standing, making sure neither of the kids fell over if the train made a halting stop. You held onto the metal bar above you, Harry held the bar that was mounted into the floor, and you both watched the kids interact with one another—counting on their fingers, booping one another’s noses, and laughing; it was every parent’s dream. 
Without noticing, Harry moved closer to you, placing his hand directly next to yours; the side of your hand touched his, and you looked at him with wide eyes while your heart fluttered. You were hip to hip, and you saw the smirk he had on his face while occasionally glancing over at you. You couldn’t help the heat that rose onto your cheeks because it felt like old times when you two used to ride the train together and it would get too packed to where you had to stand up; he would always face you as your hands touched—sometimes he would even intertwine your fingers together while you two held the bar as you were one—and he would hover over you, giving you plentiful kisses like the true romantic that he was. 
The train ride took about 30 minutes and it was a two minute walk to the place that gave you so many happy memories and nostalgia—International Rose Test Garden was where the memories of you and Harry were stored. 
You had the girls on either side of you, holding their hands; and Harry carried Rory since he was likely to run around and Harry didn’t want to risk his safety. 
The sun was bright—beautiful for a day in the garden as the roses and flowers bloomed ever so widely. All of you walked the rows and rows of flowers, occasionally taking pictures in front of the rose bushes.
Remembering all the times you and Harry were hand in hand, laughing until your stomachs were sore, like you did an intense ab workout, and there were tears resting in the outer corner of your eyes. All the memories that were swirling around in your head made you come to the conclusion to one thing: you never want to be without Harry and his kids ever again. 
You don’t know how it took you so long to realize this, maybe it was seeing them for the first time in six months that you realized that you had it great—a small family that accepted you and loved you for who you were, and you loved them just the same. 
Harry walked beside you, the kids skipping and playing around in the grass in front of you two. Confidently, you slipped your hand into Harry’s ringed hand, immediately intertwining your fingers together as if your hand knew what it was missing. Harry briefly looked down before looking at you. He smiled, and turned his head back towards the kids, not making a big deal of it as his warm hand accepted the coldness of yours. 
You gently tugged against his arm, pulling him back as he came face to face with you; a quiet gasp came out of his mouth when doing so. You looked up at him with bright eyes, and Harry was taken back to a year and a half ago where you, coincidentally, were in this same spot on the very green patch of grass. 
“Harry…” you breathed out, looking down at your feet nervously. He made the bold move to step closer to you, chests almost touching. Harry lifted your chin up with his fingers, locking eyes with you so intently that you practically lost your breath. 
“What is it?” He whispered. 
Taking a deep breath, you said, “I-I realized something.” 
“Yeah? What’s that?” 
Glancing over at the kids, they were giving you big smiles and thumbs up for reassurance, and your heart swooned at their support and love they provided you to finally get back together with their father, even if you weren’t their biological mother. 
You looked back at Harry, who was waiting patiently. “I love you. I still do and never stopped.” Harry felt like he stopped breathing at that moment. “You make me so happy—you and the kids, and I don’t want to be without you all anymore. I-I don’t like how it’s only taken me this much time to tell you this, but it felt like the perfect time since this was the place where I first told you I loved you.” 
Harry smiled, taking your hands into his. His thumbs smoothed your skin on the back of your hand before he brought them up to his lips and kissed them so delicately. The action made you smile softly before your mind had switched it to thinking that it was affection before the rejection. 
But then he opened his mouth to speak such beautiful words that you had been aching to hear during the breakup. 
“You’re my everything. I truly don’t know what I’d do without you because you. You’re part of my source of happiness, and life didn’t feel the same without you—the kids could agree with me on that.” He chuckled, looking at them to find them holding hands and jumping around in circles. “But I know that we separated for the better only for us to come back stronger than ever, and I’m never gonna let go of you again, okay?” 
Tears pricked your eyes before they streamed down your cheeks. Your heart felt like it was pounding harder than ever, but it was filled with so much love from and for this man in front of you. 
Harry wiped away your tears, leaning in to kiss your forehead, down to your eyelids as he kissed your tears away. He pulled away and you opened your eyes, giving each other a relieved and happy smile. 
“I love you,” he said, and he swore he saw the brightest smile he’s ever seen—brighter than the sun. “Always have and always will.” 
“And I love you. C-Can you kiss me, please?” 
Harry grinned. “It would be an honor.” 
Placing his palms on the side of your face, he leaned his forehead against yours. Your hands were wrapped around his wrists, rubbing his skin softly. With a smile, he kissed you with such softness and passion that the flowers bloomed largely and the sun shined ever so brightly. The kids cheered and clapped, making bystanders think that you’d just gotten engaged, but you both knew that would be the next step. Your stomach was in knots, butterflies surrounding your body as he captured your lips with his. Hugging Harry’s waist, you pulled him closer and wrapped your arms around him, and he kissed you harder, effortlessly moving his lips in sync with yours as if he was a pro on kissing you, which he was. 
Harry pulled away first, giving you several pecks before opening his eyes. “God, I missed doing that. Missed you so much, darling.” 
“I missed you too, baby.” You were high on happiness, high on love. “I’m sorry it took us this long.” A slight frown appeared on your face, but Harry kissed it away. 
“Hey, hey. None of that. I would’ve loved you until the end of time. I don’t care how long it took, you’re my forever,” he vowed, not planning to break that promise. 
Missing his lips on yours, you leaned up to kiss him again while your arms were wrapped around his neck and his were around your waist, holding you tightly as if he was afraid you’d run off. 
Suddenly, you started giggling into the kiss, making Harry smile before he pulled away. 
“What’s so funny?” He asked. You started thinking about the conversation from the park when you asked him if he was seeing someone. 
You curled in your lips before you said, “You’re a literal dilf, and I’m so in love with you.” 
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please tell me all of your thoughts, feelings, favorite moments and scenes! thank you for reading <3
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hurting-fictional-people · 4 years ago
Betrayal Story - Part 6
Hii look at what I finally finished! sorry for taking so long to post this guys, I don't even have an explanation lol... I have something else already half written for the boys so hopefully I won't take so long to update the story again 🙃 anyways, I hope y'all like it <3
tagging @thelazywitchphotographer @swift-perseides @whump-it-like-its-hot @sunflower1000 @msrandonstuff @fromtheo-withlove @boxofsilence @lionhxartx @sometouchofmadness @paleassprince @livingforthewhump @1becky1 @shameful-indulgence @whatwhumpcomments @tropes-for-my-md-daydreams @starnight-whump @writingbackwards @noodlesandkareokee @mylifeisonthebookshelf @nightwhumpee
CW: forced sedation, manhandling, drugged whumpee, needle mention, aftermath of branding/burning
Part 1 here, continued from here
Liam can’t move. Every time he does, his arms do too and the mere brush of burned skin against pristine bandages is enough to get him on the verge of tears.
The room he’s kept in is too barren, too small to provide any kind of distraction from the constant pulse of pain – too much and never abating. No one listens or cares when he begs for medication, for anything to ease the agony. The doctor comes in to see him, give him antibiotics and check if there’s no infection, but barely looks at Liam when he whimpers under gloved hands.
The first time he takes a glance at the twisted skin underneath the wound dressing, a breathy, hysterical laugh slips out, quickly followed by a silent gasp as Chase’s initials weigh on his arms. He was always his, in the end, wasn’t he? Even after being betrayed and stabbed and kidnapped, he could never get the agent off his mind. Now he’ll be on Liam’s body as well.
It takes all of his willpower not to rip the dressings off once the doctor and nurses leave, just to stare at the hideous thing his arms are now.
But in the silent room, with nothing to do but think and despair, Liam can’t stop looking at the bandages.
He doesn’t know how long he spends staring at it – at the white itchy gauze, and the burns that hurt underneath it. At the C and the R he knows are forever burned on his skin. Like fucking cattle, marked with his owner’s name. Like the stupid boy who thought he could give his heart away to the beautiful, mysterious man that smiled at him. If nothing else, it is a good reminder of how big of a fool Liam is. If he lives long enough for it to be useful, that is. If Jonah doesn’t decide he’s had enough of Liam soon.
Horror floods him at the thought, and when his heart speeds up, Liam can’t hold it any longer. He pulls off the bandages in one swift movement, holding his breath when a wave of fire licks his arms. It doesn’t stop him from ripping out the second bandage though.
His hands tremble on his lap as Liam stares at the skin above his wrists, red with blood and raw skin disfigured into letters. It looks just as ugly as it feels.
He doesn’t realize he’s crying until a tear drips on his thigh. And then another and one more, until he’s openly sobbing, chest heaving and stomach twisting.
Lost in tears and the sight of burned skin that sinks into his heart and burns everything there too, Liam only realizes there are people in the room when a hand grabs his forearm.
“What did you do? I just bandaged that,” the nurse complains.
This time, this one time, he moves. Liam yanks his arm away from their grasp and stumbles out of the bed, away from the nurse that stares at him with wide eyes and a startled frown.
“D-d-don’t touch me,” he hisses, holding his hands as close to his chest as he can, and hissing again when sore skin rubs against his shirt. “Stay the fuck away!”
But instead of moving back or so much as talking to him, the nurse calls for the guards and starts walking in his direction.
Liam takes a step backward and presses his back against the wall, wild eyes searching for an escape, a weapon, anything, but salvation is nowhere near. “Please, don’t. Leave me alone.”
When the guards open the door and enter the room, Liam slides to the ground, as small as he can make himself, elbows on his knees, arms protecting his head.
“Get off!” he screams when hands grab at him, and thrashes in the hold. His foot connects with soft flesh, his knee with someone’s chin, but there are too many men. Too many hands for too little strength, no matter how desperately Liam fights.
They drag him through the floor as Liam writhes with every last bit of stamina he has, panic driving him to fight like he wishes he could every time he’s hurt.
A different kind of pain blooms as he squirms uselessly in unforgiving grips – one deeper, familiar, warmer. Liam still doesn’t stop.
“Fuck, he reopened the stab wound,” someone shouts over the cacophony of pain and panicked struggling. “Hold him down, now!”
Liam is pushed to the floor, and when someone squeezes both his arms to keep him there, right over the exposed burns, the world turns red, and a scream tears its way out of his throat.
“No, no, no, get off!” he sobs, kicking out even when a needle sinks into his arm. “n-n-nggh off, get, get o-off,” he tries again, but the world is already slipping through his fingers. He kicks out and thrashes as best as he can, but it isn’t enough. There are stronger bodies over him and the movement is barely there at all.
As much as Liam tries to keep his eyes open, they weigh too heavy, the drugs stronger than he is.
What isn’t?
Liam’s body relaxes against his will, slumps under harsh hands and angry stares, and all he can do is whimper when they drag his limp body to the bed.
Chase moves through life like a ghost, only a shell of helplessness and worry, and for the first time, his team notices. He hasn’t slept in days, not with Liam’s face twisted in agony ready to wake him up each time he closes his eyes. Has barely eaten, no appetite left when all he can think about is the boy he loves being hurt on his account.
How can he be free when Liam is locked up? How can he be the one who isn’t hurting when he is the only one who ever deserved it?
“Come on, I know that there’s something wrong,” Zoey says, crossing her arms.
If he could simply flee, he would, but with the hacker standing right in front of him, Chase knows it isn’t worth it. Even if he did leave, she wouldn’t stop trying to get the truth out of him. So Chase sighs and looks down at the blond woman who looks ready to commit murder.
“We all know it. You look like shit. What’s going on?”
It takes all of his strength to plaster a smirk on his lips and lean against the wall with a casual tilt of his head. “You guys worry too much. I’m fine, Zo. Probably could do with a little more sleep, but who couldn’t?”
As convincing as he hopes he sounds, Zoey doesn’t seem at all impressed by his acting. If anything, her frown deepens. “I know you, Chase. And you know me, so you know you can trust me. You look even worse than you did after that mission with the newspaper boy.”
Newspaper boy. If that was all Liam meant for him, maybe Chase’s heart wouldn’t be this tattered.
“Zoey. I am okay, I p– I promise.”
I never lied to you, he had said to Liam as he bled out in Chase’s arms. I betrayed you, yes, but not once did I lie. Stay alive and I’ll prove it to you.
But that was just another lie, wasn’t it? Liam is as alive as ever, and all Chase’s done is cause him more pain than any of them ever imagined possible. All he’s proven is his failure to keep Liam safe.
What is another lie when he’s already filled with them? Maybe that’s all he was always meant to be, all he will ever be – a betrayer. A traitor. A liar.
With a casual shrug that makes his stomach twist, Chase sidesteps his teammate. Before he can move farther away though, she grabs his arm and pulls him back.
“You are good at lying, but I can see the way your eyes have gone dull. I’m not going to force you to say it, but when you get tired of pretending to be fine, I’ll be here. Okay?” When Chase doesn’t answer, she takes a deep breath and nods. Zoey leaves him standing there, feeling dirty and raw, something stirring inside his chest and begging him to tell her everything.
Chase opens his mouth, the truth one breath away, and takes a step towards Zoey’s back. And then his phone buzzes, and reality comes crashing back as he looks at the screen and she disappears down the corridor.
Wanna see him?
It’s the first message he’s gotten from Jonah in days, and Chase holds his breath and freezes for a second at the words.
He’s rushing to his car even before his mind has caught up with his legs.
He’s standing in front of Jonah’s building in a matter of minutes, heart racing but mind weirdly quiet. Static silence, fear building up.
Jonah waits for him in the lobby this time, leaning against the open door of the elevator with a smile on his lips.
“Chase! Long time no see.”
“Where is he?”
“Straight to the point, huh. Boring as ever,” Jonah rolls his eyes. “I was feeling generous today, thought you might want to say hello. I’m not sure our dear boy will answer you, but you can try for yourself I guess.”
“What the fuck did you do?” Chase hisses as Jonah nods for him to get inside and presses the button.
“Nothing bad. He was just fussing about the pain, so my nurses gave him have a little something to relax.”
Chase steps into the elevator, two guards close behind, and fears he’ll shatter his jaw from how hard he’s clenching it.
“He also doesn’t really like his new… adornments, I don’t think. Ripped the bandages earlier today, wet the whole bed with tears.”
Jonah’s voice is light as he says it, the tone one would use to talk about something meaningless, something that doesn’t make Chase sink his nails into his palms and hold his breath. The man’s eyes are the telltale, shining with dark glee, and Chase can see the way Jonah follows his every movement like a predator, reveling at the little cracks in his unruffled façade.
“So when I offered him something to calm down, he didn’t even think before accepting,” he continues.
The doors slide open before any of them can say anything else. A small mercy.
The walk to Liam’s room is as quick as it is infinite. They stop in front of the door so incredibly soon, yet so painfully late.
“Be nice to him, I think he’s going through a phase,” Jonah chuckles as he nods for one of his men to unlock the door. “And don’t forget that this is your fault, dear.”
He barely realizes he’s entered the room until the lock clicks behind him. And then Chase’s eyes find Liam, and the world stops on its tracks, just like it always does when they are in the same room together.
He’s lying on his back, arms open and hands hanging off the bed, bandages covering the skin from Liam’s elbows to his wrists. His eyes are open, but unfocused, slow blinks that lead to nowhere even when Chase takes the first step towards him. His chest rises and falls slowly, rhythmically, a shallow blow of air through parted lips, and despite everything, Chase is happy that Liam isn’t in pain.
It is only when he stops beside the bed that Liam’s head lolls on the pillow, a sunflower looking for the sun even though no real light can reach him here. Still, he looks, and half-lidded eyes roam around the room before finally stopping on Chase’s face.
“Hey,” Chase says, curling one hand into a fist while the other clutches the edge of the bed.
“Mmgh,” Liam slurs with a shuddering breath and a crease on his forehead before trying again. “I, mm, I’m not, n-uh not feeling… well.”
“How can I help?” Chase’s voice is hoarse and low, pained, but Liam hears it. He hears it and he whimpers, shaking his head no.
Make it stop, his mouth forms, but doesn’t voice.
I can’t, Chase wants to scream, I’d give anything to make it all stop but I can’t. Instead, he softens his voice and tries to smile. “What if I do something to distract you? I… I was told you are under some strong drugs.”
Green eyes blink at him, and Chase is happy there are only the two of them in the room. He might actually lose it and punch Jonah square in the face if the man was here.
“How about I tell you a story? You’ve always liked them.”
Liam swallows, eyes darting around the room again, and even though Chase knows he isn’t listening, not really, he sits on the edge of the bed and starts talking.
“It’s about a boy who thought he could change the world, but instead changed the person who was sent to stop him.”
“Sou-sounds like a shit story,” Liam mumbles.
“Depends on how you look at it. Or who’s the one telling it, I guess.”
There’s a pause, and Liam sighs softly before talking again.
“Are you… are, are you really… here?”
The words slam into his chest, shattering anything left in there, and though Chase holds himself firmly still and keeps his face carefully free from anything but tenderness, something collapses inside of him. Maybe it’s his heart. It feels like it, and he wants to cry, to grab Liam and leave, but he can’t, and Liam strains to focus on his eyes, so Chase smiles like there isn’t burning agony rippling through him.
“Do you want me to be?”
“I, I don’t, I don’t know.” It is only a murmur, but Chase knows he’ll hear its echo in his nightmares for a long time – the uncertainty, the fear, the sadness. The helplessness.
I’m here. I would be here forever if I could.
But the words are only that – words. He can’t be here forever, nor erase all the pain he’s caused and continues to cause. So Chase picks up the pieces of his heart and pretends it doesn’t hurt to smirk and brush Liam’s hair away from his forehead like he used to do so long ago.
If he can’t take Liam away from this nightmare, the least he can do is pretend it is a dream.
“Then you should stop dreaming about me.”
“Ca-can’t,” Liam frowns, staring at the hand Chase just touched him with. “Will, will you leave? Again?”
“Only if you want me to.”
Liam looks up again, and something is missing in those eyes. A spark of life that was still there the last time they saw each other, but isn’t now. As Chase searches for the hope he always loved in the depths of Liam’s gaze, what he finds instead is sadness.
“Don’t go,” Liam breathes. “I, I, my h-head, it it it feels weird, Chase.”
“I know, love,” Chase says calmly, nothing of the wild desperation that rages inside of him seeping through the words. Not when Liam is this lost, this vulnerable. Not when it is the first time he has called Chase by his name after the betrayal. “It’ll pass.”
“I’m scared,” he murmurs, shifting on the bed. “But, I, I don’t remember… why.”
“You are okay, Liam. I promise. You’ll be okay.”
Liam closes his eyes and shakes his head, and when he speaks, his voice is only a whisper, gone even before he finishes. “I don’t believe you.”
Chase bites on his lip and creases his forehead, but none of it shows when he takes Liam’s hand in his own and gives it a little squeeze.
“I know. That’s okay too.”
But Liam isn’t there anymore to hear it. His body sags on the bed, taken away by the drugs, and Chase is left alone in Liam’s cell, watching the boy he’d kill and die for fall asleep. As he does, all Chase can think about is that he needs to get Liam out of here. Somehow, he needs to get him away, no matter the cost of it.
An hour goes by, and though it is one of the worst hours of Chase’s life, is it the first time he doesn’t feel like a part of his heart is bleeding in days. Not when he can see the bleeding part right in front of him.
He wants to wake Liam up, to hear his voice while he can, before he’s forced to leave again. But there’s peace on his face as he sleeps, and Chase can’t take him back to reality when he looks like he used to, like he could wake up at any moment and kiss Chase with a smile.
And then the door opens, and the memories vanish as Chase reluctantly gets up. As soon as he does though, Liam stirs on the bed, frail hand reaching out and grabbing Chase’s wrist before he can move away.
“You promised me… a… um, a story.”
Liam’s eyes open for a moment before closing again, but he doesn’t let go. Chase shoots one look at the guards waiting by the door and knows that nothing good will happen if he waits. He has to play nice if he wants to get Liam out.
Chase looks down at Liam again, and when he finds half-lidded eyes struggling to stay open, he can’t stop his voice from breaking mid-sentence.
“It’ll have to stay for another time, okay? I’ll see you soon, love.”
Liam’s eyes flutter back closed with a soft sigh. His voice is soft as the tears that sting Chase’s eyes when he speaks. “You al–, you always leave in real life too.”
Chase can’t find an answer before he is dragged out of the room by a firm grip he knows better than to fight. He yanks his arm away as soon as the door locks him and Liam on different sides, and hears the words rattling around his head while he is lead to sit in Jonah’s office to hear what the man wants next. All the way back to his house.
He doesn’t think when he calls Zoey. All he hears is Liam.
All he can see is Liam’s lost gaze, the life fading out of his eyes. All he knows is that if he lets him in Jonah’s claws one more second without doing anything, he might actually, truly, crumble down until he can’t pull himself back up.
He is sitting on his couch, hands over his face and elbows on his knees just like they have been since he got home, when his friend opens the door.
“Oh, Chase,” she breathes as soon as she sees his face and sits beside him. “What happened?”
He doesn’t get to crumble down. Not when it’s Liam the one being hurt. The one branded and tortured and kidnapped and betrayed. Still, when Zoey’s gentle arms wrap around him, he hugs her back.
“It’s Liam,” he says, fighting to get the words out through his heaving breaths, trying to force his mind to put them together long enough for someone else to know it too because he can’t do this on his own. He thought he could, he thought he was enough, but he isn’t and he needs to get Liam out, no matter what, no matter how, he has to, he has to before the light goes out in that beautiful green gaze. “He, I, he’s caught and it’s my fault and I thought I could keep him safe but I can’t and now–“
“Chase, breathe,” she commands, and he answers. It’s all he knows how to do, isn’t it? Answer orders. Look at what happens when he’s left on his own. “Let’s start from the begging.”
So Chase does.
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xmalfoyweasleyx · 4 years ago
Years and years (part 1/2) - Draco Malfoy (smut + fluff)
Summary: A walk through the years of your relationship with Draco, all the ups and downs, all the passion and al the love in one story <3
Includes: a LOOOT of SMUT 18+!! more parts of smut! , also a LOT of fluffy stuff and a little bit of angst, dad!draco at the end.
Warnings for THIS PART: Umbridge her quill , sad Draco, the war and its injuries, alcohol, let's pretend they are already old enough for everything!!!!, masturbation, very dirty thoughts, fingering and oral (fem receiving)
3,2k words
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September 1991
Y/n was nervous. It was her first year going to Hogwarts. The excitement tickling inside of her tummy was pleasant and horrible at the same time.
The castle was right in front of her, it was astonishing. Lots of other kids around her age were walking to the boats. A hard beat on y/n's shoulder made her almost fall into the ground.
"Get out of my way" she heard a little blond boy say. His hair was blonde and ashy and his eyes were like ice. Y/n already hated him. "Prick" was the only thing she answered when she quickly walked away. It made an anger boil inside the little bully. Draco already hated her too. Nobody walks in his way on the first day of school, the day he looked forward to for already 11 years. AND how dare she? Talking to him like that?
March 1995
Draco was bored. He was sitting next to the window, the only amusing thing was the view outside. It was snowing in march. Not that common for this time of the year. He messed a little with the badge on his robe, the badge Umbridge gave him. He was proud of himself. No actually he wasn't, he was just delighted with the fact that his father was going to be proud. A big plus was the fact that those stupid other houses were finally put in their place.
Y/n came out of Umbridge her office. Relieved. Finally, her tears could come out. She was holding them in for so long now. The burning sensation on her arm wasn't the only reason. Umbridge hated her. She abused her mentally and physically.
Tears rolled down her cheeks like a river, finally coming out after so long. And like it couldn't get any worse Draco Malfoy was right in front of her, and he saw her. He saw her tears and he heard her sobs.
"Don't you dare laugh at me, not this time, please" y/n begged, not even embarrassed about how pathetic it looked.
Y/n and Draco had a weird history. From the first day they met until now. It was an abnormal relationship. Of course y/n hated him like everyone else hates Draco Malfoy. And of course he hated her like Draco Malfoy hated everyone.
But there was this tension, an unexplainable one, the both of them never understood.
"What happened?" Draco asked by y/n her surprise.
"I- uh- I, Umbridge, she.." y/n stuttered confused while unconsciously rubbing her arm where Umbridge had harmed her.
Draco automatically looked at it and had a thoughtful look on his face. Then he saw the wound on her arm 'blood traitor'.
Without thinking he grabbed her arm, a shock of concern went through his body. He didn't know what happened to him.
"Are you okay?" he asked concerned.
Y/n was in shock, not knowing what to say. But she wasn't the only one confused because of his sudden concern, Draco was too. It was the first time he realized how vulnerable she was. He had the sudden urge to take care of her, to make sure she was okay.
It went as fast as his first time riding a broom. Out of the blue it was like his mission to make sure she was okay, to make sure she was safe. Even though he still had that primitive hate towards her.
"Sit down, I might know something" he promised.
Y/n sat down next to him, a tear still running down her cheek.
"Episkey" Draco whispered carefully with a wave of his dark colored wand. With his other hand he held her arm still. The soft and warm touch surprised her. She imagined them cold and harsh but his fingers were the opposite. Even his eyes were soft now, the cold grey was a little more warm and blue now.
The cuts in her arm healed. Not completely, you could still see a scar, but it didn't hurt any more. "Wow, thank you Draco" she whispered with a smile. For a moment Draco's eyes softened and he felt his body warm up when she said his first name. It was an unknown feeling to the Slytherin boy.
A moment of silence followed when they looked in each others eyes. But then they realized he was still holding her hand. They both let go awkwardly and the moment was over. Leaving both of them confused.
April 1995
Y/n was already getting tipsy. She poured another shot of firewhisky down her throat while laughing with Hermione. The music at the party was loud and made y/n even more dizzy.
"Mione, guess who was nice to me today, you'll never guess" I mumbled. Hermione was of course, taking this seriously. So she kept thinking and thinking, leaving y/n impatient. "Okay I'll just say it, it was Malfoy" she tells her eventually.
"The Draco Malfoy?" she mouthed confused. Y/n nodded. "He healed my arm after Umbridge's detention" y/n confirmed. Hermione's mouth hung open in response.
What y/n didn't know was that Draco was watching her from a distance, trying to figure out what the hell was wrong with him. He noticed how pretty she actually was. He spent the past 5 years despising the girl. From the day she called him 'a prick' until now, until he suddenly had this weird feeling. She looked hot, y/n was sexy. She had a nice ass, Draco noticed. He was a little drunk and that always made him horny.
"Okay, y/n. Believe it or not but Draco is checking you out" Hermione told y/n. She immediately turned around and saw Draco looking straight into her eyes now.
"I'm going to say hi, I think he wants me " y/n boasted full with confidence because of the alcohol. Draco was still watching her when she strode up to him. She stopped right in front of him and looked him up and down.
"Well well Draco Malfoy, you were checking me out, weren't you? You like my new dress?" she joked drunkly.
"You're drunk" Draco laughed. It made y/n furrow her eyebrows.
"I think you're drunk because you're actually laughing!" she answered mocking him. Draco smiled and took a closer look at the girl in the party lights. He never noticed her y/e/c eyes and her pretty lips. Oh how they would look so perfect wrapped around his co-
"LET'S DANCE!!!" y/n screamed, cutting off his daydreams.
Draco did something very surprising and followed her to the dance floor. Y/n swayed her hips to the music seductively, moving very very close to Draco. Of course she did that on purpose but she didn't want Draco to know.
When y/n turned around and rubbed her ass against his clothed cock, Draco was afraid he would cum in his pants already. He was used to be dancing like this at parties with girls, but this felt different. Draco tried to convince himself this was just because he was extra horny, but deep down he knew it was because of the girl in front of him.
Without thinking Draco turned her around again. He pressed y/n close to him and before he knew it their lips were pressed against each other.
Her soft lips moved slowly against his. Y/n grabbed his neck and pulled on his hair softly while Draco pushed her hips closer.
The kiss was heated and full of passion. A soft moan escaped her lips. Draco's erection appeared in his pants. Suddenly the boy realized the effect y/n had on him.
He couldn't let this happen. He couldn't ruin the reputation he worked on for years! So he searched all his willpower and pushed her away.
"What are you doing, stupid girl!" he screamed.
Y/n was surprised and a look full of hurt appeared on her face.
That night Draco was still horny. The mix of emotions was unbearable.
He didn't want to, but he had to.
So he pulled his pants down slowly, a big sigh left his mouth when his erection finally came free. Draco had never been this horny, especially not after hurting someone. Because he did hurt y/n, he knew that. But eventually this was normal, she wouldn't mind that much... She's used to him being like that. At least that's what Draco thought.
So he wiped the precum from is tip and sighed. Draco started to pump very slowly, a grunt of relief left his mouth.
He tried to come up with something else in his head, he tried really really hard. But the only thing that came up was how y/n danced against him, how sexy she was. He thought about her beautiful lips and how perfect they felt on his.
He imagined how it would feel if she was in front of him, pumping him slowly, with her innocent eyes locked with his. How her eyes wouldn't be leaving his, looking so so desperate for him.
He imagined how she then would put her mouth around his cock. Draco started to pump faster and faster. Because of his drunk state it felt almost real. Her warm pretty mouth...
Draco grunted loudly now, imagining how he would slap that ass of her, how he would completely destroy the girl. A soft moan left his mouth, he was imagining her boobs now. How they would bounce right in front of him.
His stomach began to tingle more and more. He was cumming very soon. His hips started to buck op when he imagined how he would just pound into her mercilessly. It was almost like he could hear her pretty moans and screams.
And with one last pump he came. Hard. Moaning her name when his head fell backwards.
He just laid there for a moment. Panting very loudly. He never came that hard.
Fuck Draco Malfoy, what's wrong with you, he thought.
November 1996
Being in 6th year for almost 3 months now, y/n and Draco only saw each other from a distance in the great hall. The only interaction they had were little glances and a lot of staring.
Y/n was still mad. How could that stupid fucking Slytherin boy just kiss her and talk to her like that and then leave and get mad?!
It was stupid.
It was stupid how sometimes their eyes met during dinner and how it made their hearts beat like crazy.
It was stupid how they still thought about each other every day because of just one stupid kiss.
February 1996
5 months later they finally talked again. Their anger towards each other was mostly gone now. It was time to call a truce now.
Y/n decided it had been enough of all this silliness. So when she bumped into Draco she decided to finally talk to him.
"Who do we have here" she tried sounding polite and playful.
"Hey" Draco said. It was now that y/n saw how tired he looked. All these months they had non-verbal conversations from a distance, but now she really saw him and how terrible he looked, almost ill.
"Draco, are you okay?" was the first question that came up in her mind to say.
Draco just nodded. The last thing he wanted was to show her how terrible he felt. His task, becoming a death eater,...
So he just decided to nod and walk away.
"Oh and sorry about getting mad at you last year" he said from a distance when he quickly walked away.
It left y/n worried and surprised. He apologized?
June 5, 1996
It was the last month of the school year. Y/n heard sobs when she walked past the prefects bathroom. Never had sobs been so recognizable. It was Draco. She knew that immediately. So she didn't hesitate to walk inside the bathroom.
Draco and y/n had been talking last months after all. What you can call talking. It were silly little talks and her friends even judged her for doing it. But the talks didn't really represent that much. Draco felt too bad and she wanted to ask what was going on but she couldn't.
The sight broke her heart. Draco looked at her with fearful eyes.
"Draco" y/n gasped "come here" was the only thing she said. The right words didn't come up in her mind so she just stepped closer to him.
She grabbed his back and pushed him in for a hug. Draco didn't fight it but also didn't hug back. He didn't know what to do. Only his mother hugged him. But y/n started to stroke his back and her smell was so comforting.
"It's okay Dray, you're safe with me" she whispered.
Draco felt calm now. After all those months he finally felt good. So he hugged her back and started to cry again.
"Yes Draco, you can let it al go now" she promised when Draco kept crying harder en harder finally feeling free and safe to let go.
They stayed like that for a while. When Draco calmed down completely he explained her everything and y/n listened. They talked for hours. He told y/n it was his birthday and no one said happy birthday to him today. After all the serious talk they even talked about more fun stuff.
Draco was happy. He hasn't been in years.
June 31, 1996
Believe it or not, but y/n was laying in Draco's bed. Summer was there and everyone was packing to go home for the break.
Y/n has been Draco's girlfriend for a few weeks now. It was a secret. She secretly came to his dorm every night and sometimes she stayed to sleep in his arms.
Y/n got to know the other side of Draco, a part she actually loved.
Draco got to know his own new side and still tried and struggled with being in a relationship now. But he was so so so in love, he realized that now.
His heart fluttered in his chest again when y/n snuggled her nose deeper into his shoulder, trying to be closer to him than before. She laid on him with the half of her body and stroked his arm lightly.
"So we're not going to see each other this summer?" she asked.
"We'll figure it out, I promise we'll see each other" Draco smiled while stroking her hair, making y/n shiver a little.
Y/n stroked up and down his chest now. "I want to try something before we leave, I want to have sex" she suddenly said.
"What?" Draco answered a little bit shocked. Not that he didn't want it he was just surprised.
"If-if.. if you don't want to it's okay, I don't know how experienced you are and..." y/n stuttered.
Draco laughed a little at the thought. She thought he didn't want this? He wanted this for so so so long now. "I want to, but we only have 15 minutes till the train leaves. And.. are you... are.. have you ever had sex before?" he asked getting nervous now.
"No, but I want you to take my virginity, did you do it before?" she asked interested.
"I'm not a virgin. No. But, you are, I don't want you to lose your virginity when we're rushed. We'll see each other this summer and I'll make it perfect, okay?" Draco assured her.
God how he wanted to fuck her there and then, destroy his little innocent girlfriend. But not when it's rushed.
Y/n looked disappointed and she really really was. It took her a lot of courage to ask this.
So Draco had an idea.
"But, I can do something else, if you trust me" he smiled while stroking under her skirt, going closer and closer to her pussy.
"You said we have only 15 minutes" she whispered with flushed cheeks.
"I can make you cum in less than that" Draco promised. Y/n bit her lip and nodded.
He started slowly stroking her clothed pussy now, making y/n gasp a little. Y/n still laid partly on him and her hand was on his chest. Draco had a perfect view on her face and she was so close, it was the perfect position.
"Do you touch yourself?" he asked while pushing her panties down very slowly, lightly touching her pussy now.
Y/n nodded while biting her lip to hold in the moans.
"You don't have to be shy princess, you can let it all out for me, okay? Now tell me what you think when you touch yourself" Draco asked huskily while drawing little circles on her clit now.
A soft moan left y/n her lips and her cheeks were already flushed. Her pussy already wetter than ever.
"I- I think about you, how you would touch me" she moaned. Draco answered with a soft moan too, not able to hold it in. He imagined how she would be thinking of him while pleasuring herself, and moaning his name.
He entered his finger slowly. Y/n gasped. "Draco" she moaned when he started to pump into her softly.
"Good girl" he praised.
"Go faster Dray, it feels so good" y/n moans.
Draco did what she told him and started to pump faster while adding another finger. "You're so tight for me baby, I can't wait to feel you wrapped around my cock this summer when I fuck you so hard" Draco grunts.
Y/n was a moaning mess now. His name left her mouth multiple times. Something he would remember for ever.
"God you're so fucking sexy y/n" he moaned. Draco was surprised how turned on this made him.
And then Draco stopped and pulled his fingers out.
"What are you doing?" she asked when Draco left her side.
"Can I do this?" he asked when going down with his mouth now very close to her pussy.
Y/n nodded eagerly.
Draco attached his soft lips to her clit, sucking on it gently. She was already very sensitive from before so a loud moan came out.
Draco started to suck harder and moaned on her pussy, sending vibrations that went through her whole body. Y/n automatically grabbed his hair and pulled harder than she meant to.
Draco absolutely loved it. It was the hottest thing ever to him, the way she moaned and how she pulled his hair but pushed him closer at the same time.
"I- I think I'm cumming Dray" she gasped.
"Yes, my good girl, cum for me" he whispered.
A loud moan of his name filled the room and her eyes scrunched shut. Y/n panted loudly. "God I think I saw the stars" she breathed.
Draco chuckled and came back up to her pulling her close to him like before. "Told you I could do it in less than 15 minutes" he joked.
"I'm going to miss you Draco" y/n said more serious now with a big frown.
"Me too. But we'll see each other again soon, I promise. I'll be showing you more than just the stars then, princess" he promised her, his heart full of love and joy. He placed a little kiss on her head.
She made a new Draco Malfoy come alive, but what they didn't know yet, is that it will get much much more difficult in the future...
Okay so part 2 will have more (and better) smut in it, like promised, if you want the be tagged in it you can just fill in my taglist
Thanks for reading loves x
new taglist: @rudypankowisdaddy
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crispin-kreme · 4 years ago
blooming ; yang jungwon
part 6/7 of the series
synopsis: yang jungwon has loved you ever since high school started. admiring you from afar, he suffers from hanahaki disease. you’re very close to jungwon, but you don’t know how he feels towards you. all you know is that your bestfriend is doing well. but what would happen if the worse happens to jungwon? would you return his feelings?
genre: angst, fluff, unrequited love, hanahaki au
pairings: student! yang jungwon x student gn! reader
warnings: blood, like a shit ton- grammatical errors, hospital setting, cursing
notes: plot was very much impulsively built so uh- i hope you guys enjoy this!
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yang jungwon loves you. that’s already clear enough to him. from playing through the playground to your first year of high school, he’s been with you. he was a friend. just a friend.
the unrequited love has gotten into his health. he coughs out petals at an alarming rate. sometimes it is even mixed with blood. the normal healthy boy now looks like a frail one. he certainely has the case of hanahaki but he refuses any surgery. he would rather die knowing you.
on the other hand, you are not aware of this. you only notice how he looks sick since you guys were kids but you’re really unaware of his condition.
jungwon dazes off into your eyes as you rant about how your chemistry exam was a pain in the ass. “earth to jungwon!” you waved your hand against him “oh- was i dozing off again?” jungwon asks as he snaps out of his daydream. “yeah.” you replied as you gave out a little chuckle. jungwon sighs “next time, you should probably study more. i’ll help you.” jungwon follows up. you sighed “that’s going to be a bother.” you replied “it isn’t, y/n!” jungwon says gleefully.
you smiled at him but suddenly jungwon gets up from his seat. “eh- where are you going again?” you interrogated with an eyebrow raising “i need to go to the restroom real quick.”jungwon sheepishly replies “alright. be right back quick, our next class is starting soon.” you reminded him before he parted away from the classroom.
as soon as jungwon went inside the restroom’s cubicle, he finally lets out hoarse and loud coughs. he spits out blood and petals into the toilet. he tries to control his breathing but he just couldn’t. jungwon looked at the toilet that was practically with petals mixed with blood. he gave out a disgusted expression as he flushed it all down.
he gargled the blood from his mouth out. he hated the taste of blood. “gosh, when will this end?” jungwon complains.
he does blame himself for loving someone like you, a person he doesn’t have a chance with.
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for the next few weeks, jungwon has grown pale as ever. as jungwon sits beside you at the football field underneath the shade, you look at his frail figure. “woah- you look like a zombie.” you teased at him. jungwon gives a weak laugh “do i?” he asks. you look at jungwon as he admires the view of the field.
“jungwon, why do you look sicker than ever? you’ve been looking like that since we were kids... but now its like worse.” you suddenly blurted out. jungwon sighs “i’m fine, really.” he denies “are you sure?” “y/n, i am. don’t worry about me.” jungwon added a precious smile to his response.
you nodded and sighed deeply. jungwon looks at you, admiring you again. how should he tell you how he feels? how is he going to tell you his condition? he questions all of these in imhis head as your suspicion of him rises.
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it was a bit queer event that jungwon has been absent for over five days now. you then wanted to investigate him so you visited his home. as usual, mister and missis yang have let you in, knowing their son doesn’t want his condition revealed to you.
you head up to jungwon’s bedroom. “jungwon? are you there?” you knocked. there was no reply. after several knocks, there was still no reply. you then slowly came inside his room and was left stunned.
jungwon was coughing loudly as he was curled up on the ground. tears in his eyes from pain. petals were coming out of his coughs alongside with blood. “jungwon?” you muttered. “y-y/n, help me out will you?” he cried softly. you nodded at his request and slowly pull him up to bed. he was still coughing so you let him sit up and rub his back.
“fuck, jungwon. what was that?” you asked out of worry as you continued to rub his back “what was what?” jungwon asks as he let out subtle coughs. “the one you’re like- coughing out petals and blood. what the hell was that shit?” you explained. jungwon lets out a chuckled “that’s nothing. you’re just tripping balls again.” jungwon denied.
you got out of bed a gave out a frustrated groan “i saw what you did there! you were coughing out petals. see? look at your floor.” you raised your voice as you point at the petals that are stained with blood that were laying on the floor. “i don’t know what the hell is that shit but let me help you this time, hm? you’ve been helping me all the time. you get the gist!” you added.
but jungwon didn’t want your help. you would know that he’s suffering because of you. he doesn’t want your help, he just needs to be yours.
jungwon sighs in defeat “alright.”
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day after day, you obligated yourself to help your bestfriend. jungwon feels like his heart is just about to explode by your act of services towards him. although, you don’t know why he’s suffering like this- you ignored that fact and you just focused on jungwon.
time skip to his condition worsening. he had to be admitted to a hospital, unfortunately. he turns down every idea or suggestion of surgery. a surgery of removing the growing flower from his lungs but the consequence is forgetting you alongside his feelings for you being erased.
“why won’t you get the damn surgery?!” you exclaimed at him, not bothering the sight of the doctor “y/n, it isn’t that easy to accept it.” jungwon retorted “i don’t understand why you hate the surgery but look at you! you’re literally dying over here.” you shot at him, trying to hold back your tears. “i’ll leave you both to the decision.” the doctor says as he excuses himself and exits the room.
jungwon clenches onto the blanket, crying. “jungwon, please. get the surgery already.” you suggested “its not that easy, y/n.” his father butts in. you looked at his parents in confusion “what do you mean?” you asked “jungwon, tell them.” his mother says. they both exited the room later on.
then silence was left upon you. jungwon’s heart beats loudly as you wait for him to talk. with your impatience you spoke “what are you going to tell me?” you asked. jungwon sobbed softly “y/n...” he croaks out. he takes a breath “you promise me, after this, nothing shall ever change between us?” jungwon says and you nodded in reply.
“i- i like you. no, more like, i love you.” jungwon admitted, finally. your eyes widened at his words “i liked you ever since middle school. i’ve been sick because of you... to make it simple, it’d because of the hanahaki disease.” jungwon explained. he continued to explain the disease and his sufferings, you couldn’t help but feel uneasy.
you were destroying his life. you hated feeling like the villain. “you were suffering because of me?” you asked. you let out little tears “jungwon, you know i don’t feel that way towards you and i don’t see you in any way.” you said truthfully “i see you as my brother. that’s all.” you added. jungwon nodded, understanding how you felt.
“so take the surgery, will you? i’d rather have you forget me than seeing you suffer.”
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you waited patiently for jungwon to wake up. finally, he took the surgery you requested. from what you know, they have removed the blooming flowers from his lungs to cure the disease. it sucks that you’re going to be welcomed by jungwon who’s already forgotten you.
jungwon suddenly stirrs in his sleep. you let his parents approach his waking figure. his parents are happy that their son is well and happy, but are you? his parents signalled you to come closer to them.
you finally approached jungwon who looked confused at seeing you.
“wh-who are you?” jungwon asks cluelessly
“i’m glad that you’re well.” was all you said.
would you like to proceed?
yes / go back
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buckyownsmylife · 4 years ago
hold up - andy barber fluff
The one where Andy gets you pregnant but you’re young and haven’t been dating for long.
Warnings:  Age gap (Divorced!Andy w/ College!Reader, so she’s legal), pregnancy, light angst, supportive!Andy, mentions of abortion, fluff, mentions of smutty thoughts so I don’t think I advise minors to read this, AU! where Jacob is alive and in college and Laurie and Andy are divorced, minor medical scare from Andy’s confusion, miscommunication that leads to slightly asshole!Andy but it’s quick A/N: Special thanks to @navybrat817​ and @angrythingstarlight​ for helping me choose this collage. This fic was requested a while back. I ended up focusing more on the fact that the reader was younger than Andy (which wasn’t even part of the request) than on the fact that they hadn’t been dating for long, mostly because in my mind, this was happening in the same universe as this fic. Hope you guys like it and respect the reader’s decision to keep the baby the same way you should respect it if she decided to abort it or give it up for adoption. 
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Andy’s P.O.V.
Another day, another case, another headache. Working in law gets more tiring every day, and yet I persisted. Even through a divorce and its subsequent complications, I persisted. Sometimes, I forgot why.
I missed the days I remembered why I got into law in the first place. Those idyllic mornings, when I still thought I could change the world. Now all I wanted to do was to get home and eat my girlfriend’s pussy until she passed out from pleasure.
Just the thought of her sweet cunt had me licking my lips as I drove back to my place, wishing I could stop by hers instead. It still weirded me out that I was now in a relationship with someone that was my son’s age, someone who was still in college, but then I remembered all the moments we shared and was overcome with the realization that I simply didn’t want to let her go.
I knew it was selfish of me, but I believed I deserved at least this good thing in my life after my separation. As long as she wanted me, I wouldn’t let her go. And I was pretty sure that if she decided to leave me, I’d still fight for her to stay.
I loved her. I loved her enough to get through the hazard that was coming clean about our relationship to Jacob. I loved her enough to dream about a future together, even if it looked too far away for now. 
Still, I’d caught myself daydreaming about coming home to her more and more these days. It seemed that the more exhausted I was, the more I wanted her to be waiting for me when I crossed the apartment’s door, and I found myself thinking about buying a ring too many times for someone who had gone through such a lousy divorce and was dating a girl who still had college exams to worry about.
I knew our future together - if there even was one - was still too far, but I couldn’t help but want it now. Like, right now. So the fact that I wouldn’t be able to see her for another week or so while she prepared for finals was the closest thing to hell I could go through right now.
Which only made the sight of her by my apartment’s door that much sweeter. “Baby girl, what are you doing here?” Not even giving her the chance to explain, I pulled her into a needy kiss, desperate to taste her again.
I didn’t even notice that, in my eagerness to have her in my arms once more, I had dropped my briefcase and coat on the floor, opting to pay attention to the girl I held in the middle of the hallway.
I only saw the tracks of tears in her beautiful face when I released her, too. Immediately, my heart started to pound against my chest. Could something bad have happened to her? Was she hurt?
Cradling her face in my hands, I automatically started to wipe away her tears. “What’s going on, sweetheart? Why are you crying?” For whatever reason, my words only served to cause her crying to become more frantic, her sobs breaking out of her chest freely now.
My heart felt heavy at the sight of her that desperate. The urgent need to do something, to help her, but not knowing what could be done made my throat feel like it was closing. So I did the first thing I could come up with - I picked her up, not caring about my personal belongings at all as I managed to open the door and take her to the couch with me. 
“Shh… It’s alright, baby girl. I’m right here with you. Just tell me what happened, I’m sure I can help you somehow.” Again, it seemed like it was the wrong thing to say. My words took her to the verge of a panic attack if her breathing pattern was anything to go by, so I bit my tongue and focused on what I knew I could do at that very moment to help her, even if it was very little. I pulled her even closer to me, so her head was resting on my chest, and softly cradled her while rubbing her arm with one hand, while the other played with her hair. “I love you,” I repeated, over and over again. “You’re okay.”
It took some time, much longer than I hoped for, but at last her sobs started to come in bigger intervals, her breathing becoming deeper again. Slowly, she started to calm down and focus on me, and I waited until she was ready to speak, terrified of making her start crying again by pushing her to share what had caused such a terror.
“I went to the doctor today,” she started, and if at first my mind drew a blank because I had in no way anticipated this to be the start of her explanation, my heart quickly started to pound against my chest when I managed to process what she had said. 
Was she sick? I knew she had been feeling a bit under the weather recently, even throwing up some mornings, but I thought it was a bug that had been going around. She was in college, after all, and those environments were filled with bacteria, just waiting to spread any sort of illness they could provoke.
Was it something serious? For her to be that way, it had to have been. My hands started to sweat at the prospect of losing her. Automatically, I held her tighter, in desperate need to hear more but terrified of what was coming our way.
But she didn’t seem able to say it, whatever it was. Her eyes that had finally connected to mine since she started crying, suddenly fell down to her own hands, and her sniffles warned me that she had started to cry again.
“Y/N…” I begged, covering her hands with mine. “Princess, please, please talk to me. I’m going crazy here, sweetheart. I feel like I might pass out any second now.” Surprisingly, that granted me a giggle, and then, through sniffles and tears, she finally looked up at me again.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
I didn’t know how to drop this bomb on Andy. How do you tell your much older boyfriend, who already has a child who’s your exact age, that you’re pregnant with his kid? I was terrified. Terrified that he wouldn’t want anything to do with me anymore, that he would try to force me to get an abortion.
Terrified that I would have to do this alone.
But I had to tell him. Of course, I had. So taking one last deep breath, I squeezed the hand that was holding mine before confessing, in the bluntest possible way, since it was the only one I could come up with right now, “I’m pregnant.”
I don’t know what I was expecting. I hadn’t actually had the time to figure out how to tell him the news - hence my blurting in the simplest possible way - but that also meant I hadn’t really imagined any outcome for this. I had a lot of fears, of course, but no actual expectation. Still, Andy’s reaction managed to catch me by surprise.
At first, there was nothing at all. He just sat there, his huge hands still covering mine as he stared at me with a blank expression in his face. My heart pounded in my chest, and I could even hear it, amidst the silence in the room. Then, out of nowhere, he pounced on me, effectively knocking me back on the couch when he captured my lips with his. 
I couldn’t catch my breath as he enthusiastically devoured me, his hands cradling my face and caging me in as he forced me to make out with him on his sofa, like two teenagers after school. Andy was such a great kisser that it was hard for me not to melt against the soft cushions, instinctively opening my legs further so he could fit perfectly between them.
The way his strong body made me feel when it was covering mine was precisely what had got us in this mess, in the first place.
“Andy…” I tried to speak and push him away, but he was still kissing me desperately, opting for quick pecks around my face since I didn’t let him deepen his kiss again. “Andy!” I admonished when he continued to ignore me, choosing to suck tiny little bruises from my jaw down to my neck, instead. 
“Baby, I’m terrified over here. Can you please stop trying to distract me and tell me what you’re thinking?” That caught his attention. He finally reduced his kisses, slowly going back to his seating position on the couch and bringing me with him, laying me over his lap again.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart. It’s just… I’m so fucking relieved. First, I thought you’d break up with me. Then, since you talked about going to the doctor’s, I thought something was wrong with you. I was desperate, baby girl. Desperate. I figured, one way or another, I was going to lose you. And I don’t want to lose you.”
Hearing what was going on through his mind while I struggled to figure out how to explain what was happening made my heart feel heavy with guilt. I guess that, in the state I was in I kind of thought he would have realized what I was going to say, or simply not anticipate any sort of information whatsoever, so to hear that his mind jumped to these worst-case scenarios was heartbreaking to me.
“You’re not gonna lose me,” I assured him, reaching out for his hand and squeezing it in a small show of support. “I’m right here. But we need to figure out how we’re going to do this.” Andy blinked a few times before managing to voice his confusion.
“Do this what?” And then it was my turn to be confused.
“This… kid. What are we gonna do about this?” I watched as his nostrils flared, his grip on me momentaneously hardening, before he managed to get his emotions in check through a long exhale.
“You’re not seriously considering aborting my child, right?” The question - the tone - was like a slap to the face. In all honesty, that option had never even crossed my mind, but the way he was saying it, like I had no say in the matter, killed me inside.
“I’m gonna give you the time to figure out what the hell is wrong with you. I know that this is a pretty overwhelming situation and I just sprung this on you, but that is no excuse to address me in such a manner. Especially if you consider just how much I’m the one who’s really going to have my entire life turned upside down because of this.”
Andy’s P.O.V.
I groaned as I watched her leave the room in the direction of the bathroom, knowing this was her way of letting me know I shouldn’t look for her until I was prepared to apologize. But I was already ready. I knew how terrible my words had sounded, but it came from a place of love and happiness with the situation other than possessiveness. 
So, with that in mind, I rubbed my face before getting up and following her, just in time to find her reentering my bedroom. “I’m sorry, princess. I-I just didn’t know how to react when the thought of you getting an abortion popped into my mind. It’s not like you’re a fucking one night stand or a fling to me, but you’re absolutely right. It’s your body and you should do what makes you comfortable. I just ask you to keep in mind that I would love to have this child with you. I’d support you - I’d support the both of you unconditionally. I know we’ve only been dating for a few months, but I’m serious about you. I’m serious about us. I’d marry you tomorrow if it’s what you need to know how serious I really am about this. And yeah, it’s gonna be hard, but I’m here for you. I’m always gonna be here for you, every step of the way.”
By the time I was done with my speech, she had tears in her eyes again, only this time, I knew what it was about, so I only chuckled. “Come here, sweetheart.” I pulled her to me, hugging her close to my body as I caressed the back of her head. “We’re gonna be okay, one way or another.”
“You sure you’re not just gonna abandon me with a small child?” I knew that her question came from a place of insecurity, but I still couldn’t control myself as a growl escaped my chest, my hands tightening around her, as I reminded her, “You’re mine, baby girl. I’m never gonna leave you. Don’t even think that.”
Slowly, she stopped crying, until only a few sniffles were heard every once in a while. “Okay,” she mumbled in a small voice, clearing the bedroom from what was once a silent atmosphere.
“Okay, let’s do this. Let’s… Let’s have a baby together.”
A huge smile slowly took over my face as I cradled hers in mine to make sure there was no trace of hesitation in her eyes. “We’re gonna be parents?”
“We’re gonna be parents,” she confirmed, accepting my hug again. “Well, you’re already a parent.” The reminder had me chuckling to myself.
“I can’t wait to tell Jacob about this. He’s going to flip.” The mischievous tone in my voice earned me a playful slap on the shoulder. 
“No teasing him more than necessary, Andrew. He’s already going to be pretty affected by this.”
“Can’t make any promises.”
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kingsuckjin · 4 years ago
Ruin Him - JJK
> Genre: Jk virgin coworker au, smut  
>Warnings: Jk is a bit subby, he’s a virgin, public sex/ car sex, fingering (f receiving) reader is a dom, kinda soft, corruption kink 
>Rating: 18+ (for smut)
>Synopsis: You get fired and expect it to be a lot worse of a day than it is. your friend the IT guy at the office comes to your rescue.
> Words: 3.5k
“I’m sorry but your subpar work just isn’t cutting it, we’re letting you go. Please gather your things and vacate the premises.” 
That’s what he said. Your boss sat there in his fancy chair, not giving a fuck, seeming proud of himself for his words. He didn’t care that you worked your ass off for the past few years at this job praying all your work paid off in the form of a raise or a promotion just for him to call you a different name the handful of times he ever acknowledged your existence. He didn’t care that you didn’t know how to find a new job on such a short term, he didn’t even give you two weeks’ notice. He probably didn’t even care that because of this you might have to move back in with your parents for a while. You felt like you had failed, but you were more than heartbroken as you stormed through the maze of cubicles towards your own where your desk was, clutching the box that your boss had handed you with somewhat of a smile, you were pissed. The silent stares you knew that you were getting only angered you more, you felt like a circus clown like they wanted a good show. You felt like screaming at them “what are you looking at?!” but then again maybe they pitied you. You probably had mascara running down your tear-soaked cheeks, they probably knew what had happened from the way you were acting.
It didn’t matter, you just wanted out of there, and the looks and silence from them only made you rethink even taking the time to get your things at all. 
You held the box against the side of your desk as you carelessly raked your things into it with teary, blurred vision. You had worked so hard just to toss years worth of being here into a box.
You felt so alone, no one had said a word to you, your mind raced with pain and anger as you took your filled box and began to quickly race towards the elevator. You saw that elevator as the light at the end of this nightmare tunnel, it would shield you from the staring, from the gawking, from the pity. You did your best to hold back the wall of sobs that were threatening to break forth and bring you to your knees as you thought about how someone could be so cold and just fire you as if you weren’t even a person.
In it the midst of your thought and rushing, you could feel your foot catch on something, next thing you were sent falling forward. The bottom of the box fell through and you and your things went crashing to the floor.
You wanted to just lay there, to just give up and hope you melted and soaked into the floor so you could just get away as fast as you could from this embarrassing situation.
“Here” someone muttered. You had been engrossed in your self-pity and stares from the others you hadn’t even realized the one and the only person you ever counted on was here to rescue you.
You pushed yourself off the floor as he concentrated on taking the box on the floor gathering your things and putting them back inside, carefully holding the now broken bottom so they all didn’t fall through. You looked at the man as he pushed his round glasses up onto his face and stood. He took the box under one of his arms and outreached the other arm to you to help you up, which you graciously took.
“Let me walk you to your car, okay?” he announced more so than asked, he was already heading towards the elevator with your things leaving you to run along behind him to catch up.
You had spent so many lunches with this man, he was the only real not standoffish one here, the only one that was easy to talk to and get along with. Maybe because it was because he was young like you, or maybe because he was an outcast at this place like you. Jeon Jungkook worked in IT, he was shy, stuttered when nervous combined with his little habit of pushing his glasses upon his face. He was a bit of a nerd, or that’s what people said around the office, but you had always seen him as nothing more than a friend. 
As you were accompanied out the doors of the building and into the parking lot, you were still holding back the tears that were threatening to spill. The walk to your car was silent, but he seemed to stall with the box in his hand as you stopped next to your car.
“I’m- I’m so sorry.” Jungkook’s eyebrows furrowed and his voice took on a tone that dripped with guilt and pity for you.
“It’s alright,” you said weakly as you took the box from him, careful to hold the button as he had. “I’m uh-” your voice broke and shook just a bit making you clear your throat and avoid eye contact with the man whom you had spent a lot of lunches with, the man who had just witnessed your near meltdown over being fired.
“For what it’s worth, he’s probably going to fire me too, he never liked either of us. Jokes on him though, I have another job lined up already, better paying too. Hey! I could put in a good word for you! I bet they’d have a spot open, it’s run by an old friend, and I bet I could-”
“Ah Kookie, you don’t have to do that.” you wondered how bad he had felt for you to offer this.
“I know, but what would lunch be without my lunch friend? If I’m switching jobs you might as well come with me, you know? I can give my friend a call tonight. You’re a good and dedicated worker and I’m sure he won’t say no.”
“Really?” you felt your tears and emotions subside for a moment and make way for a little excitement and relief.
“Of course.” he gave a little chuckle as he looked down at the pavement of the parking lot “You did tolerate being friends with the office nerd for the past few years, it’s the least I could do.” 
“I never once thought you were a nerd Kook, they were all just dicks.” you smiled at his smile from your honesty.
“Hey, uh, listen…” he pushed his glasses up on the bridge of his nose once again and ran a hand through his hair. “If you’re not doing anything tonight maybe… would- would you want to- go out for dinner? You know? As a celebration dinner for not- not having to put up with that dictator anymore.” he thumbed towards the building behind him “Y-you don’t have to, it’s-”
The more he went on the more he seemed to stutter and that let you know he was nervous.
“Yeah actually, let’s do that. You still have my number, right?”
He gave you a wide smile as he nodded.
“Is eight okay? You want to pick me up?” you asked as you shoved the box haphazardly into your back seat. 
“Y-yeah, okay. I’ll text you,” he assured you.
You opened the driver’s side door but paused a moment before taking the few steps back over to him and planting a quick kiss on his cheek.
“Thanks for making all of this a lot better Kook.” 
You didn’t need to turn back around and see his face to know he wore such a cute flustered look, you had seen it before when casually flirting with him, you had always adored it, as a matter of fact, you more than adored it. He was always so shy and quiet and to be honest that was your thing, you often found yourself daydreaming about what he’d be like in bed. Would he let you take control over him? Would he switch into someone more aggressive? Tonight you were determined to find out, you had a bad enough day and decided that the dick of the gentlemanly coworker you had been thirsting after for years might make it all so much better.
He picked you up right at eight, still in his crisp white work shirt and black slacks, freshly off work. His car had the same smell like him. He made small talk the entire drive but you found yourself staring at your knight in shining armor. You liked how the lights from the street poured into the dark car occasionally and lit his smooth skin and glittered off those glasses that seemed too big for his face. You itched to touch him, you felt like you were wasting time already, you decided to test the waters, so when he was mid-sentence you placed a hand just above his knee. He paused a moment and you knew if he was about to reject you or if he asked you to move your hand, you would and simply just have a normal friend dinner with him then you would gladly do that instead, you did like spending time with him after all and you knew he wasn’t the kind of person to hold something like a little crush against you forever.
He didn’t stop you though, he didn’t move your hand, he just ignored it and continued about how he knew the guy who would hopefully soon be your new boss and how cool he was.
You honestly didn’t know where to go from there, dinner was casual, it was sweet, he took you to a nice steak house and paid, saying that you were “currently jobless” in a joking way. You had had so many lunches with him in the break room, you had eaten together before, but this time it felt so different. He seemed to stare more, stutter more, push up his glasses more and that was a sure sign of nervousness. You tried to join in on the conversation and not seem too boring in hopes he would want to do this again with you one day, but you honestly couldn’t get the thought of completely dominating him out of your head. 
You didn’t make another move though, you were too worried he was just too shy or afraid to tell you not to. On your way home, just as you were figuring you were probably better off as friends any way he asked a strange question. 
“Can we pull over and talk? I-I’d like to talk a little if that’s- that’s  alright?” 
“Of course, I’m in no rush to get home.” you replied knowing that this was it, he was about to give you the “we’re only friends” talk.
He said nothing else until he parked in a back empty parking lot of a store that had closed down months ago. Then he turned the car off, and simply just sat there a moment. 
You wondered if you should ask what he wanted to talk about or start apologizing for your inappropriate behavior on the way to dinner when he finally turned to you, not making eye contact.
“I-I-I…” he stopped a moment and sighed, seeming a little aggravated at his stuttering “I wish I didn’t do that.” he then muttered. “I have something to tell you.”
“Okay.” you urged listening closely.
“I’m bad at this whole thing.” he gave a short sad laugh, more like a short breath than anything “I’m a virgin… is why.” he stared out the windshield as he spoke, seeming regretful once he did it.
“Hm,” you said and gave a little shrug and that’s when he looked at you again, inspecting your nonchalant reaction.
“You probably guessed that, right?” he let his forehead fall on the steering wheel and closed his eyes “why am I so dumb and obvious?” he seemed to ask himself.
“I guessed that you liked it rough in bed, like a lady in the streets but a freak in the bed, you know?” 
He lifted his head and looked at you with furrowed eyebrows.
“First of all, did you just quote an Usher song after I told you I was a virgin? Secondly, I am not whatever you thought I was.” his laugh was more of an amused one this time.
“I did. I did quote Usher. What do you say we find out though how you are in bed, right here, right now? I mean I’m not a virgin, but I’m a car sex virgin so it would be like we’re taking each other’s virginities.” you joked.
His eyes nearly went as wide as his mouth had fallen.
“N-n-now? Here? In my car?”
“Sure” you shrugged “Unless you’re opposed to it.” you shrugged once again.
His reply was a rapid shake of his head.
“Good,” you replied as you made your way over the center console that separated the both of you until your knees sat on both sides of his lap, straddling it. 
You now face to face and he looked you in the eye but seemed so speechless. You didn’t need to hear him stutter to know that he was nervous, his quick breaths were the only noise in the quiet car.
You connected your lips to his and the result was a slow but passionate kiss, no tongue, nothing too fancy. 
When you pulled your head back away from him you decided to ask to make sure this was what he wanted.
“Are you sure you want this?” You didn’t have to wait long for your whispered question to be answered.
“You have no idea how badly I’ve wanted this. Turns out you- you weren’t the- the only one who has imagined what the other would be like in bed.” you watched his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed down his nervous stuttering “do what you want, how you want it. S-show me what you like”
With his confirmation you reached down to the side of his seat, letting it fall back until he was lying horizontally.
“Let’s have some fun then Kook.” you leaned down over him hiking up your best dress so that your thighs were freer and your purposefully worn sexiest panties were exposed and could grind against his dress pants and hardening bulge in them.
When your lips met with his they were more hungry and less gentle than the first time. Your tongue found his and encouraged it to play with yours.
He seemed less and less nervous as time went by, even placing his hands on your ass and squeezing in rhythm with your still clothed but damp core grinding into his erection under his dress pants. You undoubtedly needed more though, you craved to fluster him more, you wanted him to feel what he was doing to you, how he was absolutely wrecking you without doing anything at all.
“Touch me.” you pried your lips from his to demand.
“I-I- I’ve done that part before but I-I-” you lifted his hand and guided it to tour soaked panties and he began to touch you through the material, letting his fighters over where your clit lie underneath the sticky material.
“So good, you’re doing so good.” you moaned just desperate for his touch to the point where you would take anything from him. He sucked in a breath at your praise. 
“Like that? What if I…” he slipped his hand down the front of your panties, pulling them down just enough to reach inside and once again run his fingers over your slit, but this time with nothing separating you from his touch.
“Do you feel how wet I am for you? I want you so badly.” you took hold of his wrist and guided his fingers until they were inside of you.
“Fuck.” he breathed a shaky breath. “So tight.” 
You bounced a little on his two fingers taking them inside of you.
“Tell me that you dreamed of me taking your cock.” you moaned as you imagined it yourself.
“I have. I have for so long. Please fuck me.” he seemed so desperate and a tingle ran through you at how much you enjoyed the sound of him being so needy for you.
“Beg me Kookie. Beg me to be the first to take your cock, show me how much you want me.” 
“Please please please, please. Be my first, I want it, I want you,” he whispered sweetly and still breathlessly.
“Pull down your pants.” You ordered. his fingers left your pussy you couldn’t help but see the slick sheen of them as he fumbled with his pants. You leaned over into your seat and took the condom in your bag out that you had put there in hopes this all went well.
You opened the wrapper and rolled the latex down over his now exposed cock he had been slightly stroking. You were impressed with his size, he was hiding something pretty big in those dress pants all those years, maybe if you would have known all of this you would have offered to fuck him sooner, but you tried not to dwell on all of that, you just wanted to feel his cock fill you. 
Your hips hovered over him, ready to take him at any second. 
“Wait, we’re in p-public we could get in-”
“Trouble? You want to back out of this now?” you questioned with a raise of an eyebrow.
“No, no, no. I’m doing this.” he was determined, he reached for his glasses to take them off, but you stopped him.
“Leave them, I want you to see my face clearly when I cum for you, on your cock buried inside of me.” with that you lowered yourself down onto him. You didn’t take it too slowly when you finally had him entirely inside of you, you began to rock your hips right away, leaving him moaning and gripping your hips tightly with every movement. 
It was bliss to finally have him in you, to be wrecking him underneath you like this, to hear him cursing with sensitivity under his hard, quick breaths.
You were leaning in so far forward to sporadically kiss him and bite at his lips roughly, that your clit rubbed against his pubic bone with every movement. 
“You like that Jungkook? You like the way you feel inside of this pussy?” You teased.
“Fuck.” he repeated among groans of pleasure with his eyes shut. “What-what id I accidentally-”
“It’s alright, it’s your first time, but try to hang in there and let me play with you just a little longer.” you coached, but you were already riding him so fast, just seconds from your orgasm, you were so out of breath and all you wanted was to let him feel you cum around him. You wanted to ruin him for life, and from the fucked out expression on his face you seemed to be doing your job. 
The nerdy guy from work was balls deep inside of you and you could feel his cock twitching and hard, ready to release any second and finally give you what you had been daydreaming of for so many years. 
His normally neat hair was a mess and his glasses were askew as his fingers dug further into your skin.
“Kook I’m so close.” you panted as you forced your hips to move faster. His jaw was viably clenched as he viably also struggled to hang on. 
He slammed his hips up into you in time and that was what did it.
You gripped his white dress shirt and he let out a long moan. His cock twitching as you felt him release into the condom dragged out your high. You could only watch his furrowed brows as he seemed to hold your hips in place as he came.
Then you were left staring at each other, heavy breathed and not saying anything for a moment
“Y-you know, even if I wasn’t a virgin, that would have p-probably sill been the best sex of my life.” 
You let out a laugh as you climbed off of him and back into your seat, pulling down your dress as you did so.
“Yeah, I have to admit you weren’t too bad, especially for someone who’s never done that before. You have drive and dedication… I guess I should’ve seen that coming since you show that in your job.” you talked through him pulling off the condom, wrapping it in a napkin, and tossing it.
“At least you think so, I was fired today too. Jokes on him though, we both have new jobs now anyway.” he smiled and you let your surprise show on your face “I told you earlier but you didn’t seem to be listening, now I know where your mind was.” he said, making you laugh.
“And that’s where my mind will be from now on, we should do this more since we’re still coworkers, our little secret, yeah?” 
“As if I’d say no to the best sex of my life again.” he started the car and pushed his glasses back up.
“Still the only sex of your life, but I’m kind of glad it’s the only so you think it’s the best.” you snorted with laughter at your own statement.
“Like I said, even if it wasn’t my only and there were so many more before you, I swear it would still be the best.” he gave you a smile. you knew it was cheesy but it was still cute.
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literaila · 4 years ago
If you’re still doing requests, what about a loki x reader where he plans a date around asgard? Pure fluff as he tries to impress reader
a perfect sort of different 
loki x gn!reader 
a/n: went with more of a “loki moments” type thing but. it was very fun to daydream..sooo.
the pure rush of colors was magnificent.
it felt like so many things, so many bright lights flying past you at once, so many seconds condensed into not even one, and so many smiles lived through the blur of everything.
you’d been worried about the Bifrost— loki spoke of it with a brilliant smile on his face, mischievous glint in his eyes. but now, seeing it for yourself, you understood that look.
and you felt a little dizzy.
loki is holding onto your arm when you regain composure and look around, you’re barely aware that he’s the only thing holding you up.
it’s different here, strange. your eyes are squinted, tired from all the colors but you still manage to look around.
your head tilts to look at loki, whos staring at you with all the confusion of a mighty god. he must not even realize how disorienting the bifrost could be.
“yes?” you whisper, surprised by how your voice sounds. it’s different, strange, but feels smooth. you smile as you breathe out, enjoying this sensation.
loki looks amused when you meet his eyes again, and finally, he lets go of your arm, turning around.
your eyes drift past him, to the walls, the floor, the weird thing in the middle of the room, and finally, someone else.
you hadn’t even noticed the person standing there, proper-like, sword in hand. he’s staring at you, eyes a strong, strange type of gold. he doesn’t look unkind, but still, your smile is hesitant.
you wish there was a directory for this sort of thing.
“thank you, heimdall,” loki quips, not bothering to look over to the man, and walking past without a breath.
his strange tone of voice doesn’t escape your ears. you stare after him, his long immortal strides, noting the tension in his back.
“shall i let your father know that you’re here with— ahem —your guest?” the man, heimdall, calls after him even though he’s not that far away yet.
he’s not looking at you anymore, so he can’t see your confused face. you sense some tension.
loki spins around with a smile, too big to be real.
“better not,”
and then he’s walking again, leaving you behind, standing there looking all too small. accidentally— you hope.
you turn to the man with his beautiful gold eyes. he’s already looking at you, waiting for whatever he knows you’re about to say. your eyes dart to loki for a moment, meters ahead of you already, and you look at heimdall again with an apologetic face.
“thank you,” you say quickly with your strange chilled voice, and then, before he can respond, you’re running after loki.
he walks far faster than you do— curse his long legs — and it takes a moment to catch up. luckily, he stops when he notices you approaching.
his face is void of anything.
“bad blood?”
loki, stood in front of you, gives an unamused look at your words, then looks forward to the-
oh, wow.
if you’d thought the bifrost and the man were strange— this would be miles away. the sight in front of you has your jaw-dropping, your breath wavering off as you stare.
it’s bright, so bright, and gold gold gold. it looks like a place from a story, a fictional thing that people on earth could never dream of seeing. it’s so-
it would be embarrassing to burst into tears right here, wouldnt it?
loki seems to be thinking the same thing because he leans down to grab your hand, distracting you from your thoughts of sobbing.
“do you like it?” he wonders, nodding toward the castle, the gold, the colors. it’s all very overwhelming. beautiful.
“it’s very…” you cant stop staring, cant think long enough to finish.
your eyes are glued in front of you.
“very what?”
and to him.
his blue eyes are awaiting your response, and his hand soft and cold in yours.
“just very,” you whisper.
he rolls his eyes, breaking your lovestruck thoughts. bastard.
“that doesn’t make any sense, dear,” he chides, taking a few steps forward and pulling you with him. he ignores the scoff that follows his response.
you observe the sky, clearer than you’ve seen before, the mountains which you hadn’t expected, the buildings and the still-movement all of them are making.
it’s only takes a few more seconds for you to finally look down—
—and jump away from loki.
he’s looking over at you with curious eyes, wondering where you’ve gone, but you’re staring at the ground.
eyes wide, face shocked, wondering how in the nine realms you didn’t notice this earlier.
it’s a rainbow, yes, so how are you walking on it?
“am i going to die?” you blurt out, moving backward, not really looking where you’re going. all you know is that you need to get off this rainbow.
you cant believe loki wouldn’t have warned you before, cant believe that you’re still alive even now.
“darling-“ loki is calling, you don’t listen. “darling, darling—“ his voice gets louder, nearing you. “hey-“
he’s grabs your arm, pulling you to him, his breath against your face. his grip is stronger, but his voice is stronger “you’re only going to die if you fall off,”
it’s then you notice how close you were to the edge of the bridge.
you look up to loki, now rational enough to be still, and wince at his scowl. embarrassing mortal, you are.
“sorry,” you say and take a step back. the ground is firm beneath your feet. you probably should’ve noticed that before.
another eye roll.
okay, so maybe you definitely should’ve noticed that before. and— yup, loki is still glaring at you.
“i’m okay now,” you promise, smiling and taking a step closer to him. loki doesn’t relent, turning his head away.
you kiss his jaw anyway, loving the quirk of his lip you can just barely see out of the corner of your eye. he’s not a very sly god.
you peck up, until you can just barely meet the corner of his lips, and then he’s turning his head, meeting you halfway.
forgiven, then.
“you are absurd,” he says, his eyes so very kind, the antonym to his words. he runs two finger tips under your jaw and then looks away.
“sorry,” you repeat.
loki just laughs, moves the two of you closer to the middle of the ‘bridge’, giving you a pointed look. he’s never going to let that go.
then the two of you are walking, towards the castle, towards the gold, towards the beautiful place in front of you. you’re not sure how loki is so calm, how he can keep his eyes off of any of this for even a moment.
when you’ve almost reached the end, loki starts telling you about the bridge, about its prosperities, it’s history. he whispers things about the skyline in your ear and guides you toward the beautiful place.
it’s all very wonderful. peaceful, somehow, something you’d never thought you’d get to experience. especially not with him.
you’re almost there though, the buildings, the people, when you feel a cold blur cover you.
your clothes are gone, in their place, a blob of leather and cloth.
he doesn’t stop, moving ahead with your hand still in his. you notice his clothes, once a shirt and some jeans, now transformed into leather and more leather.
and… horns? gold horns?
appealing, yes. ridiculous, yes.
“your highness, almighty god, care to explain?”you call, after removing your hand from his, and crossing your arms. he’s not supposed to magic you without warning.
he doesn’t even attempt to look innocent, instead fiddling with the clothing at your waist— admiring it almost.
you huff.
“darling, you can’t except us to wear… that here, honestly. you’d be executed at the gate,” he waved a hand, completely ignoring your face.
dumb, cute, bastard god.
he tries to pull you again but you snap back. “nuh-uh, junior, you don’t make any sense,”
“i don’t make sense?” his amused eyebrow is not helping.
“explain,” you say, instead of elbowing him.
he sighs, throws his head back, rolls his eyes and looks up. all within two seconds. you might’ve appreciated it if he wasn’t being so convoluted.
he sighs again. “we’re trying not to draw any unwanted attention, darling, hence the clothes,”
you stare at him for a few moments, his impatient, ridiculous face.
and then “you’re literally wearing horns,”
“they’re comfortable,” he says, as if that’s any explanation at all.
“they’re horns,”
“custom fit” he says with a stupid prideful face. again, any other time it might’ve been endearing.
you look behind him, to the palace you cant wait to see, to the noises you can hear.
“…aren’t you like a prince here?”
“well, technically, darling-“
but you don’t let him finish, instead you take one step past him and interrupt. “also, you like— bask in attention all of the time. you practically live for it,” you continue to walk, expecting him to follow.
“i do not ba-“
“don’t try and deny it, loki, lying doesn’t look good on you.”
“i’m the god of lies,” loki huffs, and doesn’t utter another word. you’re sure he’s crossing his arms and pouting.
after a few moments of silence, you’re beginning to worry that you’ve actually hurt his feelings, but then he sighs again.
“shall i take them off?”
you roll your eyes at that, watching his hand go up to his head, stopping him with the gentle tap of yours
“no, love, then people won’t notice them,”
you walk forward, laughing to yourself when loki doesn’t follow. a part of you wants to look back to see the look on his face, but the other part doesn’t want to give him the satisfaction.
it doesn’t matter though because loki only pauses for a moment, and then he’s running to catch up to you and looking down upon you with a smirk.
“does that mean you like them, then?”
loki’s room is… unexpected.
you’d guessed about the rows of books, the dark colors, the large expanse of space. it wasn’t that hard to guess after you knew about his decorating skills.
but this… something about this is warm.
maybe it’s the large glass windows you hadn’t thought of, maybe it’s the light they bring in. maybe it’s the view of the bifrost, maybe it’s just some magic asgardian thing,
but still, you loved it from the moment you’d walked in.
it was him, you supposed, there wasnt much that could keep you from loving it. 
still, loki’s tour of the room (big, yet smaller than you’d thought it would be) was your favorite part. 
“this was my favorite dagger, before my mother gave me the one at home,” and “yes that is a trophy— no, darling, we dont need to talk about it-” and “you think thats funny but i spent most nights away from bed,” (you’d hit him for that one (( “sneaking!” he’d promised))  
it was wonderful to hear about his childhood, no matter the grey-tinted glasses he looked at it through. 
and now, standing at his library while he sits in the chair next to you, you cant stop smiling at the books you cant read. 
“whats this one?” 
“that one is illusion-casting,” he answers, and he has a book in his hand— another title you cant read —but the two of you both know that he hasnt looked away from you once. 
“i should burn it,” you mutter, familiar with the name and the magic. 
loki smirks, you refuse to look and see but he is, and sings out a quiet “ ‘fraid you’re a bit too late,” 
“this one?” you demand, voice louder now. you ignore the snake slithering over your finger tips. he won’t win that fast.  
“that one is a work of fiction,” he says, standing up to grab it from you. the snakes disappear in an instant. he flips it from the front to the back, studying it carefully. you’re sure you see him gulp before he says “its about frost giants.” 
you’re familiar with that name too. and you know, you would’ve been able to see it even if you didnt, that its a bad reminder for loki. something about it is causing that dullness in his eyes. 
“it is?” you whisper, moving closer to him to observe. you still cant read it, but something about the feel of his skin is comforting. 
“its asgardian, obviously,” he looks up, closed off face. “not very pleasant,” he whispers to you. 
his words send pricks down your heart. 
you’d known this would happen when he’d invited you, stuttered out his invitation with his silk voice. you had guessed that too— that asgard held bad memories for him. that there was a reason, before maybe, he hadn’t wanted to come back. 
until now, of course. he was excited to show you around. 
still, there must be something to get that look off of his face. 
you grab the book from his hands, placing it back on the shelf as carefully as possible. you move back, smile— slightly sad —on your face. loki is watching, but you’re not sure if hes really there. 
so, you move closer, grab his hands before stepping into his chest. 
you’re looking into his eyes when you ask “should i burn that one too?” 
and he doesn’t move. he doesn’t breathe in or out. he just stands for a moment.
but you can see it— the twitch of his nose, the subtle change in his eyes. you can see the life return to his brows, the colors flooding his cheek.
you don’t mention the blue, the tint, the composure he’d lost. you won’t speak of it until he does.
and then, within another moment, with one sharp inhale of breath, loki’s smiling.
and it’s wonderful, it’s amazing, and you’re quick to return it. you hope it’s your words, hope that loki can already hear the unspoken ‘i accept you’ you’re sending to him.
you hope just this once that he’s reading your mind, that he knows how highly you think of him.
it takes one more second for loki to grab at your waist, to stare at your lips until he cant take it anymore and he— gently —claws at your face.
his lips are yours and his hands are running across your skin, across the clothes he’s made for you, all over until you’re breathing once again.
you want to pull back and look at the color of his eyes, but you don’t want to move. you cant move away from him now.
with gasps of breath, warming hands, loving eyes you can see when loki finally does pull back, the two of you are smiling.
at least, right now, you’re enough to shove away the memories.
“yes, darling,” he whispers with his lips centimeters from yours. “you should burn them all,”
you laugh and loki groans into the next kiss. he’s fast and slow and hard and soft and pulling away…
“we should burn them all,” he corrects, eyes attached to yours.
you scoff though, instead of returning his lovely look, and move away. “i quite like the look of some of these,”
“you cant even read them,” loki complains, reminds you with a smirk.
you glare at him, pulling out another book. he’s right next to you, leaning against the shelf and watching you with observant eyes.
“doesn’t mean i’m going to burn them all just to feed your pyromaniac tendencies,”
loki laughs, maybe at you, maybe at your words.
but still, when you look over to him again, you can’t help but laugh back.
“…if i married you, would we share the title of ‘the god of mischief’?”
it was a serious question.
loki’s reaction was not helpful in the slightest.
he’s sitting next to you, laughing— cackling at your words.
the two of you have been leaning against the bookshelf for a while now, not noticing the time that’s passed while you discuss, talk and read.
well, loki reads, you listen.
you been enjoying the stories he tells you, both his and others, enjoying the way his mouth moves when he reads, the way his eyes flick up to yours every couple of moments. the smile that lights up his face after those few seconds of eye contact.
you enjoyed his bursts of energy, the moments when he’s reminded of something and so he pauses the story and tells you something else instead.
you’ve enjoyed all of these hours on the floor.
and no, you’re not exactly sure how the subject has come up, but still.
the scowl on your face is not playful.
“that’s not really how it works, darling,” loki says in between the laughs he still can’t seem to keep in.
he’s got a hold of your hand, and so, with the maturity of the adult you are, you snatch it back.
it’s only then that he looks up with betrayal in his eyes. his lips quirk at the look on your face moments after.
“fine,” you say with practiced ease. “i didn’t want to marry you anyway,”
without another look at his face, you stand up, sore from sitting on the floor for so long and stretch.
loki is quick to follow, turning your head to make you look him in the eyes.
“pardon, darling?”
your smile is malicious. “you didn’t hear me?”
loki quirks an eyebrow at you and moves your head down only slightly. he moves his hand against your forehead.
“are you sick, my dear?” he asks with all the fake curiosity he can muster.
hey wait— where did he even learn that?
he laughs again when you force his hand away.
“you’re infuriating,” you say, glaring at him.
loki smiles, charming once again, and leans down. “i am the god of mischief-“
“heard that one before-“
“-and i will share that title with you, if you’d like.”
and then, he’s across the room before you even get the chance to make another comment.
god— he’s so beautiful when he’s laughing at you.
“what do you think?” he asks, playing with your wrist in his delicate hands, moving your hand to his liking.
it’s been a long day, you think.
“about what?” you whisper back, teasing that smooth sensation on your tongue, feeling the weight of your eyelids.
his bed is wonderful. soft, silky. and even if the scent is slightly different— you can still tell it’s him.
“me,” loki murmurs. “here, this place, my home.”
he’s giving you options, you know, and still. there’s only one real answer.
it’s all been very disorienting. from the very moment, you stepped foot here, from the moment loki asked you to come. it’s been fast, and slow, and a blur of everything.
every moment has been scattered with confusion, and while happiness, excitement, and curiosity lay beneath that— it’s still the biggest thing.
it’s so different here, so strange, so sweet. loki is different here too— someone you don’t know, but recognize so well.
there’s so much to mention and just not enough words.
so, you don’t know what to say when he asks.
loki seems to notice, he’s looking in your eyes which are cast off to the side, and he can see the hesitation.
“if it’s bad, i’m sure we can find a memory loss spell,” he says.
you laugh and he delights in the sound. he keeps going.
“or we can go back down to midgard, and you can tell everyone i kidnapped you, and then you’ll never have to see me again.”
“technically, you did,” you say, looking at him, watching his facial expressions.
he laughs. “i did,”
theres a moment after hes done speaking, pure silence.
loki gives you a minute to think, traces the skin under your eyes while he waits. hes been paitent-- uncharacteristic -- and you still dont know what to say. 
“i feel like i’m dreaming,” you blurt out, carefully watching for his reaction. 
he doesnt answer, doesnt meet your eyes, only hums. 
hes waiting for more you know. 
you sigh. “i’ve been worried that i havent woken up all day- that you’re upset because i stood you up, and missed out on all of this.” 
loki looks then, looks at you, looks closer. 
“this is all so surreal, loki, so different.” 
he smiles, and you’re not sure if its good or not. you’re both tired, you can tell, you’re both exhausted, you’re both drained from all the laughing, and you’re both so happy. 
or, you hope he is. you know you are. how could you not be? 
maybe you should tell him that, too. 
“a bad sort of different?” loki asks before you can speak again. hes moving up, lifting his head from your stomach and moving to meet you, to hold you. 
you’re smiling once again, a tired sort of smile. 
“nothing different about you is bad,” you tell him, you whisper into his mouth when you move up to kiss him. you wrap your hands in his hair, pull him as close as possible. 
its such a lazy kiss, but you cant help but think that its your favorite one of the day. you feel loki’s hand on your neck, feel him pull you in too. 
you match each other, in breath, in movements, in whispers between kisses, in softness and warmth. 
when you move back, when you look at him again, when your eyelids are falling but hes holding you up-- 
when you move back, you cant stop yourself from speaking again. “you dont think my different is bad, do you?” 
its sort of a rhetorical question, but maybe its not. loki is going to answer, either way, you know. 
“your different is perfect,” he confirms and pulls you in deeper once again. hes pulling you under the water, holding you up in the sky, making you feel so different here, so different in his bed, in his home, in his arms. 
a perfect sort of different, you know. now, and then and forever, maybe. 
“are you still dreaming?” loki asks when he pulls back. he says it like hes trying to prove to you that you arent. like hes trying to prove to you that this is real, that he is real. 
“maybe,” you answer back, close-lipped smile on your face. “but, you know.” 
loki stares, his head lifts up as he waits. 
...and then you dont say anything. you’re just breathing, matching his stare. 
“i don’t” he protests, a demand in its own way. softly, he kisses between your brows. 
you smile, softer at his touch. 
“i dont mind dreaming, as long as you’re here,” 
maybe its not the answer he was expecting, or maybe its shocking, because the look he gives you is not what you were expecting. 
you laugh and lay back against the pillows, knowing that he’ll follow, knowing that you’re both going to fall asleep like this and it’ll be perfectly okay. 
you’re supposed to stay here for a while anyway, today was just a start. 
loki, kisses you again, once more for now, desperate and hard and unlike the kisses from before. 
its a blur of colors before he lets you go again, a blur of hope and excitement and wonder and every emotion he lends you. 
you’re so tired, you know. 
he whispers something in your ear, says your name again, calls you ‘darling’ for the last time that day. 
it's a different kind of sleep. strange, shallow. in his arms, surrounded by these sheets that you’ve never felt before. surrounded by this place that you’ve never been. cuddled in the arms of someone you’ve always known. 
my masterlist here. 
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mimiwrites2000 · 4 years ago
What Does White Mean?
Chapter ONE / two
AO3 ~~
Pairings: Armin x Annie
(side pairings: Pieck Finger x Jean Kirstein, Reiner Braun x Hitch Dreyse, Mikasa Ackreman x someone new)
Words count: 3416
* spoilers for chapter 131 and up
The ocean lulled them to sleep, and the sun woke them up with mild kisses. Tangled with each other, in their cabin by the beach. After the war ended, they moved together, ever since, they faced obstacles, issues, and misunderstandings. One of them was Armin’s seashells. Stubbornness got in the way, but no matter how much they tried, they couldn’t keep their hands to themselves.
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He already filled two boxes to the rim. Pieces falling out from them, the wooden edges of the boxes barely holding them in. 
Sea shells in necklaces, bracelets, rings. But nothing was good enough, nothing was perfect.
He didn't know what the perfect one looked like, but he knew that none of them was it.
In his small workshop, that was, in fact, just a tiny storage room before he started this hobby, Armin worked his way through another piece of jewelry.
A seashell with streaks of pink, light as Annie's lips. Dots of sparkling white adorning it, just like the sparks in her eyes.
He put the final touches on the necklace, twisting the clasp in its place, giving it two tugs to insure its firmness, then opened the cabinet in his desk, and pulled out a third box.
Imperfect piece number one went in the third box.
The storage room— the workshop had a small, triangle, frosted glass window, but Armin didn't like it, it made the small place even smaller. After he moved in with Annie, he changed it immediately, to a clear transparent glass. 
Their ocean-view cabin met Armin’s dreams to the smallest detail; one bedroom, one bathroom, a living room, and a kitchenette were enough to satisfy them and convincing enough to buy it without second thoughts.
He spent most of his mornings either strolling by the beach or in Annie's arms, and his nights by a bonfire or under the sheets with her.
They had their breakfasts on the porch, with the salty wafts drifting with the ocean breeze, the crooning of seagulls their only companion.
Everything seemed perfect.
Except for the nights when he woke up in cold sweat, screams rupturing his lungs, Annie’s hands trying to calm him down, embracing him and running through his hair. Or mornings while Annie took longer in the shower, while he sat outside, listening to her silent sobs.
But they were ok. Armin always hugged Annie when she stepped out of the shower, and whispered that they're ok, they're alive, healthy, together.
They're ok.
But this jewelry crafting thing came out of nowhere. And Armin wished he learnt about it long before.
It was Annie who suggested it, when she saw his seashells collection accumulating to the ceiling, she said he might as well make good use of it. She didn’t specify jewelry crafts, but he found that these delicate shells needed a delicate use.
And there he was, in his former storage room, picking through seashells, twisting wires and knitting in beads.
He had been trying to make her the perfect piece. He still didn’t find the perfect one.
He eyed the two boxes — the newly third one joining them. He never thought about selling them, or giving them to anyone else, or throwing them away…
He wondered why.
Maybe because he clutched onto one seashell for more than four years, and the habit was born with the many nights he spent eyeing it, whether it was in his room at night, or in front of a crystal in an icy cold basement.
Knock knock!
“Don’t come in!” Armin’s words overlapped, he was so immersed in his daydream that the knocks on the door made him jump in his seat.
“I won’t, I promise,” from the other side of the door, Annie grumbled. Armin felt bad, he never let her in his workshop, mainly because he didn’t want to spoil the surprise that he still didn’t figure out, and secondly… well, he wasn’t ready for any judgment on his poor jewelry crafting skills.
“It’s getting late, I was wondering if you can… you know, get dinner ready? I don’t feel like burning the kitchen.”
“Oh right,” he got up and opened the door, only to be met with an arms-crossed Annie, a passive look on her face. He didn’t know if she was upset because she was hungry, or because he was, once again, keeping her away from his workshop. “We don’t want a burnt kitchen now do we?” he asked, half jokingly
Annie tried cooking once, on his birthday. She tried baking a simple cake. They ended up with a piece of a circular char, on top of it one single candle.
“I don’t think we have-” the rest of the sentence was swallowed down Armin’s throat when he saw groceries lining up the kitchen table.
“I went out an hour ago, I didn’t want to disturb you, but don’t worry, I checked everything on the list, twice.”
“Ah, yes, thanks.”
Guilt swelt in his guts.
She didn’t want to disturb him…
She was upset with him.
He rolled up his sweater’s sleeves, washing his hands, before he started opening the groceries bags, emptying them on the counter.
Annie on the side crossing her arms.
“What do you want for dinner?” he asked, trying to ignore her glaring eyes by inspecting a head of lettuce in his hand.
“Anything, it doesn’t matter.”
“Maybe something fast so you can get back to your small workshop-”
“Okay Annie listen-”
“No you listen!”
The lettuce head froze in his hands.
“You’ve been doing this for weeks! Even- even I don’t know how many months!”
Armin slowly put down the lettuce on the counter, looking down at his feet.
“And you never let me in! Like, ever! I don’t understand why!” she continued, her arms flailing around, before resting on her hips, “every single day, every fucking day you lock yourself up in that room for hours! And I know you’re playing around with your shells but why are you hiding like this?! I’m not gonna pretend that something is not up,” she was pacing around the kitchen, Armin watching her from the corner of his eyes. “I know I’m the one who suggested it, but- but-” she sighed, “even when we go out on the beach, your eyes are always down, searching for even more shells! What is up with you?!”
“I don’t understand what you’re hiding, I don’t understand why you’re hiding it,” suddenly she stopped, Armin looked at her, “we moved in together, Armin, we live under the same goddamn roof.”
“What?Annie what? You’re sorry? Keep it to yourself! You’ve already apologized twice before but nothing ever changed,” she turned, and before he could stop her, she stormed into their bedroom.
And he was left alone in the kitchen.
The ocean waves swayed in a symphony, but when he looked outside, all he saw was a dark mass that swallowed him whole.
Armin huffed, he knew this was coming, he knew it so well.
Annie wasn’t wrong.
But she wasn’t right either.
He was doing it for her. He was locking himself up to make her the perfect jewelry.
Armin kicked the heel of his shoes against the cabinet. Thud thud thud. Putting a rhythm to his mind and his thoughts.
Maybe... she was right. She didn’t know what he was doing, she felt left out.
They only have each other.
No one should leave the other in the dark.
No matter what.
Armin pushed himself off the cabinets, and walked towards the room.
He stood at the threshold, watching Annie curled on her side of the bed under the duvet.
He pressed his lips together, but he didn’t dare make a sound, even though he knew she was aware of his presence. 
He sat on his side of the bed, the mattress dipping under his weight. 
Annie didn’t move.
Armin sighed. He fucked up, and he must fix it. 
He kicked off his shoes, and slithered under the duvet.
His face confronted her back.
She turned around-
“I’m sorry,” they both said at the same time.
Armin bit his lips to stop himself from smiling, while gazing at Annie’s stoic face, with a slight dip between her eyebrows.
They talked, confessed, together at the same time, their words overlapping.
“I know your craft means so much to you-”
“I’ve been leaving you out of this-”
“I don’t mean that you should spend every single moment with me-”
“And I want to spend more time with you-”
Then the last sentence, they breathed it together, “I promise to be a better person.”
Their eyes on each other, blue meeting blue.
Magnetic force pulled them towards each other, capturing each other's lips, hands running over each other's bodies.
Their clothes were stripped and thrown on the floor, while the groceries in the kitchen were left untouched.
The most valuable times for Annie were these moments when she woke up beside him, heads on the same pillow, skin on skin, under the blankets.
The warmth like an aura around his body made her alive, incomparable to soft rays of early morning sun filtering through the window.
It was so early and everything was quiet, even the ocean fell in a quiet slumber.
Without moving, she checked the time.
There was still a couple of hours before Armin's usual wake up time.
She usually got up before him, went on an extra walk, or maybe a dip in the ocean.
But getting up from bed and leaving this beauty behind would be as bad as a crime.
So she stayed, watching his face. His breath warm on her face, his lips slightly parted, bangs ruffled on his forehead. Mildly, she caressed them, brushing them off his forehead. Before she cupped his cheek, and she held the world and the sun and the ocean— all together in her palm.
His eyelashes fanned upon his closed eyes like sun rays. She tilted her head up, and kissed his eyelid, soft, like a feather.
Armin was a light sleeper, the last thing she wanted was to ruin his sleep.
A cold breeze wafted through the window, Annie shivered. She noticed Armin hunching his back, he must be cold as well.
She inched closer, cautious, wrapping her arms around his frame, over his shoulder, nesting her head on his chest. The warmth radiating off his body relaxed her muscles, and in those moments, deep inside, something would stir in her, feelings she wasn’t aware she would experience one day.
Arms wrapped around her, and she tensed, did she wake him up?
She peeked up at him, he was already watching her, his eyes barely open.
He tried to speak, but no voice came out. After he cleared his throat, he tried again, “Good… morning.” his voice deep, hoarse.
She rubbed her feet against the mattress, “Did I wake you up?” she whispered.
He squinted his eyes, deep in thought, “If I said no?”
“And if I said yes?”
Annie runs her tongue on the inside of her teeth, “I can make it up for you.”
At that, Armin props himself up on one elbow, raising an eyebrow, beckoning her to continue.
With one finger pointing at his chest, she said, “I’ll make you breakfast.”
He snorted, the voice vibrated through Annie’s body, and she had to swallow.
“No,” was his simple, predictable answer.
“Your lose,” She said, swinging her legs off the bed, but before she could stand up, arms wrapped around her, rolling her in bed.
Breakfast time was long gone, so, after Armin went through the groceries from the night before, he made a light meal for both of them. While he cooked, Annie watched him, sitting on the counter, her legs swinging.
She enjoyed watching him cook, muscles of his arms flexing as he cut tomatoes, brushing his bangs away from his face, wiping his hands on the towel.
By that point she could blindly sculpt a statue of his body.
He also enjoyed catching her off guard, catching her eyes every now and then. When they first moved together, she would blush furiously and avert her eyes, but now, even though she still blushes, sometimes she would pay him back with a sudden kiss, or sometimes she would dare him with more than a kiss.
It was the privilege of a peaceful life, the result of going to hell and back, tolerating an agonizing pain for years.
A slow-paced life, where everything was in place, everything was right.
They reached the end of the labyrinthine, they might as well celebrate their victory.
Post afternoon, and after a meal with their legs tangled under the table, they strolled along the shore.
Annie never imagined that she would settle down in a cabin by the beach, every day the seagulls waking her up, and every night the ocean waves lulling her to sleep.
Hand by hand, shoes off, the sand tickling her feet, like walking on a pile of feathers.
The sun above them soft on their skin, a chilly afternoon, perfect for a walk.
Armin tried so hard to keep his gaze on the horizon, fighting the urge to peak down and hunt for shells.
He wouldn’t rest until he found the perfect shell for Annie’s piece.
However, he remembered his promise to Annie, wanted to spend more time with her, she wanted to spend more time with him.
An especially shiny shell caught his attention, tempting him to kneel down, and plunge his hands in the sand and go back to the cabin with a bag full of new shells. 
“I was thinking of going to town for a few days,” Annie said, catching Armin off guard, “my father wrote to me and said he’s holding a dinner, and we’re invited.” 
“Oh, yeah sure,” Armin answered. Her father lived only half an hour away, in the town, alongside a couple of their old friends as well.
They lived with him for a couple of weeks before, as they went hunting for their own place. He was an old nice man, but he certainly had a temper.
Armin was exceptionally nervous around her father for the first few months. For what reason, he still didn’t know, but something about that man made him rethink everything he wanted to say twice.
But after all, her father accepted their relationship, if not a bit too dramatically, for he cried and hugged Armin for the first time.
In the end, they had to move out, Annie was adamant they had their own house.
Armin smiled, “You can move out and live with your father.”
Annie raised an eyebrow.
“You know, I can move with you-” his voice got muffled; Annie’s palm on his mouth.
“Whyyyy?” he asked, his voice choked up with a laugh, he wanted to try biting Annie’s hand on his mouth.
“If each of us would get a different room, then yeah sure,” she answered, lowering her hand, and continuing her walk.
“Not my fault you’re too loud-”
Annie started running.
The nearby village could hear Armin’s howling laugh. 
Annie waited at the cabin longer than Armin would need to catch up to her. She wondered what was taking him so long, though she had a clear idea what was holding him off.
She waited by the door, but then the sun got a little uncomfortable, so she went inside. She hated that the first thing she thought of was checking Armin’s workshop.
She immediately shook her idea, shoving it away. Intrusiveness wasn’t her trait.
But the door glowed in her sight. Walking to it, and turning the knob seemed like the most tempting thing ever.
“No,” she said it out loud, to convince herself to stop.
She would certainly be upset if she was in his shoes. She would never do that to him.
She walked to the door. An old, small door, compared to a standard door, Armin had to bend to get through, but Annie bet she can walk through it, with her head brushing the door frame.
A tiny place for a workshop, she thought, she wondered how he keeps his tools there, the dozens of seashells bags going there, never going out again.
She was burning to know what was in there.
She was in front of the door, she could lift her hand, and turn the knob, and she could see it all for herself.
She reached for the antique door knob.
Her palm rested on it.
Turn it turn it turn it turn it-
She twirled and walked away, right to their bedroom, without even a glance back.
A minute or two after, she heard the door of the cabin open and close. Annie got up, not thinking much of it, “Hey what took you so long-”
Armin stood there, with a handful of seashells in his hands.
Annie threw her head back…
“It hadn’t even been a day, not a single day had passed,” Annie said, frustration evident in her voice, which was as rare as the sky turning green.
“Annie, I can explain.”
Annie crossed her arms, waiting for him to explain.
Armin sighed, he didn’t want to spoil the surprise, he had to come up with something.
“I’m making something.”
“Yeah no shit.”
“No no no I mean I’m making something,” he said, his closed clutch on the seashells flailing around.
Annie sighed, “Try again.”
“I’m honest, I’m making something.”
“And?” she inquired.
A moment of silence passed, Armin trying so hard to come up with something, anything.
Annie knew that face very well, the face Armin makes when he’s trying to come up with a good fight in a debate, the face he does when he would lob a few words to hypnotize a whole crowd of people.
But not on her.
Never on her.
She knew him too well for his own good.
Without waiting for an answer, she turned around, returning to their room. She threw over her shoulder, “Tomorrow is the dinner at my father’s house,” before she vanished from sight.
Armin, left alone, stared down at the seashells in his hands.
Armin spent most of the night in his workshop, his hands working, but his mind somewhere else.
He didn’t talk to Annie since their confrontation, nor did any of them eat.
Embarrassment gnawed at him, he promised her, yet he broke the promise.
He must be a terrible partner.
Armin sighed.
He wondered why he was even trying to make Annie a piece of jewelry, to win her heart? 
She was better off without him anyway.
She could leave him at any second and he wouldn’t even question it. She was smart, pretty, skillful, talented, gorgeous, sweet, and... nice.
And what was he? He couldn’t think of one good trait about himself. Not good enough to match hers.
And he fucked up.
He groaned, letting his head fall on the desk.
The pile of the new shells sat in his sight line, waiting to be cleaned of the sand, but he had no intention of doing so. He wanted to cage himself in his workshop forever, rather than facing Annie again after he broke his promise.
Armin swallowed, wondering how he would meet her father the next day.
Mr. Leonhart was protective, way too protective. Armin knew he wouldn’t hesitate to cut off Armin’s head if he hurt Annie.
He thought. Annie is much more mature than that.
He snorted at himself, he had some stupid thoughts sometime, but this one was the stupidest of them all.
Annie ranting to her father about her boyfriend.
Armin straightened his back on the chair, thinking of what he should do.
Then, at that moment, a glimmer caught his eyes.
Armin shook his head, peeking outside the small, circular window.
He wasn’t sure if it came from outside or from the inside, but then it happened again, this time, he was sure it came from the inside of the workshop. Armin looked around, trying to find it.
The moon light filtering through the glass, gleaming upon the pile of seashells accumulated on his desk.
The glimmer happened again.
But that time, Armin caught it.
It came from one of the seashells. 
Armin scattered the pile on the desk, going over each shell, rotating it under the moonlight, trying to find that one seashell.
On his seventh try, he found it.
Something clicked, and Armin knew exactly what he had to do. Everything cleared in his mind, and he found it absurd that he only saw it now.
Locked in his small workshop, with his back bowed down. Armin finished his perfect piece when the first ray of sunshine broke the night.
uwu thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed! next chapter (which is much much longer) will be posted in a couple of days or so can't wait for the other ships to make their cameos hahhaaa thank you for reading! like always, feedback, kudos, all is much appreciated
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