#(al shouldn't you be getting ready for extermination?) (this is how she gets ready.)
radioconstructed · 2 years
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hatzuikhaz-art · 3 years
FMAB is a bad adaptation 2, electric Boogaloo
Are we ready to talk about how much brotherhood fucked up Scar's reveal, and subsequently his character and the treatment of the ishvalan subplots, are not.
Because let's be real here, fmab can't handle a dramatic reveal to save their life, and it shows.
In the manga, the first time we ever see Scar is when he is entering Shou Tucker's home. It is raining, he kills the guards, and then proceeds to terminate Tucker. When he sees Nina, Scar looks honestly remorseful, and it's sad when he kills her becuase not only is she Nina, but because this mysterious character treats is as a sad event. A sorrowful moment that could have been avoided, had humanity only listened.
He prays when leaving the house, to a God we as an audience not know yet, and leaves the scene just to have Hughes reveal the fact that he is a serial killer targeting state alchemist in the next chapter.
But is not just him revealing 'Oh yes, this is a sk we know'. Huges is snappy , sarcastic. You can really feel how tired he is of the chase, and the fear everyone feels when it's reveal that Scar has already killed one of the strongest state alchemists out there (put a pin on that, is coming back.)
Then we have the Ed and All fight, wich is epic, and the last piece of the puzzle is revealed. Scar is Ishvalan, and the past of Amestris is bloodier than we as the audience could imagine.
This is the first time Ed's sircumstances really sink in. We've known he is supposed to be a human weapon, but the destruction he could be forced to bring only settles in right then and there.
It's an amazing, powerful reveal, all taking place along volume 2 of FMA Manga.
The anime gives us two badly paced episodes, that don't care about the reveal, only the action.
First problem, we learn about the Ishvalan war of extermination on chapter 1, so the weight of the reveal is immediately lessened. We already know there was a genocide, but the anime treats is as a backstory detail that we shouldn't care that much about yet.
The second problem is in chapter 4, wich starts by showing an epic fight between Scar, and the iron blood alchemist, Basque Grand.
This is not a fight we are meant too see, because Scar didn't attack upfront. Scar is a coward, who attacked when his target was distracted and unable to react fast enough and defend himself. That reveal later on, on volume 15, gives us valuable insight in the direction Scar's character will take, but that's beyond the point.
The real problem with this episode opener, is that suddenly chapter 4, the Nina episode, gets cut short in favor of following Huges as he chases after Scar.
What is supposed to be a dramatic episode about the truly terrifying destructive potential of alchemy, and the depths humans will go to in order to keep their positions of power, is now a mystery thriller "catch the bad guy" episode. It really hurts the Nina subplot, and too this day brotherhood is the only FMA version that has failed on making me cry during the "Ed-ward" scene.
Cue to the fight scene between Edward and Scar, wich I also have bones to pick with.
How could they miss the point of Edward's character so much that he gives up HALFWAY THROUGH?!
Becuase in case you haven't noticed, in the Manga Edwars fights with all his might and wits in order to escape. It isn't until Al is in serious danger, that he pleads for Scar to have his life if it will make him allow Alphonse to leave the scene alive.
It's heart wrenching, because even facing his posible death upfront, Edward still looks determined to save his little brother. Because Edward Elric dosen't give up.
THE FIGHT SCENE IN BROTHERHOOD IS PATHETIC. I understand that maybe they wanted Ed to look younger, wich go off I guess, but making him give up and stop fighting, only for that to end with Alphonse getting hurt, is stupid.
Having Edward give up on life halfway through the battle is pathetic and so out of character it hurts. And you can tell the team knew this, because his almost s*icid3 attemp is never mentioned or acknowledged again.
Add that, to the fact that the subsequent "Civil war" reveal is cut short, and this whole Two episodes just feel dull and lifeless.
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