#(You've come so far -- don't give up now and keep retaining some hope)
gimmethosedaddymilkers · 10 months
Winter Springs bring Summer Flings
Okay, so, this is another request I managed to find, I'm very late on it and I'm so sorry for that, but I hope that you enjoy it.
@twola requested Arthur and reader in Cotorra Springs....kind of a hot tub, if you really think about it, to just see where things went.
Another NSFW one, and again I might be a little rusty on it, so, please, be patient with me as we go!
I hope y'all enjoy it!
Warnings: Female reader, NSFW 18+, swearing, and you know, typical 1899 things.
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The further north you headed the colder it seemed to get.
Common knowledge really, you expected it, you'd dressed properly, packed properly, for the colder weather, the chilly air as you and your travel partner continued to move northern.
Arthur was a quiet guy, when he wanted to be of course, sarcastic and witty, but quiet when he wanted to be quiet.
You felt something towards him, something that you really didn't feel like sharing with him, it wasn't worth the rejection in your eyes.
Arthur felt something for you himself, and much like you, he didn't quite want to be rejected by someone he cared so deeply about.
He loved hanging out with you, usually it was you he asked to come along with him when he needed to get something done.
It's typical for the two of you to take trips like the one you're on now, leaving camp behind for days at a time, just the two of you.
You sigh to yourself as you continue to walk alongside Arthur on his horse, looking around.
Cotorra Springs.
You'd only been up here a handful of times, it was a nice enough place, a little spot of heaven in the cold. The hot springs were so warm, you'd often camped there to retain a bit of heat.
In fact the idea sparks in you as you look over at Arthur.
"Hey cowboy, it's nearly five, let's just take a rest here, we can camp for the night, and the hot springs'll keep us warm."
"But we can make plenty of time yet before dark..."
"Oh c'mon Arthur...please? For me? The water's hot and it's gonna be freezing the further up we go, this could be our last chance to be warm for a bit."
Arthur heaves a sigh, one you're used to hearing when you realize that you've won the argument.
"Alright...Okay, we'll settle here for tonight."
He gives a quiet laugh and turns his horse to the springs and leads the two of you towards them.
The two of you begin to set up your little camp for the night on the edge of the springs.
Two tents, as well as the fire all put into place, and before you realize it you're both settled comfortably.
You smile as you sit across from him at the fire.
Arthur smiles himself as he quietly pokes the fire, making some coffee for himself.
"So Arthur...What exactly are we heading up to Amberino for? And why are we taking such a roundabout way?"
"Toldja, there's a rare white Arabian up there, I've seen it, and I want you to help me catch it. Not albino like Dutch's this is WHITE."
"Okay...and we went the long way because?"
"I wanted to spend some more time away from camp. Dutch's been drivin' me nuts lately."
You laugh and give a nod of understanding as he continues to make his coffee.
After a while of sitting you decide to take a dip in the springs.
The hot water'll do wonders on your back, and you could use yourself a little wash as it is.
"Alright...I'm gonna go and clean up, okay Arthur?"
"Alright, make sure you don't wander too far."
"Of course."
You smile and then stand, patting his shoulder as you walk past him.
Luckily this far up in the woods no one really comes by the springs.
You get far enough away from Arthur that he can't easily see you strip and you get into the water.
You heave a sigh as you sink into the hot water, your back seems to scream in agony as you fully submurge.
The water is clear, almost crystal, and it's incredibly relaxing.
You close your eyes, leaning your head back against the dirt as you let the water wash over you.
Now the only thing you needed to worry about was getting scared by the gysers nearby.
You sit quietly for quite a while, your eyes closed and head back as you rest in the water.
It's not until you hear Arthur's voice that you're eyes shoot open.
"Jesus Christ woman!"
Your eyes spring open and you look up to see Arthur standing above you, his hand covering his eyes.
"I thought you were washin' your face or somethin! I didn't realize you were strippin'! Christ!"
"Oh c'mon Arthur...I'm not that ugly right?"
"No it's the oposite problem there Princess."
You feel your face redden as he says princess and you shuffle in the water.
"C'mon...get in with me, it's got plenty of room...the water is hot, it'd probably do a lot to help your back...."
"I ain't gettin' naked in there with you! I didn't even mean to see ya-"
"Arthur, it's not bothering me..."
Arthur sighs and you watch as he puts his hand on his hip and keeps the other over his eyes.
"A little warning would have been nice at least."
"I told you I went to wash up."
He sighs and finally moves his hand, but he looks up to the sky rather than you.
"I'll...close your eyes...I'll...I'll get in."
"Arthur, the water's clear I'll see it anyway."
He groans but starts to strip down.
"You don't have to do it Arthur. I'm just suggesting. It might really help you."
"I know you're right...it's why I'm doin' it."
You do your best to give him at least a little privacy and look away as he sets his clothes down next to the spring and climbs in.
As reluctant as he was to get into the water the groan of relief as he settles in is a dead give away that he was happy with the decision.
"Feeling a little better there, Cowboy?"
"Ain't had a bath this hot in years."
"Hard to get the water this hot and keep it hot. Natural Hot Springs, they're really nice to take a dip in every so often. I do it every time I pass through here."
"Might have to start doin' it myself, if it's this helpful."
You offer a smile at him and then look up again as the sky starts to slowly darken.
"Might stay in here until the stars come out really."
"Nice and warm in here. Can't blame you for wantin' too...even if I did think you were crazy for gettin' ass naked."
You smile and the two of you grow quiet again.
It's only a few moments before you decide that...now could be the time, the right time, for you to finally mention what you feel for him.
You scoot a little closer, until your hip touches his, and you can see the way his face reddens, at both the touch and the fact that the water does not conceal any secrets.
"So...Arthur...I...Um....I think...maybe this is long overdue but...I want you to know that you mean....an awful lot to me...I'm...well quite frankly I'm very sweet on you."
Arthur seems to think about this a moment, trying to keep his eyes on yours , though you can't help but notice when his eyes drift downwards.
"I'm...I'm pretty sweet on you too, if I'm honest Y/N...Just...ain't never had the courage to tell you."
You smile and decide to take a chance. You let your hand graze his thigh beneath the water.
"Y/N...I'd stop there, if you aren't sure...If you start me up I don't think it'll be very easy for me to stop."
You smile at him, and move, straddling yourself over his lap as the water hits your shoulders.
"That's okay with me, so long as it's okay for you cowboy...I meant what I said. I've cared for you for a very long time..."
Arthur looks at you for a moment, a look in his eyes that seems to be torn between something of lust and yet a hesitancy.
After a few more seconds he decides what he wants and your lips crash together.
You can feel his hands come to your hips as yours go over his shoulders, your hands interlocking as they reach his back.
He kisses you as if it's the last time he'll get to do so, heavy and fast, his hands possesively grasping at your hips, pulling you even tighter against him.
He was already half hard when you straddled him, you could feel him as he pressed against you, it sent shivers through you.
He was kind of big, in all honesty. It excited you.
You let one of your hands cup the side of his neck, and pull away, only to kiss his neck, rather than his lips.
He gives a soft groan and his hand moves towards your ass, and his grip tightens as he pulls you close.
You lick his neck, towards his jaw, and Arthur seems to enjoy it far more than what you expected him to.
You kiss his neck again, to listen to the groan that leaves his mouth, it's fantastic. Low, growly almost, and yet at the same time it sounds...whiny.
You keep this up, his other hand moving to your inner thigh, squeezing it he seems to be trying to hold back.
You decide it's best to help him out a bit.
You reach between the two of you, and find his cock, gently you hover slightly, and position him as you settled down onto him.
He moans as you do, doing his best to not buck at the feeling.
"Fuck...fuck...Y/N...Y/N please....It's been a while..."
"It's alright Arthur...it's okay...I promise I'll have fun regardless,"
Arthur manages a chuckle, and his hands move back to your hips, eager for you to start moving.
You take that as your que and gently rock your hips against him, watching as he tilts his head back after a little while, sighing as you move.
His hands grip your hips and he guides you the way he needs. Down, back, and up, repeat.
Down, back, up, repeat.
His hands feel massive against your thighs, and pair that with the sensation of his lips against your chest and neck, you feel just as happy as he is.
You moan quietly, softly as the two of you find a rhythm together, Arthur moving his hips with you.
"Y/N...Wish I'd told you a long time ago how I felt...You feel so good...."
He groans against your skin, kissing your neck fervently.
"I should have said something..."
You mumble out, your hands on his shoulders tightening slightly.
Arthur's only response is to push his face further into your neck, leaving kisses there.
You murmur his name, moving yourself a little faster as the two of you keep up your movements.
The fast pace was the right decision, Arthur's pace moves faster too, bucking up into you, as he does his best to quiet down.
His lips go over your neck, your chest, licking, sucking, biting, making you moan.
It's not much longer of this before you feel yourself nearing the end.
You shove your forehead against his shoulder, moaning his name as you clench your thighs, around him as his hands squeeze your backside.
He's soon after, his hips erratic as he groans deeply and leans his own head back, covered in sweat as his thrusts get weaker and weaker.
Finally he stops, breathing hard, you are too.
"Christ Darlin'...That's...I guess maybe we should start doin' that more on these trips."
"I think that's a wonderful Idea."
"Yeah, you would. You only keep me around for my shockingly good looks."
"Oh shut up Arthur."
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The Best Beaches on Zanzibar
Zanzibar; the romantic, exotic archipelago, reminiscent of Arabian nights and Indian Ocean indolence. Only 15 minutes flight from the mainland, the wonderfully sleepy island of Zanzibar is one of East Africa's finest beach destinations, surrounded by coral reefs with idyllic beaches lined by huge sweeping palm trees. Zanzibar beaches are the obvious addition to a safari on mainland Tanzania, or should we say that a short safari is the obvious addition to your Zanzibar holiday, with the beautiful Selous less than an hour away.
Where to stay in Zanzibar can be daunting; with so many hotels, and a lot of tourist traps, it really takes a conversation with the experts to sort the wheat from the chaff and find a beach hotel which is just right for you. From years of visiting and revisiting the most pristine spots on the island, we can guide you to the best places to stay in Zanzibar. Though many visitors spend a night or two in Stone Town, the charismatic island capital, the real attraction of is its glorious coral sand beaches, and the fantastic snorkelling and diving. Tourism has eclipsed spice trading as the main form of income, but islands retain their rustic African charm despite the developments of the last decade. Zanzibaris a land apart, entirely charismatic and well worth a visit.
Zanzibar Beaches - The best beaches in Zanzibar
Nungwi Beach & Kendwa, North Zanzibar
Nungwi and Kendwa beaches are truly beautiful; they are on the only side of the island which is consistently crystal clear water lapping brilliant white sands. The northern beaches really are where to stay in Zanzibar if you are looking for that idyllic Indian Ocean beach experience. The rest of Zanzibar’s beaches (east coast, as the west coast really doesn’t give you anything!) are tidal which means whilst you may be able to sink your toes in to the powdery sand, the sea may be a bit of a trek away, depending on the time of day. Nungwi & Kendwa are home to some big hotels and a backpacker culture, but the beaches are exceptional here, and there are fantastic hotel options if you know where to look.
Nungwi & Kendwa Beaches – Where to stay
Our favourite hotels include the new exciting addition to Zanzibar's beach resorts, Zuri Zanzibar, Hideaway of Nungwi, Diamonds La Gemma & Essque Zalu.These are all absolutely fantastic value for money and suit those who like to be around a bustling environment and on a stunning beach – staying in these hotels means you get your own slice of privacy in a really fun part of the island.
Matemwe, North East Zanzibar
Matemwe beach can be found slightly to the east of Nungwi and Kendwa. As such, contrary to the more northern beaches, it can be tidal here. The area has been relatively untouched by tourism until recent years, and it can now get a bit busy. However, when the tide is in some hotels here offer a pocket of Indian Ocean paradise for an unbelievable price.
Matemwe Beach – Where to stay
There are a few really well established boutique hotels here far from the madding crowd such as Sunshine Hotel, Matemwe Lodge and Kasha. Sunshine is our favourite to recommend and is a slightly more intimate version of Pongwe Beach Hotel (below), with some fantastic rooms and villas to choose from for a great price. However, when choosing between Sunshine and Pongwe, you must consider the plus of Pongwe’s consistently pristine beach…
Pongwe, East Zanzibar
Pongwe has one of the only east coast beaches which isn’t tidal as it sits neatly in a concave break in the coastline. As such, if you like long beach walks, it is maybe not for you as you don’t get a sweeping beach picture, but it does give you a certain little slice of luxury in as much privacy as you can get on the island. If you don't have a huge budget, then Pongwe is hands down the best place to stay in Zanzibar. 
Pongwe Beach – Where to stay
Pongwe Beach Hotel for the beach and incredible value for money rooms is the only place to consider in this area. It is quirky and not uber-luxury, but does have added bonuses like private pools in the sea view rooms at an absolutely incredible price. At Pongwe, there is no worry of a low tide that some Zanzibar beaches suffer from, instead white sand beaches and turquoise waters are at your beck and call.
Paje & Dongwe, South East Zanzibar
Paje has more hotels which we like to recommend than in the Northern parts. Situated on the mid-east coast of the island, Paje and Dongwe’s beaches are long and sweeping giving that classic Indian Ocean feel, but again, it can be tidal. You get some super luxury and intimate hotels though, and as such, some of our absolute favourites are in this area for a very spoiling Indian Ocean paradise.
Paje and Dongwe Beaches – Where to stay
White Sands Villas in Paje is a real glossy luxury find. It’s name pretty much says it all – Its sumptuously vast villas provide clean, simple and yet brilliantly appointed respite, privately swathed in fab sandy gardens. Dongwe is home to Breezes – and contrastingly to White Sands, it is a bigger hotel and mid-range but ideal for families with all the mod cons you could need from a relaxed Indian Ocean family holiday.
For a similarly relaxed environment to Breezes, look no further than Echo Beach – the opposite of pretentious Indian Ocean luxury and ideal for some. Luxuriantly Arabic style, the sister hotels Baraza and The Palms are also amongst the finest hotels on the island. Baraza has 36 bungalows each with a private plunge pool; this is our favourite hotel for families wanting the best the island can offer. The Palms next door has only six rooms and offers a more intimate experience that fits very well with couples wanting to keep to themselves. Any of these would be perfect for a luxury Zanzibar holiday or a Zanzibar honeymoon.
Jambiani, South (South!) East & West Zanzibar
Jiambani is a great place to visit for the best kite surfing on the island as there are consistently good winds. However, our favourite hotels are admittedly up the road towards Paje and Dongwe. As you get further south, the beaches disappear and then up the west coast, apart from the attraction of Stone Town, beach wise, it really isn’t anything compared to the west.
Zanzibar Beach Holidays: Further Reading 
Away from Zanzibar Island, Pemba is an island located to the North East and is still as easily accessible from Dar es Salaam. Pemba is perfect for those wishing for a more adventurous escape and to get away from the more popular beaches. Although, the beautiful beaches of Zanzibar are better known, the coral reefs thta surround Pemba in the turquoise water are perfect for snorkeling and scuba-diving.
While we try and make our website as comprehensive as possible, if you would like some more background information, have a read through the Cadogan Guide to Tanzania and Zanzibar - South East Islands Chapter, North Coast Islands Chapter, East Coast Islands Chapter written by one of our director’s Annabel. The most recent edition was published in 2005 so some of it might be slightly dated but generally it’s as comprehensive as they come. 
If what you've read here isn't enough (we hope it is though!), take a look at our blog on further information on where to stay in Zanzibar. 
We don't just know Zanzibar and Tanzania! 
For more information on Tanzania, the best thing to do is to give us a ring for an impartial chat. Although we love Tanzania, we also love the rest of Africa too and have experts in all the main safari countries. If you are undecided as to where to visit, please do just drop us an email or send us email on E-mail: [email protected]
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aaello-w · 5 years
DP Plot - Storyline help
So I was writing a fanfic where full Danny and Pariah fuse (like Dan) and I had two options one this prompt which I will post right here or Insane!Danny straight up V*res Pariah's core (for a valid reason I swear) because he is insane. I did this because I want the reader's to know Danny is fucking crazy and is basically the Bill Cipher of the DP universe. So lemme know watchu think PLEASE!
The leader of the frost giants sighed in contemplation as he listened to the older halfa words.
"You're insane Vlad. Waking the Great One up in such a manner is sure to taint him and giving your record for these things I'd rather not risk it."
"And for how long do you intend to keep him asleep? Surely you must have realized that he WILL die if he doesn't come out of this soon, Frostbite." Vlad argued.
"His core may be fractured but it still functions as long as it remains here! He will be fine. Nocturne has agreed to keep him in a stable condition."Frostbite growled signaling to the jar containing a blue crystal orb. Although retaining its round shape it was in shards as if in need of an adhesive to keep it together. The current adhesive was a small purple misty band.
"Its. Been. Thirteen. YEARS!" Vlad growled back. "He hasn't aged a day but his peers are already courting. At this rate, they may as well die before he has the chance to crack an eye open. What do you think that'll do to him?"
"What do YOU think fusing his core with that BEAST's will do to him?" Frostbite stalked over to Plasmius and grabbed his shirt. Bringing his face close. "Our cores are our very souls, Plasmius and for him its that and his heart. As his godfather, I understand that you want him to live but if we do this how sure are you that he will even survive? How sure are you that he would remember who he is? That he wouldn't become a beast just like him?" The silence was tense and neither said a word. "The updates from Nocturne show that the Great One is stable but even HE won't be able to fix this if you mess up.'
"I know him. He can overcome it. He defeated Pariah once so I'm sure he can do it again." Frostbite saw the certainty in his red eyes and released the older halfa.
"Very well." He sighed defeated. " I'm sure you've seen Lord Clockwork about this matter before you came to see me." The Frost Giant took his silence as a yes. "I see, so I would not be mistaken to assume you have brought the materials needed for the transfusion?"
"You know me too well," Plamius said with a smirk. While the ring of rage and the crown are in your possession correct" Frostbite nodded. "I've gotten the old tyrants core right here." He said as he pulled out three thermoses from his bag.
They were not like the others that Frostbite had ever seen the Great one use. Instead of silver and green, these were purple and red. They had a see-through chamber in between their torsos. The one to the left contained a core, not unlike a sea urchin. It was somewhat round but was covered in deadly looking spikes dripping with a tar-like liquid the Frost Giant hadn't seen before while the one to the right was filled with ectoplasm. The middle one remained empty. They were placed on a console on some sort and tubes were plugged to their side both leading to the middle empty thermos.
After the setup Plasmius reverted back to Masters causing Frostbite to lift a furry eyebrow at his clothes. He was wearing a deep red hazmat suit. Vladimir turned to face him covering his face and greying hair with hazmat face protection.
"Just to be safe. I don't want my signature to interfere with this and this will keep it from doing just that. After we bring him in here I need you and everyone in the vicinity to be cleared out of at least this cave. Can you get that done?" Vlad said fixing his grey gloves.
"I believe so but I must warn you if I remove him you must work fast. Without his core, if his body thaws he'll die." 'And I'll kill you.' Was a threat that Masters understood. "Nocturne has also been informed so the Great One is also being prepared subconsciously to be awakened."
"Don't worry about that." He held his hand out to the Frost Giant who reluctantly gave Vlad their Saviour's fractured Core. " Bring Daniel and place him on the table. Like you said we need to work fast." Frostbite left immediately.
The old Halfa looked at the core and sighed. 'I can't believe he agreed to this.'
"Are you ready for this Daniel?" He asked the blue broken shards that only slightly resembled the orb they once were. 'Please work.'
He gently placed the core shards in the vacant thermos causing to shine bright blue as it floated in its container.
"Skulker. The gauntlets."
The hunter deactivated his invisibility and handed him the glove like machine now modified not to remove the ghost from a person but to modify the structure of one. It had taken the better part of the thirteen years to create these changes but he had done it.
"I still need you on standby... Just in case it fails." Skulker simply nodded and became invisible.
"Plasmius." Frostbite had returned and was carrying his charred body covered in white sheets. The scars hadn't healed and to the untrained eye, he was just a victim to a horrible fire but that was far from the case.
He was so willing to give his life for so many and nobody besides some of the frost giants, Clockwork, himself and Skulker knew he was still alive. Even his family and friends had mourned and forgotten him.
"Are you ready?" Frostbite asked as he laid the boy down and hooked him up to the medical equipment he had summoned to the room. The heart monitor showed his pulse and heart beat which moved like they were in slow motion.
"The question is - Is he?" Vlad asked softly at the sight of the younger halfa. It still made his stomach curl at the sight of him like this. He couldn't believe the boy had lived through the entire ordeal, even if he was less human than he was, to begin with. That catastrophe would and should have killed anyone.
"We have an hour for the transplant so I advise that you use your time wisely. The people in these parts have been distributed elsewhere so no one will interrupt us now." The Frost Giant locked the doors and sighed suddenly looking much older as he glared at the man. "Vladimir if this fails..."
"It won't," Vlad said firmly. "I may have done many crazy things in the past but I do love Daniel as if he were my son. I would be lying to say that I'm not s-scared to fail but that's because he does not deserve that." He stated and if anyone heard his stutter no one mentioned it. "Okay. Let's begin we have already wasted too much time."
After entering the password into the machine it the ectoplasm began to slowly drain itself into the blue core's chamber as the same happened with Pariah's core. The blue core pulsed almost uncertain to accept before it began to sink the mix.
Thirty minutes in, the heart monitor spiked and Danny began to twitch.
"I thought you said an hour!" Vlad said as he watched the boy's face contort in pain. He felt horrible the boy was in an uncomfortable rest for more than a decade and the first thing he feels during his 'resurrection' is pain.
The thermoses began to tumble violently, cackling with electricity that promptly shocked Vlad who tried to stabilize it. Both the chambers on the left and right proceeded to drain their content at a rapid pace some how suffocating the halfa's core. Pariah's core fading as it drains.
"Plasmius, what's happening? Is this supposed to be happening?" Vlad remained silent as he began to rapidly type on the keypad on the controls. "VLAD!" He roared.
"Look would you be quiet! If you haven't noticed, I'm trying to save his life." Vlad hissed.
The core shards began to lose hue and fade as they made no sign of coming back together. His core, his heart, was failing.
It was obvious that Frostbite was restraining himself to a great degree but he could see that Vlad was also under pressure as he could potentially lose the boy. He thought about where he would have been if he hadn't taken the brunt of the blast. If the people had listened to his warnings. If they hadn't caught him. He would have had more time but fate seemed to work against him. Even now Vlad kept trying to work through this. He may look like one but he wasn't a monster.
The beeping grew erratic and the thermos to the right (containing the ectoplasm) crashed causing the chamber to explode. As if that wasn't shocking enough another ghost appeared beside Vlad and created a shield to protect Vlad, himself and The great one from the blast. It was the hunter ghost, Skulker.
"Vlad we need to stop, if we continue we'll only damage it further. Remove his core." Skulker said.
"NO! We can't, I can't turn my back on this, on him. Not again." Vlad's voice heavily dripped with an emotion the frost giant had never truly heard on the older halfa. Guilt. Honestly, it made Vlad look older than he actually was.
He didn't want to make assumptions on fear that he might get angry that this halfa was actually acting on force hope and impulse and the fact that they were not alone, but he decided he would deal with it if, no, not if, when they revived the Great One.
The beeping had not stopped but there was a reaction from the Great One who was heavily panting. The shards had began to descend into a bluish purple with flecks of red in the broken shards which were slowly sealing themselves with the tar like essence of Pariah's core. Vlad seemed to notice this and gave a sigh of relief and shrugged Skulker off.
"Look now it working h-"
The last two thermos crashed with Daniel's core in it. A ghostly wail erupted almost immediately.
So that's it peeps that or Danny v*res Pariah's core. This version makes Vlad the staple father figure. Quick and easy. The other version Danny seizes the throne by force and honestly threatens Fright Knight into serving him because Danny doesn't want to kill him even though he kills the general draguar ghost in charge of his torture almost immediately. (Because Danny does not like his tongue chopped off.) So what do you guys think?
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72 hour window, sea world you can do better.
Anxiety and stress cause people to introvert and a single email or especially a phone call can be impossible.
Mental health awareness should enable you to change that policy.
Plus just the panic some arise to the occasion - others shut down
I do both. In my personal life... I don't like canceling on others. And so sometimes I just don't show up without a call. Just blow it off.
I have severe issues at times where hiding is the best feeling for me to use to survive...
I recommend that all places that charge people to go to give automatic refunds or allow travel rearrangement for up to 5 years in the future but at least 3 years to reschedule.
Having only a short window of the rest of 2020 -- well i can tell you it's highly likely people will not be doing shit on their own for the rest of the year as far as having the freedom to make plans of where and when they will go
And if they do Then you have people from March to October that need to fulfill their travel obligations plus you have the humans that want to go as well.
So, you will actually overfill your facilities and you will cause a problem on quality you can provide and have over crowding which dimishes the quality of your services and the ability of guests to enjoy the experiences and hospitality you provide.
Thus then making people not want to make plans for the following year to your business...
So i recommend at least a 3 year window to reschedule. Maximum of 5.
This allows the promise you'll have guests willing to go for the next 5 years meaning that people will go And pay like at sea world pay extra for food and gift shop items. Thus providing an income.
Some places will feel the need to financially close. Like here we have a small amusement park in Albuquerque called Cliff's... Im sure they would be fine and not close because of the tight knit community and school field trips and etc. But if they had to there would be an ability to sell so the community can still enjoy. So ...
Places should seek the ability to sell to keep the community activities available. Or at minimum give a refund and also highly advertise as much as possible Your permanent end date so people can cram in and get their dollar worth
It seems that our time on the ocean will not exceed past 2020 and so in 2021 the world will be free.
And yet we cannot promise that. I won't. Because I don't know what will happen exactly for sure for sure. Until it's done.
So i feel comfortable saying everyone will be locked down for the remainder of 2020.
Will we be? We are working as diligently as possible. I am working with amnesia and so governments have a 3 year lock down achievement plan. Across the globe. The last two years remaining of the plan are intended to be free with extra caution.
We have many things at stake. Primarily abductions and alien issues. As well as diseases which aren't a primary concern because they are created then altered in a way most people are safe. Its an inner soul that can heal. Changes in the minds and soul. Medical care is for comfort only But can not heal.
Injuries on the other hand must require hospital care and we will work to get healers in as much as possible. Otherwise traditional stitches and surgery for now.
Just don't take it too harsh when a patient dies. Just do the best you can. Know you did the best and somethings are simply out of your control.
If you did the best you could don't second guess. Ask a tree If there is a better solution. But don't torture and beat yourself up about it. Just keep adding and retaining information to help you assist in the future.
I say that as for doctors but that goes for all our Humans, New and Old.
What we hope for is a repeat time of last year where its the end of October we begin release just like we did for the human traffic victims.
So if youre wondering and you need a time placement look to last year and say "this year we will spend like human traffic victims did And we will be let free the same time Sabrina found them last year. So the end of the year holidays"
Personally like Alex I don't like the lock down modes and you can tell by the way i have responded to that.
However i do deem it is necessary for human safety and will only work if it is adhered to the strictest of rules.
Not for the spread of Viruses as i have represented is not a concern to me -- But to prevent human trafficking. And to help people get off illegal drugs.
This last week 1.489 million people were kidnapped for the sole reason of human trafficking in factories. This does not include the 7.86million from planet Xion.
With 84 trillion people in the world it is a small percentage.
However it is still too many. 1 is too many. 3 people is excessive.
Rapes have gone down by 84% since DNA4U surfaced to availability. With Quarentine they have gone up by 2% because people are not using the required recommended Friends list.
Family list is genetic. It doesn't mean you can trust them it just means they share your blood line.
You must refer to the Friends list. It is searchable and filterable. So you can find a family blood line member you can trust to babysit that will not harm your child.
So you need to help us help you by standing your foot down. Call the police if you have to And say "Some one is attempting to repeatedly have access to me and/or my family and they are on my enemy list"
This will make you a priority. And you must show proof of this so the police know how to handle the situation as there sre guidelines. They can type in their computer the codes and cross data and have about 3 different solutions. Of course they will need to "target" "satellite roam" "alert zone" and see if there is stalking going on and what else all this person is doing for the entire time of Quarentine. A list will then appear of what is considered good and bad.
7 times the first week of Quarentine to stores -- pass
7 times in the 3rd week of Quarentine to shop -- fail
8 times to enemy only after researching DNA4U -- inquire -- then it states from the looks of it -- did they go around looking in Windows? Did they go knock? So it is dependent on the quality of the people involved. They are coded by color and letter.
So basically a person of lower quality looking in Windows will state -- inquire -- FAIL FAIL
A highest quality will state -- inquire -- PASS PASS.
Highest human quality will state ------ PASS
Then there's Pass which is an alert the person is an a state of depression. Meaning white gloves. Extra care.
pass means action will occur in the upcoming months or has already. No punishment.
pass/fail means you've done shit that you shouldn't had. But we will let it go.
Then you will get s police report of Tree Quality sent to your DNA4U.
The police will also get one to the satellite map system. SMS. Which they then transfer with their comments to their local police reporting system. If they choose.
So call and report,tresspassors and other things
We called yesterday for Alex and he didn't want to. But i wasnt there. His security is to guard. He ran in the house and they fired warning shots and went in. Thus stating inside the home Chris McGayHay would be killed because that was the claimant territory. And also it auto covers any place where there is lung/gill breathing life.
So had Chris went to where the animals were even am aquarium since he had already physically attacked, he would have been shot and killed immediately.
Instead i handled his sick brain and kept him on the ground by using my experiences. Until police arrived.
I've promised him for the last 20 years i would make sure he got my revenge on his lies and forceful actions upon me and others. Since he was a "child" of 8 years old. Sometimes pure evil is obvious.
He's had time to change and if he had gotten bygones would be bygones. But like other evil he's continued.
So i never told him the police were coming.
And a sideline to "drug dealers" i promised if you used my system you would not be arrested.
I did not promise users anything except they would get their drugs and changes would occur to weight and quantity that is not the dealers concern.
So I in essence protected the drug dealers but trre does over see.
I am head of the CIA and so they do work for me, i do allow them extra pay that would otherwise go to the CIA. "Taxes" so they are paid by the CIA. I got a very tight system.
They would be laid off/fired. Which means when told to quit because theyre stupid they have to quit and then tree handles and it could include arrest if they continue to sell large amounts or to more than 20 people a few grams.
That is people whom were paid by the CIA to handle transactions of illegal drugs. Only.
So 5 people were laid off and tree had in depth discussion in person and so 2 were reihired. 3 were killed. Worldwide.
Now if someone i just explained did what Chris did they would been killed instantly due to the responsibility they hold to be an upright citizen. They would not have been arrested.
Now if Alex was a delivery personnel and Chris was a pick up and you like Alex punched him 9 times in the face and fucked him up. You would get an apology and the customer would been killed and/or arrested. Also you would get free medical care.
Now the concern was I turned him in for the quantity of drugs he had on him. He worked (no longer so mechanics find another team because Chris WILL DIE that is a fact and a promise) for NHRA. ALL NHRA employees were Ordered to get their drug issues under control. Per NHRA WRITTEN and DISTRIBUTED guidelines he was 79% over the limit. So he had almost double what he was allowed to OWN. And he is only allowed to carry one day worth on his person. Unless he just did a pick up.
So it was up to 7 ounces he could carry in the beginning. Now it is 3.4 ounces hes allowed to carry. Any NHRA employee that was employed in February 2020 or hired since then.
It lowers every week. They have to check the schedule.
That said. Any drug user with 2x more Than what the NHRA is allowed and is involved in a violent crime upon an innocent person will be charged with drug trafficking. This includes kidnapping. Domestic violence. Theft.
The minimum level for a random user with out an employee guidelines will be set at 1 ounce as max. On the person.
So that is set for criminal misconduct and that amount is set for the 4th of July.
Everyone in the world is in rehab.
In one way or another. I'm in rehab for my amnesia. Mine is on tv and in social media i can find photo. Ysll help. Its a long explaination ... But y'all help because I watch on Netflix what you do. I watch Top 10 and i watch trending and i watch new releases and recommendations. Like kinda turning on the radio... Just what's on easy access
So this way i found the series "you" which shows Alex in a non forgiving light. The different girls are all me. Basically in simple terms its called "shape shifting" the reason is for our safety... Some for his sanity... Some obviously I made mistakes... Like not realizing the emotional problem associated with
Now there is with Beck some crazy shit. Now what it was was we were being watched with all kinds of spy equipment. So we were like when i was locked in th box -- it was acting... Emotionally we released but used non identifying words to express our True emotions. So basically we were saying What the spies wanted to hear. And doing what they wanted or what we needed to do to survive.
Having to,fight the Zulululu who does mind games included
So the series "you" can be enjoyed the way it is seen or it could be understood with truth. So y'all trended it and i found it.
It was filmed,in,the 1920s 1980s 1960s all,sorts. But we always magic in technology
This is why. Because we are ass holes.
We tricked them to think there was time traveling. Which is not even possible.
We did a lot of torture.
But you see Alex always picking up little kids to save... He can't help it. Poco was an illegal alien. But Alex did all he could to make his life more comfortable and happier and safer. He loved Poco, i loved Poco. We still do. So we didn't treat Any one less than human.
But we did send in electronic devices we would use in the future that were unreleased to the public and did it via magic. And we lied about years. To trick.
We did base it on reality of the time table we set to release the electronics in the future.
So it wasn't a back to the future deal. It was allowing people to use the technology we had available but had not released.
So I am in rehab for my memories and my abilities. Changing skins... Stuff like that...,
Things i have forgotten.
Trees remember but they filmed these via their tools and so i use them so they can be busy for the future and current life.
They are helpers. Some are servants but they are not slaves. And they have human feelings.
So I sometimes need to be reminded to ask them for help. Because i can't do everything on my own.
So im getting tired. Tr33 updated you on Alex. I'll be with him and try to make his day okay
I'll be watching the tv and generally resting.
So thanks for being interested in our lives and have our real life "reality" t.v. up trending and easily for me to find.
"You" is just what i needed for Alex and i's relationship. I love him.
He wants to say what happened yesterday. And so i had sent him stuff in insta then he shared in his group NHRA chat cause it was funny and informative and he said to humans to do something in particular because it will harm them.
So alien tubes that can't handle all the attention not on them got dumb.
And Chris McGayHay went at him in group saying he was disrespectful to non-humans (aka rapists) and so Alex explained what i meant that "sexual gratification isn't expected from tools such as vibrators and shit like that but from real life human experience,such as pain and suffering being relieved by sexual intercourse and the length and intensity of a sexual orgasm is,dependent upon the emotional level of both people. If one is upset just even about the world issues, sexual impulses from the brain will create more intense and sexually gratifying orgasms which is why she said for me not to get one"
And then Chris McGayHay went after Alex all crazy saying "she said not to have sex with her and I'm gonna kick your ass for lying" and some other vulgarities based upon his interactions with me. Because I don't fuck the world. I'm celebiete except with my soulmate in a metaphysical connection.
So Alex said in response "i Wouldn't want to fight me if i were you because she actually hates you and wishes you were dead. And is thus I would beat you to the living daylights were gone only for you to live the next 3 days with your lungs drowning in blood to make you think you have the Corona Virus impeded with COVID-19 and she would have you laying in my yard in some random corner after ghosting spirit and half animal crazed dragging you to where vultures will eat you. But if you wanna bring it on. You know,the rules and you must pay up front now according to the new rules format with the NHRA. Which I don't like but it stems from the Queen's ruling and how she set it up in 1994 in the Original Fight Club. So do what you want as Sabrina says but i guarantee you, you come here to fight me or her or for her when she can fight on her own you will leave here dead or wishing you were."
He has 7 hours left. If the jail sends him to the hospital to repair his internal injuries, he will die in surgery. Doctors and hospital personnel have enough on their plates to not deal with this mess is a blessing.
He does have his phone to call his loved ones to say goodbye, bitch on the internet about me and everyone else. Look at porno. Whatever he wants. But in 7 hours he will die for what he did yesterday and in hid life. Hurting others when ever he could.
So then back to the issue of yesterday. What I then sent Alex totally Contradicted what Chris said. So then I posted it when Alex and I heard Chris saying maybe that wasn't my Insta account although I posted a screen shot last month with that exact account covered over with marker. They could compared the length. I posted a full detailed story which is why I would have that account.
So my text is in Black with pink tinted. I proved I use An old site and tree proves "magic" crosses over my posts to be a certain way via my log on and ip address and my DNA. NO ONE can post in my colors. No one can post in Alex's nor Tree.
Its like going pee. It only comes out one Way. You can't refill your bladder through your pee hole. Tubers have tried this. 89% of them world wide. 100% in the USA. it's impossible
There were classes on it.
So I coded post 2x
And still he went to beat up Alex or just plain commit suicide.
So Tree has a rather lively action adventure movie to share in schools around the world. Don't worry outs specialized. He's the Tree of Knowledge.
He will use it for doctors and lawyers, people wishing to be and those just curious. By the time it's released With full editing it will be "Old World History"
He'll have 21 different videos in regards to the event. Going back 20 years when I gave him the name McGayHeyHey.
So y'all be good. If you need hospital care and you have no insurance, go to an URGENT CARE or Emergency Room and you will be automatically put on my insurance. You'll need a $3 fee to enroll. Your visit that day will cost $1. Total of $4 at the clinic then $1 for all prescription you can pay at the pharmacy or clinc.
I know y'all got $5 on me, too.
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