#(The way they meet? Classic Precure fairy encounter!)
desultory-novice · 10 months
Okay so. I know I've discussed this before on stream but I do want to know your FULL opinion on it.
What do you think of my Ribbon Knight AU concept? In case you've forgotten, or people who weren't at the stream see this, the Ribbon Knight AU proposes that Kirby's species needs to consume at least something important to them to truly reach adolescence/their teenage years. Right as Kirby was reaching the point of needing to do this, Ribbon dies in front of them... And yeah... Ribbon Knight was born on that day.
Thank you for the reminder on this one. Sometimes ideas do slip past me I was starting to forget that these two things were the same concept... (I remembered the Ribbon dying in Kirby's arms thing and your most recent mention of Ribbon Knight in stream but at some point, they started to drift in my mind. I have a busy head.)
I think there's some really good stuff building up here! I don't remember if you indicated before where you would start/end the story, but regardless of where you put the information about Kirby's species and what they need, you've got this nice bit of tension on the mantlepiece. I also don't remember if you yourself ship Kiribbon but I think there's some good angst here whether you ship them or not. Either way, they were at one time partners who cared strongly about each other and worked in perfect unison to defeat Zero 2. And that's the other reason I think this is a neat idea: that it's Ribbon.
They have operated as one in the past. She cares for him and he/they for her. She has pretty fairy wings (and I know that most people want to see Kirby get wings as a sign of reaching adulthood) and he could inherit/grow hers (which I would assume you would do? ^^ ) but also their color schemes match, her dress being the same color as his feet and her hair the same as his body. The transition would be seamless; albeit, I can't help but think that Ribbon Knight would be a little off put in the beginning because who WANTS to fully absorb their friend, even if she was already gone/there was no way to save her?
I also dig the name because most Knight concepts go for something big like space words or weapons or these very cool, "powerful" sounding concepts to show how strong their Knight OCs are.
Ribbons are soft, smooth, colorful things that tie things together. It's really perfect for them.
That said, you're going to make it now, right? >w< Now that you've got my stamp of approval? /lh Draw up some sketches or take your summary to the scripting phase, right? (Cause you're going to make ME want to draw Ribbon Knight's origins if you aren't careful XD; )
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