#(TFW you run into another You and he acts super chill and friendly as if it's not a Big Deal XD )
ducktales-wco-oo · 5 years
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[PanchiPanchi aflockoffeathers] Panchi stares, dumbfounded. Head tilts to the right, then the left, the centres again. He figures this is some form of trick by Sheldergoose, but, he's so amazed and surprised that he can't do nothing more than quietly murmur, "Dios mío..."  - ✩ { @aflockoffeathers​ } ✩ 
{ ☆ } This is definitely a strange situation for Panchito. Granted, he has seen himself before. Just... not directly standing in front of him without the aid of a mirror or reflective surface. Even taking that into account, the other him- the not-him-him, isn’t a picture-perfect copy. For one thing, the eyes are wrong. Curiously following the ‘stranger’s’ head movements, milk-chocolate hues look into a gaze that seems just as confused as him. Brows furrowing, hands go to rest on his hips as a small, contemplative pout forms on his beak.
Welp... He’s not entirely certain what happened, but if he was a betting man, and he IS, then he supposes it has something to do with that universe-hopping mirror that he’d discovered lying about in old Scroogie’s manor. Perhaps he shouldn’t have been literally sticking his beak into things that didn’t concern him. Or at least into rooms filled with an abundance of mystical objects he had no clue how to use. Either way, he doesn’t see a fathomable way out of this mess... Yet. No use in considering a cause lost until he’s exhausted ALL options.
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But for now, he chooses to turn his pondering frown upside down and flash a friendly smile instead. Taking off his sombrero and flourishing it in an embellished bow, he then peeks up at his apparent doppelganger and chipperly says, “¡Hola, amigo!” Straightening his spine as he speaks, a hand is quick to grab the other male’s and VIGOUROUSLY shake them. The usual greeting he gives, despite being pretty sure that it’s not needed this time. “Yo soy Panchito Romero Miguel Junipero Francisco Quintero Gonzalez III. Now, I’m pretty sure that I already know the answer...” He adds with a chuckle, “But, I’ll ask anyway-” Just to be courteous. 
Motioning at the other rooster, he tilts his head and asks, “¿Quién eres tú?” { ☆ } 
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