#(Kinda sorta. It's Annzai related)
lake-archive · 3 months
Chapter 10 - Her Father
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Fandom: Bungo Stray Dogs
Characters: Osamu Dazai, Karl May (OC)
Words: 1,102
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To be a man who was putting others’ well beings before his own, even if it was just reserved for a select few people. The man would talk about them a lot, going from how much he missed his wife’s cooking to looking forward to seeing his daughter again who was probably busy playing with the pet cat. Though these were conversations he had witnessed from a distance, staring at the man with slight annoyance. It was always the same old conversations with him, wasn’t it? When it’s not the missions it was usually the family. And even then he was known to keep it vague. No name, no faces. Just that they existed apparently. And yet, all the same, he couldn't stop fawning over them. That part may be endearing yet given that it is all everyone knows it made Karl May a curious character… Something had just never sat right with Osamu, at least not at first. One may already question what he had been doing here to begin with. Karl just always seemed to be unfitting, out of place.
It had already started with the attitude. It was the opposite of most, being still serious yet having a light hearted tone about it. He had a way of pursuing people, always choosing his words carefully. And his accent made people pay attention. And yet he was still an old man in the end, messing up with simple usage of technology. A clumsy old man, that was how he had presented himself and kept doing so. And most would not look beneath that surface he was presenting. That alone can make someone ask why he is here. He lacked the competence, was old and more of a family and his usage of words was impressive. He may as well have become a politician or something like that. But here, with the mafia? No one really understood. He was ‘too kind’, or so some others might say. How true that  was could debate. Though Osamu had his skepticisms. Even if it was only in short bursts yet when looking at Karl it just automatically happened. It was not dislike, just him feeling out of place. A man with secrets… Maybe it was that attitude which had gotten him a little on edge as he was an old man who no one knew what to expect from.
So, during their very first interaction, Osamu had been a little irritated back then.
“A boy who is as old as my very own daughter.” Karl had begun as he had walked over to Osamu for the very first time. Unlike most he was rather calm about this, not even caring who he was standing in front. Was he a fool or did it truly not matter for him? “Didn’t expect them to hire kiddos.”
“Maybe they do. What’s it to you?” Osamu responded, a little dismissive maybe. That guy…
And yet all he did was laugh out loud, sounding rather laid back. “Nothing. Just needed a conversation starter.” He said. “Don’t think you’d tell me your business anyways.”
“Would you?”
“Probably not, no.”
Of course he wouldn’t. That wasn’t a secret. “Is there something you want?” Osamu asked, just wanting this to be over with. Honestly he expected the old man to back off rather quickly when glaring at him. And yet that didn't happen. Instead Karl had a smirk on his face, one which would make just about anyone’s skin crawl. 
“Do I need something to talk to someone now?” He added. “I just felt like talking. Since I see you a lot around.”
“You don’t need to bother, really.”
“Why not? After all, aren’t you the praised kid who is also the youngest boss within the Port Mafia?” So it had reached that far… 
“So what?” Osamu asked Karl, the skepticism only increasing by the second. Or was it because it felt so unbearable to talk to him? Only a few words had been exchanged and he already did not feel like saying any more. Especially if the old man remained so laid back. Did he not care if he could end up dead on the sidewalk?
“Not one for big words, are we?” He said, though his smirk was rather amused than anything. “Can’t blame you boy. I’m on edge too.”
The old man sure didn’t look like it. All while giving Osamu the creeps. There was nothing wrong with Karl’s words, it was just… He himself had the power to come off as unsettling. Did he know? Who knew… It was just not comfortable to talk to this man in any capacity. Or it was all just excuses to not say that he doesn't like talking to Karl. 
“Though wouldn’t you want to connect to people your age a little more? Isn’t it a little lonely?”
“Should you be the one asking me such questions old man?” Osamu retorted.
“Too personal? Sorry~” And yet, something could tell a person that Karl meant none of these words. “Though something tells me that my daughter would really like you. Maybe—”
“Not interested.”
“I was suggesting that you might want to befriend her.”
“Still not interested.”
“Maybe I was getting a little ahead of myself here. It’d be inconvenient if you two met at this point.”
“It’s always your wife and daughter with you. Do you have anything else?”
“What can I say? I miss my girls.” Karl responded. “Maybe once you have a family of your own you will understand.”
An annoyed groan escaped the boy’s lips and he turned away. “Did you just need someone to talk about them again?”
“No, of course not. It just crossed my mind.” Karl laughed yet again… This irritating laugh. “Teenagers really are a handful to handle.”
Karl May… Needless to say Osamu’s first impression was a mix of emotions. While at first not thinking highly of the man he came around eventually. The old man seemed distant yet not cold, at least when it came to his family, the only time he seemed to feel something. Maybe it was them who kept him going, his reason to see everything through to the bitter end. It could only leave someone curious… And yet, wasn’t it obvious? After all, there is a good reason envy had devoured him whenever just seeing or hearing Karl…
The man had a reason to live.  
Not just that he really predicted the ironic twist of fate. Maybe Karl knew all along… 
But that is something which can no longer be answered… Yet it was still somewhat hilarious to think about.
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