#(I'm not looking for any serious response alright this is just a silly thought cause I'm watching hell girl again but like I mean)
dragontamer05 · 11 months
Who would win;
Near god like world / universe destroying being, or 1 girl with the power to send anyone to hell if asked
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Not very a happy family meeting
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Kaeya x Gn Reader.
Please Read the note before you read the fiction.
A/n: This is just a headcanon. We still don't know if Pierro is Kaeya's blood related father. But the possibility is 80% . The other 20% can be anything.
So you can Imagine his father as Pierro or you can also imagine by your own imagination.
And also this is kinda angsty because it's like meeting his father who abandoned him since he was little.
But all are just my imaginations so don't claim them as real.
Being in monstadt, enjoying your daily life with Kaeya each day and each moment that you two spent together is like in heaven.
Your life was perfect like this. You love the way the things they are.
Because Kaeya just having his normal life with you.
He told you about his past and his origin and you understand him completely.
He is all that you need and you are all that he needs. And you two always got each other.
One day knights including Kaeya got a task to investigate Storm Terror Lair because of abyss order. Of course, you are also one of them so you have to go with the knights too.
In the morning you and Kaeya pack up some things that you might need and meet the group of Knights who have to go with you at the front gate of Monstadt.
There were about 10 junior Knights. Including you and Kaeya there were 12 Knights in total.
'' Morning Captain and Y/N ''
The knights greeted you with bright smiles.
" Morning " You replied with smile and Kaeya also smile and nod at the junior knights.
When the team was ready you and the team started the trip to Storm Terror Lair.
When you and the team finally arrived, each set up camps for shelter because you guys had to stay there for days not knowing how long this task will take.
And the team dismissed and started investigating the area.
You and Kaeya together went around to find any traces of abyss order.
'' Kaeya...''
He raised his brow as the sign of he is listening.
'' Why the abyss order keep doing these?''
'' Because they want revenge..''
Kaeya replied calmily. Looking at you softly.
'' Anything more you would like to know? But I'm afraid I might not know to give you answers.''
You nod. '' It's ok. That's it. ''
Actually you wanted to know why Abyss order had serious hate on the Archons. You learned about the Khaenri'ah disaster but there are still things missing to know about.
You still don't fully know about it.
" Okey dove. Becareful in these areas and please don't go alone. Stay beside me as possible as you can cause they can harm you if you are alone. ''
You nod and smiled at him in response. The night time arrived as you two look around for traces but found nothing yet.
All of you and the team came back to the camp and start a camp fire.
All sat down together and having the meal while keeping company.
'' We found not even a single sight of Abyss here''
" Strange. Why there is no traces of Abyss here. ''
One of the junior Knight said and the other replied.
'' Maybe they got the news of us coming here so they leaved so fast?''
'' Don't be silly. How would they know?''
The knights having chit chats while Kaeya seems like in a deep thought.
You asked '' Is everything alright?''
Kaeya got back into reality when he heard your voice. ''Ah..Yes I'm just thinking this situation is strange too. How they know that we will come here'' He whispered the last part. '' If I don't report them''
'' Maybe they are spying us in someway'' You said.
'' I suppose '' Kaeya replied and then again he was completely lost in thought again.
After a while each knight went to their own tent to take a rest and sleep.
You go into the shared tent with Kaeya but he was still at the outside thinking.
You thought you need gave him alone time so you didn't disturb him from his thoughts. You lied on the mattress and tried to fell asleep.
But even after hours later you can't sleep and Kaeya was still out there.
Not so long, You heard someone calling Kaeya's name.
'' Kaeya Alberich ''
You took peek at outside and found the tall man in white hair. Tanned skin and covered his right face with half mask.
Other junior knights were asleep and they were not aware of this strange man's appearance.
'' Huh...F-father?'' Kaeya replied.
You gasped. So this man was the one who abandoned Kaeya long time ago just to sent him as a spy.
'' Why are you with these sinners? You should be reporting the abyss about the gods. Remember you do not belong here. You belong to the Abyss.
You are our last hope. ''
Kaeya was silent not knowing how to explain when he confront his father.
'' I- I can't... ''
He just said these few words.
His father still remain calm looking down at him.
'' Why is that? Give answers''
Kaeya was completely silent this time. He don't want his father to know about you.
'' Remember Kaeya. The reason I sent you was just for you to give us answers. And I trusted you could do this. Don't disappoint me.''
You were listening to all the conversation between them care fully but you never knew how Kaeya's father found you.
'' Who is that listening to our conversation?'' He asked.
Kaeya was shocked. '' No body''
His father said '' I see why Kaeya. Listen...''
Kaeya keep his face in annoyed expression.
'' You know you can't be attached to someone who is your enemy yet you did''
'' She/He is not my enemy!'' Kaeya's voice is a bit raised.
'' I'm afraid now that she/he had seen me I'll have to get rid of her/him one day''
Kaeya was shocked and got up and said '' Dare to touch her/him and I don't care if you are my father or not ''
You stayed in silent not knowing what to say.
His father sigh '' Kaeya... You really are protecting the people who believe in gods. The gods that destroyed our home. That killed many helpless lives hum?''
Kaeya remain silent but he was frowned.
'' If she/he is that important to you then I won't stop but our purpose to conquer the nations and the gods will always be carried on ''
And then he disappeared. Kaeya came straight to you and hugged you close.
'' Don't worry Y/N. I won't let anyone touch you. Not even my father. I'll fight anyone who tried to harm you no matter who they are.''
You patted his back knowing how much stress he will have right now.
And also you learned why abyss order had so much hate on the Archons.
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adverb-slut · 5 years
Can I get some Mammon fluff? Like he or MC are upset about something and they come to one another for cuddles? I think that's cute.... Plus I'm in need of a hug 🤗
Sorry, anon this took so long!!!  Mammon was being a butthead throughout this whole fic and was not cooperating!  And this is not exactly cuddling, but I hope it suffices!  AND OMG ANON YOU SHALL BE HUGGED  🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 Also, as usual, this story can be read on AO3 here.  Additionally, I have a few more writing requests to do, but feel free to send more if you’d like!
Avatar of Greed
Mammon barges into your room very upset. You may not have all the answers, but you sure know when someone is in need of a hug and a listening ear.
Word Count:
You tap your fingers on your desk and stare daggers at your Poison Lore 1001 homework.  Your assignment is to create an extremely volatile aphrodisiac using belladonna, hemlock, and another toxic, yet arcane plant native to the Devildom—which is what stumps you, because as a human, how are you supposed to know what toxic plants are native to the Devildom!?  
You growl in frustration.  You aren’t supposed to use the internet to acquaint yourself with said plant and you can’t find your library card in order to check out a book at the Royal Library to find out what it might be.
Resting your head on your desk, you sigh.  Before you can decide that the assignment is a lost cause, you hear your bedroom door swing open.  Someone stomps in and sighs dramatically; you can hear them flop onto your bed. You already know who it is before they say a word.
“Mammon,” you groan, not raising your head.  “What did I say about sitting on my bed?”
“‘None of the members of the House of Lamentation are allowed on MC’s bed,’” he recites.  He pauses and then amends, “‘Cept for the Great Mammon, ‘cause he was MC’s first.”  
You moan and turn behind you, where you see Mammon lying all starfish-like on your bed.  “I don’t remember adding the last part.” You walk over and poke him. “Get off.”
“No,” Mammon whines, slinking further into the sheets. “MC, ya gotta let me stay.” 
Again, you poke him.  “Why?”
He sighs.  “Just do it, okay?”
Surprised with his answer, you finally decide your homework is most definitely not going to get done and scoot onto the bed with him, sitting on your pillows with Mammon sprawled out in front of you.  Absentmindedly, you fiddle with his hair, not noticing the blush that spreads across his face as you do so.  
“St—sto—”  he sputters incoherently for a few moments, before closing his eyes and retreating to silence.  The two of you sit like that quietly for a spell, before he breaks it again. “MC,” he begins, his voice so faint that you barely can hear it, “d’ya think I’m annoyin’?”
You don’t miss a beat as you continue playing with his hair and answer, “Yes.”
“Whaddaya mean by that, huh?” he demands, his blush growing even deeper and his eyes flying open.  “Didn’t ya hear what I asked? I asked if ya thought I was annoyin’!”  
“I know; I said ‘yes.’”  He doesn’t see the tiny smirk that forms at the corner of your mouth.
Mammon fidgets, his face tomato red now.  “K—keep talkin’ like that MC, and I might actually believe ya!”  He pauses again, and sits up, turning behind to look at you. He looks down and his voice turns into a whisper.  “… Do you really think that, though?”
You look at him, raising your eyebrows.  Before he had looked down, you had seen something in his dark blue eyes—something you hadn’t noticed before.  
You had always noticed the pools of a desire for validation that rippled in his dark sapphire irises, but today—today, you saw thin streams of desperation swirling amongst them, as well.  You decide that the time for teasing the tsundere, tsundere demon is over. You pull him back down, letting his head rest on your lap and scoop a pillow off your bed.
“Wh—whoa, MC!” he exclaims.   You didn’t think his face could get any redder, but somehow it does.  “I know you’re desperate for The Mammon, but ya didn’t even answer my que—”
Before the fool can finish his sentence, you whomp your pillow across his head.  You blush, grit your teeth, and answer his initial question, saying, “If I found you annoying, I wouldn’t sit here and listen to you babble, would I?”  
Mammon coughs in embarrassment and wisely avoids eye contact—a fact which you are very grateful for, because what would you do if he saw how red your face was now?
You try to regain your composure.  You clear your throat and wonder, “Why do you ask?”  You ponder if one of his brothers had said something to him for him to ask such a question, but then you remember Mammon’s neverending patience when it came to the verbal lashings that his brothers magnanimously granted to him. 
“It’s nothin’.”
You remember the desperation you had seen in his eyes and in your most wheedlesome tone, cajole “Come on, say.”
“I told ya, it’s nothin’ for you to worry about, MC.”
“Please say.”  You take a deep breath and muster your sweetest voice.  “For  me?“
“AAAH!” he grumbles, nestling his head deeper into your lap.  “MC, you know damn well that I can’t say no when ya use that voice!”
You smile in satisfaction and amuse your fingers in his hair once more.  “I’ll take that as a yes.”
Mammon turns to his side so you can no longer see his face and sighs.  “Fine.” He takes a deep breath. “MC, what sin am I the Avatar of?”
“Stupidity.”  The tease pops out of your mouth without your consent.  
“HEY!  Stupidity’s not a sin and you know it!”  
You stifle a laugh as you notice that he doesn’t deny his idiocy and try to remain serious.  “Alright, alright. I know you’re the Avatar of Greed.”
“Mm-hm,” he agrees.  “And ya know what? I’m damn good at what I do.”  Mammon’s confident tone falters for a moment. “Sure, I’m klepto as hell, but it’s not like I can help that … y’know?”  He pauses. “I’m greedy—it’s who I am. When I see somethin’ I like, I gotta have it, no matter what.” You don’t notice that he lightly coils his fingers around your calf as he says this.  
Saying nothing, you nod at his spiel.  You know the secondborn demon well enough to realize that he has more to say.  
And he does.  His voice lowers to a whisper and he wonders, “Then why am I always gettin’ blamed for bein’ who I am, huh?”  You can feel his head shake in your lap. “Sure, I guess me lootin’ stuff isn’t fun for everyone, but it’s not like I can help it—it’s instinct.”
You’re not sure how to answer his question, so you continue your silence and let him talk.  
“But hey, doesn’t everyone notice that it also ain’t fun for all of us to have to explain to the whole class why Belphie’s sleepin’ during lecture again or to open the fridge and realize Beel’s eaten damn near everything?  Or hey, do they think it’s easier to have Asmo hittin’ on everything with a pulse?  Maybe it’s better for Satan to blow up the House in some kinda tantrum or to have Levi freak the fuck out ‘cause some rando on the internet has a Ruri-chan figure that he doesn’t?  Or to know that Lucifer—” his voice breaks, but he swallows quickly and continues, “—to know that Lucifer’s so fuckin’  perfect that I can’t think of any flaws for him?”
Even though you vowed not to interrupt him, you decide it’s best to cut him off there.  “Lucifer’s not perfect.”
“Trust me—” Mammon’s voice breaks again as he turns his head deeper into your lap.  “—trust me, MC, I know that! Ignore ‘im for a minute here.” He sighs and pivots so that he faces the ceiling, and you can see that his eyes are ever-so-slightly glassy.  “Just … why’s that okay, huh? Why’s everything all hunky-dory for them when they’re givin’ into their sin, but all pitchforks ‘n’ torches for Mammon?”
You pull your hands out of his hair and bring them around his shoulders.  For once, he’s too distraught to blush. You’re not sure why his brothers act the way they do, but you are sure of the response he needs.  “It’s not fair.”
“No,” he mutters, “it ain’t.  And it’s not like it bothers me a lot, but sometimes … when I get to thinkin’ … ”
That’s when you realize that the desperation you had seen earlier in his eyes wasn’t just his desperation to be validated, but desperation for someone to just listen to what he was saying.  
You’d seen how the other six demons reacted when Mammon spoke—they’d tromp over him (although … could you really blame them?  Mammon’s dialogue usually made it clear that he was merely operating on one brain cell). Perhaps it was in an effort to tease, but even then there was only so much a demon can suffer.  You’re even more thankful now that you had let him monologue for so long. If anyone deserved to, it was the silly secondborn. 
You don’t even have to think as you yank him into a seated position and wrap your arms around his back tightly; you don’t let go as you slowly rub circles into his back.  Graciously, you decide to do him a favor and not make the adorable little squeak! he elicited as you did so public knowledge.
“H—hey, MC!  Ya don’t have to feel sorry for me or anythin’!”  He blushes, having regained some of his cockiness.  “I’m a demon for cryin’ out loud!  I don’t need a hug!”  Nevertheless, he takes a deep breath and leans into you.   
Your head is nuzzled into his hair as you murmur, “Shh … everyone needs a hug, sometimes.”
You feel his body stiffen and you worry that that was the wrong thing to say.  However, Mammon turns around and wraps his arms around you, just as tightly.  
You breathe warmly into him and stifle a laugh when he meekly asks, “Y—you’re not gonna do this for my brothers, right?”
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babygirlkiki1016 · 4 years
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The Escape Plan
   It was eleven forty-five and I was sitting on my bed waiting for Dean's text. I had agreed to go with him, but waiting was torture. I had my duffel bag packed with clothes, ID, etc. All the important stuff, and dad didn't even have a clue. Was I really gonna do this? Was I really gonna run away to help some man I barely know? Something inside me was pushing me to do this...something wanted me to do this. Like this is what I'm supposed to do, help people. My thoughts were interrupted when my phone began to ring, it was Will, hesitantly I answered.
"Hello?" I said in a quiet voice, desperately trying not to wake up my dad.
"Hey, did you ask your dad about you coming over?"
"....What is it?" I could hear the fear in his voice, he knew something was wrong.
"I'm taking a family trip....and I don't know when I'm going to be back." He was silent, he didn't know what to say. He was already sad that one of his friends moved away, now another one might move away to. He never knew when he was gonna see me again....and neither did I.
"Your at least gonna be back for graduation....right?" There was a thread of hope in that question....what was I supposed to tell him? Who knew how long it was gonna take to find Dean's dad.
"Yeah I'll definitely be there." I lied, graduation was about five months away. It might take longer than that to find who Dean's looking for.
"Good....be careful ok? Don't die." I chuckled at his response.
"I'll try not to.....and when I get back you can kick my ass on WWE."
"Oh you bet I will....well I gotta go. I'll talk to you soon." I sighed when I heard the click, guilt set throughout my mind. I lied to my friend, but for some reason I knew that he couldn't know about this. A second later I got a text, it was from Dean saying he's here. I grabbed my stuff, including a letter I left for my dad so he would know I was ok. Silently I slipped out the back door and ran around the house to the front. There he was, waiting on the street just like he said, when I got into the car Dean looked over at me. Curiosity filled his eyes, I gave him a confused look as I put my bag in the backseat.
"Are you sure you wanna do this?" He asks, hesitantly I look over at him and nod. That's all he needed, cause he instantly drove away and towards the highway.
"So....where are we going first?" I asked him, his eyes were on the road but I knew he had a plan set out.
"Wait like the college?"
"That's right."
"My brother is there, he'll be able to help."
"....How does my dad know yours?"
"They were best friends, hunting buddy's actually. However most of the time my dad liked to work alone."
"Hunting? Like deer's and bears?" That made him look at me.
"....Your father didn't tell you did he?"
"Tell me about what?"
"So this is why he didn't want to get involved...." Instantly he turned around, making me confused.
"What are you doing?"
"Taking you home."
"W-What?! No! Why?"
"Cause your not suited for this, you could get hurt. I thought you knew....."
"Just because I don't know something doesn't mean you get to take me back home. Do want me to help you find your dad or not?"
"Like I said, I can do it alone."
"......but you don't want to." His breath hitched and he went silent.
"Dean please, look my dad's been training me for something my entire life. I know how to fight and I'm old enough to make my own decisions!" Without a second thought he pulled over to the side of the road and looked at me with a serious expression.
"....Your right, you are old enough but if you come on this journey without knowing what your heading into then you could die."
"Then give me a hint of what we're heading into, and if I don't like then I'll go home but if I'm ok with it then you have to take me with you!" He sighed while rubbing his hands down his thighs. He was thinking again, he sure does think a lot.
".....They don't hunt animals, they hunt monsters. Like ghosts and werewolves....."
"You mean those silly myths?"
"They aren't just myths....they're real. Real monsters....and you could die." I could, I thought, if what he's saying is true then....I have more reason to help him. His father could be hurt or worse dead, if there are monsters involved I don't want him to get hurt.
"....If what your saying is true, then I'm still coming with you. You could die to you know and it's always better to have an extra pair of hands."
".....I just told you monsters are real and you still wanna jump head first?.....I like you, alright but once you join in this mission, there's no going back. So I'm going to ask again, are you sure you want to do this?" This was it, the moment I could back out but I wouldn't. This trip might get tricky and I might be stupid for doing this but if I can help save someone then  I will.
"I understand and I'm ready, I'm not backing out."
"Then you better prepare yourself, cause we got a lot of work to do."
   We've been driving for almost two days, Dean told me to throw out my phone so my dad couldn't track us. Though he was impressed when I told him I left it at home. We've been stopping here and there to get food but then it's back on the road. I felt bad, Dean's be doing all the driving and I'm just sitting doing nothing. I was leaning on the side of the car, waiting for Dean to fill up the Impala with gas. He had been silent most of the time, but stealing glances at me every now and then. Probably trying to see if there was any regret on my face.
"Alright." He said while putting the gas cap back on. "We have about another day's drive ahead of us then we should be there."
"Why don't I drive?" I offered, which made him stop in his tracks.
"Uh no. No one drives baby but me."
"Oh c'mon, your tired and soon you might pass out. I have my drivers license, let me drive."
"You ever hear the saying never let a teenager drive?"
"Though I'm not a teenager, now am I?"
"....You got a point, but no drives her but me."
"Fine suit yourself, I guess in the meantime I could take a nap." I say, then I heard him growl a little, I knew he wanted a nap. "Maybe I should get a pillow, oh and a blanket to....I would love to be all nice and warm, while sleeping for the next few hours." He knew what I was doing, he was jealous, five seconds later I hear him sigh in defeat.
"Fine but only to the next gas station! I need a nap anyways and it's not safe if I drive while I'm tired." I smirked as he threw me the keys, bouncing with excitement I get in and start the car. Dean, grabs some sunglasses and leans against the door.
"Let me know when it's my turn to drive." He yawned. I giggled, he looked silly but at least he'd be getting some sleep. Here I thought that this trip could get tricky but it's seems alright so far, let's just hope it stays that way.
The New Hunter Masterlist
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just-a-belgian-girl · 5 years
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The beautiful moodboard is by the talented @heloisedaphnebrightmore, and she’s a brilliant writer too, so go check her out!
This is my entry for @jbbuckybarnes writing challenge. Happy birthday and congratulations on 900!
Prompt: ‘Why is your cat such an assh*le?’
Pairing: Bucky x reader
Word count: ca. 1400
Warnings: fluff, language?
Summary: basically a cute, ‘domestic’ moment with your lovely super soldier!
A/N: this is my first time writing Bucky, and I really enjoyed it! Feedback is welcome and appreciated!
I hope you enjoy it!
PS: I changed the title
Stairs. Stairs. And more stairs. Why did you choose an apartment on such a high floor? Right, the view. However, in hindsight, you were wondering if it was worth the five flights of stairs after a long day of work.
Sighing heavily, you dragged yourself up the last few steps and to your apartment door. Your fingers rifled through your bag, searching for the familiar key, a sappy Valentine's keychain from Bucky hanging from it.
For a moment you panicked. What if you had lost it? You'd never forgive yourself. You'd have to change the lock, which you frankly couldn't afford at the moment, and... and the precious keychain Bucky had given you on your first Valentine's Day together. No, you couldn't have lost it.
You dug through your bag frantically. Bucky had a spare key, so you could always call him to come over and open your apartment for you, but you didn't want to trouble him with that.
'Yes!' You exclaimed in triumph, producing the keys from the bag you would now be more inclined to call 'a container for absolute chaos.'
You slipped the key into the lock, taking your time so as not to startle anyone. You wanted to surprise Luka, your cat.
Upon opening the door, you heard a voice and remembered you weren't the only one home. Rather than being a cause for alarm, it relaxed you, for the voice belonged to none other than your beloved boyfriend, Bucky Barnes.
'No. I fed you recently, you're not getting any more.' His voice was firm, his tone similar to the one he used when training new recruits at the Avengers compound.
As you slipped your coat and shoes off, slowly and silently, you recognized the answering meow to be Luka. A smirk crept onto your face. Oh, this was bound to be good.
Bucky only groaned in reply. You could already picture him in the middle of an intense glaring contest with your cat. 'No, Y/N will kill me if I over-feed you. Have you seen her when she's mad?'
He waited for the cat's response, continuing when none came. 'No, right? Well, I have and I'm staying on her good side.'
Luka meowed again, the same meow that he used to beg you for whatever he desired. You had to admit, maybe, just maybe, maybe you spoiled your cat a little. Hey, in your defense, he had been your only companion until you met the Avengers, and Bucky.
You took a couple of tentative steps forward, halting in the doorway as you watched the scene unfold in front of you. Luka was using the same tactic he always used on you, which basically consisted of meowing in a whiny tone, purring, and rubbing up against your legs, but it didn't work so well on Bucky.
Bucky heaved a heavy sigh and ran his hand through his long, soft, brown locks. For a split second, he resembled a parent with a child he had no idea what to do with.
'Do you want me to put you outside?'
Luka trotted over to the couch where plopped down on his behind. He was clearly going to be as difficult as possible.
'I thought not. You're not getting any treats and that's final.' Bucky crossed his arms like a defiant child, except in this scenario, he was playing the role of parent.
Apparently he got a little too close. Luka shot out a paw, letting out a hiss as his claws pierced Bucky's skin, the latter crying out not in pain or shock, but indignation.
'Seriously? I've been nothing but nice to you, but the moment I say no, this is how you treat me? Nope, now you're definitely going outside.'
You attempted to stifle your laughs as he scooped Luka up in one swift move, carrying him to the balcony as if the cat were an infant. Luka meowed in protest.
'Oh, now you're sorry? Too bad, you're still in timeout.'
He plopped your beloved pet on his behind on the balcony (which had, of course, been made pet-proof). He closed the door behind him, glaring daggers at Luka, who in turn struck an aloof model-like pose with his head high in the air, turning around and sitting down with his back to Bucky.
You called his name, alerting your dorky super-soldier boyfriend to your presence, who only offered you a sheepish chuckle as he approached you.
'Y/N, doll, how long have you been home?'
You smiled, snuggling into his warm embrace. 'Long enough to know you and my cat don't get along.'
'In my defense, I tried to befriend him. Not my fault he's a bitch.'
You chuckled, despite your efforts not to.
'Y/N, this is serious! Your cat attacked me!' He exclaimed, your reaction clearly not what he expected.
You looked up at him, still grinning. 'It's just a couple of scratches, Buck, you've had worse.'
'Yeah, but none of them were caused by such betrayal! Why is your cat such an asshole?'
You burst out laughing again, deciding to play along and dragging him to your small but cozy kitchen. He followed without any form of resistance, a wide, loving smile gracing his handsome features.
'Alright, hero, let's go take a look at your wounds.'
He seated himself on one of your wooden kitchen chairs, each of which you had sewn a pillow for. His eyes followed your movements as you placed your kitchen stool in front of the cabinet, proceeding to stand on it to retrieve the band-aids from the highest shelf. Why did you put them up there? You really weren't tall enough to reach without the stool.
'Show me where it hurts, soldier.' You teased.
'Everywhere. Doll, I'm not sure if I'm gonna make it.'
Bucky let out a groan, leaning back in the chair as if in pain.
You played along, adopting a very feminine, theatrical voice and kneeling by his side, pretending to be concerned for your injured partner's life. 'No, Bucky, you must! I can't live without you, you can't leave me! Not after all we've been through!'
'I'm sorry Y/N. I think... it's too late for me.'
Bucky closed his eyes for what you assumed to be dramatic effect. You latched on to him, pretending to sob like a princess from the early Disney movies.
'No, no, I can't lose you too!'
Bucky spoke one last sentence, his voice dramatic and emotional, like you'd expect from a dying character in a play. 'Goodbye, Y/N. I love you.'
You both burst into laughter simultaneously, laughing at how silly this was. But you knew you would treasure this memory, and those like it, while Bucky was out on his missions. Moments like these, calm, relaxed, peaceful, just the two of you, were rare, given your jobs, but you wouldn't have it any other way.
Bucky pulled you into his lap as your laughter died down, his arms around you to prevent you from losing your balance. You noticed his face turn serious as he gazed at you and you couldn't prevent the wave of unease washing over you.
'Doll, you know I'd never leave you, right?'
Relief flooded you as you smiled. This was Bucky we were talking about, your Bucky, who loved you so much the thought of breaking up with you would never even cross his mind, who loved you so much he'd do anything to see you happy.
'Of course, Buck.'
Your both leaned in, your eyes fluttering closed as your lips brushed his unbelievably soft ones. Arms wrapping around his neck, you deepened the kiss as Bucky flooded your senses and your thoughts, the scent of his cologne and his warmth enveloping you like a soft, fluffy blanket.
You finally parted for air, your cheeks flushing when you saw the sheer amount of love on Bucky's face as he gazed at you. He kind of resembled a lovesick puppy at times like this.
He leaned in again, pecking your nose gently, an action you mirrored immediately. You sat together in comfortable silence for a few moments, a silence you were the first to break, what you said eliciting a laugh from Bucky.
'As lovely as that was, do you have any food for me? I'm starving.'
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Buster & Rio
Buster: [okay so like he sends whatever prom proposal idea I come up with which can't be a miscommunication cos it'll be like come to prom lol even if just in a letter or whatever we'll see. Boy you better pray Indie or Drew don't see that you extra bitch] Rio: I just got your present Buster: I'll buy you a plane ticket now then, yeah? Rio: You can't Rio: I really wanna go with you but it's a no go getting any more time off work Rio: and it's footie, it's proper hectic lately Buster: Just call in sick for a few days Rio: I've not got sick either, I used it all in that one go Rio: I'm sorry, it's shitty Buster: Fuck's sake Buster: Alright Rio: 🙁 Rio: Wish I could, it'd be fun Rio: so American Buster: Yeah, I wish you could too Buster: I'm gonna have to ask an American now Buster: What do you reckon, the girl who's at the top of her game now or the hot older girl who used to be where she is but now she's at college & back for the weekend, like? Rio: Any older girl who's gonna go to a high school prom that ain't her own reeks of tragedy Rio: you don't wanna relive the glory days, like Buster: Head Cheerleader & principal's daughter it is then Buster: That's easy enough Buster: Cheers babe Rio: May as well live the cliche as hard as you can Buster: Exactly Rio: Enjoy Buster: I already enjoyed her when I first got there Rio: Shut up Buster: At least I know she takes a good picture Buster: Last thing I need is to spend the entire night teaching her anything Rio: Right Buster: They take the asking so seriously, it's ridiculous Buster: I'm gonna have to get her a present now as well Rio: Can probably get this back to you in time Buster: You're alright Buster: It needs to be big & public Buster: That's how they do everything Rio: Fun Buster: That ain't the word Rio: Like I'm gonna feel bad for you? Buster: Like I said, I've done everything I wanted with her already, so you should Rio: Well I don't Rio: ask someone else then Buster: She's the one everyone's asking, it ain't a choice Buster: Besides, there's no cheerleaders left who I haven't also done the same with anyway Rio: You either want that or you want the other Rio: not a problem, either Buster: I never said it was a problem Buster: Just thinking aloud Rio: You said you want sympathy Rio: and I already told you to shut up Rio: so clearly Buster: Nah, I said I deserve it, not the same thing Buster: It's your fault so it's the least you could do Rio: Ha Rio: Now you're really being stupid, huh Buster: You're the one who turned me down, babe Buster: Don't get much stupider than that, like Rio: So that's what this is Rio: show me what I'm missing, like? Rio: I didn't turn YOU down, I have to work, Jesus Buster: What this is, is that you could make it happen if you really wanted to Buster: You don't have to work, not at that job at least, you're doing more than fine with your other one Rio: Yes I do Rio: because I can't tell people about the other job, can I Buster: Well, I can't bring you to my school prom back home, can I? Rio: I know that Buster: Act like it then Buster: Jesus, I just wanted to do one normal thing Rio: Me too Rio: I said I wanted to come Buster: Not enough to actually come though Buster: So forget it Rio: It's called responsibilities Rio: regardless of what I want or don't Rio: there's shit I have to do, don't act like you don't know Buster: Don't talk to me like I don't understand what the word means Buster: I have responsibilities of my own Buster: But I also understand how to prioritise, and yet again, it appears you can't Rio: You don't know Rio: having a job is different Buster: Yeah, it's more people relying on you so you can fulfil the need you have to be needed, above all Rio: You're gonna attack me now, yeah? Buster: If you're gonna act like you couldn't get fired from this job & get another before your parents or whoever else noticed Buster: Don't bullshit me that anyone's sitting you down & going through your finances Rio: You aren't from this world sometimes Rio: if I get fired, it follows me Rio: if I get a rep as unreliable, I can't just get whatever job I want Rio: you want it to be that simple but it ain't Buster: Quit then Buster: You can spin that however you like Rio: I can't just quit my job on your say so Buster: It's what you want, you said so Buster: Unless that's bullshit, obviously Rio: It isn't Rio: that's not a reasonable exchange Rio: there's lots of shit we're bound to want to do Rio: again, I can't just quit things for all of them Buster: If I wanna do something, I do it & when I say we can do anything, I mean it Buster: It's not just words to me Rio: Don't even Buster: You're either on the same level or you're not Rio: Not even close Rio: you've got no clue Buster: If getting one includes you telling me how hard your life is compared to mine again, I'd rather not Rio: You've put enough words into my mouth for one conversation, tah Rio: like I said, you'll get it when you've got a job Buster: Like I already as good as said just then, fuck you Buster: You've been patronising enough for one convo Rio: Well you've been unreasonable and plain rude Buster: Don't fucking tell me I'm unreasonable when all I do is wait around for you to fit me in between all your responsibilities which no, of course I don't have a clue about despite hearing about them all the time Buster: You're actually unbelievable Rio: How dare I talk to you Rio: about my life Rio: if that's what you wanted you should know how to do it by now Buster: No, how dare you act like I don't know or care about your life Buster: Whilst also belittling mine, but whatever that's a whole other convo we probably won't have 'cause I clearly don't wanna talk ever Rio: It's what you said Rio: you're getting mad like I'm plucking this out of thin air when all I'm doing is repeating your words back to you Buster: No, I'm getting mad 'cause you're treating me like a spoilt little bitch Buster: I don't have a job 'cause I study all the hours it's possible to without burning out so I can get the grades I need for the future I want Buster: That's my responsibility Buster: You're not the only one with things to do Rio: I know all that Rio: and I never said I was Rio: because I'm not the one out here telling you to quit all that to do something that I want you to do Rio: because it comes down to the fact that you don't think my shit is worthy enough Rio: that it's not really important so I can drop it all whenever Buster: Don't be stupid Buster: You should drop it 'cause it's not even close to what you want & we both know that Buster: Your job isn't worthy, it's a fucking front Buster: & If you don't start living for yourself instead of every fucker else you're gonna have bigger regrets than not going to prom with me Rio: It's a stepping stone Rio: you don't want to study, you have to Buster: I'm working towards something, you're putting an obstacle in your own way Rio: No, I'm not Buster: Whatever Rio: Exactly Buster: If by exactly you mean, we're done talking about this, then yeah Rio: No, I mean exactly, you don't value what I do Rio: but there's no need to go over it, agreed, you've made yourself clear Buster: Christ sake Buster: My entire point is I value you more than this bullshit you're choosing to prioritise over what you actually want Buster: I didn't realise being selfish once would be the death of you or the end of the fucking world as we know it, like Rio: I already did that Rio: I came to see you Buster: So what, never again? Buster: Cheers for clarifying that Rio: I'm just saying Rio: I've been selfish Rio: plenty Buster: 10 days don't come close to years Rio: How am I explaining that one then Buster: The fact you feel like you have to explain everything is literally the only thing I don't understand Rio: I do Rio: I can't just go Buster: Why not? Buster: Why can't you just ever say you're doing something for yourself, 'cause you want to Rio: Because it's not fair Rio: I'm sure Indie would love to just leave and all but she can't Buster: She's a kid, it's different Buster: When she's old enough I bet she won't look back Rio: Probably but she doesn't have anyone to look after Buster: Neither do you Rio: Well that ain't true Buster: Come on Buster: You know what I mean Rio: I do, but it's not true Buster: The truth is, you've taken on something you shouldn't have had to Buster: & Yeah sometimes I'm mad about it Buster: How are you not? Rio: What's the point? Buster: It's your life Buster: There's literally no other point than that Rio: if being mad changed anything, I'd have done it already Buster: It can Rio: Not with this Buster: 'Cause its gone on too long Buster: Let people help you Rio: Who Rio: who has the time but me Buster: This family is big enough that they could all chip in Rio: Of course they do Rio: I told you Rio: no one can handle her like me Buster: So tell her to calm the fuck down Rio: 😂 Rio: really Buster: Okay no, that wasn't serious Rio: Yeah, you're really being silly now Buster: Yeah well Buster: I just miss you Buster: Sorry, like Rio: I miss you too Rio: even if you were a total prick Buster: Baby Buster: I am sorry Rio: Okay Buster: It's not but I wanna make it Buster: Tell me how I can make it up to you Rio: It doesn't matter Rio: you were just disappointed, yeah Buster: It still matters Rio: I'll get over it Rio: you will too right Buster: You're so frustrating Buster: But yeah Rio: Why am I frustrating Buster: 'Cause you'll argue with me forever but when I wanna fix it you shut up so fast Rio: 'Cos you can't Rio: I still can't come Rio: so Buster: That doesn't mean I can't make you feel better now Buster: What else do you want? Rio: Take back the mean things you said Buster: Alright Rio: Say it then Buster: I take back all the cunty shit I said Rio: Okay Rio: thank you Rio: I didn't mean to be patronizing and whatever else you said so I take that back too Buster: Don't Buster: I thought I'd grown the fuck up over here but I guess not Rio: Come on Rio: you have Buster: You come on Rio: It's just an argument Rio: people always say the worst shit for affect Buster: I know how arguing works Buster: Be a shit lawyer if not Rio: Exactly Rio: you just wanted to win Buster: Yeah Buster: Of course Rio: I really did wanna come Buster: I know Rio: You'll still have a good time Buster: Obviously Buster: Capable of that anywhere at any time Buster: There's graffiti in the girls changing room that attests to what a good time I am, like Rio: 🙄 Rio: Why do you always do that Buster: What? Rio: Tell me about shit you know I don't want to hear Rio: I don't do that to you Buster: What can I say? Force of habit Rio: No Rio: you're a dick Rio: you aren't the only person to ever get laid, you know Buster: Good, 'cause without the competition me & my friends would have nothing to talk about Rio: Well I'm not one of your friends Rio: and you probably don't wanna compare notes Buster: Calm down Rio: No Rio: it's fucking annoying Buster: It's not a big deal Rio: Then stop doing it Rio: easy Buster: Don't tell me what to do Rio: Then don't talk to me Rio: if that's all you've got to say Buster: Fine Buster: I've got loads of shit to do Rio: Alright then Buster: [let's do a time skip lol] Buster: You're right & I'm wrong Buster: Talk to me again Rio: I'm sure but Rio: what about, exactly Buster: Like you said, I'm a dick Buster: I shouldn't have taken it out on you that I have to leave soon Rio: You wanna stay Buster: I don't wanna go back to London Rio: Is it better there Buster: It's different Rio: Yeah Rio: probably 'cos no one knows you Rio: that's always nice Buster: It's not real, none of it feels like it matters Buster: Who I am, what I do Buster: But then there's you & you are & you do Rio: It does matter, you do Rio: there's just Rio: loads of bullshit too Rio: doesn't mean you are Buster: You don't understand, I don't have to try at anything, it's all just easy & cliche Buster: Like a holiday Buster: But shit's still getting done Rio: You're bored Buster: Only boring people get bored Rio: That's bollocks Rio: like, put it on a poster nonsense Rio: You want a challenge, is what I'm saying Buster: That's 'cause I've seen it on a poster here Buster: I obviously don't, do I, 'cause back home is a challenge & I don't wanna be there Buster: It doesn't make sense Rio: A challenge you can still conquer, like Rio: some things are just shit and they always will be Rio: You know you've done everything there and it still is Buster: How do you always get what I mean Buster: I'm chatting shit & you still know Rio: Work in a pub, don't I Rio: nah, you know why Buster: I miss you so fucking much, Rio Rio: I miss you Rio: I'm sorry I'm not there Buster: Yeah, you are wrong about that Buster: I ain't having a good time Rio: Baby Rio: there'll be a good after-party, yeah Buster: & Someone did spike the punch til then so Rio: Of course Rio: did you get to go with that girl then? Buster: Of course Buster: You're the only girl who says no to me Rio: Mhmm 😏 Buster: Why I like you Rio: No it's not Buster: You know when it's a good idea & when it isn't Rio: Well, I'm not an idiot Buster: This girl is Rio: Yeah but that's irrelevant to why you asked her isn't it Buster: But it's bound to be relevant to why she agreed Rio: Are you admitting you're anything but a catch? Buster: Shut up Buster: I mean, she knows I don't do repeats Rio: You asked her to prom Rio: she obviously thinks she's special Buster: Like I said, she's an idiot Rio: Bit harsh Buster: Why are we talking about her? Rio: I don't know Rio: what do you want to talk about Buster: You Rio: What about me Buster: Tell me how you are Rio: You wanna know actually or you want me to make you feel better Buster: Don't lie to me Rio: It was a long shift Rio: and like I said, I've missed you Buster: I'm here now Buster: What can I do? Rio: I don't know Rio: because I want to ask something I know I can't Rio: I feel like an idiot Buster: There's nothing you can't ask me Rio: I can't tell you what to do Rio: and that's right Rio: but I really don't want you to sleep with anyone else Rio: tonight Rio: it should've been me and it just makes me feel Rio: sick Buster: I haven't been with anyone else since I kicked that girl out Buster: I only want you, you know that Rio: Really Buster: I told you that I was over it then, that I wanted to be different Buster: Was gonna be Rio: Yeah Rio: I remember Rio: it's not like I didn't believe you or anything Rio: it's just a long time Buster: & I'm a slut, yeah, it's alright you can say it Rio: I would've been nicer about it Rio: it's a habit, after a point Buster: It is & I broke it Rio: I'm impressed Rio: but more genuine than that sounds Buster: 😏 Buster: I'm genuinely impressive, again, you can say it Rio: Alright, maybe I'll say that one Rio: again, nicer, if you're lucky Buster: I feel lucky so go ahead Buster: Make my night Rio: Buster Rio: you're incredible Buster: I can't wait to make you say that to me again Buster: Like you really mean it Rio: I do mean it Rio: but I could always mean it more Buster: I know you could Rio: Have you posted? Rio: I wanna see what you look like but I didn't wanna look Buster: [sends her loads of selfies because you don't need to see his date that's not a mood] Rio: You're so handsome Rio: fuck sake Rio: 😍 Buster: Show me what you're wearing then Rio: nothing like a prom dress Buster: Still Buster: I wanna see you Rio: [selfies in whatever look she was rocking for work] Buster: You went to work like that? Rio: Yeah? Buster: No wonder it's busy Buster: You look so fucking good, I'd get on a plane just to be there & order a drink Buster: Jesus Rio: You're so Rio: nice ain't the word Buster: You're so Buster: Hot ain't the word Rio: You're making me feel weak again Buster: You better lie down then, babe Rio: You better lie me down, boy Buster: I'll lie you on this table Rio: Then what Buster: Then we'll show my date & everyone else here who I'm really with Rio: Shit Rio: why am I not there Buster: 'Cause you're a good person Buster: Who cares about more important shit than high school dances Buster: & Like you said, who goes to a prom at a school that ain't theirs Rio: that don't mean that I don't care about you Rio: or it's a stupid thing to care about Buster: I don't care about it, I only cared about going together Buster: I used to want to do the whole asking you out on a date thing when we were kids Rio: I care about that too, you know Rio: If we could just be normal Rio: we'd be good together Buster: We are good together Rio: Yeah Rio: but we'd be allowed Buster: Nobody can or is gonna stop me Buster: You're mine Rio: I am Rio: nothing's changed that Buster: Nothing will Rio: No Buster: I'm gonna come & see you as soon as I get back Buster: Nance can be my excuse Rio: You will probably have to speak to her to make that believeable Rio: but if you can handle that Buster: Nah, I'll say that's what I'm going there to do face to face, if my parents bother to ask me, I don't actually have to Rio: The longer you leave that, the less you'll know what to say, like Rio: but I wanna see you Rio: so do come, regardless Buster: There's nothing for me & her to say to each other Buster: I'm showing up for you Rio: or so much you don't know where to start Buster: Stop Rio: Okay Rio: we don't need to talk about that Buster: Like I said, there's nothing to talk about Buster: What's done is done Rio: Okay Rio: then come see me Buster: I intend to Rio: Good Rio: and everyone else will be at school so we'll have all the time for us Buster: Before I have to be again too anyway Rio: Yeah Rio: we can make the most Buster: I'll prop up the bar & double your tips Rio: You already got me a gift I didn't earn Buster: Are you admitting you're anything but a catch 'cause I wouldn't? Rio: I'm just saying Rio: you don't have to spoil me Buster: I haven't yet Buster: You'll know when I do Rio: Baby Buster: Did you like your presents, you never said? Rio: A lot Rio: you know Rio: you have good taste Buster: You have a good body Buster: It makes it easy Rio: 😚 Rio: Don't go to the gym as much as you but I try Buster: This summer you won't need to Buster: You're welcome in advance Rio: I'm not thanking you in advance Rio: gotta earn it Buster: You'll thank me whenever I want, I ain't forgotten how to make you Rio: 😳 Buster: Well, I made it through the chaperoned bullshit. Now the night really starts Buster: My date's mum was here, imagine mine agreeing to that 😂 Rio: And her dad, presumably Rio: that's wholesome Buster: I was tempted to fuck her purely for the audience but Rio: 🙄 Buster: You would too if you were this bored Rio: I wouldn't tell you about it Rio: how many times, boy 😏 Buster: Behave, I've already broken one habit for you Rio: I know what you're doing Rio: it's never been subtle, like Buster: What do you reckon I'm doing? Buster: Other than making my way to the after party, like Rio: You want me to be jealous Buster: No, I just want you Buster: It's been ages since you were here Rio: You struggling? Rio: Poor baby Buster: I don't struggle Rio: Nah? Buster: Did you forget who you're chatting to? Rio: I struggle Rio: loads Buster: Yeah? Rio: Every day Buster: How do you overcome it? Rio: I'll show you some time Buster: Why not now? Rio: 'cos your nights about to start Buster: It can start with you Rio: I don't think so Rio: I end things Buster: Prove it Buster: End me Rio: Fine Rio: [putting the outfit on to take it off vibes, a photoshoot] Buster: Oh Buster: Fuck Rio: May as well, yeah? Rio: not gonna let it go to waste Buster: You say that but if I was there, I'd ruin it Rio: That's never a waste Rio: I wanna be ruined too Buster: Fine but say thank you for whatever you want me to take off Buster: Manners are important to you, I know Rio: You're important to me Rio: and I wanna make you happy Rio: but these shoes Rio: I wanna keep them on Rio: so thank you for the dress Buster: I know why but you're still gonna have to stretch up for me, baby Rio: I'd rather bend down for you but if that's what you wanna see Buster: You can do both, we have time Rio: I can do so much more than that Buster: I'm well aware of what you're capable of Rio: [dress on the floor pic] Buster: I thought it couldn't look better than it did on you Rio: You should see the lingerie Buster: Show me Rio: Manners are important to me Buster: You don't need to thank me first we can just pull 'em to the side, it's alright Rio: Daddy Buster: Baby Rio: I've got the other present you bought me here too Rio: this is how you want me, or should I take the bra off? Buster: See, I told you the night's just starting Buster: Take it off, I want you to be comfortable Rio: then thank you for the bra Rio: and maybe Rio: but end it with me too Rio: okay Buster: Of course Buster: I wanna end every night with you Rio: I'm not getting you hard for any other bitch Buster: It's for you Rio: [Pic] Rio: I'm for you Rio: and I'm ready Buster: If you could hear the noise I just made, ready wouldn't be the word Rio: I'll get you to recreate it for me later Rio: where are you, are you there yet? Buster: Yeah, just got here Buster: I'm just taking a moment in the car alone before I go in Buster: Thanks to you Rio: I'm not gonna say sorry for wanting you for myself Rio: even just for a second Buster: Don't ever be sorry Buster: I'm yours for as long as you want Rio: Forever Rio: but you should have some fun tonight Rio: only fair Buster: I am Buster: More than fun Rio: I wanna have fun too Rio: tell me I can Buster: Do it Buster: I want you to have as much fun as you can Rio: Would you start slow Rio: or can I go hard already Buster: I couldn't go slow right now if I wanted to Rio: Thank God Rio: me either Rio: but I'm still trying to be 😇 Buster: You're so good Rio: Oh God Rio: You feel so good Buster: But I'm being so bad Buster: Anyone could come looking for me any second Rio: I think you wanna be caught Rio: almost as much as you want me right now Buster: I don't have a problem with anyone knowing how much I want you right now Rio: If how loud I'm being is anything to go by Rio: me either Buster: Where are you? Rio: I sorted out the balcony Rio: it's a nice night Buster: Have you said my name yet? Rio: I will Rio: I have to stop myself the rest of the time Rio: just in case anyone hears Rio: but should be safe and I really miss it Buster: That's the best thing about being here, I can say your name as often as I want Rio: You can't just say that and, fuck Rio: why couldn't either of us have a common name Rio: thanks, parents Buster: I just did & I am saying it 'cause I can't stop Buster: I don't know how I will when I have to but at least we can thank my parents for never being home Buster: That'll make it easier Rio: And you can come here, when they're both out Rio: it's not totally disgusting now, promise Buster: I'd come over even if it was Buster: I'd go anywhere for you Rio: See, you've definitely changed Rio: definitely would've called it ghetto or something not that long ago Buster: I can't spend all this time with you & not learn any manners Buster: I'm too smart Rio: 😂 Rio: You're too cute, is what you are Buster: You're too perfect is what you are Buster: It's no wonder I've fallen for you Rio: Buster Buster: Rio Rio: How drunk are you, babe? Buster: What kind of question is that? Rio: I'm just wondering how spiked the punch was Buster: I didn't spike it with brandy, like Buster: I'm fine Rio: Okay Rio: just checking Buster: You don't need to worry about me Buster: Just be here with me Rio: I'm here Rio: I'm totally yours Buster: Good Rio: I can't get over how good you look tonight Buster: [sends more pics] Rio: You're going to send me over the edge Buster: [even more pics] Buster: Go over for me Rio: How do you do this to me Rio: how can you have me like this from so far away Buster: 'Cause I love you Rio: Shit Buster: Don't you love me? Rio: No, it isn't that Buster: Tell me then Buster: Say you do Rio: We've never said this before Rio: you know Buster: Do you need to hear it again? Buster: I'm in love with you Rio: I love you Rio: please don't just be saying this Buster: Please just listen to me Rio: It was just unexpected Rio: but I'm listening, okay Buster: You think it's not unexpected for me? Rio: I don't know what I think really but no Rio: of course Buster: What you think is I'm off my face & chatting shit, yeah? Rio: No Rio: didn't say that Buster: You didn't have to Rio: I didn't say it so don't act like I did Buster: I told you how I feel so don't act like I don't mean it Rio: I'm not Buster: Okay Rio: Believe me that I believe you, yeah Buster: I want to, so yeah Rio: I'm not that bitch Buster: I know who you are Rio: Don't make it sound so threatening Buster: 😂 Rio: Well, it's a good thing the neighbours already hate this household Buster: We can always make 'em hate you more Rio: Yeah? Buster: Yeah Rio: How's the party? Buster: Standard Rio: Shame Rio: want the full teen drama cliches of some girl saving her v and then having a prom night baby Buster: Apparently fucking on prom night is myth Buster: So this lot all reckon Buster: Maybe they're just sluts like me though Rio: Rude Rio: could've left my illusions unshattered Buster: Behave, you're already living the dream Rio: 😏 Rio: American nightmare more appealing than actual problems though, obviously Buster: If you were here what cliche would you want? Rio: Entire football team, obviously Rio: #slaglife Buster: Don't Rio: Just a joke Buster: I hate it on so many levels Rio: I won't put it in my routine, like Rio: I don't know though, I can't imagine myself there Buster: You were though Rio: Yeah but properly Rio: I couldn't even do normal school and no one expects you to give a shit, really Rio: the idea of a pep rally and me is just Buster: You could but you didn't want to, firstly Buster: Secondly, I'm not properly here Rio: More properly than I could Rio: or most people, like Buster: The only place I properly am is with you Buster: That's the me that's closest to whatever the fuck I wanna be Rio: Good Rio: 'cos I like him Rio: and being with you Buster: I'm a headfuck, I know, but you're so important Rio: Who isn't Rio: I get you better than I get anyone else Buster: It's the only thing that's ever scared me, like actually Rio: Me knowing you? Buster: Yeah Rio: I didn't mean to Rio: but being scared doesn't have to be a bad thing Rio: you know Buster: It does. It is Rio: Why? Buster: It gets in the way of shit Buster: We'd have been here sooner if I wasn't Rio: Yeah but we might not have been ready Rio: you couldn't kiss, for starters Buster: Fuck off Rio: Couldn't resist but I actually mean it though Rio: we might've messed it all up Rio: who knows Buster: We already did that, loads of times Rio: but beyond repair Buster: There's no such thing Buster: Unless one of us died tragically young Rio: Well that's morbid Rio: you aren't killing me off to fuel your story, thanks Buster: The point is, there's always chances & choices Rio: Yeah, so we missed some then Rio: there's plenty more if we want them Buster: I want all of them Buster: Everything with you Rio: then they're yours Rio: ours Buster: I really fucking love you Rio: I love you Buster Rio: it's crazy saying that Rio: even if it's just typing Buster: Tell me I can come back now, there's only 3 days of school left here Rio 1. Can you afford to? 2. How much trouble will you be in with your school/parents? Buster: It's the perfect idea 'cause everyone here will think I've gone back home & everyone back home will think I'm still here like I'm supposed to be Buster: We can be together until I actually have to be back Rio: Okay, it does sound like it so what's the catch Rio: we don't get to just be together Buster: If anyone sees me in Dublin I'll be in loads of shit but just keep me out of sight Rio: Easily done Rio: Come back Buster: It's a week, we can do that, yeah? Buster: Nobody'll find out Rio: We've done longer Rio: I'll get a hotel for you this time Rio: I'd say stay 'cos Indie wouldn't tell but there's only 2 rooms so not gonna work Buster: & There's no way I could be quiet when I miss you this much Rio: Good point Rio: I forgot about that, she's out most the time I'm in but you know Rio: hotel, definitely Buster: I'm gonna go pack my shit up then Buster: That'll take a while Rio: another good point Rio: can we do this? Buster: We can do anything, babe Rio: Yeah Rio: I want you with me so bad Buster: I wanna be with you more than anything Buster: Just give me a few hours to pack & then I'll head to the airport before this party's even got good never mind finished Buster: They'll be going til morning & I'll be on my way by then Rio: I'm not gonna forget this, you know Rio: I'm gonna spoil you Buster: I'm not gonna stop you Rio: Priorities Rio: I'm gonna try harder Rio: okay Buster: I'll hold you to it, once I'm done holding you, like Rio: Do Rio: on both counts Buster: You're cute Buster: Really cute Rio: Cute like you wanna friendzone me now or cute like you wanna come here and fuck my brains out for a whole week Buster: There you go again asking a question that you know the answer to Buster: Cute like I'm doing lines so I can pack faster so I can get there ASAP Rio: There you go acting like you don't know I like to hear you Rio: remember you are gonna have to get through airport security in a bit, like 😂 Buster: It'll still be hours Buster: It's fine Rio: Good Rio: that's a cockblock too far Buster: I wouldn't let that happen Buster: I'm too determined to break another hotel bed Rio: 😏 Rio: We gotta Rio: be letting ourselves down otherwise Buster: & I promised not to let you down again ever, didn't I? Rio: I get it, you know what you're saying Rio: no need to show off Buster: There's every need 'cause you're so into how impressive I am Rio: You don't need to try, babe Buster: 'Course I don't but with you I like trying new things Rio: 😍🤤 Rio: be more perfect, honestly Buster: I'll try Buster: See, I told you Rio: You're such an adorable baby Buster: Right now I'm a jealous one, there's a couple making out literally next to where I'm standing waiting for my cab Buster: I want you like that Rio: Get a room, lads Rio: so soon Buster: I'd pull you so much closer than they are Rio: Obviously Rio: we're better Rio: and hotter Buster: This would be such a good wall to have you up against Buster: The light would basically display every inch of you Rio: Just to you or the whole party Buster: Just to me Rio: Always down for a private show Buster: That's why you're my favourite Rio: Fucking better be Rio: cheek Buster: You are, baby Rio: I'm your only baby, right Buster: Yeah Buster: I've only ever called other girls by their names Rio: Good Rio: you can always say my name too though Rio: well, when we can Buster: I'll say it for you all week Buster: As much as you want Rio: Oh you'll be saying my name, trust me Rio: make sure of that Buster: I've never said anyone's name as much as I wanna say yours Buster: Or how Rio: No girl has ever fucked you like me Buster: True Buster: I don't need to tell you what to do, I just like to Rio: you like how much I like it Buster: Yeah Rio: what else do you like Rio: how much can we fit into a week Buster: How much do you have to work & how long are your breaks when you do? Rio: it's getting really quiet in the weeks, it's actually annoying, sometimes they don't need me at all 'til fridays Rio: so if I do work much before the weekend, it'll likely be dead enough I can fit loads of 'breaks' in Buster: Nobody I know is a regular are they? I'll just get shit done from there for however long your shift is Rio: highly doubt it Rio: too sketchy a crowd Buster: Sketchy like I need to beat the shit out of them? Rio: Daddy, first of all Rio: but nah, I can handle them Rio: just not really your people Rio: plus everyone is easy over 35, even the after-work crowd Buster: I'll save it for your ex when I pay him a visit then, more worthwhile anyways Rio: Ugh, forget about him Rio: I'm not sharing Buster: You won't have to, it won't take long Buster: You'll be busy making me a drink for when I get back Rio: Stop making it hot, I don't want you to see him ever Rio: he's so Rio: it's embarrassing Buster: I don't want him to see you again ever or talk to you or think about you Buster: That's more important Rio: That'd be nice Rio: he might show up Buster: Let me make sure you're safe, okay? Buster: Please Rio: Okay Buster: Are you sure? I want your actual permission Rio: If he shows up, yeah Rio: I don't want you to go find him Rio: he'll just think I care Rio: he's fucked like that, and I don't care Buster: Okay Buster: I promise then Rio: I care about you so much Buster: Good 'cause other than my future, which you're a part of anyway, you're the only thing I care about Rio: I am Buster: Is that a question or are you agreeing with me that you're the only thing worth giving a shit toward? Rio: I was asking Rio: but that's the best thing you've ever said to me Buster: It shouldn't be a surprise to you, I only bother about things that matter & you matter more than anyone I've ever met Rio: Buster Buster: Rio Rio: I just want you home Buster: Soon, my baby Rio: Are you trying to make me wake everyone up? Rio: oh my god Buster: No, but if you do they'll be the only ones mad about it Rio: I feel like such a mess without you Rio: everything is better when you're here Buster: You're not though Buster: You're holding everything together Buster: Including me sometimes Buster: But that's a secret, 'cause McKenna's don't fall apart Rio: It's all our secret, baby Rio: no one knows Buster: I'm gonna enjoy leaving so many bruises on you this week that everyone can see, all the same 😈 Rio: I want it to be as obvious as we can get away with Rio: that's what makes it so hot Rio: they'll know I'm someones, just not who's Buster: & I'll know you're mine Buster: We have to record everything for when I leave Buster: Take so many pics too, like Rio: Exactly, and I'll feel that I'm yours Rio: we can use the new camera I got Rio: almost like being there Buster: It's only a month but in Chelsea that'll feel like 7 Buster: & I get so horny now that I'm just yours, your sympathy is optional though 'cause I'm not sorry that I am Rio: being horny is better than being bored Rio: or disappointed Rio: I always have time to play with you Rio: and I also always have at least 2 days off a week, standard, so Rio: even if they're weekdays, I could still come see you Buster: I'd rather not be fucked by you than go with any of them again, you know that Rio: you want me to love you more 😍 Buster: Yes Buster: I want you to love me more than you're ever loved any of the others Buster: & I wanna love you more than any of them did Rio: That's already happened Buster: Well, then I wanna keep it like that Buster: Keep you Rio: Please Buster: Don't say that, this cab is stuck in traffic & I need you so bad it actually hurts Rio: but I wanna be yours forever, daddy Buster: Fuck Rio: tell me how to be your girl forever Buster: Come & sit on my lap right now Rio: I like how you feel underneath me Buster: You'd love this Buster: How close I already am 'cause of you Rio: Do I even have time to get you out of your pants Rio: or is all it's gonna take me grinding my wet pussy on you like this Buster: I wish you could hear the answer I just gave you Buster: The driver definitely did Rio: Lucky Rio: I hope you're not sick of people telling you how sexy your accent is Rio: I thought it first Buster: Sick of them but never you Rio: Good, 'cos whilst I'm on your lap, you should tell me how much you've missed me Buster: Do you want me to whisper it in your ear or let this cabby know as well? Rio: Hmm Rio: he can know our secret, long as you tell him what a good girl I am too Rio: might not catch it in the mirror Buster: Of course Buster: I'll tell him you're an angel Rio: I won't tell him how 😈 you're being but he might guess Buster: He will Buster: So will all the other cars stalled in this traffic Rio: Now I need to be there Rio: traffic is only fun if you've got me there to give you road head Buster: Please be here Buster: I'm so Buster: Desperate for you Rio: I can feel it Rio: I could make you cum, get you hard and make you cum again before this car moved Rio: I know it Buster: Baby Rio: Yes, daddy? Buster: Do it Buster: Don't tease me, it's not nice Rio: You're right Rio: make me sorry later Rio: I've got important work to do right now Buster: Be sorry, don't make me have to make you Buster: Again, not very polite Rio: I don't know where my manners have gone Rio: it's gonna work in your favour when I meet you at the airport and we recreate this properly in the ride back though Rio: good girls do not behave like that, that's for sure Buster: Mine does Rio: Oh Rio: I fucking love you Buster: You can't say that to me right now Buster: I just Rio: You want me to make you cum Rio: I know how that is getting you Buster: I'm so loud he's gonna throw me out Buster: Jesus Rio: You look so beautiful when you cum Rio: I'll never forget the first time I saw, I couldn't take my eyes off you Buster: How could I feel anything but beautiful if I'm inside you Rio: I'm gonna make sure you feel like that always Buster: Forever, yeah? 'Cause you're always gonna love me too Rio: I've loved your forever Rio: and I'm not gonna stop Buster: Don't Buster: Oh my god Buster: Don't stop ever Rio: Never Rio: I need you, I want you, for everything, for always Buster: I've never felt like before & I never will again Buster: It's only yours Buster: For you, the happiest I've ever been Rio: Then you have to stay Rio: be mine, be happy Buster: I am Rio: You deserve this Rio: and more Rio: everything Buster: Give it to me, nobody else can Rio: You can have everything I have Rio: you know that Rio: I mean it, I'm yours Buster: Rio Rio: Buster Buster: You've made me such a mess Rio: Literal like IOU a clean-up and the fine or metaphorical Buster: Literally, like I haven't cum so much since you were here Buster: In the other sense, it's the opposite, obviously Rio: [adorable smug face selfie] Rio: can't have you changing your mind 'cos packing is the worst, like Buster: [a 😳 & we know why selfie back] Buster: I won't change my mind Buster: I love you Rio: See Rio: so fucking beautiful Buster: You are, yeah, keep telling yourself though Rio: You're silly Buster: [silly selfie cos he is] Rio: 😍 Rio: Mine Buster: Cab's moving again Buster: If we needed any more proof you're a goddess Rio: 🙌 Rio: Don't worry, I like you, so I'll only use my powers for good Buster: If you wanna be bad sometimes, I won't be that upset about it Rio: Keep that in mind Rio: do have a week, after-all Buster: 😈 Rio: You're really coming Buster: I really am Buster: So soon Rio: It's so weird Rio: how it feels like it's been forever this time Buster: I miss you too, babe Rio: You do now Buster: Behave, I did anyway Rio: Promise Buster: I swear to you Buster: On whatever you want me to Rio: swear on me Rio: 'cos I'm so important, like Buster: Alright, I do Rio: I believe you Buster: Good, 'cause I mean it Buster: & It's believable how important you are Rio: to you Rio: that's all I care about Buster: To everyone, but especially to me Buster: You are mine Rio: That never stops feeling good Rio: when you say that Buster: Tell me if it ever does, yeah? Rio: 'Course Rio: but it won't Buster: Time to pack Buster: Just gonna make coffee & risk the heart attack, like Rio: 😒 Don't play and don't die, thanks Buster: I'm a god too, don't forget. Immortal essentially Rio: Do you have to test that theory out when I'm not there to perform CPR though 😏 Buster: 😇 Promise Rio: Yeah that I'm only believing when I see it Rio: soz Buster: Well, you won't have to wait very long to see me so Rio: I know Rio: it's been way too long since I touched you Buster: I could've just touched you & I'd still want to Buster: Again & again, you know Buster: I can't get enough of all the ways you react to me Rio: I know the feeling Rio: it's all like new with you Rio: most lads are total carbon copies in bed Rio: even when you're good Rio: like sticking to a script, you know Buster: It's no different with girls, they've all watched the same porn, had the same chats with their friends, read the same advice Rio: Yeah Rio: been the thirdwheel to that mess too Rio: it's so boring Buster: I was frustrated in every sense of the word before you Rio: I know Rio: not that you ain't worth risking it all but it was lucky it was pretty obvious Buster: To you 'cause you were looking for it Rio: Hmm Rio: I'm not sure about that Buster: I am Rio: I'm fine taking knowing when people need to get laid as a special skill, like Buster: It's a decent skill to have Rio: I'd say it helps with the job but just take that as given, really Rio: no playing hard to get with it Buster: I mean, you could Buster: Some people are really into that Rio: I can Rio: they can't Rio: that's the beauty of it Buster: You're the beauty of it, but point taken Buster: The point I was trying to make is that me & you are the same Rio: Yeah? Buster: You weren't any happier than I was before this, you just care more about hiding that than I do Rio: True Rio: I don't know when it happened Rio: do you Rio: being, I don't have the word Rio: not happy but that doesn't equal sad, exactly Buster: It's never one thing you can pinpoint, I don't think Buster: Like, oh my brother died or oh we moved from Cambs or whatever, that's a cop out Rio: Yeah Rio: it's everything Rio: it all adds up and you're left with whatever at the end Buster: Exactly Buster: I also love that you brought it around to maths Rio: 😂 Barely Buster: Shh it's hot how smart you are Rio: Such a nerd Buster: You're a nerd & like I said, I'm into it Buster: It's such a wasted opportunity that we never got to study together Rio: That's a cliche I could've got behind Rio: I'll just help you Buster: Put your massage skills to good use, babe Rio: That went from wanting me for my brain real quick, you fake 😉 Rio: not that mad Buster: Smart as you are, I don't reckon I trust you to write all the essays I get assigned about problematic dead white men, like Rio: 'Bout the only way I wanna blow your professors' minds, I'm sure 🤢 Buster: Don't make me think about you blowing any of my professors Rio: Not a mood Rio: 100% I could find them on seeking arrangements though Buster: Definitely Buster: Not all, loads of them 100% prefer boys but a fair few Rio: 😒 typical Rio: such a boy's club Buster: We only have 2 teachers that aren't & they are both really old Buster: Not a mood either, if I wanted to live that cliche Rio: I think that's lowkey illegal Rio: I'm calling HR Buster: They only started letting female pupils in when they were forced, I don't reckon they care Rio: It's so archaic Rio: sure wherever you end up working will be the same though Rio: they give you the 'if you're gonna sexually harrass the one woman lawyer, be subtle about it or she'll sue' seminars anyway Buster: Yeah 'cause if I can't bend my colleagues over a desk what will I possibly find to do all day, actual work? Buster: Christ no Rio: Good coke, I reckon Rio: it's a living Buster: That goes without saying Buster: I already don't sleep & I ain't even got a job yet Rio: You will when you're here Buster: I'll just watch you, like that creepy stereotype Rio: It's not creepy Rio: just inadvisable Buster: Is that an admittance of guilt, babe? Rio: I don't know what you're talking about Rio: can't prove anything Buster: I bet you stroked my hair & everything Rio: I hate you so much Buster: You love me so much Rio: Shut up, you're mean Buster: Come on Rio: What Buster: You know there's not a single second I don't wanna look at you Buster: You just said it first Rio: Yeah Rio: 1-1 then Buster: Oh you're keeping score now, yeah? Rio: Maybe Rio: but I've not worked out what's a win and what's a loss so Buster: More maths, I approve Buster: There are no losses though, we both just keep winning Rio: Perv 😏 Rio: that sounds good to me though Rio: deal Buster: How do you wanna seal that deal, baby? Rio: We should go out Rio: there's loads of places we can go that no one we know should be Buster: Alright then Rio: Not soon as you arrive, obviously Rio: priorities Buster: Dressed to impress in my tuxe, like 👑 Rio: Impress ain't the word Rio: 😍 Buster: We just got married & we need free champagne immediately Buster: It's a good scam Rio: Do you think we look old enough Buster: If they let us in, they'd have to believe we are Rio: Fair Rio: Free champagne is always a yes so why not Buster: What do you have that's white? Rio: Rude to imply I ain't 😇 enough Rio: sure I can cobble something together Buster: If I'm implying anything it's that I need pics of every option before we decide Rio: um it's bad luck Rio: don't you know anything Buster: We don't have bad luck Buster: But fine, you can surprise me Rio: Trust my judgment Rio: also trust I ain't gonna let you upstage me like that Buster: I trust you utterly Rio: Fuck me Buster: I'm in the midst of packing but if you say please Rio: I'll be good then Rio: but that got me Buster: You already know I trust you, I've told you before Rio: I'm not gonna let you down then Rio: I can't Buster: You never have Rio: Well Buster: Trust yourself as much as I trust you Rio: Let's just say I won't again Rio: yeah Buster: Yeah Rio: Clean slate Buster: Another one or a continuation of the one we agreed to the night I stopped fucking uninteresting American girls? Rio: if that one had a clause about all previous sins as well, should work fine Rio: not fucked any of your friends since or similar, obviously Buster: Me either, obviously Buster: If any of them flew over to the US that's a coincidence, like Rio: Idiot 🙄 Buster: Be nice to me Rio: I'm always nice Buster: Come & help me pack Rio: You'd have to do a lot to make doing that flight x2 in a go appealing Buster: It's not my fault that I need you on this case to make it shut & to make you cum Rio: okay I'm coming Buster: It really doesn't wanna close, we're really gonna have to force it, babe Rio: You know I can take it Rio: go as hard as you can, don't hold back Buster: I'll break this zip before I break you Rio: Come on baby Rio: I believe in you Buster: Say it again Rio: You can do it Rio: I believe in you Buster: You better 'cause I have another one to do after this Rio: I didn't imagine you'd packed light, babe Buster: I've been here for months Rio: I know Rio: not saying I could do better Buster: You could 'cause you could wear anything & look hot as fuck Buster: You just are Rio: so are you Rio: you just like to dress up, you don't need to Buster: All these clothes on my floor are reminding me of you Buster: It's so distracting Rio: You've gotta focus, babe Rio: how can I come see you when you're back in school if you can't concentrate, even when I'm being my most distracting Buster: You know better than to underestimate me Rio: I'm just saying Rio: you've not seen distracting yet Buster: I've seen you, everything you do distracts me, but I'm still here doing what needs to get done Buster: It's just that right now I feel like that includes you Rio: You know that includes me Rio: I was just trying to be good Buster: I wanna make you feel as good as you're trying to be Rio: Please Buster: Get on the floor with me Rio: Okay Rio: [selfie evidence] Buster: You're such a good girl Buster: Don't deny yourself anything Buster: You deserve everything you want, any time Rio: Including you Buster: So how do you want me? Rio: It's wrong me being on the floor and NOT on my knees Rio: you can hit it so deep from behind Buster: Hurry up then Rio: [pic] Rio: Your turn Buster: [video cos has to be more extra obvs] Rio: You're so hard Rio: how long have you been thinking about me Buster: I'm always thinking about you Rio: I get it, I'm always ready for you too Rio: but I'm over ready right now Buster: My poor baby Buster: This is why you need to tell me & stop trying to be such an angel all the time Rio: I know you're so busy sorting everything out to come see me but I need you now Rio: I'm clingy Buster: I'm never gonna be too busy for you, I don't care what else I'm doing, you come first for me Buster: I'm gonna go so slow to prove it to you, really let you feel it Rio: Oh shit, daddy Rio: Please play with me whilst you fuck me, I need you everywhere Buster: I'll use my tongue first until you're sure we're not in any rush 'cause you obviously need to be reminded how special you are Rio: You know I'm gonna cum all over your face Rio: I'm too close Buster: I want it, I love the taste of you Rio: I swear I can feel your tongue Rio: don't stop talking baby Buster: You're so wet, everyone's gonna hear us Buster: Say my name for them so they know how much you love me Rio: we've been going for hours, there isn't anyone left on this street who doesn't know your name Rio: or how good you are Buster: If there are, they'll know after this Buster: 'Cause you can feel my fingers too, can't you? & my lips. I'm giving you everything that you need Rio: Yes, you're everything Rio: you know just how I like it Buster: I swear I can hear you showing me exactly how much you like it Rio: I'm beingso loud it's a problem Rio: I can't stop Buster: Be louder Rio: Fingerfuck me harder Rio: please please please Buster: Since you asked that politely Buster: Is that better, baby? Rio: I'm gonna have to move after this Rio: fucking hell this is so good, Buster Buster: You're not allowed to move Buster: This is what you said you wanted, remember? Rio: Yes, pin me down Rio: let them hear it Rio: see Buster: I'll flip you over if I want to, but not yet Rio: You're in control, baby Rio: I'm out of it so you've gotta Buster: You're totally losing yours but it's okay Rio: You like me like this Rio: messy baby Buster: I love you every way there is Rio: You love me Buster: I fucking love you, Rio Rio: I love you so much Rio: no one's ever loved anyone this much or this hard Buster: I know Buster: There's no one else like me Buster: Or you, that's why you're mine now Rio: Forever Buster: Longer than that Rio: Keep me Rio: I'll only ever be yours Buster: I'll keep you safe & keep you with me Buster: Keep you happy Buster: Keep on loving you Rio: You're the best daddy in the whole world Buster: Cum for me then Rio: It's going to be so much Rio: I feel so full Rio: use how wet I am Rio: I need my other hole filled too Buster: Whatever my baby wants Rio: I'm in love with you Rio: damn Buster: Be in love with me, that's all I want Rio: Then you've got it Buster: Fuck, you're just so perfect Rio: You make me really happy Buster: Good Buster: You deserve that more than anything else Rio: I can't believe this is happening Rio: still Buster: Believe it Buster: You are a dream come true but it's not that Rio: It is crazy though Rio: not that long ago we 'hated' each other Buster: But I never actually hated you Buster: I've felt like this for so long Rio: I don't know how I ever acted like I hated you Rio: not that I was amazing at it but you know Rio: we tried for too long Buster: You've probably forgotten 'cause it was so long ago but you got your dad to drive me home & you stayed. I don't remember much more than that 'cause I was properly wasted as per for a fam function but you gave a shit about me, I knew that then & it was just so Buster: I don't know, I'd never felt it Buster: My parents weren't leaving out glasses of water for me to wake up to, like Buster: It should've just always been like that Rio: No, I remember Rio: you were just so Rio: I don't know, like a kid again, you know Rio: you needed someone to Buster: We were kids, even if you did have that boyfriend you invited Rio: Don't remind me Rio: guess we were kids, still Rio: there always seems like a before and an after somehow Buster: I just think that maybe I could have been in love with you then, if I let myself Buster: Left out so much bullshit Rio: It's a lot to let in though Rio: we both know the risks, actually risks Buster: Yeah Rio: Who knows Rio: if we could handle that on top of everything else we had to Buster: I can obviously handle anything, how dare you Buster: But seriously, it was & is a lot Buster: I knew that as a actual kid being dared to kiss you Rio: 'Course, babe Rio: Pandora's box, yeah Rio: or whatever Buster: I was never a bad kisser or a little cunt, I just had to slam it shut Buster: End of story Buster: 😂 Rio: 😏 Stick to it Rio: who's here to disagree but me and I'm not dying to start up the old argument Buster: I really must have worn you out if you don't wanna fight Rio: The neighbours are glad to hear it Rio: or stop hearing it, like Buster: Fine by me, I can't let you lose your voice before I get there Rio: I don't think I'd have known what to do if you were nice to me anyway Rio: you think I'm bad now, like Buster: Baby Rio: Not just you Buster: I'm just gonna have to extra nice to you from now on then, yeah? Buster: Easy Rio: Hm? Buster: We've got so much time to make up Buster: So much bullshit to make better Rio: But plenty of time to do it in Rio: right Buster: Longer than forever is what I reckon I said Rio: Is that permission to hold you to EVERYTHING you say when we're fucking then? 😏 Buster: It's when I'm the most honest Rio: I believe it Rio: drunk you is probably a close 2nd, but you also chat a lot of shit then so Buster: It's why loads of girls hate me & equally loads of 'em desperately want me to call 'em again Buster: Well, I'm running on coke, coffee & champagne, not necessarily in that order so let's assume I'm the most truthful I've ever been then Buster: Not to mention whatever was in that fucking punch, like Rio: Veritaserum Rio: I should ask you about all your deep, dark secrets now then, yeah? Buster: Yeah Rio: Hmm Rio: let me think Buster: Sure, I'll finish packing Rio: How rude Rio: I'm not that slow Buster: Not what I meant Buster: But you'd be stupid to blurt out a bullshit question when you can ask me anything Rio: That's the problem Rio: too wide a net Rio: too many potential minefields Buster: Take your time then Rio: Nah, fuck it Rio: if I'm to the point, you can only get so mad Rio: Why do you only do it with the same girl once Rio: what's that all about Buster: Isn't it obvious? Buster: I leave them wanting more & only have to remember their name for however long they last Rio: Don't you ever want to go over it again though Rio: they can't all be that bad Buster: Why would I? I was impressive & they were whatever adjective they were Rio: Hmm Rio: I guess I see it Buster: You said it yourself, even when it's good it's not that good Rio: Yeah, it's just different from how I went about it, for lots of reasons, obvs Buster: You care about people, I don't Rio: Nah Rio: not even Rio: you stick with the same person, you can damage control how bad it is Rio: train them a bit Buster: Fuck that Buster: I can train a girl in one night if I need to Buster: If I stuck with her I'd have to lie, hold her hand & tell her how pretty she is, all that shit Rio: Nah Rio: what's the point in that then Rio: don't get to enjoy the fruits of your labour Rio: and you can be a shit boyfriend, I was hardly #1 girlfriend Buster: There's an obvious point to fucking, firstly & secondly, I don't do anything to be shit at it Rio: so it's an ego thing Rio: okay Buster: Have we met? Buster: Everything I do is an ego thing Rio: That's really sweet Buster: What? Rio: That your ego can deal with the fuckboy thing but you can't deal with being a shitty boyfriend Rio: weirdly chivalrous or something Buster: I'm not a fuckboy is everyone knows what's gonna happen Buster: We all go into it with our eyes open Buster: *if Rio: Nah Rio: girls lie about that sort of thing Rio: show they're cool and down Rio: you're definitely a fuckboy Buster: My friends lie that there's a future beyond the fuck, that they'll be the girl's boyfriend that's fuckboy behavior Buster: Not what I did Rio: It's definitely worse Rio: but it'll be all the same when you don't text back Rio: I know how girls chat Buster: Whatever you say, babe Rio: 😂 What, you don't believe me? Buster: I don't care, more like Buster: I don't do it anymore regardless Rio: Okay Buster: I'm sure plenty of girls have noticed my absence from the party & are understandably devastated but not my concern Buster: Priorities, like Rio: Don't be grumpy Rio: I said it was cute Buster: I ain't & you're cute Rio: Teeny tiny bit? Buster: You're much cuter than that Rio: 🤓 Rio: you Buster: You didn't ask me how many, I might be grumpy then Rio: Why? Buster: It's not nicely rounded Buster: That annoys me Buster: Obviously 'cause you'd judge me Rio: 'Scuse you Rio: why am I such a judgmental bitch now Buster: It's just a high number, that's all I'm saying Rio: If you're fine with it Rio: all that matters ain't it Buster: I don't know how I feel about it Rio: That's pretty standard too, I reckon Buster: It's like okay there's a record of exactly how many nights I felt lonely since the first time I thought fucking would fix that Buster: How were there that many? Why? Rio: It's fucked Rio: but you ain't alone in being alone, you know Buster: 'Course not Rio: Not that that makes it any better Rio: but everyone's at it Buster: Yeah Rio: It's an epidemic Rio: 'least you don't cash in on it Buster: Not gonna cash in on my failure Buster: If I'm so great & my ego's so big, my own company should be enough for me Buster: More than Rio: No one likes themselves that much Rio: 'cept really smug buddhists or something Buster: You're funny Rio: It's been said Buster: I don't know, it's just weak Buster: To need things from people you don't know, never mind care about Rio: Listen, you can pay for it if having it transactional makes it more comfortable Rio: you're a human, you need things, simple as Rio: you'd be dead boring if you were one of those AA types who has to abstain from EVERYTHING to feel 'free' Buster: What are you angling for me to buy you, babe? Rio: Fuck off Buster: I can't, I love you Rio: It's not a get out of jail free card, you know Buster: I'm not planning to need one Rio: 😏 Rio: Bold of you to assume I'm not really grumpy already Buster: If you are, it's 'cause you're tired Buster: That's easily fixable Rio: 😑 boy Buster: Take a nap, baby Rio: You're gonna wanna reconsider Buster: Am I? Rio: Mhm Buster: Tell me why Rio: Because I'm not in the mood to be told what to do now Buster: It's only a suggestion, you said it was a long shift & loads has happened since then Buster: I'm going to the airport, so why not Rio: I'm perfectly capable of working out when I need to sleep Rio: tah Buster: Calm down Rio: Ha Rio: Okay yeah, let's stop here Buster: You don't need to have an attitude about this, so yeah, stop Rio: You're the one who said it Buster: I'm literally being helpful, what the fuck Rio: You really don't get it Rio: forget about it Rio: see you later Buster: Nah, explain it to me Rio: You literally said you were gonna buy me Rio: that's not funny Buster: I didn't mean it Buster: Come on Rio: Still Buster: Still, you know it's not like that Rio: Well, like I said Rio: I don't wanna joke about it Buster: Okay, I'm sorry Rio: Alright Buster: Is it? Buster: 'Cause I can't leave until it is Rio: Of course Rio: don't not come Rio: you've packed Buster: That shouldn't be the reason to come or not Rio: Come on Rio: I still want you to come Rio: I'm not that mad Buster: But you are mad, so talk to me Rio: I was, you said sorry Rio: that's all that needs doing, like Buster: Are you sure? Rio: Promise Rio: it's not your fault it's a sensitive subject, like Rio: I knew you were joking Buster: Why is it though? Don't you like doing what you do? Rio: It's complicated Rio: some bits Buster: Do you mean, it's complicated but I like it or I fucking hate that it's complicated & I wish it was different Rio: It's the porn industry, we all know it's sketch Rio: it's just fucked I can even do it Rio: you know Buster: You can stop, if you want Buster: At any point Rio: I know Rio: I might have to Rio: Ryan found out Rio: I don't do anything that actually is porn, really Rio: but I could still get in trouble, I reckon, if he tells everyone Buster: Well, don't ever stop doing anything 'cause of that cunt Buster: I'll just kill him Rio: It's just talking Rio: you've seen Buster: I know & I know you're good at it Buster: So like I said, it's not up to him when you stop Buster: Or if Rio: Thanks Buster: I ain't killed him yet Buster: Don't thank me Rio: Remember you promsied Buster: That was before I knew he could fuck up your job though Rio: He won't do it Rio: I'm sure of it Buster: He won't if I shut his mouth for him Buster: When you get your jaw wired you can't talk properly for ages, you know Rio: Babe Buster: I'm just saying, it happened to a boxer I've fought, not 'cause of me that time but it really fucked him up Buster: Think about letting it happen Rio: You really would get in trouble then Rio: no Buster: I wouldn't f that's why it's a no, I ain't that stupid Rio: I don't wanna be giving him this much thought right now Rio: any Rio: you're coming Buster: Okay but just remember I'm not there as far as anyone but you knows so it'd be a good time to beat the shit out of him if you change your mind Rio: You want me to be jealous of him now? Rio: Weird but go off Buster: Shut up Buster: I wasn't even that jealous of him when you were with him Buster: & I'm jealous of like, anyone who looks at you, ever has or will Rio: 😂 Rio: well you wanna spend all this time with him Rio: jussayin Buster: I keep telling you it wouldn't take long, I don't know why you're doubting me Rio: Take it as a compliment Buster: You've literally seen me fight & that's when there are rules Buster: How is it a compliment? Rio: Wow, your ego really isn't that big Rio: if it was you'd know what I was getting at straight away Rio: so humble, babe Buster: That's the most hurtful thing you've ever said to me Buster: I know what you were saying you wanna be with me 24/7 but now I'm actually broken hearted like Rio: I was saying you literally fucked me for hours tonight so I doubt your definition of not taking long but you just want an excuse to run off into the sunset now Rio: see how it is Buster: Size matters, babe, I'm so upset Buster: Also there's no comparison when you're important & he isn't Rio: Baby Rio: I'm sorry Rio: it's so so big Rio: 😏 Buster: Who am I that I can't even be fake mad at you for longer than a second? Rio: I can call you soft if you want Rio: get you going again to save face Buster: You better fucking not Rio: 😘 Buster: & You better actually kiss & make up with me when I get there if you're gonna keep taking the piss Rio: Hi, have we met? Rio: that's our specialty Buster: If we haven't met we should, 'cause you're really fucking beautiful, like Rio: 😳 Buster: I'm beyond ready to spend a week with you Rio: Me too Rio: thank fuck London is not this far away Buster: I just got in the shower to look less like I rolled up straight from a party & all I can think about is how much I want you in here too Buster: At this rate I'm never gonna leave Buster: Fuck's sake Rio: 🤤 Rio: I do need to shower too, to be fair Rio: you made me a mess so Buster: We made each other a mess Buster: Get in then Rio: Alright Buster: Tell me to be quick Rio: You've got to Rio: plane to catch Rio: focus, baby Buster: Start counting for me, if it gets too high, make sure I'm out Rio: Shameless ploy to get me to speak maths at you Rio: but alright Buster: 😏 Buster: No more than 10 minutes, okay? Rio: Got it Rio: Bet I can beat you Buster: What do you wanna bet? Rio: What do you want/ Buster: If I beat you, you have to let me pay for the hotel & vice versa Rio: You're on Buster: Alright Rio: No cheating Rio: do it properly Rio: play fair Buster: 😇 Buster: Trust me Rio: I do Buster: Good Rio: Don't distract me Buster: I wouldn't dare, babe Rio: 😇 Buster: 😏 Rio: [who's gonna win] Buster: [ooh good point maybe we should let her win cos of all the money he's already spent lol] Rio: [save him girl lol] Rio: Clean 😋 Buster: Seriously? Rio: [proof pics] Rio: 🥇🙌 Buster: Fuck's sake Rio: Don't be a sore loser, baby Buster: I hate you Rio: No you don't Buster: No, I don't Rio: In fact, you love me SO much, it's a real hindrance, right? Rio: 😏 Buster: You said it Rio: Not sorry Buster: Book us a hotel then Buster: I've got a plane to catch Rio: 😍 Rio: On it Buster: I do love you so much,  but it's not an obstacle in any way, it's so far from it Buster: Just to let you know, like Rio: You're so nice Rio: and cute Buster: Shh Rio: but Buster: Don't distract me Rio: You already lost though Buster: I've already put on a show for one taxi driver though Rio: Now who's being distracting 🤤 Buster: It ain't my fault I want you again Rio: Like you ever stopped Rio: come on Buster: Exactly Buster: I've told you before, it's constant Rio: I know it is Rio: we're in it together Buster: Just as well 'cause it probably is classed as an actual addiction how badly I need you Rio: Yeah but 'long as you don't get cut off Rio: and I've got no plans to Rio: it's basically fine, yeah Buster: There's a load worse things I could be doing Buster: Have done Rio: Cheers 😂 Buster: You know what I mean Rio: This fam, they'd probably be more alright with the smack, honestly Buster: Don't Rio: It's alright Rio: they aren't finding out Buster: Not this week at least Rio: Hell no Rio: I am not ready for another family function yet Buster: Me either Rio: You're gonna need to tone down how distracting you are Rio: but don't ever Buster: Says you Buster: The most distracting girl I've ever met Rio: Only 'cos you're looking Buster: Only 'cause you're existing Buster: So fucking flawlessly Buster: In my line of sight Rio: Baby Rio: Please Buster: Please what? Rio: Please don't be so nice Rio: I can't love you any more Buster: I'm just being honest, I keep telling you Rio: I know Rio: I'm annoying, aren't I Buster: No, you're not Rio: Like you said, it's just constant Buster: Yeah Buster: I'm not mad about it Rio: Good Rio: I can come see you then Rio: when you're home Buster: 'Course Buster: As often as you can Rio: Yeah Rio: in comparison it'll be so easy Rio: it's cheap, plenty of reasons to be there Buster: I'll expect you every week then, yeah? Rio: Why not Rio: just tell me when you really need to focus Buster: I really need to focus on you as much as possible Rio: Obviously Rio: good 🍀 charm Buster: & You already said you'd help me do my homework Rio: We're study buddies Rio: believable, yeah? Rio: won't even need a hotel 😂 Buster: It should be, you're smart enough to keep up Rio: 🤞 my 'rents never got hold of yours to tell 'em I'm a dropout Buster: Fingers crossed my sister ain't told 'em, more like Buster: She can't read but at least she's still in school, right, mum & dad? Rio: If she's using me as a cautionary tale/could be worse benchmark, we'll be having words Rio: even if you did throw me a party Buster: Well, she can't use me at the moment, I haven't fucked up for ages as far as any of them know Rio: 👑 again Rio: how does it feel Buster: Standard, obviously Rio: really Buster: It's my normal Rio: Yeah Rio: I should sleep whilst you're travelling but I don't wanna 😞 Buster: Wait for me to get on this plane & I'll fall asleep with you Rio: That's a better idea Buster: It came from me, I only have the best ideas Buster: We've been over that Rio: I'll allow it Rio: too sleepy to protest 😉 Buster: Poor baby Buster: Come here & I'll rub your back Buster: You'll feel so much better Rio: You gotta Rio: and cuddle me Buster: I gotta rock you to sleep, yeah? Okay Rio: Will you Rio: for real Buster: Of course Rio: I've been thinking about that time Rio: when you were gone and I came back with you Rio: it was nice, for me Rio: I know you were in a state but Buster: It was nice for me too Buster: Even though I wasn't sure which parts were memories & which were just me dreaming Rio: I'll let you know Buster: Did you actually tuck me in or do I need to act like I'm embarrassed I dreamt that? Rio: As much as I love making you blush Rio: I did, obviously Buster: I should've been sure of that, you're such a mum Rio: You needed it! Rio: and you loved it, don't lie Buster: I didn't say it's a bad thing Buster: You're really caring & comforting, like Buster: As I already said, it was nice Rio: Someone had to Buster: Nobody had to, but you wanted to & I wanted you to Rio: Yeah Rio: okay Rio: you were really cuddly, I didn't expect that Buster: Why not? Rio: It isn't the impression you put out Rio: especially back then Buster: Yeah, but I wanted to be close to you, even back then Rio: I know that now Buster: & From what I recall, I was having a rather shit night Buster: Before any of that Rio: You didn't wanna be there Rio: was a given Buster: I didn't want your boyfriend to be there Rio: Poor boy Rio: didn't stick around long after I ditched him to look after you Buster: I'm not sorry Rio: Obviously Rio: I think he's about to have a kid so dodged a bullet really Buster: He must've improved 'cause he could barely kiss you Rio: 😂 Rio: all get there in the end, babe Buster: Don't take the piss out of me, I was 9 Buster: What was his excuse years later? Rio: It wasn't that many years later and I don't know Rio: maybe no one ever dared him to kiss his cousin Buster: It was enough years to get a clue Rio: You're funny Buster: I'm not joking, I still can't unsee that shit Buster: The worst Rio: Now you're just being hyperbolic Rio: I barely remember so you can't be traumatized Buster: You've repressed it, clearly Buster: Who wouldn't? Rio: 😏 Shut up Rio: he was a cute kid, you're rude Buster: You're gonna have to try harder than that to shut me up, babe Buster: 'Cause nah Buster: You can't go from repression to rose tinted like that Rio: If I'm not allowed to know your number you ain't allowed to judge my past choices either alright Rio: only fair Buster: I never said I wouldn't tell you Buster: You can know it if you want Rio: Do you even know it Rio: sounded harsher than I meant Rio: like genuinely Buster: I've done my best to keep count Rio: I don't need to know Rio: it's all the same to me Buster: You don't need to or you don't want to? Rio: Need Rio: it's probably less than I reckon in my head Rio: but I mean, 1 or 100, the feeling's the same Rio: to me anyway Buster: At least tell me what your imagined number for me is Rio: When did you lose your virginity again Buster: Right after you Rio: So that's like Rio: nearly 2 years Rio: If I gave you every friday and saturday, that's 104, so take into account life shit getting in the way, the fact there's only a finite amount of girls even in Chelsea, round you down to like Rio: 50-75 mark Buster: So many things to comment on, firstly & most importantly, that you're such a hot nerd Buster: Secondly, I'm offended you only gave me two nights, like this is a part time job, 'cause who am I? Buster: Thirdly, it's surprising that you didn't factor the US into the equation more Buster: Not to mention that you didn't consider more than one girl a night ever Rio: You're a nerd, the only thing you do on weeknight's is your homework Rio: you can't change my mind Rio: and I can add a small percentage on for America but still Buster: I don't need to, you know what I do on my study breaks Rio: You're gross Buster: I'm just saying, give me most nights & you'd be closer to the truth Rio: Nah Buster: You don't believe me? Buster: Alright Rio: It just probably seems more than it is Buster: Nah, it just is more than that Buster: You've met my parents you know I'm alone more often than not Rio: Don't mean other kids are, like Buster: I wasn't keeping anyone past their curfew, if they had one Buster: We're done, they leave. End of story Rio: Whatever Buster: They're finally letting us on this plane, thank fuck Rio: That's good Rio: just the however many hours in a tin can then Buster: I'll sleep through most of it now the coke & coffee have worn off though Rio: Well timed Buster: Like I planned it, yeah? Buster: I only did just enough of both Rio: Yes, you're very smart 🙄 Buster: I am actually Buster: Where's this attitude come back from? Rio: You asked Rio: I didn't Buster: What are you talking about? Rio: You wanted to know what I thought your number was, I told you I didn't need to know Buster: & You don't know Buster: So what's your problem? Rio: Don't act dumb Buster: Earlier you said you weren't a judgey bitch & literally just now you said, 1-100 it didn't matter Buster: So, I repeat, what's the problem, or more accurately what's the truth, like Rio: Fuck off Buster: What so if it's over a 100 it does matter? Buster: Good to know Rio: Just go get on the plane Rio: I'm going to bed Buster: How about I don't Rio: Don't be ridiculous Buster: How is that any more ridiculous than this? Rio: Because you're packed and there Rio: that's just illogical Buster: Give me a better reason Rio: Because when you get here we'll both be over it Buster: By sleeping, that's more illogical as a concept Buster: Talk to me or don't Rio: You ain't heard about time Rio: heals all wounds, like Rio: I'm just tired, it's so past late here Buster: I've heard about not going to bed angry Rio: Buster Buster: You've got the length of this queue of people, is that really what you wanna say? Rio: I don't have to apologize Buster: I didn't ask you to Buster: I'm just trying to work out if you're waiting on one from me Buster: Or what the fuck else you want me to do or say about this Buster: Tell me how you feel, what you're thinking Rio: I don't want you to do anything but stop talking about it Rio: it doesn't have to be any harder than that Buster: It's not gonna go away 'cause I don't bring it up again Buster: If growing up in this fam has taught you anything, it should be that Rio: Maybe not Buster: We can do better than that Buster: Just say it Rio: What Buster: Whatever it is that upsets you about all this shit in my past Rio: Everything Rio: Like you said there's nothing to be done about it so I don't see why we need to talk or think about it Buster: 'Cause I don't wanna hurt you ever Rio: You aren't Buster: That's bullshit though Rio: Oh my God Rio: no it isn't Buster: Yeah it is, this is gonna come between us if we don't sort it out Buster: That's what happens when you don't talk about things Rio: It isn't Rio: past tense and it wasn't about me Rio: it was just a shit time for both of us and I don't like dwelling on it Rio: what's wrong with that Buster: It was about you, not solely, obviously but how I felt & feel about you was relevant Rio: that makes it worse Buster: Can't you see I don't wanna go back to London & fall into all those trappings that you reckon are so past tense Rio: I know, why do you think I'm upset Rio: not just for myself actually Rio: thanks Buster: It's such a headfuck Buster: I love you & that's a good one but the rest is like Rio: it doesn't fix the rest Rio: yeah Buster: What if I only changed 'cause my surroundings did Buster: You can't love who I have to be in Chelsea, you shouldn't Rio: Well let's not act like you were a saint/didn't do the majority of it there apparently so Rio: take that as a positive or a negative, probably not the reason Buster: This has been the weirdest night, like Rio: Has it Buster: Don't you reckon? Rio: I don't know Buster: Prom feels like a week ago or some shit by now Rio: Tell me about it Rio: I've been up for God knows how long Rio: you want to stay there Buster: I want you Buster: & For you to still want me Buster: But more than even that I want you to go to bed so I can feel less shitty about that at least Rio: I'm just sad Buster: I know Buster: I'm sorry Rio: For you Rio: and me Rio: but not because of you Rio: alright Buster: Yeah Buster: But better things are happening Rio: Yeah Buster: We're not who we were & we're not going back Rio: I don't want to Rio: it might be unavoidable Rio: like you said Buster: Fuck that Buster: We can do this Buster: Go get some sleep & I'll be there Buster: That's step 1 Rio: Okay Rio: Typically don't feel it now but bet we've got some sleeping tablets Rio: what kind of dealer like Buster: A shit one, which he is Rio: We shall see Buster: Rio Rio: Yeah? Buster: I don't know, just Buster: Don't be sad Rio: Sure Rio: weird night, yeah Buster: I didn't mean to fuck everything up but I do intend to make it past tense, for real Buster: Like a more distant memory than the night you tucked me in Rio: You haven't Rio: it just is fucked Rio: not us Rio: but everything else, pretty much Buster: I'll get to work on fixing everything else once this week of just us is over then Rio: Just like that Buster: Just like that, babe Rio: I love you Buster: I love you Buster: I reckon I just need to adapt London to me instead of adapting for it Buster: So that's my biggest problem solved before I'm even off the plane Rio: If anyone can Buster: Exactly Buster: All we have to do is remember who we are now, actually & who we wanna be Buster: The capabilities are already there for anything Rio: It's intense Rio: isn't it Buster: Living right? Yeah Buster: But worth doing Rio: 'Course Rio: Sometimes I feel like I'm not ready to make all these decisions Rio: but then I'm the one who rushed it because I couldn't wait Buster: There's very few decisions that are that fixed Buster: I know I always say that what's done is done but Rio: I feel too old to keep making wrong ones, though Rio: excuses wear thin, you know Buster: It's alright, we're making right ones now Buster: Me & you Rio: Yeah Rio: we are Buster: You know I've got your back regardless though, whatever happens Buster: I'm taking that pressure off you Buster: Broad enough shoulders, like Rio: Don't turn me on Rio: sleep time Buster: Time for bed but only for cuddles Buster: Behave Rio: Fine Rio: only 'cos you love them so much Buster: You love being my little tiny spoon, don't lie Rio: Be here Buster: I'm right here & you can feel my arms around you as tightly as you need Buster: We're gonna stay like this until I massage you & then you're gonna sleep Buster: No more headfucks today Buster: No stress for the entire week Rio: Deal Rio: I'll only get an attitude for fun, promise Buster: I'll hold you to that Rio: That's the idea Buster: & It's a good one so shhh Buster: Close your eyes Rio: Okay, daddy Rio: sweet dreams Rio: safe flight Buster: You too on the dreams Buster: You're already safe with me Rio: 🤤 they will be Buster: You can tell me when I wake you Rio: I'll show you
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Chloé & Buster
Chloé: You've not been in School! Where are you? Buster: I'm in Dublin. Do you actually need something? Chloé: STILL Chloé: Slacker Buster: I don't need your permission or ask for your opinion, like Chloé: Well I do need something, as a matter of fact Chloé: I want to tell my parents, you said you'd be here Buster: I will be there, like I said Buster: When? Chloé: Well uh now Chloé: I thought you'd be in so we could plan outfits! Buster: Well, I'm gonna need to get a flight which means I also need specifics Buster: I'm not matching with you, get real Chloé: Oh idk Chloé: We'll see when you get here Chloé: Ooh maybe we can go out for dinner Buster: Fine, I'm here until the 11th at least Buster: Do you mean you wanna tell your parents over dinner? Chloé: WHY 😩 Buster: How is that your business? Chloé: It's so long Chloé: I've done so much Christmas shopping for it where am I gonna put it all if they don't know ugh Chloé: Just saying Buster: It's really not, Chlo Buster: What's a few more days Chloé: Spoilsport Chloé: BUT FINE 😒 Buster: You need to start taking this more seriously Chloé: I'm the one trying to plan it! Chloé: You're off doing God knows what Buster: I'm here trying to get my head together Buster: Whose fault is that? Buster: I've told my parents, it went great, thanks for asking Chloé: Well isn't that nice for you Chloé: Can't all just piss off whenever we feel like it, and I'm immature, HA Buster: If you can't read the sarcasm in that sentence, we've honestly got much bigger problems than anything I'm doing Buster: I've hardly pissed off on holiday, have I? I do live here too Chloé: Yeah but the hols haven't started yet have they Chloé: Honestly, so unreliable, what kind of Dad do you expect to be? Buster: It's 6th form and we ain't at Eton are we? Buster: I've got my work sent over anyway Buster: As for what kind of dad I'll be, that's strictly hypothetical since you haven't actually got the DNA yet so Chloé: I'll do it after Christmas Chloé: I'm very busy right now Buster: You and me both, babe Buster: But this is important Chloé: If it really is then come back Chloé: I'll do it sooner Buster: Don't talk to me like that Buster: You can't hold me to ransom over this when I've already got my life on hold over this Buster: You can't be deliberately vague and then act like you're waiting on me Chloé: How are they even going to do it anyway? Chloé: The DNA Buster: It's just a blood test for each of us Chloé: Yes but how do they get it from the baby Chloé: Lydia says its a giant needle that could kill it, I'm not doing that Buster: Lydia is chatting shit, don't worry Buster: It's non-invasive. The baby's DNA can be found in your blood stream from 9 weeks apparently, so it's like they are taking the baby's and mine to compare, that's all Chloé: It's been over that, hasn't it Chloé: Just trust me, this is all so silly and nasty Buster: How can I trust you? Chloé: God, I'm not a monster Chloé: This is so offensive Buster: I trusted you about the pill and here we are Chloé: I've never got pregnant before Buster: That doesn't mean shit though and you know it Buster: You're not that stupid Buster: My Auntie slept with a dude once, with a condom and still got pregnant, like Chloé: Exactly so why bother Chloé: if its meant to be its meant to be Buster: 'Cause this isn't how I want things to be Chloé: Well tough Chloé: It's happened now Chloé: You should've insisted on a condom Chloé: I can't be held responsible for you and your inaction Buster: You shouldn't have slept with me Buster: I told you no when I could insist on anything, I do remember that Chloé: Oh what, so I raped you now? Chloé: How could you even say such a thing, that really happens you know Chloé: it's not a joke Buster: I'm not making a joke Buster: I'm saying it shouldn't have happened how it did Buster: I don't get why you'd want it to anyway Chloé: It's what we do at parties Chloé: you've slept with everyone else Chloé: why not me Buster: I'm not gonna write you a list Chloé: You're horrible Chloé: I'm in a highly fragile state right now Chloé: which is your fault Chloé: so don't speak to me like that Buster: Until you wanna go party, yeah? Then you're fine Buster: And believe me, I'm reining it in with everything I could say Chloé: What, like you're being a perfect little choir boy Chloé: such a double standard Buster: I'm not pregnant Buster: And what I do isn't your problem, we aren't together Chloé: Well it's horrible Chloé: so I deserve some fun Chloé: Thank you very much Buster: Fine Buster: I don't wanna fight with you, Chlo Chloé: Then don't Buster: I'm trying Buster: This isn't fun for me either Chloé: Oh, poor you Buster: Come on Buster: I'm just saying Buster: Can we start this convo over? Talk properly Chloé: Alright Chloé: Let's be friends 😊 Buster: Let's start by trying to be civil, yeah? Buster: Not run before we can walk, like Chloé: No take backs! Buster: Alright Buster: How are you then? Buster: Is it actually horrible? Chloé: Yeah, I'm getting so fat Chloé: it's disgusting Buster: The baby's gotta grow, babe Buster: Are you taking all the vitamins and bullshit? Chloé: I did anyway Chloé: Sugar bear hair and all that Buster: Not the same thing Buster: You need Vitamin D and Folic Acid Chloé: Ooh, so smart 😘 Chloé: I'll get some Buster: 400 micrograms of folic acid each day and 10 of Vitamin D Buster: I think the folic acid is just for the first bit maybe though, but you should take the vitamin D all through and when you're breast feeding and shit Chloé: Ugh, this is why I didn't take Science Chloé: Do you think if I pump then my boobs won't get saggy? Buster: I can't answer that for you Buster: Not something I'm gonna ask my Aunties or mum Chloé: 😂 Chloé: Maybe I'll just stop my milk, idk Chloé: already going to have all this flab to get rid of, I don't want a boob job as well Chloé: Daddy would never pay for that 🙄 Buster: You'll be fine Buster: My Aunt had 10 and she looks the same as she did in all the photos from before, I swear Chloé: WHAT Chloé: that's like something out of the 1900s Buster: I told you I had a lot of cousins, how many did you think I meant, like 4? Chloé: Well yes Chloé: I don't have any because my only Auntie must be barren or something Chloé: and all her husbands keep dying Chloé: How does she pay for them Buster: 😂 Buster: She's literally a genius hot shot engineer and her husband's got a restaurant here that everyone raves about Chloé: It's not funny Chloé: It's very shaming 😂 Buster: It is quite funny, babe Chloé: Maybe your family isn't as chavvy as I thought Buster: Rude Buster: I thought we were being nice to each other Chloé: I am! Chloé: I said they weren't Buster: But you said you reckoned they were Buster: So I dread to think Chloé: I told you before Chloé: everyone thinks so Chloé: and that one cousin didn't exactly help your rep Buster: Yeah well, everyone thinks they know lots of things Chloé: Well come on, you've got to admit Buster: What? Chloé: I know it's your family but state of her Chloé: like you said, quite funny, right? Buster: What's so wrong with her? I don't see it Buster: Or find it funny Chloé: Where to begin 😂 Buster: How about you don't Chloé: 🤐 Buster: Better Chloé: Naughty Buster: Behave, you know that's not how I meant it Chloé: Shame Buster: Don't start Chlo Buster: You'll ruin our new rapport Chloé: 😥 Chloé: Fine Buster: Yeah? Good Buster: You need to be fine with it Chloé: But whyyyy Chloé: we're having a baby Buster: We MIGHT be having a baby, but I have a girlfriend, definitely Buster: And even if I didn't, I'm not going there with you Chloé: DEFINITELY Chloé: a baby's for life Chloé: girlfriend has a shelf-life of 2 months, max Buster: For your life, I don't know if this baby has anything to do with mine Buster: And maybe that's how long your boyfriend's last but Chloé: 😤 ugh Chloé: I'm just saying Chloé: this is more serious than whatever little thing you've got going on Buster: Act like it then Chloé: You too Buster: I can't act like anything Buster: I'm not stepping up for a kid that isn't mine Buster: So until I know, this is what you get Chloé: I'll prove it to you Buster: Please do, either way Chloé: You aren't getting out of it that easy Chloé: it's 100% yours Buster: If this kid is mine, I'm not trying to get out of it Buster: But look at it from my side, yeah? Chloé: No, you're calling me a slag Buster: I've never said that Buster: But that night I was blackout levels of gone, Chlo. I don't remember fucking you, if I did, that's just the facts Chloé: Umm I'm not so sad I'd make it up Buster: Regardless Chloé: What are you up to? Buster: Same as you I assume, getting my school work outta the way so I can do shit I actually want Chloé: No but everyone else is Chloé: No one will come out, I'm so bored Buster: Go get your vitamins Chloé: Not the shopping I had planned 😂 Buster: You can reward yourself after Chloé: I'm not going out by myself Chloé: Loser move Buster: Technically you ain't Buster: The baby's coming too so Chloé: 🙄 Buster: Stay in then Buster: Order them online Chloé: Whatever Chloé: Still bored Buster: Hit up one of the lads Buster: I'm sure they aren't that desperate to study Chloé: Haven't you heard? Everyone's all coupled up rn Chloé: 'Cept me Buster: I'm surprised you're letting that stop you Buster: I've told you multiple times I am and it means nothing Chloé: RUDE Chloé: 😲 What do you think of me Chloé: Your girlfriend is either not real or far away, that's why, it's different Buster: It's not Buster: Besides, me and her are in the same city right now so Chloé: It is Chloé: She won't know Buster: Yeah she would, 'cause I'd have to tell her Chloé: Why? Chloé: I'm giving you a free pass here Chloé: Hypothetically Buster: I don't want it Buster: I want her Chloé: I'm not that fat Chloé: I promise Buster: It's not about you Buster: And I highly doubt you're fat, Chlo Chloé: It's never about me Buster: I'm not gonna say I'm sorry Buster: I'm not your boyfriend I can't be that for you Chloé: You're my baby daddy Chloé: that's way more Buster: Don't call me that Buster: Christ Chloé: 😂 Chloé: You're funny Buster: Offended it's taken this long for you to realise Buster: 'Cause yeah Chloé: Awh babe Chloé: You've been so grumpy lately I forgot Buster: Can you blame me? Buster: Getting the mood swings in before you do Chloé: Ugh, I'm so not gonna be like that Buster: I don't think you get to decide, babe Chloé: Yeah Chloé: People are just overdramatic Chloé: I'm going to have a waterbirth it's going to be like going to the spa Buster: Good luck with that Buster: I hope you haven't ever shit yourself at the spa though Chloé: BUSTER 😷 Chloé: That's so gross Buster: It happens when you give birth, sorry to be the one to tell you Chloé: Ew no Chloé: You're lying Buster: I ain't Buster: Big family, remember? I've heard worse as well Chloé: Shut up Chloé: I'm not gonna do that it's gonna be so chill Buster: Whatever you say, Chlo Buster: I won't say I told you so after, I'm not that much of a prick Chloé: Although Chloé: I might get a C section Chloé: not decided yet Chloé: it won't be as relaxing but apparently they can do it with less scarring now but idk Chloé: Bikini ready never again 😥 Buster: High waisted though Buster: You'll survive Chloé: That's so middle-aged Chloé: God sake Chloé: can't they just Chloé: vacuum it out Buster: If you have an abortion, yeah Chloé: Not funny Buster: Not joking Buster: Childbirth ain't easy Buster: You're gonna have to deal with it Chloé: It's not that hard Chloé: people do it every day Buster: And shit goes wrong every day too Buster: All you're gonna care about is getting the baby out, scar or not Chloé: Meh, guess so Buster: Be serious Chloé: I am Chloé: It better look cute Chloé: Tori's sister just had a baby and it's so ugly Buster: Well if it's mine you don't have to worry about that Buster: So sort your priorities Chloé: Cockiness is such a turn-off babe 🙄 Buster: Thank god Buster: Turning you on is the last thing I want to do Chloé: DON'T RUIN IT Buster: Honesty isn't gonna ruin anything Chloé: You were being nice Buster: I still am Buster: Being nice isn't the same as wanting to fuck you Chloé: Don't be crass Buster: Whatever Chloé: You have to though Chloé: Do you really want someone else raising your child Buster: What are you talking about? Buster: I don't have to be your boyfriend to be my baby's dad Chloé: You do though or you'll just get pushed out the picture Buster: No I won't Buster: Believe me Chloé: I've not seen my real dad in yonks Buster: Well, that's shit for you but that's not the kind of dad I'm gonna be Chloé: My Dad is great, he sends me loads of money Chloé: Mummy just doesn't want him around, that's all Chloé: or his new wife Buster: Regardless, that's not what it's gonna be like if this baby is mine Chloé: 'Course Chloé: Because you're going to be nice, right? Buster: I'm gonna be around Chloé: Hmpf! Chloé: Not the same thing Buster: I can't make promises Buster: Other than that Buster: How nice we are to each other is a two way thing Chloé: I'm trying Chloé: Let me and you'll see how nice I can be Buster: I'm trying too Buster: But I'm not gonna be a doormat for you Chloé: I don't want you to be Buster: What do you want then, Chlo? Seriously Chloé: Be with me Chloé: Be a family Buster: That's not gonna happen Chloé: Well, I'm not going to just go away Buster: I'm not asking you to Buster: If that's my kid, you can't Chloé: So we may as well be together Buster: No Buster: I'd never do that to a kid, I don't love you Buster: How do you think that's gonna work? Like I'll have girlfriends then come home to you and play happy families Chloé: You haven't tried Chloé: Give me a chance Chloé: and some time Buster: You either want to be someone or you don't Buster: It's not a test you can prep for, babe Chloé: You have to put the work in Buster: I'm putting the work in with someone else Chloé: What's so special about her Buster: What isn't? Buster: Again, I'm not gonna write you a list Chloé: I don't buy it Chloé: charm'll fade Buster: I don't care if you do or don't Chloé: Well you should Chloé: I'm offering you a lot here Buster: Well, don't Chloé: I'm going Chloé: Molls and Liv need a coffee break Buster: Alright Buster: I'll see you when I'm back Chloé: 👋
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