#(I know it's a video but this just wouldn't hit as hard in gif
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Just a little something something for you guys...as a treat😈
When Simon's away for a while on deployment, it can get lonely. He's knows by the way your texting, when he gets the chance and can text, that you are missing him like crazy. You tell him how you can hardly wait till he returns, how your body is just aching for him something fierce.
And fuck his aching for yours too.
If he could hop on a plane, he would in an instant just to get back to you. Unfortunately, that's not something available to him at the moment.
But that doesn't mean there's nothing for him to do.
Simon knows his baby needs something to take the edge off, something to tide over that insatiable appetite for him until he can come home and fuck her proper the first chance he can get. You never asked for it, but he knew you wouldn't mind.
Your phone goes off. It's late, but youre no stranger to staying up well past dark; sometimes that was the only way you'd get a minute to talk to Simon when he was away across the world.
You check your phone. It's a text... a picture...
At first glance at the small icon on the lock screen, the image is kind of dark so you have to click on it to bring it up and when you do you nearly faint.
The caption reads: “Gotta be stealthy so they don't fuckin' catch me, but this one's for you sweetheart."
Simon is clearly propped up in his cot, his legs splayed open, shirt off. All that you can see is his thick torso with it's small speckling of light colored hair across his abs. The belt and zipper of his pants are completely undone and the waistband flung open. In one of his meaty hands he has a hold of his cock, already swollen with a little glistening at the top caught in the low light - most definitely a product from thinking of you.
You have to swallow to keep the spit from dribbling down out of the corner your mouth. Instantly you feel the heat rise in your cheeks, burning through your face as the blood pools there. It feels like you are going to pass out.
He's done it, he's taken your breath away in an instant.
Not even recovered from that glorious image your phone dings again, this time downloading something for a few seconds. Your heart pounds in your chest, your breath caught in your lungs, as you wait to see what he's done now.
It's downloaded. This time it's a video...about a minute long. Your shaky, excited finger instantly clicks play.
"Mmmm..." his breath groan hits your ears as the vision of him stroking his length plays across the screen. His voice in hushed, clearly trying to be as quiet as he can while still making sure you can hear his words. "Fuck darlin', I wish you were here... rather have that sweet little pussy 'round me than my hand."
You've stopped breathing, literally; you could hear a pin drop in the room. The video of his abdominal muscles contracting and releasing as he continues to stroke his cock is all you can focus on now. Looks like he's in the middle of things.
He groans again, his breathing getting faster. "Fuck, I miss ya luv. It's been hell not having ya near for this fuckin' long. Nearly rippin' a hole in my goddamn pants from being so fuckin hard. I swear... gonna absolutely wreck ya when I get back. Don't even bother wearing any panties cause they're gonna get shredded off ya. Nothin', and I mean fuckin' nothin' is gonna keep me from buryin' all this in ya the fuckin' second we're alone. I wanna make you cum so fuckin bad baby."
The video fades out amongst the sound of another low, gravely moan and your sanity is gone. Dear God you were a lucky one tonight. You have to take several minutes just to relearn how to function properly again so you can text him back.
Before you can do that your phone goes off once more.
One final message pops up on screen: "Think of me later when you cum, sweetheart..."
Oh, you would, you would. And maybe just to be nice...you'd send him something back too.
Part 2:
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barcaatthemoon · 6 months
serial heartbreaker || leila ouhabi x reader ||
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leila comes back to barcelona after you figure out that she cheated on you in manchester.
it became obvious that something was up whenever your teammates started acting weird around you. alexia and mapi were the first, but ona, pina, and claudia quickly followed suit. ona began to outright avoid you, which hurt pretty badly. almost as badly as whenever you finally realized what was going on.
you sat with your suspicions for several weeks before they were officially confirmed. leila was careful, but she got sloppy. it was in the back of someone else's instagram stories. your eyes had zeroed in on your girlfriend making out with another girl in the background of a video that one of her teammates had shot.
it was hard not letting on that you knew anything, but you weren't nearly as good at it as you thought you were. alexia could see that you were hurting, as could more of your more perceptive teammates. the one who had shocked you was lucy, who had snapped at leila whenever she came back to spain for a visit, claiming to have missed you dearly.
"get the fuck out of here," lucy had practically growled at leila. the woman had planned on surprising you, and at lucy ruining that, leila got pissed. the two of them were at each other's throats, and it took mapi and alexia leading leila away for things to calm down a bit. you couldn't hear them at first, but soon the hallway was full of your two barcelona teammates yelling at leila in spanish. "are you okay?"
"yeah, i'm fine," you answered quietly. lucy kneeled down next to you and put her hand around your shoulders. "how long have you guys known?"
"ona told me about it a few months ago. i didn't want to have to be the one to tell you. i'm sorry for not mentioning it earlier," lucy said. you nodded as you pulled her into a hug.
"it's okay. i probably wouldn't have believed you for a while. i couldn't, leila promised she'd never do something like this," you said. lucy understood how you felt. ona had been livid with the other spanish player whenever she had found out, to the point where lucy was certain they hadn't spoken to each other since. "when do you think they'll be done? i do have to talk to leila at some point."
"just tell her to get the fuck out of here, please? i know that she means a lot to you, but you can't go back to her. ona said it herself, leila will do it again," lucy pleaded with you. if it had been anybody else, you probably would have ignored the warnings, but lucy didn't like to get involved with people's lives like this.
"i'll try to," you promised. lucy pressed a kiss to your head before she helped you up to your feet. the two of you walked over to where alexia and mapi were still tearing into leila, who looked both ashamed and angry. lucy pulled your teammates away to give you some privacy with leila.
"amor," leila started. she moved towards you, but you held your hand up to keep her away from you. "please, let me explain."
"there's nothing to explain, leila. you cheated on me, it is that simple. you can blame the distance, your loneliness, the fact that you're just so affectionate. you can say anything that you want, but that doesn't change the fact that you cheated on me," you told her. "so go ahead and explain yourself because i'd love to hear whatever bullshit you've been telling yourself, but once you're done, i want you to answer all my questions."
"i missed you, and i was angry because i told you not to come with me. you offered to come to manchester, but i told you to stay here instead. i was all alone, and it was my fault, so i took it upon myself to be less lonely. it was just hook ups at first, i swear, and then there was this girl on the training staff. we hit it off, things are going great, but she's not you," leila said. all her words did was fill you with rage. she had confirmed that this had been going on for a lot longer than you knew, and worse than that, she was still with one of the girls she had cheated with.
"get the fuck out of here. if i never see you again, it'll still be too fucking soon." you turned on your heels and walked right out of the room. leila tried to chase after you, but lucy was right there to stop her. you walked into the locker room and went straight to your locker, beginning to pack up your things to go home.
"(y/n), are you okay?" mapi asked as she sat down next to you. you weren't crying, it was far past that, but you were obviously pissed. you didn't mean to direct it at mapi, but the glare you gave her had the woman backing away from you instantly. unfortunately for you, alexia wasn't as easily scared by you.
"i'm sorry that we didn't do something before," alexia said as she pulled you into a hug. her embrace was tight and comforting, but you didn't let yourself relax. most of the girls looked away, but you could see ona standing across the room looking at you longingly. she had been avoiding you for months, and it killed her to not be by your side as your best friend.
"come here oni," you told her. she raced over towards you, both of you dissolving into fits of tears as soon as you were in each other's arms. her apologies were scrambled in between sobs and spanglish, but you knew that she meant it. still, a part of you couldn't forgive her for what happened. she had known since the beginning that leila had cheated on you, but she hadn't said anything to you.
"do you need a ride home?" alexia asked once you and ona had calmed down a little. you nodded as you picked up your bag. the team didn't miss the way that you ignored ona as she said goodbye to you. the anger you felt for leila was starting to spread around the team, and if it wasn't for the fact that you needed alexia for support, you'd probably shut her out too. "it's not an excuse, but none of us knew how to tell you about leila. you seemed so happy, and i knew she'd do this when she started talking about switching teams. i didn't think it'd get so out of hand."
"were you listening to us?" you asked. alexia nodded her head as she started driving. you knew that she wasn't taking you back to your apartment. "did you know it was with so many girls?"
"no, it's never been that many before," alexia muttered. you could see that she wasn't just angry. "you were supposed to be different for her. i believed in her not to do this again. i'm sorry, if there's anybody you should be mad at, it's me, not ona. i'm the one who knew about this pattern. don't ruin a friendship with someone who doesn't deserve to be caught in the crossfire."
"it's hard right now. all i can think about is that she knew," you admitted. alexia sighed as she squeezed your hand. "i could have done the same thing to leila, but i didn't. why did she have to do that to me?"
"sometimes, she's careless about things that she shouldn't be. she was careless with your trust. it's hard, but try not to think about her. don't give her a second thought, because eventually, the pain will subside along with your feelings for her," alexia said. you tilted your head to the side as you realized that she was speaking from experience. "do you want to be alone right now or can i come inside too?"
"don't you have practice?" you questioned. alexia shrugged.
"not if you need a shoulder to cry on," she told you. "let me know what you need, and i'll do my best to get it for you."
"i want you to come with me, and maybe, when practice is over, we can call ona," you told her. alexia nodded as she got out of the car. she got your bag for you, and for a moment, it reminded you of the way that leila had been with you in the beginning of your relationship. the only difference was that alexia didn't look at you like leila did, as if she knew that you were already head over heels for her.
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heartsforvin · 14 days
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thank you nonnie for the request !! i hope you like it (:
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pairing: gamer!vinnie hacker x fem!reader
warnings: cussing, sexual jokes / innuendos, pure fluff
summary: when vinnie goes on omegle one random night out of boredom, he doesn’t expect to meet you and fall in love in the process
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with nothing to do on a friday night, vinnie decided to go on omegele. he hadn't been on the site in years, and honestly thought it had gotten banned.
tagging it with a few trendy things, vinnie fixed up his appearance just a bit before clicking on the video option.
of course he knew he wasn't going to get lucky with someone not showing their junk right away, so he wasn't disappointed when he saw some random guy's dick.
after a few skips and boring people, he finally got to you. "holy shit." he thought he said that in his head, but when you looked up, he knew he didn't.
with a furrow to your eyebrows, you give him a small smile as you say hello.
vinnie can't help but give himself a few extra minutes to stare, you were just so pretty. after a minute, he clears his throat and smiles.
"i'm sorry," he apologizes with a laugh. "just didn't expect to see such a pretty girl."
blushing, you thank him with a smile of your own. "you're not so bad yourself." you reply.
vinnie chuckles as he thanks you like you did him. overtime, the two of you ask each other questions about the other, along with interests.
"you play any video games?" he asks you, and you smile with a shake to your head.
it was honestly kind of hard to focus on conversation with him. the first thing you had noticed when he popped up on your screen was his eyes.
vinnie notices you staring at him and smirks. "am i really that nice to look at?" he chuckles.
you rid your thoughts quickly, almost being embarrassed that he caught you. you wouldn't have the confidence to admit it, but he was good to look at.
smiling, you quickly divert the conversation to his previous question. "not much of a gamer really, unless you count the sims." you say.
vinnie laughs and shakes his head. "nah i'm talkin' real games." he tells you.
rolling your eyes playfully, you give him a scoff. "oh so you're one of those people." you say with a laugh.
when vinnie heard you laugh he swore his heart skipped a beat, and not even to be dramatic. he watched as you went on and on about how the sims was real gaming.
he saw your smile and knew that's something he wanted to see more of. "woah hey, calm down." vinnie laughs as he cuts you off.
you smile, pushing a loose strand of hair behind your ear. "what? sims is real gaming, you nerd." you tell him.
vinnie takes in your appearance again and the clothes you're wearing. he can't get enough of you and he just met you.
you do the same, looking at him through the laptop screen, faint blush spreads across your cheeks.
vinnie stands up and the breath is almost knocked out of you when he does. he's wearing sweatpants and a white tank top, muscles on full display.
"you lookin' at my arms or...?" vinnie asks with a chuckle as he sees you staring. "because i can give you soethin' to look at."
laughing, you roll your eyes at him again. "definitely don't want to see that. i've seen too many."
vinnie chuckles and nods his head, completely understanding. although, it doesn't stop him from making a comment.
"you sure? because i do have a tattoo there, but if you don't want see i guess you'll never know." he shrugs.
you wish you were near him so you could hit his arm, instead, you result in a playful scoff and sarcastic reply. "you do not have a tattoo there."
the blonde laughs but shrugs again. "how'd you know if you've never seen it?"
this time, its your turn to shrug. "guess i'll just have to take your word for it." you tell him.
the playful banter continues for about another hour. neither you or vinnie thought you'd actually meet a decent person on this site tonight, but you're both happy you did.
"okay," you say, getting vinnie's attention back onto you and not his phone. "other than gaming, what do you do?"
vinnie stifles a laugh at the question, knowing his answer. "i stream." he tells you.
you already know his answer to your next question so he beats you to it by saying, "yes, i do stream video games."
you can't help but smile. "nerd." you comment with a laugh.
vinnie fires back. "you don't even play real video games, don't even give me that kind of attitude." he says with a laugh.
you brush him off with a scoff. that brought your attention back to the sims games and how you now suddenly got an idea.
"hey vinnie," you get his attention again and he looks up at you. "what if i told you i'm about to make you and me in sims?"
you were half joking, although you did think about the idea of it. vinnie furrows his eyebrows but has a smile on his face.
"that's cute, you should." he tells you, making you smile.
you nod, telling him you'll do it after you get done talking. the two of you talk more for a bit, jokes are made, smiles are shared along with laughs, and vinnie did make one or two comments about you blushing.
in all honesty, he was doing the same thing an you probably could notice. he couldn't help himself, he was starting to think he was falling a bit in love with you.
he did think it was way too soon to tell and you two had known each other for no longer than four hours.
silence fills you two for a minute before vinnie interrupts the silence with what you'd say is a crazy statement.
"you know what you could do if we ever do meet and possibly have a thing going?" he asks, and you don't reply right away, taking his words in.
you didn't want to rush anything at all, but the chemistry between the two of you was very noticeable. so, you raise your eyebrow as you wait for him to tell you.
he smirks, anf you instantly know its another one of his dirty jokes. "never had support from under the desk before."
the minute that sentence leaves his mouth your laughing loudly, quickly trying to stop yourself.
you give him that same look back, smirk turning into a smile as you tease him and tell him maybe one day it'll happen.
you both talk for a bit longer until the two of you decide to call it a night. before yo go, vinnie asks you for your number and you happily give it to him.
he was definitely falling in love with you now if he wasn't already.
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thank you nonnie for the request again !! i hope you liked it + everyone else reading this (:
comments, reblogs + feedback of any kind is appreciated <33
tags: @sturnioloshacker , @anqeliclust , @cosmicanakin , @42angelgirl , @leqonsluv3r , @khackerr , @louloulemons-blog , @visualbutterflysworld , @bernelflo , @slvthrs , @0strawberrysorbet0 , @supabhad , @kriissy4gov , @kayleighh , @hallecarey1 , @laylasbunbunny , @defnotayonna , @khxna , @jpg3 , @skye-44 , @eddieslut69 , @thesebitcheslovesosadotcom , @miilzzy
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daenysthedreamersblog · 7 months
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Don't you call him baby
We're not talking lately
Don't you call him what you used to call me
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part one
summary: coriolanus has at last returned to the capitol only to find you engaged to felix and he simply won't have that...and neither will you it seems
pairing: postacademy!coryo x capitol!reader
warning: MDNI!! swearing, dark themes, violence, infidelity, smut, hand-job, fingering, oral sex, orgasm denial, p in v sex, unprotected sex, spitting, mild breeding kink, v mild daddy kink, probs like a small exhibition kink, coryo probs has a cherry kink (lmao), murder, these two are sick in the head
notes: i saw a tiktok and it was a recipe video and the caption was 'baking bc murder is wrong' and i feel like reader took that personally. this took me way too long to finish and im still not in love with it but hope u find joy in it! (also let me add felix lived in the book but he did die in the movie 🤭)
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"Do you hear that, Coriolanus? It's the sound of Snow falling."
His eyes quiver as water unintentionally wells staring down at his handkerchief, next to everything else that incriminated him.
He had won, he had won, who cares how he had done it. And you had been there, smiling up at him with such pride, not a single thought besides looking at Coriolanus. He had won for you.
And now he was here unable to tear his eyes away from his mistakes.
He hears your heels clipping against the hard floor behind him, but he can't look at you, he can't face you, not yet. You can't see him like this. He needs to find a way out of this first. He wants to plead with you to listen, beg you to stay by his side. You know he wants to too, he can feel it in the air, your shame towards him. You huff out a laugh, the sound ringing out like distant wedding bells in his head, then you're walking away from him without a single word your heels hitting the floor harshly with every step you take until he's left in silence.
He watches the districts blur past him sitting wearily on the train dragging him away from his home, dragging him away from you. He runs a hand through his buzzed hair, the only solace in the whole ordeal, at least he didn't have his curls to be cursed by the memory of your hands in them. He knows he'll never see you again, even if he returns you'll want nothing to do with him. He glances at Sejanus across from him, the small smile on the Plinth boy's face, and his nails dig into his palm.
"President Coriolanus Snow." You had whispered up at him. Now he was just a useless ordinary peacekeeper sent to die out in the districts while you laid in Felix Ravinstill's bed.
He glares out the window. No he won't have that, not one bit. He'll find a way home to you, find a way to make you proud of him again no matter if he has to obliterate all of District 12 to do it. He'd burn it all down, burn the world down too while he's at it...for you.
One year later
He stares at you the whole entire party, watches you nurse your drink so delicately the color of it staining your lips marroon. You're wearing a similar shade satin dress, the cowl neckline draped across your breast, every curve hugged exquisitely, and your ass... Coriolanus was hard the minute his eyes found you, and it wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.
You never look his way once.
This party was for him, because of him. Because attending University, working under Gaul had thrown The Hunger Games to new heights, him to new heights. Everyone was celebrating another successful game, celebrating his hard work.
You wouldn't look at him.
His work wasn't done of course, he still needed to ascend further to rightfully take the Presidency. He could do it, especially with this newly found wealth and respect. He was back where he belonged; on top.
And you wouldn't look at him.
He knew it had everything to do with that giant rock on your left hand, your fiancé's nasty arm around your waist. He sneered into his own drink, Mrs. Ravinstill. It sounded horrid.
You never sought him out once he had returned to the Capitol after his...punishment. Never came to find him once your fiancé came home from University informing you Coriolanus Snow had at last returned. He knew he'd never see you there; you never intended on going, content on marrying the President. He figured as much, knew it was too far fetched to imagine opening his front door to find you there begging him to take you back. You would never beg.
He needed to speak to you, demand why you chose Felix over him, why you wouldn't come see him in his newly remodeled pent house. He needed to fuck you, be inside you, taste your sweet spit again. Nothing else had gotten him through those horrible months in 12, but the thought of getting back home to you.
And you wouldn't fucking look at him.
He knew you were deliberately ignoring him, another game you liked to play the only thing missing was that hard candy dripping from your lips. A cat playing with her food, but he was different now, a snake rather than a mouse and he had not lied and schemed and clawed his way back for you to pick Felix Ravinstill over him. He watched you peel off heading towards the bathroom, and he took his chance stalking after you. You were fixing your lipgloss when he barged in. You didn't even flinch, only glanced at him through the mirror.
Your smirked as you fixed the corner of your mouth. "Hi Coryo," His cock twitched at the old nickname.
"Marry me." He cut to the chase and you raised an eyebrow at him. He had the money now, the respect, soon the presidency, everything you had wanted him to get, he had gotten. Sure it had taken an unconventional route, but the destination would be all the same. He dug into his pocket, pulled out the red velvet box, and opened it revealing a huge diamond ring, bigger than Felix's. It was the first thing he bought when the Plinth's wealth soon became his. You eyed it and then turned back to fixing your makeup.
"No." You scoffed.
He snapped the box close and tucked it away. "Marry me." You shake your head at him smirking to yourself as you put your lip gloss away. He walks up behind you keeping some distance between the two of you, he needs to touch you but he pauses his fingers itching forward to grab onto your skin. "You never came to see me." He remembers waiting at the train station, to see you one last time. He never got to explain what had happened, how he did it all for you. He even knew if it came down to it he would have disgraced himself by begging you to wait for him, he knew if he did you would only stray from him more. But you never showed up, and soon he was being carted off to District 12.
"Isn't it beautiful?" Your hand tapped against the sink ceramic clinking with the sound of your ring, he should have known better than to expect an answer, "He proposed after graduation, at my party, you were supposed to attend." You met his gaze in the mirror as he towered behind you, the explanation plainly on your face; you had been ashamed of him. "I thought you were better than that." You didn't care that he cheated, you only cared that he got caught.
He takes a step forward as you slowly turn to face him your foot plants between the two of his, knee caressing his thigh fraying his nerves under warm skin. "I am." He can't help it, his knuckle strokes your cheek. "Thought you were my angel...forgive me."
You push up lightly breathing up at him; it was your version of forgiveness. "Do you like my lipgloss?" You ask the sweet fruity scent of it swirling up towards him, he knows what it would taste like.
"I wore it for you." You add as you toy with his shirt moving even closer until he feels your breath on his mouth.
His bottom lip brushes against yours, breast pressing into his chest, his clothes feel too tight, "Are you gunna let me taste it?" You're too close, his body too hot, his hard cock digging into your flesh as you slip a hand between bodies to run a palm along it; absolution for his sins.
"Should I?" You ask into his open mouth and he finds his hand on your collarbone. He doesn't know why you do this to him, place yourself on the small string just out of reach for him, and it takes everything in him to not choke the air out of you for doing it, for teasing him constantly after going so long with your silence. He should leave you to rot, but he can't. He simply...can't. Your cherry venom had snuck into him, ran through his blood, thickened his arteries, and your fangs were holding on too tight.
"Everything I did was for you."
You raise an eyebrow, "You still got found out." You jutted your bottom lip out your whisper hot against his teeth, he could smell the cherry wine on your breath "Left me all alone."
He grits his teeth, wants to explain he had no control over any of it, but you didn't care. "I'm back now." His hands grab onto your waist enjoying the feel of your body under his palms once more his lips grazing against yours, "I killed anyone who was ever going to keep me from you."
"Not everyone."
"I'll kill him too."
You snarled against his mouth, "Good."
He smashed your mouths together, and you opened right up for him. You tasted of cherry, as sweet as before as he sucked the wine from your lips, licking it off your tongue. He thought of nothing but you his whole time out in that pest filled district, he fell asleep dreaming of your mouth, your breasts, your sweet cunt waiting drenched for him back home. You bit down on his bottom lip and tugged backwards before glancing up at him.
Your hands were so far down his pants, running down the length of him, gathering precum and smearing it across to slide a soft hand around the shaft. He groans into your mouth as you grip harder, move faster. "Did you miss me Coryo?" You coo against his face. "Missed my hand, my pussy, wrapped around you so tight." You squeeze, nails grazing as you swirled around his cock. "Did you think of me often? Think of me while you had to cum down a dirty drain?"
He squeezes his eyes tight, "Yes." He pants, and he hates that it was always true. He doesn't like this, doesn't like how you're pulling this power play over him, but your fucking hand was pumping him for all his worth, and he can't find himself to care.
"I'm still your little slut Coryo." Your fingers graze his balls, tongue licking along his teeth. "Are you still mine?"
"Yes." He grunts out not able to stop the cum shooting hard into your hand all on the inside of his pants.
You grin up at him, "Someones quick off the mark."
He wants to slap you, slap that smile off your lips but instead he watches you pull your hand out to lick the cum off of it. He shoves you backwards, shoving your legs apart running a hand up your thigh meeting your bare wet pussy. His eyes flickered around your face, you knew tonight would have been his last straw, you knew he couldn't stay away any longer. He runs a knuckle through your wet folds power surging through him as he pushes two fingers inside of you.
He bites back the groan as his hand sinks into you relishing in the noise as he curls it up inside of you, savoring the moan clawing up your throat. You attach your lips to his as he begins to thrust in and out you pressing up against that soft spot that has you mewling down his throat. He presses a palm to your clit, "Coryo." You whimper out and he's moving his hand faster, fucking you with it vigorously feeling your hips tilt to meet his thrust.
Your walls spasm around his hand. He pulls off your mouth sucking down your neck, teeth digging into skin. "That's it, cum for me angel." His thumb shifts rubbing into your clit pleasure tightening your legs against his own as they try to part further, pushing his fingers deeper. He shoves down the front of your dress exposing your breast for him to knead into his palm, dipping down wrapping his mouth along your nipple rolling it around his tongue, nipping at it gently as your hands run through his hair. "Did you miss me too?"
He looks at you, takes in your smug expression and all he wants to do is slam your head back so hard the mirror cracks. "You're a fucking liar." He growls out at you, hand covering your face as he thrust hard and deep. "You touched yourself every night thinking of me." He pounds his hand into you harder your back hitting against the mirror, you're getting wetter by it, turned on by his violence the wanton moans spilling past your lips, "Thought about me fucking you since you learned I came back for you."
You let out a breathy laugh, "Fine...I missed you a little." You were never one to show your hand, so he takes what you give him.
He grabs your face between his fingers squeezing, "Don't ever fucking lie to me again."
"I promise." You moaned.
He's holding under you with one hand slamming into you the sick sound of it echoing around the bathroom, "Scream my name when you cum." He leans down close to your ear. "I want you fiancé to hear what a fucking whore you are for me."
And gods you do. You scream his glorious name out into the open air clamping down around him, cumming against his hand letting him draw slow circles around your clit until you whine for him to stop. He pulls his hand out of you and quickly sucks his fingers, swirling around his digits to drink up your nectar sweet pleasure licking up your sweat along your neck.
"Did he touch you?" He nips at your chin.
You chuckled, "I told you before I'm waiting for marriage."
"Such an angel." He kisses your open mouth.
"Your angel."
Coriolanus has his arms wrapped around your body supporting you against the sink. "You didn't come see me." He listens to your heart hammering in your chest as you catch your breath.
You run your hand through his shorter hair. "I miss your curls Coryo."
"Answer me." He finally demands staring down at you.
You sighed, "Felix wouldn't let me." You pouted trying to twist your fingers around his shorter hair but it was harder so you gave up, "So I kept my distance, watching you climb like the man I knew you always were, waiting for you." Your hands snaked around his neck smiling up at him eyes darkening, "Waiting for you to finally come take whats yours."
He searched your eyes, "Want me to steal you away in the night from that idiot of a fiancee?"
"It isn't stealing if it always belonged to you."
His eyes flicker around your face, the reassuring ownership written there. He kisses your lips one more time before stepping back watching as you straighten out your dress once again having to fix your makeup and hair. "Marry me." He asks standing behind you in the mirror.
"No." You turn your body towards him. "I can't." You take a step forward hands resting on his stomach, "What are we going to do about that?"
He wraps his hand around yours, "Whatever it takes."
You don't even hide it as you exit together, not even as you head back into the party side by side. You know as well as him that you looked better next to Coriolanus, you belonged next to him. Your arm is tucked into Coriolanus's as the pair of you approach your soon-to-be husband who's eyes flare in alarm at the sight."Where'd you go?" He asks already taking in the mark on your neck, the flushed cheeks. He wants to grab you, lock you away, but he wouldn't dare move as you had attached yourself with Coriolanus.
Coriolanus looks down your body wondering if Felix can smell his cum sticky against your fingers as you speak. "I ran into Coriolanus." You motion to him as his eyes find Felix's angry ones.
"Coriolanus." He grits out. He knew, the poor bastard knew and he wouldn't say a thing, not in public anyways.
He smirks, "Felix."
You place your ringed hand on his chest, "Coriolanus was just telling me how wonderful it has been working with Dr. Gaul." You lied fingers splaying over his muscled chest white clumps clinging to your skin.
And only because Coriolanus enjoys pissing off Felix Ravinstill he places his hand over yours stroking a finger down your wrist. "You should stop by some day, if your free." He knows you always are, he knows Felix isn't. "I haven't seen you outside classes Felix, it will be nice for all of us to catch up."
Felix opened his mouth the decline sitting there, the bottled up cuckholding rage oozing off of him, but you smiled, dripping with fake sweetness. "Oh that would be lovely, nice distraction from wedding planning." He knew you weren't doing any of that. "How sweet of you Coriolanus." You looked up at you fiancée with those big eyes anyone would fall for.
Felix swallowed, biting out the submission. "How sweet indeed."
What a weak, spineless fool.
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There's a knock on his door.
He watches it for a moment before standing up to unlock it.
"Hi Coryo," You lean against his doorframe smiling up at him. He always imagined you coming here, showing up, begging him, but that wasn't your style. "Gunna let me in?" He moves to the side to allow you to walk inside his home. "This is truly gorgeous." You praised him walking through his newly refurbished home. You had never seen if before, but he was glad for it, the after was more...fitting to the lifestyle Coriolanus wanted to give you.
He wanted to ask what you were doing here, but he knew what you wanted, could smell your arousal like a feral animal. "Does Felix know you're here?" He asked locking the door behind him.
You smirk still taking in the room before turning to look at him. "I hope he does."
Would you tell him? Why you kept lying to the poor man, why you didn't just leave him? Were you waiting for Coriolanus to make the first move in this game you had set up? He moves until he's standing in front of you, glancing down at you, "I got you something."
You gazed up at him under batting eyelashes, "How kind of you."
Coriolanus went into his old room picking up the present and walking back out to you. He holds out the pretty box for you watching as your fingers traced the box along it. "Figured since you can't get anymore from your Daddy, it would only seem fitting for me to fund my favorite habit of yours."
You pull the bow loose letting it fall around your feet before pushing the lid up to reveal the glass jar inside full of cherry suckers. "Oh Coryo," The smile flickered onto your lips as you stuck your hand inside to pull one loose. He watched you unwrap it, watched you push it into your mouth. "Mhm," You moaned body heat radiating off you as you stepped closer your hand palming his cock through his pants. "Taste almost as good as you."
"Dirty girl." He gritted out as you shoved your hand below his waistband soft fingers wrapping around him. He can't look away from your face as your tongue rolls along the red ball, as you stroke his hard length. "Get on your knees."
You pop off the sucker. "Is this my second gift?"
"Do you deserve a second gift?" He ask hand stroking down your cheek.
"I do Coryo, I've been such a good girl while you were gone." You breath against his lips.
He tugs the sucker loose and shoves it into his own mouth missing the taste of it mixed with your sweet saliva. He sets the box back down as you climb down onto the floor in front of him pulling him out of his pants. You lick the tip, swirling your tongue around him before pushing him in further until he hits the back of your throat, and even then you try to keep forcing him deeper.
His hand is in your hair as he lets your hand pump the rest of him that wont fit inside your hot mouth, tongue flat against the base as he ruts against you. You gaze up at him, tears welling involuntarily as he hits the back of your throat over and over again, and you smile every-time. "Missed sucking my cock that much angel?" You nod, a moan vibrating down his dick. His other hand comes around your face feeling the spilling over spit run down your chin as you sloppily bob your mouth up and down him. He remembers having to finish into a his hand all that time away imagining this, you greedily sucking his cock. He tries to force your head to move slower, to enjoy the feel of your warm mouth wrapped around him, but he struggles as your grip tightened around him, your other hand coming up to cup his balls.
He hisses, fucking your mouth faster, letting you take what he was giving you. He wants himself stuck between your teeth as much as the sweet sugar you consumed. You want it too as you suck in your cheeks sucking him harder. "You want my cum baby girl?"
You come off him for a second mouth wide, tongue outstretched to graze the underside of him, "Always Coryo." It goes straight to his head...and his cock.
His thighs tighten and he is shoving himself back into your mouth, holding you tight against him to spill down your throat as cherry filled saliva slips down his own. "Swallow all of it." He doesn't need to tell you twice as you keep sucking and licking up his twitching cock keeping every last drop inside your mouth to slip down your throat. And even when you come off him you lick the tip clean smirking up at him.
"Even better than I remember." You tell him as he helps you to your feet. His hands come around your face as he kisses you savoring the cum and cherry sugar in your mouth. He licks it off the roof of your mouth, sucks the juice off your tongue before he pulls away letting you press a soft lasting kiss to his lips.
"What are you waiting for?" He whispers fingers tracing your puffy lips. He wants to spill his guts, describe how you roiled inside of them. You only smile up at him like you knew he would carve it all out for you, he would, and it makes him want to strangle you. "Leave him."
You reach up pulling your sucker free from his lips and pushing it back through your own. "I wish it was that easy." Your sigh was answer enough, there was no way to move forward with Felix's ring around your finger.
His hand lands at the base of your neck anger filling him. "I should leave you." He hisses out tired of watching you be with another man when you belonged with him, belonged to him.
"You wanna leave me?" His fingers dig into your jaw as a smug smile plastered onto your lips he wants to slap it off your face, he wants to fuck you unforgivably to regain his power you thought you had stolen when he was sent away, "I fucking dare you."
You know he never could, and he hates you for it, "You want me to murder all of Panem to prove myself to you?"
"Would you?"
Candy scented breaths ease out of you, no fear on your soft features, and he knows his answer immediately. Yes. He would, he'd do a lot worst to keep you looking at him.
"No... Not all." Just one more, is what you don't say. He drops his hand watching as you go to the door. You put one hand on the knob as you threw a wicked grin over your shoulder cherry sucker pushed into your cheek, "Bye Coryo."
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It's no surprise after that night you began showing up to 'visit' Felix during his studies at The University. He sees you walking up the set of small stairs, a classy black tweed minidress hugging your body, the white little ribbon bouncing in your hair, candy between your teeth as you walked towards the hall littered with men.
He wished he could grab you, kiss you, fuck you in front of everyone so they know who you belonged to, who got to go home to you every night, who got to hear your pretty little moans. He wanted them to be envious of him, not that idiot Felix. It wasn't fair, and frankly it wasn't right.
You state you're there for Felix, but you never go in the direction his classes are, and you certainly never come when he's free of them. Your eyes fixate on Coriolanus, "Hi Coryo." Your voice slides down his spine like sugared ice as you stop in front of him.
"Can't stay away hmm?" He smirks down at you.
"From you?" You raise an eyebrow toying with the stick of your sucker the pout in your bottom lip. "Never. It was so hard this last year..."
His hand comes around toying with the ribbon in your hair. He tugs it lightly watching your head lean back at the movement. "Always such a slut." Because only you would be so brash about your desire for him, you truly only come here so he can fuck you in the bathroom. The ribbon slides out and into his palm, the collection of them all still stuffed away in his old peacekeeper box. He remembers gripping them between his knuckles when he had to fuck his fist in that disgusting barrack. Your tongue darts out for him, swirling around the tip of your candy, licking up the length of it. "Want my cock in your cunt that badly huh?"
"Come over for dinner," You purr up at him as a hand strokes down his shirt. "Felix works late tonight with his uncle."
He shakes his head at you as you roll the ball across your bottom lip, "Filthy fucking girl, want me to come fuck you while your fiancée is away."
You drag your tongue up the center, "You can fuck me while he's home too."
"You would let me." He watches you nod, "Let me fuck you right here against this wall too?" You gaze up at him not needing to answer, he knows you'd let him. He leans down to whisper in your ear, "Such a fucking whore, well then go on, pull your dress up. I know you're not wearing anything under it." He watches as your eyes darken, fingers actually going to the hem of your dress, and he fights the urge to shove his hand so far between your legs.
Felix calls your name and he finds his hand around your wrist holding you to his side, "Yes darling?"
You watch your fiancée walk towards the two of you worry laced on his face while Coriolanus mouth presses to the shell of your ear, "Stop calling him darling."
He pulls the sucker from your mouth to shove into his own as you smirk sidelong at him, Felix stopping in front of you. "You shouldn't have come." Felix says hand going to your waist, trying to pull you away, peering around the filled hallway, but you stay planted next to Coriolanus. Coriolanus fights the urge to burn his hands where they touch you.
Your eyes glance up to Coriolanus for a fleeting second. "I wanted to see you." He knows your words aren't meant for your fiancée
"It's a busy time. I have to get going." He eyes you, eyes Coriolanus with your sucker in his mouth. "I'll see you at home later."
Home. Coriolanus hates that, that wasn't your home, simply a prison preventing you from living with him. "Okay." You say, but make no effort to move. In fact you lean into Coriolanus's hand as it lands on the small of your back.
"Go home." Felix tries to sound demanding summoning all his strength to keep his eyes on you instead of Coriolanus.
Your smile is sinful, finding delight in whatever dominance Felix had forced himself into. "We were just catching up, you understand don't you." You don't even mention the invitation you had offered, the door you would leave open for him to come inside.
Felix's hand grips your arm yanking you towards him. "We talked about this." Felix tried to say it quietly as if Coriolanus wouldn't hear him, grinding his foot into the floor like a stubborn child. There was no hiding your wandering eye, no hiding how Coriolanus was always on the receiving end of it. Felix was now figuring out how to grow some balls to say something about it, but you didn't care. You never would.
You step forward placing the hand he held on his chest and he knows you wish you could plunge you painted claws through his sternum to rip out his heart. You pat his chest instead looking over your shoulder at Coriolanus, "Bye Coryo." You leave them standing there hips swaying as you walk away.
"Stealing the Plinth fortune wasn't enough for you?" Felix grits out eyes on your ribbon in Coriolanus's hand, your candy between his teeth.
Coriolanus's fingers toy with it watching you leave as he repeated what you told him, "It isn't stealing if it always belonged to you."
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He arrived early. He knows the door is unlocked but he is still a gentleman so he knocks on the door to your and Felix's future forever home. He knew you had moved in together after the engagement, had gathered as much when he went to your old home and found it empty. You open the door wide and the air knocks out of his chest. He'll never get over you, he knew that then carted away on that train to 12, he knows that now with the blood staining his hands.
He knows you'd lick it off.
"Hi Coryo." You smile allowing him into your home closing the door behind the two of you. You lock it; he cherished the sound.
He held out the bouquet of white roses he brought, "For you."
You lean forward inhaling as you gaze up at him under dark eyelashes. He often heard Felix bragging about working with his uncle, how beneficial it was, how the position simply suits him. Well Felix could brag all he wanted, it would never do him any good.
Coriolanus looks around taking in your decorated home, the pictures of you and Felix lining the walls. They were hideous, "Where did you mother ever go off to?"
"She was so distraught after Daddy died." You frown, the perfect sadness sketched on your face, as you took the flowers setting them in a pretty vase at the center of the table. "She was overcome with grief."
Your father had died suddenly....unexpectedly.
What a tragic accident.
He remembers your fake tears, he especially remembered comforting you at the small lunch-in your mother had after the funeral, comforting you by fucking you in your parent's bed while guest downstairs mourned your father.
He was hard just thinking about it, thinking about licking those sweet crocodile tears away as he plunged himself into your hot cunt. He wanted to do it again, take you in you martial bed simply to prove a point, to prove the same point he had back then. That you belonged to him.
You sighed turning to look at him leaning back against your large dining table. "I reached out to Dr. Gaul and she was more than happy to help me." He took slow steps towards you your eyes following him until he towered over you. "She found a nice facility to...take care of her."
His hand came up snaking around your neck, thumb stroking your jaw. "You're a piece of work you know that?"
"You play your games," The well hidden wickedness flashes behind your eyes, the woven in manipulation surrounding all you touched. "I play mine."
You let his other hand grab onto your waist. "There are worse games to play."
He leans down to kiss you, your mouth so soft and warm against his, he feels you open, tongue sliding along his. He pulls your body against his, breast pushed onto his chest as his hands hold you tight. He's sick of letting you go. "Do you still want a man angel?"
"I want you," You breath into his open mouth and the hand on your hip slips between your legs.
He groans out at the feel of you, grinding his cock against your body fingers running up your drenched pussy. He wants it all, wants that sweet addiction only you can give him, and it still would never be enough to satiate him. He laid you back, spreading you open like his own personal feast and digs into your cunt.
Your moan reverberates through him as his tongue licks up your center passing over your clit in teasing strokes, nails digging into his scalp. He wants Felix to walk in, to see how Coriolanus could make his put together fiancée come so undone in his own home. And how he'll never get the chance to even try. But he wants to be inside you, so he hopes your stupid soon-to-be husband would stay away a little while longer. You sigh his name, the sound like a psalm, and he thinks he'd still fuck you even if Felix walked in right now.
Coriolanus glides his tongue along your clit two fingers pushing into you as your back arches for him. Then he moves faster, curling his fingers against that soft spot. He knows your close already, knew your body like the back of his hand, he can tell by the tightness in your legs, the pants of air you force out, so he keeps fucking you with his hand, keeps his tongue pressed against your throbbing clit.
He pulls away before you cum.
"Coryo." You whine eyes wild and offended.
Coriolanus simply smirks, "That's for not coming to see me."
His fingers begin moving again, his mouth wrapping around your clit and you relax taking it in, feeling the pleasure he was giving you. Your fingers curl, legs trying to stay spread but they're shaking too much as he brings you closer and closer again. You're right there, he can feel your walls trying to clamp down around him, feel you pushing down against his face to keep him there.
He pulls away again.
"Coriolanus!" You cry out.
He laughs watching you glare down at him. "And that's for being a fucking brat all the time."
You can't retort, can't argue as he spits down on your already soaked cunt, dipping down into you again your eyes squeezing shut the deep groan coming from your throat. He would make you suffer more, but the taste of you always sends him into a frenzy and he can't help but become drunk off your pleasure. His tongue moves side to side in quick motions as his fingers thrust in and out, curled up along your g-spot. It's too much already, too intense from failed orgasms. Every breath is a mewling whimper as you thrust your hips back downward into his face to chase your climax.
He'll play nice with you, as long as you remember who was in power.
"Who's your Daddy now angel?" He smirks against you before wrapping his mouth around your clit.
You scream his name as you come hard against his face, rivers of pleasure dripping down his chin, onto the table and floor. He keeps moving his tongue slowly against you drinking in everything not caring that it's overstimulating as you keep spasming around him, not caring as teeth graze against your clit. His tongue dips inside of you gently thrusting in and out and you're clawing at him for more, and he would, he would fuck you with his tongue, make you cum over and over again just like this, but you tug on his hair.
"Coryo," He loves the break in your voice as you whine for pleasure, how sweet it sounds coming from your devilish tongue. "Fuck me."
Anything for you.
He pulls away and stands up flipping you over, unbuckling his pants. He strokes a hand down your pretty hair, running over the angel cake softness of your bare skin, his hand lands on your hip. He's inside you before you can breath walls enveloping his cock, its so wet he slides in so fucking deep. His hand twist in your hair yanking it back to arch your back as he quickly starts fucking you viciously. You claw at the table moaning into the open air. "You like that hmm?" He drives himself in hard wrapping his hand around your body, slithering it up to your neck. "Like when I fuck you like the whore you are?" You did and you were, just for him. Only ever for him. He squeezes your throat a little enjoy the little gasp you give him before he limits your air supply. He's high off it, high off you, of the power you allow him to take.
You reach a hand back holding onto him as he fucks you brutally, abusing your cervix with every hard hit of his cock, your a mess because of it. He knows you're close again as he lets go listening to you gulp down more air throwing you over your peak and he adores the feeling of you clamping down around him as you do, crying out for him over and over again. He doesn't take long to finally spill himself into you with a hard tug on your hair to push himself deeper, to make sure every drop stays inside. "I hope I get you pregnant." He leans down to kiss the side of your neck.
You lean into his touch as his cock twitches one last time. Neither of you move as he drags his lips over your shoulder gently sinking his teeth in to taste your sweat. He pulls out and tucks himself away allowing you the space to turn around and face him. You just smile and shake your head playfully at him as if you didn't want the same thing.
"Here," Coriolanus digs into his pocket pulling out a small vial. You eye the cloudy liquid knowing what it was; poison. "Just a few drops into his food or water." Your smile drips in sweetness as you take it. "Not tonight, it's too suspicious." He runs a finger through your hair. "Whenever you want to come home to me."
You kiss him as you pocket the vial.
The door opens a few seconds later. "Coriolanus." Felix pauses eyes flitting between the two of you taking in the damning sight.
"Oh Felix look at the beautiful flowers Coryo has brought us." You motion to the fresh vase you had set up at the center of the table.
"What are you doing here?" Felix swallows ignoring you.
You waved him away, "Oh I figured you would be happy to be having dinner with an old friend."
"How long have you been here?" Alone. But he won't ask that.
"A while." He smirks back.
Felix, wising up, finally looks down your body at the fresh trail of cum sliding down your thigh. His eyes hold fear to a situation he has no idea how to control. "I made pie." You disappear into the kitchen leaving the two of them alone to stare at one another. Coriolanus doesn't say anything, simply walks around the table to sit at the head of it, where he belonged. Felix sits across from him when you return as you began to set the food put, finally placing a sweet scented desert near the center. "Cherry...your favorite." Coriolanus finds his palm splayed against your waist, you glance at him as you straightened it, "Darling."
You move taking the seat to the right of Coriolanus foot rubbing up against his. "My favorite is apple." Felix corrects you, hand wrapped around a butter knife.
"Oops." Your smile is saccharine as you blink innocently.
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After a tense dinner in which you deferred every veiled accusation shot your way, he knew Felix was far too aware to let it keep happening under his nose. It was only fair he allow the two of you to come see where Dr. Gaul and him worked, to prove his companionship to an old friend, to make up for his impropriety with said friend's future wife.
He never said the two of you had to come at the same time.
He knows the minute you walk through the lab doors, your hair half lightly pulled back with a pretty ribbon, wearing one of your tight skirts and white mock turtle neck, cherry candy in your mouth he would have no more of this arrangement.
No more, no more fiancée, no more hiding his claim on you. No more. He doesn't care if he has to kill all of Panem to keep you, he'll do it gladly. He'd force your hand to use the poison tonight.
You kiss his cheek the scent of you, the sugary taste, pulsed around him, heightening his senses, hardening his cock. You tuck your hand in his arm letting him walk with you. You took everything in like this was a sick version of an art gallery. He showed you around knowing you were only vaguely interested in the various creations held inside their tanks, talked about future plans for future games. He followed next to you, watching you peer into the cages of those muttations, tapping on the glass to watch them squirm. You belonged next to him, you knew that now more than ever. You looked so much better with him than you ever did with that pathetic excuse of a fiancée.
You pointed to the cages filled with black birds.
"Jabberjays." He followed you as you walked towards them. "They can memorize and repeat conversations."
You poked your finger through the bar, awe in your eyes. "This was how you did it." He stared at you as you glanced back at him realizing you knew he had incriminated Sejanus, how he had sent the poor boy to the hanging tree to get back here. In the place he once felt guilt sat validation, the lust in your eyes proving what he had done was right.
"How did you..." He should have suspected you knew, you were too close to the top to not know, too woven into the group of elites, but it still surprised him.
You only smiled as you watched one flare its wings out in alarm as your finger inched closer to it. "I went to Dr. Gaul a month after you left." Your lip pulled back in disgust, "Disgraced myself by begging her to let you return."
Heat ran through him, pounded in his blood as you glanced over at him, "Show me." He needed to see it, hear you say the words you said then.
You pulled your hand away from the birds turning to face him. You took his hands, then slowly you lowered yourself to the floor onto your knees raising your palms in supplication. "Please," You bowed your head. "Please let him come home to me." You never begged for anything, but you had begged for him. He keeps his eyes on you as you slowly looked up at him, his hand comes under your chin. It must have worked. He was set to be sent to District 2, but things had changed and he had come back. You climbed to your feet hands still holding his, "She said she always planned on letting you return, but you need to learn a lesson first." He knew you agreed with her, "And then one day she called me in, played the recording for me, said you were on your way back." Your body pressed into his, his hard cock aching at the friction, your whisper a caress onto his lips. "I came so hard that night imagining it, came so hard knowing my Coryo was clawing his way back to me."
He wants to ask why you didn't come running into his arms when he stepped off the platform, but it made sense why you didn't. You had wanted to see what he would do next, if he would submit to his woes, grovel in his defeat, or would he climb, would he take what was so rightfully his.
"And what would you have done if she hadn't let me return?" He asked needing to know, needing to know you burned for him the same.
Your eyes honed in on his face, "Anything."
"My sweet villain." He strokes a thumb down your cheek. "My darling angel."
"All for you."
He kisses you softly, delicately letting his mouth slide across yours tasting the sweetness you offered like a drug. Your tongue slips through, spit exchanged in unison, swallowing each other, fingers curling around his neck as you pulled him to you.
"Stop." Felix voice cuts across the room. "Enough." You take too long to peel your mouth away from Coriolanus, too long to slyly look at your fiancé. "You're leaving with me. Now."
"She doesn't want to go anywhere with you." Coriolanus sneered.
"Look," Felix sighed, "I have let this go on for far longer than it should have, I knew you didn't want to marry me and you wanted to rebel against that, I figured you'd grow out of this phase once we left the Academy." Your eye twitched, "Enough now, you're going to leave with me, and you'll end this affair before you embarrass us both."
You don't move.
Felix takes a single step forward out of frustration. "Do you even know what I've been protecting you against? He's a murderer, did you know that? He killed a tribute in the games, killed Sejanus too." Well at least he didn't know about Highbottom, or your father. "He'll kill you too, if it came down to it, if you got in his way."
"Right now Felix," Coriolanus glares. "You're the only one in my way."
Something like fear flares for a second as he takes another step forward. "He's using you! I read all his letters he tried to write you asking you to make someone bring him back here." He wants to feel upset you never received his soft hearted words, but maybe it was for the best you never saw that side of him. He glances at your face, a mask of cool indifference, but your eyes quivered for a single moment in wake of the lost news you would never have, and resentment fills your features. You finally began moving forward towards Felix, his demeanor began to relax as you listened but your steps fell silently violent. "I figured if he was sent to 12 he would be far enough away from you, we could finally be happy."
You stilled, "You."
"I had to!" He exclaimed, "He would have never stopped coming after you! I had to tell Highbottom he cheated, had to get him away from you." Everything. It was all Felix's fault, all of it was his fault. Coriolanus's eyes flared wide with unadulterated rage, he wanted to murder Felix with his bare hands, he wanted to tie him down and force him to watch as Coriolanus took you over and over again while he could do nothing but finish in his own pants because that was the type of scum Felix was. but he clenched his jaw, no he didn't want Felix to see you, he didn't want Felix to hear only what Coriolanus could hear, that was a better punishment, to never know what it was like to truly have you, and later tonight he would die with you standing over him.
"You disgust me."
"I was trying to protect you." Felix urged again as his hands came around you. "H-He's a monster."
"I made sure of it." Your smile was laced with venom as your hands wrapped around his forearms. "You always lacked a spine Felix Ravinstill, I knew that the minute your sweaty adolescent hand grabbed mine you were nothing but a weak little boy who had everything handed to him." You sighed, disappointed. "And I wanted a man."
His eyes flickered around your face, behind him water lapped from the wake the eels made in the small circular pool. "He's a liar and a cheat. He will never amount to anything more than that."
"Neither will you." You glanced over at Coriolanus. "Yes." You finally said a weight seeming to move off his chest, "I will marry you."
Felix scoffed hiding the shake of his breath, "You can't be serious. We're already engaged you would be a fool to call this off now. You're a woman with no education, no family, you'll be ruined."
"I am not a woman, I am a god." You took one step back fingers still grazing his forearms and from afar it would have looked affectionate, "I was born to marry the President of Panem, and you know what they say..." You stood in front of him and something in Felix's eyes shifted with realization.
"Snow lands on top."
You pushed watching as his body fell backwards towards the open pool. He was too far away to fall fully in so his back hit cement roughly, something cracking in his spine as one wrapped around his shoulder yanking him the rest of the way in his screams echoing around the room. You stood there watching as they swallowed his body deeper and deeper until he was nothing, then you tugged that ugly ring off your finger tossing it in after him.
He moved around the pool, avoiding the puddles of water made when his body had hit the water, until he's standing in front of you. He admires you for one second, one second to take in the calm look on your face in the wake of murder, the glow that seemed to settle around you as eels swam around your dead fiancée. Then he's moving, connecting your mouth, tongues melding with each other as he sealed his lips around yours finding heaven in your honeyed spit. He was crushing your against him as you twisted your hands into his shirt, pulling it out of his pants as he pushed the hem of your skirt up, needy, insatiable.
"You're a monster." He tells you the very thing he knew himself to be, kissing down your neck.
"And you love me for it." He does, but he'd never let you know that, never give you that kind of power over him.
The two of you are on the ground as he cups your ass, rolling your hip against his hard cock fighting with his pants. He can feel your arousal seeping down to his skin as you unbutton his pants, freeing him from restraint. You stroke him once, twice, three times before you lift up and sink down on-top of him. You slide down excruciatingly slow, letting him stretch and fill every inch of you. He watches your head fall back, your throat bob as the moan breaks loose, until your hips are flush against his.
He's reaching a hand out to go under your shirt and cup your breast as you take a shaky breath. Then you are moving, rolling your hips along him hand gripping at his chest.
"Look at you." He can't help it falling from his lips as he watches you ride him, watches you slide up and down his cock, kneading the flesh of your breast. "My angel."
You were an angel, God's favorite angel.
You would go by a different name now too.
"Mrs. Snow."
You moaned louder as his other hand found your clit between bodies rubbing circles into it as you fucked him faster chasing your own high. He digs his hand into your bra rolling your nipple between his fingers, thrusting his hips up to meet your own hitting the deepest parts of you. Your foot plants on the ground and you tilt forward, nails digging into his shoulders. He knows your close as your sweet breath pants into his face, as your lean down and swallow his mouth with your own whining down his throat.
"Cum for me." He nips at your bottom lip. "Come on, be a good girl and cum on my cock."
He feels you clamp down around him, crying out his name as your orgasm washes over you still moving up and down his hard length in a lazy motion riding yourself out on him. He grips your hips and flips you over pushing your leg up to his shoulder spreading your other knee out to open you up.
He pounds into your wet cunt the lewd slapping sound overtaking the small wake of waves in the pool beside you. You grip his arms as he forces your body against his, thrusting roughly into you as you fall apart within his hands. You claw down his chest, completely lost in the pleasure he was giving you, and his hand finds your throat and you love how harsh he could be with you. You had both changed in your time apart, or maybe there was no point in hiding the darkness after everything you'd done for each other.
"No more games." He hisses out with each brutal snap of his hips. "You're mine now." He hooks his fingers in your bottom jaw opening it wide, and then he spits down your throat. "Fucking say it." He lets his fingers slide off as you leave your lips parted for him to spit into your mouth again moaning for it, for him.
"Yours." You nod fervently lapping up his saliva, arching your back, "I'm yours Coryo." A second orgasm hits you, squeezing around him too tightly. He slams into you one last time before cumming deep, fucking all of it into you letting your legs fall numbly around him. "It was all for you anyways." You whisper once he stills letting him brush stray hair away from your glistening flushed face. "The games...I only played them for you."
He leans down, "Well I guess that makes you a victor too." He kisses you gently feeling your arms wrap around his neck. After a few minutes, he pulls out of you tucking himself back in his pants and helping you to your feet.
You glance down at the calming waters no ounce of remorse there for not taking the quieter route of poison. He thinks a violent end was more fitting too, for all that Felix had put the two of you through. You wave your hand around, "You need to delete the footage." You're moving bending down towards one of the puddles. "Before anyone sees, we'll say he tripped or whatever." You flash a wicked grin, "Another accident darling."
You stick your hand into one of the puddles and splash it onto your face. You stand up and start screaming. "Help! Please!" You wail running towards the door. "Please he fell in! He's dying!" He was dead the second he fell in but you don't let on to that. You shoot him a look, "Go."
He's stands there in awe of you, but what else is new.
Then he's moving heading to the computer to edit the footage of you murdering your fiancée to be with Coriolanus Snow.
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You move in a week later after all the funerals and arrangements were made. You came in the cover of darkness keeping a low profile regarding your new life; he didn't blame you for wanting to, best to let the dust settle to avoid looking suspicious.
He watches you in his bed, dawn's sunlight peeking through curtains as you sprawl out under rumpled sheets. You're beautiful, like a fallen angel from the heavens dropped onto his mattress just for him.
His hand runs down your spine feeling the sleepy groan rumble up your back as you turn to look at him. "My whole life all I've ever wanted was to wake up next to you." It's too soft he knows, he'll blame the lack of sleep due to fucking you through the night. He kisses your naked shoulder, fingers tracing the golden necklace that held a small 'C' on it, "I almost lost you."
"You almost did." You agree knowing you had almost turned your back on him, let him slip away to wallow in his mistakes.
"Never again," He mutters into your skin.
"I'll take that ring now." You purred into his ear.
He sits up digging into his bedside table fetching out the ring box, and opening it up for you. He plucks it out to slid onto your finger perfectly, watching you admire it with a certain sweetness he only could associate with you. "Mrs. Snow." He caresses your cheek, "First Lady of Panem."
You smile up at him, "I like the sound of that, Mr. President."
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endnotes: omg hi thank you all so much for reading!!! i hope you enjoyed reading!!! i truly believe all the nice comments on part one gave me performance anxiety about this so hoping it meets everyones standards 😭😭
taglist: @ryswritingrecord , @aoi-targaryen , @urfavnoirette , @sleepysongbirdsings
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hvly · 2 months
— ⋆。˚。⋆ 。˚ 𓆩𖥔𓆪 ˚。⋆。˚。⋆ —
speaking : yep, you heard right 🙂‍↕️ every show/manga i read is gonna get hit with my virgin ray. "i love virgins, anon ! I LOVE VIRGIIINS !"
𓆩𖥔𓆪 — disclaimer ! these are just my opinions ! if you disagree, cool. let's keep it cute. tbh, they all could be virgins, but they’re the most pressing in my eyes.
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Nirei Akihiko
Don't get me wrong, I like Nirei alot ! I think he's super cute and he's so sweet it makes my teeth hurt. But, until his confidence goes up, ain't nothing going down. i do think he has a separate notebook with sex tips that's he gathered from various sources. From friends he worked up the courage to ask, to Cosmo articles, to the pornos he watches on lonely nights. When he finally get brave enough to try though, best believe he'll be prepared for any possible scenario.
Sugishita Kyotaro
Again, I feel like perhaps because he's tall, quiet and handsome, y'all think he'd be laying pipe. I mean, the quiet ones are usually the nastiest in bed, right? extremely loud incorrect buzzer. It'd be a miracle to actually get a sentence out of him. And it'd be another miracle to convince him to come shake the sheets instead of playing Umemiya's shadow. The plants he takes care of have a better chance getting wet by him than you ever will.
Tsugeura Taiga
Straight up, he just scares away any possible suitors. Plus, he's a little slow on the uptake. Between being loud and a bit off putting, and his his inability to catch social cues, he is unfortunately stuck in perpetual virgindom. That's it, that's all.
Sakura Haruka
Now, put the torches and pitchforks down before y'all drag me to the town square. How do we as a collective think Sakura would react if he saw you naked? Stand there reveling in the majesty that is you, dick so hard he might pass out? No. He'd turn red and start yelling before you even get your shoes off. Get him more comfortable with being romantic/sexual, and i’m sure the yelling, stomping, flailing and cherry red blush will die down…in a couple years. Best of luck !
Saku Mizuki
Wannabe General Mizuki. The minute I saw him, I knew he was getting NO pussy. And that makes me sad for him, it truly does. He's too stiff. If, for some odd reason on your part, you decided to lay the moves on him, he'd probably lecture you on how it's inappropriate to shamelessly flirt with people. He'd kill the mood so bad. Plus that one dude called him ugly and he turned around..oof
Takiishi Chika
Take this one with a grain of salt, but from what I've gathered...he just would not be interested. I'm sure Endo has tried bringing it to his attention before. And I'm also sure he got the fire knocked out his ass as soon as it left his mouth. Now, if does decide to get his dick wet, I hope you're fully resigned to letting him do whatever he wants and possibly leaving unsatisfied. Utter anything that sounds like you're telling him what to do? Let's leave getting beat up to Endo, mkay?
Shuhei Suzuri
I think he finds fulfillment and joy in his hobbies and that's all he needs. Being able to cook for people and enjoy his games gives him the satisfaction he was missing when he was in extreme poverty. I'm sure he wouldn't really mind losing his virginity either way, but it's definitely not on the forefront of his mind. A consistently full belly and a couple video games is good enough for now.
Choji Tomiyama
He thinks everything is a game and plays entirely too much to just be fucking for real. And I think he's fine with that ! He's carefree and he's content knocking people's heads together. I do think you could probably get him to give losing his virginity a true shot if you compare him to Umemiya or make it a competition, though. But who's gonna do all that to nut? (I really just added him to make one specific person mad. Let me know if it worked <3)
Honorable Mention : Togame Jo & Umemiya Hajime
Just cuz I want to be the one to take their virginity. I have no real reason LMAOOO.
© 𝘈𝘭𝘭 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘴 𝘵𝘰 hvly 2024. 𝘋𝘰 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘳𝘦𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘰𝘳 𝘮𝘰𝘥𝘪𝘧y.
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lovsalvatore · 2 years
Video Games
Wanda Maximoff x Fem!reader
Summary: Wanda hates the way she feels when she loses, so she finds a way to make herself feel better by playing with you however she wants.
Warnings: +18, Minors DNI! smut, fingering (r receiving), vibrator use (r receiving), face riding, edging (a lot), orgasm denial, choking, bondage, a bit of degradation, praising, pet names, squirting, overstimulation.
Word count: 4k
a/n: got carried away by this one ✰ masterlist
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"Are you sure this is your first time playing this game?" Wanda asks you, the scoreboard on the TV screen showing that you've beaten her for the fourth time in a row.
"Uhum." you reply innocently, suppressing a smile as you notice her shifting uncomfortably on the couch. You know she's pissed off by the fact that you won in the game, and you also know it won't be long before she does something about it. "Who knew I would be better than Wanda Maximoff at something, huh?"
"You only won because I let you win." she mutters, tossing the controller onto the coffee table. Your girlfriend has this personality trait that makes her feel superior to everyone, let's say she's a narcissist, or rather, presumptuous. She hates to lose, regardless if it's just a video game. So you beating her over and over again made something inside her bubble up in anger, and she really is trying to act normal, but your comments sometimes don't help. "If I really wanted to, I would have won."
"Wanda, you never lose." you move closer to her on the couch, your legs touch and her muscles tense as you throw your arm around her neck. "Not even on purpose."
You stare at her, and see how her jaw clenches, and how her gaze darkens when she looks back at you. You hate admitting you love it when she acts that way, you hate the fact how wet you get when she gets mad. But at the same time you love it. You just love the way she takes it all out on you so mercilessly. You love how she makes you feel. "Am I gonna have to repeat myself?" she says in a firm voice, raising one of her eyebrows. "I took it easy on you, next time I'll go harder."
"Aw, someone doesn't know how to lose." you keep pulling her deeper into this feeling of fury, playing with a lock of her hair with your fingers. "It's normal, not being the best at everything, you know?"
It is in fact normal, for everyone but Wanda. She despises having weaknesses, and of course when she asked you to play video games in her apartment she didn't know you'd be this good. She would never play with you if she knew you were going to beat her, and even though she says she lost on purpose, you both know that's not true. Maybe this is the first time you've shown yourself superior to her in something, and that for Wanda is like a nightmare. At first you thought it was just her way of wanting attention, but over time you realized that this is who she really is, and you know that nothing is going to change that, and to be honest, you wouldn't even if it were possible.
You expect her to do something, you can't wait for her to ruin you. Just as you open your mouth to continue your game of pissing her off, one of her hands wraps tightly around your throat, the fingers on the side of your neck making a pleasurable pain as she digs her nails into your skin. "Don't be stupid darling. It's my game, do you really think I'd lose on purpose?" she says very close to your face, making you feel her breath hitting your mouth. She smiles, seeing you struggle to breathe properly. "What? Is it hard to breathe?"
You manage to get some air into your lungs when Wanda moves to sit on your lap, straddling your legs. But soon her grip is back, and this time even tighter. "I want to play with something else now." it's like you're in a staring contest. Wanda loving seeing you submissive to her, feeling her own arousal growing at the thought of all she wants to do to you. And you, just waiting for her to finally do it. "Will you let me play with you?"
Even with her hand around your neck you manage to giver her a small nod, your eyes definitely glistening at the thought of her using you like a toy. "Oh baby, I know you will, you never say no to me, do you?" her other hand begins to make a trail through your body, until it reaches the hem of your pants, where she begins to unbuckle the belt around your hips. "You talk, and you talk about me, but I'm sure you don't like to lose either."
Nobody likes to lose, but there are some people who overreact to it more than others, and you're certainly not one of them. You don't mind feeling inferior to Wanda, in fact she always reminds you everyday who's in charge, and you have no choice but to agree with her. You do whatever she says, whenever she wants, and wherever she wants.
You can feel the blood rushing to your head, trying to keep you conscious. You know if she keeps her hand there for even a few more minutes you're likely to pass out. But would that really be a bad thing though? "Wouldn't it be funny if I ended up not giving you what you want?" you don't know the weight those words carry, all you can process is the fact that you can finally breathe when Wanda takes her hand away from your throat. "I bet you would hate that." still a little airy from finally being able to breathe, you stare at her biting your bottom lip as she begins to pin your wrists together using the piece of leather, leaving a bit of the length out so she can hold the belt in her hand.
She ties tightly, making it impossible for you to move your hands. You learned a while ago that she loves to see you like this, totally surrendered to her, but you didn't know that you would like it as much as she does. "Did your stupid little brain forget what words are honey?" she asks noticing how long you've been silent.
"N-no." you stutter, looking away from her face. "But it's hard to talk when there's a hand around your neck, you know."
With a strong tug on the belt she pulls your body off the back pillow of the couch, making your faces inches apart. "What was that?" you hiss looking at your wrists — which are starting to turn slightly red — but with her free hand Wanda holds onto your jaw forcing you to look at her "We're not going to do that today, are we?"
You know by that she means not to act like a brat, which you love to do. You always want to see her on edge, not caring if she ends up taking it out on you or not, in the end you are always there to satisfy her in any way she wants. "I was just telling the truth." you shrug, already expecting a slap against your cheek, but nothing comes, instead Wanda just sighs heavily, getting off your lap. "Wanda-." you stare at her with a confused look as she starts to walk out of the living room towards her bedroom. You think about following her, but since she didn't ask you to just sit on the couch waiting for her to come back.
You try to ease some of the tightness around your wrists by moving your hands together, but it doesn't do much. Moving your thighs you can already feel how wet you are with just that little interaction between you and your girlfriend, it's even a little embarrassing. Wanda can just wink at you that you're already going to be melting for her, and that just makes her already huge ego swell even more.
You get more and more impatient wanting her to do something soon, normally it doesn't take that long to piss her off, but today it seemed like for the first time she had a bit of patience. She let you beat her four times before finally saying she was tired of the video game. That was unusual.
You're so focused on your thoughts that you don't even notice when Wanda walks back into the same room as you, pulling out the bottom of the couch to turn it into a sofa bed. With that same dark look from minutes ago she pulls your ankles, making you lie on your back, and you just let her, like the doll you are. "Why don't we play a game?" with a quick act she removes your pants along with your underwear from your body, leaving you fully exposed. "One where it only ends when I lose."
She makes a point of emphasizing the 'I' in the sentence, her eyes going from your face down to your totally bare sex. "Oh baby, you're already soaked." you want to ask what the game is, curiosity of what awaits making your heart race. But all you manage to do is get a dumbfounded expression on your face, mouth slightly open as her hand begins to caress your inner thigh. "I haven't even done anything to you yet."
You feel embarrassed by the tone she uses, as if she's making fun of you. You try to close your legs to hide your state, but she sharply tightens your knee, a signal for you not to continue with the act. "Nuh uh."she scolds you, moving her hand up again. Along with her delicate fingers you also feel something else against your thigh, and looking down you can see the toy in your girlfriend's hand, slowly moving up between your legs. "I only lose when..." you squirm a little as she presses the vibrator against your clit, the toy still not on, but sending shivers all over your body. "...only when you come."
You look at her with a desperate look, not really paying attention to the rules of this game she just made up, just begging her to make you feel better. A snarky smile graces her lips when she finally turns on the vibrator, you automatically throw your head back when finally what was bothering you is relieved. "Does my baby like this?" you nod your head, your eyes squeezing shut as she turns the intensity up to medium.
She spreads your legs apart to sit between them on top of the sofa, her other hand going under your shirt to play with one of your nipples. "Fuck." you blurt out, cheeks flushed at the realization that you're already this close, and she hasn't even done much yet. She pinches your right nipple hard, lowering the toy to your entrance, then bringing it back up wetting the entire length of your folds with your own wetness. "Fuck... m-more, please."
"Oh you want more?" the buzzing just seems to get more intense on your nerve, feeling Wanda let the toy rest on top of your clit, with excruciating pressure. "Be careful what you wish for, bunny." she moves her hand to your other nipple, trapping it against her fingers, making you gasp. You open your eyes, meeting hers that study every expression on your face, how she loves to see you so expressively showing how she makes you feel.
"Please..." you ask for nothing in particular, and she chuckles as she lowers the vibrator to your entrance, and thrusts just the tip of it inside you. She does this over and over again, teasing you, as you only find yourself getting closer to the edge. Each time she brings the toy up to your clit your body flinches with anticipation for orgasm, but soon she's back at your folds again. "Please..." you ask again.
"Do you wanna come?" you nod frantically at her question, moving your hips up. "But this way I'm gonna lose the game dummy." she smiles harder when you whimper, turning your head to the side and trying to control all the heat inside you. But it gets hard when she doesn't stop playing with your pussy with the help of the toy in her hand, it's very hard not to come when the vibrations against your clit are now at their strongest intensity.
You bite your bottom lip hard not to moan, not to show her how close you are. But Wanda knows you, she knows very well how your body reacts to certain things, so it's obvious she knows you're about to release all the tension. "No." she whispers, but you ignore her. You swear you can taste blood in your mouth from the force you bite your lip, you're not sure if it's a real sensation or if your mind is making things up, you just start to feel all that pleasure come down to your stomach, but as soon as you finally feel it invading your whole body Wanda pulls the vibrator away from you, causing everything that was being built to go down the drain.
"No no, fuck, please Wanda... d-don't." you're on the verge of tears at her unexpected act, trying to take her hand in yours to pull the toy back to your sex. "Please please please."
"Aw, look at you." Wanda pouts at you, frowning upwards. "What's wrong sweetheart? Will you cry for not getting what you want? What a spoiled little thing."
You want to cuss her out loud, and you know exactly what she's doing. She couldn't win the video game, so she's going to make sure you don't get what you want too. "But I... I..." you try to hide the moan as she brings the toy back to your pussy, this time it's turned off, but she keeps moving it in circular motions on your clit that feels good all the same. "Please... I promise not to beat you at video games anymore... just please let me-."
You can't finish the sentence when suddenly the buzzing noise comes back to your ears, your eyes roll back, your back arches. "Let me what?" she asks knowing exactly what you want. "Use your words."
"Let me come... please I'll do anything you want."
She grinds the dildo against your pussy, the wet noises only turning you on even more. "Hm..." she hums, lowering her gaze to follow her movements. "I'll think about it." she slides the toy into your entrance, eliciting almost a cry of pleasure from you as you feel the vibrations inside you. It's just an inexplicable feeling, and you think this time she's going to let you go until the end, yes, you're stupid enough to think about that possibility. But when you open your eyes, stars are already forming in the corner of your vision, you feel that coil forming in your stomach again, and you're about to release it all, and again she abruptly pulls away, leaving you completely needy for her touch.
You don't even have the strength to complain this time, you just throw your head back completely exhausted, and not even your hands are able to do anything since they're trapped against each other. "That was the second one, wasn't it?" Wanda's voice sounds far away, and you just nod along with whatever she's saying. "Well you beat me four times, so I guess I can beat you four times too. Who knows even more."
And she does what she says. She plays with your body at least three more times. Pulling you very close to the edge, but every time she realizes that you are going to come she suddenly stops. You hate but love the feeling at the same time. She's never done anything like this before, and you know that if you ask her to stop, she'll stop, but you don't want to. You want her to keep going until you can't take it anymore, you want her to use you, you want her to keep abusing you the way she likes best. When she denies you coming for the sixth time you don't even know what words are anymore, your thoughts are blurred, and your head is spinning. "Fuck, you're such a messy little slut." she mumbles, tossing the vibrator onto the sofa, seeing your fluid running down your thighs. "Maybe if you help me I'll let you come later."
Just these simple words bring your senses back to normal, the thought of her finally letting you feel what you want makes you electrified. "Yes yes." you say with a smile. "Please, I'll do anything."
She crawls over your body, her hungry gaze making you feel things. "Yes?" she kisses you on the cheek. "Are you gonna be an obedient girl and let me fuck your face?" another kiss on your cheek, and another quick peck on your  lips. "Are you gonna make me come in your mouth?"
You nod, and she smiles proudly. "That's a good girl." you melt with the praise, and Wanda moves on top of you, straddling your face with her legs as she slowly lowers her sex into your mouth. "Go ahead baby, make me feel good."
You stick your tongue out, giving the first lick to her folds, getting a whine out of her. Her taste invades your mouth at the same speed as she starts to move her hips over your face. You stick your tongue inside her entrance trying to get even more of the wonderful taste before turning your attention to her clit, sucking it hard. "Fuck... just... like that." her hand grips the strands of your hair, and you want to grip her thighs to keep her still but your arms are unable to move right now. She grips your hair tightly, and you can feel the trail of drool running down your chin when you look up, meeting the sight of her breasts fully exposed as she throws her bra over her shoulder. "Y-yes, keep going, don't fucking stop."
You don't even know it's you or her doing all the work anymore, she holds the locks of your hair tightly in her fingers, forcing your head still as she fucks your face. Her breathing is labored, and you can feel her getting closer and closer to orgasm. Wanda looks down to find you with your eyes closed as you enjoy the moment, loving the feel of her in your tongue. "Eyes on me." she demanded, pulling the strands of your hair. "Yeah, uhum, look at me while I come all over your mouth."
That feeling between your legs had already stopped bothering you because you were worried about something else now, but it was enough for her to look directly into your eyes and it all came back like a bus crashing against your body. You move your thighs in an attempt to alleviate this, while continuing to move your tongue back and forth, sucking her nerve every now and then, trying to make her as crazy as she makes you. You wanted to do the same, stop as soon as she was close, but you're not crazy enough to try, and all you want right now is to make her come, because you know that after that she'll make you feel better.
With just one more forward movement of her hips Wanda climaxes, throwing her head back as she slowly releases your hair. You continue with your work, sucking all of her wetness until her thighs close around your head. She shivers as you follow her clit, trying to prolong the moment for her. But Wanda already had what she needed, and so she finally rolls off of you, running her hand over your chin to clean the residue from her and your own drool. "You did so good." she opens your legs again, positioning herself between them as she picks up the toy from the couch again. "I guess you deserve it now."
She doesn't wait to turn the vibrator on full blast and press against your already sensitive clit while two of her fingers tease your entrance. "Oh bunny, sorry I left you like this." she comments on how wet you are. "It's just that you needed to know what happens when you try to be better than me at something."
"Sorry." you whimper, shifting beneath her.
"Ah, you already proved that you're sorry, it's okay, I'll make you feel better now, don't worry."
With a firm thrust she pulls both fingers inside you, while pressing on your clit with the toy. You groan, smiling as you trap your bottom lip between your teeth. Wanda stares at you mesmerized, watching your chest rise up and down as you let her do you good, now for real. "You're so cute." she starts to fuck you faster with her fingers, pulling them in and out mercilessly as you concentrate on trying not to come right away. "I know you want it, you don't have to hold back this time, I already made you wait."
It takes exactly two seconds for you to finally peak, pure ecstasy invading every muscle in your body as you come. “Yes, that’s it, so good for me.” you take a deep breath as Wanda continues to fuck you hard with her fingers, overstimulating you with the vibrator. “You held it six times, I think you can give me at least three, right baby?”
You shake your head from side to side, trying to push her hands away with your hands, but she ends up letting go of the toy to hold the piece of leather, looping it twice around her palm before pulling your wrists towards her, preventing you from moving your arms. “Hold still.“ your eyes start to fill with tears, and you think you won't last that long. She stops her fingers inside you, curling them and hitting your g-spot, making you moan loudly, your throat even hurts. Her thrusts are like music to your ears, her palm slamming against your clit making you convulse every time it happens. “One more? Please?” she asks you with innocent eyes, and you end up giving in, starting to feel numb with so much stimulation. “Oh fuck yeah baby, just one more I know you can do it.”
“Wait… wait!” you move your legs, trying to pull her away, but she grabs your thigh, sitting with her knee on top so you stay still. “No, I… I can't… Wanda I can’t-.”
“Yes you can.” she adds another finger, the pressure of her knee against your thigh hurts, but the way she fucks you hard, without mercy, takes your full attention. “I'm just giving you what you wanted, you were close to tears when I didn't let you come, so you actually have to thank me now, go ahead.”
You take a quick look down, seeing her fingers abuse your hole while your wrists are almost in a purple coloration from the way she tightens the leather around them. “T-thank you.” you manage to sigh the words, slowly all the energy in your body evaporating. “Thank you for letting me come.”
You try to hold on to your third knowing the mess you're going to make, closing your eyes to concentrate on it. Her three fingers slamming so deep inside you it feels like she's going to rip you in half, you think about how she's got you to hold on the other times, and how good she's been at making you come multiple times now. You want to show her that you're good too, but at the same time you're scared of seeming so desperate for her touch.
“Don't hold it.” Wanda demands. “Come on, show me what a good slut you are, make a mess, come for me.”
Her words are the last straw for you to show how embarrassingly good she makes you feel. Wanda smiles watching you squirt into her hand, wetting some of the bedclothes beneath you as she continues with her movements. You didn't even know you could do this, but even though it looked embarrassing it felt really good. So fucking good you would love to do it again. “Oh fuck, that was so hot.” she comments by slowing down the acceleration of her fingers inside you. "See? I knew you would make it, you did really good, I’m so proud of you.”
It's the last thing you hear before everything goes black. Apparently all of this was too much for your body.
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creedslove · 10 months
This isn’t a imagine request or a headconn request but imagine going out with ur besties to a bar where they have one of those mechanic bulls you ride and then Joel and Tommy enter and Joel sees you riding it instantly hard!!!! So once you’ve rode it and won he has you riding him at the end of the night
No outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader
A/N: baby I know this wasn't a request but I had to turn it into one because just by reading it it got me pregnant 😭
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• when you told your boyfriend Joel you would be out with your girl friends for a few drinks, he told you not to worry he would pick you up so you didn't have to worry about drinking and driving
• you agreed, thanking him as you had the best boyfriend in the world and got ready to go, while Joel spent some time working with his brother, until he saw it was already running late and he should go pick you up
• so he invited Tommy to join him, best case scenario Tommy would get a drink and hit off with one of your friends and leave the house all for you and Joel
• worst case scenario Tommy would get a couple of drinks and pass out on the couch but it wouldn't really change the fact you would end up your night by bouncing on Joel's cock one way or the other
• so when the Miller brothers got to the bar, Joel immediately spotted you because you were the hottest girl around, you'd drunk just enough to become a little tipsy and playful which was the kinda drunk he liked, especially because you had a tendency to become a very horny and obscene girlfriend at that moment
• so when you spotted your very sexy and hard working boyfriend, knowing he'd spent his whole day busting his ass off you felt the need to rush to him and make him feel alright, which you did but running into his arms and kissing his lips
"good thing you got here, handsome, I'm about to do something..."
• you batted your eyes at him and ran back to the line to the mechanic bull and stood there until it was finally your turn
• Joel didn't actually believe his eyes when he saw you riding that mechanic bull, that sight definitely altered his brain chemistry because he couldn't focus on anything else, all his blood was pumped straight to his cock and he got immediately hard just to picture you riding him
• it felt like everything stopped and all he could see was you, that was the sexiest thing he'd ever seen and the moment you left the bull, a little dizzy and giggling, he was there, gripping your waist and taking you straight to his truck, not even giving you a chance to say goodbye to your friends
"you were so fucking sexy, you know that, baby girl? You see how hard you made me?"
• he groaned into your ear and placed your hand over his crotch while he drove home, not expecting you to open his fly and give him a blowjob right there, in the middle of the street
• he had to park at a shady spot, being unable to drive and have his cock sucked by you, but unlike the times you blew him, he didn't allow himself to finish in your mouth, instead, he held himself back until you both got home
• he was so horny, he couldn't even make it to the bedroom, pulling you on the couch and lowering down his pants, he helped you impale yourself on him, and you were soaked for his cock
• he told you to ride him exactly like you rode that mechanic bull and you obeyed him without questioning, bouncing and bobbing onto him
• it didn't take long for the two of you to cum, he groaned and kissed you, just recovering for the second round
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A/N: this reminded me of the you shook me all night long video clip and also the story one of the production members fell in love with the model that rides the mechanic bull in the clip and they eventually got married, so as a wedding gift AC/DC sent them a mechanic bull lmaof
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challenger-fan-club · 2 months
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Patrick makes Art jealous that he gets to fuck you. ((inspired by @poppy-metal ))
It's smut, it's always Patrick Zweig smut. ((I couldn't stop myself and now Art also touches himself thinking about it.))
"She loves it, I'm telling you, she can't stop begging for me." He smirks at Art, watching him taking a sip of beer. Art is looking at you and he rolls his eyes. He watches you talking to other people at the party. It's not believable. It's not the most reliable source in fairness, Patrick is always exaggerating these kind of stories and Art never believes his bullshit. He watches you take a sip of your drink before watching you straighten your dress. He noticed the skirt of your dress rising up slightly but tried not to linger on it for too long. He snapped his eyes back to Patrick. "Cmon Pat, I don't want to know." He shrugged his shoulders and took another sip. Patrick couldn't help but smirk. "I know you do. I'm telling you, the sex is so fucking good, I'll let her fuck me with a racket." Art laughs a little and rolled his eyes at him. He watched you. For Art, you looked angelic, sweet, innocent. Patrick looks at you differently. He looks at you like he's ready to devour you. And you knew he could.
You looked at Patrick and bit your lip a little. Knowing what he can do, knowing what you do together. Art hit Patrick. "Cmon, she's not like that, look at her, shes sweet." Patrick screwed up his face. "oh no she's not. She's such a little whore, it's not just the quiet ones." He smiled thinking about you. Art scoffs at Patricks words. "You're so full of shit." Art hit his stomach again. "You need me to prove it Art?" He was pulling out his phone out his pocket. Art took another few sips of his drink and takes a seat and Patrick sits a little bit closer to him.
Art heard moans coming from Patricks phone as he offers it to him. a host of "fuck, oh god, Patrick, please, harder." Arts eyes are fixated on the phone. He sees you on your back, fully naked, your tits bouncing up and down. Art then sees that Patrick is inside you, he stops himself from actually moaning at the sight. He can't believe that Patricks showing this. He sees Patrick smack your face, moan and beg for more. He hears Patrick say "Calm down, I'll let you cum when I'm ready." The volume is low but he can hear all of the moans, all of the begging. Patrick telling you to take it and tell him how good he feels. Art feels like he has been staring at the screen for hours. They're in public, he shouldn't be seeing this. He knows that this isn't what he should be looking at, he definitely knows that he listening to. He feels sick watching this but he doesn't look away. The screen is pulled away from him, his mouth still slightly open. "Told ya." Patrick smiles watching Arts face all flush. He knows it got Art all worked up. He can't wait to tell you. Art can't speak. He can't even look at Patrick right now, knowing how hard he is after seeing the sight of the two of you. Patrick notices his shift, trying to readjust. "Need another drink?" He smiled as Art shook his head. Patrick walked away and put an Art around you, asking if you need another drink. Art quietly panting trying to calm himself down as quickly as he can. Art watched as Patrick kissed you, running his hands over your back and grabbing your ass a little, making your dress rise again. Art stops himself again for moaning and tries to keep himself from getting worked up again.
Patrick gets a drink and returns to you. "You good man?" He hits Arts arms a little. "yeaah, yeah, it's just getting late." Art is already making excuses. He needs to go home. Patrick knows Art too well, he knows hes still thinking about the video, he knows he wants to go touch himself watching the video. Patrick toys with the idea of sending it to him, to really torture him but he knows you wouldn't really want that. It makes it so much hotter for Patrick knowing how much Art wants you, that he gets to win over and over again. "yeah, well thanks for coming." He smiles and holds back his smirk. Patrick cannot wait to tell you everything, as soon as he gets into the bedroom.
Art leaves as quickly as he can, swipes his card to his hotel and lays on the bed. He lays back and he sighs on the bed. He was finally alone. He unzipped himself and slipped his hand in his underwear. He groaned as he finally relieved the ache since he saw the video. With each slow stroke, it released the painful ache as the images of the video flashed in his mind. He relived every single moan and swear that left you and Patricks mouth. He was so worked up, he wimpered and pleasure filled him. He wished he was there in that moment, he wished he was sharing you, or sharing him or even just being in the room, watching the two of you, would be enough for Art, he just needed it. His body was shaking now as he crawled towards an orgasm. He had to bite his lip to stop him groaning. He pulled his t-shirt up as he edged towards a climax. His mind flashed back to when he heard Patrick say 'I'll let you cum when I'm ready' and he groaned. It was too much for himself as he spilled all over his own stomach. He was panting and grunting as the frustration left his body. He's more desperate for you now more than ever.
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lactoseintolerentswag · 11 months
Rise Characterizations Pt. 6!!!!!!
After the turtles and Splinter, here we have the girl Ever. She's pretty spunky, I had fun analyzing her for writing.
April O'Neil Character Notes
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Language Habits:
Uses bae/aave, something she could have passed on down to Raph and Mikey as they also use bae/aave
Most notably uses "mm-kay" in place of "okay"
Uses a lot of filler language, interjections, or onomatopoeia. Think "mhm", "uh huh, uh huh!", "oh yeah!"
"Ah nuts" is her go-to disappointed phrase
Grits and or strains her teeth when she's frustrated
Uses her own name (the full "April O'Neil!!!!") as a battle cry, or brings her name as a motivator i.e. "the one and only April O'Neil will solve this case!"
The more worked up she the louder she tends to be, this extends to stronger emotions such as passion or panic
Over text uses emoticons
Refers to splinter as "splints"
Refers to the turtles as "the fam"
Refers to villains/antagonists through insults rather than their names
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Adrenaline junkie, as she's often the first to jump into a fight. She also laughs in the face of danger, and was seen maniacally laughing and smiling the entirety of the gumbus episode
Jack of all trades. April has a lot of skills she's picked up from various jobs or personal adventures she's seeked out (like canoeing through the sewers in a hazmat suit and earning a crane license)
Wild and blunt. April is Loud, and rarely ever afraid to share her opinion. This can either make people draw back from her bluntness or be drawn in by her excitableness
Self-conscious. Despite her strong sense of self-esteem, April is still often motivated to impress the popular kids at school or at least fit in. She doesn't want to be seen as the weird kid, or associated with the weird kids
Persistent. April is always quick on her feet to hit back whatever comes at her. She has a good set of problem-solving skills that she's gained from all the skills she's picked up
Loyal. She's always willing to back up the turtles, and goes out of her way to keep Splinter happy with her company. Once she finds a friend it's hard to pry her away
Unlucky. Mostly in absurd or mundane ways. She has that whole curse with her birthday, but things don't often tend to go right for April O'Neil, which contributes to the disasters that cause her to get fired all the time
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Code-named "yellow submarine" by raph
Tends to have information on wifi passwords, secret exists, and access to keys from all the jobs she's been hired and fired from
Has a preference for blunt objects as weapons (most commonly bats, clubs, pipes)
Uses the environment in a fight in general
She's been part of the "warren stone fanclub" since 2010, and keeps all her ids in her wallet
Likes unicorns and cats (as seen through her brief texts with sunita and her pajamas)
Loves laser tag
Can beat Donnie at video games (if he didn't use cheat codes)
"sherlock_corn" is her handle online
Lives in an apartment/flat with her mom (showed onscreen briefly), that has its own bathroom
Has a subtly mentioned interest in fantasy, as noted by Donnie she tends to download fantasy rpgs and freaks out over cosplay wizards
Just an end note to all of you who aren't black, some offensive tropes I would stray from is making April the angry black girl. This is one of the most common stereotypes of black women in media. I wouldn't mistake April's passion or loudness for aggression. It would be a disservice to dilute her lively character into familiar but ultimately harmful tropes in media.
I am in no way saying you cannot portray April as angry, this is a powerful emotion and it should be explored with black characters, but I am saying that should not be the base of her character. Because well that's not even April's base. She's centered around fun and thrill-seeking.
Wikipedia (yes I know, But they have proven to be more dependable these past years) has a good article on the angry black woman stereotype, so that would a good place to start research on what to Avoid. In my splinter post I also provided some links on doing research on writing poc.
Anyway!!! We've ended our analysis trip of the main cast in s1. Next I'm thinking of picking apart our antagonists :]. Gonna take a break to work on my own fic, but stay tuned if you found any of my other posts helpful! It's been a fun ride with you all <3
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
𝓘 𝓛𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓨𝓸𝓾 (say it back) [𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐄𝐑]
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He's the introvert tall guy dressed in black who always picks you up from work, makes sure you drink enough water, and that you stay out of trouble. In a way, some might think it must be tiring to have a partner that's just so different than yourself- but he wouldn't have it any other way.
Tags/Warnings: Girly!Reader, Introvert!Jungkook, non-idol AU, opposites attract AU?, established relationship, Angst, Major Fluff, some drama, Slice of Life (like Good Girl AU for example), mc is kook's biggest simp, kook is kind of overwhelmed by her love sometimes, but it's fine they both cute
Length: No chapter limit set. Story will simply update randomly and focus on asks/requests.
You run into the bedroom where Jungkook is currently playing his video game, barely covered by a towel, hair up in a bun that's pretty much held together only by hopes and wishes.
"Jungkook!" You call out excitedly, and he pauses his game in a well used-to manner, making space so you can hop onto his lap, his controller falling onto the floor as he looses grip on it- more so concerned with holding you on his legs as you wiggle around. "Shower with me." You demand, and he sighs, looking over to his TV screen, inner battle hard to decide. "Jungkookie, please!" You whine, and he plays with his lip piercing.
"You know what happened last time." He worries. "You almost hit your head when you slipped-" He reminds you, but you just roll your eyes.
"There's nothing in it anyways-" You start jokingly, but he instead flicks his fingers against your forehead scoldingly, reminding you that he's not too fond of your own demeaning jokes against yourself, even if you don't out any honesty in those words. "-Kookie please, you've been at it for hours and I wanna have some quality time with my hot sexy anime boyfriend!" You huff, and he frowns a bit at that, confused.
"I'm your what now?" He wonders, and you laugh, running your fingers through his by now pretty long hair. He himself doesn't really know what you see in him- but he knows you love both him, and his appearance a lot, no matter if he just woke up, if he's sick, or if he's looking his best.
'You're like, my biggest boy-crush, ever!', he remembers you confessing to him one night in his apartment as you had shared pizza- just after he'd opened the glass bottle of strawberry ramune for you with one hand. 'like, please crush me with those hands, mister!' you had dramatically whined, and back then, he had taken it as nothing but playful joking.
Oh how dense he'd been.
"No really! You kind of look like Miyamura Izumi from Horimiya-" You tell him, pink sparkling acrylics combing over his scalp in a way that would make him purr, if he was a cat. "-a bit more buff and with more tattoos, but still. We gotta watch that show by the way, it's so cute!" You giggle, and he swallows down his own shyness creeping up. Even after half a year of dating you, he's not yet used to your boldness when it comes to complimenting him. He's not really used to it. Maybe never will.
But then again, he also thought of you as nothing but a hollow barbie doll come to life, in the beginning. Come to discover, you're not at all empty inside- but filled to the brim with color, by now having started to paint his life and even himself in more hues than he's ever really thought existed.
"Please.!" You try again, attempting your best puppydog eyes- though he's a little distracted by your cleavage dangerously exposed, towel hardly holding on. "Oh! I bought a new brand of body-scrub, by the way! Strawberry sugar, the one you said you liked when I first came over?" You remember, and he nods, sharing the excitement a lot more subtly than you, who's buzzing just at the thought of your new purchase.
"I remember that. It smelled really nice- but I thought it was discontinued?" He wonders, pulling out the hairtie from your bun to make a proper one for you.
"Oh it is! It's a different brand this time, but it smells pretty much the same.. and the container is like, bio-something, like, it's not plastic-"
"Biodegradable?" He asks with a smile, and you snap your fingers at him.
"So smart, those glasses really aren't just to look good." You praise, and he chuckles. "Anyway I'll scrub your pretty skin down top to bottom if you shower with me and maybe give me a handjob?" You ask, and he sighs a bit bashful. Sex is a big part of your relationship- you're very open with it, show your love in a more physical way than he does. He's never really been a cuddler, or someone to hold hands with- even kissing in public had been nothing but a myth to him prior to dating you.
These days? He can't seem to escape you- and he doesn't want to, either.
Sex has turned from something.. well, somewhat enjoyable to him, to something exciting and even romantic, even during the most messy encounters. It's like he's gotten a unique craving just for the taste of your way of love him- a craving only you can really satisfy.
"I'll even suck you off-" You start again, and at that he averts his eyes, shaking his head with a laugh and red ears, showing clearly that he's caving in, making you laugh as you get up- towel dropping, leaving you completely naked as you run into the bathroom, only turning around for a second to peek around the doorway into the bathroom, bare chest clearly visible as you see him pick up the towel. "oops." You tease, and at that, he suddenly dashes towards you-
easily catching your naked body in his arms as he closes the bathroom door behind him.
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Okay, so can you do like a day in a life for child reader and bayverse tmnt (okay so I kinda want to see how they would react to y/n being the same height as the turtles
Also have a good day / night absolutely love your work 😄❤️👍
I actually really like writing sibling reader, I always giggle to myself while I'm writing this stuff, thank you for the request @bubbathebuzz 💕💕
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Where do I even begin to describe the chaos?
Every morning you are the first to wake up,
No matter what.
You even wake up before Leo.
How, none of them can figure out.
You beg to have a poptart for breakfast, and while you do get them occasionally, someone will ususally make you eggs and toast.
It's just not healthy for a child your age to have poptarts for breakfast everyday.
After breakfast, the boys have training, depending on how Splinter feels that day determines the type of training.
Your favorite type of training is posture or balance training because Splinter gives you a stick and your job is to hit your brothers on the ankles with it.
That's why Splinter only has balance training on weekends,
Since you have school the rest of the week.
Speaking of, Donnie makes it a point to tutor and help you with your school.
Which is definitly part of the reason you're the smartest kindergardener your teachers have ever seen.
(My little sister came up with a headcanon and I just had to share it, Donnie gives you a broken keyboard just to make you think you're helping him with his work, and you won't realize that it was broken untill you're like, 17, and you'll realize your whole life was a lie.)
If you aren't at school, one of your brothers is always keeping you busy,
They found out the hard way that leavinga bored toddler to their own does not end well.
It will forever be known as the "Paintball Incident" and I refuse to elaborate any further on the subject.
Mikey likes to play video games with you,
Leo won't let you play any 'mature' games until your older, stuff like Call Of Duty or Tomb Raider,
So you guys usually play games like Mario Kart, Stardew Valley, and Minecraft.
As it turns out, you are incredible at Mario Kart and are currently the house champion, and no one knows how tf you keep winning.
The entire fam goes into slight denial when you start growing up.
They kinda forgot you wouldn't stay small and wholesome forever,
So when you get to the age of, well, angstyness, shit gets wild.
Backtalk, sneaking out, rolling your eyes, Leo does not appreciate the attitude.
You not directly a jerk to any of them, just alot more sarcastic than you used to be,
But most of the time you're a really good kid.
Good grades, you do good in training, always have your chores done,
The whole nine yards.
(You are Splinter's favorite by default)
You are decently close with April,
You have sleepovers at her apartment, and she'll take you out shopping sometimes,
She's like a breath of fresh air compared to the chaos that is the Lair.
Casey is like that cool uncle that lets you do stuff you probably shouldn't be doing,
Like try beer.
One time, you were spending the night at April's apartment during hockey season, and Casey was there so you could all watch the game together.
April got up to use the bathroom, and Casey used to opportunity to do cool uncle things and let you try some beer.
You did not like it.
You choked slightly as the taste caught you off guard, "That taste like shit." you coughed out.
Casey scoffed, "It's an aquired taste, smalls."
"Thats code for, 'It taste like shit'."
Kareoke night is a regular thing on Fridays.
It usually ends with you passed out on the couch and one of your brothers carrying you to bed.
But it's your favorite part of the week.
If you end up growing to be around the same height as the boys', they will literally hate it,
You used to be so small 🥺,
They think it's unfair that you didn't stay that way.
It hits Splinter particularly hard when he realizes you grew up,
Because the same thing happend with the boys'.
But no matter how old you are, he is more than willing to be your person to go to,
Even if you are grown up, he's still you're dad.
(He still sings you to sleep if you have a nightmare.)
When you start patroling with your brothers, they are fucking terrified.
You can get hurt, alot easier than any of them can, so it's only natural that they're nervous.
You don't have a protective shell like they do after all.
If you ever get hurt after a fight, they are fa-reaking out.
Donnie's got the med-kit and starts checking you for everything from a concussion to lung cancer,
Mikey's panicing in the backround, while Leo just paces dramatically,
And Raph is currently beating the shit out of whatever poor idiot decided to hurt you.
Word spreads quickly amongst the criminals of the city to not go anywhere near you should they encounter the turtles,
Lest the be in mortal danger.
All in all,
It's chaotic,
It's fun,
And you know for a fact you have a family to back you up in anything you do.
Fun fun. I love writing this stuff, it's makes me giggles lol
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ipostwhatiwant1202 · 13 days
Donnie Imagine: His Feelings
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It was an accident how you discovered Donnie. You were online chatting with one of your long distance friends when your computer starting acting weird. It was glitching and random codes were popping up all over the screen. You kept trying to get them off and they wouldn't go away.
Ha! Found you!
Found who?
Where's the video?
What video? Who is this?
Oh..Oh I'm sorry! Wrong person!
I'm so confused.
Not important. Sorry about this, Y/N.
Wait! Wait. How do you know my name?
I can gather a lot from hacking into your computer
Then I want to know your name.
Donatello. Again, I'm very sorry. Gotta go!
Technically you didn't find him, he found you on accident. You found it weird that a hacker would apologize profusely and then give you their name. You also felt uneasy that whoever this was found you so easily. Even if it was a weird accident, you still found it weird.
A few days after your encounter with the mysterious hacker, a bouquet of flowers was delivered to your door. They were beautiful and were a colorful variety of flowers. You were confused over why someone would send you flowers. You set them on your counter and took the card off the pick in the middle.
I just wanted to say sorry again. Hope you can forgive me. -Donatello
You raised an eyebrow. As strange and stalkerish as you had found it, you also found it a tad bit sweet. Whoever this Donatello was seemed to genuinely mean the apology. You figured this person got your address from hacking into your laptop. You decided maybe it would be best if you moved.
You didn't think there was any malicious intent behind the flowers but you couldn't be too careful. You began over the next few weeks looking for apartments around the city. You were coming up short and began to fizzle out your search. You hadn't received anymore gifts or weird messages so you believed that Donatello hacking you was just an accident.
It was a Thursday night, you had just gotten home from a late shift at (your job). You had just taken a shower and was ready to go to bed. Then you heard loud yelling and objects shattering in the apartment above you. It scared you.
You walked out to your living room area and noticed your apartment was shaking slightly. Suddenly everything went quiet. You were worried that maybe your apartment was next because there had been a lot of break ins in the area.
"Are you okay?"
You jumped and turned around and threw a punch, but your hand hit something really hard. You yelped and grabbed your hand, tucking it towards your chest. Your eyes trailed up and saw a well over 6ft turtle in your living room.
"What the hell..." You mumbled, your eyes trailing all over the creature's face and random gear hanging on his body.
"Don't freak out! It's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you." The turtle told you.
"I don't..I don't understand." You whispered, trying to ignore how your hand was throbbing.
"You don't have to but I think your hand might be broken." The turtle replied, holding his own hand out. "Mind if I take a look?"
"You...You what?" You asked, looking down at his hand. "What are you?"
"Technically I'm a turtle and a ninja...and stuff." He replied, awkwardly looking around.
"How did you get in?" You asked.
"I don't wanna tell you how to live but um, you should lock your bedroom window." He replied, scratching the back of his head.
"Oh..right." You mumbled.
"May I look at your hand? As a way to you know, apologize." He asked, an awkward smile on his lips.
You didn't feel much fear with him, in fact he appeared to be harmless, besides the weird tech gear on him. You didn't feel scared or on edge or like you needed to run away.
"Sure.." You mumbled, holding your hand out.
The turtle gently touched your hand with his, you winced. He put the goggles on his head down over his eyes and clicked his tongue.
"You have a few hairline fractures in your hand. Do you have a first aid kit?" He stated, lifting the goggles back on to his head.
"Yeah...in the bathroom." You said, studying his face.
"Have a seat, be right back." He said, turning around and walking off. He came back a second later with your first aid kit. He knelt down in front of you where you sat on the couch. "I'll try and be gentle."
"Thanks..." You whispered as he gently took your hand in his. "Can I um, can I ask for your name?"
"It's Donatello." He hesitantly replied, slowly wrapping your hand.
"You!" You exclaimed. "You're the guy who hacked my computer!"
"So you're Y/N...and that was an accident." He stated. "Please hold still."
"How did...why did..I'm so confused." You said, your eyebrows furrowing.
"All done." Donatello said, letting go of your hand. "If you um, you know, really want to know, I can, um, well..."
"You can what?"
"Give you my contact information."
"Hm..well, you don't seem like a serial killer so, I guess that'd be okay."
End of flashback
Donnie sat at the shell razor as he fixed the latest damage from the last mission. The vehicle had rolled several times resulting in some holes and large dents. He needed something to clear his mind because over the last few weeks, you were all he could think about.
He knew he felt differently about you than anyone else. The way you smiled and laughed made him happy in a way he couldn't explain. He had watched numerous movies and read several articles to try and figure out what it was he was feeling. There had to be some kind of reason.
About a week ago, he decided to bring it up to his big brother, Leo. He had to talk about it with someone. April was way too busy with her job and Casey, Raph would've listened but his advice isn't always the best, Mikey gave good advice but Donnie didn't think he'd be appropriate, and he didn't think his dad would be appropriate. Leo meditated a lot and always remained unbiased.
Donnie explained his feelings to Leo and he was surprised by his brother's reaction. Leo had always warned his little brothers to be careful with humans now that they're more involved in their world. Donnie explained that he, for the first time, didn't understand what was going on with him. Leo chuckled and patted his little brother's shoulder when he was done.
"You, my friend, are in love."
The word love had been ringing in his head for days. Sure he loved his brothers and April and Casey, but he didn't feel that way about you. He felt seen, heard, accepted by you in a different way than his family. He felt safe with you but not in the same way he felt with his family.
"Donnie! There you are. I've been looking everywhere for you!" You exclaimed, popping up behind him.
"Oh! Hi." He greeted you, looking down at you over his shoulder. "Good thing you're here. I could use a hand."
"Sure thing! But, I wanted to talk to you first." You said, leaning against the shell razor.
"Of course. What's up?" He asked, wiping his hands on a rag.
"Not that I mind or anything, but is there a reason why Leo showed up at my apartment last night without the rest of you?" You asked.
Donnie slowly peered at you. "Did he?"
You hummed. "And we had quite the conversation."
"Nothing too crazy. He wanted some tea and some quiet." You stated, moving some hair out of your face. "Then after a few minutes of silence, he said something that kind of took me by surprise."
"You know how straightforward he is." Donnie replied, trying to cover his nerves.
"Yeah but...I didn't expect him to tell me you had a thing for me." You slowly admitted.
"Oh..." He mumbled.
"Is it true?" You asked.
Donnie looked down at the ground. He wasn't the best at feelings or great at expressing them. He wasn't the one his brothers turned to for comfort or advice because he wasn't the best socially. He was always confused with emotions when him and his brothers started developing them like human kids. He was the least emotional out of his brothers, he felt them privately, and didn't like to express them outright.
When Donnie started to get to know you, his entire world flipped upside down. You made him laugh like he had never laughed before and made him smile more than he ever had. You made him realize that emotions are a part of life and that he didn't have to conceal them. You were teaching him how to be more human without realizing it.
He never wished to be anymore but who he was and you never tried changing him. You allowed him to be himself and to embrace the parts of him he kept hidden from the rest. Sure he could be that way with his family, but with you it was a whole new world. You saw him for him.
"Well...yeah?" He hesitantly admitted.
"You're an idiot." You told him, smiling at him.
"What?" He asked, his head darting up.
You chuckled before moving to get in front of him. You two were nearly eye level, he was sitting and still he was almost at your eye level.
"I said you're an idiot." You repeated, your smile still on your face. "Donnie, I've been dropping hints for weeks that I like you."
"I don't-I don't understand." He replied, his voice slightly shaking.
"Why do you think I listen to you ramble and invite you to my place to work on your projects? Or bring you your favorite snacks and stay up with you until ungodly hours of the morning to keep you company?" You asked, putting your hands on his shoulders.
Donnie's breath hitched at the feeling of your hands on his shoulders. "I didn't..I didn't think anything of it. I just um, I just thought you were being nice."
"Do you notice me doing that to any of your brothers?" You asked.
"No..." He whispered.
"Donnie," you leaned in closer, "I've liked you for a really long time and if what Leo said isn't true-"
"-It is." He admitted. "I feel a lot of things for you that I've never felt for anyone else."
"What're you gonna do about it?" You whispered.
"Can I um, you know.."
"I'd be mad if you didn't."
Donnie swallowed thickly before reaching up and wrapping his hands on your waist. He leaned up slightly and you leaned down, he closed the gap between your lips. His head started spinning, he couldn't believe he was kissing you.
"My son, you are now a man." Splinter's voice rang out. "My son has grown up."
You and Donnie pulled away, your face red, Donnie refusing to look at Splinter.
"Dad!" Donnie whined.
Splinter chuckled and nodded at you. "I trust you with him, and he with you."
"Thank you." You replied, an awkward smile on your lips.
"Carry on, children." Splinter replied, a mischevious look in his eye as he walked away.
You and Donnie looked at each other and started laughing. While it wasn't a perfect way to tell you he liked you, Donnie had to admit even he was overjoyed.
"So, are we a thing?" He asked you.
"Do you want us to be?"
"Well..since I am a scientist, I have to run a few more tests." He stated, a sly smile on his lips.
"I think that can be arranged." You mumbled, a small smile on your lips as you leaned in once more.
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dutchess-of-fear · 1 year
Jonathan Crane with S/O who has ADHD
A/N: I've decided to write a little thing of Jonathan Crane with someone with ADHD, which is quite simple from me cause I have ADHD, I am doing this one for the Nolanverse Crane but you can Imagine it with any other version of Jonathan Crane if you want
Warning : Fluffy, depiction of Depression,
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You and him are very different from each other, Jonathan is calm and collective while you are basically all over the place but he understands that
I mean Jonathan is a psychologist (if I am correct😅 and if its Gotham scarecrow then he's not a psychologist)
He knows you can have great trouble of remembering certain things that don't peak your interest but if you are interested in his work, and he appreciate your detections to remember his work, he honestly doesn't mind repeating himself to you
You are not the best at keep schedule but you know Jonathan always helps to keep schedule and to always take the medication that you need for your ADHD
Jonathan always simplify what he is saying to you, as at times you don't know what's he talking about when he talks with such complicated words
But despite you being the most hyped up and bubbly person around, you tend to stay quiet and try to not make to much noises when in public
But Jonathan always reassures you by holding you hand as you walk around in public
Talking to strangers can be a hard thing for you to do, so Jonathan does the talking for you.
You also have a very hard time choosing what you want to have or what you want to do, but Jonathan always there to help what you want or what you rather do for the day.
Jonathan loves to listen to you talk about your interest, even if your interest is Disney or video games, or horror movies, he just loves seeing your face light up whenever you talk about your favourite things
If your like me, you can have moments where you felt like you hit rock bottom and just that dark cloud goes around your head, he is always making time to be with you and to make sure your alright, and he even would watch your favourite movies with you
But always the next day your back to your normal bubbly happy hype self again
When your too hype and you begin to just stutter at every word (cause your brain couldn't keep up) he finds it so cute and adorable, but you do get angry when you can get the words out of your mouth.
But Jonathan is always there to help out by either say the word you were about to say or always tell you to take a deep breath, calm down and then say what you wanted to say
You are basically the only person to make Jonathan laugh and smile, like he cannot keep a straight face when you begin a pillow fight at 8:30 in the morning
You can be a hassle at times to handle but Jonathan always still loves you for how you are and wouldn't have it any other way
You just bring colour in his life, and he wants to protect you at all cost
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sardonic-the-writer · 2 years
—reading glasses
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SUMMARY | schlatt might not seem like the guy to help you with your insomnia, but sometimes an act of kindness can come from where you least expect
PAIRING | cc!schlatt x reader
WORD COUNT | 1.6k+
AUTHORS NOTES | id like this to happen to me irl please and thank you <3
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If there was one thing you knew, it was that insomnia was a bitch.
Sleep had always ben unkind to you. Sprouting up and disappearing just when you had gotten settled in for the night. Lingering like a poisonous mist before bleeding into your morning routine when you would have to be at your sharpest. And most certainly plaguing you at the most unfortunate of times—like during the middle of an important lecture for exams. Or the one time when you had gotten up at night to use the bathroom, only to find yourself still on the toilet come morning with numb legs and a sore back.
But it seemed tonight that sleep was the one thing you wouldn't be getting a lick of—if the dark circles under your eyes weren't already proof enough.
"Jesus Christ toots." Was the first thing Schlatt said when you lumbered into the living room, looking like an extra from the set of The Walking Dead. His ide eyes and parted lips told you nothing new, just that you were as tired looking as you felt.
"Carful. Not in front of the cutout. What would Pope Francis say?" Your joke hit about as hard as a feather to the arms, humor missing Schlatt by a mile as he cringed while taking in your current state.
Said man had been reading a book before you so graciously entered the room, only setting it down once he had heard the shuffling of feet against carpet.
"It's one in the morning dude. Didn't you say you were going to bed like five hours ago." He poked his tounge around inside his mouth, eyes softening a bit while looking at you.
"I did say no promises." You flopped on the couch parralel to him while referring back to the last conversation you had had with the brunette. Where, indeed, you had responded with 'no promises' to the call of you to get some rest.
"So, what. Did you just sit in there doing nothing?"
"I mean, Jambo came in at one point and slapped my face a few times before leaving. If that counts."
"No. No, my bastard of a cat terrorizing you does not count." He ran a hand through his hair with a cackle, scrunching his eyes up at the lopsided smile you tossed his way.
As more seconds ticked by, you could feel exhaustion practically seeping into your bones like a weird form of gray matter. But it never seemed to sink it roots into you, the feeling always clearing up for a few minutes before appearing again with twice as much intensity. Rinse and repeat for a couple of nights and you had yourself some good old fashioned sleep issues.
"Fuck, you look dead on your feet." Schlatt's hands found a home in his pant pockets, bundling up the fabric while swaying back and fourth on his heels. "Do you want to uhm, stay out here for a bit? I could turn the light on for you."
A breathy laugh made its way out of your lips. As dead beat as you were, it was heartwarming to see his attempt to make you feel better. It was a softer side of him you rarely got to see, so you'd treasure every moment.
"No need big man." Your arms reached for the skies in an attempt to soothe the ache between your shoulder blades. "I'll pass out eventually. I just have to hope it isn't in the shower again."
"Sure there isn't anything I can do? I've spent one too many nights of my life pulling all nighters editing videos, or god forbid—" He shuddered dramatically. "—playing five nights at freddys."
A joking response was halfway out of your mouth before you suddenly stopped, brows dipping with consideration as you actually considered his offer for a moment.
"Yeah, you could do something for me actually."
"Really? Becuase you know how people say things to be nice but don't really mean it?"
One deappan look at the foul mouthed man had him shutting up, a small grin staying despite your efforts to burn holes into his head.
"What were you reading before I got in?" You asked with a clearing of your throat, shuffling around on the couch to sit up straighter.
Schlatt seemed confused at the sudden turn in conversation. But he reached for the paperback he had tossed down at your arrival, holding the front up for you to see.
"It's upside down genuis."
"Shut the fuck up I knew that."
He flipped it back round to a legible position, his turn to scowl at your bemused grin.
"Seriously?" Small giggles filled the room as you read the title as clearly as you could in your sleepy state. "Business 101 for beginners? Committing to the bit I see."
"You forget I'm planning to buy Gamer Supps this year. Gotta lock and load the old noggin with the proper information." He paused to blow out a resigned sigh. "And I realize that the last sentence made me sound like a fucking boomer."
"All the greatest businessmen are Schlagg, my boy. But they're also heartless asshole that's probably get off on watching landlord's raise rent." You were straight up rambling from the lack of rest at this point and you both knew it. But to be honest Schlatt didn't really care. He was probably one of the only people able to keep up with your antics, one of the reasons you appreciated him so much.
"Who says I dont either?" Schlatt joked, watching as you rolled your eyes.
"You only jerk off to men. We all know that. Besides, would a heartless asshole offer to read to me until I fall asleep?"
"I am?" His voice rose at the question.
"Yes. Yes you arem"
Schlatt noticed his blunder as soon as a tired, but still annoyingly smug, smirk made its was across your face.
"You know you could have just asked me instead of twisting my words. And taking some hits to my ego." He scoffed in fake frustration. But your grin of victory widened as he picked up the book and began to flip back to the page he had previously left on.
"Well that's not as fun is it. Besides—" You swiftly moved couches to throw yourself down smack dab across from Schlatt, the latter barely looking up in the process. "—I have a feeling I'll really sleep this time."
"As opposed to what. A warm glass of fucking milk?"
"Can you just read already? And try your best to sound boring, I really want you to nail home this college proffessor roleplay situation we have going on."
You blinked. That had come out a little wrong.
"Sorry. I had this proffesor in college, boring guy super dull, always managed to make me fall asleep in class and—" You cut yourself off, face warming as you noticed that Schlatt has only been teasing you about your previous sentence. "Eat shit Schlatt. Just read the damn book."
"Whatever you say."
Five minutes later and halfway through a paragraph about the importance of not making your business seem like a pyramid sceme, it was just Schlatt sitting awake at the foot of the couch as he quietly observed your snoring figure.
"Jeesus." He winced as another loud snore ripped its way through the late night air. "You could cut trees with that fucking chainsaw."
But he would be lying if he didn't admit he was happy you were finally getting some rest. He had been in the same situation before too many times than he cared to count, so Schlatt knew you would wake up the next morning feeling better than you had in days. Something he liked seeing, although you could pry that confession out of his cold dead hands.
"Fucking asshole, making me get all soft jusy so they can fall asleep." The lamp light behind Schlatt was shut off as he grumbled under his breath, smoothing the blue hoodie he had been wearing down in preparation to leave the couch before faltering.
With a sigh he resumed his position on the couch, pulling a baseball cap that he had seemingly gotten out of nowhere over his head only after making sure to toss a blanket over you.
As he continued to softly watch over you, a little blob of orange entered the corner of his eye, freezing him for a moments notice.
Schlatt turned slowly to be met with Jambo, who he sternly pointed a finger straight at without hesitation.
"Tell anyone about this, and you're not getting any of that shitty catnip for a week."
He just got a meow in response.
Jambos tail swayed back and fourth. He watched as Schlatt curled up on the couch next to you, doing his best to respect your space before giving in and stealing the tail end of the blanket around you.
"Night Jambo. Wake any of us, and you're a dead man."
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rustys-lodge · 1 year
Hi! I just had a quick ask, you know those slideshow poems on TikTok? Could you do an Imagine where Dean and Sam walk into (sister) who is got stuck watching them on her fy page? And she is like sobbing because most of them hit close to home? Thanks!
Warnings : None, just fluff.
A/N : baby I have no idea what a slideshow poem is 😏 I looked and I looked on google but gave up and decided to go into it blindly.
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You lock your phone the moment the door to your room opens.
Gluing the device to your chest, you look up to come face to face with both of your brothers.
How did they make it so close to your bed ?
"Baby, what's wron-why are you crying ?" Sam questions you while dean is frantically looking through your face for answers. "What it is ??"
Your only response was a little squeaking noise. And more tears streaming out of your eyes.
"What." Sam forces your face to the side to meet his eyes. His eyebrows are frowned and he's....he's- A sob echoes through the room and the noise is loud in your own head. But you couldn't stop.
"It's these goddamned tiktoks that-that"
You hear a low chuckle and you cry even harder. They're-They wouldn't understand.
"Don't laugh a-at mee.." you whine through sobs. Meanwhile Dean is gently taking the phone from your hand. And as soon as he unlocks the phone the video plays again, causing your hand to travel to your face. You cover your eyes and mouth, trying as hard as you can not to cry again as the words flash through your brain.
You look up at Dean to ask him to stop the video, only to find him mockingly mirroring your expression..... His eyebrows drawing closer to each other his lips widening in a slow motion.
"Oh, sweetheart. Come here." Sam coos in a gentle tone before he jumps on the bed to position himself right in the middle. "Come here." He repeats. And as soon as he does so, his arms invite you into a tight embrace. "It's okay..."
You hiccup, shaking the whole thing off....That is before Dean mocks you again, causing tears to pool at your eyes. "Saaaammy."
You whine, silently motioning for him to shut his brother the hell up.
"Dean." A low growl leaves Sam's lips and Dean sighs.
"I'll stop. I'm sorry, kid."
You glare at Dean.
"I'm a boomer. I don't get these things.." A nervous chuckle. And an uncertain smirk appears before he bends down on you.
You unconsciously lean further into Sam's chest as you shut your eyes. But your body relaxes when puckered lips gently touch your forehead.
"I'm sorry you're hurtin' kid."
You flutter your eyes open, directly meeting Dean's. He sympathetically smiles. His eyes glisten.
He does look sorry. he's not really the type to know how to deal with these kinds of situations. But he does feel for you. That's good enough.
You hold out your arm, wiggling your fingers for him to hold.
Dean wraps his hand around yours, squeezing gently on the latter. A sign of sympathy. "Thank you." You whisper. It is good enough.
ahah, sorry for that amazing ending ❤ anyways, i hope you enjoyed it. Requests are open ❤❤❤🌹🌹🌹
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factual-fantasy · 1 year
I haaaasss 27 asks :}
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Yes. Yes it does.
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Thank you! :DD And yeah canon Gregory is just not my vibe man XD
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(Traffic cone in question)
Thank you so much! :DD And yeah I try my best to get up and do something productive/different when I'm feeling down like that. My thought process is "well sitting here and sulking isn't making me feel any better so I should go and do something else" Which just so happened to be breaking out the old sewing kit and making a traffic cone?? XD Well to be fair I've made like 10 of those before but still an odd choice on my part-
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Thank you so much! I'm so glad you liked my cars artwork! :DD
And yeah I would draw cars stuff more often but they're just so hard to draw :(
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Idk why they decided to jump into a DLC before fixing the base game, but man I really wish they wouldn't have. 😔
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I'll do my best! :D
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Yes :} or at least I've been trying to-
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Thank you so much! And I did use a pattern to make him. Credit for the patten goes to Tammy Hallam, heres her video on how to make your own too! :}
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As for Glamrock Bonnie,, ehh, its a bit odd to me. Not a huge fan of the color pallet but its not the worst I've seen. I'd give it a 5.5 outa 10
ALSO! I believe Octonauts is streaming on Netflix, but I've also had some luck finding full episodes on YouTube :0
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Thank you! And oh yeah, I feel you on the fandom part. XD That's why I'm still kind'a on the fence and haven't dove head first into my usual angsty stuff. I'm kind'a testing the waters with every post I make to see if I'll collide with the uh, other side of the fandom :x
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Thank you! :DDD
Also Google is a search engine. :0 If you search for Octonauts fanart, its gonna do its job and search for fanart and likely find some of the stuff I made. Notice though that all of my artwork shown on Google links directly back to my blog. Its because Google isn't stealing it, its parting the branches of a bush and pointing "Look! Over there is some Octonauts fanart like you requested!" XD
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There isn't really anything Gregory can do for Bonnie..
Its hard to explain,, but I'll try. Bonnie is missing his leg from the middle of his shin down. So he cant stand up right like Foxy because- well duh, he's missing a whole foot.
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So order to fix Bonnies leg so he can stand/walk like Foxy does, he would need an entire replacement foot with a working joint. This would also mean that the wires in Bonnies legs would have to be replaced and hooked up so that he can control said new foot.
Currently there are no spare parts around that fit Bonnies model.. and even if they did, Gregory wouldn't know how to properly re-wire an animatronic foot. He's smart but not THAT smart <XDD
The only thing Gregory could do is make Bonnie a weird peg leg that makes his current leg longer. Currently Bonnies half leg is shorter than his good leg. But in all honesty Bonnie doesn't really want that.
Having Gregory ducttape this weird goofy peg leg to him would be more embarrassing then what he already has. He'd probably want to salvage what ever dignity he has left and say "ah give it a rest. There's no point. My legs good enough for what its for." <:/
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If I remember correctly... Sometime ago my tablet pen broke. And it took like 2-3 weeks for a new one to arrive. In the mean time I tried to make an art doll of sorts. That doll was Bibi!
I ended up making a lot of goofy posts with Bibi and I as I waited for my pen to arrive. Once it finally did and I went back to drawing comics, I ended making Bibi a reoccurring character. And he's been around ever since!
Now Jangles is a Halloween prop that I bought because I thought it was funny. I was practicing making quilts one time and I made a small blue one that just so happened to be the right size for him. So I put it on and then I thiiink I got the idea to add Jangles to my blog as a joke.? I gave Bibi a "new friend" to celebrate hitting 10,000 followers. The new friend was a cropped png of jangles XD
Eventually down the line I wanted to give Bibi an proper friend. So for Bibi's birthday I drew a comic where Jangles came to life and here we are XD
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Currently I am getting none of those things :x I have a cold so sleep and food is hard :( Thank you though! :D
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:D AW!! Thank you! I'm so glad to hear how I've inspired you! :}}
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XD Thank you so much! And don't worry, I'm pretty confident I'll draw him again someday
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XD Thank you. To be honest I'm kind'a going back and fourth on this fandom. I don't really wanna be apart of the fandom, but the characters are the only thing I'm interested in drawing atm soo-
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Ooo these are interesting! Although absorbing power ups isn't about digesting them. Its something about being human specifically that allows them to absorb the powerups.. 👀👀👀
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My advice would be to use references religiously. That's what I did!
Also thank you! :DD
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Barnaby for sure.
Well, my interpretation of him really-
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@taizarack (Post in question)
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No there's no SpongeBob comic, I just felt like drawing Mr. Krabs XD
Also THANK YOU!! :DD That means so much!! :}}}
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<XD thank you. So far I have some pretty basic ones I imagine. Wally's house is alive and evil, Julie is actually a scary monster but has drastically altered her appearance to look less scary.. Sally is very celestial in nature because she's a real star, Eddie used to be a real human and bleeds and has a heart beat and what not.. uuuuuuh what elseeee,,, I liked to imagine that Sally and Julie came to the neighborhood when they were really young and Poppy kind'a adopted them?? Although I don't know how wide spread that idea is XD
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Thank you! And yeah I'm not very fond of that portrayal either <XD As for your questions..
1: I'm sure there would be somethings that would push his anxiety to the surface. I'm not sure what they'd be but still- I imagine if Luigi was around to see it he would try to get Mario out of what ever situation he's in. If he's in a crowd he'd try to help him slip away unnoticed.
2: I'm not familiar with the giga bell, but if I did add it I'd imagine those would be the side effects yeah <XD Really sore and tired and cant really move for like 3 days :x
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Remodeled or not, I wont be adding any of those animatronics to the Pizzaplex. I already wrote the entire past of this timeline, and those bots all already have a story in my AU. And with their given stories it wouldn't make sense for them to be added to the Pizzaplex.
Of course I cant spoil what those stories are, just know that I have my reasons-
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Oh yeah I forgot to add the colored eye lids to Wally and Barnaby in that trampoline drawing <XD
And yeah! I wanted Wally to be much more expressive so I gave him eyebrows-
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Aw, thank you so much!! Its so cool to hear that you've shared my name with your friends!! :DD
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