#(I have vaguely wavy hair it does its own thing. I could have more defined waves/maybe find a curl pattern but I’m not willing to put in
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awkbo0b · 4 years
Two of a Kind:1
A/N: Hey everyone, I finished Outer Banks on Netflix about a week ago and I fell in love with the Pogues. Mainly JJ. So I after reading some of there really creative writing about JJ x Reader i came across an idea for my own spin off story. the girl in the story will be named Mae Clemonds, this helps my flow with writing. Also this chapter is going to be a bit boring since i need to introduce my characters and give background on them, but once this passes it should be better and will have much more of JJ and the rest of the Pogues!
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Now imagine JJ meeting a girl who is so much like him he can hardly stand her, and same goes to the girl. Can you already feel the sexual tension?
Warnings: swearing, underage drinking
As I pack my third suitcase that i have strictly made for my art supplies, I hear a knock at my door. “Hey, Mae, how is it going in here?” I turn to see my mom standing in the doorway, she has dry clay smeared across her forehead, as usual, and her curly ginger hair is somehow managed into a bun on top of her head.
“Oh you know, it’s going. Got all my water colors here,” I say as i point to them in my suit case, “and my notebooks here, and all my brushes, pencils, and pens are in the pocket.” I smile as i close the suit case and zip it up. “Now I am all set.” I glance at the other two large suitcases that are full of clothes and bathroom necessities, then up to meet my mom’s bright blue eyes. “How about you and dad?”
Mom returns a smile, “Good, your farther finished packing this morning and we just finished the piece as planed. Once I am washed up we will be ready in about thirty minutes, go ahead and load these into the car.” she responded as she pushed herself away from the door frame and began to turn away from the room. “It’s going to be a great summer, I can feel it!” mom adds as she gracefully moves down the hallway, throwing her hands in balled fist above her head as if she just won something. 
A couple months ago my aunt Sadie called my mom and dad offering a once in a life time opportunity. Something that you should know about my family is that we are artist, all of us. My great grandma Allison was the one who started the line of artist. She was an amazing painter, oil was her favorite but you could give her mustard and she would still create art. Her and my great grandpa Clemonds opened up their own gallery, and it has been passed down through the generations. The artistic touch also ran through the family. Not all of us are painters, some are photographers, and others are sculptors like my mom and dad. I like to draw/sketch and use water colors.  But no matter what their choice of media is, my family creates art and adds it to the gallery. The Clemonds family is widely well known in the art community.
So back to the once-in-a-lifetime-opportunity that my Aunt Sadie called my mom about a couple months ago, is the chance for them to create a series together.
About two years ago my Aunt Sadie and her family moved to the coast of North Carolina for a new scenery for their photography. Living in Chicago does give you a lot to work with but my Aunt needed something with more green and less buildings. This move included my cousin Tony, who also happens to be my best friend.
Tony said that where she lives is called Outer Banks and the elite class of the area are a different level of filthy rich. Nose up in the air, refuse to look at anyone who makes anything less that six figures a year level of filthy rich. And these people did their research on my cousin’s family the second they moved in down the street and instantly started asking for personalized art they could buy.
My Aunt agreed to set up her own business to start selling her art there without the ties of the family gallery back at home, and then one day she came up with a great idea. She wanted my mom and dad to come to North Carolina and to work with her. Neither me or Tony know what our parents had in mind but after two years I’m going to see my best friend, and the plane leaves in 2 hours.
The drive from the airport to Tony’s house felt hours, I am so excited to see her. We facetime every day but it’s not the same and seeing each other in person. Once the rental car pulls into the long driveway leading up to one of the biggest houses I have every seen, I see Tony running down the porch. Her long, wavy, blonde hair flying behind her with the biggest smile on her face.
“Dad, can you just stop right here for me, so I can get out?” I almost whine, just as happy to see Tony and as she is to see me. Dad chuckles and bring the car to a stop long enough for me to hop out.
Tony and I clash together in a clumsy hug. “Oh God Mae, I’ve missed you!” Tony squeals, hugging me a little tighter.
“Same here, dude,” I pull away to look at her face, to see she is crying. Tony and I are so different in so many ways. She is that cute soft girl who wears skirts, always her hair done, and is emotional. Where as with me and my dark brunette hair, I like to wear worn down t shirts and shoes with denim shorts that are frayed at the end. I speak everything that comes to mind, down for almost anything, and communicating emotions is my weakness.”Lets get my shit inside so you can show me around.” I wrap my arm around her shoulder and we make our way to the parked car to unpack.
After unpacking Tony told me about a ‘kegger’ that was going to go down near the beach called the boneyard.
“Fuck yeah, lets do it!” I say in a loud whisper so her parents didn’t hear.
Tony laughs, “just to remind you though, remember when I told you about the rival between kooks and pogues?”
“Um, yeah vaguely, why?”
“Well I live in figure eight which is technically kook territory so when going to this party to avoid any drama we should probably stick with the kooks.” Tony’s voice got quieter at the end of that sentence. She knows when she tries to give me advice I typically tend to ignore it and cause issues.
“Well,” I begin, plopping myself onto her bed, “I guess I can try, but if I remember correctly, the kooks are the one who are in the wrong most of the time?” My parents (Tony’s parents too) raised me to not see someone as a social class, judge them on how they treat you not by how much money they have.
“Yeah, normally they talk down on the pouges because they are from much less but,-”
“But that’s not cool Tony, we both know this.” I cut her off a little more harshly than intended.
“But,” Tony’s tone is desperate for me to hear her out,”I had a lot of troubles making friends and fitting in when I first came here two years ago. And I’m just starting to not be the weird new girl who sits in the art studio all day.” Tony sits down next me. “I’m not asking you to be rude or to look down on people, just to help me keep some of the friends I have finally made here.”
I let out a long sigh, “I’ll do my best.” Tony jumped from the bed and did a little victory dance, she only did this when she got her way with me. “Well, lets start getting ready.” Tony laughs as she start going my clothes to help me find something to wear.
As we walked down a sandy pathway through the trees, a bonfire came into view, along with a large group of people around the ages of 16 to 19. The sight of the fire inspired an idea of a drawing that I will probably start tomorrow. “where should we place our cooler?” I asked Tony.
“Looks like everyone is placing theirs over by that tree, most of the time its help yourself at these things so don’t become alarmed if you see someone getting into our cooler.” Tony shakes her finger at me knowing that I wouldn’t hesitate to confront anyone. I raise my hands up in surrender.
“I’m on my best behavior tonight.” I gave my best smile, causing Tony to giggle. “Now lets start the night off right.” Once we got our cooler placed we opened it and took out a sandwich bag that contained two limes, and our small bottle of tequila. It’s tradition for us to start our nights drinking with a shot together. Once the first shot is down we drink what we want. “Cheers,” I say then take a chug from the bottle and hand it to Tony as I bite my lime, and she does the same. Then we place the tequila back and grab ourselves a beer and walk towards the crowd of people.
Tony introduces me to a couple people she has become friends with in the last school year. They all seem nice but the entitlement that radiates off of them is insane. “So, you guys are from the same family, right?” asked one of the boys who i didn’t bother to remember his name.
“I mean, that’s what cousins normally means, right?” My tone came out harsh and Tony bumped me with her hip to remind me to play nice. The guy rolled his eyes in annoyance, causing me to raise an eyebrow. “If you don’t want a sarcastic answer don’t asked a stupid question.” I finished my beer in one big gulp.
“I was just making sure because you don’t seem to be the one who lives a life like Tony’s,” I feel Tony put her arm around my shoulder to try and calm me down, but the smug express the guy had on his face pushed me over the edge.
“Oh? Because how I look really defines my social class, right?”
“Hey, we are going to take a walk.” Tony steps between me and the guy, “Enjoy your night.” she says over her should as tony pulls me from the group.
Tony and I walk toward the coolers so I can get another beer. “can’t beleive that dick head.” I utter under my breath. Tony begins to giggle, she knows there is no point in trying to lecture me, because in the end we both know I was in the right. “Seriously Tony, I’m sorry you have to be around people like that.”
“Yeah kooks are no fun,” I turn to see a blonde guy with a red baseball cap going through coolers to find a beer of his choosing. “But at least they bring good beer.” The blonde is dressed in cargo shorts and a stretched out tank top, not khakis and polo shirts like the guys Tony had just introduced you too. I notice him make his way to our cooler. He pulled out a beer, shut the lid and used it as a seat to look at you and Tony.
“Hey, lets go back to the fire, we can get a beer in a minute.” Tony’s giggling has stopped and now she’s grabbing my arm trying to pull me away.
“Ah come on princess kook, no need to be scared.” The smirk on the guys face sent excitement through me.
“Mae,” Tony started but I cut her off.
“T, you can go back. I’ll get a beer and meet you there.” I try to sound as soft as Tony does when she tries to assure me. Tony looked at the guy then back to me. She nodded and then turned to make her way back to the group of people we were just at.
“You must not be from around here, a tourist?” The blonde pulls a lighter out of his pocket and pops open they beer. “If so, I’m as local as the come and you seem to need a guide.” He then winks and take a takes a swig of the beer. I return a smirk, trying to come off as flirty and make my way towards him.
“How often does that line work for you?”
“Well, normally tourist don’t ask that question.” as I get closer I lean down to be at the same level as him, I notice the blonde look down at my lips.
“Well I dont need a guide but,” I stand up straight and take the bottle from his hand, “for a local you are a very good host, thank you for opening my beer.” I place the bottle against my lips and take a drink.
the blonde shoots up from where he was sitting and takes the bottle back from me. “Dude find your own.”
I give him an innocent smile, “Well you see, that is mine, its from my cooler.” I take the bottle back and turn on my heels, “The name is Mae, hope to see you around blondie.”
“Wished the feeling was mutual!” The blond hollers after me then I hear slight chuckles come from him. I make my way to Tony who is now with a group of girls.
A/N hey so there are probably a handful of mistakes, I was just excited to get this out. Once again, sorry for it being slow in the beginning I was trying to build Mae up so you could know her a little more. the more notes the faster the second part will come out!
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fancyfrey · 5 years
Castor, the Six Star Hero
an OC centric BNHA fanfiction Chapter 1
Touma wants to become a pro hero. He trains every day and studies the special moves and techniques of pros and sidekicks alike at his part time job. But there’s one thing in his way: In a world were 90% of the population had some sort of super human ability known as a quirk, Touma was one of the 10% that didn't. Touma was quirkless, but that won’t stop him from pursuing his dream of working in the hero industry like the rest of his family. This is the story of how Castor, the Six Star Hero became the first quirkless pro hero.
Touma dreamt he was in an auditorium with a thousand other students, testing their quirks. When the teachers reached him, he couldn't deliver, the teacher simply clicked their tongue against their lips and gave him a big fat 'F'. He tossed and turned until he was jerked awake by the nerve wracking dream. He looked over to his alarm clock that read just past 2am. 
'You've got to be kidding me...' he sighed. He tried settling back to sleep but the nerves kept him up. He pouted and crawled out of bed, his limbs still tired and aching for rest. He stumbled around his room in the dark, careful not to knock over any of his things and made it out into the hall. The wood floors of the hall creaked under the slightest weight, made all the louder in the dark quiet of night. Light from the street filtered through a tree outside, throwing strange, dappled pools of light from a window nearby. He made it to his washroom where the sudden burst of light stung his eyes. He braced himself against the sink and took a few deep breaths, a breathing exercise he learned from doing yoga. It worked, at least a little bit. 
'Come on Touma. Big day tomorrow. You got this.' He hyped himself up. He turned on the faucet and splashed his face with water. His reflection stared back at him, slight wavy black hair framed a pale face and tired eyes. Water dripped from his face like sweat would during one of his fights. His amber eyes burned with determination. A few more deep breaths and he was ready to go back to sleep. He walked back to his room, the creaking floors grated on his tired ears. When he passed the window again he glimpsed out into the street at the pitch blackness of the sky.
'Big day tomorrow?' He heard someone call in heavily accented Japanese. He jolted back to the window and looked out. No one was at the window or in the street except his reflection that just looked back at him, confused. But he could have sworn someone else was there. At the corner of his eye when he passed the first time, he thought he saw a blond young man, sitting in the same spot where his reflection would have been. Touma definitely needed to go back to sleep. He got back to his room and collapsed into his bed yet again. Soon, Touma had fallen into a dreamless sleep. 'Wow, look at all these trophies,' he dreamt someone praise in what he vaguely recognized as Cantonese. 'Big day tomorrow, apparently,' the accented voice replied.
The next day Touma woke to the smell of French toast and the din of the TV from the floor below him. He had no recollection of what happened that night, or the dream he had. He kicked off his bed sheets excitedly and did a few quick stretches before bounding down the stairs to the kitchen. 
"Glad to see you're finally awake," his mother called as she flipped the toast over on the stove. Touma cleared the table of blueprints and tools and set some plates and cutlery for the both of them. 
"French toast?" Touma asked while he picked some fruits from the fridge.
"I thought you would like something special for your exam today." His mother said over her shoulder, speaking over the loud sizzle of the toast. A plate of a few more slices of toast sat on the counter near her, with a few slices of pineapple and cinnamon sprinkled all over. The aroma in the kitchen woke Touma up, and it smelt wonderful. Hotari Rokuhoshi was a slight woman with slim but defined features. She had similar hair to her son, which she had tied in a braid that trailed down her back. 
"You're not nervous, are you?" Her amber eyes twinkled with confidence. 
"Just, a little." Touma admitted.
"I thought so, I heard you trudging around late last night." She teased. Touma blushed in embarrassment. She pinched his cheek as she transferred the hot toast from her pan onto his plate which he slowly picked at and chewed carefully. She took a seat across from him and took some slices of pineapple and toast onto her own plate. She cut herself a piece of toast and popped it in her mouth. She admired her own work and smiled at Touma.
"Relax would you? You've been training for this for two years now." She nodded with her head as if gesturing towards the trophies up in Touma's room. A whole bookshelf worth of silver and gold trophies and coins and medals he'd won from different martial arts competitions, from the past two years and even more before then. "And in case you didn't catch the news yet, I think you can consider 'S Formula v6.02' a success."
"What do you mean? That version is still going through beta." Touma said through a mouthful of toast. Hotari turned off the stove and switched the channel on the large TV screen on the wall furthest from the stove to the news where the newscaster was reporting an incident where a hero had apprehended some villains. "--we're here on the scene where just an hour ago, the Rocket Hero, Apollo, had apprehended the devious Lightning Thieves!" The screen showed the street below where three villains in masks were surrounded by a number of police and a few more pro heroes, cuffed and kneeling in defeat. One more villain was being dug out of what looked like a large blue cloud by firemen and Apollo herself.
"AUNT SUZUME USED MY GEAR?!" Touma nearly spit out his toast. His aunt was a pretty popular pro hero, with a flair for news reporting and journalism. She published articles about her heroic colleagues from time to time, when she wasn't flying around and saving people, of course.
"Well she always does, doesn't she?"
"Where did she get it? I haven't sent that formula to the lab yet--" he ran up to the screen and turned up the volume, "Oh my goodness she used the prototypes! I didn't even paint them yet, they don't match her outfit or the rest of her gear!" Touma watched the scene unfold through fanned fingers.
"It's fine Touma! I gave her a few prototypes when she came over the other day, said she was going to field test them. Though I didn't know this is what she meant, " His mother laughed. She invited him to sit on the couch with him where they saw the last moments of the broadcast.
"Apollo, Apollo! Multiple pro heroes and agencies have been trying to apprehend these criminals for months, can you tell us how you finally captured them?" A reporter shoved a microphone into his aunt's face. She smiled and turned off the staff she was holding and pointed to the last criminal still stuck in the blue cloud.
"Well, we knew this guy and most of his friends had speed type quirks, which made them difficult to capture. They also targeted populated areas which often put civilians in harm's way. We needed a kind of trap for them that could react fast enough and effect a large enough area to increase chances of success but also only target specific individuals. This foam--" she pointed to the blue cloud that the last Lightning Thief was still trapped in, "forms from an aerosol that we dispersed in areas we predicted they would pass by. Because it's activated by super fast quirks, the foam only formed around the Lightning Thieves and didn't effect any bystanders at all." The camera panned to the street behind the scene, where a number of civilians waved, trying to get the attention of the pro heroes while the police tried to redirect the crowds out of harms way.
”And what's this staff you're using, Apollo? It doesn't match your outfit at all?" The cameraman focused on the staff she was holding that had some frost on it. It had quite a few chips in its paint job, and a couple of what looked like small compressed air canisters were contained in its slightly bulky construction, near its head.
"She took one of my staffs too?!" Touma yelped, the black and blue paint job totally clashed with his aunt's mostly white and amber costume.
"This is an older model but it can deactivate the foam and turns any unused aerosol to liquid by freezing it. Then we can clean up and gather the remaining formula and reuse it." Apollo explained.
"And all of this equipment came from Innovation Enterprises, right?" The reporter asked.
"That's correct! Shameless plug! I hope you're watching, sis!" Apollo smiled and waved through the TV. A police officer came by and cut the interview short, they had to finish up and take the criminals into custody. The Rocket Hero blew a few kisses at the camera before the news turned to the weather.
"Isn't that amazing, Touma?" His mother pointed to the screen again. "Stop worrying, I'm sure you'll pass the exam with flying colours."
After breakfast, a shower and a few final yoga stretches, Touma was in the passenger seat of his mother's car driving to the U.A. Entrance Exam. He tapped his fingertips on a protein shake bottle on the way there, a manifestation of his nerves. Looking out on the street as they drove by, he saw people with mutant type quirks on their morning commute. Though his mother had a magnification quirk, his uncle had an x-ray vision quirk and his aunt, the Rocket Hero, Apollo had a flying quirk, Touma didn't have a quirk at all. In a world were 90% of the population had some sort of super human ability known as a quirk, Touma was one of the 10% that didn't. Touma was quirkless, but it didn't stop him from pursuing his dream of working in the hero industry like the rest of his family. From a young age, he worked in his mother and uncle's labs, helping them designing support gear and outfits. He also trained in any kind of martial arts that interested him; karate, judo, taekwondo, and even taken a liking to kyudo as well, in the hopes that physical training and his own support gear would compensate for his quirklessness. Now he was looking up at the exam center from the car seat. The tall building cast a shadow that engulfed the car in darkness. He quickly gulped down the rest of his protein shake.
"Don't drink so fast, you might get sick." Hotari scolded. "Think of this as just another beta test like you always do at Innovation." She pat his shoulder, as if she could transfer her own confidence to her son.He watched as the other students slowly walked up from the parking lots behind the huge building or from the street and filed into the large front doors.
"I wonder what quirks they all have..."
"Really flashy ones I'd have to guess. That's what people are looking for in popular heroes these days, and what's flashier than a quiver full of arrows that you made all by yourself? They're flashy, you're clever." She gave him a smug look. Touma smiled. "Come on get out, I can't idle here forever." She pushed him out of the car and popped the trunk where Touma retrieved his gear. A bow and a quiver full of arrows, lined with black leather and blue metal trim. He slipped the quiver onto his back and hooked the bow in place at his hip. He closed the trunk and walked back to his mother's side. She rolled down the window and looked up at him.
"Wish me luck." He could see his breath in the brisk air.
"As if you need it, you've got this." She smiled brightly. "The test doesn't take long. I'll pick you later just text me."And with that she drove off, leaving him in front of the exam center. As he walked up, he heard some voice far off say, 'Wow, that's a cool bow.'
"Thanks, I made it myself--" Touma turned around to address the person and saw a tall teen with dark hair and glasses.
"Pardon? I didn't say anything." The teen said, regarding Touma strangely.
"Sorry, I thought I heard something." Touma blushed. He turned around quickly, and started walking again. He could already feel the other teen looking at him funny. This wasn't really the first impression he wanted to make with anyone.
"Excuse me, I might be mistaken but I saw a pro hero on the news use a staff with a similar design to that bow." The teen caught up to Touma and pointed to his bow and quiver.
"Um, do you mean the Rocket Hero, Apollo?" Touma asked. The teen nodded. "Yeah, she's my aunt." Without thinking, he raised his arm and offered his hand. "I'm Rokuhoshi Touma.
"The other teen took and hand and with one firm shake said, "Tenya Iida."
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Rokuhoshi, are you by any chance related to a Rokuhoshi Hotari?" Iida asked.
"She's my mom, how do you know her?" Touma asked.
"She designed my brother's hero uniform." Iida said, excited.
"Iida...so you're brother is Ingenium! That's amazing! You must have an engine quirk similar to his?!" Touma exclaimed.
"Yes indeed!" Iida said proudly and showed off his legs that had exhaust pipes sprouting from his calves. 
They chatted a bit more about their families and the hero industries they were interested in as they walked into the exam center and got seated in the auditorium. After the presentation, they reported to their meeting places where they would soon enter the arena. The place had high ceilings and had enough floor space for what looked like a thousand other students with room to spare. Touma saw lots of other students with interesting quirks, gearing up for the exam. He looked over as Iida was scolding another exam taker when someone interrupted his thoughts.
"Excuse me, are you Rokuhoshi Touma?" An official looking man walked up to Touma. He nodded."I'm sorry but you're not allowed to have this." The man pointed to Touma's bow and quiver.
"What? But I filled out all my paper work. It should be okay for me to have this." He tried to keep his voice level, didn't want to whine, but he needed this bow. He couldn't beat robots with his fists alone.
"We can only allow examinees gear and equipment that help them control or manage their quirks. If everyone brought in a weapon like that then everyone would pass." The official said in a deadpan voice. "You can have these back once you're done the test, but I will have to confiscate them for the time being." He held out his hand to collect the gear, a stern but sort of sorry look on his face. Hesitantly, Touma slipped the quiver off his back and started to unhooked his bow. Before he did though, he removed a small silver and blue rod from a hidden compartment in the quiver and stuffed it in one of his pockets. He'd spent too much time preparing for this day, he wasn't going to let someone take away this chance from him that easily. With his bow unhooked from his belt, he reluctantly handed his gear over to the official. 
Once the man had turned his back and was out of earshot, Iida walked over and said, "Touma, that wasn't fair! You made those using your quirk, they should allow you to use those. I'll go talk to him."
"No. No, don't make a scene. Everything will be fine." Touma hushed, and grabbed Iida's arm before he could get away.
"But what are you going to do? Don't you need those?" Touma watched the man's back retreat to some unseen location where the examiners were probably watching them, and took a deep breath. He gathered up his anxieties and worry and with a resounding sigh he exhaled.
"Iida, I think you know enough about Innovation Enterprises to know that we always have a few tricks up our sleeves." He pat his pants pocket, where the outline of that silver blue rod could be seen.
"You're not going to cheat, are you?" Iida gasped, scandalised. "Such an act would surely disgrace a fine institution like U.A.!"
"Hey, keep it down would you?" Touma nearly spat from the corner of his mouth, turned ahead towards the gate that led to the arena. "This is a test of our skills and abilities, right?" Iida nodded. "My skill is making all these things, so this'll be a test of how well I've done."
He tried to convince Iida and himself that what he was going to do would be fine.  "Your skill? I was under the impression you made these with your quirk."
"No, umm...my quirk is...something else."
"Oh, I just assumed, I didn't realise I never asked what your quirk--"
"START!" Present Mic's voice boomed over the sound system, stirring all the examinees to action. Iida rushed ahead using his engine quirk and almost immediately took out a 2-pointer enemy. This was going to be fun. Touma ran down one of the city streets and pulled out the silver rod. He unscrewed a small portion of the rod and swung it so the top flew off ahead of him. A drone emerged from the small disk and began transmitting a signal. Soon, a number of 2- and 3- pointers started charging at the drone as if it were a target. Touma swung the rod again and let the momentum build until it revealed itself as a collapsible staff.
This was a newer version than what his aunt had used earlier that day, this staff was more sleek and less bulky. It had a slight curve to account for the compressed air canisters inside it, but it was balanced in a way it moved smoothly to Touma's momentum. It was mostly black, with one half painted a cool blue, and the opposite end had three orange stripes. This staff did more than just freeze things.
One end of it sang a high note, charging up for an attack. He jumped and swung the blue half of the staff at the closest robot and let the sudden burst of force send a wave of ice knock over a robot. The first robot fell upon the one behind it and they both fell in defeat--he'd gained five points in one blow. A low note rang from the staff signalling it was powering down for a few moments, which wasn't much of a problem; his staff still worked brilliantly without the extra flair. A few more swings and kicks and the other robots were downed. And there was still plenty of time left.
He heard a rumbling behind him, another robot was planning an ambush. He swung his staff and the end with orange stripes made contact with the robot's armour. It was stuck in place, trapped in sticky orange foam that was quickly hardening.After running a few more blocks and defeating a lot more robots, burying them in ice or orange foam, to the rhythm of his staff's high and low notes, and what sounded like distant cheers, he'd gathered a number of points over 40. Just as his staff was ringing a low note after another robot's defeat, he felt the ground shake and heard a loud booming sound echoing off the buildings around him. Panicked screams joined the confusing cacophony and Touma wondered what was going on.
"Rokuhoshi! Run!" He heard Iida call as he rounded the corner and grabbed his wrist. Touma was pulled along for a few paces, dragged by the sheer momentum of Iida's speed--and then he saw what the commotion was about. A massive robot that towered over the city and clipped the corners and facades of buildings, throwing rubble about, turned the corner and zeroed in on Touma, Iida and a dozen other students that were running for cover. 
But in the distance, near the robot's feet and under the rubble was another examinee. A woman was trapped under her car, a hero and a villain battled on the bridge behind the wreckage. He couldn't let it happen again. He broke free from Iida's grasp and ran towards the examinee, unsure of what he could do to possibly stop the hulking faux enemy. He tore a component out of his staff and heard the staff shriek in an unending high note. He spun the staff to build momentum and threw the staff at the robot. A large wave of ice blossomed at the robot's base and slowed its advance.
"Please hold, please hold, please hold." He muttered under his breath as he took the last few strides towards the girl. His drone zipped past his ear and settled itself under the largest piece of rubble that lay on the girl. He input a few commands into the drone and it went into overdrive, its small but powerful thrusters lifted the largest piece off and away from the girl. The drone sputtered and died a little ways away, leaving a few more large pieces of rubble that Touma thought he could probably manage himself. He could still hear the robot's massive gears turning and the asphalt buckling under his feet. The sound of cracking ice grated on his ears. He lifted the rubble and the girl started crawling out. The creaking below them swelled, and he pulled her out. His foot got caught in a crevice. He wasn't going to make it---
"SMAAAASH!" Someone above them yelled and knocked the robot back. The remaining rubble loosened and both Touma and the girl were free.
"Are you all right?!" Touma asked the girl as they dusted themselves off.
"I'm okay but--" she looked up and they saw a teen boy with curly green hair falling towards them.shit. Touma found his staff in the rubble, the nitrogen canisters that created ice were empty and spent, but there was still enough foaming formula to create some sort of cushion to break the boy's fall. But at that speed he'll still hit the ground hard. 
Can't you do something to--
That would be cheating.
Really? Screw that!
Shut up!!
"I said throw me!" The girl examinee told him. Touma's heart was pumping. What's going on? The girl examinee climbed onto a fallen piece of the defeated robot and it floated a few feet of the ground. "Throw me so I can catch him!" Touma quickly lifted the broken part of the robot into the air towards the falling boy. As she floated away, he started stabbing the ground to make foam flow out as fast as possible. Above him, he heard the sharp smack of skin hitting skin and saw the green haired examinee's momentum slow until he floated a few feet above Touma's head. "Re--release!" The green haired examinee and the girl with her robot part landed in a cloud of quickly thickening foam with a loud thud.
"Please! If I could get just one point!" The boy cried as Touma fished him out of the foam, sputtering orange bubbles.
"What are you taking about?!--" surely someone with a quirk that powerful scored some points.
"The test is over!" They heard Present Mic announce over the speakers.
"If only I could have gotten a single point!" The green haired boy collapsed from exhaustion in Touma's arms. He set the boy down on the ground gently. Touma tried nudging the boy's shoulder but he heard someone yell in his ear.
He couldn't hear the voice clearly, like he was underwater, or adjusting a radio station snowy with static. 'Right leg, possible spiral fracture. Left leg, possible compound fracture. Right arm, possible compound and comminuted fractu--' It was giving him a headache. What was worse, it felt like there was more than one voice.'stop. Stop saying shit! --i'm just saying be careful---'
"Shut up!" Touma cried, clapping his hands over his ringing ears. 
"What's wrong with you? We were just talking about that guy's quirk." A few other examinees said, shooting Touma dirty looks.
Eventually, a pro hero came by to heal the green haired kid and Touma regrouped with Iida and they both headed out of the exam centre.
Iida and Touma sat on the curb, waiting for their respective rides to pick them up. Touma had retrieved his bow and quiver and wore them on his back. He felt a lot more comfortable with them on. Maybe it was better he didn't bring them: his drone was gone and his staff was in need of repairs. He fiddled with his staff with a small set of tools when Iida spoke up, "How many points did you think you got, Rokuhoshi?"Touma sighed and set his staff on the ground. "I...lost count. Somewhere between 40 or 45, you?"
"52." Iida said."I think you definitely got in," Touma praised.
"I think you did pretty well too."
"Thanks, though I guess we won't know for sure until they send us the results."
uhg waiting is the worst.
I know how it feels.
0 notes
A Wolf’s Irony
James Wolkinder also known as The Silver Wolf, a sorta kinda Lupine God, was prowling the world with his traveling companion and sorta bestie for eternity and whatever comes after and or eats it, Rose. As far as James could tell Rose wasn’t an actual plant, though some strange encounters along the way had given her some sway with the spirit of the world’s vegetation, in fact her name had more to do with the nature of a compass and she was a great navigator. Rose was a dog, sort of, and a ghost, sort of but to most people she looked like a dark skinned girl with great wavy hair who could pass from anything from hawaiin, to mexican, to the eastern hemisphere’s Indians, to some weird type of black person and so on and so forth. The nature of her heritage was in some doubt these days as enough time with James could leave you doubting many of the absolutes you once took for granted, as well as losing much doubt in the slightly perverse if horrifyingly humorous nature of miraculous circumstances.
Rose and James had stopped in some time or space which had begun to get interesting by their standards of the concept, and it should be noted that although many stories and ideas may seem inherently disconnected at first glance, a bit of bending of perspective and unhinging into cosmic harmony, may reveal that one can hide many differing things within one another. In short, although this story is genuine in that it is it’s own tale and has it’s own personal worth, it does not take away from the truth of other parallel or perhaps even conflicting stories. In a manner of speaking, it’s almost as if each tale was its own household in a neighborhood of strange personalities.
We could discuss the potent spiciness of James and Rose’s emotional proximity to one another, or the very probable liklihood that they often engaged in super hot love making, but a lot of that stuff can get a little too, let’s say, invested in itself. Which isn’t a bad thing, but for the sake of this story, it is almost just as valuable and evolutionary to say that they seemed to share a strange forest of bonds which kept them charged and sparking with warmth for one another. James would be very much so pained and a shadow of himself without Rose, and Rose might feel something equally disturbing, as if she were missing a piece of her heart and soul, if she was deprived of James. Trying to name these plethora of connections would be interesting but it might also obscure the fact that destiny and fated twining often work in mysterious ways. Perhaps it’s more humorous like that. James and Rose didn’t really have to speak about it that much, though they did on occasion, it was like they were two moons with stars between serving as their entwined fingertips.
In super wolf fashion James drove in a grey sports car of superb quality, and illusive denomination. Rose was in the passenger’s seat, possibly as a dog, possibly as a human woman, it was hard to tell. They sort of poured out of the vehicle, in the way comets sort of fall out of nowhere and through the night sky. If Rose was more human in look she’d probably been dressed in leaf green dress, some hiking shorts and tennis shoes, she’d look about as beautiful as a stack of monetary millions, and would have looked effortless in doing so, as if appearances were the last thing on her mind. If she was a dog she’d look just as beautiful but in the humorous way that a once primal and predatorily shrewd creature like a wolf could turn into a jovial, yet cunning, canine socialite. Her fur was probably dark brown, black and violet , fluffy and curly, with ears half flopped and a tail that was almost constantly wagging.
James probably looked like a victorian england aristocrat with buttoned vest and suit, pocket watch and general swagger which was definitely detached from the present time zone. He probably looked fit, strong and powerful, perhaps humorous though in a dangerous way. In a vague sense he probably looked dreamy, like he’d just walked out of a dream, or was constantly dreaming. His hair was probably wild and roguish, and perhaps he had some stubble around his chin to give him some mountain man flare. To the more aware of extrasensory disturbances he might have had some type of strange aura around his being, like an argent cloak of light which may or may not have added to his wolfish characteristics, though it most certainly made him someone you didn’t want to bother unnecessarily. In general though, if you believed in such things, he probably just looked like a god.
Rose pried him around the arm, locking their elbows and leading him towards every landmark, regional treasure, arcade, mall, and park she could sniff out, and few people had her sense for adventures waiting in the norms. He didn’t mind as her being happy often made him happy, and the longer he was their the better a sense he got for how he could best help the person he’d come to see. Still the two also had to consider that the longer they were there the more likely their own trouble might start affecting the local’s. Ah but what is life without risk. 
They took in the nature of the city, much of what it was, what it could be, and perhaps some of the hopes that hads gone into it, answered and unanswered. They contemplated the nature of good and evil, and how both nurtured one another. How one could learn more about good from studying evil and how following the greatest of people could turn you into one of the worst.
“We’ve seen many of creatures, some monsters, some just strange beings of peculiar habit or direction. Any one of them could be behind half the evils and blessings we encounter, so I simply wonder how a person could find any cohesion or strength of purpose in this almost storm or breaking ship of conflicting truths.” Rose said.
“The way someone said it to me, or maybe showed is more accurate was that for all the strangeness that a person encounters there's a bit of it in them as well. Things were sort of made to connect even if awkwardly positioned to do so. At any point you could choose to become or unbecome those strange things, to beat them, befriend them, or succumb to them. And, well as far as I understood it, it’s the strangeness, the beast you feed that defines you and steers the course of your destiny. A fire through the storm, a glint of light in the core of darkness.” James said. She ruffled his head, and though she was not as perky as she was when their outing started she had a sort of sobered yet warm contemplation, a little more insight and appreciation for the patient things. When the last of twilight ended with the setting sun they went to find their person of interest.
Olivia Anders had long curly hair down to her waist, a cinnamon complexion which seemed to match some of the spiciness in her scent. She had a somewhat cherubic face making her seem innocent or compassionate when she wasn’t beautiful. She was of arabic and hispanic descent and was rarely seen without her guitar which most had to admit, she was pretty damn good at. But mostly Olivia was a bad person. She was manipulative, inclined to lying more often than not, and seemed to have a certain affinity for attracting the darkest and potentially least helpful of energies/entities. You could say that in many ways it was a miracle that James remembered her at all, let alone took an interest in her survival. He hadn’t given Rose the specifics of why he knew her but she had a way of feeling out his intentions and understanding the emotions he could not vocalize. There was an issue of time surrounding the woman, something that James could or would not address before but something he felt he needed to now lest she be lost for eternity or damned for a similar length of time.
Whatever had happened in the other temporal paths had not happened yet and would not be happening if James had anything to do with things. Suffice to say it was horrible, and though he did not exactly like Olivia, no in fact he probably hated her to the bottom of his soul, their was the universe to consider but more personally, it was a great shame to let such a deep (though troubled) soul waste it’s pilgrimage through destiny. Olivia was masquerading herself as a witch, and though a number of denominations could be used to describe her, witch was probably not the most helpful. She might have been a witch before, though when things started out she could have been any number of amazing and beautiful and compassionate things. Circumstance and general pettiness on her part ruined that, so now, if James was being honest with himself, she would most resemble a sorceress. Some descriptions vary on just what those creatures happen to be but generally they have sway with the darker regions of existence often having to have sacrificed much, either in themselves or in others, to achieve the ridiculous amount of power they could command. As powerful as they generally were the power often consumed them and only the truly smart and strong survived the title or condition. Olivia was smart, but she wasn’t strong, not in the way she would have been had she made some different more harmonious choices along the way. James could help her find her strength though; he would.
James and Rose sort of dropped in on Olivia while she was on her way home. She smelled like darkness, and when the two didn’t immediately get out of her way she flicked her fingers undoubtedly sending a wave of evil in their direction. James sort of ignited his soul for a moment and her spell or force was burned away to dust and wind.
“We need to speak.” James said.
“I’ll call the police, leave me alone.” Olivia said.
“You really believe the police could do something to him, as he is right now, as he is here.” Rose said.
“I don’t know you. Whatever people said about me, it isn’t true, go away.” Olivia said.
“I don’t have time for your insanity you damn child. Grit up or something damn.” James said.
“We just need to talk, for now, we could do that in your home, or if that makes you uncomfortable we could do that in the park or something.” Rose said.
“Home would not be good. People isn’t good either, too many dark things in them I draw out. Park better ish, with you at least, you can protect me from other dark things.” Olivia said looking crazy and desperate. Whatever was happening to her was reaching it’s deadline fast. James grimaced, he wondered if it had been this bad the last times, he couldn’t remember exactly, it was always at least a little different.
“Take my hand. I’m here to heal you.” James said, he didn’t mention that death was a good cure for many things. Olivia sort of shivered over to him, and placed her hand in his, he took a step and then they were in a park. Just like that as if space and time was putty to be molded. The three sat on a bench. Rose was on James’ left, and Olivia was on his right. Although she was pretty enough on the surface, he used a bit of his other sense to peak at her energy and it was like watching a boar thrashing in an oil slick. Not something you wanted to be twelve feet near let alone a couple of inches away from.
“I will give you the short version. You are sick, you are degrading, which might end in death, though it will not be an easy one for you or any of those who care for you, or it could end in something far worse though no less altering to your existence.” James said.
“I won’t die, I can’t die.”
“Death is not the worse thing, if there was no end, how could you appreciate the beginning, how could you change. And you should note that he said the other option is probably far worse. ” Rose said.
“So you are here to kill me.” Olivia said.
“No, are you even listening to us.” Rose said.
“She is beyond most words right now. Her language is violence and control, and evil. Just keep that in mind as we deal with her.” James said.
“The thing inside, it stirs, it calls worser things even when I don’t tell it to, they watch, constantly.” Olivia said.
“Yes well, that’s what happens when you sacrifice puppies, or torture your former friends. Power is a means to an end, not the point of existence, and even as a means it is hardly all that worth it. Strength is more important, as far as I’ve seen. As powerful as you could say I am, it is forever faded by my strength, which comes from inside, which comes from depth and understanding.” James said. Olivia was breathing a little more heavily now, but she wasn’t trying to run or fight.
“I can burn out the evil, but if you just reach for it again, it will be wasted, and I’m not in the habit of wasting my time. If I help you, you need to stay helped, you need to grow and save yourself.” James said.
“Would you rather I leave you now, I’m offering you a way out of this nonsense you’ve surround yourself with.” James said.
“No why do you want to help me.” “Because we used to be friends, or at least we could have been. It was many lifetimes ago, in a place most people don’t remember anymore. I don’t want to be your friend Olivia, but I don’t mind being your guardian angel every now and then, when you need it, when you deserve it. Few things are unfixable. Existence is simply, by being, miraculous.” James said.
“Burn it, burn it out, all of it.” Olivia said after a second of consideration.
“If I do it will be like hollowing out your soul, like losing all the blood in your body. It will replenish itself, I’ll make sure of that, but for you to be able to function afterwards, I’ll require a service to cement our bond. A symbol of echange, a type of unspoken oath heard to those intangible and invisible things.”
“Yes I will...you are kind.” She said.
“Don’t jump to conclusions just yet. This will hurt a whole lot.”  James said. He touched two fingers to her forehead. A sigil burned there for a second in bright red heat. It was an “M” , and then it rearranged itself into silver essence, like a star going supernova; there was a “W”. Then the letter dissapeared, and though Olivia had started screaming, James silenced the banshee like screeching, but Rose noticed the air still rippled as if she hadn’t been put on mute. When she was done she passed out, and James caught her.
“They won’t have heard her, but her enemies and dark things will most likely feel the change and her...weakness I suppose. We should move her. I’d go to her house, but it’s probably loaded with all manner of half assed evil dumbness.” James said.
“She looks so frail.”
“Well knocking an idiot out of a power trip tends to make them look a little bit lesser. Don’t be fooled, she was on a rampage of self destruction and the regular kind.”
“You get pretty destructive yourself sometimes.” Rose said.
“Yeah but my stuff’s productive and artful, her stuff is just tasteless and full of pointless chaos.”
“Well I can’t say she looks like mother theresa.”
“Maybe like vampiric brood mother theresa.
“Oh now you’re just being mean.”
“She started it, and plus, you don’t know how many times I’ve had to do this damn thing. This is like the first time it’s even shown some sign of going right.”
“Well if she’s that stubborn I know why you like her.”
“I don’t like her, I hate her, but I’ll be damned if I let her waste everything she could become and has sacrificed for human dumbness.”
“So I take it we’re going to a hotel then.” Rose said.  
“Yes if you could make a reservation or whatever that’d be great.”  James said.
“Cash or credit.” Rose said.  
“Silver?” James said.
“Hah, you’re cute.” Rose said picking out her phone and typing in commands at superhuman speed, perhaps even super dog speed.
When Olivia woke up she was gasping for breath. She tried to move but her movements were sluggish and lacking the aura of dark majesty she seemed to possess before.
“What did you do to me?” She said.
“Exactly what I said I would, I burned out your evil, well your negative and I mean downright corrupted and depraved energy.” James said.
“I feel like a corpse.” She said looking a little grey.
“Don’t get ahead of yourself girly, you’ll have to wait for that sweet release like the rest of us. No you aren’t dead, or at least if you were more aware you wouldn’t describe yourself as such. Your gas tanks just running on empty most likely after thinking, erroneously, that it had all the time in the world to simply muck everything up. As I said your energy will come back, differently of course, but it will be tethered to my energy, to an extent, so if you don’t help me here and now, it will leave you or destroy you when I move on.”
“Why would you give me your energy?”
“Because If I left you like you are with only your own magic or whatever to rely on, you’d probably just go back to the dumbness you were indulging in because it’s all that you know, all the people you wronged would take this as their golden oppurtunity to get their vengeance on, all that evil you were communing with would twist you into a ghoulish breeding ground for darkness, or you’d just sort of collapse and never get back up like a body without a soul.” James said.
“You seem to have thought this through.” Olivia said.
“You could say I’ve had a lot of time to prepare.” James said.  
“Or times.” Rose muttered to herself cracking a small grin.
“So what are you some type of angel or something?” Olivia said.               
“I don’t believe I’m anything you would believe in, outside of some petty symbols you’ve attached to those that thwart you. I have served many roles and causes in my time, I have been protector, healer, justice, order, forgotten king, and hopes smallest brightest spark. I suppose you could call me an angel if you truly believed in it, if it truly mattered to you. Otherwise call me James Wolkinder, a very strong guy who is occasionally very powerful, who can be a wolf, and who likes to mess around with silver. Though I do go by James for short.” James said looking very much like a normal guy and very much like a god all at the same time.
“That’s pretty...heavy.” Olivia said.
“Many of the worthy things tend to be. The most important thing is that I am generally reliable, if you are loyal, and if you give a damn about how this all turns out. If you believe it’s worth it to actually matter and better, well...everything.” James said.
“I do…kinda sorta, It feels like I popped like twenty morphines.” Olivia said.
“Yes well, you can convince me in the morning, by then you should be capable of walking and we can begin cementing our pact or whatever you want to call it.”
“So you’re energy or aura or whatever, it can actually like protect me?”
“It can’t protect you from making dumb choices, or from getting what’s coming to you from people you’ve pissed off. But it can shield you from general evil which I’m not sure if anyone person is really responsible for, and though you might get your just deserts that may not translate into being locked in some torture dungeon, though you might get punched in the face or a couple of parking tickets or something. It will work as well as you connect with it, and I’m hoping you won’t disgrace it, or give it cause to cut its losses and slay you itself. In short not a toy, not a gift, it is a promise and a hope, and an armor against tragedy. It will help you stand, when and where you believed you could not, it will show you how to be strong, and help you know why?”
“You should sell cars.” Olivia said.
“I’ll settle for salvaging your essence.” James said.
“We could actually make a lot of money that way.” Rose whispered to him.
“Something to consider for after then.” James said nodding along.
In the morning they went to work. Olivia had trouble walking so James offered her his arm to keep her steady, but also to prevent her from accidentally harming Rose. He could feel her testing out his energies, trying to rip or pull here or there but it wouldn’t move for her, like she’d been burdened with iron sneakers. It was not unlike a cobra hissing at the walls of its cage, or a kitten scratching at the hand petting it, very much like nature; impulse and instinct rather than an overtly conscious choice. They went to find a wizard.
“I should kill you.” The wizard Gail, said to Olivia with hushed menace. In truth James wouldn’t have minded if she smacked her a little, but he hadn’t come here to kill if he didn’t have too, and he wanted to create as few ripples as possible. Gail was blonde with short hair and a fit body which looked like it might have run track when she was a teenager and found it hard to fully abandon it’s former habits. Like Olivia she couldn’t have been much older than twenty seven if that, but a person didn’t have to be old to be dangerous. Gail’s wand was sparking with all but caustic magic and if they weren’t careful they’d be dealing with a couple of fireballs firing. If we were giving a general difference between a witch and a wizard, you could say that wizard’s were more drawn to the magic of the dead, whereas a witch’s domain dealt more with the living. James liked wizards better, but he supposed that was a personal preference, they just were a little more clean with their craft from what he’d seen.
“You wish you could...bitch.” Olivia said heaving a little heavily but still managing to put some fire into the last word. Unfortunately Gail looked like she was ready to shoot off a little fire herself.
“We didn’t come here to fight. And I know it’s sounds hard to believe but Olivia’s here to atone or something like that.” Rose said.
“She doesn’t know the meaning of the word.” Gail said. She was dressed in a sweatshirt and jeans. They were in her apartment, but Rose suspected that would hardly stop her from trying to kill them if she felt cornered.
“I know plenty of words.” Olivia said still sounding a little sluggish.
“I have expunged the corruption within her, it is her choice what she does with this change. So far she has agreed to repay her debt and assist me in a task.” James said.
“Well she doesn’t have the same spawn of satan vibe I usually got from her, but who the hell are you, and why are you bothering me.” Gail said.
“I am James, I am also a wolf who enjoys silver. This is Rose, my beautiful and awesome partner in...what do we do again?” James said cracking a smile.
“This and that.” Rose said returning his with her own.
“We know that you are one of the many wronged by Olivia. I have learned that few things can be more dynamic, if not strong, than the resolution of a powerful feud, an enemy turned, if not friend, than a productive neutral.” James said. 
“She tried to steal my magic and destroyed a family artifact in the process. Aside from being extremely versatile and strong, though meaningless to her because she couldn’t use it to make children cry, it was the last thing I had that really connected me to my grandmother. She was like everything to me in case you don’t understand why that is important.” Gail said, the last sentence pointed with much rage towards Olivia.
“Well like I’m sorry or whatever.” Olivia said.
“Go to hell.” Gail said.
“I don’t believe words will accomplish what we need. She isn’t here to try and be your friend but to make steps towards bettering herself and if not healing the wounds she created then preventing other wounds from being made.” James said.
“So...like...uh this is awkward… so what do you need me to do?” Olivia said.
“To die damnit.”
“Please, as terrible as she was, she can accomplish that much betterness or whatever you want to call it.” James said.
“Fine, she can help me upgrade the wards on my apartment or whatever, and make me a new pendant to pass on my children if I ever have them. And she can set up my new tv stand.”
“I’m not a carpenter or whatever.” Olivia said.
“I know I just want to see you suffer with normal people problems.” Gail said.
The set to work doing whatever it is they were doing. Olivia seemed to understand the basics of what Gail required but either the new pool of magic she had to pull on, or her change in karmic alignment made even the simplest of spells difficult to form. Which meant that it took longer than expected but not that it didn’t work. While that was happening James and Rose were chatting.
“So what is like a wizard or whatever? Like as far as this place is concerned” Rose said letting her hands drift wide as if trying to encompass the entirety of the strange world in one motion.
“That’s complicated. As you know it becomes a battle of semantics half the time as far as ‘who’s this’, versus, ‘that’s what’ or whatever. Still as you also know subtle changes or differences  can shift the cosmos. Most of it is based on belief and alignment of a person’s choices or whatever. Wizards here have more access to a lot of the more forgotten magics rather where as the witches have a lot of modern magic it’s just relatively weaker. Neither have a high survival rate but I suppose you could say Wizards are more grey whereas witches are more dark.” James said.
“So witches are unlikely to start summoning fireballs.” Rose said.  
“They might but yes it would be unlikely, and it would cost them dearly. You might even say it’s a subtle difference in emotional trajectory or intention.” James said.
“Magic’s pretty wierd.” Rose said.
“That I’m pretty sure we can all agree on.” James said looking at Olivia and Gail’s work.  
When they were done Gail gave James her number saying that she owed him for smacking Olivia down a level, or a thousand. Then the crew went out into the woods oddly enough, and James nearly got an arrow in the face when they chanced on their target.
“Not a step closer.” The man said.
“We mean you no harm.” James said.
“If you’re walking all chummy like with that one I severely doubt it. You can leave with your life, but she stays, and she dies on our terms.” The man said.
“Our terms?” Rose said. The man whistled and the forest sort of shed a layer of itself and revealed, though obscured, a party of heavily armed men and women all with weapons aimed at the three.  “You must have been really popular in elementary school.” Rose said to Olivia.
“I ate alone a lot.” Olivia said.
“Of course you did.” James said, trying not to make any sudden moves while still observing their predicament. The men and women seemed to be garbed in some type of military camouflage, but it could just as easily have been leather and furs or any other strange gamesmen garb from throughout the centuries. “You are the Hunters, correct? As in, you accept this term?”
“It works as well as some of the others, so sure, but those are terrible last words.” The man said pulling back his bow string a little tighter.”
“I am here to make up for the terrible things I did. Like I know I may never be able to fully erase the scar it left but I can help ease the pain which was born because of it.” Olivia said.
“You’ve been practicing your kindness.” Rose said almost proud. James snickered.
“We sent seven of our own to take out this mean ol’ monster that everyone and their mother seemed to be complaining about. Most of what we do is for sport, the thrill of the hunt, or simply to cleanse an evil from the world. She tortured them and left them for us to find in pieces. We try not to get too sentimental, they tried to kill her, she killed them instead,  but we do have to honor our own.”
“I can teach your young ones how to defend against or defeat witchcraft. If your weapons need extra tuning when it comes to tracking or ending more magical evils, I can assist. I have even brought some of my grimoires as a sign of good faith. They’ll be hard to read without my help but you guys are pretty good at gathering stuff up, so maybe you have something which can do the job. I will not help you harm the innocent or court malevolent energies however. I will not try to stop you unless you intend to obligate me to your aid by force, then I may have to kill you.” Olivia said.
“Those are bold words.” Said another hunter.
“She’s a bold girl.” Said A hunter. There was some low whispering which James and Rose tried not to hone in on which was hard. The hunters lowered their weapons slightly, and one of their women stepped forward.
“I’m Candace, and your fire or spirit or whatever seems to check out. Whatever evil was in you before it seems to have been replaced by something a little brighter, well a lot brighter but we thought that was just this guy,” Candace said nodding to James, “We were still going to kill you, you witches are pretty tricky after all, but you seem genuine, and we are not allergic to educational competition.”
“Well you are Hunters.” Olivia said.
“Yes I suppose that does make sense. Well you leave us with the books and some way to reach you and we’ll call it even until a bad moon rises or whatever. This is for you.” Candace said, her last sentence addressed to James. It was their contact info.
“What’s this for?” James asked.
“Because one of our own says that energy which seems to have washed her clean, belongs to you. In a manner of speaking you helped avenge our fallen, and for that you have our thanks. Call on us and we will come...once.” Candace said.
When they were out of earshot Rose whispered to James “Why do you get all the thanks I was there to.”
“Poor simple woman, this is a man’s world, I’m like the CEO and you are but a poor regional manager. Be grateful for your sad salary deprived of those beautiful extra digits and make me dinner when I get home.” James said, Rose gave him a knuckle sandwich.  
James silver blade was busy was flickering left and right, and stabbing up and down as he dueled with his foe. The man Zephyr had attacked them as soon as they entered his territory, and unlike the hunters, there had been no warning, only one near brush with decapitation or disembowelment after another. He was dressed in a strange armor, black with rough scales and a golden cloak. His face was hidden behind his helm. Being godly meant James could heal from most mortal wounds, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t be put in compromising situations, in fact it meant he had to be that much more aware and skillful than less durable creatures. Being stuck in an infinite loop of pain and confusion would be devastating and a huge waste of psuedo immortality. Bearing this in mind, James was about as skilled in forms of combat and survival as a person could get, some had even called him overly paranoid to which he often replied “just overly fond of maintaining my appendages...and dignity”. Aside from being one of the greatest trapmakers and disarmers amongst the divine James was also a pretty slick talker, once convincing himself back into existence, after laughing himself back to pieces. Still he’d have had a hard time convincing this Zephyr of anything, as he was a Dragon Slayer. Dragon Slayers were more or less dragon descended or dragon blooded creatures who were also bonded to some other dimensional alignment which made them unlike the more full blooded creatures. In many regions of confirmation this hybridization was important to the destruction of the draconic creature which was more or less the purpose of Dragon Slayers. One dragon fighting the other could end in any number of ways but it usually resulted in the energy of the dragon returning to their source. Dragon Slayers served as a sort of alternate channel from which the dragon energy could be directed to more unlikely destinations, perhaps even non existence itself. With this said, Dragon Slayer Arts could, under certain circumstances be nearly as effective in slaying gods. With this said, James was very cautious about the edge of the man’s black iron blade with it’s golden veins.
Rose was terrified, but also, slightly shamefully, hot all over at getting to witness this awesome exchange of might and skill. She pulled Olivia this way and that as they avoided arcing swings, and powerful throws, while looking for something that might end the battle in their quickly...without James being cast into oblivion or something. James muscles uncoiled like guns, battling the slayer with viper like poise and strength of spirit. Just when Rose, still feverish and a bit more moist than she felt particularly comfortable with (if only out of a embarrassment), found an ace in the whole a slamming kick to the chest sent Zephyr across the room, in a heap against the wall. That was when James appeared before him, in wolfish silver armor and cloak which seemed as radiant and divine as it it did solid metal; his blade pointed at Zephyr’s throat.
“I yield, that is a fine blade, but that armor is top knotch.” Zephyr said.
“I could say the same about yours.” James said, sounding like he was smiling under that wolfy helm. He extended an armored hand, Zephyr took it and was hoisted to his feet.
“Ah, I see you found my apprentice.” Zephyr said to Rose.
“Dad, you’re embarrassing me.” Said the voice of a young girl from inside what appeared to be a miniaturized version of Zephyr own ensemble, though she boasted a spear instead of a sword.
“You shouldn’t be embarrassed. This is the pinnacle of what it means to be a dragon slayer, minus the pointed lack of dragons. A quality fight, and the potential end by a worthy enemy who fights with their soul as much as their mind. The falling teaches you as much as the rise, maybe even more.” Zephyr said, limping slightly, but otherwise striding over to the ladies as if he was a lord of great renown who’d merely stubbed his toe. Perhaps he was, there were a couple of things strangers didn’t know about James upon first sight.
“Dad, says that some things can only be known after you’ve fought a person. Sometimes blades and armor can say things that humans can’t.” The little slayer girl said.
“Your dad sounds like a smart man.” Rose said, still a little steamy under the collar, Olivia gave her a questioning glance.
“As I’ve heard it, a conversation between dragons is often interpreted as great cosmic or earthly disturbances by the mortals who see them. Not unlike a duel or war of the fates.” James said.
“That is one way of saying it I suppose. Dragons are beautiful and magnificent creatures, but like all things they must end. It is not exactly a task full of praises or rewards, but everything has it’s balance and providing an honorable end to those great creatures who both deserve it and require it, is not entirely without its joys.” Zephyr said.
“I’m surprised you have such quality company, mean lady.” The girl said.
“I’d apologize for my apprentice’s words, Jade can be a little brash sometimes, though I don’t particularly mind people who can push past the nonsense...but uh yeah I feel the particular need to second her statement. You surprise me Olivia, I thought you damned for all eternity, and maybe whatever comes after that, perhaps a pizza dimension or something.” Zephyr said.
“Pizza would be something, with like onion shavings, garlic and chunks of ham or something.” Rose said slobbering slightly, and her hungry look made James a little hot under the collar himself.
“People change.” Olivia said.
“That they do, though I’ll admit I am rarely one to settle for a weak alteration in character. Still from the company you keep I can tell this path of yours is worthy, if not entirely good.”
“Those words mean a lot.” Olivia said, she wasn’t lying.
“Do they now?” Zephyr said.  
“I have a lot of respect for you.” Olivia said.
“That’s...interesting.” Zephyr said.
“What exactly is the story between you guys.” Rose said.
“Something dragon-blooded or of relation to a dragon was at risk of breaching this world. Olivia hired me to destroy the creature, but what she didn’t say was that she had a hand in corrupting the creature. I killed it but it’s essence could not be put to a more useful purpose, too tainted, so it’s essence wavers in unrest, mostly harmless, but it’s echoes are a pain in my heart and it keeps the darker things out their agitated and active. I did not seek retribution from her though I might have in another life, but we were also far from comrades or friends.”
“I can help you clean what remains, and help the essance move on. I have learned new things, better ways of existing with my skills.” Olivia said.
“That would do a lot to heal the pain in this world and the distance between us.” Zephyr said.  
“It was a very dangerous distance.” Jade said.
“It will take time but I’ve already drafted a plan if you are willing to go over it.” Olivia said.
“That sounds just fine.” Zephyr said. They chatted and schemed for a while before Jade mentioned something to Rose and James.
“Dad says I should give you this. You can use it to call him should you ever need help or you find a dragon who needs killing. Or if you’re up for a rematch. That last bit means you’re really good. Just touch it and speak the word that appears to you or the emotion you feel from it.” Jade said handing them a black and gold  serpentine scale the size of hand. James touched it and it glowed slightly.
“Justice.” He said. Zephyr snapped to attention and looked his way.
“It’s not a toy ya know.” Zephyr said and they all started laughing.
Rose, and James paid for another hotel room to get to the root of their increasing heat. Olivia was alone in her room for much of the day, though she could still sort of feel the other two and that they could feel her, so she hadn’t been abandoned. When they returned they looked like a million years had past but they’d only gotten more vibrant and healthy, and that unbalanced aching heat which had been there before seemed to have settled into an even hotter sustained ignition. They were all but glowing.
“You two look happy.” Olivia said. “Positively thrilled.” Rose said sounding like she was still on an island resort.
“You said there was one more person we had to meet with, want to tell me so I can prepare for any pitchforks getting tossed or particular grade of hatred to look out for.” Olivia said.
“Well that would be pretty complicated considering as I’m looking at the last person.”
“That’s cute but I don’t really have time to sit down and introduce you to ‘the real me’. What do you want my diary or something.”
“No that’d be weird.” James said.  
“Right.” Olivia said.
“He’s already read it.” Rose said.
“What?” Olivia said.
“It was riveting.” Rose said.
“People rarely change even when they can, change isn’t always the easy thing most people want to pretend it is, though it’s far from unachievable. Olivia you are and were a hard person to change, which would have been an insult a couple of days ago, but we are not so much enemies now. Not friends, but I have enough experience to know some bonds are not so fond of labeling. Suffice to say, your stubborness is endearing, but also indicative of the formerly dormant internal strength of a woman who was often too smart for her own good, but that is something men are fond of saying when they’ve been outwitted by a quality dame a time too many. So with that I tip my metaphorical hat off to you.” James said but then, midbow an actual hat fell from his head and onto Olivia’s. It shouldn’t have been possible but it sort of somersaulted through the air. It was a quality magician’s hat like argent platinum.
“Was that a compliment?” Olivia said, blushing slightly and admiring the texture of the hat.
“Oh heavens no, a savage like me would not be capable of such civilized behavior. I’m not even entirely sure what a compliment is, can you eat it, does it cook? Regardless, I will say that I am sorta kinda proud to call you my very strange and challenging acquaintance of unorthodox connection. You have proven that even the worst of us are not beyond bettering ourselves or inspiring others. You’ve shown that hope can and often is found in the simplest or more unlikely locations. That the universe still has it’s crafty surprises up its sleeve. I’d thank you but that’d be bizarre.”
“Oh yes downright bonkers.” Olivia said smiling.  
“Oh, I’m glad you agree. With that said, oh let me check the time,” James said pulling out his pocket watch, it read “Half Past Lunacy”,  “Ah we are running a little short on it aren’t we. Well best to get down to business. I, James Wolkinder, also known as The Silver Wolf, Also Known as James The Amazing, The Magnificent, And Potentially The Best Looking Guy That Ever Did Step Out Into The Verse, dub you, Olivia whatever your last name is,” James said Olivia and Rose were all but laughing their pants off, “Guardian Of The Hearts; Watcher Of Hopes”. There was a pulse through the air, and Olivia felt something shivering about her form but it past, the fire in her core did not though.
“That it, I don’t get a medal or anything.”
“We could get you a sticker, or a coupon or something.”
“Here I know.” James said, he pulled out his watch again and stuck his hand into its shadow, “Not in here,” he said pulling it out, “hey wait, it’s always right under your nose or something, girly, if you’d…” James was saying.
“Already on it chiefy.” Olivia said lifting up the hat, allowing a silver heart shaped watch to fall into her other hand.
“Is that a necklace?” Rose said.
“Don’t look at me like that he gave it to me?” Olivia said.
“Wrong you earned it, so it came to you of it’s own volition. Don’t look so down Rose, we haven’t even gotten to the best part.
“And what might that be?” Rose said.
“A Surprise.” James said. He crossed his arms extending his hands to each of them. “If you’d be so kind my beautiful company.” He continued. The girls put there hands in his and from one moment to the next they were gone.
They landed in the park where they had talked to Olivia on the first night, though it wasn’t exactly the same park, it was like a brighter, happier, more wild version of the same park. Like its evolved form or unconscious dream or something. Candace, Zephyr and Gail were already there standing in front of something that looked more or less, like a, well silver wolf the size of a toy doll. It was not animate as far as any one could tell.
“I was considering going with a snake because snakes can like shed their skin or whatever and it’d have gone well with the whole aspect of change or whatever, but you know, wolves are just awesome.” James said.
“Can you get this show on the road, there are things to be tracked.” Candace said.
“I took a day off from work for this.” Gail said.
“I only said I’d need like an hour, you could have chose a lunch break or something.” James said.
“Yeah well...the point is I have stuff to do too.” Gail said.
“I am pretty free for most of the day, though I will admit. As...chipper as this place is, I’d rather be training my apprentice.” Zephyr said.
“Don’t worry this will only take a second.” James said. He arranged them together, first Gail, then Candace, then Zephyr, then Olivia. James and Rose stood with each other.  James turned to address the little wolf figurine.
“Determination of the Wizard, for vitality and creativity.” James said and Gail Knelt to the ground her glowing energy swirling about the wolf.
“Cunning of the Hunter, for clear sight, and strategy.” James said and Candace knelt to the ground, glowing and a bit of her energy swirling around the wolf.  
“Honor of the Dragon Slayer, to value one’s kin and enemies, to know how to stand when other’s will not, and why we fall.” James said  and Zephyr knelt to the ground, glowing and a bit of his energy went to the wolf.
“Strength of the Timely Guardian, to know that the impossible can be changed and that change is not impossible. But most importantly that even on the darkest of nights sometimes it is okay to smile.” James said, and Olivia knelt to the ground laughing a little and her energy glowed to swirl about the wolf. Then James gave Rose a fevered glance.
“What are you doing?” Rose said. Then he clutched her close and pressed his lips to hers parting them with much fire, they stood like that all but melded to each other.
“A short sacrifice.” James said to Rose, who looked both irked and pleased as she ruffled his hair, which was already pretty wild. He stalked over to the wolf, and knelt beside it. “There’s a song about this somewhere or something. A thing about a kiss from a rose or something. Well from her lips to mine, and mine to yours, I lay on you the weight of my hope, and the fire of my love. It could consume the world.” James said to the wolf before kissing it on its head. There was a flash, and the park began to shake. When it was all done. A man stood where the little wolf had. He had silver eyes not unlike James’ own, but he would have said he had Rose’s good looks.
“That’s a sexy creature.” Gail said, a little hot under the collar herself. He wasn’t exactly dressed, but also not undressed either until James clothed him. He was fit, and though he wore the veil of humanity there was always, almost certainly a beast behind the illusion. His hair ran down his back and shoulders.
“Little brother, I’ve found in my existence that names, although risky and not always as clever as we would like, make us a little more relatable, a little more like people which is not a concept monopolized by humans, so if you would allow, it would be my privalege and my joy to bestow upon you a name, from my heart sung.” James said,
“I will allow it.” The man who had been a little silver wolf said. It was not a human voice but it used their language in a way that was not unrelatable; like an earthbound angel reborn.
“How about Frederick.” James said.
"That would make me happy.” Frederick said.
And The Rest Was His Story.
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