#(I don’t want to force or have mun bleed into either of them because it isn’t fair to my muses nor my rp partners)
//Maaan, that rare moment when the mun actually has the vibes to participate fully on Sinday, but your muses are either too innocent for their own good to know where to begin, or are stubborn and selective as to who they’d even hook up with.
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orenonahaichigoda · 5 years
ほっとけない Types, or Yes, There Are Similarities Between Mun and Muse
I'm gonna share something that someone said to me earlier, because it... doesn't sit right with me for the main reason that I picked Ichigo.
So, a couple of weeks ago at work, I got pepper sprayed by accident trying to protect co-workers from a violent robber who was hitting them. (The co-workers being attacked were both women, and one carried Mace on her keys, and was trying to spray the assailant, also female, but taller than all of us, I'm short, as she [assailant] lunged again and I tried to stop her)
The next day, I was one of a few people who stopped a drunk man on the subway from beating up this guy in his 60s that he just randomly decided to come over and kick.
The conversation started today because I kinda bagged up my clothes and threw them in the closet until I had time, and today, I had time to treat them, so I was buying the stuff. They are soaking now in a bucket of water mixed with cold cream, which is apparently a good idea.
Anyway,this person was saying it's best to protect yourself and not get involved.
She did note expectations difference between men and women, but her point remained essentially unchanged except that maybe men should protect women from other men.
I... don't see why that matters the gender of the attacker or the attacked.
If I see someone who is essentially innocent being attacked (i.e., if it's someone screaming "Kill all [oppressed group here]" through a megaphone in some L.A. suburb being attacked, they brought that on themselves), I don't really care if it's the 140 cm 20 year old woman in my building when I lived near L.A. being attacked by the 190cm guy downstairs because she wouldn't sleep with him (she later decided me trying to help her in that incident and a few where she had no food meant I was kind, ergo, weak, and it would be funny to have these other guys *my age* who like-liked her harrass me, but that's aside) or if it's female co-workers being beaten up by a really tall violent woman, or if it's an older man falling asleep on the train and kicked awake by a crazed drunk 30 year old.
I can't just stand by and watch these things happen. I will usually try to pull the victim away and shield them if it's possible (wasn't at work) because I have arthritic joints all over and I can do more to help if I get the victim to safety than if I'm shattered into splinters and also become a victim.
But I can't just sit there and...do nothing.
And that was probably the biggest thing that drew me to Ichigo. Remember the whole "mountain of people" speech? (Mountain of X is a Japanese idiom for "a lot of X," Japan is full of mountains--it's actually why the cities are so crowded) I liked that he was realistic in knowing he couldn't save the world (so many college students are more idealistic), but he still had that same basic thing where he couldn't live with himself if he'd sat idly by. This really never changes. It never changed with me either, except as my joints went, I had to change *how* I handled it.
Now do I think he suffers for it? There's no way he wouldn't incur PTSD. Point blank, here. He's seen a lot of violence. Frankly, he--quite reasonably--seems to have it around his mother bleeding out in his arms before the start of the story. (Clearly, mondo survivor's guilt as well. I knew someone who ended up with that in real life. Ichigo has flashbacks. Ichigo becomes not himself on the anniversary. Ichigo *wants to be blamed for her death, when he was a small child and couldn't have reasonably done a thing* )
But he's also worse off when he's disempowered. I use that word intentionally. I really wish we'd seen more of powerless Ichigo. But, again, what little we see, he's quiet,withdrawn, in his head a lot when he's not focused on earning money or something.
Anyway, yeah,either way, the guy... frankly probably needs someone like what Ikumi was trying to be, but, you know,who could at least see spirits so he actually *could* talk to them about everything.
But I think a ほっとけないtype (dunno how to translate that!), now, you're just gonna incur damage. Aside from panicking and great pain because I'd never been pepper sprayed before, I've gotten blows to the face, I've gotten thrown into things, and I have PTSD from years of violence happening to me, so naturally, violence itself is triggering, but I... couldn't live with myself if I just did nothing.
And that's also key with Ichigo. He is just the type that is going to incur damage. But the damage is worse if he doesn't/can't do anything.
Barring the fact that in Bleach, death really is "just a flesh wound," his choices are really just between being turned into a child soldier/pulp (remember Tesla?) and "useless/put out to pasture," as far as he would seem to feel.
I do think he might be *too* self-effacing, if that's the right word. Does he ever seem to derive his intrinsic value from anything but protecting others (what he can succeed in doing for others)? Doesn't seem so to me.
I do feel like others-based self-worth is both something a lot of people struggle with, and something a ほっとけないtype might be particularly disposed to. It might also be something enforced on AFAB people, which, boy, if only savings account interests compunded at the rate of these problems!
Anyway, to this type of person, it's so much worse to spare oneself the flesh wound than to just stand by and watch others get hurt.
Ichigo has a doctor dad, a time-reversing comrade, and I have enough money and health coverage to get my clothes/skin/body/stress treated.
Rather, the stress part, choosing inaction would be something I would have to *live with.*
Ichigo is trying to do that, jumps at the first sign of hope he can be empowered again, and when (for a few seconds) that's taken away...do we ever see him cry any other time that's not a memory of him being a small child? I don't think so. I'm gonna guess that that's supposed to be he just can't handle it anymore. I'm actually not quite sure there.
They gloss over Ichigo's time powerless, but even though he was sorta forced into it, I don't think it would be all that different, especially for someone who derives his self-worth almost entirely from... something he can no longer do.
Could that also be why he was going into chasing money? Trying to find a new measure of self-worth/efficacy as an earner? They never expand on that. My project is different, but something to think about for RP.
But yeah, this type of person, well, it's not the safest type of person to be. But it's not like you consciously opt into being this type of person.
I don't really have a conclusion here, but this is actually what drew me to Ichigo. And what drew me to Bleach overall was Ichigo and...I have a lot of deceased family, so I like stories where the living and the dead just kinda hang out. So Ichigo and living-like ghosts was what brought me to this show.
(After writing this I realised that the advice I got today is just not something I can or should follow, although I should really be smarter about how I get involved)
(Also note, I've been exposed to violence, had to learn to fight it, and also just *alive and gaining life experience* for a good few decades. Teen readers definitely shouldn't throw themselves in fights with, say, middle age armed muggers. Rather, the teen should really go run to a brightly lit place with multiple people, like a store, and get help. The key is to try your best to be smart about how you get involved. Again, if you also become a victim, you aren't helping. Actually, after the pepper spray rendered me useless, all I could do was call for help, which was actually the best part of what I did)
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alliesweetsong · 6 years
Tipping Point
“To be someone's best friend requires a minimum investment of time. More than that, though, it takes emotional energy. Caring about someone deeply is exhausting.”
― Malcolm Gladwell,
(Continued RP from Here fair warning, this is a long post but worth it) 
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Allie sits at the memorial overlooking Stormwind harbor for some quiet time and relaxation. That in itself felt like a rare commodity these days. Raen was missing, the wedding was being planned it seemed like absolutely nothing was going her way.  Exhaling sharply, the Ren’dorei lifts her right hand up to her forehead and lightly rubs it. She had been giving herself headaches off and on the last few days and it was wearing on her as much as any pressure to find Raen. She was worn down and needed a break, or some type of good news. Popping the remaining morsel of sandwich she had in her hand into her mouth the void elf looks over her shoulder at the stairs leading down more to see if anybody was coming in her direction. The memorial to the late king Varian Wyrnn was just in front of her and many people came to pay their respects often enough that she didn’t seem to mind.  Than there is her fiance, her soon to be husband, Gareth. The elf had barely spoken a word to him in the last few nights, by the time she was home she flopped into bed and fell asleep and then woke and started her day a few hours later.
“I need to spend time with you love, I am so sorry.” she says out loud as she watches the sun sink below the horizon.
“Excuse me sister, are you Allie Sweetsong?” Came the voice of a Quel’dorei male. He had walked up while she daydreamed of Gareth.
Looking up a the man, Allie nods and clears her throat “I am yes, who are you?” She asks calmly yet in a curious manner. Whether the high elf knew it or not, her right hand slowly began moving to the revolver on her hip, she couldn’t have been more unready for a mugger.
“Oh good! Name’s Tylo, I am a friend of Raen’s”  
Allie’s heart skipped a beat, this was the moment she had been anticipating since she had put up the missing person’s posters the previous night. Finally, there was news. Good or bad she had produced a result. “You know Raen? Where is she? Is she safe? Who has her?” she asks in a flurry of rapid fire questions. She barely had time to sleep let alone wait for a long drawn out explanation of excuses.
Tylo seems to be as equally adamant about sharing, pausing for a few moments the Quel’dorei thinks on the answer and opens his mouth “She’s safe.” he says with a nod “She’s detoxing.” he continues.
Allie seems confused by this, that didn’t sound right. Sure Raen had drug addictions, but who walks from the edges of Stranglethorn back to Stormwind just to detox? “Detoxing?” she asks in a curious manner “I, are you sure? Can I go see her?” she continues on, her focus solely on the high elf in front of her. 
Tylo shakes his head in a solemn fashion, “She’s requested no visitors. I’m very sorry, but she doesn’t want people to see her like this.” he says before pausing again choosing his wording carefully, “And if you ask me. I think it’s better if she’s left alone while she gets better.” he continues on “She is fine and unharmed, I can assure you of that.”
Something about this seemed off to Allie, she wasn’t born yesterday. He may be older than her but he wasn’t very good at lying. Covering her mouth the void elf now begins to do something she has become very good at, pretending.
“No, that doesn’t sound like Raen, she my friend.” the rendorei explains in fake shock “Why would she not want to see me?” She asks before grabbing at her pistol belt to adjust it while she sits back down keeping her eyes on the man in front of her.
Once again the Quel’dorei shook his head “Drugs and detoxing can turn you into a very different version of yourself.” he offers as a response.
“I am sure it does when you are forcing her to detox.” she thinks to herself before biting her lip and shrugging “Well can I talk to her please?” She asks in a curious manner
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(Artwork credit goes to Raen’s Mun)
“I am sorry Allie, but I simply cannot allow that. If you’d like I can relay a note to her” he replies almost in a sympathetic fashion, calm, composed.
Allie looks at the high elf up and down getting serious now “What do you mean you can’t ‘allow’ that? Are you the one who kidnapped her and Damien!?” she sneers out, she didn’t have time for games.
“I’m sorry who?” Tylo replies clearly confused.
Allie bites her lip before narrowing her eyes and explaining what she knew of the events surrounding Raen’s sudden disappearance from normal society. And how she went on to track Raen not more then a day or less behind her.
Tylo looks up at the night sky thinking for a moment, whether it was to chose his phrasing carefully or to digest the information she had just given him remained unknown. “She was a bit roughed up when I first saw her.” he says confirming Allie’s recount with a nod “She claimed she was escaping some asshole back in duskwood. Who that asshole was, that’s not my business to ask those questions.” he explains.
Another dead end, lowering her head to rub her forehead once more, Allie exhales softly frustrated that nobody either knew the information she was looking for, or blatantly refused to give it to her. “Please, she has an earpiece, I just want to hear her voice. I am so worried about her.” She says almost in a pleading manner, the relief knowing in part that her friend was at least not being tortured as they spoke seemed to be finally relaxing her albeit just slightly. “Don’t worry about that asshole, a friend has assure me they know who it is and where they are.” she continued  
“I didn’t find an earpiece on her when I was processing her.” Tylo replies before narrowing his eyes. “I actually would like to know who these people are. I’m in the guard actually.” he says with a nod “that’s how I met her and I think it’d be a great help if you got us involved.”
That struck Allie’s nerves, now she knew he was in part lying. Recalling Damien pleading with Allie to calm down because he had just heard her over his earpiece she inhaled and kept that to herself. Now she knew in part, to take everything he said and question it. He had just slipped up.
“You want my help?” She asks looking at the high elf.
As he expressed his desire for such he went on to explain how he had found narcotics on Raen, that she was at the point of a mental break when found and that he charged her for intent to distribute the drugs she had but had dropped them.  This was upsetting the void elf more as time passed. With each second she either wanted to wrap her hands around his throat until he took her to see Raen, or shoot him dead where he stood. She had what she needed to find her. He was, if nothing else now, a nuisance.
“I will help, but I want to see her. I will do whatever it is you ask of me. Just let me see her, please.” she says after a few moments lost in her thoughts.
“Allie? This is Alyssa, lookin’ t’find a moment o’your time when y’free” the voice says over her earpiece.
Blinking in surprised Allie lifts a hand to her earpiece and nods. Turning her head away and talking in a low whisper so Tylo wouldn’t hear
“Um, sure. There has been a situation. I will contact you soon.” she says before turning off her earpiece
“Allie..” is all she heard in protest from the Gilnean as she exhales slowly as she smiles at the high elf.
“..I can tell you shes safe , I can tell you shes detoxing, and I can tell you when shes ready she’ll let you see her. Now let me tell you something. From my own personal investigation  this asshole Raen is running from looks like a badman , you should’ve seen what she was carrying with her and the physical marks she had. I have a feeling if I can locate whoever this is and put him away, she might be a bit more open to seeing people.” he explains.
That was the high elf’s second slip up. Laughing internally Allie bites her lip. He had just told her he didn’t know anything, but she never mentioned yet that the person left remaining was a male. The fact he used ‘he’ caused her heart to skip, but she knew she had to play his game. Inhaling deeply she looks at the Quel’Dorei.
“Give me a name, and I will make sure he never touches her again.” she says in a blunt manner.
“I don’t know names, Allie. That’s why I’m asking you. You said yourself you had knowledge. Help me please.” he says moving forward a few steps.
Allie goes on to explain with a certain degree of hesitancy what she knew. How Damien was so scared he refused to help even in the slightest. How a friend of hers had eyes on someone she believed to be involved. She started recounting from day one. Finding the worgen in elwynn bleeding and battered, tracking Raen from duskwood to strangethorn to westfall and finally stormwind. What she found inside the building in which they were held. The blood, the prison like atmosphere, everything. After more pleading and going back and forth between the two about Raen and Allie’s chance to see Raen, Tylo finally relents some.
“Allie I do trust you, but the law’s the law. Patient rights are taken very seriously. The most I can do is have you write her a note and I can give it to her. She did get your last note.” he says as Allie looks shocked
Motioning to the bench he lifts an eyebrow “May I sit?”
Allie nods as he slowly walked over, eyeing his surroundings to make sure there was nobody eavesdropping on them. Slowly he sat down and turns to face Allie “I think this goes without saying, this stays between you and I.”
Allie was a nervous wreck but she nods as Tylo went on to explain something. A riddle or mystery that even Allie was having some trouble figuring out. Pulling out a notepad, the Quel’dorei quickly started jotting down what Allie recounted from her perspective. While she gave him everything she knew, she did so in a manner that really only implicated her as help in the matter. Quickly swinging her pack around, Allie pulled out her journal and pen and began to write:
  I met with Tylo, he wants me to help. I told him I’m your friend, please tell him to let me come see you. I don’t care what you look like. I want to be there for you. Please Raen. Let me come see you.
Tearing out the note, she gives Tylo a word of caution has she hands the note to him. She didn’t like being lied to, and she didn’t take well to those who hurt her friends. Making sure her meaning was abundantly clear.
Standing the man took the note and nodded “I’ll do everything I can Allie.” he said and patted her on the shoulders gently
Nodding Allie exhales “Give Raen a hug for me and uh, tell her I need her better for my wedding. She’s going to be in the wedding, she just doesn’t know it yet.” she says offering a smile.
Saying their goodbyes Allie exhales and turns her earpiece back on. Informing Alyssa that she was available and her location, the warlock seemed shock and informed Allie she was already in the park. A few moments later the now Raven haired woman comes walking up. Greeting each other Allie forces a smile
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“‘Ey. Y’doin’ alright?” Alyssa asks in a  curious manner.
Allie shakes her head, finally giving in to her pride she’s had all week “No, but life goes on.” she says as tears slowly trickle down her face “Raen is alive, and safe.” She says wiping her eyes “She’s detoxing and requested nobody be allowed to see her.” she says clearly the most upset by this alone.
Alyssa visibly looks relieved to hear that “Gods, thats good. Look at you, managed t’find ‘er out.” she offers as a compliment “why the tears then? Got t’be a relief tknow your friend is ‘oldin’ on.” she continues.
Allie looks up at the warlock and explains how she wanted to be there, to comfort and see Raen get better. The helpless feeling she had all week finally sinking its hooks as she let everything out. It wasn’t often anymore Allie cried in front of anybody. Being chastised as weak and unable to control her emotions had left her vitually numb, but in this moment, she needed to let it out.
Alyssa slowly moves over to the bench and places an arm around the void elf “‘ere, does this ‘elp?” she asks curiously.
Truth was it did help. If felt good to know that someone cared. She had been afraid to tell Gareth all week about this, she didn’t want to fight while planning their wedding. Ultimately this was something she had to do herself. “Yes, it does.” she says wiping her tears away as she exhales “I have been enlisted, so to speak.” she says getting down to business. “By a guard named Tylo. Alyssa, the city is aware sort of. Please, give me everything you have. She says softly as she leans against the woman's shoulder.
Alyssa nods as she holds Allie in a comforting manner. Enlisted t’do what? The city is aware of what? Ill be ‘appy telp, what d’you need?” she asks curiously
Allie looks at the warlock as she sits up. “Find the asshole that did this to her. She’s traumatized. I need to know everything you know. Who this person is you’re tracking, where he is..everything.” she says sniffling in a matter-of-fact manner.
Alyssa begins to say no citing the revenge was hers. Allie shakes her head as the warlock begs assuring her that when the time came all the revenge would be hers and why.  Exhaling at the Elf the Gilnean withdraws her arm and folds her hands in her lap
“Y’know, life’s goin t’get real messy f’those around us if you and i are ever enemies.” she says coldly.
Going back and forth for a few minutes, it was clear to Allie that Alyssa was quite upset, she didn’t expect the woman to resort to threats and accusations of doing this for herself. Assuring the gilneans that she didn’t want them to become enemies she reaches out for Alyssa’s hand
“I don’t trust him.” she says referring to Tylo.
Relenting, Alyssa takes Allies hand and give it a squeeze. “‘Ere’s what I’ll tell you. Y’promise this doesn’t leave You and I.” she says sternly.
“Alyssa, I could’ve told your brother about you were planning three times now, but I didn’t because you’re a friend. Of course this stays between us.” The void elf says in a reassuring manner.
“Mackerel. That’s the name o’the man ‘o was with Raen when they took Damien.” Alyssa blurts out.
Allie nods and exhales “Mackerel, okay thats good. What does he look like?” she asks starting to press for more information.  Although clearly hesitant the Raven haired Ward gives a rough description of the man while the Ren’dorei listens intently, committing every detail to memory. “Is that who you are monitoring?” she asks curiously. Although an interrogation now, it was like a friendly chat. No threats or low blows regarding each others homes.
“‘E is. I ‘ave eyes on ‘im at all times, watch every move.” Alyssa replies in a confident manner.
Allie clears her throat “So if something were to happen to him you would know, right?” she asks. Nodding in agreement that she would in fact know, the warlock confirms it audibly unaware she had just fallen into Allie’s next question.
“Thats good Alyssa, where is he? I want to scout it out.” she says softly before biting her lip “I will not hurt a single strand of hair on his head, I promise.
Alyssa looks at Allie clearly a bit nervous “Y’should know some things. ‘E’s a Knight Warden, part o’the crown.” she says cooly. She had definitely done her homework on the man“Makes ‘im ‘ard t’touch. I ‘ave ins that will get me to ‘im when the time comes, but its messy.” 
Allie looks on in horror at realization of what she was saying. Shaking her head the elf inhales deeply “Alyssa, you’ll die.” 
The warlock gives Allie a thoughtful look and a grin of bemusement. “Maybe. Probably not though. Not time f’me ye. And m’already an executable crime t’the crown right? So why not?” Cursing in Thalassian, the Ren’dorei lifts a hand up to her head and rubs her forehead once more “Where is he, I am good at scouting Alyssa.” she says in a frustrated manner. 
“E’s the Knight Warden of Duskwood, I ‘ave imps cyclin on ‘im. They’re good scouts too, but y’can try t’look if you want. Y’get caught in any way? Y’didn’t ‘ear about ‘im from me.” she reminds her Void Elf friend in a serious manner. 
Allie nods in confirmation as the conversation shifts from buisness to causual conversation. Taking Damien’s advice Allie apologizes for her comments about Gilneas a few days prior. She was starting to relax on the exterior, inside she practically shook with rage. One day soon, this would end and not at the expense of Damien losing a sister he had only just got back. 
As the two departed Allie grabs her pack and rifle and goes home. Gareth was already asleep by the time she arrived with leftovers on the table. Biting her lip Allie moves over to the unconscious man and gently kisses his head which was promptly answered with a moan and something incoherent about flying murlocs. Smiling the Ren’dorei takes her journal out and sits at the table. Taking a bite of her dinner she opens her journal as void energy begins swirling in her eyes. Setting her eating utensil down she picks up the pen attached to her journal and writes one simple name before drawing a circle and cross hairs over it. 
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@earendelduskmourn @dardillien-ward @alyssa-ward @westfallhandyman @thetobaccoman @earendelduskmourn @thepaletroll
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
The following is a recording of an RP that has occurred between me and @soul-dwelling since oct 30 2015. Initially it started out as a small shipping rp, but it grew into it’s own verse following multiple storylines and characters, including characters from other series (ie madoka magica, b.ichi, fire brigade of flames, etc), and even a few original characters (including some collab characters!) I could write it into a fanfic, but I doubt I could do it justice. So instead enjoy the raw dialogue (cleaned of mun chat). Thank you @soul-dwelling for making this story possible ^^. Also, be warned that some chapters may delve into some triggering topics such as self harm, mental illness, abuse, and other things. Another thing. THERE. WILL. BE. SPOILERS for some series. (as well as puns, fanservice, manservice, references and developer gags)
Stocking: *huff* first day at a new school…..why did dad even think this is a good idea? After-……. *she tenses* w-whatever…….well, here it is….kinda hard to miss…..*she begins making her way up the stairs* Patty: "Hurry up, Sis!" (climbing the stairs two by two) "Let's get up there before Kiddo!" Liz: alright, alright! Patty: (runs by Stocking, glancing at her--then trips) "Owie!" Stocking: hey, watch it! Patty: "Huh? Hey, I'm the one who fell! Don't you have any concern for me?!" ???: "Patty! Stop running! Liz, go help her up!" Stocking: hmm?? liz: got it. Kid: (marching up the stairs, past Stocking and to Patty) "I told you to stay in sync with Liz and me up each stair! Symmetry, Patty--SYMMETRY!" Stocking: *continuing, not even giving a second glance* weirdos. Patty: (back on her feet) "That girl new around here, Sis?" Liz: hmm? Oh her? Guess so…..kinda rude tough… Kid: "Hmph. While I agree with her that while Patty's behavior was unforgivable--" Patty: (pouts) Kid: "--I think she could be much kinder. Perhaps this new student needs to be taught some manners." -during class- Kid: (struggling to write his name on his paper) "Curse this letter 'K'..." Stocking: *working on her paper, seemingly uninterested* ….. Kid: (rips the paper) "Damn it!" Stocking: hmm? *side glance* Kid: (raises hand) "I need a new worksheet!" (glances at Stocking) "...What?" Stocking: *goes back to her own paper* nothing. Kid: (raises an eyebrow, then turns to the teacher who has come up the stairs to hand him a new worksheet) "Thank you." (proceeds to slowly write his name) "Darn it. I wish I could just write my name quickly!" -some time passed without too much problem until…- stocking: *getting stuff out of her locker* Kid: (walks by her, seeing her) "Pardon me." Stocking: *moves, saying nothing* Kid: (opens his locker, which is immaculate...) "So, I never got a chance to introduce myself." (holds out a hand) "Kid." Stocking: ….that a nickname? Kid: (still holding out his hand) "It's short for 'Death the Kid.'" Stocking: oh?.....cool. *she walks away with her textbook in hand* Kid: (calling after her) "I didn't catch your name." Stocking:…………….. Kid: "...Hmph. Rude." (turns back to his locker, removing books) ???: "Hey, watch where you're walking!" Stocking: ??? aaron: s-sorry... Random Bully: (picks up Aaron by his collar) "What was that? You said I can take your money as a reward? Gladly!" Aaron: ….. Stocking: what’s this about? Random Bully: (eyes her up and down) "Just getting some cash this little shit owes me." (smirks) "When I get it, how 'bout you and me go out for a meal. My treat?" Stocking: sorry? I couldn’t hear you with your head up your ass. Bully: "Huh? You making fun of me?!" Stocking:….oi you, did you do anything to him? Aaron: no… Stocking: *she looks at the bully* then why’re you picking on him? Bully: "He's tiny, he bumped into me, and he has money. What other reasons do I need?" Stocking: tch- sounds like a shallow reason to pick on someone. Seems the only reason you’re targeting him is because you want to make yourself look tougher, or maybe you have some problems of your own that you’re taking out on others? Either way, leave this kid out of it, ok? Bully: "...Bitch, you better watch your mouth before--" Kid: (watching, stepping forward) stocking: ?? Kid: "Something wrong here?" Bully: "Back off, shrimp. I'm telling this bitch to back the fuck off before I--" stocking: *she steps in* ok, listen up cause I'm only gonna say this once; leave this kid alone, and I wont have to bust your kneecaps, got it big guy? Bully: "Tch. I'd like to see that. How about you just shut up and look pretty while I beat this little shit?" (pulls back fist, ready to punch Aaron) stocking: *she blocks the blow with her arm and kicks the bully in the stomach* aaron: !!!! Bully: "Uff! Hey! You stupid bitch! I'm going to rip you apart!" Kid: "Now, let's all calm down and--" Bully: (shoves Aaron into Kid, knocking them both down) Stocking: hey! *she jumps up and uppercuts him* Bully: "Uff!" (falls back on his behind, landing with a thud. Mouth bleeding, but still going) "I'm going to rip you apart!" (rushes at Stocking) Kid: (struggling to get up) Stocking: *she dodges and gets behind him* aero…… Bully: "What?!" stocking: *she punches him in the face with full force, almost with a gust of wind* ..... Announcer Voice: "KO!" Bully: (knocked hard into the lockers, with one falling onto him) Kid: "..." (slowly turns to see Stocking...And then) o\\\\\\o Stocking: *she holds a hand out for them* you guys alright? aaron: y-yeah... t-thanks ma'am... Kid: (too loud) "Fine! Thank you!" stocking:.... ah! shit I'm late. see ya. Kid: (watches her as she runs away...goofy Charlie Brown grin as hearts go up his head) Aaron: uh…. You ok man? Kid: (lovestruck giggling) "Y-Yeah..." *DING DONG DONG DEAD* Kid: "...Crap! I'm late!" (pushes Aaron off of him and runs to class) -during class- Kid: (sweating, glancing at Stocking) Stocking: *writing down notes, with the same bored expression* Kid: ("Why is she like this? She defended Aaron, then just lets it go as if she didn't just send that punk to the infirmary? Who is she? What is she about?") *stares intently* Stocking:……………………… Kid: ("She's such a jerk to everyone around here. And she is rather standoffish. Yet she is...") *Covers his left eye* *Then covers his right eye* Kid: o______o ("SYMMETRY!") Stocking: ??..... *bemused chuckle* (thinking: that’s one weird kid…..) Kid: (realizes she saw him) "Eep!" (turns back to his book..."Did she laugh at me? Oh, God, she thinks I'm stupid...") *facepalm* -during lunch- Kid: "..." (not eating) Patty: "What's up, Kiddo? If you aren't going to have your fries, can I?" Liz: is this about the….y’know? *she points to the side of her hair, indicating his sanzu lines* Kid: "N-No. It's about...um...someone." Liz: is this about the fight in the hallway? Are you ok? Kid: (annoyed) "Yes, Liz. It takes more than a shove in the hallway to hurt me." Liz:…… Kid: "It's just...that girl..." liz: hmm? Kid: "I...I was...I mean, she was rude and...but then she helped that boy--and--and--" (puts his head in his hands) "I feel sick." Liz: should we take you to the nurse again? Kid: "I don't know. I feel like I want to throw up. It's like...butterflies in my stomach." Liz: come on kiddo, we got you. Stocking: *watching him* Kid: "Thank you." (gets up with Liz and Patty) Patty: (spots Stocking watching) Stocking: *returns to eating her cake* -at the nurses office- Kid: "My tummy feels upset..." assistant nurse: is that right sir? Kid: (nods) "Been this way since that fight today." Assistant nurse: were you injured at all? Kid: "I fell on my bottom, but otherwise, no." soul: *asleep in the other bed* assistant nurse: what seems to be the trouble? Kid: "My stomach feels upset, I can't eat, I can't focus..." Patty: (frowning sadly at Soul) assistant nurse: um..... Kid: "...I think I'm distracted. Could I have something for my stomach?" Assistant nurse: ah! Of course! *she goes to get some, bumping into someone* ah, p-pardon me nurse Tanith! Kid: "???" ‘Melissa’: "Watch where you are going, Tsumiki!" (adjusts herself, spots Kid) "Ah, Kid." (looks back at Mikan) "Why is he here?" Mikan: um.. h-he has a stomach ache and need some medicine, I was getting it for him. ‘Melissa’: "Be quick about it. I'll tend to our other patient." (heads to Soul's bed) Mikan: y-yes ma’am! *she goes to do so* Soul: zzzzz…… ‘Melissa’: (holds stethoscope to Soul's chest..."Slight arrhythmia...His body is still adjusting to the Blood.) Kid: "Thank you, Tsumiki." (takes the medicine) Mikan: o-of course….. -later- Kid: (walking through hall, head down) Tsubaki: so how was it? Kid: "Wh-What?" Tsubaki: liz told us you were in the nurses’ office… Kid: "I-I'm okay, thank you. Just an upset stomach." -some time later- Stocking: *reading in the library* Kid: (walks by) "Oh! Um...H-Hello..." Stocking: oh…..hey…..kid was it? Kid: "Yes. Death the Kid." (awkward stiff arm stretched out for handshake) stocking: ??? you ok there? Kid: "Fine! Great! Super! Ecstatic!" (nervous laugh) "...Stocking, yes?" -soul and black*star are watching from behind a row of books- soul: he's so boned. stocking: er, yes. that's correct. Kid: "...My name is Kid. Death the Kid." Stocking: so you told me. Kid: "...How are you?" stocking: eh....*shrugs* same old.... Kid: "Ah...Is that good?" stocking: depends. Kid: "Oh...Um...C-Can I read here?" stocking: ........knock yourself out. Kid: "...Um...So that's a 'no'?" Black Star: (facepalm) stocking: if it was I would have said so. Kid: "..." (sits himself down, stiffly) (voice cracking) "Th-Thanks..." stocking: *acknowledging grunt* Kid: (stares intently at book, too nervous to look at her) *His book is upside down* soul: ....... (thinking: dear god.....what an idiot) Kid: *takes two minutes to realize his book is upside down* stocking: ......... Kid: (flips book over, smiles stupidly at Stocking, giggles nervously) stocking: ?? Kid: (goes back to reading, struggling to focus, sweating) -later- soul: that was almost torturous watching you. have you never talked to a girl before? Kid: "Sh-Shut up! I talk to plenty of girls! Liz is a girl! Patty is a girl! Maka is a girl!" Black Star: "Tsubaki is really a girl!" (imitates her figure) soul: kid, buddy, your flirt game is, no offense, it's crap. here. *he gives kid a book* Kid: "What is this?" soul: s-some cheesy romance novel maka made me buy for her.... Kid: (flips through) "O-Okay, I'll try. T-Thanks..." Black Star: "Dude, why you stealing Maka's books, Soul?" soul: n-no reason, I wasn't stealing I was-errr borrowing it! Kid: "???" Black Star: (eyebrow wiggle) -later, in kid's room- Kid: o\\\\\\o "Damn." *knock knock* lord death: kiddo? you ok in there? Kid: "F-Fine!" -Kid forgot to lock his door- lord death: *he opens the door* kiddo- Kid: (grabs pillow, putting it over his crotch) o\\\\\o lord death: .................................. Kid: o\\\\\\o lord death:............................................. Kid: "...Did you need something, Father?" (trying to hold down his pillow) lord death:.... ah, I see you're busy. i'll come back later. *closes door* Kid: "..." (facepalm) "I feel humiliated..." (looks down at his crotch) "...GO DOWN ALREADY!" lord death: ...... *single tear* bruh.... Patty: "Hey, Lord D! Everything okay?" -the next day at school- Kid: (shoves book back into Soul's hands) "This is filthy. Your reading habits are filthy. Tell Maka her reading habits are filthy." soul: ??? Maka: "...Why does he have _my_ book, Soul?" (cracks knuckles) Kid: O____O soul: uhhhhhhhhhhhh.......... Maka: "Maka..." Kid: (small voice) "Oh no..." -in the other class- *BOOM* Jacqueline: (in the other class) "You hear something?" kim: nah. -later- Kid: (in infirmary, head bandaged) -some time later- Patty: "Sis, what's wrong with Kiddo?" liz: I dunno..... *knock on his door* kid? you ok? Kid: "ONE MOMENT!" (setting small crudely drawn pictures of Stocking in his room next to a candle) liz:.... Kid: (shuts closet door, marches stiffly to the door, opens it, nervous smile and sweating) "H-Hi..." liz: ??? you ok? Kid: "PERFECT! THANK YOU!" -later, after kid has gotten some 'flirting/seduction lessons online'- stocking: *in the library, reading edgar allan poe* Kid: (smiles seductively) "Hey, there." stocking: oh, it's you again... you seem to come by a lot... Kid: "I got good reason to. I see something here I want." stocking: oh?.....you want to read this? Kid: (staring intently at Stocking) "That's not what I want to read..." (takes the Poe book out of her hand, flinging it over his shoulder--hitting Hiro in the head) "I want to read you." stocking: *eye twitch* Kid: "So, mind if I flip your pages and see what's between the lines?" stocking:.........you're acting weird....and not in the usual way…. Kid: (facade falling a bit) "Just...You know, making conversation with a beautiful hot mama..." stocking:....... look, I have to go. you can talk to be when you stop acting like a creep. Kid: "Wait! I'm just--I mean, you--I mean--I really like you!!!" -seems she already left- Kid: "..." T_T "The Internet lied to me..." kirika: HA! -later- liz: kid? you ok in there? Kid: (collapsed on the floor) "Leave me alone. I want to die." liz: kid? have you been taking your meds? Kid: (nods) "I have. I just..." *sigh* "I suck." liz: kid..... Kid: "She thinks I'm an idiot." liz: *sigh* -the next day- Kid: (dragging his feet through hallway of DWMA) stocking: *at her locker* Kid: (internal screaming, turns around to walk away) stocking: ................ Kid: (marching away, then running away--and bumps into someone) Kid: (knocked back) "S-Sorry!" sayaka: it's fine. Kid: "...Oh. You." (gets himself up) "Hmph." sayaka: D: Kid: (stares) "What?" -some time passes- liz: hmmm.... the Halloween dance is coming up... Kid: (chokes on his drink) "R-Really?" liz: yeah. Kid: "Like, a dance where people...dance?" liz: yeah, there's gonna be a dance king and queen, a haunted house *shivers* pumpkin carving, movies... Patty: "You should ask out Stocking, Kiddo!" Kid: o___o "I-I can't do that! She hates me!" liz: aw come on, nothing ventured nothing gained. Kid: "H-How? I look so stupid to her." liz: just ask her, no gimmicks or anything, just talk to her normally. Kid: "...I'm not normal. I don't know how to be normal." Patty: "Be yourself! If you are, she can't reject you unfairly. Right, Sis?" liz: right. just talk to her. Kid: "..." (takes out paper, scribbles notes) -later- stocking: *at her locker* Kid: "St-Stocking?" stocking: hmm? oh.....hey. Kid: "Hey. How are you?" stocking: same as usual.....you? Kid: "F-Fine. I was wondering if...Um...You know the Halloween Dance is coming up on...Halloween?" stocking: the Halloween dance? isn't that on the 30th?
Kid: "Y-Yeah. Have any plans?" stocking: nah. probably just staying in my apartment watching horror movies. Kid: "...Would you like to go to the dance? With me?" stocking: oh? hmmm...... Kid: "It's fine if you don't want to. Just figured I'm going, and you could meet more students...Sorry. Just offering." stocking:.....eh, sure, why not? Kid: o_o "..." *Inside Kid's head: Dancing, symmetrical rainbows, Hearts, happy music* Kid: "Great! Um...Meet you here at the school?" stocking: or maybe you could pick me up from my place? Kid: "S-Sure! What's your address?" stocking: *she writes it down for him* it's the Griswald apartment building. Kid: "I-I'll see you then! Thanks!"
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