#(Hi I'm Awake And Watching Ep Late)
koushirouizumi · 2 years
Chara at start of GhostGame 61: "Yugami" {"Distortion[s]"} mE, KNOWING: ( O H )
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sadlilghostt · 6 months
His loss and ruin.
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Angel x sibling reader
๑ | synopsis: after a few years in hell, angel met a certain demon that he thought he could actually trust. Angel did actually fell for him, sadly, kindness nor love was a thing in hell, so he became more ruined and broken. Until a certain gambling demon came for his rescue.
๑ | tw : cursing, panick attack, abuse will be mentioned, blood, gore, death will be also be mentioned.
๑ | a/n : a part two from " my little sunshine " ig? HAHA I just watched HH ep 4 or 5 just right now and it just booster my motivation to write a second part of that one HEHE hope y'all liked it! ~
" My little sunshine "
Master list
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After the chaos occured on Valentino's studio and his very first heated argument with husk, angel ran off to a strip club to blow off some steam, but Satan must be hating on him somehow to bring husk to his tail and be his 'little-shining-armor' and caused more chaos.
" husk, what the actual fuck you are doin' here? " angel groaned as he struggled against his hold.
" let go off me! " he tried to pulled his arms back but fails miserably when husk tightened his hold to him and proceeds to push him away from the club.
" no, I'm takin' you back to the hotel. " husks gruff voice grumbled behind him.
" gett- off! " he groaned as he kicked his legs back trying to push him away to his relief, husk finally let go of his arms. Angel dusted off non-existent dust off of himself as husker gave him a frustrated look.
" that fucker put somethin' on yer drink. " angel glared at him.
" you don't think I can't tell when someone spikes my drink?! " he snapped as he run his fingers to his hair " I do this all fuckin' time! " he continues as husk gave him a look of disbelief.
" you just let people drug you all the time? "
More anger and frustration bubbled to angels chest, the bottle is in the verge of exploding.
Angel snapped his body to husks direction as his hands were in front of him, indicating his distress and frustrations.
" you think I ask for it? ! " he snapped, catching husk off guard. " I don't ask any of this shit! "His hands flew above from his head as more of his bottled emotions pour out.
" I didn't ask to be this way. " he turned back to him as husk stared at him.
" I didn't ask for you Charlie to save me, " he pointed at Huskers chest as he stepped away.
" I didn't asked for you to save me. " he pointed more to his chest, there nose were barely touching.
" I can handle myself. " he huffed pointing at himself " really? Because I just see someone self-distructing. " husked snapped back pointing back at angel's chest which angel leaned away. Husker pauses before continuing.
" it's seems like-- " just turned away " I don't know.. " he shook his head. Husker turned back again to face angel as he shrugged awkwardly " it seems like you need a bartender to talk too. " angel laughed at he placed his hand to hide forehead.
" oh, so— " he flew his hands again to his side as he chuckled. " now you're going to act like you give shit about me? " he places one of his hand to his hip.
" you think after how you treated me—" he quirkee a brow a him, pointing at him " I'm going to open up to you? Please. " he huffed as he opens his arms again dramatically as he turned away ready to walk out of this, and this conversation before he breaks more.
" maybe I would treat you better if you you were real, " more anger filled angels nerves as unwanted memories flew back to his mind. From the start where he was alive. Where he was still with you.
Anthony came back home late again with more bruises on his neck, his body was swaying as he stumbled to his steps when his eyes landed on you.
You were seated in front of the door with your arms and legs crossed.
He wondered, why we're yous till awake.
" anth. "
Anthonh breath out before cracking up a wobbly smile as he leaves ok the door frame " heya sunshine. " he shot and finger guns at you, but your expression remains the same and clearly unfazed.
He gulped, " why- why are you still awake? It's in the middle of the night.. " he stumbled up on his step as he walked towards your direction.
" oh I don't know, maybe because I was waiting for my idiot, stupid of a brother to come home and actually eat with me in the nights and sleep together and cuddle like he promised? " you quirked a brow at him as you stand up from your seat.
He gulped once again, " oooh.. " he breathe to his teeth as he sighed and gave you an apologetic look. " I'm sorry sunshine.. For- not being able to eat dinner with you.. It's just- "
" work has been very tougher lately and you/i can't afford to leave early. " you rolled your eyes, perfectly synchronizing with him which he gave you a shock look before letting out a breathless laugh.
" well- wow. " he coughed out.
" anth.. " you sighed frustratedly as you walked towards him " I know you, we're literally siblings. I know you from head to toe and you're like an open book to me. "
You stared up at him with a frown, he looked completely nervous, making you sigh as he averted eye contact again.
" I know when soemthin's up or not, and I can tell that work has not been only tough, but rough for ya too. And don't think I can't see the bruises anth, I can literally see the dried blood on 'yer nose. " you squinted an eye at him which he flinched when you noticed this.
He sighed as he slumped before chuckling.
" I just can't hide anythin' from ya, aight sunshine? "He cocked his head to the side.
" bitch, I've been with your for years, what did ya expect? " you chuckled when you felt a stinging pain on your forehead.
" hey! Language. " he pouted.
" Italian and english? " you sarcastically replied.
" Gesù Cristo, sei una minaccia, " he chuckled as he shook his head ruffling your hair.
" hey! Watch it! I just groomed that! " you groaned. But giggling afterwards, he too started to chuckle as the both of you shared a heart laugh.
Once the both of you calmed down, a soft from were on your face again as you sighed.
" I just don't want'cha to hide things from me anth.. You've been there for me ,and I wanna be there for ya too, so please just cut the act ok? " you dropped your head softly to his chest as you lazily hang your arms around his waist.
" I don't want to see you silently suffer so please, " you tilted your head to meet his troubled face.
" don't be afraid to lend me 'yer troubles ok? "
Angel stared at you for a moment before sighing as he hugged you with his other hand on your head.
" what can I do? I can't say no ta that eyes sugar. " he softly laughed as you smiled brightly at him.
" good, now let's eat! "
Angel felt tears swelled up upon his eyes at the memory as his heart pounded, he the lump of his throat thickens as he listened more to husk.
" and not some bullshit version of yourself, ways pushin' my boundaries. " husks scoffed as he watched angel walked away from him. This grew more frustration for husk.
" lemme tell ya, nobody in that hotel cares who you are! " he snapped as he swung his hand to his side. " how famous, how hot. "
" so you might as well just cut the act. " angel stopped from his tracks. With that single sentence, he finally snapped.
" anth.. We talked a bout this, I told you to not be afraid of lending me your troubles. If I were to loose my life just ta have you to open up then sure I'd fuckin' bet my life on that. " you sighed dramatically as angel shot you a look for swearing but you ignored it " like I've said, I've been with you for years, I can literally see through that mask that you're in trouble. So please just drop the act, ok? "
Your voice rang onto his mind as his mind finally went blank, emotions finally exploding.
" IT'S NOT AN ACT! " he snapped turning around to face husk again, tears were threatening to fall from his eyes. Husk was once again, shocked as he finally see his walls breaking down.
" it's who I need to be.. " he hugged himself as he averted his eyes.
" and this— " his hand flew above his head " this is my escape " escape from everything,escape from val, escape from the memory,the memory of you dying into his arms. He smiled but it was strained and tensed.
" where I can forget about it all! " he turned again stumbling as he leaned into the clubs wall for support. An image of you dead in his arms flashed into his mind again.
" h-how much I hate-! " himself, he hated himself for for not being able to save you from that night. " everything! " he continued.
" a place where I can get high, and not have to think how much it hurts. " he clutched his chest. He wondered, what would you think if you saw him now, would you still care for him? Love him? Would you still see him as an older brother?
" and maybe.. " he pushes himself off of the wall as he places his hands on the side of his head as he looked down on his foot. " I can ruin myself enough in the process, " his hands slowly went limp to his side.
" if I end up broken, I won't be his favorite you any more and.. I wont have to remember that fuckin' night where she died right into my arms. " his voice shook as he shook his head trying to shove away the memory of you slowly going limp into his arms.
Angel sat on the side walk, hugging his legs into his chest.
" and maybe he'll let me go.. And maybe.. And just maybe.. I might get actually redeemed and see her again. "
Husk looked down at the spider demon sadly, he wondered who's she he was talking about. But he figured that it must be someone from the day he was life, deciding not to push it, husk sat down beside him.
Husk sighed heavily as he started, " I was an overload once you know." Husk started. Angel turned his head to look at him to see if he was lying.
Husk met his eyes before smiling awkwardly.
" yeah.. And uh.. " he trailed " it's was nice to have that power, but when your dealing with souls, while Also being a gambler, the stakes are pretty high. And loosing a few more hands can be more than a little dangerous, so when you're down on you luck, you turn into anything to..keep you afloa even making deals yourself. So I know what is like to.. Regret the choices made and.. " he pauses for long before starting again. " knowin' ya can't take it back. " he finishes, a thickening silent envelopes them before angel broke it.
" I..." He trailed as he stared at the puddle infront of him " had a little sister. " husk perked up at the mention of this before turning to look at angel,
' so that was the "she" he was talking about. ' husk thought. He remains silent and listened further.
" she was my everything, my source of light, my little sunshine. " angel smiled sadly, husks eyes widened a little to see him talking so sweety about someone, but it was a relative anyways so of course he'd talk sweetly about it. But it was new to see angel dust being like that.
" our parents were never good, so we eventually ran away from home once I turned 18,she was 16 back then. " he pauses before continuing " her name is Y/N, Y/N is.. Someone ya should not mess with, the girl was like a tiger on loose when mad. " he chuckled dryly " but overall that chaotic personality, she was the sweetest sugar you'd eva' picked, a delicate little flower. " he sighed as he stared into the distance.
" back then, I was very secretive, hidin' my outside doins from her, comin' home late and neva' eaten dinners with her, no cuddles night and such... " he sighed before continuing " she confronted me once about that, but.. I choose to hide things from her again, till one night. I caught myself in a bad deal and stole bunch'a drugs and money.. And that stupidity of mine caused her life. " he tests finally pour into his eyes as he let out a little sob.
" I watched-... Husk i watched her.. Died right in my eyes! " he panted as he turned to the feline who had his eyes wide at the information he was getting. " and.. Right into my arms. " angel hugged himself tighter.
" so that's why.. I did everything.. Everything to ruin myself more.. Just to get that wipe off of my mind, to forget- her hands slowly let go of my hand.. Her eyes running out of life.. That- little sad smile she held even dying. " he cried, shoulders were shaking as he sobbed, husk sighed as he placed a hand ok angels shoulder and pats it.
" everyday.. Everytime, I regretted not coming home early, I regretted not spending enough time with her, I regretted for not listenin' to her.. If I could turn back the time.. If I had a second chance to be with her.. I'll.. I'll be a better brother this time. " he sobbed.
Husk was silent, trying to look a better words to ease up the spider demon, he let out a heavy sigh before smiling lightly.
" well , I never known the gal but.. I'm sure she forgives ya. " he started as he watched angel tears up.
" you did fucked up big time but.. " he pauses as he stand up and walked in front of angel.
" I'm sure the gal still see's you the bestest brother she eva' had. You did took care of her once the both of ya left yer parents house, so the little gal must be waitin for ya up there. " husk smiled at him before holding out his hand, angel smiles before wiping off his tears and accepted his hands pulling himself up.
"... Thanks.. For.. Listening. " angel awkwardly rubbed his arms as husk shrugs.
" told ya you could need a bartender to talk. " the both of them chuckled when the clubs door busted open and saw them.
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I'm the heavens, on your room, your hands fiddled with the necklace on your neck as you stared off into the distance.
Suddenly your nose itch making you sneeze, you rubbed your nose as you sniffle groaning a bit.
" to who ever the fuck talkin about me, I hope you bit your tongue. " you groaned.
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After the little massacre happened, angel and husker were covered in blood as the two happily walked their way back on the hotel when angel suddenly bit his tongue.
" OW- FUCK-"
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sathellio · 4 months
for the genloss ep 1 anniversary I'm rewatching the first vod and I have MORE THOUGHTS?? who knew this was even possible
1. hearing the music and watching the Showfall logo appear at the very beginning has me in my feels. this moment a year ago literally changed my life
2. yes, the Dr Jekyll and Mister Hyde reference is very good, but Right After that Ranboo goes "ow, my head" AND I- we already know they wake up with their arms still in the crucified position so we know this is a time loop thing and the box ending has happened before, but I haven't heard anyone notice that line?? did we just never pick up on that or am I late to the party?? either way ouch
3. if I had a nickel for every time gl!Ranboo dug into something's/someone's guts for a key I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice (bats in ep 1 and Charlie in ep 2)
5. during the bat cpr moment I never noticed that after Charlie said "to the rough beat of staying alive" he says "I didn't" lmao
6. Charlie's dead stare then the slow pan over to the broken urn is so funny
7. "there's, there's Nothing In the Fridge!" "goo goobie!!"
8. "es splaghebbi"
9. god there's so many good quotes
10. Squiggles says "I can't take any more Loss of these characters" and I know that's just silly goofy referencing the title, but also, all of them were doomed from the start. we know this, and Showfall knows this, but they really told us in the very beginning and we just didn't understand
11. I quote "it's an 8 hour flight" so often
12. I love the soundtrack so much oh my god
13. I also love Sneeg's sass this is fantastic
14. the lights flickering when Charlie pops out of the box is a nice touch
15. why did Ranboo blind himself with a flashlight two (2) separate times
16. *Bat*
17. why does Charlie's room have jello on the shelves
18. the way Ranboo says "I'm gonna go to bed" scratches my brain
19. also how Sneeg says "you would've known ~had you been awake~"
20. do you think gl!Ranboo was confused about finding an exact replica of his jacket in the basement box
21. I love Charlie's fighting idle motions they're so good
22. "what the fuck" *falls off tricycle*
23. man Ranboo really has a record for missing their towel throws (iykyk)
24. ugh seeing the ending of ep 1 for the first time was INSANE
I'll probably do this for ep 2 and 3 on their respective anniversaries! live laugh goo goobie
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baronessblixen · 2 years
Hi ! The doodle art you reblogged with Mulder kissing Scully is so perfect ! Do you think you could write a fic about this ?
I'm not entirely sure but I think the art is THIS POST. It took a life of its own anyway. It's a fluffy post-ep for "Chimera".
Fictober Day 28 | Tagging @today-in-fic @xffictober2022 | Wc: 1,088
Yes, Honey
Mulder unlocks the door to Scully’s apartment, stepping inside with a huge smile. It falls away when he realizes that Scully isn’t standing there waiting for him. For some reason he expected her to be as excited to see him as he is to see her. Instead, there’s only quiet and no Scully. Maybe he should have called her first, reminding her that he had plans to come over once he was back in town.
“Honey, I’m home,” he says, taking off his coat. That must get a reaction out of her. The words sound wrong even to his own ears. He’s made the joke once before. But that was before they were a couple. It reminds him of the domesticity he briefly tasted in Vermont during the Adderly case. It clings to him like day’s old aftershave.
“Scully?” He asks, this time with worry in his voice. She wouldn’t have gone out, knowing he was coming over. Would she? He doesn’t even take off his shoes as he walks through her apartment. She’s not in the kitchen, the living room, or the bathroom. That leaves her bedroom. It’s only late afternoon – she can’t be asleep, can she? The door is ajar and Mulder pushes it open, a smile breaking out on his face.
There she is. She’s in her bed, sleeping diagonally with a book by her side to keep her company.
“Hey, sleepyhead,” Mulder whispers, touching her shoulder gently.
“Hmm, let me sleep,” she mumbles, only half-awake.
“You’re not at all happy to see me?”
“You left me alone on that stakeout,” she says, peeking at him with sleepy eyes. “I had to take two showers, Mulder. Two.”
“I’m sad I missed both of them.”
“It was cold and it was lonely,” she complains and Mulder can’t help but smile at her. She must have put her hair up in a bun after her shower, but a strand has rebelliously snuck out. He tucks it behind her ear, happiness flooding him.
When Ellen asked him about his significant other, he considered telling her about Scully. What difference would it have made? He does have someone. He has Scully. But what she is to him can’t be compromised into two little words or a simple definition.
“The showers were cold and lonely?”
“The stakeout, Mulder.” She crawls out from under the covers, stretching. She yawns and Mulder watches her, amazed that he gets to be here with her. There was no question where he was going to go after landing. And not just because he left his coat with her. Though that makes it the perfect excuse. If she’s going to throw him out, he can just pretend he came for his coat. The way she’s smiling at him, though, he thinks he’s going to get lucky tonight. In more ways than one.
“I missed you,” he admits. “On the case. Working without you is… it’s not the same.”
“Did anything happen?” She asks him.
“Why do you ask?”
“I don’t know,” she says, touching his face. “You look… different.”
“I leave you for a couple of days and you no longer recognize me.” She playfully rolls her eyes at him while her finger journeys over his face, following its contours. “It’s me, Scully.”
“I know it’s you,” she says. “I may have missed you too.” He loves this new version of Scully. It must have always been hidden underneath her suits and her fierceness. Every once in a while, he got glimpses of it. Now he gets the whole thing. A new side of Scully he can’t get enough of.
“Not as much as I missed you.”
“Didn’t know it was a contest,” she says, pinching his nose. He laughs at her and he can no longer just sit here with his hands by his side. He has to kiss her. So he leans forward and does precisely that. She’s as hungry for him as he is for her. She’s pulling him towards her by his sweater and just as he’s about to lie on top of her, she pushes him away.
“What?” He asks, confusion written all over his face. He wipes his mouth, staring at her.
“Why are you still wearing shoes?”
“How did you even notice that? I was worried when I didn’t see you and forgot to take them off,” he says, grumbling. Cockblocked by his own shoes. While he takes them off, Scully gets up from the bed and he groans in frustration. So much for their making-out session.
“I fell asleep,” she said. “Have you eaten? I haven’t eaten yet. How about pizza? What do you wanna eat?” She asks him, watching him with her hands on her hips. She’s wearing casual clothes, his favorite outfit on her. Unless she’s not wearing anything. That will always trump everything.
“You,” he says with a grin, reaching for her. She squeals as he pulls her to him. She crashes into his chest, and both of them laugh.
“I’d like something substantial first.”
“You are substantial to me,” he says, proving his point by holding her face, kissing her everywhere he can reach. Her forehead, her cheek, an ear. He wants all of her. She smells like her shampoo and tastes like herself. He can’t get enough of her. He’s been craving her ever since their first kiss.
He bites gently into her nose, making her giggle harder. The corner of her mouth and she stills in his arms. He can feel her smile against his own lips; taste it, too. He kisses it right off of her, making her moan into his mouth. What Ellen said to him rings through his mind as Scully tugs on his shirt, her hands searching for skin she can touch. This is what he wants. She is a refuge for him. Just as she hopes he’s the same for her. Whether they have the classic, standard run-of-the-mill marriage or not. It’s them.
“You’re thinking too much,” Scully says, teasing his lips with her tongue.
“That’s not something you accuse me of very often, Scully.”
“You owe me dinner, Mulder,” she says, continuing to chase his mouth.
“Anything you want,” he says. Yes, honey, is what he thinks.
“Right now,” she says, pressing a kiss to his jaw. “I want you.”
“What happened to substantial food?”
“Later,” she says, shutting him up with her mouth. “You whetted my appetite. And you owe me this, too.”
Yes, honey, he thinks again, gladly letting her have her way with him.
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have you ever dreamed about atz/idol(s) before?
i had a dream not long after txt's tnc:temptation was released. i was a main role (??) of some sorts in txt's cysm and we were shooting the mv (i was watching content from tdc:eternity era before sleeping so i guess that explains it)
so blah blah blah, terry and i become best friends, blah blah blah, i end up going home after the shoot. next morning i wake up to what seems like a studio choom behind ep, and its txt's reactions when they find out i wont be filming with them anymore??(somehow we skipped a whole 4 albums and came back to tnc:temptation?) so soobin, beomgyu and yeonjun were spinning in a t-pose with the fairy dust sprinkling around them, terry and kai were watching them, and then they were like all sad when they found out i wasnt filming anymore, then started sending hearts and blowing kisses to the camera AND TERRY SAID I LOVE YOU😭
so i started crying in the dream and posted the clip of yunjin saying 정말 감사합니다 on my twitter 😭😭 then i woke up and got really sad that i wasnt actually friends w taehyun
in all my dreams of txt, taehyun is always my best friend and its so sad when i wake up to realise it was just a dream and ill never be friends w him 😭😭😭
omgg i can feel the heartbreak from here 😭😭 that was wild tho and dreams do be like that they literally make no sense esp with the timeskips inside a dream like what is this a kdrama 😭 funny that your subconscious has friendzoned taehyun for good LMAO
i dream a lot actually, so much it's almost a problem bc they're so vivid and i rarely ever feel well rested bc of them oops BUT i've had a few crazy kpop dreams too:
a similar friendzone situation happened to me where me and taeyong were supposed to be best friends? in the same college and he was angry about sth on our way to clg and i was trying to calm him down but he ended up being mean and i was like find me when you're calm 💀 and then he felt sorry or sth and we were in class (some auditorium kinda setting) and he kept looking at me with those sad apologetic eyes and when i finally met his gaze he mouthed 'sorry' and i gave him the 👌okay sign AND THEN THAT MF MOUTHED 'I LOVE YOU' AND ISTG I SOBBED RIGHT THERE (i guess i was in love with him 😩) AND I MOUTHED ILY BACK BUT ISTG MY HEART BROKE.
an ateez dream that keeps me awake tho it's a funny one i think i've told someone on another ask too but what happened was yungi and i are a best friends trio and yunho had been away for some time and he was back in town so mingi and i were going to meet up with him in some park right and it was late at night so not many ppl were around and when i saw yunho waving at me i literally dropped everything and ran towards him and he spread his arms and i jump-hugged him and he picked me up and i was hugging him and he was spinning me around (i'm losing it if you can't tell already) and i was still in his arms, my legs wrapped around him for support and i broke the hug to look at him aND IM SO STUPID I JUST GIGGLED AND SAID "so this is how the air feels like from up here" JKFHGJSFDHGKJDFHGKJ (i want to cry every time i think about this dream bc a) it's funny and b) that hug was so warm and i haven't had a good hug in years))
my recent fic guerrilla (serialkiller!yunho) was also a direct result of me dreaming about serial killer yunho actually slitting ppl's throats and well... he's hot
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feuqueerfire · 4 months
Kiseki: Dear To Me Live Blogging
I initially didn't add this to my watchlist despite hearing good things about it when it was airing (esp because I heard that it kinda fell apart plot-wise toward the end maybe? I don't remember) but people's talks about the side ship had piqued my interest, so I added it a few months later. I'm in the mood for something that has Things Going On other than just a sweet romance, so I hope this scratches that itch.
Pausing my I Will Knock You binge to start this instead
Ep 1 (May 14)
Mar 2023
agh, I have to log out of Viki to watch this because it detects my adblocker >:(( okay, i'm disabling and then enabling. i'm watching with the Viki comments on the side after a Long Time, I hope it's just kinda fun and isn't irritating or spoiler-y
hm, Chen Yi and Ai Di are the side characters, right?
reminds me of the History 3: Trapped side couple lol
I... just realized Bai Zongyi probably just got out of jail and that's why Ai Di had his address in a notebook or whatever and is telling him how to get home and such, right? I remember something about somebody getting out of jail but I thought it involved Ai Di pursuing some guy after he or the guy ? got out of jail.
Anyway, this makes me think we're gonna actually start from before he went to jail?
Ai Di being warned to stay away from Zongyi to not hurt him? And Zongyi has photo with a guy who I assume is his lover interest and I guess Zongyi was in prison for 4 years?
Nov 2018, ah
oh crazy, a bloody hand grabbing him outta nowhere, i would've screamed. reminds me of Long Time No See though
Zongyi studying to be a doctor maybe
lolll I think I may have seen this scene in an edit? Or in a different show? Where he's like help me or you'll be the murderer since the fingerprint is on the knife
hehe they're both so rude to each other <3 and also somewhat of an age diff? <3 and the older criminal (?) guy basically forcing Zongyi's hand by blackmailing him with the knife but Zongyi doesn't take to it kindly or easily <3
ah, Chen Yi and Ai Di were in the same gang? And I guess the guy who Zongyi found is same guy they're looking for? A'Ruei?
Fan Jheruei
Beg me... hah. and he does beg cutely, even though it's a joke/condescending
pls gangster Jheruei being a cat in Zongyi's mind?
scenes of desperation and blackmail being overlayed with some royalty-free cheery music lmfao
Jheruei going through all of Zongyi's stuff and also reminiscing about his own memories (Zongyi's family has high expectations for him while Ruei's does not?)
he's hiding from Zhang Teng who sold drugs under Yiyun Gang's name (are they Yiyun gang?)
Ruei knows math? but he couldn't show it outwardly before cuz he has to be worse than his brother?
I didn't realize this opposing gangster was from MODC lol
Ep 2 (May 14)
oh the other MODC guy is here too? damn. but they're not a couple here probably even though one's the gang leader and the other's in the gang?
pls Zongyi laying awake, afraid of Ruei trying to murder him while Ruei just adjusts his blanket. why is the scary gangster both cold and soft-hearted
domesticity between a college kid and a gangster who is forcibly hiding himself in this guy's home via blackmail so that he's not framed with a knife
Ai Di's torture via spice and then getting tied to the chair himself lol
wait it's a high school kid? ohh delicious age gap then
"dinner got cold" all the while he's taking the laundry in. gangster has decided to become a full-time househusband
lol Zongyi's got storm/rain trauma, rain really on these BL leads' necks
aw, it triggers his childhood abuse :(
aw that was done pretty well from both of them
okay Enough, we don't need a shower crying scene
not the "sleep with me (on the same bed)"
ah, cuddling
all;sdfj ?! huh?! Ruei with his sleep-addled brain def thought Zongyi was somebody else right, does that mean he's heartbroken?
damn, he's losing out on his scholarship over 1 late attendance? not even missing bruh, let it slide
oof an adult against a minor card. more than fair enough
girl, I thought Ruei was gonna try to find a way to properly apologize but he's just being rude and ordering Zongyi around, smh. you're the one who's in this kid's house and kissed him randomly, even if, I assume, accidentally
Ep 3 (May 14)
ah, I was waiting to see what Ai Di was looking at down there during the call
omg?! Ai Di is crazy, just driving like that, even if he knew that Chen Yi would take the man away from the front of the wheels
lol he actually punched him instead of doing the "gentlemanly" thing and faking out
they've made up now i suppose, cute
lion tattoo, is that for everybody in the gang or is Chen Yi this Boss guy's son or something
lmfao is this show a fucking Taiwanese BL reunion lmfao, Be Loved In House: I Do main couple make an appearance as part of the Yiyun gang
damn, the Boss got a gay relationship with his assistant (?) or whatever too, I guess. Are they from some BL too or nah?
but why is everybody making eye contact and watching that interaction lmfao, esp Chen Yi ? like Chen Yi and possibly Ai Di don't like the two of them being involved for some reason?
Also, I thought Chen Yi saw the Boss guy as his father figure but maybe he sees him as a crush on older man type thing? and that's why he doesn't like it?
Damn, what's up with this Boss and the other guy? deceived by his words for 20 years and this one being the last time?
True love?! girl we're halfway through episode 3
Ruei's family?
ah, so Chen Yi does like/has a crush on the Boss? Though I guess that's Ai Di's interpretation (similar to my thoughts via observation), so Boss could still be his brother/father/whatever and not a romantic crush
naurrrr Ruei being picked up and passing by Zongyi who had excitedly bought strawberry cake T.T
he left the money and a note and the knife (cleaned, no longer for blackmail purposes) and without a face-to-face goodbye owww
omg naurrr, not that reminding him of when his mother walked out on him
Disease! Elbow!
"My cat is missing" aw
The people said in the novel, the age different is 17 and 22 which I think is a good age gap if we're doing one of them is underage but still want a bit of an age gap. uncomfortable enough because as a 22 year old, 17 year olds are simply too young but not Too Uncomfortable the way it might be with an even bigger age gap.
Ep 4 (May 15)
Watching this in bed on my ipad, heh
mid Jan 2019, so it’s been ~1.5 months since he left
yaas Ai Di and Zongyi meeting
I read that Ai Di and Chen Yi were step-brothers in a tumblr post i reblogged so i knew this already but i wish i hadn’t bc finding this out randomly in the middle of watching like this would’ve been so fun and exciting
18 and 21, what a perfectly acceptable age gap, i’m glad they gave me step brothers bc idk why i thought before starting this show that the second couple has a big-ish age gap
February 2019
hello?!? Ruei substitute teacher?! when ppl mentioned teacher in preview from ep 3, i assumed they meant another cameo
lmfao what kinda gang are they that the principal of the school wants to let them infiltrate the school to catch another gang providing drugs to students lmfaoo
ah, hurt and pain as Ruei turns Zongyi away and tries to make him hate him on purpose
god Chen Yi manhandles Ai Di so much, i love it
the boss is Chen Yi’s Godfather along with his crush. this one could’ve been delicious too tbh but i like the current couple
bruh similar rescuing tho this time he’s just drunk not bleeding
ahhh Zongyi doesn’t want Ruei to leave and keeps coming up with excuses
Okay, I read the episode's on-air thread on r/boyslove but... why do some comments mention Ruei losing his memories? I'm not looking forward to the amnesia trope, agh.
Ep 5 (May 15)
lmfao this fall
omg Zongyi thinking Ai Di likes Ruei
lmfaoooo dying at the jealous hijinks
at least that's cleared up
why is this the approach the girl is taking lmao
lol this fight
lol this falling into Zongyi's arms in sleep
the viki comments have been annoying me this episode but somebody said you can telling this man (Ruei) is used to having company in bed and lmfao yepp
first a kiss not groping him, Ruei is actually a menace and a danger
Ai Di always being manhandled and thrown around by Chen Yi
cousin lol
why is the girl so annoying, we really have 1 female character who gets to speak more than 1 line and she's a terrible person like ok
he left his classroom just like that, who knows what's going on there now lmfao
oh Zongyi's being cute
Ep 6 (May 15)
aw Zongyi made the cake
mouth wiping
lmfao drink spit
okay i know he's about to get rejected based on what people said about previews for this ep, oof
lol this feels like I'm getting a little taste of the next drama I'm gonna watch (A Lesson in Love) where it's a young? female teacher with her high school student
anyway Ruei tells Ai Di that he can't control his feelings, so at least he's aware of them
brain pills? in this school that apparently has drugs being sold to the students? also this is reminding me that we're on ep 6 of a 13 ep show and Zongyi has to go to jail soon, I'm guessing?
Zongyi is quite mature in saying let's not meet then, maybe I'll get over my crush
The Fans? Ruei's family? Are they also a gang or what?
I don't care about the Boss and the other guy but I guess it's fun to see how it affects the chain of Chen Yi and Ai Di
aw, Zongyi stuffing his face with strawberry cream roll in sadness
damn, even Ai Di and then don't consider Ruei to be really part of the gang because he's afraid to die and doesn't do as much in the gang as Ai Di and Chen Yi do
so is somebody in the car watching them? We didn't get a reveal
pls not Ai Di insulting Chen Yi by saying he's impotent and his dick doesn't work and Chen Yi kissing him in anger?
Ai Di always taking jabs at Chen Yi for not being able to tell their boss about his crush but not telling him himself and now biting Chen Yi's lip till it bleeds to stop the kissing
I wonder how much Chen Yi knows about his feelings towards Ai Di and how much in denial he is
plsss the way I didn't even recognize Ai Di in the disguise
I am now seeing how these 2 could go to jail (as students who possessed drugs?)
In his usual getup, it feels like I don't really learn Ai Di's face because my eyes are more drawn to the other more colourful aspects but now, I can kinda see his face and acting more? idk if this makes any sense
Ruei running off in the heavy rain to get to Zongyi? Who could've guessed?
i love this wound-tending scene a lot because it's like Zongyi calling Ruei by his full name and telling him to leave and not make him like him anymore vs Ruei telling Zongyi to shut up and physically manhandling him and tending to his wound. it's a good push and pull scene with great tension
agh will they actually kiss? idek
Ep 7 (May 15)
I love how it transitions from eager Ruei pulling Zongyi to the wound tending while Zongyi resists -> eager Zongyi going for a kiss while Ruei resists, not that he resists for too long, it's like a slight push and then he's kissing back
i loveeee a younger top character
omg shirts off? Ruei you're going quite far with your underage lover!
"Wait. Do you know how to do it?" Guttural scream.
"Yes, I checked it on the internet after I fell in love with you." "Naughty boy." hah. crazy.
long ass sex scene
but I actually really liked it, esp after Only Friends where I skipped almost all the sex scenes (except SandRay's lol). idk like it wasn't a Super Sweet scene, it was still meant to be pretty hot and attractive but it was slow which I think is something quite important to me lol i dislike watching sex scenes that feel too erratic in the name of passion. anyway, this was a pleasant surprise because I think I've heard more about the side ship for this show
omg are they insinuating that Zongyi was too rough or something?
pinky promise to get better at sex i'm gonna scream overly eager inexperienced virgin top, my most beloved trope
a few viki comments surprised that Zongyi topped like no way you're surprised at this? I realized in like ep 1 and it did raise my eyebrows a bit because i thought yknow the gangster but the BL tropes are pretty aligned for top Zongyi/bottom Ruei
oh fun Zongyi purchased anti-inflammatory cream for ig Ruei's back pain or whatever, he cares and is cute
i don't like this kiss scene though it's more edited
his father and sister here at this ill-opportune time, pls
not them all going to Ruei's house
anyway, wild that he left Zongyi initially because knowing them could put him in danger and now he's bringing the whole family over to his place lol
not the younger sister trying to steal her brother's man lmfao anyway I can't even laugh at her proposition because she's 16 because this man fucked a 17 year old
I'm kinda worried the dad's gonna find out or something
he's an illegitimate son of the Fan family
idk why this trauma sharing scene isn't really hitting for me like it feels somewhat artificial? or maybe it's because i'm nervous the dad is gonna suddenly appear
oof the MODC characters. if i was more of a fan of them, i would've been losing my mind and been devastated (Edit: okay apparently mans was saying it to somebody who's not the onscreen partner)
okayyyyy the sister did indeed see
but she's smiling so it's hopefully fine idk
okay indeed those brain pills are drugs
i really thought the drugs would be how they end up in jail, girl we're nearing the end of ep 7 when will they go to jail and when will they come outtttt
but damn, the drugs thing got settled off-screen? no way, right? Too fast and easy
Ai Di third wheeling
Zongyi holding down Ruei's hands above his head oof he would not be able to overpower Ruei's built ass but it's a fun pretense
Little Red Riding Hood Ai Di
spinning into Chen Yi's arms while in his little fit plsss hilarious
Fave Scene: The kissing and allusion to sex scene at the of the ep
Some more explanation about the scene because the translations could use some work
Man, people on the on-air thread were being said after watching ep 8 bc it apparently leaked early... would people gif it and would I be spoiled for it if I looked for ep 7 gifs rn? hmmm ig I'll take the chance lol
Ep 8 (May 16)
I think this is the episode where Ruei loses his memories maybe? But I also got spoiled last night that apparently Ruei's just pretending lol
so that's a fun/friendly pic of Zhang Teng and Ruei together... they're not the Fan family, right? like Zhang Teng isn't the young brother mans? bc he seems too random guy, not important enough to be the Fan family heir
lesbian marriage!!!!!!
gay husbands and lesbian wives saying hi to each other lmfao
but it's also so on the nose, you guys justtt started dating lmfao and i don't think Zongyi can even get married yet? lmfao
ohhh I see, May 2019, Taiwan legalized same-sex marriage, that's why they're showcasing this
kissing in public on the busy streets, feels like it never happens in BLs for obvious reasons but it's nice
okay Zhang Teng isn't related to the Fan family probably because Ai Di and Chen Yi are learning about his family's history
damn, we're just being dropping into Zongyi and Ruei being chased?
oh lol they weren't friends even in that photo and they had different bosses then too
Why does it lowkey seem like Zhang Teng had a crush on Ruei or something lmfao
Ruei injured and Zongyi's dad injured at the same time, damn
boss gonna offer him money for his dad? in exchange of...
damn, Ruei straight up killed Zhang Teng
omg, they want Zongyi to take the fall for killing Zhang Teng :0 in exchange for his dad's heart transplant, crazy
biting finger
they're so speedy with it, talking about thinking of the bite mark as a ring lol
damn, that's it, straight to jail. 4 years for murder is quite small but maybe they played the minor card + self-defence?
girl what, somebody was waiting in the jail cell with a chair to hit Zongyi? lmfao is this how we get the possibly double amnesia pls
Okay, there's a bonus ep for this or something but I kinda just skimmed it. it kinda seems like it would've been useful info for the show tbh because it gives more info on wtf was going on with Zhang Teng and Ruei's interactions with him but oh well. The MODC actors in the last scene with one of them dying tho, oof
Anyway, the relationship was going really fast in the past 2 eps (legit like 1.5 eps) and they're so committed considering they've barely started dating and how young Zongyi is. And also, the Zhang Teng or gang stuff really isn't well-defined to me and the stuff that happened this ep was quick without understanding anything, though Ig you get some background in the bonus ep but why is it not in the main story? Anyway, idk, I'm not looking forward to amnesia, fake or not. I'm hoping to more Ai Di and Chen Yi too.
Ep 9 (May 16)
Ruei amnesia
not him (the younger heir?) throwing Zongyi's admission letter away
Ai Di/Chen Yi drunk kissing (well Ai Di's not drunk)
Ai Di grasping Chen Yi by the throat
don't suddenly say "we are brothers" in the middle of taking clothes off please
fade to black
"What did I do? You're gonna kill me when you wake up" after having sex with their drunk love interest, really is very top/seme-coded of Ai Di + the dressed and up Ai Di parallels top Zongyi while undressed in bed Chen Yi parallels Ruei but people didn't yet know that Ai Di tops, right?
damn, Fan family doing too much, why'd they wanna injure Zongyi when mans already took the fall for their Ruei bruh. so that's why Ai Di goes in, to protect him
and 4 years pass just like that
even more into the Chen Yi manhandling Ai Di this time around
damn, Ai Di negotiated with the Boss to leave the gang if he went to prison 4 years ago
Chen Yi preparing spicy ass food for Ai Di's welcome home meal, my food as love language ahhhh
Ai Di aghhh so callous in order to hide his feelings. "You can do it to me and we're even" and the taunting
okay I guess we're not doing the double amnesia thing, nice, at least I have that.
Zongyi's dad asking it Ruei's contacted him and hearing that he's lost his memory
oof, Zongyi has so much faith while his father has none about Ruei coming back for Zongyi
oh, Zongyi's brain damage causes short-term memory loss... that's the amnesia aspect for him
Ai Di's blond again heh
I loved all the Ai Di/Chen Yi this ep, hope we get loads of them in the 4 eps left pls pls pls pls pls
ah, I hadn't noticed Ai Di's tear falling on Chen Yi's face omg </3
Also, I don't tend to watch the Behinds but this ep's one gave some good info like Chen Yi at first didn't know it was Ai Di (which I got based on him shushing Ai Di and saying Ai Di's gonna be mad if he hears) but thought he realized soon after but apparently Chen Yi didn't know it was Ai Di until the tears came down. And the heart-wrenching emotions Ai Di's going through because he knows it's the first time they're doing this but it's also the last time and they're not gonna meet again
Fave Scene: The Ai Di/Chen Yi scene. I wasn't as into the sexiness of it like the Zongyi/Ruei one. This one was more about the psychological warfare, drunk Chen Yi, their emotions and confusion, the tears, Ai Di topping (off-screen), Ai Di's hands around Chen Yi's throat a few times, etc. the devastation of it all when Ai Di pretends it was all nothing.
Ep 10 (May 16)
Until last episode, I was more into the main couple despite liking Ai Di and Chen Yi's storyline as well. But now, suddenly idc about the main couple, I just want my Ai Di/Chen Yi.
Also, does this show have plot... what is actually happening and why?
oh baker Zongyi
is that Plus and Minus side couple? laundromat owner?? bar worker???? did one of them have a child??
oof, Ai Di thwarting Chen Yi's move to kiss
Chen Yi's not letting up ahh
damn, I thought Ruei came or something, why'd they shoot it like that before moving away before?
omg their meeting
but also Ruei's strength omg, he's having to pretend that he doesn't know Zongyi and that it doesn't do anything for him after 4 years of not seeing him
now why'd that guy guide Ruei by his waist and make Zongyi thing they're dating >:(
hehehehhe more Ai Di/Chen Yi to come
Chen Yi princess carrying Ai Di and the situation being startling that Ai Di doesn't start complaining until a few seconds in
aghhh Ai Di resisting but Chen Yi being like I know you enough to know you pick your fingers when you lie <33 dubcon/coersion <33
Ai Di escaping but telling Chen Yi to get a doctor to treat his wound before running away, heh
ah, so the other guy knew that Ruei's faking it. and Ruei outside Zongyi's house T.T
who is this? is this the female friend among their high school trio?
a cat :D
Ai Di bothering Zongyi and wanting him to say/confirm that he also thinks Chen Yi likes Ai Di lmfao
ah, the guy told Zongyi that Ruei's amnesia is fake
3 more eps left
Ep 11 (May 16)
I get Zongyi's father's disapproval after everything but Zongyi' now 21, no longer 17, and also has been to literal prison for 4 years, I believe he can think and make his own choices
they're meeting again
damn, Ruei remember the exact number of days they've been apart: 1573 days
I really like how often and how casual Zongyi and Ruei kiss, I'm always on my beloved casual pecks agenda
lmfaooo Chen Yi sending Ai Di a pillow with his face on it + his autograph, he's hilarious
akl;sdfjl;kadjfs Chen Yi wasn't taunting Ai Di, he was trying to make a genuine gesture, he literally gave to Ai Di what their other gangster lackey friend gave to his girlfriend. also lmfao the gf wanting a life-sized one, i'm sure she's having fun with it
the Fan grandfather coming to visit Zongyi's cafe...
Zongyi making an enemy out of the grandfather, would he do something...
damn, the friend knew her high school friend was fucking the substitute teacher and was just like lol yeah cute. fine in this series but that's crazy to not have any concerns lol
no but what is the girl hiding, I hope she's not evil too?! That'll be 2 high school female classmates who are evil and only Zongyi's sister will a regular good female character
I lowkey don't care that much about Ruei's place in the Fan family, where the hell is my Ai Di/Chen Yi scene?
is that Ai Di with his knife to Chen Yi's throat or somebody else?
Ep 12 (May 17)
girl it’s 1:30am and im sleepy as hell in bed but i wanna watch ai do and chen yi so i’m on my ipad now
i feel bad wanting chen yi ai di scenes because zongyi/ruei are literally cute and likeable
excited Ai Di at the knife gift before getting mad
omgggg Chen Yi finally going to celebrate their birthday together when Ai Di was at prison
the dog tag?
oh, Ai Di’s bday presents for Chen Yi
hah… nice…
I went to sleep after the Ai Di/Chen Yi thing and also didn't type much because I was too busy watching lol
okay lemme rewatch that part again, including the convo beforehand
this feels like another cameo
what is up with the classmate aghhhh is this gonna be the ep 13 conflict or whatever
happy Ai Di swinging his sleeves around every which way heh
GIRL WHAT?!?! A GUN?! this is vegaspete-esque
oh the cameo was Plus and Minus main cp? girl the way i didn't even recognize them despite being like hm one guy seems kinda familiar, goes to show how much i didn't gaf. at least i recognized the 2nd couple during their cameo lol but that was 100% because of the long-haired guy
Ep 13 (May 17)
Just a 30-minute episode left but I was pretty busy today, so I'm finally getting to it toward the evening. I still haven't watched the part where Ai Di says so what if I'm short? or something like that which I saw in a tiktok, so I hope it's in this ep? hehe
Boss sent somebody to shoot Chen Yi? be serious
I literally do not give a fuck about this conversation or boss and his guy, show me Chen Yi and Ai Di together right nowwwwww. girl i'm skipping through this old man romance convo bc unfortunately i don't care despite it being a trope i feel like i would like
Ai Di loveeeees to grab Chen Yi's throat <3
heh, i see the short comment came from here. i'm so :( they're so good man
ah, the girl
ah, Zhang Teng was talking to his sister that time
I mean she's right "You dare to do it but not bear the consequences. You're a bastard" which I can't argue with lol but Zhang Teng was a fucker so oh well
i'm pretty sure he doesn't die because i would've heard about another MODC scenario lol
Ai Di in a new collar, yay !
Aw, I actually do like Zongyi/Ruei, it's just that Ai Di/Chen Yi are crazy so I'm more drawn to them
Ai Di in the collar and Chen Yi with the dog tag Ai Di gifted him idk why it makes me feel fucking insane
Ai Di being like you must let me die first because I'll go crazy. you however are more normal so if I were to die first, you'll get through it.
omg I wrote some stuff on my phone here but it was also open on my laptop and so it overrode and i lost it all D: let me try to remember what I wrote
had to watch this last part on my ipad
Zongyi bringing Ruei to his home and the acceptance of his father was very sweet and endearing
I fucking love ChenAi scenes, my toes curl every time I watch them make out lol and I watch their scenes like this -> :)
they both have pillows with their bodes waist-up
last scene of the show pre-credits is ChenAi, interesting
aw, proposal and engagement for Zongyi/Ruei followed by kitchen makeout heh
The thing with these crime/mafia BLs is that often they literally have no plot. I think Manner of Death is probably the most coherent though it's more cop-show than crime show and then History 3: Trapped. But most stuff like KinnPorsche, Never Let Me Go, Pit Babe, etc. don't have a coherent plot or just focuses on the drama rather than actual plot and this show is also like that. The thing about this is that it doesn't even bother establishing anything, like okay at least Pit Babe has clear outline like Tony has child trafficking ring, we should stop this trafficking ring, and a bunch of stuff happens. Here, what even is going on? something with Zhang Teng... but the gangs and the families and the crimes are all so vague and out of sight, it's mostly just about the relationships among the backdrop.
I don't know what to rate this because the plot and storyline do not feel coherent or engaging, but I really enjoyed the characters and the couples, specifically Zongyi/Ruei in the first half and Ai Di/Chen Yi in the second half. The couples also have some fun tropes that I like (age gap with the younger guy being overly eager, the ChenAi dynamic esp the part where they both manhandle each other so much) and Ai Di is a menace, which is always enjoyable. Is it enough for the show to introduce a criminal and crime-life element but not explain or expand on it at all? I don't necessarily think so, but honestly, if I'm plagued by the couples or feel the need to rewatch certain parts, I'll increase the rating.
Might also increase the rating if I end up writing ChenAi fic because the ship feels like it should fuel my fic-writing but since it wrapped up so nicely, I don't really feel the itch to write something more. Also, I love how Chen Yi would be manhandling and carrying Ai Di around while Ai Di's often wrapping his hand around Chen Yi's neck and being sadistic lol (including the second time Ai Di had Chen Yi tied to the chair and with a bloody lip and was grasping him by the chin, ahh)
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Rating: 6/10
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kpopper · 2 years
hi!!! mouse anon here
sorry it's been so long :3
how are you? I hope you've been doing good!
I've been pretty busy with work and I didn't have a lot of energy to watch the kdramas I had on my list but I've been reading a lot on my commutes lol im past my goal of 50 books for this year!
I did watch good detective season 2 which was honestly pretty good!! I didn't remember too much of the 1st season but they gave enough flashbacks that it seemed familiar idk if you watched it but every character except for the dad character was good. I kept getting reality checks of this is just the problems of the top 1% in society so I couldn't relate or care at times -_-
I had save me on my list for so long but I'm so hesitant to start cause I heard it's kind of a lot 😭 I just know the religious schtick of the cult would make me pissed like you said. I've been wanting some lighter shows lately but I'm not taking it off my list!
I still haven't gotten past the 1st ep of 2521 because of the finale!! how can I sit through a cute relationship only to get that ending 😭😭😭 you're so right, we're over relationships in kdramas! I need a good plot and found family and I'll be satisfied (extraordinary attorney woo had such a good couple even if we'll never know taeoh's backstory 😌)
omg I'm glad you liked the killer's shopping list! it's such a weird mix of genres but I think they handled it very well! (cafe minamdang is also on my list! ooh I'm glad it's similar!)
I've had to skip through many scenes of itaewon class :| the writing was just so weird but ahn bo hyun was done dirty by that show! that dye job/color was just so bad 😭
I'll start big mouth ASAP then! I kept seeing super cute gifsets but then people would comment and say the show's actually dark and emotional lol but I like a good mix of happy and sad (just not too sad)
I still haven't resumed dark too 😭 I haven't been productive at all 😭
my mom watched little woman I think and she liked it and I love the cast! it's also really short for a kdrama so it could be another short and good show!
from the new releases, I've heard cheer up was not what people were expecting and i saw mixed reviews so idk if I want it on my list. I do want to watch rookie cops and I heard glitch on netflix is very lesbian coded so it'll be up my alley! I'm also planning on starting law school soon even though it's been so long since you recommended it! I also heard somebody on netflix was good but I didn't hear as any people talking about it so I'm just basing that off of the 2 reviews I've seen lol
sorry I couldn't give you as any recs as I wanted to but I hope all the good recs find you anyway!!! <333
Mouse anon my beloved!!!! Didn’t think I’d hear from you again after changing the url on this blog actually, hi I hope you’ve been well!!!!
Honestly we’re IN SYNC cause I haven’t had the energy to watch a lot of things lately. And I think it started cause I, too, went on a reading binge since September / October of last year that completely shut off my brain for television. What types of books do you read? Is it the same investigation detective streak as your personal taste in tv? I’d love to talk about it
I haven’t watched good detective 2 yet for the reasons mentioned above…… I’ll def have to read about the plot of season 1 first because even with flashbacks I need to know I’m keeping up with the story as it is. It’s on my list for a unforeseeable future.
Yes save me is a lot honestly. I have an overbearing catholic mother so it was. A difficult series to swallow but for some reason I couldn’t stop watching it. It def awakes some raging feelings in you though, I believe even if you don’t have a strong feeling regarding Christianity in the first place like I do.
Bahahahaahahahha about2521 I FEEL YOU. But it’s also so incredibly in touch with the human experience of love and loss and life. It’s more brilliant because it’s over honestly, it sets the show apart from usual romantic dramas. But it’s still a heavy weight in the chest and something lodged on your throat so I get it if you can’t finish it
I never finished big mouth actually T-T I dropped it off by the few last episodes I believe…. It did got a bit dark by the end but the medical improbabilities of it kind of threw me off. It coincided with me dropping television altogether basically so there’s that
(Honestly it’s been so hard for me to enjoy a tv show lately. I kind of fell down the Thai tv rabbit hole and have occupied my mind with that. Some of their shows are really good. From kdrama I think the last one I truly enjoyed was weak hero class 1. The characters are layered in a way that they feel like book characters, it’s something I don’t usually feel when I’m watching television. It was honestly very very good. I’m trying to distract myself with reborn rich now. It’s better than most things in the sense that I can watch perhaps two entire episodes without exhausting the reels feed on my instagram)
Little woman was good!!! I kept up with it as it came out so I think that’s why I managed to get thru the entire thing. That and my love for Kim goeun. Wi hajoon was his usual extremely charming self also.
I didn’t know glitch was lesbian coded but I can assure you from the 2 and a half episodes I watched of somebody, that one Is heavily lesbian. I’ve also started a few episodes of awaken (Netflix) and it sounds like the type of show you’d like. Not even midway thru tho so I can’t promise it’s gonna be good to the end.
I hope you had a good end of the year and that your job treats you kindly. I also hope that you see this <3 and that maybe I can hear from you again <3
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menacing-anon · 1 year
My Predictions Masterpost, Pre-2x01
This is a compilation of all my predictions prior to watching season 2! I'll post updated versions before watching every new batch where I'll round up what I predicted correctly and incorrectly and adjust predictions for future episodes. There are also some observations with no clear prediction in here that I want to remember in case I get ideas later.
I basically went through all the promotional material – the Vanity Fair first look photos, teaser, trailer, TV spots, photos and behind-the-scenes featurette — and wrote any ideas in chronological order. I did not watch the clip from 2x01, because that's straight-up the show, but I know in a sentence what it's about. I also read, like, a sentence from a review and ventured into the Vanity Fair article without realizing they're pretty spoilery; I pretend I do not see it, but I do, so
I'm sure there are many spot-on analyses and theories I haven't seen, but I figured I would use my own thinking first, and now I'm late. Plus the season premiered, so I'll stay out of everywhere until I'm caught up. I did get some ideas from this post by chaotic-neutral-knitter and this post by naranjapetrificada, which are galaxy brain (linking to my reblogs for my thoughts in the tags).
Episode 1: Impossible Birds
I spoiled myself that 2x01 starts with Stede and Izzy fencing, and that's gotta be a dream sequence, because it's clearly Steard! I CAN'T BELIEVE they're baiting us like that 😆
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But whose dream sequence? I'd say Stede's, because who else would it be besides Ed, whom I don't expect to see until...
The wedding raid! It's in this episode because it's reminiscent of Stede's crew's preparation in 1x01. It's probably also the first we see of the Revenge crew, so the first update is an impactful one.
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Fang trying to get Izzy to see that he doesn't relate to Ed (or Blackbeard?) in a healthy way probably happens right after Fang says that he's never seen Blackbeard "like this," and that's a reasonable place for that to start. And when he says that, they're eating what must be wedding cake, 'cause it's not as if Roach is around to bake one.
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We surely know by the end of this conversation that Ed has repeated his violent act from the finale towards Izzy (also spoiled by some text).
I'm hopping on the theory that Ed plays with the figurines very late in the episode in the auxiliary closet because I like it!
On Stede's end — I figure the shopping with Oluwande happens in 2x01, because the conversation about Stede and Ed's relationship feels like an update on Stede's perception of it. In that case, given the little Red Scarfie, 2x01 also contains the rainy shots of Stede and the crew, and Stede lying awake next to Roach, thinking about what people said about Ed today, maybe. This alternates or is consecutive with Ed also up at night with the cake toppers.
The Vanity Fair article mentions a set of Stede's cabin, which is probably where Stede lies awake both times. But if that's in the first couple eps, why would they be chilling in a cabin and not traveling around looking for the Revenge, or idk, pirating? Is transportation an issue at this point?
Episode 2: Red Flags
Ed just had a rough night, as supported but not proven by the cake topper in the upper right corner:
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But something also prompts him to brighten up and try to move on.
The anticipated and shown storm happens here, which makes sense because we see Ed... cackling in it?, exactly what a person who is still going through it at this point in the season would do. Plus, I imagine it playing after Fang refers to Ed acting "like this" is intentional; that's an example of how he behaves early in the season, when he's still on the Revenge before getting mutinied— oop! I know from the hecking review that there's mutiny in the first three eps. And I mean, Fang's statement, his conversation with Izzy, and the next ep titled Red Flags? I would say the mutiny is here, and it's against Ed.
The person coming out of the water clearly only has one arm covered by a black sleeve, and I was gonna say that one person being thrown into the sea and another emerging from it is an unlikely coincidence. Then I noticed that the rock tied to them — which is how I know it's no accident during the storm or something, and which is the same way Izzy was nearly treated when the crew mutinied against him — appears next to Ed later. Ed somehow survives this, and his rising from the ocean might be an impactful reveal at the end of the episode, kind of like in 1x02.
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I saw Rhys Darby with a mermaid tail and the Vanity Fair article says there's an underwater reunion. Must be here!
I don't know who gets the mutiny started, but probably the Fang and Izzy area, although I'm not sure Izzy would be in favor of drowning Ed, since it looks like the show will try to redeem him... And I don't know who the intended next captain is, but unless it's Archie, whom I think we would know too little about by that point, Jim is probably the most interested and skilled. Izzy might be wary, and weary after recent events.
Meanwhile, a scarfless (that's the connecting link 😅) Stede throws the bottle, runs across the beach ("why are you running?" 🤨) and lies awake under Buttons' hammock.
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Episode 3: The Innkeeper
Besides mutiny and drowning, the other thing that happens in the first three episodes per the review excerpt is amputation, and of course it's of Izzy's leg. The two previous episodes might be too busy for it, so perhaps here. I hope it's medical, which given Izzy's recent injuries is very plausible, as seen with Lucius.
But also, I caught a glimpse of the description, which says that Zheng takes over the Revenge? Well, idk who that is, but that adds up with the aftermath of a mutiny.
I don't think the innkeeper is anyone we know anything else about! It's probably not pirate Anne Bonny nor mysterious merchant Susan.
I know from the thumbnail that this is when Ed confronts the guy in the forest, who is "not even here, he's a hallucination." It's Hornigold, which seems fitting given what little we know of him and what Ed is trying to figure out about his life.
Episode 4: Fun and Games
Ed is looking more tan and a little rumpled when he runs into Stede, so that might be post-mutiny and Hornigold confrontation. Anne Bonny kisses Stede, then looks like she made a point, and they have dinner with the other lady. Looks like it doesn't run smoothly.
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The Rest, Chronologically:
I'll group as much as I can by what definitely happens nearby, in a speculated order. It's very reliant on Stede's outfits 😅
There's the Chinese? Outfit they all wear when they're captured, so my best guess is that they change before that happens, maybe to blend in with another group, or they're dressed by the capturers. They're somehow right next to the Revenge? then, too.
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I think the scene where Ed headbuts Stede is around there, and Stede's heartwrenched "Ed?!" seems like the sort of thing that would happen shortly before they make up, but I'm leaning towards Green Shirt Era (next paragraph). They definitely aren't yet because Stede says that he hurt "him" in this fit, which seems pre-makeup. Ed looks similar to the way he does at the market (note the mark on his lip), so the two are temporally close. So ALTERNATIVELY, this might be their first meeting in the season, and the awkward, anticlimatic market interaction is later. This is also episode 4?
There's the Green Shirt Era, which seems to last at least a couple episodes, and Gentlebeard probably make up during it. We see them separately, even in the same place, but it also contains the beach battle, and I do think they're back together by that point or shortly after given Ed's back-to-black outfit, which he wears in Red Shirt Era, when it seems like everything's good again. Therefore, I place this after the pre-makeup Chinese Outfit Era.
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From the shot in the teaser, I thought this might be the talent show, but the trailer shows more angles on it and it's... bewildering at best. It's in Green Shirt Era, I just don't know what "it" is. Episode 5?
Ed and Stede chill with/at Jackie's around the same time as Stede hangs out with these folks, because he's with the same person. Maybe they meet in an outdoor scene, then go to the bar.
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At some point, this street chaos happens, and maybe if we turned around, we would see Susan?
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This is before or after a fight at the bar: Susan draws her dagger, and the only person we see next to her in that shot, Oluwande, hits someone with a bottle (it's hard to get a clean shot). All episode 6?
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The battle is the last part of this era, because Stede has an earring now (which he also wears when he tells someone being a failure isn't so bad, hmm). Stede and Ed are fighting side-by-side, don't @ me. In episode 7, to leave a bit of room for the last thing.
I can't explain the screaming... Stede has a wound, from a bullet maybe, during the not-talent-show, but I think the battle comes after, and he has no earring when he screams. Where would these theories be without the scarfie and earring 😅
This somehow only leaves episode 8 for Red Shirt Era, where we're obviously all made up and together <3 Some final conflicts, big stakes and setup.
The Rest Rest:
Lucius is alive, and we learn this before Stede and Ed really make up. More on that in this post. Thank you, trailer, for assuaging the mild concerns I did harbor on that front with this shot that sent. me.
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What if, ...hear me out:
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Izzy is seen on set in... army? attire. So are Frenchie and Lucius up there, so I guess they infiltrate, in episode 7. Ooh, maybe a fuckery. Izzy is also the only character seen talking to the new antag, about piracy and in his regular outfit. No way he gets in cahoots with them, and he could be recognized during the fuckery if it were before, so I guess that's in the aftermath...?
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Izzy is totally training Stede, though I'm not sure when any of it happens. That really explains "I've done a punch" after Izzy just watches Stede fight, Stede watching alone seemingly with his hands behind his back as a shirtless Izzy slices the candles, and their two scenes alone on the deck. That's so fun, I can't believe I've never considered it!
"I've done a punch" might be during a raid, but either way it's where Stede picks up the red coat.
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What on Earth is going on with Stede demanding Ed's respect as his captain? Can't place that at all!
That's everything for now! I'll be back to reevaluate before I watch episode 4! 😃
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Tipsy - Clay Spenser
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Summary: Clay is always iconic, but especially when drunk
TW: Mentions of drinking and being drunk (its the whole fic)
A/N: Hi people! Had this in the drafts for literal months (just watched the first season 6 ep, and changed a couple words to fit but there's no spoilers dw)
Word Count: 782 (kinda short but will write more on the topic if anyone wants!)
You heard them before you saw them, although what a sight it was to behold. You were surprised they had actually made it back while you were till awake. Still arguing over the remnants of a story that you would probably never hear the end of- "He lost his keys" were the first words spoken in your direction. Specifically from Sonny Quinn who offered an apology for their lateness and slightly dishhevelled appearance. Clay was holding onto him for dear life and they were somehow still bickering so you just stood there, waiting for it to end.
"Just saying the keys wouldn’t have rolled under the car if you hadn't dropped them!"
"Sure Peaches, I'm gonna assume that lapse in judgement is due to your inebriated state"
Sonny’s half exasperated, half amused expression wasn’t even your favourite part. You had to cover you laugh again as your eyes fell to you boyfriend. He looked angry that the older man had managed to catch him. Clay was trying to wriggle out of his grasp, clearly having too much faith in his drunken body. He had somehow beaten The Sonny Quinn to the punch and probably drank all the alcohol in the bar, because you could barely believe what was infront of you. Apparently, the story was Clay had won a bet which meant that unfortunatelty Sonny was now the designated driver.
“It is not my fault that you can’t handle your liquor"
"You are so unbelieavbly wrong right now"
"(Y/N), you get it-"
"I'm not getting involved boys"
They could hear your tone left no room for concessions, so the pair of them quickly dropped try to convince you. A little unsteady, Clay eventually made it inside the appartment, 3 hours later than he said he would. Although you were sure this was a record that would soon be broken again. Sonny ushered him through the doorframe, absolving himself of anymore blame about potential injuries or bruised egos. Now you were left to clean up the mess. Landing on the couch with a thump, Clay somehow still had energy for fighting. His damn drunk confidence had made him more empassioned than usual.
“Son- Sonny nearly… dropped me anyways”
Crossing his arms and with just a touch of sarcasm - He looked content that he had managed to yawn out the words and get one last jab in.
“Sweet dreams little delusional buddy- Blondie’s all yours”
“Wouldn’t have it any other way”
Turning back to your boyfriend, he had slumped his way off of the couch, settling on the floor. Blue eyes were attempting to innocently look up at you like butter wouldn't melt, but the alcohol meant he was half spaced out and focusing on the wall behind you.
“You’re a SEAL. How are you this clumsy?”
To prove his point, Clay took the hat off his head, reaching up to plant it on your head instead. Attempting to stand up, it was almost like an invisible force immediately knocked him back. You had asumed correctly, he was not making it to the bed.
Now came the fun part.
"Come on"
You grabbed his arm, trying desperately to lift him back up. Eventually, your method had some success and most of him was back onto the couch. You moved to grab a blanket, knowing he was going to be stuck on there until morning- afternoon if you were being realistic.
“You want some water?"
He shrugged at you, but you knew he would be thankful for it later. But he kept watching you with a bright smile on his face. You were safety for him - a bet free zone- that would, of course, still tease about this night for years to come. But his home nontheless. He could barely see straight but he could still see you.
"Just go to sleep"
He nods in response and you could see his eyelids getting heavier with the absence of loud music and fellow yelling drunk people. Running your fingers through his hair, your hand rested again his head for a moment. His several attempts to kiss your arm were almost on target, but at least got you to laugh again before you left him to his own drunken devices.
"Good luck - love you"
There was a slight pause as his brain caught up with his mouth to understand your words.
"G'Night babe"
His hands grabbed one of the couch cushions, cuddling it tight like a teddy bear as he finally settled into his bed for the night. This was definitely the last time you would see him happy for a couple days, you could practically smell tomorrow's hangover on his clothes.
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castiel-barnes · 2 years
A change in the night.
Pairing: Steven Grant/ Marc Sceptor x GN! Reader (MoonKnight fandom).
Summary: Following a sleepless night for Steven, a change in the night air causes someone else to cuddle up with you.
Wordcount: 820
Warnings: DO NOT READ IF YOU HAVEN’T WATCHED THE FIRST MOONKNIGHT EP!! Mentions of dissociative identity disorder. Insomnia. Mentions of nightmare/ dreams. Fluff.
Tags: @phoenixhalliwell
You had just gotten in from work and it was late, you knew that Steven was bound to be still awake. Though you both work at the British Museum, you tended to stay late on restoration projects of ancient artefacts bought to the museum. Steven always listened intensely to the different projects you were working on, even though he had only worked in the gift shop Steven had the knowledge of almost every artefact in the Egyptian exhibit.
Walking into your shared flat, you looked over to Steven who was looking through factual books on Ancient Egypt.
“Hi darling, how was work?” Steven perked up but didn‘t look away from the book,
”Hey Stevie, work was… well it was long today and my hands were a little shaky aswell.” You responded giving a soft kiss to Stevens forehead.
You went into the kitchen and grabbed yourself some pain killers and got a glass of water. Looking past the fish tank you saw Steven picking at the hem of his shirt, whilst flicking through the various books on the table. He was trying everything to not have those dreams again, those nightmares that seemingly plagued his nights. Walking over to him, you gently turned the swivel chair he was on towards you. The bags under his eyes were dark, and you know he desperately needed sleep.
“I’m gonna get ready for bed, you wanna join me?” You asked cupping his cheek softly,
”Yeah, I’ll be there in a minute honey.” Steven responded quietly smiling up at you.
The first time you had witnessed Steven having one of his “episodes“ was during a late night when everything was too much for him, the stress of not sleeping and the dreams. This was when you met his American counterpart Marc Sceptor, which you found out was his actual name. Over the months you had known Steven, you had also gotten to know Marc how he talks, how his mannerisms are and how he holds himself.
Walking into the bathroom, you went to wash your face and brush your teeth.
"Stevie, did you feed Gus today?" You asked with the toothbrush hanging out slightly.
Spitting into the sink, you noticed you didn't get a reply from Steven. Putting your toothbrush away, you turned around walking to find where Steven had went. You looked to see what at first you thought was Steven standing at the kitchen sink. But looking closer at his posture, you noticed that he seemed taller and his back was more straight.
He seemed more confident. So you knew who it was.
"Oh hi Marc." You spoke softly coming up behind him,
"Hey sugar, was that a reference to The Room?" Marc asked smiling at you.
"It was. He hasn't been sleeping again you know. Well of course you know, you're him in a way." You spoke leaning your head against Marc's back. You felt him sigh and turn around to face you.
"I know. I'm sorry Y/N truly. And no he hasn't fed Gus yet. C'mon." Marc responded dragging you softly to the bed,
You both stopped at the tank, and fed Gus so that he wouldn't go hungry. You also grabbed the little string bracelet that you had made for Marc and Steven.
"what's that?" Marc asked as he laid down on the bed,
"It's a homemade braclet. I have a matching one." You spoke quickly showing your wrist with the braclet. As you realized how nerdy and a bit much it might've been, you quickly reverse your statement.
"I-i mean you don't have to wear it if you don't want to." You looked away and tucked your hands into your lap.
"Hey, hey look at me I'd love to have it. And I think Steven will love it aswell." Marc spoke softly cupping your cheek. You smiled and leant into his hand.
Gently taking his hand, you tied the thread bracelet around his wrist. It was a white and pastel yellow colour with two little pendants on it, these pendants were the moon and a pyramid.
"Thank you sweetheart." Marc said smiling at you, he looked over at the mirror in the corner and smiled.
"Steven says he loves it." Marc smiled. You smiled back and laid down with your head on Marc's chest.
"Please try get some sleep Marc, you and Steven needs it." You stated scratching his chest gently,
"I will, I promise. You just get some sleep aswell." Marc stroked your hair back and laid there listening to you as you slowly fell back to sleep. He loved when he took over and it was just you and him, but Marc does allow Steven to have these moments aswell he doesn't wanna leave him out.
"They're going to get in the way Marc." A godly voice was heard by Marc,
"They won't. Just let me have this please." Marc responded to Khonshu. Marc laid there with you, ignoring Khonshu, and just listened to you breathing until he fell asleep.
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goldngguk · 6 years
red // 05
part one of trilogy series
warnings // fluffy cuteness, jealous kookie
word count // 2.3k
trilogy masterlist
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Don't do it. It won't end well, you know that. You can't let this happen. But then again, maybe there's no point in trying. Maybe this is all inevitable. Maybe you don't have a choice. Do we ever?
She was startled awake to the sound of loud vibrations against her bedside table. The wood trembled from the sensations of her phone as it received a new message. She groaned, rolling over and stretching for the device.
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She laid her head against her pillow trying to recall what her dream had been about. It didn't really even feel like a dream. It was more like the voice in her head speaking to her through the darkness. But what was it talking about? Too exhausted to think or get up, she set her phone down only to watch it vibrate again when a new message popped up.
《???:》 Y/n?
She blinked at the unknown number for a few seconds before remembering who it was. She had given him her number at the café the day before during their conversation. She immediately added the number to a new contact.
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Jungkook sat on a couch in his dorm room pleading with himself not to sound so cringeworthy. Forcing a conversation with her was something he did not want to do, especially if it was about something as unimportant as her obviously messed up sleep schedule.
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He chuckled at the message causing Yoongi to look up from the burrito of blankets he had wrapped himself with. "What's so funny?"
Jungkook glanced up at his older roommate before shaking his head. "It's nothing, hyung. Go back to your nap."
"It's okay. I should be getting up now anyway. They'll call us down soon." Yoongi rolled out of bed and Jungkook's eyes went back to his phone.
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After showering and finishing her hair and makeup, Y/n headed for the filming room.
"Hey, Y/n!"
Jimin jogged up beside her. "How are you today?"
"I'm good, thanks. I'm ready to get to work."
Jimin giggled. "Me too. I don't like to sit for too long." Y/n smiled and the two walked together to meet the group.
"Oh, look who's late," Jungkook said when Jimin entered the room.
"I am not late!"
"Everyone else is already here though," he smirked. Hobi laughed and punched him in the arm.
"You haven't even started yet! Besides, Y/n came with me!"
Jungkook's eyes flickered towards hers as she followed Jimin into the room. He felt his stomach drop. Why is she with him? Were they together? What were they doing? He watched the questions consume his mind. I don't like it.
Y/n took a seat next to him, immediately making his negative thoughts disappear. "Hi," she smiled.
"Hello." He tried to choke back the next sentence, but it seemed he couldn't help himself; it just slipped out. "You look pretty."
"Oh, thanks," she replied before turning her attention towards the staff who would be directing the episode.
Jungkook nodded and looked down to play with his thumbs. I can't believe I just said that. It seemed like all of his confidence from the night before flew right out the window when he saw her come in with Jimin. Of course, he wouldn't be a problem for Jungkook; the golden maknae who could do anything. At least he hoped not. He really hoped not.
The staff finished putting the set together and began to record. The first episode of the second season (ep. 21) of Run would be a relaxed episode, saving the more intense games and plots for later. Today would be a board game competition. “You will split up into two teams of six and play two out of three games. The third game will be all vs. all. If the winner of the third game is from the losing team of the first two games, the team can avoid the punishment picked by the staff.” The members nodded and began to decide their teams. The first group included Jimin, Yoongi, Taehyung, Hayden, Hobi, and Maya. The opposing team was made up of Jin, Mason, Namjoon, Y/n, Jungkook, and Cyrus. “Now that the teams are made, we will discuss the first game. It's water beads. There is a piece of filter paper placed on a hollow stand. Each of you will drop a bead or a drop of water onto the paper. The person to make the beads break and fall through the paper is the loser.”
Each team took turns adding beads until the overconfident Kim Seokjin decided to push his luck and dump a straw full of water onto the paper. Needless to say, the paper broke and Jin's team lost the first game. “Well that didn't go as planned,” he shook his head as Jungkook slapped his shoulder.
The second game was a test for the BTS members to see how many English words they could memorize on a card in ten seconds without the help of Culture. Jin recited five of his six words, while Namjoon got all of his. “Dog, dinosaur, duck, jello, jam, jerk, cracker, crocodile…”
Jimin snickered before attempting to mock him. “Crocodoll,” he said with a roll of his tongue. Hobi joined his fun, giggling, “Crocodiiiile.”
Jungkook went last. He looked up in thought before remembering his words. “Stream, strong, streamer, rabbit, ring, rocket. Was that it? I think that's all I have.” Everyone praised him for his memory and dialect.
“That was really good, Jungkook!” Y/n said, patting him on the back. His cheeks turned rosey and he smiled back at her. After watching the other team crash and burn, it was decided that Jungkook's team was the winner of the second game.
The third game which would be played individually was Uno. Within a few times around the circle, Y/n was the first to go out. She jumped from her spot and took a seat on the couch behind them. Taehyung seemed to not fully understand the concept of the game. “Tae,” Joon said, slapping him on the knee. “You didn't say uno. You have to draw four cards.” This went on for a while until the members made a game out of it.
“Okay guys, he gets it. You have to let him say it when he lays his card down.” Without even realizing how it happened, Taehyung went out and got second place. Hobi was right behind him.
After a few more rounds, Y/n laid her hand on Jungkook's shoulder and discreetly held up a 1 until he realized. “UNO!” He gasped. “Uno, uno, uno, uno!” He flung his final card across the room causing everyone to bust out in a fit of laughter. Only a minute later did he play the card and get fourth place.
“You would have lost if I hadn't told you,” she giggled as Jungkook held up his hand for a high five.
“They didn't even notice!” They both laughed as they watched the game continue until it was just Jimin and Yoongi left. In order to save time, the boys decided they would draw cards. Whoever held the highest card would be the last winner. Jimin drew a green eight while Yoongi played a red reverse.
“What is that worth? Did we even establish this card?”
Jimin waved his hand at him. “It's okay, hyung. I'll allow it. You can redraw.”
“Awww,” Y/n cooed. “Jimin, that's so sweet.”
Jungkook's gaze shot between Jimin and Y/n. Sweet? What is that supposed to mean? Does she like him? He could feel his face heat up for the hundredth time that week and his fists clenched into balls-- not that Jimin was any threat to him. He couldn't possibly be.
Yoongi drew a draw 4 card, making Jimin the loser despite his good sportsmanship. “That's okay, Chim. You're still the best sport here.” At this point, Jungkook's blood was boiling. Jimin was stealing all of her attention. He needed to do something, anything that would bring her back to him. He noticed the way she leaned on the couch, exposing her hand on the cushion next to him. He slowly crept his hand closer until his fingers feathered over hers. She immediately looked up at him, but she didn't withdraw due to the considerable amount of butterflies fluttering in her stomach. What is he doing?
He mentally celebrated his success before pulling his hand away. Jimin who?
The twelvesome wrapped the shoot and the staff declared dinner would be ready soon. The punishment for Jimin's team was to clean up afterward.
“Hey, Y/n. C'mere for a sec.”
Hayden and Maya were still standing in the middle of the room. She turned in her heels dramatically and made her way to them.
“So, Maya's been filling me in on a few things-”
“Oh good god, Maya what did you tell him?” She asked her sternly.
“Just what he needs to know. I'll be going now.” She winked at Y/n and left the room with a swing in her step.
“I swear that girl gets on my nerves sometimes.”
“Don't change the subject. As your very best friend, I demand to know what's going on between you and Jungkook.”
“Hayden, nothing is going on between us! We literally met three days ago, and you know Maya! She's always trying to hook me up with random people. This is no different.”
Hayden nodded his head, staring at her suspiciously. “So you would tell me if something was going on?”
“Of course! What about me do you not know?”
“Okay, Y/n. I believe you. I just think Jungkook might have an eye for you.”
“Good grief.”
“That's all I'm saying. He's showing signs and I think we've all noticed.”
“Kay Sherlock, I'll be sure to keep you posted. Can we go eat now? I'm starving.”
“Yeah yeah, let's eat. But seriously-”
After an uneventful dinner, everyone turned in for the night. When arriving at their dorm, Y/n shoved Maya inside and kicked the door shut behind her. “Why would you talk to Hayden? We talked about this. It's nothing and I don't understand why you keep insisting that it is.”
“I'm sorry, Y/nickname. I didn't think you'd be that pressed about it.” Y/n followed her into the bathroom to get ready for bed.
“I'm not pressed, Maya. I'm tired. You always do this. Every time I interact with a male that isn't in our band, you blow it out of proportion. I don't want a boyfriend. If I did, I would have one. But I don't. I thought that after everything I went through with Luke that you would understand that.”
“I know. You're right. I just get so excited when you loosen up. You work so hard all the time and I care about your feelings. I want you to be happy.” Exiting the bathroom, the two sat on their mattresses to face each other. Maya looked into Y/n's eyes, reading her like an open book. “I know you're lonely,” she spoke softly.
“I'm not lonely, My. I have the greatest friends in the world to share my life with. And I know you care.”
“That's not what I meant,” she said tilting her head endearingly.
“I know what you meant. But I don't have time for that kind of thing. In our career, you have to decide what you want; love or success. You can't have both. Between the touring, the practice and recording, red carpets and events, press following around every corner; it can be too much for some people to understand.”
“I think there's someone who understands that perfectly.”
“Which only means double the time apart.”
“So celebrities and normal people alike are both no-nos.”
“Now you're getting it.”
“Okay! Okay, I'll leave you alone. Just- at least think about it. I really think having a little fun could be good for you right now.”
“If it will make you feel better, then fine. I will. Now go to sleep.” The girls each climbed into their beds-Maya almost immediately drifting off. Before Y/n could shut her eyes, she heard her phone vibrating.
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a.n. // DO NOT PAY ATTENTION TO THE TIMES IN THE TEXTS. THEY ARE NOT CORRESPONDENT TO THE STORY. Oooh, who's Luke? And what does he have to do with you?
taglist // @darkdragonskies @kalisica
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