#(He’s just a lil truamatized)
wishingly-mesh · 1 year
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”nuh uh”
“FYM “nuh uh””
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socialbenton · 2 years
Oh ok where to start?
To start, let me say: in my personal opinion the lore in fnaf is so conveluted and confusing at this point the best way to enjoy fnaf is to just cherrypick what you like. I used to have a google slides presentation but it got too long.
In the year 1987, in a small town called Hurricane Utah, a child's head got bitten off by an animatronic bear in a freindly small town dinner(Run by William Afton and Henry Emily). This was the cause of parents not watching, deadly animatronic malfunctioning, and bullying. The kid was the child of the restaurant's owner, Williams Afton. He was bullied by his older brother, Michael Afton. After the childs injury, he was sent to the infurmary where he survived for 5 nights but was truamatized by nightmares (making fnaf 4). When he died, William was at his beadside and caught a glimps of a light leaving his son's body and capturing it before it could leave.
William gained an idea to revive his son stole the body and decided to murder to try and learn more about this substance he decided to name remnant at first he killed a child who was sadly sitting out in the rain. Little did he know that the child was Henry's daughter, who had an animatronic built for her to take care of her when he was busy working. This animatornic named the Marionette (or puppet, depending on who you ask), noticed the child missing and went out in the rain to comfort her as she died. This caused the remnant to become attatched to the Marionette and the kid possed it.
Later, William realized he didn't collect the remnant and went a killin again and murdered a child named Susie by luring her to the back rooms. He collected a part of the remnant, but feeling guilty for murdering a child, he tried to kill his workers, but could not capture their remnant (these workers later became Shadow Feeddy and Shadow bony/Rwqfsfasxc [<- my fav char]). Meanwhile, the Marionette finding the body of Suise decided to give her new life by shoving the corspe inside one of the animatronics, Chica, who was possedes by Suises remaining uncollected remnant + her agony. Afton worried where the body went when he came back to clean up, shrugged it, and continued pretending to be a normal businessman.
Afton needing more remnant went on a lil murder spree during a kids birthday, killing Gabriel, Fritz, Jeremey (the first of 4 separate characters named Jeremy), Cassify and, Mike Brooks. He collected them remnant and weent to put it in jars or something. Once again, Marionette shoved their bodys in suits, and so they went in Feeddy, Bonnie, and Foxy. But they were ruining out of animatornics, so Mari shoved the other two in the decomissioned Fredbear, who still had some soul left over from when the bite victum died. (Fun fact we actually have a date for this it lands June 26, i hc still in 1987)
The nasty circumstances of the animatornics having rotting corpse in them cause the place to be shut down only for William and Henry to make a second location and use the old bots for parts. A young worker known as Jeremy Fitzgerald starts working there. While he is working, William gets a killing again, and the new animatronics all become possessed and become to hate adults because they can't identify who the killer is. Jeremy gets moved to dayshift and when the animatronics become active they bite Jeremy causing a second bite of 87. (I headcanon this is why there is so much confusion around the bite of 87, there are 2 one in spring and one in november. The stupid 1 in 100 chance of seeing a tv saying 1983 is stupud and probably just when the franchise gained a show like "fazbear and friends since 1983" or something there is so much more evidence that it should have been 1987.)
Meanwhile, William afton decided that a more streamlined method of murder would make life easier and founded Circus Baby's Pizzaworld with animatornics meant to lure children away, distract parents, and capture their bodies/remnant. This failed horribly as His daughter, Elizabeth, had wandered off from him and gotten murdered by Circus baby. William shit it down, blaming it on a gasleak, and went crazy from greif as all attempts to raise his child from the dead have failed.
I have to get ready for work. I'll send more soon!!! Ty for letting me ramble. Im currently working on writing a fanfic of my headcanon timeline, but it's going very slowly.
okay. so where does the security officer come in? is that jeremy fitzgerald? also the only thing i know about fnaf lore is purple man.
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limerancy-fics · 3 years
asked: do u think xiao in a more fluffy sweet where hes not as truamatized would squeel into his pillow or kick his legs when he knows hes alone thinking about how venti complimented him that day or held his hand because it was cold or just....... Existed (thinking about a highschool au where he does this OMG.. highschool au where venti asks him out and they go on a date and it ends with a kiss on the cheek frm venti and xiao goes home and dies into his pillows)
— YES i think less traumatized xiao would still be very shy n socially awkward, maybe very blunt n says the wrong things, but i think he'd also be much more open w his emotions after someone shows even a little bit of platonic (or romantic but he might be too dense to understand at first LMAO) interest in him
n i think he'd be more honest w himself!!! so he'd def go home n do the smitten lil teenager things like kick his legs n scream into his pillow n stare at his ceiling as he remembers what venti said n imagines a million different scenarios of their imaginary (but not for long) dates he'd be so cute im dying :')
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thingstotellthem · 6 years
my father forces me to hug him and say i love you (im like 87% sure its to make me feel bad) and he'll be a lil bitch about it if i dont so he came into my room and accidentally spilled my coffee trying to hug me and im like :))) and he says "im just trying to love my girl, since she makes it so hard to get love and attention" and im like :)))) maybe u should have thought about that before u emotionally abused me and truamatized me :) also is it okay if i go by ☁ anon bc im here so much? thank u
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