silverwingborn-moved · 6 months
Smooch her smooch her!
"Oh come on guuuys!"
Silver folds her arms across her chest, pushing her bottom lip into a small pout as her face flushes again.
"I appreciate the wishful affections, but I don't see that happening. ...any time soon at least."
0 notes
vegasandhishedgehog · 9 months
Fuck this, I wasn't tagged by anybody but since y'all are making me insane sharing your lovely faves on my dash I gotta join the fun!
10 BL People That I Want Carnally
Just so we're clear, I'm immediately not limiting myself to 10. I'm bi. You think we have limits? (Tumblr says yes, but that's why I'm on desktop for this instead of mobile)
Night from Dirty Laundry
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Are we surprised? This awakened a whole thing in me. I was constantly yelling from the rooftops about my love for this man in the cheapest drag you ever saw. This is my JAM. I'm already trying to calm myself down making the first entry on this post. GOD. And his whole committed-to-the-bit romancing a mafia leader and then robbing her because he needs money, but really he's a wee romantic who just wants to write exciting stories like all of us bitches on AO3? Honey I am FREE at 5pm on Saturday. Also, shush, I know it's not a BL, I'm counting it as part of the Midnight Series as a whole :P
Yok from Not Me
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PAINT ME LIKE ONE OF YOUR POLICE OFFICERS. We already have matching tattoos babe. He isn't perfect but he's a well-intentioned mama's boy and has swagger.
Maya from Laws of Attraction
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Listen, I don't think much explaining is necessary here. I'm a woman but she can call me "pretty boy" any day. Is she just Silvy Pavida with a MILF wife? Yeah. That's the point. I'll join. They would let me.
Speaking of Laws of Attraction, Nawin
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I deserve an insane golden retriever boyfriend. I deserve a man who can't spell his ex's name but can get a pilot's license. He deserves someone who will enable his silliness, even when there's trouble with the accountant. *kisses all over his wing tattoo*
Togawa from Old Fashion Cupcake
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Mr. Hamster Cheeks my love <3 The dates would be so good. And so would the food. And the food naps afterward. I'm a good snuggler, he's tall and there's a lot to snuggle. Win-win.
Ink from Bad Buddy
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I know many of us are weak for Milk Pansa, but like, there's a reason for that. She gave us the ICON for lesbian side couples. Please, girl, scare men away from me when they mistake a boner for full-fledged love. Make me feel welcome and important and pretty and like I'm the specialest girl alive. Be taller than me ;)
Wen Qing from The Untamed
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She didn't die, actually, we just eloped together, haha. I just think as someone who studied medicine, she'd have a lot of good tricks up her sleeve and I don't mean acupuncture needles.
Saifah from Enchanté
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Yeah. I needed to use this gif. Get that record deal my man. Live your dreams king. I also love that he's both the old man and woman here. Impeccable. We deserved more of him.
Uea from Bed Friend
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Gimme this catboy realness right now. Also, I just love him so much. He owns his narrative despite all the shit he has suffered and gets everything he deserves for it. We could be besties even. We could be...no I shan't say it.
SamMon from GAP
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I just want whatever is going on right here. Let me join. Simple as that.
Tops and Marwin from Ingredients
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I'm this guy. Except I think they'd be sad to see the other with someone else so I gotta have them one at a time. Tops, who's a shy cutie who can make yummy foods. And Marwin, who is basically Jeff Satur just pumped with extra himboisms.
Todd from Not Me
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All principles out the window. He's evil, he's sexy. I know exactly how much that specific hotel room costs to stay in for a night. It would be luxurious.
Rain from Love In The Air
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I know most people would say Phayu, and for Boss, yeah I understand, I am all there. But something about the way that little guy can fuck kinda makes me dizzy, I'm owning that. He doesn't have to be smart, he's just gotta be given compliments. Plus, my bed sheets match!
VegasPete from KinnPorsche
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They altered me chemically once and I'd let 'em do it a second time and many more after that.
Tagging @kissporsche @thisautistic @omegaphobe @shubaka @risu442 @khathastrophe @loveable-sea-lemon @fawndlyvenus @viva-yas-vegas @first-kanaphan @wherelanguage-ends @xxatlasxx @adanima @snake-and-mouse @scarefox @scattered-stardust @callipigio @sparklyeyedhimbo @jdotsodomite @futureexmrsmalcolm @suzteel @jeffsatyr @coconuts-mafia
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Considering the last ask about Serbian Sylvester I wanna confirm some things:
First off, there is for now only one creator of Serbian Sylvester (me, Silvi)
Second off, this is definitely going into the Serbian Sylvester Lore, I'm always glad to see people make headcanons about my own little weird headcanon and if I see any other headcanons for him, I'll try to make em canon
Third and most importantly, I love the idea of Serbians basically being eldritch abomination guys (I'm Serbian myself so it's pretty funny)
*post mentioned
this Serbian Sylvester thing is hilarious to watch and mod loves all the silly asks they get about it
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isaacapatow · 8 months
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with @clintbennet  | the daybreakers : catching up over a meal; ike discloses some things about growing up in ark
Clint Bennet -In all the madness of prepping to take on this group, it was easy for everyone to get lost in their own worlds, their own tasks, getting one thing done before quickly moving on to the next. Familiar faces outside of those that were completing tasks with you were rare to come by, but on his way to the community center to grab some much needed hot food, Clint couldn't help but recognize a familiar pair of shoulders that came around a corner and started heading down the walkway.- Ike-Hey! -He called out quickening his stride to find himself shoulder to shoulder with the other man.- Y'git a bit of a break too? 
ike apatow -he gives a good-natured grunt of agreement and acknowledgement, not slowing down or pausing -- Clint's got long legs too -- as he keeps heading to the kitchen- Yep, smoke 'em if you got 'em time. And man, I wish I had 'em. But whatever they cooked for us today is gonna have to do. -he slants a sidelong look at Clint- You been going out? Or staying in?
Clint Bennet -He keeps up with the other mans pace, not blaming him for not wanting to waste time.- Goin' out. -He responds simply before jutting his chin at the other- I know I ain't even got t'ask you. What do they got y'doin' outside th'walls? -The both of them came through the door, and Clint breathed in the scent of the food, he was pretty sure he smelled squash, one of the veggies they didn't seem to be running out of.- I'm just hopin' fer  some protien at this point...
ike apatow -he snickers, then ventures- I think Astor brought in a couple turkeys. He's a dick but he's reliable when it comes to bringing in the goods. And yeah, I've been doing outside stuff, mostly hit-and-run. I don't care for all this guerilla shit, I like working on my own stuff, raiding stuff, but we all gotta pitch in, right?
Clint Bennet Never thought I'd be grateful t'him... -Clint mutters under his  breath. He watches as Ike explains his adventures, giving a nod before he grabs himself a plate.- Are y'at least able t'work with yer team? Or are ya gettin' pulled in every direction?
ike apatow They're each of 'em well trained and used to being out past the wire, so it's made more sense for us to split up, accompany people who maybe aren't leaving town so often. Which is kind of nerve-wracking, Clint, if you wanna know the truth. -he dishes out some of what looks like a turkey casserole onto his dish, filling the spoon again and hovering it over Clint's plate if he wants any- I mean, hell -- taking townies out there even on a predictable milk run is always a crapshoot, much less this. Taking it to a group like the fuckin' Daybreakers.
Clint Bennet Shit, I can imagine. -He responds with a sympathetic look, giving a nod to accept the spoon full of food he was offering, supporting the plate as the food fell on it. He moved on, grabbing some bread and returning the favor of offering it to Ike.- Th' raiders, hunters, n' outside security are used t'bein outside, everyone else seems t'have lost some of that instinct, despite tryin'. So far I've worked with  Nicki, Silvy, David n' Leigh. Felt on edge with  Silvy n' Leigh, no fault of their own... We should have done more trainin' fer everyone... now we're scramblin',
ike apatow Ahhh, I dunno. -Ike holds out his place to accept the bread as they move along the counter- People here train all the time, whether out of boredom or paranoia or to get a better booty or whatever, but everything's different when you're looking at trained fighters who're actively gonna fuck you up if they catch you. That's beyond even learning how to stick a walker in the head. -he grunts, considering the ubiquitous roasted squash- Real people. That's always what's gonna trip you up.
Clint Bennet -Clint had to pause to look back and catch what Ike was saying, in the walls he opted not to wear his hearing aids, batteries were far and few in between and he needed a break from the noise. Ike had good points, Clint was finding that he was a lot more short sighted than the other, there were things that Clint hadn't considered that Ike seemed to naturally know.- Yer right...-He comments getting himself a spoonful of the squash. He thought about offering some to Ike but the expression on the  other man's face made it seem like maybe he didn't want any.- I don't know much about this group... just the details comin' out as we're gettin' assigned tasks. With all this preparin' I feel like everyone's on edge waitin' fer th'other shoe t'drop...
ike apatow A whole god damn Payless, more like it. -he dithers some more about the squash, then decides against it, grabbing an apple instead- I can't decide whether it's better that some of us know the Daybreakers and the way they work, or if that's more antsy-making. But we're doing what we can, right? -Ike squares his shoulders, almost visibly throwing off the weight of what's facing them- If you know any old Cajun weather spells, now's the time for 'em, Clint. We need snow and lots of it.
Clint Bennet With both their plates situated, Clint leads Ike to a table close enough to the fireplace to cut through the cold that was clawing at the walls.-  Y'think people willl panic if they know what they  can do? -He questions, taking a bite. He was going to ask Ike to give him more insight but from the look of the other, he needed a break from thinking about them. He huffs out a laugh and shakes his head at Ike's request.- I dunno if y'know this... but m'neck of th'woods ain't known fer gettin' a ton of snow if any. Y'want a hurricane though, I got y'covered. -He rests his elbow on the table rubbing a bit at his forehead.- How are ya holdin' up with everythin'? I  know it's knockin'  th'wind out of m'sails...
ike apatow I'm not doing that bad, all told. After being townbound with my head healing up, I got a lot of pent-up energy at my disposal. -he tucks in, concentrating on the casserole for a while before returning to the conversation- Although I needed to get my mind back in the business, too. That took a little longer. -Ike lifts his chin at Clint, to encourage him to keep talking- You're finding the outside jobs draining? Or is it the whole idea of the Daybreaker threat?
Clint Bennet -Brows knit together when Ike mentioned the head injury.- That's the one from the outin' with Renee? -He had only heard about it from her, it must have been more serious than he imagined for him to be townbound for so long. He took another bite, considering Ike's question and responding with a shrug of his shoulders.- I dunnoknow what it is... I'm used t'bein outside th'walls, I've done jobs goin' out further plenty of times. Feel like when I'm walkin' back through those gates though, I just want t'collapse. Everythin's fine 'til then.
ike apatow Yeah. -it takes a moment, but then Ike blinks at Clint- The outing with Renee. That's how people know it? Huh. -he abandons his savoury food for a while, opting for the apple- It's a lot to cope with. You get used to the idea of walkers -- and that takes a lot of fuckin' getting used to -- and then you gotta recalibrate to understand why actual living people are attacking each other. Wears the brain out.
Clint Bennet -He was a little perplexed at Ike's reaction, wondering if he didn't explain it well.- Renee told me, y'all went out t'get some medical supplies, includin' m'hearin' aid, thank ya fer that by th'way. She said she did somethin' stupid n' ran in 'cause she got pissed 'n went inta th'buildin', said there were walkers in there and her fuck up ended up  with y'gettin' scalped. That's th'gist of it, sure there's things I'm missin'. -Clint had a hard time putting his feelings or the reasons for his feelings into words, it was something he always struggled with, but he knew Ike was patient and knew more about him than anyone else at this point. The reason didn't matter so much, but he appreciated Ike's interest in it and his tendency to prod until he got to the bottom of things.- I don't think that's it, I'm used t'the biters... n' y'know I'm all too familiar with how shit people can be. -His eyes narrow slightly at the other, knowing he would pick up what he was putting down.- Th'whole time I'm out there, I can't help but worry what's goin' on back here. Damn radio keeps makin' me jump thinkin' they've finally  made their move... I think that's what's wearin' me out.
ike apatow That's as good a mythology as any, I suppose. -Ike shakes his head, dismissing the subject of the disastrous clinic raid, or Renee's part in it, or anything- Doesn't matter much. Everyone has an oncoming storm of shit to get under their umbrellas from right now. -he gnaws on his apple, abandoning the last third to return to the casserole as Clint edits and corrects Ike's suppositions- Being on edge in general, or being on edge about Redwood's safety? You could shift gears, Clint. Stay around home and hold down the fort. God knows there's plenty enough in town that needs doing. That way you'd at least cut down on the worrying from being away from town.
Clint Bennet -The situation with Renee definitely seemed to be a sore subject for Ike and like Clint had guessed, both he and Renee seemed to have vastly different recollections on the event. Still, Clint didn't know if that was a bear he wanted to jump at, he didn't want to poke at still scabbing scars, in this case, literally.- I dunno, Ike, if y'wanna  talk about it, I'll listen, she completely took th'blame when talkin' t'me though if it helps at all. -His shoulders shrug again when Ike made his suggestions. He took another bite and considered his words.- Worryin's all I do, whether I'm in here or out there, it don't matter, I'm gonna worry 'bout where I ain't and who I ain't with. I'm of more use out there. -He meets the other  man in the eyes- Besides, I'd get stir crazy in here before long. There ain't no winnin' but I'm not expectin' t'find comfort, not with all this goin' on. I'm fine Ike, I'll git used t'it, cope like everyone else has been.
ike apatow Well, bully for her. -he picks up his apple again, alternating bites of it with the turkey casserole- It's fine. I'm not interested in some kinda he-said, she-said situation, especially against Doctor Saint Renee Mother of Redwood. -Clint talks about his chronic worry, and he sounds like he's thought this out before, so Ike grunts in acknowledgement- Awright, then. But all the same, Clint -- there's a certain amount of hurry-up involved in what's going on, yeah, and I'm sure you know your own limits, but it's easy to burn out when you're on that hypervigilance kick. We both know what that's like. I'm gonna be checking in on you to make sure you're not at the end of your wick without knowing it.
Clint Bennet -well there was certainly no mystery when it came to how Ike felt about Renee. It was a little surprising that they were on such bad terms considering how much Clint enjoyed the both of them.- Got it boss, say no more. -he comments, dropping the subject completely and tasting some of the squash which tastes surprisingly good, he takes another bite, watching Ike as he spoke, making it clear that Clint was fully on his radar which was a nice sentiment, but not a burden he wanted to put on Ike, or have Ike put on himself. Still he knew better than to try to change the man's mind once he spoke it out into the universe.- I hear ya, Ike, I'll watch m'self, promise. Last thing we need is any one of us spiralin'. -he jutted his chin at the other.- N' you? Don't mean t'rub salt in th'wound here, but yer lookin' pretty tired too, yer not pushin' too far past yer limits are ya?
ike apatow -he snickers, reaching to steal some squash from Clint's plate for himself- I'm fine. All healed up, not pushing myself. There's just been some things piling up on me that I'm working through, but moving outside of the town's been good for that. I feel like I can recalibrate and ... and fuckin breathe. It was getting a little tight staying in the walls. -he's caught somewhere between wistful resignation about that, and cheerful positivity about the new living situation, taking another piece of squash and waving it to punctuate his talking- People don't seem to believe me when I ay it, but honest injun, Clint -- I take care of myself pretty good. Sometimes the tired's just unavoidable.
Clint Bennet -eyes watch the other and a smirk plays on his lips when Ike helps himself to the food on his plate.- Anything I can help take off yer plate? -He hums, glad Ike was finding comfort in his new house. Especially after their last conversation during the prom, he was sure Ike would appreciate a space all to himself.- When yer ready fer visitors let me know, I've been keepin' m'eye out fer a housewarmin' gift, just haven't found th' right one yet. -he flashes the man a smile before clarifying- I'm lookin' fer somethin' real stupid, somethin' only you'd be able t' appreciate, th'type of shit that would make other people blush but would make you laugh. -he takes another bite watching Ike flail the squash around as he spoke, sure it would fly clear off his fork but to his amazement it stuck on.- I believe ya Ike, n' y'got your raider family t' watch over ya too. It's my selfish need t' want t' return th' favor.
ike apatow -Ike gives a noncommittal grunt when Clint prompts for info on when he might be up for a visit to the graveyard cottage, reluctant still to let anybody think they had an invitation, but his interest is piqued when Clint continues on to muse on what the housewarming gift might be- Well. I have always had a taste for the vulgar and sheer stupid. -he hoots in soft, huffing laughter at the idea- Can't wait to see what you come up with, Clint. Now you've gone and tickled me right in my curiosity spot. -he eats the squash, rescuing it from taking flight, still not thinking about it much when he snitches yet another piece from Clint as if this had been agreed on in advance- Naw, don't think of it that way, favours. I don't like that system myself so I never hold anybody else to it. Things you do for other people, you release into the world and that's that. -finished eating now, Ike puts his fork down and splays his fingers in the air to articulate what the releasing looks like-
Clint Bennet -Ike didn't need to say anything, his body language said it all and Clint felt like someone's home was a boundary that didn't need crossing.- Or, I can leave it at yer door like th'shirt on yer birthday. You'll know who it's from. -He offered the alternative tearing off a piece of bread and taking a bite.- Guess that makes two of us. When I see it, I'll know though, hopefully y'git a kick out of it when it shows up on yer welcome mat, whatever th'fuck it ends up bein'. -He watches Ike snatch another bite, feigning annoyance at the man, but taking another bite of bread regardless, watching as he spoke. His shoulders shrug as Ike denies him.- Well, in that case, it's just cause I want to, no favor or nothin' involved. Cause I care 'bout ya.
ike apatow I like that. On my doorstep like a package delivery. That would be nice. -Ike's mood sobers slightly, though, when Clint stops wanting to return favours and offers something else instead, an expression of care not predicated on anything except his own feelings- That would be even nicer. I'm not the kind of man to push away people who want to care for me, Clint -- I appreciate it, for a number of reasons I won't get into over supper -- I just need them to know that one size doesn't fit all. I'm me and there's stuff that works for me and stuff that doesn't, stuff I want and stuff that just sounds to me like you might as well have gotten me a random Hallmark card. You know what I mean?
Clint Bennet Call me FedEx then. -He grabs one of the last remaining squashes before Ike has a chance to finish them all off. He looks up at him, chewing as Ike explains himself. Clint responds with a nod, wavering side to side before he swallows.- I think I get ya. Not gonna say I ain't gonna fuck it up from time t'time... maybe most of th'time, but I feel like I'm gettin' t'know ya enough t'git it right at least once. -He shoots Ike a smile before he takes a drink of water.- M'goal is t'not make things worse.
ike apatow I'm pretty good at saying outright what I like and don't like, don't worry. It's no big mystery so long as somebody pays attention. -he grins, clapping Clint on the back- Don't make a mountain out of my molehill, it ain't as serious as all that. I don't like generic, what're they called ... platitudes. That's all. Maybe it's from growing up with all the blanket religious catechisms, y'know? Biblical advice that's supposed to apply to everyone across the board even if it really doesn't. 
Clint Bennet Mm, sometimes y'like t'paint with broad colorful strokes around it. That's where the payin' attention comes in I suppose. -He points out with a chuckle as Ike smacks him in the back, something he was getting used to, he preferred it over having his hair grabbed though.- Naw, no mountain, just me, talkin' out m'ass. -He took another drink as Ike brought up something he wasn't expecting, some more of his upbringing, the story of the goat was starting to make more sense.- Y'know, y'never told me anything 'bout yer upbringin'. Did y'grow up in a... Convent? Is that what they're called? Or was it somethin' else? - Maybe he had a super religious parents, but the way Ike brought it up made Clint feel like it was more intense than that, like it built his world view and his view of himself.-
ike apatow A convent's for nuns, so no to that. I'd look great in one of those wimples, though. -he snickers at the idea, stretching out his legs under the table and starting to fiddle with his drinking glass for something to do- I grew up in a real rural town -- off the grid, rural, anything we could make for ourselves, we did -- and it was ... I mean, it was a cult.  -Ike rolls his shoulders back, crinkling his nose slightly- That was all I knew until I reached twenty and couldn't take it anymore, the things they asked of me. So I ran.
Clint Bennet -He laughs and shakes his head imagining Ike in the full nun getup, stubble and all.- Y'd be causin em all t'break their vows right n' left. -He teases, but listens seriously when Ike starts to barely scratch the surface of his childhood, at first it didn't sound so bad but it all clicked together when Ike used the word Cult, Clint sat back feeling like there was another piece to the puzzle that was Ike, fitting into place.- Must have been a culture shock, goin' from livin' like that t' th'city, even if by choice. I'm sorry y'grew up like that, Ike.  Y'ain't gotta go into specifics, but it must have been a lot t'make y'want t'leave it all behind 'n run.
ike apatow Culture shock like you wouldn't believe. I had no idea how the secular world worked. We didn't even use money in Ark, everything was communal or bartered. It was a steep learning curve. -Ike draws out the last sentence wryly, the understatement of it clear in the way he lets go of his glass to scratch one short fingernail against the table- Cults like in Ark rely on a lot of different ways of controlling you and they're all ... pretty damaging. I left all my sisters behind. That was the worst part, knowing I got out and they didn't. But I couldn't look back. -Ike shuts his eyes for a moment, lips pressed together tight, mouth twitching slightly to one side before he collects himself again- So, y'know. Drugs.
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rubix-writings · 4 years
Punisher Pt. 6
Sixth part of Punisher. Not a super exciting chapter, but it’s important. This is a Chicago PD/Fire imagine with an original character. I don’t own any of the plot points or characters from the show. Also, it doesn’t follow any particular season or sequence in the shows.
Series Summary: Josephine (Jo) never expected to find support and pure love when she left Los Angeles. She ran away to Chicago and was content with living an insignificant, hidden life. But everything changes when she walks into Molly’s to get a job.
Josephine (OC) x Jay Halstead
The italicized lines are internal thoughts of the character.
Warnings: language, mentions of drinking, mentions of a fight and harassment
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Things have drastically changed in the days following the bar fight. Instead of Jay avoiding me, I avoided Jay. Whenever he came to the bar to order drinks, I immediately went to tables to grab empties and refills. Or when he walked over to close a tab I would find something to clean in the back. I know what you’re thinking and yes, it is childish and the worst way to handle things, but right now I don’t know what else to do. Honestly, I can’t think straight right now. Everytime I try to think through all the possibilities of a potential relationship between Jay and I my irrational thinking kicks in and I end up with an outcome that couldn’t possibly be correct. I can tell that I’m hurting Jay, that he was hurt after he spoke to me and I froze instead of reciprocating any sort of feelings. 
“Jo….Jo!.... Earth to Jo!”
“What, sorry?” I turn to Emily. 
“Can I get a refill please?” I move to grab the wine bottle and refill her glass.
“You okay Jo? You seem a little out of it today,” Silvie interjects.
“A little?” Emilly scoffs as she sips her wine.
“Just tired, I’ve had a lot of late shifts,” it’s not a complete lie. 
“You sure it doesn’t have to do with someone with a name that rhymes with Ray?” Emily jokes. 
“Em, please not today,” my body is exhausted, it can’t handle trying to explain the situation further. 
“You can talk to us, about anything,” Silvie reassures. 
“Yeah, I know I joke about it, but we’re here for you,” Emily agrees. The girls get up from the stools and move to the table with Matt and Cruz. What is wrong with me? I just need to not think about him and eventually things will go back to before I met him. I didn’t always know Jay Halstead, and the world still turned. 
“Hey Jo, can I get a beer?” Will asked. Of course, I really should look for a different job. I grab a beer from the fridge and pop to cap for Will. 
“Here yah go Will.”
“Thanks, can I ask you something?” 
“Um…” I stutter. “I guess it depends.”
“There’s this guy I know who likes this girl.” Will whispers. I glance back to the table he just came from, Natalie laughs as Maggie finishes telling a story. Ah, gotcha. 
“Alright.” I stop wiping down the counter and lean on my forearms so we can speak in a whisper.
“The girl is great, everyone likes her. But, she’s just had a major life change and he doesn’t want to be ‘taking advantage’ so to speak. But people can see that she very obviously has feelings for him too. What do you think he should do? Since you are a female.”
“Is that the only criteria you have?”
“You are also a bartender.”
“Whatever. Has this ‘guy’ made his feelings known to her?”
“Yeah, it’s shamefully obvious.”
“Good, he’s going to have to be patient. Since she just went through a major life change, she’s probably scared and doesn’t want to hurt him in the process.”
“Okay, is there anything he can do to help?” I take a deep breath and think hard for a minute. 
“I think the best thing he can do is to show her that he’s not going anywhere, that he’s willing to wait as long as she needs. Because there’s no telling how long that’ll be, so being reassured in that would help a lot,” Will nods and takes a sip of his beer.
“You see why I wanted a female bartender to talk about this with?” I roll my eyes. “Thanks Jo, really.” I smile at Will and go back to wiping down the counter. 
“Hey! Hey guys! Listen up!” Mouch runs into the bar with Trudy in tow. 
“Hey, hey! Listen to the man!” Hermann grabs everyone’s attention and Mouch nods in gratitude towards his best friend.
“Not everyone’s here…” Mouch looks around. It’s true, some of the firemen and Intelligence Unit - including Jay - are missing from the bar tonight. 
“Oh my God,” Trudy groans, “We’re renewing our vows!” The bar immediately erupts into joyous screams to congratulate the couple. I haven’t seen Trudy smile this big before, her cheeks must be hurting. The couple are herded into a giant hug from their friends and coworkers despite the objections. 
“Jo, get the champagne! We need to toast!” Hermann shouts and I start passing out champagne flutes. Once everyone has some champagne, Hermann stands on the ledge to make a speech. “These two lovebirds have stood the test of time not to mention life threatening events because of the love they share. I won’t get too sappy cause I don’t want Mouch to start crying, but the love you have is special. You can tell by the way you look at each other or the way you talk about each other. Not many people get to experience that, but I can’t think of two people who deserve it more. We’re excited to continue on this journey with you. Cheers!” Everyone yells out before taking a sip. The couple are bombarded with questions about the renewal and how they came to the conclusion. 
Hermann’s words swirl around my head, I want to be loved like that. I’ve only experienced harsh, painful love. Love that isn’t really love, more like imprisonment. 
The days leading up to the renewal were hectic, since Trudy enlisted my help early on. It wasn’t an ask either, she threw down some binders for food options and told me to pick what I think would be best. Of course I did as told, since Trudy scares the shit out of me, and ever since I’ve been her go-to girl. I would be lying if I said the entire planning process wasn’t fun, one day Trudy brought cake slices to the bar to test out. 
Currently, I’m fulfilling my last duties - transforming the bar. It feels right that Mouch and Trudy settled on the bar, it only took Hermann offering it up multiple times a day. The bar is empty as everyone has shifts today so they could get tomorrow off. It took me about an hour to move all the tables and stools around to provide a walkway for the ceremony. Once that was done, I took a break to lay on the floor since I never workout, but probably should start. But quickly, I realized my time crunch since I needed to run back home to get ready. The rest didn’t take long. Hermann brought over all the ironed out tablecloths before his shift, so I put those on the tables and booth tables that were left over after moving stuff around. I just started filling up vases with water for the flower arrangements when there was a knock on the door. Thinking it was Trudy coming to take a quick peek I didn’t think to look through the peephole first.
“Hey, I have some stuff Trudy needed to be dropped off,” Jay spews out quickly. Stunned by Jay’s presence, I silently move out of the way so he can enter. 
“How are you?” I force out.
“Good, ugh work’s been really hectic,” Jay puts the box of decorations on a covered table. “You?”
“Good. I somehow got roped into doing all this,” I move to look through the box. It’s filled with framed photos of Trudy and Mouch, including a photo from their wedding day. 
“Look, Jo. I’m really sorry about stepping in. I just… the guy had it coming,” I laugh.
“He did. But I don’t want you to get in trouble because of me. It’s not worth you losing your job.” 
“I would love to be able to stand here and tell you it will never happen again because I know that’s what you want to hear. But my only regret from that night was not stepping in sooner. And if I lose my job from punching out a guy who harasses and assaults you then so be it.”
“I don’t know what to say.”
“You don’t have to say anything, I’ve wanted to tell you this sooner, but you’ve been avoiding me like the plague,” I cringe.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know how to go about everything afterwards so I just avoided it. I know I hurt you and I really am sorry.” Jay smirks and nods. 
“I should let you get back to all of this,” he moves his hands gesturing to the pure chaos behind me. “I’ll see you later.” My hands begin to shake. Say it, now. Go! Everything starts moving in slow motion, I want to tell Jay that I care. That I care for him and what happens to him, and the feelings I have are so confusing it’s infuriating. But it’s as if I’ve gone mute and my throat is too dry to speak.
“Wait!” I call out as Jay’s hand encompasses the door knob. He looks back at me, his blue eyes only make it harder for me to speak. 
“Yeah?” He questions as I stand there opening and closing my mouth trying to speak. He takes his hand off the door knob, and like magic my heart rate decreases and my vision finally begins to clear. 
“I could use some help here, if you’re free,” I stutter out. He smiles and slips off his coat. 
“Tell me where to start.”
Taglist: @whit85-blog @bestillmystuckyheart @nocturnalherb16 @5sos-imagine​ @miranda0102​
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cadetremi · 7 years
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it had been a few days since she’d gotten back to new york, and having spent the last few days attempting to catch up on sleep, adjust to the time zone again, she figured it was a good time to get out of the house. she’d gotten back in the middle of the week, surprising her parents and aunt (shouhei knew, because of course he did) with the news she’d not only graduated high school, but from the group and was back for good, that she was going to be attending university in new york come fall. then she’d spent a few days mostly sleeping and getting used to the country again.
today was saturday, and she’d managed to tackle shouhei early enough to see if he had any plans.
“no…?” it came out more like a question, and silvia arched an eyebrow. “i mean, technically. pippa, micchi and i were thinking were thinking of dragging magnus to see a movie or something, but no, i don’t actually have plans.” he shrugged, ducking around her to go to the kitchen.
“good! you can take me to xavier’s then.” her cousin almost immediately paused, and turned back to her.
“never been there before,” it was her turn to shrug, and she almost danced around him as the coffee maker shut off. “i mean, they called me before they called you, i was just, you know, in japan. i kept the number, and they said when i got back, i could come by any time.”
“so just go?” shouhei accepted the mug of coffee she passed over, growing more confused.
“i don’t want to go alone, okay.” she mumbled into the mug, sticking her tongue out when he let out a little scoff.
“you have less trouble than i do, why do you even want to go?” silvia shrugged again, hoping up onto the counter.
“i have friends there to now, don’t i?” when she said that, a look of understanding flashed over shouhei’s face before he let out a little laugh.
“you just want an excuse to go see vivi, don’t you?” silvia sputtered a little, almost choking on her coffee.
“don’t laugh!” she wiped her chin, glaring at him. “okay, a little.”
“does she even know you’re back?”
“… no.”
“you’re helpless, rin-chan,” he shook his head, switching into japanese for a minute. “fine, i’ll take you.”
silvia hoped off the counter, pausing long enough to knock her hip against his. “thanks. i’ll take you and your friends to the movies sometime, if that’ll make it up?” shouhei shook his head.
“they’ll get it. they would probably take pleasure in teasing you, honestly.” she laughed a little, hopping off to her room to get dressed.
she paused in the doorway though, and turned back for a moment. “and you’re no better, shou-chan.”
several hours later, silvia found herself looking up at xavier’s for the first time, almost in awe.
“this is so much nicer than my high school.” she looked up at shouhei. “this is a school?” shouhei shoved her shoulder a little, forcing her forward.
“yeah. i dunno, i think it was someone’s house at one point. the founder or something. you’re asking me this like i actually go here.” he walked a little ahead, and silvia scrambled to keep up, still looking around as she walked. “are you supposed to meet with the headmistress or anything?” he asked, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jacket.
“she just said to come by whenever. if i wanted to do any training to just talk to some of the staff and they’d point me in the right direction.” shouhei held back a laugh.
“you, train? that’s funny.”
“shut up. i don’t technically need to, but… i might. maybe. friends come first.” she mumbled the last bit, as the front doors of the building, the school, opened and a couple of younger kids came running out, grinning and obviously having a ball. another girl followed behind them, clearly amused, but walking rather than running. she paused when she spotted shouhei and silvia coming, holding the door open until they got there.
“ah, shou-ge, esper’s in the danger room, if you’re looking for her.” silvia blinked at her cousin as the girl ran off, leaving shouhei to sputter something that she couldn’t quite make out.
“oh, i’m so getting who that is out of you later,” she grinned, knocking his arm lightly.
“yeah, great.” he mumbled, “get going already.” her grin didn’t get any smaller, but she obliged, walking into the school.
they walked down a few hallways, passing a few groups of students. a couple eyed her, probably because they didn’t recognize her, but didn’t pay shouhei much attention. a few greeted her cousin, but most just walked on by.
“ah, miroku.” he spotted a duo, a boy and a girl, walking their way. the boy smiled around the lollipop in his mouth, and the girl waved.
“shou-kun.” silvia perked up a little, not really expecting to hear someone addressing her cousin so casually. shouhei just kicked her ankle lightly. the boy, miroku apparently, looked over at her, tilting his head lightly.
“my cousin,” shouhei said by way of explanation, shrugging.
“silvia, matsuoka shiori.” she ducked into a little bow, “yoroshiku ne.” the girl made a bit of a face, obviously not understanding the japanese. miroku nudged her arm, laughing a little.
“haruma miroku,” then he jabbed his thumb at the girl. “ismae bae, my best friend. you a new student?” shouhei almost snorted, but silvia just shook her head a little.
“not really. i just moved back from japan the other day, i was told i could come by if i wanted. i have a few friends attending here too, i wanted to see them - surprise ‘em really.”
“vivi,” shouhei ‘whispered,’ “she wants to see vivi.” silvia kicked him.
“she was in the cafeteria with a couple others, last i saw.” miroku informed them, smiling a sort of knowing smile. silvia instantly perked up a little, obviously excited. shouhei shook his head lightly, but thanked miroku and ismae, said he’d see them later, and started steering his cousin towards the cafeteria.
“you’re practically vibrating,” shouhei pointed out – and silvia couldn’t really deny it.
“with excitement. i really want to see one of my best friends, okay.”
“… you haven’t even see her for like two years, the last time you came home for more than like a week.”
“exaclty!” silvia turned around to face him, walking backwards for a moment (before almost tripping and turning back the right way.) “i haven’t properly hung out with her since i left for japan, and i’ve only seen her a handful of times since then. i mean… we’ve talked, sometimes, but emailing isn’t the same, ya know. i’m just really excited to see her.”
“… this why you didn’t tell anyone but me you were leaving and coming home? just to surprise vivi?”
“little bit,” she admitted. “i mean, to surprise mum and dad too, but… yeah.” (also, maybe, a little bit, to prove to herself that she didn’t have a crush on one of her best friends, just so she wouldn’t have to deal with the idea of being rejected by one of said best friends, because she wasn’t sure she could deal with that.)
the school was amazing, and if silvia hadn’t been so excited, she probably would have paid a bit more attention to the layout. she’d have to come by a few more times, at least. it was way nicer than any school she’d ever been to, and even nicer than her old dorm, or a lot of the hotels and places she’d stayed over the years.
she was practically jumping with anticipation and excitement, however, so she wasn’t paying that much attention. instead, she was looking around, but more to see if there were any faces she recognized. she was mostly looking for vivi, obviously, but she’d been told a few other friends she vaguely remembered from elementary school attended, like micah (she honestly couldn’t wait to see how he was now, if he was any less of a little shit.)
“cafeteria’s right there,” shouhei pointed lazily, not really surprised when silvia hoped a little and rushed forward, not even bothering to see if he was still following (he was, just to see if she embarrassed herself.)
the door was open, so she poked her head in, looking around. no one seemed to notice her, or at least didn’t care, when she slipped through the door, looking around at the different groups of people. there was a boy with a pair of wings sitting with a girl who was chatting away. down the table from them was a girl with blue hair, a boy with purple hair and a boy with a white cane leaning next to him. there was another, a couple of girls and a couple of boy, who seemed almost famil -
“vivi!” the girl looked up, as did her siblings and cousin, and though it took a moment, she seemed to recognize her, which was always a good thing.
“silvi!” she was pretty sure she looked a little too excited, but honestly she didn’t care. when her friend jumped up from her seat, silvia ran over, happily squishing the other girl into a hug. “what are you doing here? are you on vacation?”
silvia shook her head. “i graduated. high school and the group,” she stood up a little straighter when vivi let go, “i moved back. i’m here to stay!”
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