universestreasures · 2 years
@enterpainment​​ Sent:
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❝No, no. That’s not magic-❞ Yuya claims with a serious sort of playfulness, despite knowing very well the power Yuzu was capable of. That’s not the kind of magic he was referring to though!  ❝REAAAAAAL magic is unexplainable!  It’s the suspense and wonder that makes it magical! Let me show you-❞ He offers Yuzu the wildflower he had been holding onto, before suddenly closing his fist around it. When opening it next the flower was gone! He proceeds to show both sides of his hands to Yuzu, proving it's disappearance, before reaching around behind her head and producing the flower seemingly straight from her ear! With a satisfied sort of swing added to his mannerisms he now offers Yuzu the flower for real this time. ❝Now that was a genuine magic trick! See what I mean?❞  [@ Yuzu, Nobles of Nature verse? Here’s something silly lololol I like to think Yuya learned a thing or two from a certain wandering magician somewhere somehow at some point :] ]
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“Really? You think being able to grow flowers instantly isn’t real magic? Get real, Yuya.” Yuzu rolls her eyes at his comments. It was a rarity for her to be irritated with the odd-eyed dragon. Out of all the noble dragon pairs her father had formed, she and Yuya had gotten along the best in the shortest amount of time. They had a lot in common, both being the youngest of their full blood siblings who had a passion for performing. It only made sense they’d get along so quickly. Though, this conversation certainly was causing the girl to get a slight headache.
She took great pride in her abilities, as did all her sisters. To even  compare them to Yuya’s little tricks was an insult. However, she lets him finish his point and perform the little vanishing act anyway, finding them rather cute. The little huff that graced her face seemed to vanish as he did his act. Yuya always had a way of making her smile no matter the situation. It was one of the many things Yuzu had become to cherish about him as they spent more and more time together. 
“I do, but even as you said Yuya, they are still tricks. Cute and entertaining tricks, but still tricks.” She takes the flower from him then, closing her sapphire hues as she channels her magic into it. One flower suddenly grows into many, a full bouquet of colorful flowers appearing in her hand. You can see the pride cross the young woman’s face at the display. Multiplying them like that was one of the first things she learned how to do, and it was a feat she was proud of it despite it’s simplicity.
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“This is the result of real magic, but I still like your tricks. They suit you.” Yuzu replies as she stretches her hand out to offer the botanical beauty to him. “By the way, where did you learn how to do them anyway? I don’t know much about dragon culture, but I don’t think magic tricks are a big pastime or anything, Your brothers don’t do them as far as I know, either,”
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