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quem é essa campista? THERESA GRAHAM é filha de APOLO do chalé 7 e tem VINTE E QUATRO ANOS. a tv hefesto informa no guia de programação que ela está no NÍVEL II por estar no acampamento há OITO ANOS, sabia? e se lá estiver certo, TESSA é bastante EMPÁTICA mas também dizem que ela é RESERVADA. mas você sabe como hefesto é, sempre inventando fake news pra atrair audiência.
Fruto da união entre o deus Apolo e uma mortal com Visão Clara, não demorou muito para que ser especial para Theresa passasse a significar ser uma pária. De personalidade vibrante e amigável, ficar próxima da garotinha era simples e agradável, o único empecilho para amizades com raízes mais fortes e duradouras sendo a frequência com que ela e sua mãe se mudavam de um lugar para outro. Ao mesmo tempo em que se chateava por sempre deixar um lar para trás, as mudanças por vezes eram acompanhadas por visitas de seu pai, que ficava por alguns dias antes de desaparecer novamente a negócios. A infância de Theresa foi marcada por essas idas e vindas, sua família composta em maior parte apenas por ela e a mãe, o que era mais do que suficiente quase sempre.
Os primeiros problemas para os Graham começaram a surgir ao final da infância de Theresa, quando a menina começou a dar ao mundo os primeiros sinais de que havia algo diferente sobre ela. Algumas noites, ela tinha sonhos perturbados com pessoas conhecidas envolvendo acontecimentos dos quais não tinha memória de terem ocorrido, apenas para se concretizarem dias depois. De início, não era tão difícil ignorá-los e apenas caracterizar esses eventos como coincidências seguidas de pesadelos, já que não poderia haver qualquer correlação entre as duas coisas. Passados alguns meses de persistência, dividiu a aflição com sua mãe, pois já não conseguia mais dormir por medo de acabar encontrando terríveis premonições em seus sonhos. Serena, sempre a matriarca companheira mas um tanto misteriosa, dizia que Theresa era especial, que tudo faria sentido com o tempo. Mesmo com certo ceticismo, confiava na palavra da mãe, sua melhor amiga, aquela que sempre fazia de tudo para protegê-la. Com o tempo, os pesadelos cessaram.
Em seguida, entretanto, passou a não ser incomum que, ao tocar um colega ou pessoas a esmo, Theresa tivesse um momento em que inconscientemente suspendia a respiração de forma audível e ficava com os olhos desfocados, mirando o nada de forma um tanto macabra. As visões eram imprecisas e nem sempre se concretizavam, mas esse tipo de comportamento não demorou para amedrontar consideravelmente muitos de seus colegas, nem mesmo a personalidade usualmente vivaz de Theresa sendo suficiente para mantê-los próximos. Em questão de alguns meses, foi de querida e popular para a garota esquisita, uma aberração que ninguém queria ter por perto, até com sussurros maldosos e sem sentido de que a loucura da garota fosse contagiosa. Theresa chegava em casa aos prantos e desenvolveu aversão ao toque, sempre aterrorizada com a mera perspectiva de acabar testemunhando algo indesejado, que não lhe pertencia, não era de sua conta e que não queria ver. Brigava com sua mãe, esbravejava aos quatro ventos, rezava para ser aliviada daquele fardo, já que não suportava mais ser anormal àquele ponto sem sequer entender o que se passava.
Theresa tinha cerca de quatorze anos quando, pela primeira vez em pelo menos seis, viu o pai à porta de sua casa. Retornava de mais um dia terrível quando o avistou conversando com Serena na varanda, mas ele se fora antes mesmo que a garota pudesse subir, correndo, a colina cujo topo abrigava a casa da família Graham. Naquela mesma noite, foi levada pela mãe para o Acampamento Meio-Sangue, com a verdade sobre a identidade de todos – sua, da mãe como mortal de Visão Clara, e de Apolo – revelada.
Traumatizada por muitos dos eventos que antecederam sua ida ao acampamento, a personalidade de Theresa mudou consideravelmente. Desde sua chegada, se mostrou como uma garota reservada e extremamente aversa ao toque. Ao longo do tempo, conforme desenvolvia maior familiaridade com seus arredores e o restante dos campistas, foi saindo um pouco de sua concha e passando a se parecer mais com sua versão mais nova, alegre e amigável.
Nos anos seguintes à sua chegada, Theresa passava a maior parte do tempo no acampamento, ausentando-se apenas algumas vezes ao ano para visitar sua mãe. Aos dezenove anos de Theresa, Serena Graham escreveu uma carta à filha para comunicar o triste e trágico diagnóstico de uma doença, o que fez com que Theresa abandonasse a Colina Meio-Sangue para ficar ao lado da mãe por quanto tempo ainda restassem às duas – o que acabou se revelando por três anos, período este em que Theresa fazia sacrifícios e orações praticamente diárias para que Apolo curasse a mulher. A morte inevitável de Serena serviu para colocar uma frieza provavelmente irreparável entre Theresa e seu pai, manchando uma relação que um dia, mesmo perante a distância típica entre deuses e seus filhos, havia sido próxima.
Depois disso, Theresa passou mais um ano vagando de canto em canto, em uma versão mimética mas muito mais solitária de sua infância quase itinerante, através do mundo. Visitou inúmeros lugares e tentou viver uma vida normal, apesar da constante necessidade de desviar de monstros e ameaças com níveis variáveis de sucesso. Quando recebeu o chamado de Dionísio, considerou ignorar e simplesmente enfrentar a sorte, mas sabia que seria inútil. Finalmente voltou à realidade: jamais, enquanto vivesse, seria normal. Como sempre dizia Serena Graham, Theresa sempre seria especial e estava na hora de parar de fugir disso.
É uma companheira muito leal e uma aliada valiosa em estratégia e outros pormenores. Ainda que seu poder possa ser inconveniente em diversas situações, é útil em pequenas esferas de combate físico, visto que canalizado pode lhe dar vantagem sobre o adversário por conseguir prever seus prováveis movimentos seguintes.
PODERES: Precognição, o que significa que Theresa pode prever o futuro, desde alguns segundos até dias ou meses adiante, com grandes limitações. Quando mais nova, a habilidade se manifestava através de sonhos, mas isso se tornou raro com a chegada da adolescência. Desde então, o poder é ativado principalmente através do toque. As visões são subjetivas e passíveis de mudança, de acordo com a tomada de decisão do alvo que envolvem, além de que muitas vezes podem se manifestar de maneira enigmática e pouco clara. No nível II, Theresa consegue controlar a ativação da habilidade quase sempre, mas eventualmente acontece de usar o poder de forma não proposital.
HABILIDADES: Fator de cura acima do normal e sentidos aguçados.
ARMA: Solaris, uma adaga de arremesso.
Eleonora participa individualmente do ARCO E FLECHA e faz parte da equipe dos CURANDEIROS.
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graphic used with @ruinationsrp permission.
strange occurrences bring the power to light. the masters of asterian council cannot speak of it , do not perceive it , do not feel it. raised to believe in the power of light over that of shadows , the illumination brings secrets from deep underground back to life. a resurrection of one's falsities , the return of one's truth , aria sees it all.
a watchful inner eye never rests in peace. light forged ribbons connect the people , each colour a different meaning , different type of love , hatred and all in between. she sees it all. the golden hues the one of familial sentiment - mixed with bloodred to accentuate the blood connection between them. green for envy , for treachery , but also those of natural given powers tying to the earth and soil beneath. red , the thread of fate , a connection even she cannot see through , for it had not yet come to pass and nothing guarantees it shall ever come to be - but they always gravitate to each other , a motionless dance. black stands for hatred , dark powers and shadowed thought. it it the ribbon of destruction. ribbon of murder.
youngest of three children but the only one accepted to asterian's council , serving as the voice , the most trusted advisor to the king and his strategists , his generals and soldiers. comes from a family of scholars , a scholar herself but her knowledge lies in her power and the connection between people.
had a happy childhood with little turbulence , but introspective character prepared her for courtly intrigue and problem that had resurfaced. she likes to play the harp and whenever she finds herself stuck in solving problem , drumming of string against her finger helps her focus.
WANTED CONNECTIONS: closest friend , two younger siblings , friendly rivalry , romantic interest.
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hey, isn’t that CATHERINE “CATE” COHEN, who looks a little like NAOMI WATTS? i hear SHE is a FIFTY TWO year old CIS WOMAN who works as a INTERIOR DESIGNER & BUSINESS OWNER OF “SKIN BY CATE” who has been in town for 50 YEARS. they ARE a member of one of aspen creek’s founding families. you can usually find them at MAPLE GROVE or LA BELLA VITTA. if you ask me, they remind me a lot of GOLDEN HAIR LIKE LIQUID SUNLIGHT, EXTRAVAGANCE IN FORM OF A SMELL, RED-TINTED SMIRKING LIPS, THE SMOOTHNESS OF A PEARL NECKLACE, FINGERS ADORNED IN SPARKLING RINGS. just keep an eye on them & see if their true colors shine through!
tw: infidelity.
cate's biography.
Catherine “Cate” Cohen was born Catherine Ann Lenoir into a humble farming family, that has worked under the Danes family for years now. At just two years old, she moved to Aspen Creek. With a deep appreciation for her upbringing, Cate blossomed into a determined young woman.
In high school, she met Benjamin Cohen, the man she believed to be her soulmate. Their whirlwind romance led them to marry shortly after graduation, eager to build their lives together. By twenty-three, Cate welcomed twins, soon followed by their youngest child. From the outside, their family life seemed idyllic, marked by lively dinner parties and social gatherings in their gated community. However, beneath the surface, Cate silently suffered with her husband’s increasing distance. As Ben entered the realm of politics, the pressures of expectation pushed by his own father began to take a toll on their marriage.
Determined to maintain her sense of self, Cate channeled her energy into her career as an interior designer. Inspired by her mother’s nurturing spirit, she balanced work and family life, striving to create a loving environment for her children. As a non-Jewish spouse in the Cohen family, she often faced subtle prejudice, referred to as a “shiksa��� at gatherings. Yet, she embraced the term, using it as a badge of resilience in the face of her mother-in-law’s disdain. Ben’s mother never liked her, but Cate loved him and was willingly to see things through for the sake of their love.
Cate’s world shattered when she discovered Ben’s affair. The emotional fallout was devastating; their already strained relationship crumbled under the weight of betrayal. They were barely speaking at the time, since Ben was always busy and Cate had decided to pour her energy into her work, launching a skincare line focused on older women. She had hoped for reconciliation, believing that their empty nest would allow them to rediscover each other and fall back in love. Instead, she was left heartbroken as she watched Ben move on without her. The backlash was major and she was actually happy to see him suffer for once.
The facade of the perfect mayor’s housewife began to crumble. Years spent trying to gain acceptance and approval evaporated, leaving her to confront the reality of her situation. Yet, through the pain, Cate remained unwavering in her love for her children, becoming a devoted grandmother to her only grandchild and supporting her son in his own betrayal. She’s essentially becoming the Deb Scott of Aspen Creek and we’re yet to see how that will all unfold.
In a community that had once celebrated her, Cate now stands on the precipice of reinvention, determined to reclaim her identity and find joy in the chapters yet to come.
cate's wanted connections.
best friends & close friends. I’d love a group of close knit friends for her, the people that really had her back during those rougher times as she rebuild herself.
neighbors Anyone that lives in Maple Grove!
drinking buddies You know that woman has been with a glass of wine in hand since the scandal was released so anyone that can keep that energy going with her.
enemies Anyone that dislikes her!
friends to lovers Something kind of like Lorelai and Luke. The slow burn she needs as she regains her confidence in love.
friends with benefits / one-night stands A girl has needs!
clients Can be from her interior designer or skincare business!
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muse bio below the cut! please read my rules for content warnings associated with this blog.
name: anya nusome gender: cis female (she/her) sexuality: lesbian (closeted / undiscovered for most of her life) age: 28 hometown: moscow, russia nationality: russian height: 5'8" occupation: nurse, trained by pony express nursing courses disabilities & conditions: anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, autism spectrum disorder
personality: anya is a passive, soft-spoken woman with a passion for helping others, but painfully low self esteem. she has difficulty standing up for herself as well as speaking up for herself. she tends to have a fawn response to her trauma, being a people-pleaser and trying to keep the peace. when she isn't feeling threatened, she has a silly and whimsical side to her. beyond that, anya has a passion for the medical field. she's a capable nurse in spite of the troubling situations she's endured. she also has a creative side to her and enjoys drawing and doodling in her spare time, as well as playing board games, listening to music, and reading. she blows off steam by going for runs. she also loves fast food and reality television, though these are guilty pleasures she wouldn't easiy admit out loud.
backstory: anya was born in moscow. raised there only in her early childhood, her parents moved around a lot through russia and various parts of europe. her family eventually migrated to the united states, where anya would spend her ensuing pre-teen years and beyond adjusting to her new home.
when she was twelve, her parents divorced after a particularly tumultuous marriage. when given the choice between parents, anya chose to live with her mother as opposed to her alcoholic father who was prone to violent outbursts when drinking.
anya always had a passion for the medical field and wanted to pursue a career as a nurse and eventually a doctor.
after graduating high school, anya applied to medical school anyway. her application to medical school was rejected - eight times, even. the debt from applying to medical school alone was tremendous and left her desperate to pay back her debt. pony express offered company-exclusive nursing classes, and she took on a job with the company to afford more applications to medical school.
anya spent about several years working with pony express before the horrific incident aboard the tulpar. the last flight she ever took in long haul space freight would be the worst ever. what started as a relatively ordinary trip, save for a new intern joining the crew, ended up being a traumatizing ordeal. amidst the flight, the co-captain jimmy assaulted anya and verbally abused her.
when anya discovered she was pregnant, she told the ship's captain, curly. curly did not protect her from jimmy, much to anya's devastation. instead, anya told jimmy about the pregnancy. he stormed off, walked away.
moments later, the ship crashed.
with captain curly horrifically wounded, anya struggled but succeeded to keep him alive in his mangled state. anya endured this for several months, though gradually her unwanted pregnancy affected her even more, making it easier and easier to get nauseous while taking care of curly. all the while, anya considered taking her own life.
it wasn't until jimmy blew up at her one final time that it pushed her over the edge. the trauma and stress, coupled with a lack of support, was too much for anya to handle. using the medication jimmy obtained from a medical supply cabinet in the hall, anya locked herself in the medical room and made an attempt on her life.
the attempt did not succeed.
the memories that followed became a blur for her - swansea taking out revenge on jimmy, a repair of the cryostasis pods, a distress signal sent out into space. eventually, it was all over.
anya returned to earth.
following the horrific events of the tulpar, anya sought out mental health care, along with getting the abortion she'd desperately needed on the ship. eventually, she returned to the medical field, albeit in a less dangerous way: she found an elementary school that had been endorsed by pony express at one point or another, accepting her job credentials, and became nurse at that elementary school.
about a year or so after the events of that horrible tulpar incident, anya is finally accepted into medical school.
every little day is a step towards recovery, but she has a long way to go.
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muse bio below the cut! please read my rules for content warnings associated with this blog.
name: anya nusome gender: cis female (she/her) sexuality: lesbian (closeted / undiscovered for most of her life) age: 28 hometown: moscow, russia nationality: russian height: 5'8" occupation: nurse, trained by pony express nursing courses disabilities & conditions: anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, autism spectrum disorder
personality: anya is a passive, soft-spoken woman with a passion for helping others, but painfully low self esteem. she has difficulty standing up for herself as well as speaking up for herself. she tends to have a fawn response to her trauma, being a people-pleaser and trying to keep the peace. when she isn't feeling threatened, she has a silly and whimsical side to her. beyond that, anya has a passion for the medical field. she's a capable nurse in spite of the troubling situations she's endured. she also has a creative side to her and enjoys drawing and doodling in her spare time, as well as playing board games, listening to music, and reading. she blows off steam by going for runs. she also loves fast food and reality television, though these are guilty pleasures she wouldn't easiy admit out loud.
backstory: anya was born in moscow. raised there only in her early childhood, her parents moved around a lot through russia and various parts of europe. her family eventually migrated to the united states, where anya would spend her ensuing pre-teen years and beyond adjusting to her new home.
when she was twelve, her parents divorced after a particularly tumultuous marriage. when given the choice between parents, anya chose to live with her mother as opposed to her alcoholic father who was prone to violent outbursts when drinking.
anya always had a passion for the medical field and wanted to pursue a career as a nurse and eventually a doctor.
after graduating high school, anya applied to medical school anyway. her application to medical school was rejected - eight times, even. the debt from applying to medical school alone was tremendous and left her desperate to pay back her debt. pony express offered company-exclusive nursing classes, and she took on a job with the company to afford more applications to medical school.
anya spent about several years working with pony express before the horrific incident aboard the tulpar. the last flight she ever took in long haul space freight would be the worst ever. what started as a relatively ordinary trip, save for a new intern joining the crew, ended up being a traumatizing ordeal. amidst the flight, the co-captain jimmy assaulted anya and verbally abused her.
when anya discovered she was pregnant, she told the ship's captain, curly. curly did not protect her from jimmy, much to anya's devastation. instead, anya told jimmy about the pregnancy. he stormed off, walked away.
moments later, the ship crashed.
with captain curly horrifically wounded, anya struggled but succeeded to keep him alive in his mangled state. anya endured this for several months, though gradually her unwanted pregnancy affected her even more, making it easier and easier to get nauseous while taking care of curly. all the while, anya considered taking her own life.
it wasn't until jimmy blew up at her one final time that it pushed her over the edge. the trauma and stress, coupled with a lack of support, was too much for anya to handle. using the medication jimmy obtained from a medical supply cabinet in the hall, anya locked herself in the medical room and made an attempt on her life.
the attempt did not succeed.
the memories that followed became a blur for her - swansea taking out revenge on jimmy, a repair of the cryostasis pods, a distress signal sent out into space. eventually, it was all over.
anya returned to earth.
following the horrific events of the tulpar, anya sought out mental health care, along with getting the abortion she'd desperately needed on the ship. eventually, she returned to the medical field, albeit in a less dangerous way: she found an elementary school that had been endorsed by pony express at one point or another, accepting her job credentials, and became nurse at that elementary school.
about a year or so after the events of that horrible tulpar incident, anya is finally accepted into nursing school.
every little day is a step towards recovery, but she has a long way to go.
#biography.#disclaimer: this is canon-divergent and headcanon-based.#it's also subject to change with new information coming out about her!
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Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawke in BEFORE SUNRISE. Celine read The Dead Man, while Jesse read All I Need Is Love, a Klaus Kinski biography.
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welcome to aurora bay, [CASSIUS BANKS]! i couldn’t help but notice you look an awful lot like [MICHAEL B. JORDAN]. you must be the [THIRTY FIVE] year old [OWNER OF THE GOLDEN HOUR LOUNGE]. word is you’re [DIRECT] but can also be a bit [BRAZEN] and your favorite song is [GOOSEBUMPS BY TRAVIS SCOTT]. i also heard you’ll be staying in [OCEAN CREST APARTMENTS]. i’m sure you’ll love it!
NAME: cassius akia banks.
BIRTHDAY: december 3rd.
GENDER + PRONOUNS: cis-male, he/him.
TIME LIVED IN TOWN: four years.
OCCUPATION: owner of the golden hour lounge.
FAMILY: denzel banks (father), serena taylor (mother), tyra taylor (half-sibling, younger), colby foxx (son, has no relationship with).
POSITIVE TRAITS: direct, bold, confident.
NEGATIVE TRAITS: brazen, harsh, arrogant.
NEIGHBOURHOOD: officially ocean crest apartments, but honestly? wherever he wakes up.
FC: michael b. jordan.
PART OF: @aurorabayaesthetic.
tw. DUI / drug mentions / child abandonment / car accident + injury / prison / pregnancy / break-up.
born in queens, new york to a mother who, at barely turned seventeen, thought she was too young to want him and a father who would have been a deadbeat if it wasn't for an overbearing mother of his own.
denzel banks was forced to step up, serena taylor got to run into the sunset — and cassius wasn't to see her again until many years later.
growing up with his father wasn't much different to growing up without his mother. it was his grandmother who showed interest in him, denzel was too busy living out his late teens and early 20s getting into the kind of trouble that kept cassus' grandmother up at night.
by nine years old his father was on his second stint of jail-time, the first time was punishment for a second DUI, second a harsher charge for drug related offences. denzel swears it wasn't him, that his so-called friends had drawn him the short straw and stabbed him in the back.
by thirteen his father a free man once more, and now at thirty-one years old denzel finally wanted something to do with his son. promising to turn things around. he got a job, saved up, got them a tiny two bed apartment.
cassius was never great academically but what he lacked in academic success he made up for in sporting ability.
he was fifteen when his mother turned up at his football game. he was showing promise, and if he was going to be recruited into college football she wanted a front seat.
little did she know cassius had also found out what skirt chasing meant, and, much to the dismay of denzel seeing his son turn down a road that felt all too similar to his own, cass spent any time he wasn't on the football field hanging out with his heathen friends.
serena left again, but not before telling him she was sorry that she didn't want him and how she was married now, with another child - a daughter named tyra.
a failed drugs test ended his dreams of college football, which only pushed him further into his group of friends, at seventeen he truly was following in the footsteps of denzel, he was either high, drunk, or fucking around with the latest person that had caught his eye.
graduating high school by the skin of his teeth, the threat of being kicked out sent him to his best friends couch. though, he didn't spend many nights there. he had dates on rotation.
the next few years seemed like a blur, barely speaking to his father or grandmother, he skipped from job to job, delivery guy, cashier, bartender.
at twenty-six he met his ex-girlfriend, dating for three years before she excitedly announced she was pregnant thinking he'd propose. he broke up with her and had tinder re-downloading before he'd even finished packing a bag to leave. he's seen her twice since — returning once for court appointed paternity and child maintenance rulings, and the second time he accidentally run into her (and colby) whilst visiting his grandmother. (he didn't quite skip town as much as he skipped neighbourhoods, moving in with a friend from brooklyn).
at twenty-eight, with nothing to truly keep them in NY he and his buddy decided to travel across america, they did it as cheaply as possible and worked odd jobs across the way.
it was near the end of their travelling that they ended up in aurora bay. cass' got a job as a bartender and when his friend decided it was time to move back to NY cassius decided to stay in aurora bay.
finding a roommate and settling in was fairly easy, working jobs was easy, he was happy living a simple life. hadn't amounted to much, but he suspected that had always been on the cards for him.
that changed when one evening on his way home he got knocked down by a car running a red light. turned out to be a doordash delivery driver, and twelve months of litigation later he'd sued them out of half a million dollars. — you wouldn't think being run over by a car would be considered a perk, but for cassius it sure was. aside from the TBI & months of rehab for his various injuries.
he used that money to put a downpayment on golden hour lounge, a place he'd once worked at that had recently gone up for sale. money spent on that didn't leave him with enough cash to move out of ocean crest, much to his dismay.
it's only been a couple of months since he took over the ownership and he has no real idea of what he's doing, but theres enough money coming in to keep his head above water, and for now, thats enough for him.
has a five year old son called colby that he's met twice, what he knows of him is via stalking his ex' instagram.
head injury from his accident left him colourblind, it also changed his personality somewhat. prior to it, he was a gentle flirt with fear of any responsibility, yet harmless. now he's somewhat brutal, happy to speak his mind without filter. will tell you you're a fuck up (which, coming from him sure is something), it's left him semi-quick to anger and he attempts to placate that with running & high energy workouts.
drinks a lot less than he did pre-accident (he’s not sober & will happily have a drink / go out with his friends / drink with a date, but he’s not binging for the sake of it, won’t drink every night he’s at the lounge). took up smoking though & stopped partaking in illegal substances (for the most part, what was a regular occurrence is now a ‘special occasions’).
has no idea what he's doing half the time, lives on vibes alone.
is truly trying to get his shit together and grow up. owning the lounge is step one.
has ghosted more people than he can count, does not do well with responsibility.
has actually been hit by a car twice (the first was some girl named fiona trying to park in ocean crest), he's hoping a third doesn't happen and lives every day just a little further from the edge of the sidewalk.
used to change jobs like t-shirts.
bully of @lunarakuzgun.
employer of @joey-madani & @cavenshh ( + she's testing his ability to keep saying no to those short skirts).
once employee of @santiagodeleons, @pcrdita (+ gym bro) & @borawinters.
once got tapped by @fionaosmvn's car outside ocean crest, @mackmontgomery was her passenger.
@cricketcampbell thinks it was her doordash that got him run over.
friend of / once upon a time hook-up of @ponderosus.
friend of @maxxyrobinson, @charlcyboy.
appreciates @annthcmpscn.
friend of @atticus-cortes / atticus was first on the scene after cassius' accident.
pain in @delilahcarreno's ass.
roommate of @sebitorres.
(brief because they’re just suggestions & i’m certainly open to anything not here!!)
his half-sister, or any other siblings.
his ex-girlfriend from queens / mother of his child. **heavy plotting / will probably look at filling this once he’s more established here. but we can discuss!
someone he dated in aurora bay that he actually really liked, but they broke up for w/e reason (could be his accident / personality change - he handles it better now, but right after he was v quick to anger & those frustrations would have been difficult to deal with). **requires plotting
unlikely friend(s) that helped him go around daily life after his accident, took him to appointments / physio / sat up with him at 3am when he woke up in a cold sweat / this person (or people) have seen him at his worst which for cass’ is embarrassing, but he also knew he needed the help.
roommate(s), he spent literally every penny he had on the downpayment on the lounge.
former bosses, cassius worked various jobs in aurora bay (bar work, cashier, waiting tables) before buying the lounge.
someone whose happy to test out his cocktail creations. some are just the normal dirty martini, others are his own creations. he’s working on the cocktail menu, but had to learn the basics from youtube.
former co-workers, cass has tried his hand at many jobs in the past and none of them have really stuck.
besties (he's intolerable except on odd occasions) / ride or die / sibling like friends / unlikely friends / new friends / friends from NY / workout friends / neighbours.
blind date / one night stand(s) / flirtationship / tinder matches / fwbs / we dated but it didn't quite work out (was probably dating four of y'all at once).
former friends / frenemies / enemies / fake friends / people chasing him down because he ghosted them / people he probably owes money to.
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In her 'canon', ie my write up for her as a fandomless oc, Reese's abilities included psychometry with pre/postcognition, cryokinesis, seeing the dead / talking with & touching the dead, true sight, dreamwalking & regenerative healing / immortality. I will go through her character sheet and write up a list of what spells & abilities she has in game but the base abilities are ones that she still has even if there isn't a specific spell or in game ability for them as these are all powers that are shown to be in game even if not by player characters. She had most of them from childhood after her first death (in her very, very very first incarnation many years ago when I first started writing her, she died after falling through the ice when she was about seven or eight and an ancient entity resuscitated her and left a tangent of its powers behind that awakened latent abilities - this is likely what is going to be the case in this verse as well - probably left unspecified as there is a plethora of ancient gods, powers, sentient disembodied entities from other verses etc. that exist in the background of this universe.) Additional abilities were unlocked through her sorcerer's training & then of course, brain worm abilities just further amplified what she can do.
While she is generally 'good' aligned, she's also very malleable and influenced by the people around her. Between her late adolescent years and the events of the game, she was pretty closely structured, probably paired off with someone that was her guardian (possibly lover / life partner) kind've like the Warder's in WoT with their magic users, to keep her from straying too far from the light side of her abilities, to make sure she didn't come under undue influence or get snatched up by a cult that wanted to make use of her abilities. I'm running with the general idea that whomever that was died (or she presumes died) in the Illithid crash. In verses where she's the Tav, story plot progresses as canon. In verses where she's a supporting cast member or that we go with an entirely different course of events for plot purposes than what we see 'on screen' in the game, she will have wandered away from the crash (maybe even was flung somewhere else entirely not even in the primary starting location) and ended up wandering around for a while on her own until she runs into your Tav or (in the game npc) or OC or whatever and then the story can progress from there for whatever aspects of the plot we would like to explore.
I am absolutely fine with darker themes of corruption & toxic relationships if that's a plot line you're interested in - there's a few things I won't write but are part of her history (csa & n*nc*n are things that occurred at one point or another in her past, but will not be seen on screen other than mentions of plot points if the relationship with Reese & your character reach that point, or it's seen in a mental connection etc.).
This is a very rough, just getting things out there bio post; I'll work on more specific things this weekend. Let me know if you have any questions at all & if you want to know what choices she's made etc. feel free to drop by my inbox! I am at the beginning stages of act 3 in the game so most of my stuff will take place somewhere in Act 1 & 2 - I'm up for stuff in Act 3 if you want, but I have no idea what happens & have managed to avoid most spoilers so far, so you'd have to be willing to fill me in!
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❝ The holes in your life are permanent. You have to grow around them, like tree roots around concrete; you mould yourself through the gaps. ❞
Age: 34
Gender identification: Cis female, she/her
Residential area: Midtown
Occupation: disgraced former ballerina & currently unemployed
Two positive traits: Passionate & disciplined
Two negative traits: Impulsive & indecisive
Length of time in Wilmington: 18 years, returned 3 months ago
Faceclaim: Phoebe Tonkin
hair ribbons and pointe shoes, a record player spinning old jazz and classical tunes, empty coffee cups about and empty wine bottles by the bathtub, breaking into dance while walking, candle wax melted onto too many surfaces, and a radiant smile that hides how lost she really is
Trigger Warnings: death, heart disease
Born into a world that she never quite felt like she belonged in, Genevieve Bardot was always a particular child with an affinity for the complexities of life and the more profound problems most people around her faced. For Genevieve, the solutions were always secure, cut, and dry— she could take emotion out of her decisions, believing that it merely clouded her judgment and produced muddy results. Even as a child Genevieve didn’t fall into line with the other kids she grew up with. As her friends were playing house or imagining worlds of fantasy and lore, Genevieve preferred the reality she could understand. For her parents it made her a straightforward child, they knew what to expect of her in any given situation and yet at the same time they never knew what it was she was thinking, just that she was continuously thinking. The gears in her head turned as she grew into a resolute girl sure of her every decision.
Many people mistook Genevieve for cold, detached— harsh even but those who truly knew her could never doubt that Genevieve Bardot was full of passion. At least, when it came to ballet and when it came to the stage and the lights— her first pair of pointe shoes and her first solo. From the time Genevieve could stand on two legs the girl was enrolled in ballet, it was one of the many electives her affluent family afforded her, and it was the only she found any interest in. It was a regimen sport, that demanded discipline and fluidity, determination and passion— it was a fine line that you had to toe to be considered a valuable dancer, and it was made all the more difficult when you had to do it en pointe. Ballet was Genevieve’s first passionate love in her life. Her studies were often slid to the side; paying and bribing the honor roll students in her private school to ensure she maintained her grades while she focused on her true ambition; Palais Garnier, the Paris Ballet.
All of her ambition and hard work surely paid off as after high school Genevieve was admitted to a space in the New York Ballet company. For years Genevieve worked her way through the company until she finally made her way to the coveted space of a soloist. Her dream was in her sights, Benjamin Millepied was coming to the states to audition Ballerinas. The likelihood of any of the dancers even being considered was a phenomenal chance, but Genevieve was determined to dance her heart out anyway. The day came, and her audition was set in mere hours when the news rolled in; her brother was dead. A heart defect, an anomaly that no one had accounted for. Devastation gripped Genevieve, her brother was the only person in the world who she felt truly understood her. The only person who she knew never judged a moment of her existence, who supported her in every endeavor and suddenly and without warning, he was gone.
Genevieve still went on for her audition, and as she danced through her grief, she ended feeling as if she had ultimately failed and let herself down. There was no way she thought she would be getting that position, and yet through the grapevine, there were whisperings that there were two dancers Benjamin Millepied was considering. She and another soloist who had been her most fierce competition her entire career. It was no secret the girls were enemies, always head to head vying for the position of the next Prima Ballerina at their company. Genevieve felt as if she had no chance against her, not after her performance, not after her brother’s death. Then suddenly her competition was in the hospital, a broken leg. It was a scandal bigger than Tonya Harding. A would-be prima ballerina in her prime was the main suspect of the attack on the young ballerina; Genevieve Bardot.
Genevieve’s career ended violently, the ballet world blacklisted her, and suddenly every ounce of her hard work was ripped from her. Every passion, everything she had left to love was pulled away with the same warning as her brother’s untimely demise. Genevieve was devastated; a villain in the eyes of the media, and there seemed to be no future for the girl. Then in a desperate stumble, she found herself packing up and moving to Paris despite the scandal once Aurélie Dupont became the new director of dance. In the haze of a night on the town, desperate for work, Genevieve found herself swept up by Purgatoire; a sideshow type of dark club. It felt like the most uncertain thing Genevieve had ever done in her entire life since the death of her brother, but the next night she was lacing up her pointe shoes equipped with knives as the most delicate point she would ever dance on. As Genevieve danced precariously, she’d release herself from the blades, and with a flourish of years of practice, Genevieve would dance to unique choreography as she took her anger and grief out on the stage. Twirling endlessly like a dancer stuck inside of a music box unsure of what her next move was or if this was now her forever. A year of sideshow work, not a chance of regaining footing in the ballet, Genevieve made her way home to Wilmington— where her family needed her. Frustrated, lonely, and directionless Genevieve is trying to find her way.
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❝ I have this disease late at night sometimes, involving alcohol and the telephone. ❞
Age: 40
Gender identification: Cis female, she/her
Residential area: Masonboro
Occupation: Book cover artist & voice actor
Two positive traits: Independent & compassionate
Two negative traits: Hedonistic & aloof
Length of time in Wilmington: 25 years
Faceclaim: Nathalie Kelley
sunset gazing from the porch, wine drunk late night texts and calls to ghosts, paint stained fingers, always remembers your name, a wild spark that devours from within, an ipad pro and sketchbook weighing down her bag, a faint accent from a distant life, and eyes that can't hide the pain of unfulfillment
Trigger warnings: death
Born and raised in Lima, Peru, Angelia’s earliest memories are of running around the resort hotel both of her parents worked at. Her mother was a desk clerk and her father was a groundskeeper. They were a small but happy family that loved smiling and the company of each other. It was Angelia’s childhood where she remembers feeling the most love in her life. Even before she could walk her body was in motion trying to dance and wiggle around. So once she’d taken those first steps and elated her parents, Angelia was enrolled in dance class with what little money they could set aside for it. Sometimes each of her parents worked overtime and extra shifts just so that they could afford things for her, and their sacrifices and hard work has never been forgotten. Passionate, competitive, and a bit of a perfectionist, Angelia excelled in dance and began performing with a dance team all over the city. No matter how tough the schedules her parents had they always made it to her recitals and performances. Even more, they always expressed just how proud they were of her..
When Angelia was 15 there was an incident at the hotel resort and her father ended up as collateral damage in trying to intervene and deescalate a terrible situation. The sudden loss was devastating to that small, close-knit family. Angelia and her mother ended up moving not long following her father’s funeral to Wilmington, North Carolina where her mother had obtained a job transfer. There was a lot to work through when it came to immigration, but seeing as Angelia’s aunt and her mother’s sister had made the move some near 10 years earlier she helped the grieving pair through the process. The loss had tormented Angelia’s mother so much that home didn’t feel like home anymore. Without her father her mother couldn’t stay in Lima and be reminded of him everywhere. Plus, she needed to be close to her sister.
For the teenager the move was difficult. Not just because of losing her father but also due to transitioning to an American school system where her strong Peruvian accent proved to be a challenge. Angelia had always been fluent in English, she’d been raised speaking both languages, but Spanish had always been the preferred and most spoken in her household. Too often, out of habit, she would slip into Spanish when speaking. Angelia struggled in school but that led her to discover an unknown talent— she could draw and draw quite well. She began filling up notebooks of sketches and doodles, at first not really thinking anything of it, until she came across an ad placed by a local publishing company. They were looking for a book cover artist. Out of curiosity Angelia applied and interviewed, showing her notebooks full of her abilities. They tested her, gave her a book synopsis and a note from an author and told her to return it in a week with mock covers. Angelia blew the executives away with her creations and she was hired immediately. They loved her interpretations but the job didn’t pay the best and the then 20 year old had to take up work at a local bar as a waitress and then eventually a bartender.
It was tough juggling everything at times, especially since she also liked to travel and see a bit of the world, but Angelia actually really loved her life. She loved being an artist and loved the social aspect of working in a bar. Eventually her talents would be snagged by a bigger publishing house and a much better paycheck would come her way because of it. At that time Angelia came upon yet another job opportunity on a whim. Audiobooks were on the rise and the publishing firm had just begun devotinga department to that medium. After overhearing talk of needing narrators and voice actors she offered herself up despite having zero experience. How hard could it be narrating a book?
It turned out to be very tough and required a lot of patience and skill. But, like everything else, Angelia was determined to become good at it. Now, she’s sought out by authors by name. For two reasons.
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❝ The people you love become ghosts inside of you, and like this you keep them alive. ❞
Age: 42
Gender identification: Cis male, he/him
Residential area: Masonboro
Occupation: Novelist
Two positive traits: Charismatic & imaginative
Two negative traits: Cynical & aloof
Length of time in Wilmington: A few months
Faceclaim: Michiel Huisman
faded jeans and a leather messenger bag hanging from his shoulder, living on coffee and daydreams, a fondness for snapping photos on his iphone, books scattered everywhere around the house, a phone permanently on vibrate, and a beard that hides the weariness his eyes cannot
Trigger warnings: illness, death, cancer, cancer treatment
Born and raised in New York, Samuel Harrison grew up in an environment that cultivated and promoted creativity— it was all surrounding. Artists of varying mediums seemed to snatch his attention wherever he went. If and when he was asked in his youth what he wanted to be when he grew into adulthood, the answers that sprang forth were photographer, filmmaker, and painter among others. Samuel’s mother was so pleased by his propensity toward the arts that from childhood he’d become her date to new curators at museums and galleries and they would talk into the late hours of the night about what they had experienced. Sometimes doing further research kept Samuel awake long past bedtime and exhausted when the next school day would come around. Eventually his father intervened and laid out some rules on Samuel’s outings with his mother, with him overhearing accusations that his mother was forcing him into her passions rather than giving him room to find his own.
This only made way for Samuel’s father to push him into sports. In junior high school and high school he dabbled in just about every sport— his father was desperate to find something that stuck. They weren’t a wealthy family, the Harrisons, and with university tuition looming in the near future Samuel’s father was looking for what would help and not bankrupt the family. Especially since there were two younger siblings to think about following Samuel. His grades were outstanding yet not a promise for an academic scholarship. A football championship and All-State titles were what brought in the full ride to Yale University. There, Samuel had his goals set on a Masters of Fine Arts in photography, thinking his future would be traveling around the world with a lens in front of him.
As much as he loved the arts and longed to be involved in that community, Samuel stumbled into writing by way of a couple of journalism and creative writing classes. What compelled him to pursue a degree and future career in writing was his lack of confidence in his abilities. By university age Samuel had felt he knew his way around the world of art, it wasn’t a challenge for him— the football field and crafting a great story was. Eventually he graduated with honors, carrying two Masters and ready to take on the world. A move back to his home state of New York, this time in the city, set him on track for getting work at just about any publication. There was a charm and intelligence about Samuel that schmoozed people, but as hard as he tried, a career in journalism didn’t quite work out.
Only a year free from university Samuel had published his first book. It wasn’t a novel, although he was working hard on the development of his first, but a collection of essays. The subject matter, the style, and craft of language earned Samuel lots of praise. By the time his first novel was released the following year his reputation had given him an easy ride to the best seller’s list with the New York Times. Looking back years later, Samuel would readily admit that the first two novels in his detective series weren’t that great. He’d garnered a following and some fame in the book community along with positive reviews from critics. As things were going well; Samuel was able to afford a good lifestyle and support his family, champion his younger siblings as they embarked on their adult lives, and he found himself in a relationship with an artist that he wanted to fully commit to.
The relationship and the depth of love he’d fallen into for her had felt much different— better, stronger, more secure— than any relationship he’d had before. They moved in together and Samuel considered that this might be it, that his coupling with her could lead to marriage and children. A family. The steady rise, not one without trials and complications, couldn’t last forever it seemed. The dark material in his novels ate away at him at times, at least when he was pushing at the keys of his laptop. And then one day his father called him and said he needed to come home. Samuel’s mother had fallen ill, into a coma with a doctor’s prognosis of a 45% survival rate. It wasn’t what sent him running without a word from the life he had built up— there was a darkness creeping up on him, the high possibility of losing his mother, and then a phone call that sent a chill down his spine. The words “we need to talk” echoing in his head.
A lover from the past, a relationship that ended nearly a year before Samuel got involved with his then girlfriend, had tracked him down and given him the news that she’d had his child. He was in the city, in the backseat of a taxi when he’d answered the call and on his way to the hospital where his mother was lying hooked up to machines that she couldn’t breathe without. A panicked moment from the heart sent Samuel to the airport instead, putting off a phone call to his girlfriend and to his family. At first the intention was to call when he arrived in California, but then he had gotten swept away with meeting his son and finding out how it was possible. The main question: why now? Why after five years was he only finding out? Time slipped away, then it turned out that his ex and alleged mother of his child was sick. She had treatments to go through and wanted to make sure that her son was looked after and cared for.
Time kept slipping away, and then it had been too much distance and absence. Too much silence. Samuel had lost his mother while he was west taking care of a child and a dying woman, leaving guilt to eat away at him for not being home. For not having been by his mother’s side. For not having said goodbye. While he kept feeling as though he was losing everything around him, Samuel tossed himself into another novel. It put him back on top and returned him to audiences that hadn’t heard anything from him in a couple of years. Some of his stories were being optioned and purchased for film and television. None of it filled the void that had begun opening up inside of him. It was in the will of his ex that he found that he was not actually the father of the boy he’d spent four years fathering while she’d fought through chemo treatments. There was a letter of apology but with her saying she did what she had to do. She wanted to make sure her child was cared for when she knew she’d be gone.
The boy’s family was in North Carolina and they were fighting for Ben’s custody, so Samuel moved them east to Wilmington so Ben could be with his family. He wasn’t fighting what they wanted but when the boy had asked him to stay, wanting him close because he was all the love and care he’d known outside of his mother, Samuel couldn’t say no and unpacked his bags and boxes with the plan to stay as long as Ben needed him there.
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[cis man and he/him] Welcome to Aurora Bay, [ROMAN CAVENDISH]! I couldn’t help but notice you look an awful lot like [ROBBIE AMELL]. You must be the [THIRTY-FOUR] year old [BUSINESSMAN]. Word is you’re [GENIAL] but can also be a bit [CAVALIER] and your favorite song is [SUPERPOSITION BY YOUNG THE GIANT]. I also heard you’ll be staying in [FISHER'S COVE]. I’m sure you’ll love it!
TW: car accident, mention of death
Roman was born and raised in Aurora Bay to an old-money family known as the Cavendish. Being the oldest of two, the expectation fell to him at a young age, with a meticulously planned path to continue the family legacy.
For the longest time he had thought it was the best thing possible and with a platinum spoon at his disposal, why not? He excelled in the classroom and even more at athletics. Roman was the well-rounded, charismatic, and thoughtful kid.
Stanford bound, he was continuing on the trajectory that was destined for him. All was going well up until he got the sickening phone call his junior year of college. His mother had passed away in a car accident and just like that their family went to a lovely balance of four down to three.
It flipped his whole world upside down. His last two years of college, Roman was going through the motions, finding no joy in anything that he once loved. It was only being in the water that was his saving grace.
Sailing, surfing, swimming. It brought him a state of peace over everything else. Being by the water was the thing that bonded him to his mother in his youth. Therefore Roman wanted access to it all the time and to make it his life.
He's been committed to that lifestyle since he was twenty-two. Cruising along the west coast, checking off every beach town, lake, and marina. Of course, he's still tied to the family business since the persistence of his father has yet to yield. Ideally, Roman can take off and travel the whole world indefinitely and pass off the family company to his baby sister.
For now, he remains in Aurora Bay in between his quick trips around the globe. He's hoping he'll be able to get his dad to transfer the company succession to that of his sister and let him be free from these restraints once and for all.
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[ oktay cubuk, he/him, nonbinary ] — was that NADIR GULSE? the TWENTY-SIX year old is a GENTLEMAN & SHIP CAPTAIN, how exciting to see them this season! rumors have it they are EQUABLE and INTUITIVE, but i’ve heard they are BRAZEN and APATHETIC as well — maybe that’s why they’ve been called the MAVERICK. I have even heard that HE ARRIVED IN LONDON AN ASSASSIN IN DISGUISE —only time will tell.
— penned by karin.
⤷ &. INTRO
character summary: a gentleman (debatable) hailing all the way from antalya, turkey. just arrived in england a few months before the season started after his aunt and uncle wrote to his parents about opportunities aplenty in the country. sailed with his sibling(s) on his ship and is presently wishing that he could return to said ship and sail away again. his entire life is defined by the sea and his affinity for it. more sea beast than human, honestly. does not care for polite english society and wishes he could go swimming with sharks, but alas. here to stir some trouble because he's bored. also definitely not an assassin in disguise, but does nothing to quell any rumors.
inspiration: nikolai lantsov (if he was unhinged) — shadow & bone trilogy, house greyjoy — a song of ice and fire, this quote (in the context of wanting to go out with a bang) — the ghost bride.
aesthetic: eyes glittering in sunlight, the taste of sea salt, sharp teeth bared, a broken compass.
full name: nadir gulse.
age: twenty-six.
place of birth: antalya, turkey.
gender: nonbinary.
pronouns: he/him.
sexual orientation: bisexual.
religion: born muslim; atheist.
family: arda & jale gulse (parents). three unnamed siblings.
languages: turkish (native), arabic (fluent), english (conversational), persian (rudimentary).
profession: captain of the iron kiss & rich kid. not an assassin despite what lady whistledown says.
label: the maverick.
⤷ &. STORY
the water beat against the shoreline just outside of the window when nadir was born—tide high on that one late summer night. the third gulse child, welcomed by his father, mother, and the sea.
he was no older than four when his eldest sibling taught him how to swim, and he has yet to look back at the shore ever since then. the day he almost drowned was the day he fell in love with the violence of the ocean.
nadir grew strong and brutal—almost wild. it matters not that the gulses are members of antalya's high society, arda's merchant background and jale's military roots will not dictate nadir how he must behave. and who is there to stop him? he is but a third child, with an elder sister and brother to bear the brunt of responsibilities while he spent his days swimming and sailing, seabound and shipbound.
on his 14th birthday his father gifted him a boat. it was small, no bigger than a fisherman's boat, but it was his pride and joy. until the day he was granted his ship. he called it the iron kiss and named himself captain. it was his many voyages across the ottoman empire and beyond that filled most of his days.
it's one day not long after his 25th birthday that his parents received a letter. from an aunt, and uncle, and cousins nadir have never met. they're in england, he knows. his father's younger sister, who married another wealthy merchant seeking to grow his business on foreign lands. my dearest brother, the letter read. send your children to england.
and so arda had. nadir was tasked to take his siblings on the iron kiss, to bring them safely to the shores of england. they were to meet his aunt in a quaint town called brighton.
it was the preparations for the social season that awaited them there. his aunt and uncle were so sure that the gulse siblings would find opportunities in the capitol city of london. riches and maybe even love, they said. the mysterious new arrivals would surely do wonders for nadir's own cousins.
so nadir docked his ship. he let himself be led by his aunt and uncle all the way to london, already dreaming of the season's end. but for now, without the ocean at his window— what better way can he entertain himself than to bare his teeth and play with fire?
his family! in my mind nadir has three siblings, two older and one younger. some of them would've came with him from antalya. also his cousins, who likely grew up in england.
proper gentlemen and ladies. they probably would find nadir distasteful and he Does Not Care. it would be very funny.
fellow menaces. people who he is on good terms with because they too are an acquired taste.
admirers...? i don't think anyone should admire nadir but i imagine that his free spirit would have attracted some attention. he would also probably be bad influence.
people he kisses. not saying nadir's a hoe but well... it doesn't really take much to convince him to kiss someone, honestly.
anything and everything! he's not very kind or friendly but he is outgoing and sociable.
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❝ no story i could weave would have ended like this, no way ❞
Age: 31
Gender & Pronouns: cis female & she/her
Neighborhood: downtown
Occupation: professional photographer
Two positive traits: Innovative & resilient
Two negative traits: Faithless & guarded
Length of time in Providence Peak: 1 year
Faceclaim: Melissa Barrera
string pinning connections to a wall in her apartment, jeans and boots, empty coke zero cans scattered about, the tenacity of a noveled hero detective, a calendar full of booked weekends, camera equipment covering the dinning room table
trigger warnings: drug use mentions, homophobia, disappearance/missing person
Growing up in Scottsdale, Arizona should have and would have been a peaceful life if it hadn't been for Alejandra and Mariana’s parents' chaotic and sometimes toxic relationship. The Solano’s had emigrated from Monterrey, Mexico in their early twenties with the hopes of making it big in The Land of Opportunities but had subsequently fallen short in every possible way. They’d gotten in their own way with their mutual obsession for one another leading to too many squabbles and jealousies that had stolen them from progression. Stuck in their ways, then having not one but eventually two daughters left them little time for education and programs that would give them the leg up that they’d needed. Instead they were each stuck working multiple jobs to support a small family.
Although Scottsdale was a relatively large city it had always felt stuffy, perhaps even a little close minded for the youngest Solano. Alejandra was adventurous and took the freedoms being born first generation American had offered her. The first time she looked at other girls in a way the Catholic upbringing and most of Scottsdale wouldn’t really approve of, Ale learned a hard lesson about being herself and staying true to that. But also that ideals didn’t often equate to how society operated. So, as a teenager her struggles with who she was and how she was expected to be had put drugs in her system as a means to cope. She’d take off with her older sister, Mariana, and friends to Las Vegas where they’d party and get up to no good. Like plenty of teenagers just trying to figure life out.
It was the love affair with another girl that eventually sent Alejandra running from her hometown and to the much more liberal Southern California. Nothing hurt more than finding love for the first time but also being forced to keep it a secret and act as though the one you love was only just a friend in the gaze of others. The move and rush away from Arizona was also in pursuit of a dream. Since Ale was little she’d been drawn to photography and took every class she could that public schools offered and even entered competitions, sometimes even winning a few local ones. At 18, the nighttime gig of working as a stripper afforded Ale to attend film school so that she was able to learn filmography on top of the work she’d done to become a professional photographer. The dream was to do both, to be behind the camera in movies and television while also featuring on the glossy pages of important print. If she could have her photos framed on walls of galleries or people’s homes then she would believe she’d made it.
Life as a young adult in Los Angeles was wild. It was thrilling and heartbreaking. Mostly, it was everything Ale needed because not only did she get to soar and find her dream in a career but the mistakes along the way taught her a lot. No matter how many times she got burned by love it only seemed to free the young woman further. After film school Ale was able to pick up work on a few shows meant for the silver screen or streaming. Her career as a professional photographer filled out a beautiful portfolio and both were abled her to step away from her nighttime dancing gig. One of her favorite things to shoot were weddings, not only because of the money she was able to make but being a part of them even as a background piece gave Ale hope that she’d one day be that happy in-love.
As it normally went, when life was going too good and the high was at its biggest peak, that was when the most dramatic drop took place. Just over eighteen months ago, Mariana seemed to disappear. Texts and calls went unanswered and unreturned, not just for hours or days, which was unusual for the sisters, but for weeks. When it continued on for months, Ale really began to dive into the whereabouts of her sister and became determined to find her and figure out what went wrong. The last location that Ale had been aware of Mari being was Providence Peak, Colorado, so she packed up her life and made the move after dropping everything in Southern California. Most of her initial search and poking around town led to nothing, no answers, but something eerie was in its place. The realization that she would be in town for some time, at least until she was pointed in another direction, Ale found herself an apartment downtown. She found a wedding planner with a brilliant booming business and took on a job as a wedding photographer. In the year that followed, she’d grown closer to her boss and made some connections through town but hadn’t gotten anywhere near a resolution when it came to Mariana Solano.
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❝ he had always lived in the borderland anyway, somewhere between this world and the other ❞
Nicknames: Sy Weston (professionally), Sy (informal)
Age: 38
Gender identification: Cis male, he/him
Residential area: Bighorn Hills
Occupation: Kendrick Ranches heir, retiring bull rider, & singer/songwriter
Two positive traits: Gritty & resilient
Two negative traits: Headstrong & stubborn
Length of time in Providence Peak: 38 years
Faceclaim: Luke Grimes
Voice/music claim: Bradley Cooper in A Star is Born
a worn stetson hanging from the back of a chair, soulful almond eyes, worn wranglers and dusty boots, a smile that would make you think twice about being mad, a quiet weariness, wasted talent and promise, a heart of steel turning to rust
trigger warnings: war, ptsd, abuse
Born into a vast kingdom that spans much of the midwest, Silas found himself the heir to a throne he discovered he didn’t want as he grew older. The history of Kendrick Ranches goes back into the time of the western expansion, staking claims in Colorado and Montana that eventually spanned south to Texas and as far west as Arizona. There’s even some land in Florida owned and operated under the name. As the second oldest of four children, Silas didn’t think much of the weight of the legendary name would eventually rest so heavily on his shoulders. As a kid he enjoyed ranch life; riding and training horses, roping, herding, and cutting. Most of his time was spent in the company of the ranch hands that kept the massive operation of the multi-million dollar business of cattle and horses going. From the dawn of rodeos kicking up dust in the US, the Kendrick’s had a play in it. Sometimes it was the rodeo stars shining before a crowd under the ranch name, but mostly it was the supply of cattle, bulls, and horses that truly had made them a powerhouse.
The majority of the income for the ranches comes from the cattle, beef sales. It made the Kendrick’s powerful and put the family next to the movers and shakers through history that shaped the states and even the federal government to some degree. However, in the world of the cowboy, the fame and glory attached to the ranches were the quality of bulls supplied at rodeos along with the competitiveness of the horses in their competitions. A glamor that lured a young Silas from the time he could ride.
With the majority of his formative years spent in the company of cowboys, rodeo veterans, and ranch hands he picked up much more than skill when it came to the cowboy way. It was also where his love of music had been born. Sitting around a fire or outside of the houses the hands lived in with guitars playing and men crooning at the moon had been his teacher, the encouragement of a passion that had seemed innate. Silas was merely six when he began playing guitar, and by the time he was a teenager he was writing his own songs and singing at festivals and rodeos wherever they traveled to. Everyone would say that he was a natural, that it was something he was born to do, but it wasn’t that easy when he was actually a prince with his destiny already laid out for him. Throughout his entire youth, his father allowed him to cowboy, to rodeo as long as he worked the ranch and learned every bit of how it operated. Silas had a special way with horses, they connected easily, and took to just about anything he did with a grace that his father hadn’t seen in anyone since his grandfather.
The pressure cooker in the Kendrick household eventually sent Silas flying from the nest the moment he turned 18. He was quick to sign on the dotted line and became a Marine, sent off to bootcamp where he was often made an example of because he was not only stubborn but he was country strong. What he learned quickly was that the military was about breaking someone and then rebuilding, and since that wasn’t easily done with someone like him the entire contract and service was hell on many fronts. Not only was he thrown into a war where he was forced to do unspeakable things, he ended up damning himself for the fact that he was prized there as well. He was a superstar because he could hunt and shoot better than anyone else he’d enlisted with. He could take a beating. He could carry the wounded. He wasn’t fazed by anything. Or so they all thought.
When he returned back to Colorado and to the family ranch Silas was different. Battleworn and traumatized, he threw himself into rodeo and cowboyed harder than he’d ever done before. The music he wrote and sang became darker and the nights became wild and mystical the more whiskey he drank. He’d signed up to ride the baddest bulls on the circuits with no fear of how they could possibly shatter his bones or end his life, and that was when his father realized that Silas had a death wish. That was when he and his family turned against each other. A father worked to save his son and continued to force a way of life on him that Silas didn’t want. There were knock down, drag out fights and warfare within a family rarely seen outside the lines of an opera.
Every part of what Silas does for the ranch, for his family, his done with reluctance and bitterness. If it weren’t for them finding the exact thing to hold over his head then he would’ve been long gone, off rotting away somewhere. At least he would be free and not a prisoner to a life he never wanted for himself. The fealty makes him sick. The duty. The honor. The brand. If it wasn’t for what had been burned into his skin then he could’ve likely made it out. If only he hadn’t been the cowboy they’d always dreamed of.
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