sunbeams-and-honey · 4 years
Astrology for the UK and Christmas 2020
Just to prewarn you, this might not be coherent in places but I need to get this out. I also waffle quite a bit in some places because I have Feelings when it comes to the government.
Okay so those of you who, like me, live in the UK will probably know about the current plans for relaxation of the restrictions for Christmas next week. While there is a lot of speculation as to whether or not this is still going to go ahead considering how many places have just been put into Tier 3 last night, as of 16.12.20, and the press conference that was held by the government an hour ago, the plan is to have 5 days of relaxation of the rules. If you want to know more about that then do your own research on it, I'm here to talk about the transits for the country as a whole during this time. I wanted to do this because I already had a bad feeling about Christmas, and I can't just leave you guys in the dark if I found anything, and I did.
Also, disclaimer: unlike our government, I'm aware and completely respect that Christmas is not the only holiday around now. Hanukkah, for example, is currently being celebrated right now. However, I only refer to Christmas in this post because I used the 25th December for the date of these transits, which is the date most commonly, but not always, used for Christmas Day. Also, the government only seems to acknowledge this particular festival as this is the only one that has received special treatment this year, or any year if we're completely honest. It's because of the government's attitude towards Christmas that I'm making this post, so that is the only celebration I refer to.
So on Christmas Day itself, there is so much emphasis on family, as you would expect for Christmas. This can be seen especially with the fact that we have 3 planets transiting the 4th house of family. First of all we have, Jupiter, which represents abundance and harmony. This is a likely indicator that the current relaxation plans are going to go ahead, and even if they don't, so many people are going to break the rules anyway and see their loved ones over Christmas. People in the UK are going to be spending time with the people they love and it's generally going to be a happy few days.
However it's not all fun and games, because the other two planets crossing the 4th house are Saturn, which represents responsibility and learning lessons, and Pluto, which represents problems and death. When I tell you my stomach literally dropped when I noticed Pluto here. You might be starting to see why I'm worried. These two planets being related to family over Christmas is a huge indicator that something is going to go very wrong. We're going to be learning some tough lessons, perhaps learning that we shouldn't have relaxed the rules. I mean we've literally got the planet of loss and endings crossing family. I'm pretty sure you can put the pieces together. Saturn's placement in this house indicates problems with health which makes me very scared for the near future. There is also the idea that responsibility is going to be taken, so maybe the government is going to start acknowledging where they've gone wrong for once, but that might be a stretch considering the government we have.
There are a couple of other things that I noticed too. The Sun is transiting the 3rd house of communication. This could symbolise a lot of things, but it definitely puts an emphasis on relationships with extended family, which makes sense. It also shows that this time is going to be very busy for us all, which again was to be expected. However, it is also symbolic of us as a nation of becoming distracted and losing sight of what is important. This could mean us getting carried away and forgetting about the consequences of our actions in terms of how quickly the virus will later spread and kill.
The more I look at this chart, the more I see an emphasis on the 3rd house. I was mainly focused on the 4th house as it's all about family and that's where Pluto is going to be, but the 3rd house also has 3 planets transiting it: Sun, Mercury and Venus. There might be some issues with travel or technology across the country but I'm unsure how this is going to manifest itself. This is generally going to be a positive time which is good but there is without a doubt a cloud looming once the effects of this relaxation make themselves apparent.
Mars is transiting the 7th house which is curious because that's all about compromise? Perhaps the current plans will have changed slightly by the time they come into effect.
Uranus in the 8th house is a symbol of financial instability, which is naturally concerning. I wonder how long this will take to materialise. Maybe new data about how badly the economy has been impacted will come out?
Now I didn't know whether or not to put this in, but Neptune in the 6th house does suggest that we will be experiencing the negative effects of medicine. This is really bad timing considering the vaccine has only just come out, but it could be related to something else in medicine. (No, I'm not an anti-vaxxer, I'm not an idiot, but some people are and I don't want any of you taking this the wrong way or using this as a reason to not get the vaccine. Don't be a twat, okay?).
Speaking of anti-vaxxers, I'm really quite worried about the misinformation that could be getting spread around during this time, as Neptune will be squaring Mercury. People will be more prone to believing in lies and conspiracies so if you find yourself doing the same, try to stay logical. This whole thing is going to be fuelled by fear, as you would expect, and also by misunderstandings and confusion.
Sun will be squaring Uranus, which could unfortunately mean that the government is going to act illogically, which never ends well. This transit also foretells of surprises and changes that we didn't see coming.
Moon conjunction Mars shows people taking risks and making stupid decisions, so please make sure you think carefully before you act.
Jupiter opposing Saturn suggests that a decision made by government in the future in regards to the country's way ahead will receive some backlash from the more conservative people in our society? Maybe another tory rebellion like we saw recently. However Saturn trine Uranus shows that we will be more open to change. Perhaps the way we're dealing with certain things will change but not without struggle and opposition. I have a feeling this may have more to do with social justice in this country rather than our dealing with the pandemic, but I could be wrong. 
I've added the chart I used below. Feel free to add on anything else you find.
So to sum up, the Christmas period itself will be rather joyful. We'll be able to have some fun with our loved ones for those of us who are fortunate enough to do so. However, there is a cloud looming ahead, I do believe. I'll do more research on the aftermath of this and I'll make another post about it soon. Please be sensible and please stay safe. Love you all.
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