universestreasures · 2 years
Happy Birthday @blasterdiablo​ Part 4 (THE ENDO)
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Thunder booms as the storm outside the castle rages on, the weather seeming to be just as intense as what was transpiring inside. Everyone, his own knight included, had seemed to turn on the young prince after he made his declaration that when he inherits the throne from his father, he was going to end the suffering of the humans and bring peace between the two species. It was something he had wanted ever since he was young, and that feeling only grew stronger as he began to know and fall in love with the human he was now using all of his strength to protect. 
Toshiki had become a target once again because of him. The blame for the prince’s declaration had been instantly thrown towards the human they claimed ‘bewitched’ him, the elders having found out about Ahmes’ habit to remove the inhibiting collar when they were alone from Percival. They wanted him dead. They wanted him dead and removed from this plane of existence so his presense could no longer influence the next heir to their people. Ahmes is sure if he didn’t have royal blood rushing through his veins, he would too be sentenced to a tragic fate. He just knows that's what monsters like vampires do, even to their own kind.
However, vampires were not the only monsters. For in the heat of the moment, his father finally revealed a fact that had been unknown to even Toshiki, a truth that revealed the origins of how the human got into this situation in the first place. Regretfully so and just like so many other human children, Toshiki had been sold off so his parents could save their own skins. Toshki had been abandoned by his own people, the people Ahmes wanted so desperately to save who were capable of being as heartless as the vampires...  
And with those words, the prince had finally snapped..
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“I hate them...
I hate them both...
They’re both...
They’re both monsters!!!”
Ahmes’ intense feelings, feelings of hatred and rage that he had been suppressing throughout most of his life that only exploded at the news of Toshiki’s fate, had bursted all at once. He felt for the first time in his life real power, his latent abilities to finally come to the surface that had sent a shockwave across the throne room. Toshiki had told him he wasn’t a failure. Toshiki had told him he was strong. Toshiki had told him he had the power to change the future, and it is due to that faith and encouragement that has allowed Ahmes to gain the power needed to protect the one he held dear from the monsters of both their kinds.
He had managed to get Toshiki out of the room, holding onto him desperately as he used his free hand to blast through any soldiers or vampires standing in his way as they hustled down the halls. He didn’t care if he was hurting innocents in all of this, people who were just following orders. All he saw in his raging ruby eyes were monsters trying to take his Toshiki, his beloved Toshiki, away from him. And that...was something he wouldn’t stand for.
The plan currently was to find Ashlei, the one person in this castle he can still trust. She could help Toshiki get to a safe place all the while he stood back and fought. After years of being unable to do anything to change the situation, the prince truly feels like he is making up for lost time by finally being able to save the one who loves from this madness. He prays that when the dust settles, he will emerge victorious and the world can start heading in the right direction, one where no one will have to suffer.
Sadly, fate had other plans instore for their world than the paradise Ahmes and Toshiki had been imagining in the sanctuary of the prince’s quarters. For out of he corner of his eye, he notices a a bat flying forward behind them. It wasn’t just any bat, either. It was his father, who was the one who wanted the human companion of his son dead the most. In a split second, he shifts from bat to human, takes out his sword from a sheath, and prepares to strike Toshiki who the prince had been dragging along this whole time. 
If this had been before his awakening, then the prince would have been powerless to stop his father’s charge, for he couldn’t react fast enough. But now, things were different. Ahmes wasn’t the same weakling his father had seen as a failure for his entire life for not acting as one of his standing should. Well, he was about to see what his son’s power, the one he had been wanting to see, was like first hand. 
Toshiki is suddenly swung and sent flying back by the prince, enough to have him land safely out of reach of the king. The movement happens so quickly that Alfred can’t change the direction of his blade, and it pierces right through the stomach of the vampire prince. No cries of pain escape Ahmes’ lips. All that could be seen is his raging red aura that surrounded both his body and the blood red of his ruby hues as they stared down the king.
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“I won’t let you...I won’t let you or anyone else hurt my mate again!” 
Another shockwave of energy is released, this time sending his own father flying through the air and straight through a glass window. His father’s body would fall through the air. Normally, such a display wouldn’t do much to a vampire of his standing. However, what he slowly realized as he fell towards the ground below is that his powers had been...disabled, a feat that could only be caused by a vampire of royal blood. 
He couldn’t change into a bat. He couldn’t levitate himself. He couldn’t even move. He was...He was as powerless as a human, which meant...
Thunder struck once again, Ahmes breathing heavily as he stood there with his father’s sword still impaled in his stomach. He knows what this means. Vampires, especially those of royal blood, had quick healing. However, such things could be countered with the right magic tool, and his father’s blade that had been passed down through the ages, was one of them. After all, how were they to fight back against their own kind who betrayed them, if they too could heal quickly?
His vision begins to go blurry. His legs begin to buckle as he moves side to side. He feels a pain like no other. Despite this though, he has...a smile of all things on his face. He is smiling because he finally managed to do something. He finally managed to protect Toshiki, and in the end, that’s all he really could ask for.
His human then comes to his aid, catching him as he almost falls. Ahmes looks up at his love weakly, still finding Toshiki’s sapphire hues as beautiful as ever. He...He knows his time left is short. He knows what’s going to happen to him. However, what’s more pressing on his mind is what is going to happen to his human after all of this. Even in a moment like this, his focus is on the safety of his companion over himself. That’s just the kind of person the prince was. 
Toshiki was strong, stronger than any human Ahmes has ever seen. However, in a world ruled by vampires, he didn’t have much of a means to defend himself. That’s why, with the last bit of his strength, he uses his arm to pull Toshiki’s neck towards his mouth, and bites him in the same place he did when he placed his Mark of Possession upon him.
“Toshiki...You’ve...You’ve given me strength and support when no else could...You had a faith in me that wouldn’t waver, even as I saw myself as a monster...Now...It’s my turn...To return the favor for your kindness...To finally...set you free...”
With that bite, Ahmes does not take an ounce of blood from his beloved. No, instead he is the one who is giving. His body’s crimson glow still hasn’t left him, the light moving to be infused and sealed in the very mark he had given to Toshiki as a sign of his love. Toshiki’s body would begin to shift, taking in the prince’s immense power eventually causing his blue eyes to begin to shift to red and his teeth to grow sharp. He was turning into a vampire, a feat hat only a royal vampire like Ahmes was capable of performing.  
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“Please...Please promise me that you’ll live a peaceful life, a life without pain or suffering...A life where you can...be truly free...” A tall order considering the prince won’t be apart of it, but he can die happily knowing that his love won’t ever suffer again at the hands of anyone, for he is now the most powerful vampire on the planet. “And if fate...And if fate blesses us and gives us a second chance to be together, in this world or the next, please...please come find me...Come find me and...bring me back to...back to...”
His words are drifting off, his ruby eyes slowly starting to close. Vampires did not necessarily have a concept in regards to reincarnation or the afterlife. After all, they were supreme beings who lived long lives, ones who didn’t fear death in the slightest. It was more something humans believed in. However, Ahmes had faith. He had faith that he would meet Toshiki again in some shape or form. He had faith in their bond. He had faith in their love, which is why he put everything he was and everything he is into his mate. 
“Back to you...my love...my mate...my...my...
For when they meet again, in whatever form that takes, they would be able to be brought back together...to continue where they left off. Their love, one of a vampire and a human, was too strong to be broken so easily. At least, that’s what the prince had faith in, for their hearts and souls were now linked for all eternity through that mark of connected rings that laid on the now turned vampire’s neck.
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“My sweet...sweet...Toshiki...”
His heart stopes beating. His arms and body go limp in the arms of his love. His breathing comes to a halt. The hallway is silent, silent as if the universe itself was giving a moment of respect for the noble prince.  
Prince Ahmes, the next in line and the only heir to the vampire royal family, had died, and with his death, so did the reign of the vampires over the planet come to an end. The vampires eventually fell into myth and legend, being forced to disguise themselves as humans in order to protect themselves from those they once subjugated who now ruled the earth. No one truly knows what happened the night the vampire’s reign ended, a story that some have been still trying to uncover to this day.
Little did they know that the story had not actually ended, but rather the next chapter of it had yet to truly begin. And when it does and the two hearts return to one another, nothing will be the same as it was before...for them or the world itself...
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