yukikorogashi · 15 days
"Did they hurt you?" - Have a Joot in your inbox.
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NO MATTER HOW VIGILANT they would remain on their journey, it was near impossible at times to identify an ENEMY STAND USER from anyone else in the crowd. Much like them, they would normally blend all too well amongst all these poor, innocent bystanders... And so, Itsuki could only count her blessings that she was still alive, having survived yet another target on her head since joining the CRUSADERS. Especially when most of these enemies held NO HESITATION whatsoever, when it came to KILLING for their beloved LORD DIO.
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Itsuki would try her best not to panic, as she did her best to give the others enough time to reach her. Her Stand GO JUNIOR, GO SENIOR! would put up a valiant fight, as it did its best to keep her safe from the enemy's attacks. But before she could conjure up another ice shield between them, the last one that she had up would shatter to complete pieces. The impact of this one even sending her flying back, as all she could do was cry out...
Only to be caught in the strong arms of @stardstschlar himself! ... Talk about arriving in the NICK OF TIME!
Save for a couple of scratches and bruises, Itsuki had to admit that she hadn't done too badly. Especially when compared to the unfortunate souls that had gotten in the way of this cruel stand user.
With numerous bodies strewn between them and the person in question, it was a horrific scene. One that Itsuki barely had time to let sink in, not when she had been fighting for her life earlier. She only wish she had detected the stand user sooner, so that such casualties could have been avoided. And sadly now was not the time to mourn for them. Not until this EVIL SOUL was taken down, once and for all!
"Uhm... u-uhm okie, bro." She found herself whispering to him, almost as if she didn't want their enemy to hear her then. As she steadied herself back on her feet, she would glare and direct her finger at the stand user standing not too far off from them. "Kick their BUTT, bro! Make em' wish they were never born!"
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