#(...What Is This? | Zeno Submission)
The Asanos (Assassination Classroom) VS the Zoldycks (Hunter X Hunter)
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The Asanos
Members: Gakuhou Asano (father) and Gakushuu Asano (son)
CW: physical abuse
"Crazy dad whose misguided goal is just to make his son strong (but whose definition of real strength leaves much to be desired), and son who does see the error in his dad's ways but is brainwashed enough to imagine that his "filial duty" under the circumstances is to "take control". No one knows for sure if a mom exists, but she clearly doesn't want to have much to do with these lunatics." "The dad doesn't even consider his son family, just a "student" as he is a principal. Utterly unhumane conditions is where he trains his son in. And worst of all, they compete on who will control the other, leash included. The first time the son even considers calling him father is when he literally abuses him physically."
The Zoldycks
Members: Zeno, Silva, Kikyo, Illumi, Milluki, Killua, Alluka, Kalluto
CW: murder, torture, isolation
"What ISN'T dysfunctional about them? A family of assassins, they train all their children to be killers, including with literal torture. Killua is the one of the family who's a main character, the heir of the family, and he eventually runs away due to the dysfunctionality. All the kids are isolated, told they don't deserve friendship, and they all have different opinions on family matters but it affects them all! Illumi wants to control Killua to as extreme a degree as he possibly can, and even though Silva lets Killua leave, he fully expects him to return home and join the family business again, and both him and Zeno knew about Illumi's extreme methods of control." Note: edited for length, full submission here
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sunderedazem · 2 months
Smash or Pass (FFXIV)
Tagged by @calico-heart! (!! ty!) No-pressure tagging @azems-familiar (DEWIT) @ectojyunk, @akirakirxaa, @snail-fever, @thefreelanceangel and anyone who sees and wants in-!
Corrain Gealai (de Fortemps)
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(art creds: @/minpage!) Quick facts: Height: 5'0" Age: 24 (Dawntrail start) Gender: trans man Sexuality: gay, polyamorous Pronouns: he/him
Pros: - loves learning and reading - this man taught himself to read as a teenager and never looked back - adventurous and inquisitive - he'll try anything once - makes it a point to be competent in or knowledgeable about any skill he picks up - playful, high-energy - will always be good to go again - physical affection is his love language. He will lay on you and purr until you move him (and then pout sadly when you do) - always tries to do what's right, even if it'll kick him in the teeth later - can't cook for shit but does the dishes without being asked - Loyal to ideals, then people, then places. - Believes that people are inherently good, and will not be convinced otherwise - knows how to sew (and is fuckin good at it) - ADHD as all hell :D
Cons: - Abandonment Issues Georg. He'll push you away if you get too close - it hurts less if he leaves you first. - Nasty temper, complete with a mean streak - Reckless. Incredibly so. - Cannot handle grief or loss well. Tends to turn to alcohol about it - Refuses to ask for help with his problems until he breaks down about them/ - Fightsexual, in some ways. the self-endangering kind. - Pranks everyone he can when he can. Run. - ADHD as all hell D:
Details to Know: - Corrain is a partial paraplegic after the battle with Zenos in Endwalker. He was lucky to regain most sensations and some fine motor skills, but he walks with a cane or forearm crutches on good days, and either needs a wheelchair or is bedbound on bad ones. - Wakes up very slowly on mornings where nothing's happening - Coffee AND Tea - Stubborn as all hell. This can be both a good and bad thing - Needs time alone, and time outside. He's got a limited social battery around most people - Is part of a package deal in most AUs with @azems-familiar's Lelesu. If you can't get along with his bestie, goodbye. - deathly allergic to chocolate (cat) - spiritual, not religious. Probably has to do with him being a white mage - recent top surgery. While in Sharlayan, right? - Romantically: treats partners like good friends, just with sloppy kisses. Romance might feel a little dead if you don't think reading together quietly on the couch for three hours can be a nice little date. He's also the type to want to do things or activities with a partner in lieu of anything else. He'll only attempt romantic things for a partner's sake- he doesn't need the gestures as much. - Sexually: Usually submissive as hell, and- as stated earlier, willing to try anything once. He's a huge brat, and will oftentimes be as cocky as humanly possible - but once the defiance is worked out, he's sweet and lives for praise. And on the occasions that cockiness stays intact, he's a demanding, teasing dom, and enjoys his partner's pleasure more than his own.
So with all that in mind....
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likemosaic · 6 months
yotsuyu & canon interactions with zenos re: generally and what squeenix gives us. mentions of sex trafficking, suicide, and stormblood spoilers.
yotsuyu's experiences with men have all been capital b Bad. her parents died, her adoptive father was awful and sold her into sexual slavery, her brother tormented her seemingly for pure pleasure, and even men who promised to love her and take care of her and take her away from the brothel only wanted to use her--and yotsuyu knew it, so she took advantage of their kindness the same way they took advantage of her. being born beautiful was the worst thing in yotsuyu's life and after so many years of that being her only trait, yotsuyu doesn't know how to interact with a man outside of: 1) fawn on someone more powerful than her (zenos) or 2) torture someone weaker than her (doman citizens). it's why hien puts her into such a spitting rage: not only has his life seemingly been perfect and beautiful from her pov, but she's viscerally reminded that if she's not the viceroy and zenos has disavowed her, hien becomes above her, so to speak--and she's forced back into the fawning, simpering charade of ineptitude. and as evidenced by doma castle's destruction, yotsuyu would rather die than have that happen again.
by the time of stormblood, zenos is the only man yotsuyu has to "perform" this submissive fawning doman stereotype thing for as we briefly see in their cutscenes together, and even then...depending on the zenos i'm writing alongside, it really doesn't make a difference in his treatment of her. and canonly, in the end, he still discarded her without a second thought like an old toy once the WOL comes around. he was never really...dishonest with her? like he never promised her anything, and in a way, that was kinder than lying about affection or anything else. cruel to be kind etc.
but despite his flat out bluntness with her, she doesn't know how else to approach him, other than trying to manipulate him again and again! because powerful man trauma! and i don't think she can really process someone who doesn't fall into the "above me" or "beneath me" category. they seem like they would have a "powerful man and his beautiful mistress" dynamic and that's what yotsuyu expects and dreads....and then their dynamic DOESNT fit into that archetype, which perplexes her. it's actually incredibly kind of zenos to essentially let yotsuyu run amok in doma and get her vengeance without him breathing down her neck, even if its for a deeper more manipulative purpose.
so in the tsukiyomi trial, of course it makes sense that zenos comes to her at the final stage of "her life"; in the end, he was never really her lover, or even her friend or equal, but a means to an end: once for power, and in the tsukiyomi trial, as a means for suicide. and gosetsu following him immediately is really symbolic, because here's a man who didn't use her for ANYTHING, not for sex, not for doman oppression to find his perfect prey, he just wanted to be good to her and care for her...the first time anyone has ever done that for yotsuyu, ever. it shows that even zenos' "kindness" pales in comparison to someone who genuinely cares for her, and then that plays into his character in endwalker.....but that's a whole 'nother meta.
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Timeline: 4.2-4.3, Stormblood MSQ spoilers
A few journal entries from one Maxima quo Priscus, illuminating the course of an ill-fated diplomatic mission.
Journal of Maxima quo Priscus, 18 medihiems, 57 IE
I can scarcely believe how swiftly our fortunes have shifted. The uprisings in the provinces have set the Optimates back immensely, all their rhetoric now ringing hollow in the face of our recent losses. As we have long warned, the policies of brutal repression have inspired backlash, not dutiful submission to their so-called betters. Though the majority opinion is still in favor of expansion and subjugation, reports from the soldiers who have returned from the field are vividly illustrating the need for a more nuanced and considerate approach to treating with other lands and nations.
The Crown Prince himself, Zenos yae Galvus, reached out to us a week or so past, still in recuperation from the injuries he took in Ala Mhigo, and to all accounts the near-death experience has seen his attitude quite altered. The rumors of his actions in the field carry a tone of shocking brutality, but when he met with us he seemed calm and erudite, if notably distant and calculating. After hearing out our priorities and planned initiatives, he agreed to offer his support, and told us he would speak with his father about making overtures of peace to the provinces which have so emphatically declined to remain under direct rule.
Today, the official word arrived that Emperor Varis himself has approved, tentatively, a mission to go to Doma. We will attempt to secure a treaty of mutual non-aggression, under the condition that they forswear the summoning of Eikons and do as much as they can to keep the local beastmen in line, to be sealed with an exchange of prisoners-of-war. Of course, the prince insisted on appointing an ambassador of his own choosing; Asahi sas Brutus, a young man of much ambition and wealth and little actual accomplishment, will be leading the negotiations.
I can’t say I’m deeply impressed with his character, but he seems competent enough to present our case, and we would be fools to reject such immense progress on a technicality of leadership. The young lord will be allowed to advance his career on the coattails of our cause; we have put in too many years of work not to seize this opportunity for everything it’s worth.
12 finis-hiems, 57 IE
By any standard, our mission is going well; and yet I cannot help but find myself ill at ease with our ambassador.
We approached Doma from the air, offering a signal of peace that Asahi assured us the locals would understand, and indeed after some delay they reciprocated our overture and allowed us to land. Lord Hien met us personally, and while he treated us with an entirely justifiable suspicion, he was cordial enough and open to negotiation. We remain his guests while the official treaty’s language is drafted and agreed upon.
Asahi sas Brutus… I knew, of course, that he was the brother of the former viceroy of Doma when we took up this mission. He speaks often of his sister; our spies in Kugane spotted her in the company of one of Lord Hien’s retainers months ago, and it’s understandable that he should be eager to have her returned. …But I can sense no true care or sentiment behind his words, about her or about our mission. I did not survive the long hard years of political repression and upheaval by being unable to interpret the intentions that underly a person’s speech. Asahi speaks well and offers all of the Populares’ arguments smoothly, without fault, and he believes not a word of what he’s saying. Why join us, then? He is not undermining us, save perhaps that our counterparts may espy his insincerity; but even so, there is nothing in his demeanor that they could seize upon to offer a concrete objection to.
It may well be that he witnessed Prince Zenos’ change of heart and decided to tie his political ambitions to whatever the Empire’s heir is currently supporting. That’s probably the most sensible explanation, as he certainly doesn’t lack for ambition generally, and this is a venue that offers one of his ilk little enough competition. And the way he speaks of the Crown Prince generally…well. If he were more pleasant personally, I might offer when we return home to show him the venues where a man of his proclivities can find like-minded company. So it’s unsurprising, on the whole, that he would simply chase at Prince Zenos’ heel without a care for what he needs to say in order to remain there.
Still, I can’t help but feel uneasily as if there’s something more at work. Something I’ve missed seeing. All I can do for now is stay on my guard, to intervene if the negotiations begin to turn.
23 finis-ver, 57 IE
Months, years of postulating and theorizing could not have allowed me to predict this end. This mission was a sham from the beginning, and I’m ashamed to have been so taken in. The Populares have been used, and it is only by the grace and prowess of those we have looked down on that the situation is remotely salvageable.
I should explain, if I can calm myself enough to find the words. Lay out what happened, what must have transpired outside of my view. Crown Prince Zenos devised this plan to undermine our faction, or…perhaps the being possessing him? I’m still not sure I believe it’s possible, but the Eorzeans are quite confident that Zenos yae Galvus died in Ala Mhigo and was buried there. The plan was devised, nonetheless, and brought to the Emperor for approval, which was then duly given. It was always the collapse of the Populares that they sought to support; they had not “seen reason” as I had dared to hope. They selected Asahi and gave him his orders, sent us with a plausible excuse of an overture, and set it all up to fail.
Asahi’s true mission was to trigger a summoning from the Domans or their allies, fueled by boxes of crystals he claimed were brought as trade goods. Such a summoning would of course cause the negotiations to collapse, and we who chose to sue for peace would be shown up as fools for attempting to treat with “savages” who could never give up their gods.
In hindsight, the manipulation is plain as day. I was a fool to think that our views would ever be taken up in good faith; but even saying so, I cannot bring myself to condemn the path that brought me here. It cannot be a crime to have hope, to believe that one’s own countrymen can act like the reasonable and upstanding citizens they claim to be. If only they would stop proving me wrong.
For what it may be worth, though, thanks to the Eorzeans and particularly their champion who was in attendance at the negotiations, we have gained something from this mission after all. Up to this point, they were largely unaware that any faction within the Empire would be willing to negotiate with them at all; even by setting us up to fall so dramatically, our enemies have given us the opportunity to be seen.
And it would seem that they are as interested in peaceful negotiation as we are. One of their own, a young Elezen named Alphinaud, has volunteered to return to Garlemald with us, to bear personal witness and offer an outsider’s perspective. He seems quite politically insightful for a boy so young; I can hardly wait to introduce him to the core membership of the Populares and see what an actual Eorzean’s views can do to shape and reinforce our ideals. Despite the disaster that spurred it, this thin line of contact with the world outside the Empire’s borders may yet be of great benefit to our cause.
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myrfing · 2 years
do you have any thoughts about how fordola was handled? i'm not really comfortable with the way the writer portrayed her dad, like he was an innocent victim when he was literally a collaborator tbh
hi I feel like having opinion again thank you for the wait.
Uh, with fordola, it’s a errr she has one of the best moments in sb to me (“I will never forgive you…but I will thank you”) & what the story wants us to take away from her is a story of how the ala mhigan’s futures (their children) were robbed and twisted in the occupation, and I can appreciate that. I think they tried to handle her with more thought and honesty than a lot of other characters….BUTTT.
YEAH. she doesn’t and can’t escape from xiv’s various syndromes in its writing, one of which is the uh extreme aversion and downplaying of what occupying forces and their allies did. and this isn’t so that we can point fingers at The Bad Guys and yell shame on you or whatever, it’s just like…you need the full weight of what you’re dealing with to contend with it. They’re willing to show some heinous act seperately; through a minion doing the deed, through some flashback, through the account of a side npc, but then we get to the heart of something and all those things are left outside of this weird protective boundary drawn around them, where they turn all unspeakable. Fordola’s father was portrayed as an honest loving family man who was just doing what he could to survive (and his wife a helpless whatever dragged along with the tides) and the other ala mhigans an insane violent criminal mob…and maybe this was just to accentuate how fordola saw it, but it’s never brought into perspective in any way that her parents were trampling on those other people in order to gain the status and comfort they had, even if they weeerreee victims and would always be considererd inferior and second class anyways. they were the ones who threw away those people first; but the faceless angry mob of dirty riled up poors gets no sympathy, no dignity, and none of the nuance people call out for. There could be something interesting here right, like, how can you contend with the fact that the people who caused the most earth shattering tragedy of your life were not just rabid animals, but people with reasons for going that far, and that the person you loved the most and felt all this soul-twisting grief for was not innocent. but they wont GOO THEREE because it’s too incriminating to the person they want to garner sympathy for, even though it’s just…something canonically they wrote in. and like it fucking works every time they do this because people in the fanbase continue this weirdness where if you talk about some canon actual thing a character did you’re villianizing them. ???. like some things about some characters can never be talked about because it’s automatically considered hate and that’s where the argument is always moored even though there’s a lot if interesting and thoughtful things to be said about what lies beyooondddd.
fordoler herself, without euphemism, lead a murder gang of youth military police whose express purpose was to terrorize and rob the local population into submission through brute violence. her capacity for it is what gains her favor with zenos. and so you think okay sure they’re making their point about how dehumanizing and miserable living under occupation is, what it does to both these youths and their victims, and how false her idea of being a model ala mhigan is. but then in the job questlines in EW, it’s now made out to be that it’s the fault of the ala mhigans themselves for not granting mercy and compassion to fordola’s family. one of the npcs even says “we need to take a hard look at ourselves”, which is fucking like, what? did these people have that power? were they in the position to be kind and gentle to the people who dragged their families out of their doors and beat them to death in the streets? are we still talking about who and what and why and how people have power in this situation, or. A lot of things are talked about: her guilt, her self-hatred, her emptiness—but none of it mentions who she was and what exactly she did anymore because the people on the other end of her stick are no longer relevant now that the protective bubble goes up, and it’s about her, even though her story is inextricable from these excluded people. the game has no idea how to talk about people hand in hand sometimes you know like. there’s a mom who is terrified of her and hides her child from her and you’re meant to think of her as paranoid and unreasonable while her child represents the innocence and humanity and purity that “the situation needs” but is her mom not human for her fear too lol. was she really being unreasonable. they want to extoll kindness but is it kind narratively to have this woman’s child shame her for her natural terror. not very long ago fordola was not above harming that child or leaving her orphaned and was implied to do similar things as a routine. but then it’s not about this random ala mhigan family and it’s not about the victims anymore they’re not relevant. it’s like they dont know how to contend with the starting point they wrote in, like if they said it out loud everyone would be like uhhh yeah huh that’s uhhhhh cant think of a way out of this one guys. even though there are ways to write it beyond an angry aggravated mob coming to kill her and not someone being like WE failed you…We should have been nicer…like in either of these options the audience doesn’t have to face what she did alongside her because the actual tangible effect of what she did is never portrayed it’s just these one off evil acts or whatever beyond how it supports her angst. meesa not fan
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angara-mfrp · 7 months
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It's the second activity check of 2024! This one was not as enjoyable to do as some others, but not to worry. Those who have failed will be able to reapp!
Similar to previous checks, you’ll have until the end of the day on 3/6 (server time) to send us an ask (or a message via our Google Forms submission linked on the contact page). Your character’s app will remain on your mun page and on the masterlist, and their account will remain in the server during this time. However, if this is your second consecutive failed activity check, the muse will be removed from the server and the masterlist, and they will need to be fully re-reserved and reapped. The re-reserve cannot happen any earlier than 3/10.
To reapp (after only one activity check failure), we just need you to reach out to us with a message containing the following:
Letting us know you’d like to reapp
Character name and series (it’s okay to include multiple in the same ask or submission to google)
OOC contact
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions! The list of muses who didn’t pass activity check will be under the cut. Muses who have failed their second check and will need to be fully reapped will be denoted by an asterisk (though we don't have any of those this time around!).
Loba Andrade (Nai)
The Doctor (Lore)
Ichigo Kurosaki (Crow)
Noel von Der Heide (Candle)
Vanitas (Solomon)
Kaishu Yarinaosu (Candle)
Emet-Selch (Xeno)
F'ifte Tia (Mica)
Valentyne Monnawesfv (Candle)
Zenos yae Galvus (Solomon)
Aether (Mocha)
Guizhong (Luna)
Lumine (Bambie)
Lyney Snezhevich (Knox)
Marvus Xoloto (Charlie)
Zagreus (Birb)
Prospector (Norton Campbell) (Roman)
Vanitas (Percy/Venus)
Angela (Angelica)
Hawks (Kidi)
Trafalgar D. Water Law (Kidi)
Chloe Shishido (Candle)
Gwendal du Lac (Solomon)
Haven (Bambie)
King Aglovale Brenin de Galis (Solomon)
Kyoya Saikai (Amy)
Zoya (Angelica)
Colress Achroma (Cecil)
Virginia Puffton (Charlie)
Heavy Weapons Guy (Fish)
Miss Pauling (Xeno)
Alfin Reise Arnor (Mikey)
Nicholas D. Wolfwood (Cyan)
Vash the Stampede (Stan)
Number Five (Kidi)
Wrench (Kidi)
If this is your first fail, don’t worry! We’d love to see you keep your muses or come back. Just make sure to get all of the needed info in by the deadline if you want to keep anyone that doesn’t need a full re-reserve.
Usually, we'd have a section here about full re-reserves for muses that failed their second consecutive check, but we didn't have anyone fitting that criteria this time, so there's no need!
This check was a brutal one, and I did not enjoy writing that list. But since everyone on it only failed for the first time, there's consolation that you can still claim your muse without losing anything, including rank! We'd really love for you to try again, especially with what we've got coming up very soon.
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200 Follower Drabble Prompt Challenge Event ✍🏻
Y’all, I finally made it to 200 followers!!! 🥳
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In honor of this achievement, I will be hosting a Drabble Prompt Challenge event! 
(I know the 100 follower event didn’t go anywhere, and I’m really sorry about that, but I think this one will be much better)
The Drabble Prompt Challenge is exactly what it sounds like. My followers will have a chance to submit a prompt and character(s), and then I have to write a drabble story for it. A drabble is:
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Hence, the challenge!!! I have to write the story in exactly 100 words, no more and no less. This challenge will run from 12/18-12/31. You only have this window to submit your asks for the Drabble Prompt Challenge. Any asks submitted after 12/31, 11:59 PM EST (UTC-5) will be politely declined. 
This is a followers event only! If you feel more comfortable submitting on anon, please use the honor system 🙏🏻
I only write for the Yona of Dawn/Akatsuki no Yona fandom. Please choose characters from this fandom only. You can also choose any of my active OCs!
Each follower can submit a max of 2 prompts for the event. Again, please use the honor system if submitting on anon 🙏🏻
You can only submit 1 prompt at a time. I will not accept multiple prompts in the same ask, there's not enough room in 100 words.
You can only choose a max of 2 characters per prompt. Again, 100 words is not a lot to work with, so that’s why I have to put a limit.
If you choose more than 1 character, please note whether you want the drabble to be platonic or romantic. 
If I receive multiple submissions of the same prompt and same character(s), I may choose to decline your submission and ask that you choose a new prompt or a new character. I will write the drabbles on a first come, first serve basis.
I do not write smut.
I do not write poly.
I only write hetero.
I reserve the right to decline any submission due to broken rules, unfollowed directions, or rudeness.
Pick a character(s)
Pick a prompt
Choose platonic or romantic (if applicable)
Send ask
Prompt List:
Watching the sunset
Enjoying a walk
Dancing around the kitchen
Having a friendly arm-wrestling match
Getting a bath ready
Cooking together
Kissing in the rain
Having a snowball fight
Loudly singing
Laughing at the stupidest jokes
Holding hands
Kissing each other good night
Keeping each other warm
Moments of contemplation
Building a snowman
Choosing a Christmas tree
Getting a sugar rush
Collecting firewood
Sharing a blanket in front of the fireplace
Asking them if they need help
Asking for advice
Consoling hugs
Making up after an argument
Helping them wash off the blood from their body
Hugging them tightly, telling them how worried you were
Trying to hide your injury from them, but failing miserably
Bandaging them up while you both tell each other about your day
Shielding the other one with their body
Complimenting each other unexpectedly
Example Submission:
“Hi! I would like to submit a prompt for the 200 Followers Drabble Prompt Challenge. I challenge you to write a platonic Yun and Yona drabble for prompt #2: Enjoying a walk. Thank you!”
Thank you to all of my followers for being so amazing 💚💚💚 Please have fun with the challenge!!! I'm so excited to see what y'all submit 😁
I will be updating this post with the submissions I receive below.
Drabble Prompt Challenge - Master List:
Yun x Fem!Reader - Prompt # 27
Shin-Ah x Fem!Reader - Prompt # 20
Jae-Ha & Shin-Ah - Prompt # 22
Hak & Jae-Ha - Prompt # 4
Zeno x Fem!Reader - Prompt # 25
Zeno x Fem!Reader - Prompt # 29
Hak & Su-Won - Prompt # 29
Kaya & Kimi (TFOM OC) - Prompt # 2
Zeno x Kaya - Prompt # 6
<event is closed>
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honeyleesblog · 1 year
The extent of their scholarly advantages is very wide: they are drawn to science and artistic expression. They are exuberant individuals, fairly anxious, yet gifted, enthusiastic, imperious, forcing submission. They are very saved: every one of their things are hazy, surprising, covered up, uncommon. They can cherish and forfeit in affection. They can be phenomenal delegates of an organization or society, specialists, middle people or disseminators. They can likewise become skilled researchers or great clerics. His siblings will quite often seek after an imaginative profession. Blemishes: According to an ethical viewpoint, they are individuals who are too lenient and respectful in character. They are effectively affected and controlled by puppets. What compromises them? That will dissipate your positive outcomes. They are likewise at risk for cuts. They are not generally pragmatic, and your dreamlike tasks may not pay off. How to bring up a kid brought into the world on this day? Straightforwardness should be shown over vanity. More than whatever else, teachers ought to endeavor to foster an unmistakable message that way. Sicknesses: These individuals experience the ill effects of crabbiness. They can without much of a stretch get worn out and over-energized, which adversely influences their wellbeing. June 7 ZODIAC 
 Assuming that your birthday is June 7, your zodiac sign is Gemini June 7 - character and character character: fair, clearheaded, quiet, perky, mean, severe; calling: history specialist, legislator, representative; colors: yellow, brown, orange; stone: hematite; creature: hummingbird; plant: milkweed plant; fortunate numbers: 9,15,18,22,26,36 very fortunate number: 23 Occasions and Observances - June 7 Argentina: Actual Day. Mexico: Opportunity of Articulation Day. Peru: Banner Day. Argentina: Columnist's Day. Chile: Day of the Wonders of the Infantry (attack and catch of Morro de Arica). June 7 Superstar birthday events. Who was conceived that very day as you? 1903: Alexandre Bდ³veda, Galician government official (d. 1936). 1905: James J. Braddock, American fighter (d. 1974). 1907: Arturo Rotor, Filipino doctor, government worker, performer and essayist (d. 1988). 1909: Jessica Tandy, English entertainer (d. 1994). 1910: Bradford Washburn, American voyager (d. 2007). 1915: Alberto Wagner de Reyna, Peruvian rationalist and essayist (d. 2006). 1917: Senior member Martin, American entertainer and artist (d. 1995). 1919: Adolfo დ?lvarez, Argentine military pilot (d. 2012). 1920: Carlos Gorostiza, Argentine writer, author and producer (d. 2016), sibling of entertainer Analდ­a Gadდ©. 1920: Georges Marchais, French socialist pioneer (d. 1997). 1921: Tal Farlow, American jazz guitarist (d. 1998). 1922: Ana Marდ­a Zeno, Argentine specialist (d. 2011). 1923: Carlos Thompson, Argentine entertainer (d. 1990). 1925: Ricardo Espinosa Osete, Spanish entertainer (d. 1978). 1925: Ernestina Herrera de Honorable, Argentine money manager (d. 2017). 1927: Charles de Tornaco, Belgian hustling driver (d. 1953). 1928: James Ivory, American producer. 1928: Fernando Lamberg, Chilean essayist (d. 2011). 1929: John Napier Turner, Canadian Top state leader. 1931: Virginia McKenna, English entertainer. 1935: Roberto Cantoral, Mexican artist musician (d. 2010). 1935: Ervin Zდ¡dor, Hungarian water polo player (d. 2012). 1935: Euler Granda, Ecuadorian writer and specialist (f. 2018) 1936: Luis Gonzდ¡lez Seara, Spanish teacher, government official and social scientist (f. 2016). 1937: Neeme Jდ¤rvi, Estonian guide and artist. 1940: Tom Jones, English artist. 1941: Jaime Laredo, American musician. 1942: Muammar Gaddafi, Libyan legal advisor, military and lawmaker (d. 2011). 1943: Gino Renni, Italian-Argentine entertainer. 1944: Miguel Rდ­os, Spanish stone artist. 1945: Wolfgang Schდ¼ssel, Austrian government official. 1946: Jenny Jones, Canadian-American TV moderator. 1947: Thurman Munson, American baseball player (d. 1979). 1949: Toti Soler, Spanish guitarist and artist. 1950: Nydia Caro, Puerto Rican artist of American beginning. 1952: Liam Neeson, Northern Irish entertainer. 1952: Orhan Pamuk, Turkish essayist, Nobel Prize victor for writing in 2006. 1956: Antonio Alzamendi, Uruguayan soccer player. 1957: Juan Luis Guerra, Dominican artist musician. 1957: Paddy McAloon, English artist, of the band Prefab Fledgling. 1958: Ruler (Sovereign Rogers Nelson), American artist musician (d. 2016) 1958: Surakiart Sathirathai, Thai legislator. 1959: Claudia Puyდ³, Argentine vocalist. 1963: Roberto Alagna, French tenor. 1965: Mick Foley, American expert grappler. 1965: Damien Hirst, English craftsman. 1966: Lorenzo Silva, Spanish author. 1966: Eric Kretz, American drummer, of the band Stone Sanctuary Pilots. 1967: Dave Navarro, American guitarist, of the band Jane's Dependence. 1968: Marcela Guerty, Argentine screenwriter. 1968: Juan Antonio Pizzi, Spanish-Argentine footballer. 1969: Kim Rhodes, American entertainer. 1970: Cafu, Brazilian soccer player. 1972: Karl Metropolitan, New Zealand entertainer. 1974: Mahesh Bhupathi, Indian tennis player. 1974: Bear Grylls, scout and English TV moderator. 1975: Allen Iverson, American b-ball player. 1976: Necro, American rapper. 1976: Nora Salinas, Mexican entertainer. 1977: Gastდ³n Grande, Argentine entertainer. 1977: Marcin Baszczyვ„ski, Clean footballer. 1978: Ana Ruiz, Spanish entertainer 1978: Bill Hader, American entertainer and screenwriter. 1979: Kevin Hofland, Dutch footballer. 1979: Natalia Valdebenito, Chilean comic. 1980: Berni Rodrდ­guez, Spanish b-ball player. 1980: Henkka Seppდ¤lდ¤, Finnish bassist, of the Offspring of Bodom band. 1981: Larisa Oleynik, American entertainer. 1981: Anna Kდºrnikova, Russian tennis player. 1982: Germდ¡n Lux, Argentine footballer. 1985: Charlie Simpson, English artist. 1988: Michael Cera, Canadian entertainer. 1990: Iggy Azalea, Australian artist and model. 1991: Fetty Wap, American rapper and artist. 1991: Emily Ratajkowski, English American model and entertainer. 1993: George Ezra, English vocalist musician.
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blissfulalchemist · 1 year
5, 16, 40 for my babygirls 🤍
Well the first one got a little longer than expected but what can I expect at this point with these two. Their prompt was supposed to be like so short and it currently sits at 4k words.
5. What’s their love language like? Are they compatible with one another?
They have a very unique love language that is called combat and it suits them both well thank you very much. Sib likes to goad and taunt and she now has the extra backing of physical combat to back up what she says, which is all the sexier to Zenos. He was the first to see the animal that was hiding beneath such jewels her mother put her in and he's going to do all he can to let it free just for him more so but he guesses the rest of the world can see it too.
They are compatible in that they have a shared love chasing the ultimate challenge, though admittedly it wasn't in the forefront of Sib's mind for a long while there until he pointed it out. These were two rich kids that had such immense boredom that when they first crossed paths Zenos couldn't help but have his interest piqued when Sib just spoke out against his great-grandfather basically telling him he was a rude ass bitch and she knew more than him. In turn she couldn't deny the physical attraction and that first encounter between the two of them never really left her mind, even if she never did learn his name until years later when she fought him in Doma. She had never had anyone take her the same way he did and probably never will again in this universe.
So imagine how happy he was to see her again and give him the battle of a lifetime that he had to bring his all for and so did she in turn. Lo and behold that their attraction still stayed and found even more so that they were alike in many ways and noticing the things that were beneath. Sib seeing the tender under the feral exterior and Zenos seeing the feral under the tender façade.
16. What would they consider quality time?
Death matches that are frankly foreplay to seeing who can fuck the other into submission counts as quality time right?
40. What do they do when they miss one another? Is one more needy than the other/s?
Sib doesn't miss him all that much, I mean he was dead (sad day) and then all her friends were being stolen away to another world, so she was a bit busy and preoccuped. But! you can be absolutely certain that there was an ache she'd feel and well people needed to give her some alone time and a cold shower until she felt satisfied enough to make it through the day.....that is until seeing him again. Zenos though.....man he is needy and cannot handle her being away. He came back from the dead and found out that she was off on another world and he couldn't go to see her >:(. He gets so upset and starts tearing the world down to get her attention! (He really wanted her to come back home as soon as possible. And when she was too busy trying to fix it he got all sad for a hot second there, but he soon got up said "Fuck that shit!" and then chased her down to the end of the universe to finally finally get her full undivided attention for one last romp!
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Ryou and Zeno both winced a bit.
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Fire Nation Royal Family (Avatar: The Last Airbender) VS the Zoldycks (Hunter X Hunter)
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Fire Nation Royal Family
Members: Sozin, Azulon, Iroh, Ozai, Ursa, Zuko, Azula
CW: attempted murder, physical abuse, burning
"*gestures widely* The murders/murder attempts are all over the place" "They’re so messed up. Uncle Iroh’s the only one with anything resembling mental stability." "So much abuse. Ozai burned half of Zuko's face off and emotionally manipulated Azula."
The Zoldycks
Members: Zeno, Silva, Kikyo, Illumi, Milluki, Killua, Alluka, Kalluto
CW: murder, torture, isolation
"What ISN'T dysfunctional about them? A family of assassins, they train all their children to be killers, including with literal torture. Killua is the one of the family who's a main character, the heir of the family, and he eventually runs away due to the dysfunctionality. All the kids are isolated, told they don't deserve friendship, and they all have different opinions on family matters but it affects them all! Illumi wants to control Killua to as extreme a degree as he possibly can, and even though Silva lets Killua leave, he fully expects him to return home and join the family business again, and both him and Zeno knew about Illumi's extreme methods of control." Note: edited for length, full submission here
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Zatch tilted his head a bit, while Zeno bristled.
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Zeno: I don’t understand why I’m not allowed to cook anymore.
Yoon: Because last time, you used a shark to make noodles.
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ladyramora · 6 years
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Found this on one of my discord servers and I know you really like Zenos
(Submitted by @chernataxdama)
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notchesandbullets · 4 years
[18+] The Princess and Her Dragons Masterlist *SMUT* Poly!AU
Fandom: Akatsuki no Yona (Yona of the Dawn)
This is a chaptered fic but each chapter can be read as a oneshot. Heed the warnings. Each one has smut and specific kinks. 
18+ only.
Chapter 1: The Princess’ Bodyguard - [Pairings: Hak x reader] 
Introductory chapter. He’s maybe a little upset when you dress up for somebody that’s not him. (1k)
     ⮩ Warnings: cursing, unprotected sex, pet names
Chapter 2: A New Journey - [Pairings: Hak x reader]
Your father sends you off on a journey to recruit the four legendary dragons of Kouka Kingdom that will unite the kingdom and bring about peace. You get impatient halfway down the road, literally, and Hak fucks you in a forest. (1.6k)
     ⮩ Warnings: cursing, unprotected sex, exhibitionism
Chapter 3: Meeting Kija - [Pairings: Kija x reader x Hak]
It’s not a good idea to give your bodyguard head in someone else’s bed but you do it anyways. You meet the first dragon when he walks in on Hak balls deep inside of your cunt. (1.4k)
     ⮩ Warnings: oral (m receiving), sloppy seconds, voyeurism, cursing, explicit dirty talk, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms
Chapter 4: Shin-ah’s Salvation - [Pairings: Shin-ah x reader]
You get lost in the catacombs only to be saved by the one person you were looking for. Soft smut with our precious blue dragon. (1.5k)
     ⮩ Warnings: cursing, unprotected sex
Chapter 5: Hak and Jae-ha Tag Team - [Pairings: Jae-ha x reader x Hak]
The green dragon stumbles across you while Hak’s fucking you in a back alley and seeing no protest from either one of you, he joins in. (2.2k)
     ⮩ Warnings: unprotected sex, cursing, double penetration, exhibition, threesome, consensual sex, slight orgasm denial
Chapter 6: Cockwarming - [Pairings: Hak x reader, voyeur!dragons]
He knows you have a cockwarming kink but he doesn’t last long when you circle your hips in that enticing way of getting him to do exactly what you want. And it works. A little too well. (1.7k)
     ⮩ Warnings: voyeurism, exhibitionism, cockwarming, cursing, slight anal play, rough sex, hair pulling kink, dirty talk
Chapter 7: Stuck in a Hole - [Pairings: Shin-ah x reader x Jae-ha]
You get stuck. Jae-ha takes control of the situation and teaches Shin-ah on how to please you, all while utilizing this very unique predicament you have landed yourself in. (1.6k)
     ⮩ Warnings: stuckage kink, stuck in a hole, a tiny bit of oral (f receiving), slight breeding kink, exhibitionism, threesome
Chapter 8: Zeno’s Desire - [Pairings: Zeno x reader x Hak x Jae-ha]
A rough quickie. Compensation for a rude patron's brash behavior quickly turns into something else once you realize just who it is you're now serving. (2.3k)
     ⮩ Warnings: Rough, unprotected sex, some m/m between the older two (Hak and Jae-ha), overstimulation, oral sex (m receiving), cursing, Jae-ha has an oral fixation too. Zeno is of age. Submissive headspace. Foursome.
Chapter 9: In Heat - [Pairings: Hak x reader, voyeur!four dragons, hints of Zeno x Shin-ah]
You should not have taken that potion. (1.9k)
     ⮩ Warnings: ABO dynamics, knotting, possessive sex, impreg/breeding kink, biting, unprotected sex, voyeurism, oral sex(m and f receiving), cum eating
Chapter 10: Bath House - [Pairings: Jae-ha x reader] *requested*
Jae-ha’s been feeling left out. You make him feel better and along the way, you help him accept his dragon leg that he despises so much. (4.1k)
     ⮩ Warnings: size kink, thigh riding, fingering, a ridiculous amount of orgasms, dirty talk, cursing, pet names, oversensitivity, riding, fucking from behind, some sweet fluff if you squint.
Chapter 11: The Dragon Bond - [Pairings: Zeno x reader]
Zeno isn’t as dominating as his dragon brothers. You reassure him that it’s more than okay. (2.5k)
     ⮩ Warnings: fingering, oral (both receiving), smut, Zeno being an absolute cutie pie
Chapter 12: Jealousy - [Pairings: Kija x reader x Hak]
Kija gets jealous over those suitors your father is forcing you to entertain and he can’t take it. Dragging you over to the secluded part of the royal library, he expresses his feelings before he notices that your ever faithful bodyguard is watching. There’s a way for all three of you to take out your frustrations. (2.7k)
     ⮩ Warnings: cursing, threesome, filthy smut, unprotected sex, oral (m receiving), explicit dirty talk, dom!kija
Chapter 13: Memories - [Pairings: Hak x reader]
Your first time with Hak from the past on your 18th birthday. You didn't want anything for your birthday. You just wanted him. Who was he to say no? Especially when he saw you looking like that. (5.8k)
     ⮩ Warnings: slight innocence kink, unprotected sex, size kink, soft at first but gradually gets rougher, slight degradation, oral (both receiving), choking, squirting, creampie, overuse of the petname: princess
Chapter 14: Hot and Jealous Shin-ah - [Pairings: Shin-ah x reader] *requested*
As Shin-ah gets more acquainted in the palace, his new home, he adjusts to almost everything except how you get called away on every occasion that your father needs you to take care of guests. But when someone had the audacity to lay a hand on you, all he sees is red. (2.7k)
      ⮩  Warnings: explicit smut, jealous sex, exhibitionism (slight), fingering, biting, size kink, cursing.
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charlottedabookworm · 3 years
hey someone talk me out of writing an au of my ffxiv time travel au where set and ali and alphi still go back in time (maybe plus raha maybe not) but they land earlier, on that carriage to gridania a lifetime ago, and they decide to just
change everything
and if they’d landed later, then maybe they’d have tried to keep things closer to their memories, but trying to redo months? trying to make certain that set received an invitation to the scions, was trusted by them the same way he was before, while hiding their knowledge of the future all the time...?
no, they decide
they’re going to change everything
this time, alisaie and alphinaud are the ones to join the scions, using their grandfather’s legacy as an in. and set, mourning the friends he has forever lost but determined to make their lives happier, travels around eorzea and ala mhigo and hingashi
alphi directs him to the places he needs to be, gives him the plans, and ali whispers in his ear about the instincts he must trust, the people he needs ot meet, and set-
set is himself, as best as he can be, for all that he channels thancred, channels yugiri, with every word he speaks and the bonds he forges are not the same but with each step he takes to does his best to help
(nidhogg falls, silently, his eyes burnt out. the archbishop falls down the stairs. documents that detail the truth of the dragonsong war find themselves upon the desk of the lord commander. yotsuyu and asahi kill each other in a violent, bloody way, even if no one can figure out how they came to be locked in a room together. the doman and dalmascan resistances push back, grow stronger, and for the first time in a decade the empire’s hold begins to weaken)
and anyway, it all comes to a head in what would, once upon a time, have been the battle at the praetorium
zenos yae galvus and gaius van baelsar on the battlefield together, a crumbling empire’s final push to terrify people who are fighting back into submission, and the scions fight
the scions fight and ali and alphi are whirlwinds upon the battlefield in a way that the other scions have never seen and yet it is still not enough; zenos bears down on them and-
a once warrior of light deflects the blow with almost insulting ease
almost none upon the battlefield recognise him. yet alisaie falls easily into place at his side, alphinaud at their back, at team in all the matters and later, when the battle is over and everyone is asking who this man is
ali just shrugs and alphi smiles at the scions. our brother, they say to people who will never truly understand what it is they’ve changed
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