#(*had this saved in my drafts yet I keep freakin forgetting to finish/post them ack x.x-)
thethreemages · 3 years
If they work, Vira/Maephesto and Elken/Ceraeza for the ship meme?
Ooh, sure thing! :3
Is the most affectionate: They're both pretty affectionate in their own ways, but I'd give this one to Vira since Maephesto's status as a warlord tends to make him present himself more "firmly" in-public (but he's still happy to treat her softly when they're in the comfort of their home~)
Their most common argument: Hmmm, dunno if I can see them arguing that much in all honesty .3. Perhaps I feel like Maephesto would be a bit too protective of his wife at times since he knows she used to struggle with standing up for herself (though she's grown alot more confidence in recent years).
Nicknames for each other: "Dark Flame", "My Beloved", "Blackest Star", "Soulmate", usually variants of that nature :3
Who initiates kisses: A sweetie goth queen like Vira is always eager for kisses x3
Who kisses the hardest: With his size and general strength, Maephesto wins this round~ ;p
Who said I love you first: Maephesto, surprisingly enough! With his perpetual loneliness up to the point of meeting Vira, it didn't take him long to grow attached to her as he helped her gain more power to regain the throne (and be rid of her awful first husband). Vira at first figured he only saw their dynamic as a "political move" to advance his amry... but once he confessed his true feelings, it touched her heart enough to accept his love after all ❤️
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times: Both tend to be a lil too "proper" to pull stuff like that regularly... buuut on the rare occasion Vira's feeling more "playful", she'll most likely be the one to make her husband blush stronger than the sun lol :p
Who's the better cook: Vira self-taught herself some good baking recipes from classic Nydorian cook-books, which Maephesto can gladly attest to being quite delicious uwu
Who wakes up to calm the baby: It varied between them when Embyr was born (since they've both got busy schedules as royal leaders), but it was usually Vira since she always had the softest side for children x3
Their favorite non-sexual activity: Meditation, sight-seeing (whilst Maephesto's in human form), and riding along one of his demon wyvern-steeds to glide across the sky~
1 sad headcanon about this couple: As Maephesto's kind is known to live for a good few centuries, he often finds himself worried of outliving Vira someday :c. Though he's transferred part of his demon magic to her, he's not sure how to bring up potentially turning her into a full-on demon (as he knows she still values being a queen to Nydor).
1 sugary-sweet headcanon about this couple: Maephesto tends to make "purring" sounds when he and Vira lay down to cuddle together, nuzzling his tiny wife close to his heart (similar to a cat) ❤️
Is the most affectionate: Though both are for the most part, there's absolutely no denying how "amorous" Elken can be for his beloved sun wife~ 💚
Their most common argument: Sometimes Elken’s ego and need to boss everything around can get tiresome for Ceraeza to see (*though she gets that he means well in wanting to show pride for his family and kingdom*)
Nicknames for each other: "Mi Rosa", "Mi Amor", "Girasol"
Who initiates kisses: For the most part Elken, though Ceraeza can be a surprising one when he least expects it~
Who kisses the hardest: Heh, weeeell… shouldn’t be too hard to guess if you’ve read by now ;p 💚
Who said I love you first: Ceraeza said the first big “I love you” when they were teens, as Elken (flirty as he was with her in his youth) was still pretty immature and unsure of what he wanted in life.
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times: Poised and dignified as he appears, Ceraeza can attest that her hubby can be quite an amorous one if the mood strikes ;p
Who's the better cook: Ceraeza was taught alot about Elven cultural food recipes as she grew up, which she's more than eager to share with her husband and daughters (even if they technically got a royal kitchen staff, nothing beats Mama's homecooking~)
Who wakes up to calm the baby: Since they’re both royals you’d expect them to have a whole team of nannies/castle staff for that… but surprise surprise, Elken’s actually quite attentive to let his wife rest whilst calming their daughters 🥺
Their favorite non-sexual activity: Gardening in their royal shrubs/flower patches, sometimes cooking a lil together in the kitchen (when they have the time), and especially dancing~
1 sad headcanon about this couple: Ever since Ceraeza's near-death experience a few years ago, Elken still has some nights of getting nightmares of losing her for good... which at first he tried to hide from his wife as he didn't wish to worry her (especially so soon after she got revived) :c. It took alot of gentle nudging and heart-to-hearts for him to admit that he still had these thoughts, and for her to reassure to him that she'll never leave him like that again. 🧡
1 sugary-sweet headcanon about this couple: Sometimes when they're out in the gardens together, the couple will braid flower crowns into eachother's hair as a soft affectionate gesture 😊🌻
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