koushirouizumi · 9 months
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{H.O.L.I.C} ~ Right before Watanuki becomes Shopkeeper + Dōmeki's (Shared) {E Y E}
"You can't exactly SEE {D R E A M S} WITH YOUR E Y E S
"THIS IS NOT A DREAM." - Yuuko to Watanuki
(Please ASK to Use)
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concreteangels24 · 1 year
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If you can’t wake up from the nightmare, maybe you’re not asleep. Jayce had thought to himself. He would tell himself anything and everything to stop what he had in his mind. It’s outside the window again. Jayce could hear it banging against the glass trying to get into his room, trying to get closer to him. The spirit wards Jayce using don’t seem to be strong enough to keep this one out completely. The smell is awful. Jayce can’t see anything but then again his head is buried under the covers so that really won’t help him very much. You’d think Jayce would be used to this by now. All of his life He has been a magnet for spirits but of course, he just couldn’t get used to what was going on there. Jayce is in his bed, a place he should feel safe, and instead, he was hiding under the covers terrified like some three-year-old hiding from some make-believe boogie monster. Although knowing what he knew and what he had seen he wasn’t for sure that they don’t exist. Maybe they really do live under the bed of small children. Jayce should ask Yuuko at some point although she’s most likely charge me for that information. That smell. It’s getting worse and I’m trapped in my room. If I stay in here I have some protection but as soon as I step outside I know they are all over me.
I’ve got no choice but to stay here hide under the covers hoping the creature will get bored of trying to break in and give up. Either way, if it stays or goes I won’t be able to sleep tonight. If it stays or if it goes I’ll still be too terrified to sleep. If it stays I’ll be awake because it’s there. If it goes I’ll be scared of it coming back and bringing others with it. It’s like a nightmare except I’m awake to have it. At times like this, I really hate living alone. If I had someone with me there would be someone to wake up but I’m alone and I have to deal with this alone. I want someone to help me with the nightmares I suppose. I’ve never really had that. You just hate this orphan thing. I stuff my fingers in my ears and try to think about something else. What should I make for lunch tomorrow? Domeki mentioned chicken katsudon. Like, hell am I making that? He should consider himself lucky to even get a portion of rice. Maybe I should call Domeki over. He’d be able to get rid of this spirit. I just can’t bring myself to do it. I can’t admit how weak I really am although I’m am sure he is already aware of. Asking Domeki for help is the last thing I want to do.
Damn, my pride. The smells getting even worse. Oh god. It’s making me retch. I can hear its voice laughing at me. There’s a loud crash coming from the window. I stay hidden beneath my quilt. Praying that it’ll go away and strangely the smell in the room seems to disappear and I can’t hear it banging on the window. I do hear a knock at the door instead but I stay under the bed quilt. It could be some trick. “Watanuki! Open the door!” I hear someone pounding on the door. I slowly come out from under the covers and head towards the door. “Who’s there?” I ask warily “Domeki.” I open the door and find Domeki on the other side. He comes inside. He seems to be wearing his coat over his pajamas. “What are you doing here?” I ask. I can’t stop shaking. That thing really freaked me out. Yuuko called. Said you were in trouble and you were being too stubborn to call me yourself. There was something but it’s gone now. It was powerful. I should really thank Yuuko some time although I’m more likely to shout at her for interfering. With Domeki here I feel myself begin to calm down. The terror I felt moments ago has been replaced with relief. Damn him for being the one to chase my nightmare away. Why is it he who can get rid of the spirits? Out of everyone in the world, it’s him! I suppose it could be worse. It could have been Mokona. Imagine trying to explain why I keep a black plushie with me all the time.
“I brought these. They’re some extra wards” Domeki pulls out some papers and puts them on the table. We stand in silence for a few seconds. “I’m going to go now if everything’s ok?” He pauses giving me a chance to ask for the help I find so hard to ask for. I nod back at him even though I’m still terrified about that thing coming back and Domeki starts to head towards the door. Without thinking I grab hold of the back of Domeki’s coat. “Don’t go” I plead, I know it’s the last thing in the world I’d do asking for Domeki’s help but that thing has really got to me. I don’t want to be by myself right now. I must be beyond scared if I’m willingly asking for Domeki’s help if not I think I may have finally lost it. Domeki turns around with a curious look in his eye. Typical Domeki he tries not to show any emotions but his eyes tend to give him away. I don’t think he knows that. “If I’m going to stay we better get some sleep” Domeki replies as he takes off his coat. "I’m only letting you stay because I don’t want you to get ill walking around in the middle of the night in nothing but you’re pajamas. I’m just being the wonderful, considerate Watanuki-sama I always am” I try to cover up my moment of weakness. I know it’s pointless.
“Hm,” was the reply I got. Eloquent as always I see. I lay out an extra futon and turn off the light. After a few minutes, I started to cry. I’m such a wimp at times. I just couldn’t help it. I had really thought for a moment then that this was it. That this was the spirit that was going to end it all. I suppose it’s tears of relief. That thing has gone and won’t be coming back with Domeki around. I felt a hand on my back. Have I mentioned how I hate Domeki recently? I don’t think I have “I’m having a private moment,” I snap at him. “Go to sleep” For once just ask for help. I know it’s impossible for you but you have people here willing to help if you just ask.
 You’re too stubborn. “If I’m not mistaken I did just ask for help when I asked you to say” I replied sullenly. I didn’t think that was you asking for help. I just thought that was you being the considerate Watanuki-sama’ you are.Bastard. He’s teasing me now. I must remember he’s not having Bento for at least a month. He lies down next to me, puts an arm around my waist, and holds me close to him. Do you know the scariest thing about tonight? It didn’t freak me out. I felt safer than I could ever remember. I snuggled closer to Domeki and started to fall asleep. I’m sure just before I fell asleep I felt a kiss on my forehead and Domeki mutter something like “Silly Kimihiro. I’m going to be here if you ask for my help or not” but I’m sure I must have dreamed it.
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bunny-wk-fanfic · 6 years
Ne, have you ever thought about doing an NSFW Watanuki (xxxHOLiC)/Kagome pairing? Not the goofy Watanuki of the first and second seasons, but the Watanuki of the future, of the 'Rou' saga, where he's taken over Yuuko's shop, not so fazed by the supernatural anymore, and where he's matured and a bit more serious?
Here you are, I hope you enjoy it!
He wasn’t afraid or ashamed to admit that he watched her whenever she came to the shop, her kind and open nature oddly out of place. Though he would smudge the truth if another said he was distracted due to her beauty. She was beautiful.
“Why did you first come here?” he asked her one day, only after he was finally able to talk to her in a calm fashion.
“Like everyone else, I have a wish. But wishes are not free.” her gaze turned to the garden.
It always burned his tongue, to ask her what her wish was, but that far away look always had him stop. She always became this impossible creature, something ancient rather than the young woman she appeared to be.
And until her wish was granted, she would always see and visit the shop. She always brought gifts; teas, cakes, and sweets. Yuko always enjoyed the wines.
“Even though she’s gone, you still continue to come.” his comment seemed to have surprised her.
Blue eyes blinked widely a few times before she smiled. “You’re still here.” her rosy cheeks, words, and her pouring them tea had him finally noticing her. Truly noticing her.
Himawari was growing older, engaged to a fine young man, and Domeki was already married and expecting his first child, yet he and Kagome remained unchanged by time. And soon, his desire for her grew. They were not susceptible to time the way others were, and his love for her grew as she shared more about herself with him.
It was during an anniversary, he couldn’t recall which one at the moment, that Kagome brought some wine when their relationship finally tipped.
The flavor of the wine still lingered on her lips, there was still something sweet there as well. It was her own flavor that had him coming back for more. And seeing her lips swollen from his attention left him boiling with need. Trailing his gaze down her form, grinning at her disheveled and loose yukata, he trailed his fingers just where the fabric parted, marveling at how she instantly arched into his touch. So sensitive.
“Kimihiro.” her voice was breathy, light, and warm as she uttered his name.
It had him staring down at her for a few moments before sweeping down to capture those sweet lips with his own, tasting his name on them blending with her own flavor. It was addicting. No, it went beyond that. She was becoming a need, as necessary as air for him. Getting closer to his newfound need, he parted the folds of her yukata, both of them gasping when his cool fingers trailed along her warm skin over her ribs.
“…Kimihiro” her lips curled up into a smile, fingers trailing through his hair to trail down his neck before resting on his chest. Her smile warmed before she leaned up and kissed his chin, lips trailing to his neck where she nipped and suckled at his thrashing pulse while her hands pushed his own robes open. “Kimihiro. Kimihiro, Kimihiro, Kimihiro.”
With every utterance of his name, nip of skin, and every sweep of her hands against his flesh, his own hands clenched in return. He struggled to maintain control as she continued to tease him, tempt him, Kimihiro was struggling to remove the barrier between him and Kagome completely. “Ah! Kagome!” his eyes narrowed down on the giggling woman beneath him, a hand rose to soothe where she gave him a particularly painful nip. “What was that for?”
Her smile was bright, hands not once stopping in her removal of his robes. “Your hands aren’t shaking anymore.” her lips were quick to press a kiss to where his heart pounded against his ribs.
Pausing, his gaze darted down to where his hands clenched the soft fabric of her robes, recalling how his hands had been shaking as struggled with her robes. “Naughty Miko.” he was quick to return the favor, lips quirking at her surprised cry and jump.
“Kimihiro!” her arms wrapped around him, slipping beneath his open robe. He didn’t realize just how far she got with his robes until her thighs brushed against hips, their soft and warm texture shocking him to his core.
Smirking down at her, he gave her a swift kiss. “Vixen.”
Her answering giggles soothed and warmed him. “Takes one to know one. I remember when you used to scold Yuko for how she used to dress.” her head tilted, smile turning seductive as a leg wrapped around his hip and pulled him to her. “I was always tempted to simply jump you.”
Kimihiro smiled, shocked, amused, and proud to hear her say so. “You’re more than welcome to do so from now on.” he shivered when her other leg pulled him in even tighter, her thighs cradling his hips perfectly.
“Even if you should be tending to a customer?” his lips kissed him, teasing him whenever by darting away from his own lips whenever he reached for hers. Her hands trailed from his back, over his shoulders, and to his chest, mock scolding him. “And you say I’m naughty!”
“You are, and looking to being punished if you continue to tease,” he smirked when her back arched with a sharp inhale when he suddenly squeezed a breast. Although he had to grit his teeth when her hips rolled into his, his length searing at her wet heat. “Kagome.”
“Hmm, Kimihiro.” her chest heaved as her hands trailed to his length, fingers curling as her hips thrust up to meet him. “Please?”
“Only if you want.” gritting his teeth, Kimihiro worked with Kagome, following her lead as he finally reclaimed her lips in a searing kiss. He moaned when he finally slowly entered her, her whimper reminding him to go slow. He wasn’t aware if she was a virgin or not, but he was damned sure that he was not going to cause her pain.
When he finally sunk into her completely, hot silken walls that rippled and gripped had him shivering, he pulled back to rest his brow against her own. Both of them were gasping for breath, Kagome clutching to him as he shivered and twitched. “A-ah, Kagome!”
Kagome cooed in return, lips curling as she kissed him. “Mmm, Kimihiro.” her hips moved, rolling as her thighs squeezed his hips. “So hard!”
Chuckling, he could hardly believe that this was happening to him and that he was hearing these words in relation to him. That he was here with Kagome as intimately as he could be with another person. He was quick to join her, hips pulling back and thrusting forward. In the whole motions, he attempted to keep as much of himself touching her, though he did grip the back of one knee and raise it higher.
“Oh, Kami-sama!” Kagome’s back arched, nails clawing down his back as her head tossed from side to side. “R-right there, Kimihiro!”
He had tossed his glasses to the side at some point, having grown tired of them constantly slipping down his nose. Despite that, he could see every detail of her face. From her flushed cheeks, pinched brows, sweat dappling her skin as she bit her bottom lip. To see her in such a state, at his hand, it had him pushing for them to reach the end together. Keeping her leg in place, Kimihiro strove forward, their hips crashing together over and over. Him taking cues from Kagome as she moved with him in abandon, striving to reach that end that rested just out of their hold.
A grunt escaped him when his knees slipped, bringing him closer to her and them both crying out. He didn’t scrabble, to regain his placement, no. He continued with the position he was in, striving to get them to the edge. Her voice rang in his ears with every sigh, soft cries that heated his blood and pushing just that little bit harder.
He watched it all when she came, her walls clamping down on him after they rippled along his length ensured him that she finally reached her end. Her coos echoing around them, her fingers digging into his skin also cemented that wonderful fact. With a few more thrusts, he reached his own end. He let out a groan, sinking into her hold as all his strength left him.
“…Kagome…” he groaned nuzzling her slicked neck, smiling at her giggle and attempts to push him away. “Can you tell me why we didn’t do this sooner?”
“Mmm, because despite everything, you can still be a blind dork sometimes?” a laugh escaped her when he pinched her side, just hard enough to reprimand her, not hurt her. “I speak only the truth!”
Rolling over, both of them shivering as his length left her warmth, he pulled her to him, hugging her to his side. “Ah. Next time, speak the truth a little earlier to spare the both of us.” he kissed the top of her head with a hum.
“Can we go again?” her smile was bright as her eyes sparkled up at him.
A bark of laughter escaped him, pulling her energetic form back down to him. She had far too much energy after what they just went through. “Later. I think I unleashed a monster.” he smiled in her kiss.
“It’s a good thing I’m with the right person to keep me in check.” she kissed him before snuggling down for a rest. “And feed my monstrous appetite.” it may have taken him a while to notice her and breach the gap between them, and while they had all the time in the world, she was more than happy it didn’t take that long. Otherwise, she would have taken more drastic measures.
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