#((yk she’s been round the block))
a-dragons-journal · 2 days
Hey um! I’m not trying to support discourse or anything and you’re hella free to delete this ask, but jadeeyedwere is making the rounds again in the tags. Idk if you’d wanna let people know or not..I don’t wanna feed the troll or anything yk but innocent folks are reblogging posts from them and it’s concerning me! Like I said totally feel free to delete this if you need!
Ugh, for real? No, making people aware of actual bestialists is not discourse.
For those unaware, jadeeyedwere is, if not an actual bestialist herself, then at absolute minimum a supporter of bestiality. She openly identifies as a "zoo therian" and associates with and was previously (possibly still? I believe they're no longer together) the partner of mr. missing stair LycanTheory himself:
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(Archived edition her blog to source the screenshot.)
She also helped co-found the site Therian Underground with LycanTheory, a forum specifically for "zoosexual" therians. (This Beware is primarily about Therian Guide and LycanTheory, but the fourth paragraph provides sources for this, and the rest provides sources for how awful LycanTheory is and how open he is and has been for years about his bestiality.)
Let me be very clear: this is not about zoophilia, which is something you can't control having and thus not a moral issue. This is not about feral furry porn, which hurts no one. This is about bestiality, actually acting on that and sexually assaulting a real animal, and the support thereof.
Don't go and harass these people. That will help no one; if they were affected by harassment, they wouldn't still be open about this after all this time. It doesn't even look like Jade is active on Tumblr right now, it just sounds like people are finding and reblogging old posts. But don't platform them either. Block them. Lock them out of your spaces. These are unapologetic bestialists trying to use therianthropy to justify it. They are not safe to be around.
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m1ckeyb3rry · 4 months
tips and tricks on writing fanfic if u have any i beg <3<3
i have wrote so much throughout my life but it never feels like it flows right yk? i just want to write my silly characters being devastating with eachother
and you are infact my fav fic writer ever so pretty please <3
(its fine if not lol just may as well ask)
hihi!! sorry this took me a sec to respond to lol but yes ofc i can do my best to help!! and apologies in advance if any of this isn’t helpful/applicable 😓 i’ll put it all under the cut just because i can sense myself rambling in advance why did it end up being an entire thesis
okayyy so the most important thing for me when writing is having my plot and characters be in constant conversation with one another. typically i will come up with a very vague idea for a plot, which will then tell me exactly what kind of main characters i need to write, and from there, i build my cast!! it’s why i’m always afraid of writing characters ooc — typically i take aspects of the pre-existing character from canon and then expand on them so that they fit the plot i want, and sometimes i get worried that that means i’ve changed them too much LMAO.
once i understand what i want from my characters, i start to write. i usually have to rewrite my first chapter a few times as i get a feel for the characters and their perspectives, especially my pov character (we’ll call them mc for the sake of simplicity moving forward). it’s only after i feel like the mc’s voice and personality have been established that i can continue. i like to understand a character well enough that i can intuitively know how they would respond to any given situation. it makes it much easier in the future!! because once you’ve established a character, you can’t change them. i’ll use glass princess as an example because ik you’ve read it — if i wanted to write a slight different story, i could’ve written the mc to be a ruthless killer who has a short temper and resents her brother. however, i then would’ve had to work within the constraints of that character’s outlook instead of the constraints of current mc’s character!!
that’s why i typically only have loose ideas for plots. after i begin writing, i let my characters tell me what they want to do. they usually know what they want better than i do!! a lot of my “best” scenes have been entirely unplanned and based on me just following the characters’ actions to their natural conclusion. i guess you could say i go into each chapter having an idea of what the “inciting event” for the chapter will be — for example, mc runs to the tea shop the day after meeting the blue spirit, but the results of that inciting event are based more on my knowledge of my characters than any preconceived outlining or plotting. along the same lines, EVERY time i’ve had writer’s block with a fic (that was unrelated to me losing interest in the fandom/character/storyline) it’s been because i’ve forced my characters into a situation that they would not naturally end up in. my best example of this is a story i started writing with a very cold main character; she meets an injured enemy soldier who has lost his memories, and the plot was meant to revolve around her nursing him back to health and falling in love with him. however, given her character and the backstory i knew she had, i genuinely couldn’t come up with a single reason for why she would heal him instead of just killing him or turning him in, so i literally abandoned the story 😭 essentially i would recommend solid understanding of characters over a solid understanding of your plot 100% of the time. imo strong, well-rounded characters can carry even the shittiest of plots, but the opposite is rarely if ever true.
that was a lot of theory stuff!! as for where i get my ideas (not exactly what you asked but tangentially related so i’ll add it in here in case anyone else is reading and wants to know), it depends on the kind of fic i’m writing. my favorite fics are canon-verse, and for those fics i try to look for niches in the source material that aren’t already filled and make a character for it. the best example of this that i can think of off of the bat is two of my aot fics — in one, the mc is a member of the military police and the first interior squad, and in the other, the mc is a warrior candidate during the events of the show. both of these roles aren’t really filled by canon characters, so creating these characters allows me to look at plot events in a new light, which lets me expand the fic into something beyond just a rehashing of canon. in terms of au’s…to be honest listening to music is huge for me!! i’ll scroll through tik tok and hear an audio that inspires me, and once i have a vibe for what i want to write, i’ll search for similar songs that help me picture the general aesthetic of the au. the idea for my one bllk fic peregrine was conceived when i heard a snippet of the song welcome and goodbye by dream, ivory, on tik tok!! overall i don’t really like writing straight au’s that much though. idk why but in my experience every time i’ve tried to write an au fic i’ve gotten bored of it much much quicker than i would’ve with a more canon-based story. that’s just me personally though!!! i do loveeee worldbuilding though HAHA the amount of fantasy worlds i’ve created but never written for is horrific.
when it comes to things like grammar, sentence structure, and word choice, the only two things you can do to improve are reading and writing a LOT. at first, you should read more than you write, and when i say reading, it can be literally anything. find what you do and don’t like from all of the authors you encounter, and try to incorporate the pros into your writings while noticing the cons in your own work. it’s not plagiarism! you won’t be able to copy any author’s style completely, and if you engage in enough kinds of works, you’ll become a blend of so many different styles that it won’t sound copied or anything. then, once you’re comfortable mixing and matching depending on what scene you’re writing (maybe for a serious scene, you take references from a classical novel, whereas for a more lighthearted moment, you look at a social media au to see what kind of jokes might land with a broader audience), you can start to develop your own style!! it’ll come naturally as you go. the more you write, the more you will be certain of yourself and the way YOU would write something. the mixing and matching will smooth into one style that flows more naturally and does what you need, when you need it.
my final advice is that you shouldn’t compare yourself to others!! just because your writing doesn’t sound like your favorite author’s doesn’t mean it’s any worse. i’ve read amazing stories that are nothing like my own — it doesn’t mean that mine are worse than those stories, just different. there is a place in this world for every single story!! and it’s inevitable that you will look back on your old writing and cringe. i do!! i cannot read anything i wrote more than a year ago because i’ve improved so much that the old stuff is embarrassing to me. if you don’t push through the fear of cringe, though, you’ll never get anywhere. i’m not sure if you’re planning on posting anything ever, but i can say with certainty that if you do, there will be someone who reads and loves it. there’s people who still comment on and read and love my stories from 2021 that i absolutely despise now (it’s the only reason they haven’t been deleted yet). oftentimes we are our own worst critics, and also, knowing the plot ahead of time doesn’t help (writing suspenseful scenes is SO HARD when you know what’s coming 😭). your readers will love what you write, probably even more than you do!!
i hope that that was helpful and i’m so sorry for writing a literal essay OMG. like this is such a long post 😓 if you have any questions about what i wrote or about a specific aspect of the fic writing process, then lmk!! i’m always happy to help 🫶🏻
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karatekels · 1 year
Omg hi! I love how you wrote your first request it was so good! Ok so I was wondering if you could do sumthin for Ck Terry silver idk sometime spicy 🥵 cus yk that man is just sometime ealse and I'm in love with him, idk reader beaing in her mid 20s and she's a student at ck, thank you!❤️
(Also if your conformable writing steamy stuff for him, if not that's ok🫶🏽.)
Thank you so much for your request, anon! I’m happy to write something spicier than my previous request for you – but you’ll have to wait for part 2 (please don’t hate me!).
Strike First - Part 1
The L.A. sun was just starting to set as you rounded the corner to the Cobra Kai karate dojo. Your curly hair shone in the fading sunlight, pulled into a half ponytail to keep it out of your eyes while the rest fell to your shoulder blades, swaying as you walked up the block, your wedge sandals revealing the pretty pink nail polish on your toes. In a lovely blue sundress, you certainly didn’t appear like you were about to be practicing karate for two hours, but you would change at the dojo. You had been taking advantage of the changing rooms ever since you’d witnessed your sensei’s eyes roaming over you the first time you’d shown up in anything other than your training gear, seeking out his appreciative gaze immediately each time you walked through the doors.
From the moment you first laid eyes on him, Sensei and dojo-owner Terry Silver had utterly captivated you. He was tall – more than a foot taller than you – and everything about him was the epitome of strength. His broad chest, muscular arms and large hands had you daydreaming about him immediately, wondering what the rest of his body looked like under his gi, and his face was mesmerizing. He had gorgeous silver hair that he kept back in a slick ponytail, the ends curling and making you yearn to tangle your fingers in them, and his piercing ice-blue eyes were the most beautiful you had ever seen. And his smile – the first time you had seen it had been when you’d made a sarcastic comment under your breath about Sensei Kim. He had laughed quietly to himself and locked eyes with you, smiling at you more genuinely than the typical polite smile he gave when teaching, and you had felt like melting into the floor at the sight.
You had flirted with Terry rather shamelessly at nearly every opportunity you had to speak to him when no one else was in earshot. Initially you felt you just had to get it out of your system so you could concentrate on honing your skills; you’d never imagined he would reciprocate. Not only was there a substantial age difference – you were only in your mid-20’s, and he was in his sixties – but he was a successful businessman and incredibly wealthy. Still, he had quickly gone from tilting his head and surveying you, eyes sparkling with amusement at your quips at him to cheekily returning and even initiating flirting with you, much to your enjoyment. While you would never expect things to escalate beyond mere flirting, especially with other people in the dojo, it was nice to know that you held any amount of interest to someone as impressive – and gorgeous – as Terry Silver.
You walked into the dojo, planning to go through your usual routine – scan the room for Terry, make sure he sees you, take a brief moment to check each other out, and quickly move down the hall to the changing rooms to get ready for class – but as you enter you realize that the dojo is empty. Where were the other students and senseis? Hearing a noise from over by the training mat, you followed the sound.
Oh my God.
Terry was alone, throwing punches at a training dummy. He was mostly dressed for class – barefoot, gi pants (you took a long moment to appreciate the view of his butt) – but had exchanged his gi top and belt for a sleeveless shirt that gave you a full view of his strong arms. In short, you were practically drooling, and felt that spot below your belly button tighten with desire.
“Y/N?” he called your name, having seen you standing behind him in the mirror that ran along the back wall of the training area. He turned towards you, breathing a bit heavy from the exertion, a sheen of sweat visible on his face and arms that made your mouth go dry, and walked towards you. He moved so silently for such a big person, yet another thing about him that entranced you. He stopped just a few feet from you, looking down at you and giving you a once over. Normally men looking at you like you were something to eat felt repulsive, but when Terry did it you found yourself all-too-willing to be devoured by him if he wished it.
“You look particularly lovely this evening, Y/N” he compliments, and you feel your face heat up as you blush sightly. “Big plans for the night?” he asks cheekily, but you’re confused.
“What do you mean? Don’t we have a class right now?” you ask, and he tilts his head to the side, staring into your eyes. “Where is everyone?”
“Y/N, we had canceled class for today a couple of weeks ago, don’t you remember?” he asks innocently, before looking thoughtful. “Oh, you were probably in the changing rooms at the time and didn’t get the message. My apologies, my dear.” He sounds sincere, but the way his piercing eyes are locked onto yours, you feel like he’s not at all sorry that you’ve shown up tonight.
“O-Oh,” you stammer, a bit breathless. So, you were completely alone in the dojo, save for the man you wanted more than any other in your entire life. How were you going to keep your hands off him now? You had to get out of there. “That’s fine. I guess I’ll see you next we-”
“Would you care to join me for a drink?” he cuts in smoothly, taking another step towards you. Your mouth falls open slightly, and you see his eyes flick down to your lips, tracking the movement.
“It would be a shame if you came all this way for nothing, don’t you think? Especially looking as lovely as you do; the least a gentleman could do would be to offer you a drink, right?”
“A gentleman, huh? I doubt that guy” you gesture to the training dummy “would see you that way” you joke. You know that you’re stalling, but your mind is trying to play catch up with how your plans for the evening have shifted. He seems to sense this, and seems to humour you, clasping his hands together behind his back, head bent down towards you as he awaits your decision. You subconsciously lick your lips, and you swear you hear him make a noise that sounds suspiciously like a growl, but when you look back up to his face he is the picture of chivalry. You take a deep breath.
“A drink would be lovely, Mr. Silver.”
“Terry,” he corrects softly, gesturing down the hall behind him with a hand. You close the distance between you and he guides you to his office, his large, warm hand on the small of your back.
“Terry,” you repeat, a smile on your face.
I can never resist the idea of Terry laying out a trap to lure the reader in, planning everything out so that they’re helpless to resist him – but then, who would want to? I’ll get part 2 out later on today, with all the spiciness you could wish for, anon – hope you don’t mind me setting up the scene here first!
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patchworkofravens · 3 years
2022 is going to be my full on Brooklyn kinnie arc i can feel it
#:/#soft makes a tag for her normal posts seperate from her spamming tag because she realizes that many people will block the spamming tag#no i just#i was editing her and yk the scene where the girls are walking..somewhere and yasmina and sammy are talkint about school and brooklyn#yeah#never been to school. All tutors . school from home. Girl me too#Especially lately since in class religious classes have resumed#And im just constantly feeling more and more isolated from#Quute literally everyone there like more than usual#And like. If things go well with my second round of exams then i may be going into uni#And like. No idea how the fck im going to adjust to#Not just like. Interacting with classmates in...person?#But also the whole going into classrooms for every lesson idk the thought makes me queasy and idk whether that means im just som#One whos unused to it and or someone whos. Like. Being overdramatic#Idk just all the things not included in subjects that people have probably leanred#In schools that i just. Missed out on.#And . The common experiences like . Man idk are school dances a thing that actually happens or is that#Just a movie thing?/gen#yeah stuff like that. And. Like. Graduation ceremonies#Its just. Agh. Going to be. A shock.#aside from that just in general lately im just constantly being reminded of the differences between me and those who attend like. Scho#School. Idk why zjwldbka its pirbably me being oversensitive as usual aaaaaaaaaaaa#Yep thats it for my therapy meeting thank u ill be here all night#Anyway my point me 🤝 brooklyn#Never been to school and thus missing out on every positive and negative#soft complains about things
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blackacre13 · 2 years
hey i love ur work and I’ve seen u also wrote carol once. Would u write a carol x abby one how they met or like first date or so? I really would love that also cuz I’m hoping for a Carol prequel bc I think this relationship is so interesting and so much to explore and show and how it just was around that time and so yk
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“With you and Carol,” Therese breathes, about to ask a question that Abby knows she doesn’t quite want to ask, but still has to know the answer all the same. “What happened?”
What happened? Abby smiled almost bitterly at the thought. What had happened? How many times had she thought about that night and everything following? So kismet. Storybook in an unexpected way. But then all of that hurt…
“It’s completely different,” Abby snapped, regretting the tone instantly. The pain wasn’t Therese’s fault and if she knew her best friend as well as she knew that she did, the contents of her purse were going to put a lot more similarities between Therese and herself than either of them had with Carol. “I’ve known Carol since I was ten years old,” she smiled, the memory seeming both far away and all too close at once.
Long, blonde ringlets looped up with ribbon into two ponytails that swung about wildly as the young girl ran across the grass, shrieking with delight.
“Wait for me!” Abby panted, giggling as she tried to catch her breath, letting out a garbled noise as she tripped over her shoe lace, landing in the grass with a dramatic sigh as the blonde stopped and backtracked, skipping over to Abby in the grass and plopping down beside her.
“You should have let me tie them,” Carol smirked, practically gloating. “See?” She asked, holding her shoe up at Abby as the brunette let out another round of giggles at the other girl’s shoes, that didn’t have any laces at all. They had a buckle, and a fake one at that, simple enough with a strip of velcro to stick against the top of the shoe, the black patent Mary Janes glistening in the sunlight as the two girls giggled together.
“Those don’t have any ties, nitwit.”
“I still know how to do them!” Carol insisted, leaning over, her tongue darting out between her lips as she concentrated, mumbling something about bunnies and loops and logs that Abby couldn’t quite follow. She was too distracted by the pretty soft pink ribbons that swayed in the wind against blonde curls. The blue sparkle of Carol’s eyes that reminded her of the ocean by her aunt’s beach house. The creamy skin that looked like the statute in the fountain by the park a few blocks down the street. “There!” Carol sang, flicking the toe of the shoe with triumph before jumping up once more, the skirt of her dress swaying with the flowers in the breeze. And the ribbons that Abby couldn’t stop sneaking glances of.
“Race you to the swings?” Carol asked, helping Abby up with hr hand as the brunette stared at her in awe, flustered for a moment without knowing why as butterflies swirled in her belly and her heart pounded faster before she shook away the feeling, nodding at once as she took off, full speed, bound for the swing sets to the call of the blondes, “Abby! You rotten cheater!
“It was…” Abby thought, trying to think back to the first time. She knew the story she wanted to tell Therese. The story she always told when it came to her and Carol. But was that the true story? Had that in fact been the first time?
It hadn’t, Abby knew. At least not for her. And a wicked and hopeful part of her wished the same of her best friend.
“Late one night,” Abby nodded. “My ford,” she laughed emptily, thinking of her wreck of a car. Carol throwing her head back as she laughed, lugging the spare tire with them just in case to throw in the trunk.
“Don’t just stand there, Abby, there’s a lady in distress here. Help me with this!”
“Carry it yourself, nitwit,” Abby called, sticking her tongue out at the blonde as she slipped into the driver’s seat. “After all, I’m only driving up here because of you. It’s the least you can do.”
“Broke down,” Abby swallowed. “Near my mother’s house. We tried to stay up, but…”
“Do you remember that day in middle school?” Carol asked softly, looking up at the ceiling as Abby turned to look at her. Of course, she knew that day. She thought about it almost every day since then, but she didn’t dare ask Carol about it. Had never spent any thread of hope wondering or wishing that Carol would also think about it. Abby simply assumed she hadn’t, because nice girls probably wouldn’t. Probably didn’t. But Abby thought about a lot of things that other girls probably didn’t ever think about. That was often the problem.
“Which day?” Abby laughed, trying to cover the lie. “There were a lot of days of middle school.”
“You know,” Carol whispered seriously, turning to look Abby in the eye as she cradled her head against her hand, pushing back against the pillows. “That day you asked me…”
“Whether you had ever kissed any boys,” Abby nodded.
“And I said yes, and you told me you hadn’t,” Carol murmured. “And then you told me that you had never wanted to kiss a boy.”
“Yes,” Abby squeaked.
“And then you told me you had always wanted to try kissing a girl, and I had giggled and told you that was silly.”
“And then you called me a nitwit,” Abby laughed softly. “Yes, I remember.”
“I don’t think you were being silly,” Carol breathed, leaning in closer to Abby as her breath hitched, Carol never having been this close to her before.
“Oh?” Abby laughed nervously. “You don’t think I’m a nitwit?”
“Oh, you definitely are,” Carol laughed softly, her hand finding Abby’s hair and playing with a strand of it. “Kiss me.”
“Carol, I—“
“Kiss me, Abby,” Carol whispered, her lips softly brushing against the brunette’s as tears of joy lingered against Abby’s eyes.
“Curled up together in my old twin bed. And that was it…for a while.”
“I’ve met someone,” Carol cleared her throat, looking up from the novel she was reading, a bitter taste starting to swirl in Abby’s mouth.
“Oh?” Abby asked, pretending to keep reading through her notes as she fought the tears brimming in her eyes. She knew where this was going even if she was trying her damndest not to. “Do you think he’s the one?”
It was a him. It had to be. That was the only reason Carol every stopped things. And every time since, things had picked back up again in between her “meeting someone” and finding “the one”, but Abby had to prepare herself for the fact that one day there would be no more on again in their tangled on again, off again, relationship. If you could even call it that. Carol certainly didn’t.
“No,” Carol laughed, her voice sounding like music to Abby’s ears and it made her sick. She wished, she always wished, there was even one thing that bothered her about Carol. That would make things easier. “I suppose I don’t even know if there is a ‘the one’, but I have to keep trying. I mean, think of the fit my mother would throw if I didn’t. She’ll be expecting me to bring someone home for Christmas.”
You could bring me, Abby thought. It was a dream and a threat all in one. Sure, Carol could bring her home, but then Carol could never truly return home ever again.
“And then it changed.” Abby winced.
“You met someone,” Abby guessed, her stomach already sinking as she tried to avoid Carol’s probing, knowing eyes.
“Not this time,” the blonde whispered, somehow making this all sting more. “But we can’t keep on like this. You know it. I know it. Mother has arranged a dinner for me. Wants me to start taking things seriously. Find a husband. Settle down. Have a family. Keep house.”
“Is that what you want?” Abby asked bluntly.
“Does it matter what I want?” Carol chuckled bitterly. “It’s how society works. How it’s always worked.”
“Is that what you’ll tell your daughter?” Abby asked coldly. “If she came to you and told you she didn’t want to get married. If she didn’t believe in it. If there was a girl in her class, I don’t know, who she—“
“Abby, Don’t,” Carol warned, her voice breaking. “You can’t say things like that to me.”
“I don’t have anything to say to you at all then,” Abby huffed, turning away.
“You don’t have to,” Carol whispered. “Not now, anyway. I know you’re hurt. But I do hope—Abby, you’re my best friend. My everything. I would hate if this…you’ll tell me when you’re ready,” Carol decided, speaking for them both.
Abby was too stunned and hurt to utter a word.
“Well,” Carol sighed, picking up her coat as she lingered at the door for a moment. “That’s that.”
 “It changes.”
“He proposed?” Abby asked, trying to disguise the disgust on her face.
“Can you believe it?” Carol sighed dreamily, admiring the rock on her finger.
“What’s that smell?” Abby wrinkled her nose, sniffing at the air.
“You like it?” Carol smiled, too distracted and full of herself to pick up on Abby’s tone or lack of interest in news of the engagement. “Harge bought it for me. Said he’ll get me one every year. How sweet is that of him?”
 “Nobody’s fault.”
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cancerfairy · 2 years
Hi! I’m here to join your mini game! My initials are SK!
I’m not a tarot reader but using my intuition I think your next romantic partner is going to a water sign. I am thinking pisces. I also see water for some reason like you’ll meet by the water (lake or ocean). I feel like this person may be a little sensitive but they are very caring. They might be a little protective over you. I also can picture little kids in this scenario. I feel that you or this person will have little brother/sister/cousin or someone that you would spend time with. I also see this moment where you guys are together at again a lake/or a beach and they are wearing a white shirt. I also think they will have dark hair. Hope you like this! Thank you for your time! :)
hii :) i've been getting water sign pretty often, i feel like that's accurate along with the sensitive and caring part. protective checks out and the little sibling you mentioned would probably be my little sister cause for some reason she's always in between my relationships idk why lmao. dark hair also resonates! thank you <3
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cards: the snake, wedding rings rx, mask rx, not today, girl talk
this spread was a little confusing and i feel kind of blocked from this energy. maybe your guides don't want you to know rn but i think what's going to happen is you might be in a talking stage with someone. getting to know them and all but they seem quite closed off. they're not someone with the greatest intentions. you may even start off disliking each other bc they're a little shady. deep down, you or them will be craving a romantic relationship but it won't happen because they like to hide their emotions. whenever their feelings come bubbling to the surface, especially if they're about you, this person will tuck them away and not deal with them. they're very avoidant and may end up pushing you away by ignoring your calls or texts or attempts to hang out or meet up. you will eventually move on from this situation and instead hang out with your friends. you'll be happily single and happy that you dodged this bullet.
bonus stuff: this person could have a really pretty or charming smile. they're taller than you but shorter than average height. i'm hearing that they're mixed with a sharp jaw. it's kinda boxy shaped and they have double eyelids. they have soft looking features like their face is round. might have chubby ish cheeks. they can cook and clean when they need to. their voice is high to normal sounding? like not very low. i'm also hearing an accent of some sort. they're very intelligent and rational which is why they're so avoidant. they don't get in their feelings often and instead try yk ignore them.
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shinsoussimp · 4 years
all right, you said it’s fine, so here’s another one 🤍 (yes, i’m addicted to your writings so :0 )
mirio? big yes. hurt/comfort with a gay reader? definitely.
so like, the reader used to study in another school, and had been outed and everyone in his class were very mean and rude about that. so now it’s his biggest fear to be outed again, but he really falls in love with mirio after some time. they spend a lot of time together, and get really close. reader doesn’t know mirio likes him back because for him, every person will be mad at (y/n) for liking boys (because of the past trauma yk). and one day someone from their class accidentally activated their “saying truth” quirk on reader and confession to mirio just slips from his lips in front of him and the whole class. and like, after that he runs away in absolute panic, thinking everyone will mock and hate him again. he starts avoiding mirio just not to see him disappointed, when in reality togata just wants to say he likes him back? 🥺 so one day he just catches him and doesn’t let him to run? 🥺 saying he would love to be his boyfriend 👉🏻👈🏻 maybe a bit comforting from classmates yk? sorry it’s so long again 😞🤍
a/n: sephiii you’re requests are always amazing :) i would never say no to you sending one in! i hope you like it!!
a/n: y/h/n= your hero name, also i said parent (they/them) in an effort to be more inclusive, i don’t know people’s family life. if you have any other ideas where i can be more inclusive, please let me know!
TW: homophobia, violence (shoving), blackmail
a/n: requests are open! (p.s. i’m on a mirio kick right now to let everyone know ahaha)
Mirio x homophobia
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becoming a hero was always your dream, since you were a little kid. you didn’t want anything standing in the way of that. so when you finally made your way to shiketsu high, you were determined to never let anyone find out about you being gay. but somehow, it still happened.
“yo, y/h/n!” a second year student ran up to you as you were walking to the cafeteria and threw his arm around your shoulder, “can you do a favor for me?~” he always would get you to help him cheat on exams, but at this point, you were tired of breaking the rules.
“dude i can’t keep doing this. i’m not gonna risk getting in trouble so you can get good grades. try studying.” you huff while shaking his arm off you. he moves to stand in front of you to block your path as you try to get to your table, and he gets visibly more and more angry.
“seriously?” he says through clenched teeth. you could tell he was one of those kids who was too used to getting what he wants whenever he wants it, and he doesn’t know how to handle anything different. 
“i’m serious. we would’ve been caught some day.” you try to move around him but he grabs your arm and starts pulling you to the middle of the cafeteria. 
“fine. then i guess i’m gonna have to tell everyone your little secret.” shit. you had gotten so used to helping him you forgot the reason why you began your little deal in the first place, he knew you were gay. before you could stop him, he had already begun.
“hey, everyone! i have a little announcement that you all would enjoy. y/n over here, y/h/n if you will, is gay.” you weren’t able to cover his mouth without him grabbing your wrists and holding them down by your sides so he could continue talking, “that’s right, he likes dick. do with that what you will~” he shoves you back a bit when he finally lets go of your arms, and waltzes out of the cafeteria like nothing even happened. everyone starts gossiping around you, giving you weird looks as you run off into the bathroom. 
once the bell rang and you needed to go to class, you tried to get there early, so you didn’t need to walk in front of a full classroom. you sat in the back today, but that didn’t mean you were invisible. it started with the girls that sat in front of you giggling, then one of the boys that only had your number for a group project sent you an eggplant emoji. but the cherry on top was one of the most well known boys in your class coming up to you and asking, for everyone to hear, if you were trying to suck his dick. luckily the second bell rang and the teacher came in, forcing them all to back off for now, but this lasted for the next week. it lasted up until you couldn’t take it anymore. you stood up and stormed out of the classroom and never returned. you didn’t go to school for the rest of the year. and with you refusing to return to shiketsu high, you thought your dream of being a hero was ruined. but one morning your parent mentioned the idea of applying to ua. 
even though you thought you had no chance of getting in, you took a chance. you went to the admissions office, sent in your application, did all the interviews, and now it was time to wait. and now after a long summer, you finally got a letting from ua.
you got in.
not only were you thrilled to be admitted to the best school for heros, you were thrilled that you never had to go back to shiketsu. you could start over, continue your hero journey. and hopefully you would not get in another situation like last time. 
your first two months at your new school went great. you were a second year now, and getting to do many new and exciting things with your training. you made great friends and even developed a bit of a crush. this was dangerous territory, since you didn’t want anyone to know about your sexuality, but you couldn’t stop yourself from hanging out with him. the person in question? mirio togata. the cute third year you passed by in the halls and always came in your class to talk about his experience as lemillion. and you got to call him your friend. you two trained together, you hung out with him and the rest of the big three after school, and he always made sure to join you during lunch breaks at school. in such a short period of time, you two became best friends. and you would never risk messing that friendship up. 
but then one day, the unthinkable happens. you thought since things had been going so well for so long, you were in the clear. nobody seemed to know, shiketsu kids didn’t snitch, and training was going incredibly. you and a group of second and third years were hanging out in an empty classroom when someone suggested playing truth or dare.
the rules were simple, pick dare and someone picks a dare for you to do, pick truth and you would be hit by your classmate, asami’s quirk. her quirk was called confession. when in effect, you will be compelled to spill one of your deepest secrets. but you seemed to have a bit of a misunderstanding of her quirk. you didn’t get to choose which secret. so little did you know, your fake secret that you ‘once called your teacher mom in 3rd grade’ was not going to be of use.
“you excited?” mirio plopped down next to you happily. you nodded, because you were. you were genuinely excited to have a friend group and play stupid games like this. 
after a few rounds, mostly of people picking dare, you wanted to be the one to switch it up. so once mirio finished bawking like a chicken and walking all around the room with his arms bent like wings, you prepared for your turn.
“truth or dare, y/n?”
“truth.” everyone dramatically gasps, then all bursting out into a fit of laughing, talking about how you had some balls to pick truth. asami sat down in front of you and took a deep breath to prepare herself.
“you ready?” she smiles. you nod, letting her hand brush yours. you felt a rush of warmth through your body then suddenly your mouth was moving.
“i’m gay. i’m really fucking gay and i like mirio.” your hand slaps over your mouth, your stomach dropping as your whole body starts shaking. that was not what you wanted to say. but there is no going back now, and you didn’t want to be here when everyone started teasing you. you especially didn’t want to see what mirio had to say about it. you didn’t want to see the disappointment that would surely be on his face. you jump up and race out of the room, ignoring mirio’s pleas for you to stop running.
he was sent to talk in your class that day, but he didn’t see you. you had decided to go home early for the day. would you really have to leave ua? you were beside yourself with anger and sadness, having to leave the best school because of a stupid game spilling your secret. you knew when you returned there would be endless teasing. it was possible that your friend group spilled the beans to the whole school and now even the first years knew. your parent tried to take your feelings into account, but they wanted to remind you of your dream, your biggest passion.
“you want to save people. it doesn’t matter if you’re gay, you can still protect people, that doesn’t stop anything.” you keep your face shoved into the pillow you were hugging close to your chest as they spoke. they took a deep breath and placed a comforting hand on your back, “look worse case scenario, they told everyone, and now people tease you. they’ll probably get over it, and if not, it’s only two more years. then you get to live your dream happily, as yourself.” 
their words encouraged you to return to school after about a week. but you still couldn’t face your friend group. especially mirio. so when the lunch bell rang, you left the school building and made your way to the side of it to eat lunch out on a bench by some trees. you figured that mirio or some of your friends saw you, but you prayed that they wouldn’t follow you. sadly those prayers would go unanswered because next thing you know you hear a familiar voice shouting your name. you turn around and see mirio jogging towards you. you turn around and start walking faster in an effort to avoid him, but right as you arrive at the bench you’re stopped by his hand wrapping around your arm.
“would you talk to me?!” he pulls your arm, making you turn around, “you drop a bomb like that and then fall off the face of the earth for a week?!” you sigh and set down your lunch and bag behind you, still not saying anything.
“y/n seriously. what the hell?”
“if you came here to make fun of me, just get it over with.” you finally look up at him, all of your walls up taller than ever before as you prepared to have your heart broken. 
“what are you talking about?” his face has confusion written all over it but it has to be fake. he’s trying to trick you into thinking you’re safe then he’ll talk about how stupid you are to all of your other friends that has to be-
“you really think i would make fun of you?” his voice is soft and even in such a high stress moment, still puts butterflies in your belly. but he’s lying.. he has to be. he’s gonna react how everyone else did.
“y/n, i would never.” he takes a step towards you and reaches out his hand, but you slap it away taking another step back.
“i’m not gonna fall for it! you all are gonna react exactly how all those dumbass shiketsu kids did!” tears start streaming down your face and you realize that you’re shaking again. you sit down on the bench behind you and put your face in your hands as uncontrollable sobs kept coming. mirio knelt down in front of you and put his hands on your knees.
“i like you too.” your head shoots up and you look at him with wide eyes.
“if you hadn’t ran out the day you said it, you would have heard that i like you too. and i didn’t know if you were gay or not but i really wanted to find out.” you relax a bit as your brain tries to comprehend the idea of something like this happening, “they all said that i was a lovestruck idiot... and they were all accepting.” he held your hands in his as you lifted your head so you could look at him.
“they all love you. and they’ve been worried sick, wondering what happened to you. but most of all me. i thought you left the school i-” he pauses to take a deep breath, “i thought i lost you.” his grip on your hands tightens. suddenly the tears streaming down your face were tears of joy, accompanied by a few laughs. he stands up and pulls you up with him, wrapping his arms around you, swallowing you in a warm bear hug.
“i would love to be your boyfriend, if you’re okay with that.” you giggle into his chest and grip onto the back of his shirt.
“i am okay with that.” he pulls his head back a bit to look at you, for a few moments not saying anything just making a smug face at you.
“i was hoping you would be, i mean you are ‘really fucking gay’“ he teases. you smack his chest as you shake your head, laughing. he explains how you should go talk to your friends and explain what happened, then you two could tell them the good news. he even started planning a date as you two made your way back to the school building, while holding hands of course.
you didn’t know it was possible, but you were going to be okay. you were going to be able to be yourself. you couldn’t wait for what the rest of your time at ua would hold.
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Hey, everyone! I’ve been saying for a bit I want to get some fics from prompts I’ve written onto AO3 but...it’s so hard...ok it’s not hard, Executive Dysfunction is just kicking my butt. I’m going to post some of them to Tumblr today. If you want to help these babies get on AO3, they need: titles, tags, you pestering me in the comments. If you don’t think they’re good enough for AO3 - fair enough, just hit the little heart if they make you smile!
Prompt: Aziraphale reading to Crowley
(Requested by @zadusk and @lyricwritesprose)
“Sorry, can’t help you,” the innkeeper said, “just rented out our last room.”
“What?” Crowley crossed his arms, huffing through his nose. This was Bethlehem all over again. “This town is in the middle of nowhere, it has three inns, how can they all be sold out?”
“I don’t know what to tell you.” The innkeeper shut the ledger. “Everyone’s headed down to London, and we’re on the way. Now. I can offer you a hot meal, and for, let’s say, half the price of a room you can sleep in the stables. The hay loft is clean, apart from the mice—”
“Stablesss!” Crowley hissed, slapping his hand on the counter. “Do I look like someone who sleeps in stables?”
The innkeeper didn’t appear remotely impressed. “You look like someone who is going to be sleeping in a hedge. Looks like a storm tonight. Good evening.” And he spun away, calling out to the cook in the back room.
“Oi!” Crowley shouted. “Get back here, you—!”
“Crowley! Whatever are you doing here?” The familiar voice was half delighted, half scolding. Aziraphale appeared beside him, same white suit as the last time they’d met, top hat tucked under his arm. “I thought I made it clear we shouldn’t see each other so often. Since I opened the shop, it’s been—”
“Yes, I know.” Crowley waved a hand and turned away. “I’m not here for you, Angel, I have actual business in York.”
“Really?” Despite his words, Aziraphale trailed behind him. “How interesting. I’m just returning from York – oh, no, you don’t think they’ve sent you to undo all my work again, do you?”
Crowley snorted. “No bet.” He dropped his voice into a low whisper. “This is why we need to meet up more often. Look at all this time we’re wasting! And now I have to march through the bloody night in the rain because there’s no place to sleep—”
“Oh! Well, I wouldn’t dream of it. You can share my room.”
“Ngk?!” Crowley’s brain crashed into his skull with all the speed and grace of a train wreck. “Mf. Yk. No I can’t – Aziraphale!”
“Oh, my word – obviously, I’m not planning – that!” His voice dropped even lower and he tugged on Crowley’s elbow. “Don’t be crude, dear fellow. I have a room with a bed that I’m not intending to use. You can have it. I just need a chair to sit in while I read.”
“Jgk.” Crowley turned away, taking a deep breath through his nose. It made sense. He could sleep. Aziraphale could read. No getting soaked, or lost in the dark, or needing to fight off highwaymen or anything of the sort. “Fffine. We can. Er. Do that.”
“Jolly good.” He could practically hear the angel straightening his waistcoat. “Now that’s settled. I’ve already had my supper and was about to head up. Unless you’re hungry—”
“No, no, now is fine.” He still couldn’t quite meet Aziraphale’s eyes. “Lead the way.”
The room, it turned out, was nearly as advertised.
A double-sized bed with a straw-tick and a quilt. A little stand with a pitcher of water and bowl for washing up. Windows that could be tightly shuttered to block out some of the city noise.
The only thing missing, really, was the chair.
“Oh.” Aziraphale’s fingers tapped on his book and he glanced around, as if a seat might be hiding in the corner. “Well, er…”
“It’s fine. I can leave.” Crowley turned on his heel and reached for the latch.
“Absolutely not! I won’t hear of it. You get settled and I’ll – ah – I’ll miracle in a chair.” He peered around the narrow room. “Somewhere.”
“Look, I can—”
“No. Miracle yourself a nightgown or whatever it is you need.”
Resigning himself, Crowley waved his clothes into something more comfortable for sleeping and crawled under the blanket. It was…slightly better than sleeping in the stables, he supposed. The straw was lumpy and the sheet covering it coarse, but the pillow was well-stuffed with goose-down, a luxury he could get used to. He shifted onto his back, trying to find a comfortable angle.
Instead, he found Aziraphale, standing beside the bed, staring blankly at the wall. “There…well…it would appear there isn’t room for a chair,” he confessed. “Not one that will fit my, er…my current corporation comfortably, that is.”
Crowley looked at the ceiling. He could sleep up there, but it would mean abandoning the pillow. Or. Or.
“Look, Angel,” he said as casually as he could. You can, um, you can sit on the bed. I’m not going to be offended or anything. It’s fine.”
“No, I couldn’t – couldn’t possibly—”
“Aziraphale. It’s really fine.”
The quilt tugged, folded back, and with a rustle of straw Aziraphale settled into the mattress. He sat straight, stiff, and so close to the edge he might topple off.
Even so, he was alarmingly close.
“You, um. You need the candle?”
“No, my own light will be sufficient, thank you.”
“Yeah. Obviously.” Crowley tossed his glasses onto the little table and waved a finger at the candle, which immediately snuffed out, leaving the room dark except for the soft glow of Aziraphale, gently illuminating his book.
Crowley closed his eyes and prepared to fall asleep.
He turned onto one side. No good, too close to the edge.
He turned the other way, or started to, freezing when he felt how close the angel’s warmth was.
Then he lay on his back again. The whole room fell very, very still.
“Bless it, Aziraphale, will you relax?”
“I beg your pardon?”
“I can practically hear your muscles creaking. How am I supposed to all asleep with all that – that tension barely six inches away!”
“I don’t know what you might be referring to. I am – am perfectly relaxed here, reading my book and you – you interrupt with these – these pointless accusations.”
Crowley gave up and turned on his side, facing Aziraphale, giving him as hard a stare as he could manage. “Your book is upside down, Angel.”
“Is it?” He swallowed. “I mean, of course it is. I am training myself to read upside-down text, a highly useful skill, which I’m sure—”
Crowley shut his eyes. “This was a terrible idea.” He sat up, swinging his legs off the bed.
“Where are you going?”
“Look, Aziraphale, neither of us is actually comfortable with this. So I’m just going to head out. If I leave now, I might make it to the next town before the rain starts, and maybe they’ll have a room. You can have this one and—”
“Crowley,” he said, voice much softer than expected. “My dear fellow. I won’t be able to relax knowing you’re out there. I know you won’t be in – in any real danger but…I would rather know that you’re safe.”
He stared ahead, sitting perfectly still in the way that only beings who aren’t really alive can – no breath, no heartbeat, no tiny motions.
Then, slowly, Crowley pulled his legs back under the quilt and lay on his back.
“What’s this book about, anyway?” he asked.
“Aren’t you supposed to be sleeping?”
“It’ll help. Trust me. What is it – poetry? Ancient epics about glorious wars? Not Hamlet again, I hope, that play is a gloomy mess of—”
“No, nothing of the sort. It’s…well, it’s a sort of love story.”
That didn’t sound too bad. “Sort of?”
“Well, yes, it’s more a – a study of the manners and traditions of courtship. Our heroine is the second of five sisters, and there’s a great deal riding on finding them suitable husbands, but her choices are, well…not especially appealing.”
“Does she tell them to go jump in a lake?”
“Not in so many words,” Aziraphale said disapprovingly. “But yes, she has so far turned down two proposals quite bitingly. Although I think she was a bit hasty in her judgement of one of the young men.”
“I like it.” Crowley turned to look at Aziraphale, and found the angel had relaxed, and moved just a little closer. “What’s it called, anyway?”
“Pride and Prejudice.” His fingers tapped against it. “Just released last year. I must try and find the author’s other work when I finish.”
“Well, you’ll have to tell me how it ends.”
“Oh, are you…interested?”
“Hmm,” Crowley settled his head a little further into the pillow. “I do like a good drawing room drama. Perhaps I should pick out a few dresses and spend a year or two back in those circles.”
“As I recall, you were always deceitful and wicked and caused many a scandal.”
“I should hope so. Otherwise, what’s the point?”
Aziraphale smiled down at him, and it made Crowley feel light-headed in a way that had nothing to do with sleep. “Then I imagine you’ll be brilliant at it.” He suddenly turned away, looking at the shuttered window. “Oh! Do you hear that? The rain has started.” The first drops were tapping against the shutters fitfully.
“Good thing I didn’t go out.”
“Yes.” Aziraphale looked at the book again. “Er, would you like me to…to read it to you? Just the first part, until you fall asleep.”
“I…” Crowley cleared his throat. “Yeah. I mean, your voice puts me to sleep half the time anyway, so…”
“Oh, yes, absolutely wonderful. Let me just get the first volume.” He hopped out of bed and hurried over to his jacket, rummaging in the pocket to pull out another hardcover book. When he returned to the bed, it was with almost no self-consciousness, wriggling comfortably against his pillow only a few inches away from Crowley.
“Now, let’s see…yes, here. ‘It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife…’”
It was strange, seeing the angel from this angle, round face slightly lit by his own glow, little smile curving up his lips as the words bubbled out excitedly. His voice rose and fell as he read, trying to paint a picture of Longbourne and Netherfield and the lives of the Bennet sisters. Crowley could get used to it, the look, the sound, the soft familiarity of it all. Not that he was likely to have an opportunity.
He didn’t close his eyes. Not yet.
“‘But I can assure you,’ she added,” Aziraphale was quite enjoying the voice he had chosen for Mrs. Bennet, raising it now in slightly erratic excitement. “‘that Lizzy does not lose much by not suiting his fancy; for he is a most disagreeable, horrid man, not at all worth pleasing.’” He shifted again, raising his arm to better articulate the dialogue. “‘So high and so conceited that there was no enduring him! He walked here, and he walked there, fancying himself so very great! Not handsome enough to dance with!’” He dropped his voice into a vicious hiss. “‘I wish you had been there, my dear, to have given him one of your set downs. I quite detest the man.’”
He glanced to his left, grinning, hoping to see Crowley’s reaction to his bit of acting, but the demon had at some point fallen asleep. He lay half on his back, still facing Aziraphale, shock of red hair across the white pillow. His mouth hung slightly open and something emerged that was almost a snore, but rather too small to really qualify. It was drowned out by the wind and rain outside, rattling the shutters. Now and then, in the distance, thunder rumbled.
“Well. I suppose…yes, you sleep now.” Aziraphale turned to put the book down, thinking to find the second volume and pick up where he’d left off.
“Nf.” Crowley turned onto his side, one arm flinging out towards Aziraphale’s waist. “D’n stp,” he mumbled. “Jus’ gettn gud.”
“Er, are you…awake?” The arm tightened slightly, and Crowley pulled closer, pressing himself against Aziraphale’s side. “Crowley, er, dear…you’re…”
“M’fine.” He sighed, not seeming aware of the world at all. “S’nice.”
For a long moment, Aziraphale stared at the demon who had – had invaded his space. Had settled against him in a most – most awkward and undignified way.
Well. There was really only one thing to do.
Aziraphale slid a little lower against the pillow, until he’d surrounded Crowley in the crook of his arm. “Is that better, dear?”
“St’ry.” But he settled into that space between Aziraphale’s side and his arm with a content sigh, arm now draped across the angel’s chest.
Oh, dear. This is not going to be easy to explain when he wakes up. But that wouldn’t be for several hours, at least, and right now, there was a very small smile on Crowley’s lips.
“Well. Chapter four. ‘When Jane and Elizabeth were alone, the former, who had been cautious in her praise of Mr. Bingley before, expressed to her sister how very much she admired him…’”
Thanks for reading! Pride and Prejudice was initially published in three volumes, in 1813, attributed simply to “The Author of Sense and Sensibility.” I have no idea what was going on in York in 1814 - I mostly needed someplace they could walk to but would take several days - so feel free to attribute whatever historical events you can think of to these dummies! 
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🎂☆ Jason Todd Birthday Week ☆ Aug 16th - JASON’S BIRTHDAY
Dickface Grayson: what do u want for ur bday baby bro?
RedNerd: a big booty hoe
Spawn: same
Wiffle: sksks DAMIAN
The family group chat is usually rather annoying. No one sleeps and no one has boundaries or tact so there’s always three hundred messages and long ass tangents (courtesy of Tim, Damian and sometimes Duke) for Jason to read over his morning coffee.
It’s a big thorn in his ass.
But it’s routine. He’s grown to expect it like he anticipates sunrise, it’s become one of those things on his mental checklist that he can never forget. Those morons keep finding more and more opportunities to weasel their way into his life and it’s so goddamn irritating that he loves it.
Which is why the lack of notifications he wakes up to makes his skin itch in an unscratchable way. His first instinct is to assume something’s wrong because there’s nothing beside that one question from Dick. But as he replies, Damian and Stephanie’s responses follow immediately— he finds relief in knowing their fine but his confusion grows.
He realizes he’s bored.
He has a three day stretch of no plans and he’s so freaking bored he kind of wants to claw his eyes out.
Dickface Grayson: i told y’all asking him wouldn’t work
Dickface Grayson: i. told. y’all.
Timbits: stop with the y’alls
Wiffle: y? cuz it reminds u of connor?
Timbits: fuck off
Wiffle: bite me
Babs: I say, we go with the original plan
Duke☀️: but how are we going to get him to go willingly go to a party?
Spawn: we could knock him out
Timbits: NO
Spawn: and just carry him there
Timbits: Damian I swear to GOD
Dickface Grayson: why can’t we do the surprise party
Wiffle: cuz he’d hate it
Wiffle: and he’d kill us
��Cass: let’s just get him a cupcake and call it a day
Spawn: i second that
Spawn: or we could get him an escort
Spawn: put it on father’s card
Timbits: as much as I would LOVE to see that
Timbits: we can’t
🐥Cass: add it to the list for next yr dames
Babs: I have work to do, you guys plzzz come up with something.
Dickface Grayson: good luck babs
Dickface Grayson: I say party
Wiffle: i’m going with Cass and the cupcake
🐥Cass: ^^
Dickface Grayson: Damian I see you typing. Don’t say it.
Timbits: he’s Jason guys. he doesn’t want the attention of having to blow out a candle and listen to us butcher happy bday
Timbits: we need something he’d like
Wiffle: let’s just give him his presents
Wiffle: they’re all books anyway
🐥Cass: books and cupcakes
Spawn: no that’s stupid
🐥Cass: ur stupid
Spawn: ur stupider
Wiffle: Tim’s stupidest
Timbits: blocked
Dickface Grayson: CHILDREN
Dickface Grayson: babs will murder us if we don’t come up with something
Timbits: I mean…. she’ll muder you
Spawn: muder
🐥Cass: muder
Jason calls Alfred, texts Bruce and leaves a long winded voicemail for Barbra. She replies with three smiley face emojis and then a voice note of her reminding him that his has three days off for his birthday specifically for resting, to stop worrying about everybody else. She’s stern and sure and he knows it’s pointless to argue.
Alfred had been vague too and Bruce hadn’t replied— with all his sources dry, Jason’s left pouting in his apartment, bored out of his mind. He keeps opening and closing his apps to see if there’s been updates.
There isn’t.
RedNerd: why are you guys so AWOL
Timbits: we’re giving u a break hbd loser
RedNerd: shady
Timbits: i’m disowning Steph
RedNerd: i’m on her side whatever it is
Timbits: traitor
RedNerd: 🙃
Jason sighs languidly. He flicks his phone to the side and watches it bounce off the couch. There’s a full five seconds in which he allows himself to release his boredom in a long, guttural groan and then he’s diving after it to check the screen. It’s not broken. He resolutes himself to reading as all else fails.
Timbits: Jay’s getting antsy
Dickface Grayson: ughh
Wiffle: what r we gonna do?
Spawn: yk
Wiffle: Damian
Spawn: shut up Brown, I was going to say that Duke had an idea.
Wiffle: oh
Wiffle: what’s ur idea sunshine?
Duke☀️: I never volunteered
Wiffle: I’m starting to like the escort thing so plz
Duke☀️: fine
Duke☀️: I’ll invite him to the manor to play PUBG
Duke☀️: no party
Duke☀️: and then we do family dinner and have Alfred make a cake
Dickface Grayson: that’s simple enough
Wiffle: and Alfie makes the cake he’ll have no choice but to accept it
Babs: good work team
Duke☀️: team?
Babs: Good Work Sunshine ☀️💛💛
He’s cleaning his kitchen for the third time when his phone vibrates. A plate is almost dropped in his haste to get to it.
Duke☀️: PUBG. Pizza. Manor?
RedNerd: yessss
The manor’s dead silent when he steps into the threshold. Alfred slips out of the kitchen to bid him a quick hello, hands him two boxes of pizza (one extra cheese and the other sausage and peppers) and shoos him up the stairs.
“You look like shit,” is what Duke says in greeting. He already has the controllers and television set up. Jason feels a little like he’s found bliss.
“I’m losing it, man. No patrol and shit for three days? I’m going to die. Again.”
“Yeah cuz I’m about to kick your ass. Hand me my pizza and sit down.”
“It’s on, sunshine.”
Dickface Grayson: Duke has him in the den. we’re jist gonna ease in one by one. Alfred’ll bring the cake, we’ll do presents and then it’s done
Wiffle: sounds good chief
Timbits: is my pizza here?
Spawn: no one ordered for you
Duke☀️: yh it’s in the kitchen.
Timbits: right, expect me first.
They play four rounds until Jason’s spent most of his pent up energy on killing opponents. Duke gets better every time he plays and he works well with Jason’s style. It reminds him that they should team up more for patrol.
Damian slinks in on his toes right as they start the fifth. He’s got a box of pizza balanced in one hand and Alfred the cat tucked under the other.
“Todd,” is all he says before plopping down on the opposing sofa.
Tim wanders in after, barefooted and rumpled. He opens his mouth to say something, spots Damian and snaps it shut. He makes a noise that reminds Jason of a busted engine. He doesn’t know what that’s about, he doesn’t want to know either.
“Timbo, take this.” He passes him the controller and yanks his skinny frame down with one arm. “Play for me so I can eat.”
“Cheating,” Duke intones.
“It’s my birthday, I can do what I want to.” They all visibly stiffen at the words. He continues, speaking quickly around a mouthful of pizza. “And also. You guys have been really weird all day. What have you been up to?”
The response is a three tiered chorus of, “Nothing.”
“The group chat was dead quiet.”
Tim is stuttering something out when Damian drops a “I wish it was,” under his breath.
Nobody says anything. He chews, swallows and waits for them to fill the silence.
“Do you guys have another group chat?”
“Why would we?”
Jason’s braces himself to be as offended as he possibly can when three things happen in the space of a minute.
Tim throws a slice of pizza at Damian while Duke ducks between the cushions. The ensuing fight is so loud Jason can’t hear himself think.
Dick and Cass come stumbling through the doors with Stephanie tailing behind them— their all singing “happy birthday.” Alfred— bless him— is following along with a small sponge cake adorned with lit candles. He makes it one foot into the room before there’s a loud splatter, a scream and shouted curse.
There’s a controller in the cake.
Dick and Steph are on the ground trying to pull a shocked Damian and Tim apart while Duke sinks further between the upholstery.
“Jason,” Cass crosses around the disaster zone. She offers him a hand and gives him a firm shake. “Happy Birthday.”
“Thank you.” He’s still stunned, gaping down at her like a confused goldfish.
“These are for you.”
It’s a pile of hard copy classics secured by a gold ribbon. A tiny bite size cupcake sits on top.
“Thanks Cass. I really appreciate it.”
She hums, casts a glare at Damian and sways out of the room.
“Well,” Alfred snaps. “I’m going to clean this buttercream off of me while you all fix this ...mess. Master Jason, it appears I owe you a cake.”
“It’s fine, Alfie.”
Dick slams his fist to the floor, fuming. “ It’s not.”
“It’s ok—“
“Jay we’ve been trying to plan something special for you all day. This was the best we could do— just us, just a cake and some presents— and we found a way to screw it up.”
“That’s what the other group chat was for.”
Tim chimes in, rolling out of the chokehold Damian has him in.
He sees the guilt hanging around the dropped corners of their mouths like anchors. So that’s why they were so unattached, they were just being annoying amongst themselves.
“This is….it’s great actually. That,” he points to Damian on the ground. “Was quality entertainment. Duke is still a PUBG genius, which it was nice to be reminded of and this—,” he raises the books and cupcake. “—is really all I need.”
He and Dick split half of Damian’s pizza out of sheer spite. Bruce comes in at some point to let them know Alfred’s making another cake and then he somehow gets sucked into a game of Super Mario. Later, they’ll all gather around in the kitchen to force feed Jason cake and watch him open presents. It’ll be quiet and intimate and just right for him.
He’s not bored to death anymore.
Tomorrow, he’ll wake up to four hundred messages in the group chat and the world will right itself.
Wiffle: We’re all going to remember what we’re getting Damian for his bday next yr, right?
Duke☀️: lessons in decorum
Timbits: tickets to the Crayola Experience?
Timbits: tickets to Sesame Street live?
Wiffle: no
Wiffle: a trip to Home Depot to get him a big ass hoe
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aimmyarrowshigh · 5 years
aheavenlyrush replied to your post “I’ve been on tumblr since 2012 and I was even a John Green fan for a...”
i checked and it happened in 2015
aheavenlyrush replied to your post “I’ve been on tumblr since 2012 and I was even a John Green fan for a...”
i saw that jg post on my feed and i had no energy to comment on it but truly when i saw that you had i felt such relief!! i remember making that one post about stiefvater defending him and telling teenage girls to be quiet and the response to it still fucking haunts me i swear
Oy, was it really that recently? The last three years have taken 900 years. And yeah... Maggie Stiefvater’s post about it was a Really Bad Look, and iirc that was the environment that spawned the beginning of the batshit “Keep YA Kind”* concern-trolling thing (yep, also 2015) that was mainly used to silence girls and women and people of color whenever the four white cishet men in YA fucked up between 2015 and 2018, when it finally publicly came out that most of them were, yk, fucking up because they’re legitimately horrible people and maybe the people calling them out should have been taken seriously.
* The other notable “why the fuck is this happening???? why is HE the one getting the sympathy here?????” events from “Keep YA Kind,” which, listen, I would bet you anything that it was very very nearly called “Keep Kidlit Kind” until the only person involved with 1/4 of a braincell managed to realize the acronym on their Twitter handle looked REALL BAD:
Andrew Smith, a straight white adult man, says out loud with his human adult man mouth, that he knows he can’t write female characters well and relies on fetishization and stereotypes because he never really met a girl until his daughter (??? SO WHAT IS YOUR WIFE, ANDREW? CHOPPED LIVER?) and, being as that is Bullshit and also his books were also being lauded as though they were Infinite fucking Jest Jr. even though the interview in question was for a book in which mutant grasshoppers take over the earth and a teenage boy gets trapped in a bunker with a teenage girl who eventually has to git to birthin’ babies she doesn’t want and isn’t medically prepared to have safely For The Good Of Humanity, he’s called out.
He’s called out mostly on a technical, writing level at first, even! Like, “Here’s how to write a female character: you write a fully considered, well-rounded character. They’re a girl.” And Andrew Smith FLIPS HIS SHIT, does some op-ed about how his mother used to beat him so he can’t see girls as people, and makes his twitter private. The “Keep YA Kind” sycophants support him HARD.
And then this happens to pop up on a mysterious Twitter that just HAPPENS to start while HIS twitter’s offline...
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NOTE: Jay Asher, author of 13 Reasons Why, was literally dropped from his publisher and SCWBI for being a sexual predator. So like, I don’t think he was bullied, I think his predation was being remarked upon. Like, idk, maybe that he was being called creepy or sth idk idk idk
And then when A.S. decided to unsockpuppet to promote his next book, The Alex Crow, which is about mutant crows and a bunker or whatever:
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The “asshole” in specific that Andrew Smith was calling an asshole was delightful human being and fellow author Kate Messner, who, coincidentally, was one of the victims to come out against Lemony Snicket’s sexual harrassment, so she’s had a BULLSHIT time just trying to do her JOB of being an author while female.
Which leads to Tommy Wallach! All-around fucknut! Whose major interest seems to be being That Guy In Philosophy 101 Who Always Has To Be Devil’s Advocate, Even Though No One Asked, and has a deeply vested interest in making sure that teenage girl readers -- who are his target audience, because he chose to write YA, as an adult man who made a choice in what he wrote and chose to make it YA, and not, like, any of the hundreds of genres that AREN’T largely written about and for teenage girls, yk -- know that teenage girls are Dumb. Victoria Schwab actually wrote an essay for YA Books Central about the incessant problem that IS/WAS Tommy Wallach called “We Need To Talk About Tommy” back in -- you guessed it! -- 2016, but it’s offline now and I’m not going to go Wayback it rn.
I’m just going to copypasta YAinterrobang’s Wallach timeline because he’s exhausting, he reminds me of undergrad.
Wallach’s continual pattern of behavior is worth discussing, especially in the context of sexism in YA and the continual marginalization of “diverse” voices in the community despite the efforts of the We Need Diverse Books movement.
Wallach’s problematic behavior runs back over a year, starting with a defense of Andrew Smith where he ignores the opinions of author and advocate Tessa Gratton in favor of a dictionary definition of sexism. (Andrew Smith’s behavior and the fallout around his statements have, of course, already been documented on YA Interrobang in “The Curious Case of Andrew Smith, Twitter & sexism.”) Wallach postures that women are inherently “other” from men, accuses Gratton of “gin[ning]up the controversy” and explains that he is a feminist because he was “raised by a single working mother and she’s still my best friend in the world.”
[View Wallach’s defense of Smith and attack on Gratton as a .pdf.]
Fast forward to later that year. Author Justina Ireland takes to Twitter to discuss a book where she feels the black character is self-hating. Ireland, being black herself, is asked about the book in question; she says that it’s Wallach’s debut novel We All Looked Up. Though Wallach is not tagged, he swoops into the conversation and demands Ireland provide proof that his character Anita is self-hating before claiming that author Dhonielle Clayton, who is also black, is friends with him and “engaged” with him on the issues in the book.
Clayton later stated publicly that she had not done any sensitivity reading on We All Looked Up.
What brought Wallach’s behavior to the attention of the YA world as a whole came this past November in the wake of the horrifying terrorist attacks in Paris. When the hashtag #prayforparis went viral, Wallach responded with multiple social media posts and a blog post about how atheism was the only belief that could make the world a better place. (Though Wallach argues that it is not, in fact, a belief: “The fact that we have a word for it makes it seem like it’s equivalent to other belief systems, but it’s not. The absence of something is not equivalent to the thing itself.”)
[View Wallach’s comments on atheism as a .pdf.]
After Wallach Tweeted that he was a “a rabid atheist, and the world would be a better place if more folk were” – a Tweet he subsequently deleted before deleting his account in its entirety – he doubled down in a block post that outlined all the way religions failed and all the reasons atheism was awesome.
Those who tried to explain to him why this behavior was – to say the least – problematic found themselves quickly blocked or shut down; at once point, Wallach tried to explain anti-Semitism to Jewish author Hannah Moskowitz before claiming that “if [her]parents are atheists and [his]dad is Jewish, [he’s] as much Jewish as [her].”
(For those wondering, Wallach blocked me during this incident despite being friendly with me and having taken my advice previously; while he did believe me in regards to his behavior towards Justina Ireland, which you can see in Tweets above, my snarky comment to him about “the only good people are the people who are exactly like me” was, apparently, too much for him to take. As Wallach’s account has since been deleted and I purged my social media account in January, that interaction is no longer publicly available.)
Take this behavior in comparison to author LJ Silverman, who recently received a sea of anti-Semitic hate mail – including crude manipulated images of her in an oven – for Tweeting that she was worried about the upcoming election in the context of history. Wallach painted himself to be the victim, somebody “attacked” for insulting all of the religious folks in the YA community, while Silverman, who simply shared a worry plaguing her, became a victim of virulent trolls.
While Wallach deleted his social media accounts after this, there were no public consequences to his actions despite ill-will from the YA community at large. If another member of the YA community had spoken out – one of our Catholic or Islamic or Jewish or Mormon authors, for instance – the backlash would have been substantially worse, possibly career-ruining.
Wallach’s career, however, was not ruined; he recently landed a six-figure deal for a book trilogy centered around a “holy war.”
And thus, we return to Wallach’s dismissive comments on suicide – which, it turned out, were neither new or original. In a blog post deleted after it came to light during this discussion, Wallach rated “the top ten literary suicides (organized by emo-ness)” which included all of the characters of HBO’s Girls – “It’s really just a fantasy of mine.” – and, ranking at number one, Sylvia Plath – who is not a character but a real person who suffered from depression before taking her own life at a young age.
[View Wallach’s post on suicide as a .pdf.]
“I’m only going to talk about the fact that a successful YA author found it appropriate to glorify, romanticize, and mock what for many of his readers is among the highest causes of death,” wrote Schwab in her “We Need To Talk About Tommy” post. “That this author could be so very careless and flippant and insensitive about such a very serious issue is abhorrent. That two years after penning this post he still sees suicide as something to be made light of, to be used as a marketing tool.”
Simon & Schuster made no public comment about any of Wallach’s comments. His career, save for making enemies of some fellow authors, seems relatively unscathed by his callous actions.
Anyway, the moral of the story is, like, if you wanna read books by straight white dudes, go for it, but check them out from the library. Spend your book-buying money on books by women, nonbinary/other folks, and dudes who aren’t straight and/or white. Straight white men, PARTICULARLY in categories of literature that are largely targeted towards girls and women, and largely written by girls and women -- but published, edited, and marketed by other straight white men -- are lauded FAR above what they’re actually worth, as like, storytellers or human people go.
The Glass Escalator is a one-way trip to wonderland, but YA is a skyscraper that was built by women and I PROMISE you, whatever book by one of these dudes you’re considering reading, there’s a better version by a woman and/or person of color on the shelves nearby that just didn’t get 1/10th of the marketing money.
And of course there should be an effort to be kind on social media, but “keep YA kind”... to whom? To the people who were being silenced when they were pointing out legitimate problems with the behaviors of men in social power? (And one of whom, in the case of Jay Asher, was LITERALLY DANGEROUS BC HE IS A SEXUAL PREDATOR.) Like, really? There had to be a hashtag campaign to silence dozens of people with legitimate, not-bullying-just-pointing-out-problems-that-are-problems-with-stuff-you-did-dude problems, to make social media feel more comfortable for four middle-aged straight white men?
As though the outside world isn’t comfortable enough for middle-aged straight white men????
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survivor-kalymnos · 4 years
Ep. 5 - “Dumb ass mode activate!” - Worm & Ep. 6 - “here's what you missed on glee” - Lenny
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yay round 5
LENNY AND RAIN LIVED!!! Invisible edit WHO? And then Cranjes said “They aren’t playing by tribal lines over there” EYE- does that mean we are playing it over HERE? Me and Franco are ROYALLY fucked if we lose. This just cements us needing to work together and needing to win this next challenge
last tribal made me pee my pants. I am so glad our alliance worked out. I hope maxyne is okay and they can forgive me. They are a great person. Plati is going to work really hard in the next challenge. For me, I feel like I am in a strange place. If I make it after the merge. Then, I don't know who I can trust on my old tribe. I think Rain and Franco... then again, you never know for sure in this game. 
Thank the good fucking lord fae survived. so far they’re the only person in this game I feel I can trust. Still tryin to avaoid going to council with this small of a tribe because there aren’t many bonds formed yet. It’s so chaotic and I feel like anyone can jump ship at any time. I do like Tristan though,  they seem pretty cool and I might try to talk to them more.
I am PISSED. I hate this shit so much. I am now on the bottom. And these bitches are pretending that I will not be voted out next. This is a bunch of bullshit. Fuck Fae especially. Like this bitch really said: I'll just turn on my simple majority. They think I will still work with them come merge? Fuck that. I am ratting her out as a liar and a traitor to our big alliances. We cannot trust them. They will be the death of our game. I was so ready to pop off, but I know for certain that I need to keep my composure. If I want a chance to stay if we lose tribal council, I have to keep calm, keep nice, and keep being trustworthy. But mark my words. These people will regret the day they crossed me. Cause all who do go down. And they go down hard. 
I will be staying awake for the entire night doing this challenge. I refuse to be going home because of a tribe swap. 
Dumb ass mode activate! Why in the hell did I think it was a smart move to be the hero. Honestly doing it was kind of a  split second decision but I don't trust anyone's ability on my tribe to put faith in to win a challenge on their own. I was guessing before it was posted  that some point a double tribal would happen with there now being three tribes and everything. My only worry now is that I don't know how I feel about all my relations with everyone on my tribe. This being an alias game is one of the hardest things I've ever done in an org. I can't call anyone which is the best way I have made trust and figured out what other people are thinking. I think I have a way with words when talking to but online I feel like I communicate like a boomer (sorry Susan).  Just not have any sense of what emotions people are putting behind their words just cause me to feel like everyone doesn't like me and I'm alone. (This also might be from me slowly losing my touch with reality as I do this challenge.) My strategy is still the same and it is to talk to people and try to keep as many options open as I can until I need to close those doors on certain people. 
It is now 4am and I'm working on this challenge and I've been working on this challenge straight for however long and put that on top of how long I've been awake in general. I legit think I'm starting to lose it. Like I was in the kitchen having an existential crisis. Like what are we.? What are we doing? What is time? Like isn't time an illusion? So by me waiting ten minutes to wait to post is actually just waiting a randomly specified length of a human life that someone decide to tell everyone that is was concrete. My brain doesn't even know tothink now its just white noise. I really hope all this work comes to fruition and that I win this challenge.
Maxyne quitting redemption is heart breaking. I was very ready to give them ride-or-die status, but it was not meant to be. Now I need to find loyal allies which I doubt I can find on this tribe with a majority against me. I know that Rain, Fae, and Lenny have an alliance because Fae let a "We" slip when we were talking about Maxyne's vote out. This "We" came to a consensus to vote out Maxyne which means that they must have an alliance chat together. This is valuable information because I can use it against them going into the merge. I just need to be careful who I use it against. If I can win individual immunity, I can set my plan into action. Right now, I want Fae gone because they have proven to be a backstabber which is not a good trait to have in an ally. They need to go sooner rather than later in order for me to thrive in this game. I stayed up all night for this challenge and have gotten barely any sleep. I took ten-minute naps which helped my sleep deprivation. Now, I just need to stay awake for these 24 hours and I have this challenge in the bag. Hopefully, the other two have fallen asleep at some point such that it puts me in the lead. I will not know till I find out, however. I just need to keep going and avoid tribal at all costs. Tribal is the worst thing that could happen to my game at this stage. I would definitely be voted out if we were to go to tribal again. I will show everyone my resolve and why they should not mess with me in this single victory. 
Okay so WHEW, I don't know how Rain and Lenny managed to survive that tribal, but I'm so proud of them!! When the hero challenge was announced, I immediately knew I was not gonna do it, like?? i'm actually in somewhat of a good position on this tribe now, being in a majority alliance with 2 former Plati members. Tristin, however, REALLY wanted an og nera to do it. So I? obviously let him do it and told him I didn't want Cranjes to do it, which I really didn't actually care about. I feel like Tristin really shot himself in the foot this round, and that's fine w me!! We're the only 2 original nera on this tribe, and that makes us both nervous. Obviously I'd love to make it to merge w him but I'm 1000% going to let him take the fall before I do
Tristin is worried that they'll be voted out if they lose the challenge for us and I'm trying to reassure them that it could go differently in the event we lost, but idk how differently it would go, yk? I mean, for one thing there aren't a ton of options since the tribe is Small
so it’s like guaranteed we are losing at this point tbh. van and i are kinda unsure what to do because we’re both thinking tristin and franco are saying whatever they can to stay and tbh that could prove to be problematic. so i really don’t know what to do.
So the challenge was announced and its a hero challenge! Me and Franco were bent on not allowing Cranjes to be the hero just because he could throw the challenge and send either me or Franco home. Since Franco didn’t volunteer and Cranjes was getting ready to, I stepped in and volunteered. We figured it would be endurance since only 1 would compete. I THOUGHT that I had the most free time out of everyone and could win this for us but twisty twistos the other team is literally vampires. So I’m currently losing and that sucks and we will probably be going to tribal. I just hope that there is some twist and there is a joint tribal council instead. If not I have two plans. 1) play like I was at the bottom of the old tribe and vulnerable to a majority alliance. 2) Try and flip Van. I think that the first may not work bc of Franco and the latter possssiblyyy may depending on Van’s relationship with the others. I’m getting a defeatist attitude and can’t wait to face Frank at redemption island. We shall see tho.
So I should have kept that both tribes go to tribal council a secret ajdksksks
Fear. It feels like I have power in my tribe, but that just puts a target on my back and I don’t like it. I have people telling me they’ll follow what I want to do, but are they telling the truth or am i actually at the bottom? Stay tuned ig 
Jay pls get me back to fae. I lit rally trust no one 
The game is definitely taking a turn at this tribal. Theres rumors of idols and they could potentially be the end of my game if used against me. Best case scenario Worm, Eliza, and I are able to dominate the tribe and safely make it to merge. I have to put a lot of trust in Eliza because she is by far in the safest position on our tribe. I am absolutely keeping her around for a while but I’m starting to look into who I gotta take down. For now though, I think it’s best to play it safe and solidify my alliance!
i gave someone a nosebleed with my ass
ok real shit. so van and i have been working with franco. we want that to be on the DL. we also want someone to beat frank at redemption. so we want tristin out. we’re painting it to sasha that they’re getting targeted by franco & tristin and that with the merge coming tristin needs to go. franco is voting sasha bc 1) keep the alliance hidden  and 2) just in case tristin has that idol.
Maxyne went home last round in a successful 3-2. I was so stressed but I am SO THRILLED that Lenny didn’t go home! I feel horrible about lying to Elle although I guess technically I didn’t lie - I told her I wasn’t going to play an idol and send her home, and I didn’t. Lenny not going home means I’m probably going to make merge. Fuck yeah. I am in a new alliance with her and Fae called the sibling hood of the traveling idiots and we don’t talk as much as the Elizance did but we still talk! And we are all actually loyal to it, or we were last round. It’s possible that, had we gone to tribal again, it would be a one round alliance, BUT! Elle probably figured she was on the chopping block so she volunteered as our tribes hero. And a hero she was! We won immunity early because she didn’t fucking sleep! Elle I promise that I’m gonna Venmo you for a coffee once I know your identity because you deserve it you absolute icon. Now I think we either have one more round until merge OR we’re going to swap into larger tribes of 6. But the game will be pleasantly even and I love that. Eliza, Michele, and Franco, PLEASE survive this round! I need to betray y’all at the final 6! 
i'm being messy again!!!! so. obv it's between Tristin and Sasha to go home this tribal. the easiest vote for me is Sasha, they don't contribute much. BUT, I have a crackedt idea. I really like Van and Cranjes, they seem like they'd be great allies to keep around going forward. and our trio could stay under the radar if we want it to. I came up w the idea to orchestrate a vote that gives the illusion that we're sticking with original tribe lines. Tristin and I would vote Sasha, while everyone else votes Tristin. Then, going forward, nobody will suspect I'm actually in the majority, and going into merge no one will know that Van, Cranjes, and I are working together. I feel bad for backstabbing Tristin like this, but this is really fun and creates an interesting dynamic moving forward. so yeah! that's the plan!! i'm being a snake.
So we lost. I feel bad cause I was the hero but I wasn't going to hurt my body by staying up for 30+ hours. With this tribal I'm very worried about it. Neither Dusty or Erick are talking to me and neither of the girls are talking to me in private chats. I just think that I'm getting voted out and I literally have no idea why. I'm still unsure of what's happening but the only thing that is clear is that  unless something crazy happens, one of the guys are leaving. All I can now is sip on my iced coffee and wait. Fuck I hate not having any control of my own fate.
Van put Cranjes and I in a chat for og Plati and we're targeting Tristin. Hopefully there are no idols, esp since they reported that Tristin and Franco are voting for me asdgfhj
this is for Tristin when he reads this at the end of the season i am SO SORRY. you are a beautiful wonderful human but I really felt like this would put me in a good position going into merge. I feel so bad knowing it was my plan that ended in your vote off, but I gotta look out for myself first and foremost. now I have a clear path to play both sides when the time comes. again, I am so sorry. ily <3 <3 <3 pls dont be mad at me
Jay: I'm surprised y'all voted Tristin out me, thinking about it: okay, me too honestly Van and Cranjes probably looked at me and took an approach of "if we save them from this vote, then they'll work with us down the line. free number" and like, whatever. I'm just out here vibing. I'll roll with that
oh god. everything went exactly as it was supposed to, but i want to vomit. god that was stressful. This is why I hate small tribes. Jay pls have mercy. So y’all are probably wonder why Tristin. Tbh he’s good in challenges. The plan is he gets frank in redemption. Frank sounds pissed and that leads to chaos. Chaos in this game is not fun.
So everyone on the tribe is feeling bad about the vote and I'm just like, well I didn't talk to Tristin too much so I feel bad voting for them, not because they're "so nice" but because I feel like I didn't talk to them enough. Though it would've sucked if we'd talked a bunch and I still voted them.
I am so glad to have won that immunity challenge. I put my heart and my soul into succeeding and I did. I knew that I would have been the next voted out if we went to tribal council again, so I am thankful to the Survivor Gods for pushing me this far! My only concern is that I will be seen as a challenge threat, but it was do or die in that moment. I had no other choice, but to kill the challenge to save my skin. Going into a merge scenario, I am very scared that people will vote me because I can be seen as a "challenge threat," but I hope my social game is strong enough to prevent that. 
I have no clue what to do right now, vote Erick, bites me in the ass. Vote worm, bites me in the ass. I’m in an awful position no matter what I do and I KNOW I’m the deciding vote. Fuck fuck fuckkkk
WOOF! okay. Here’s what you missed on survivor plati tribe from my POV. Maxyne left and then didn’t survive redemption island. :( really would of loved for them to return! Elle killed it in the challenge. Honestly, ICONIC. I would not be mad if she won the whole thing. We’ll see after the merge. Which I am nervous about. Tristan went home which is sad. I liked them! Eliza and Michele are definitely working together and I suspect them of being the two who tried to vote me out a while back. Franco and Rain are strong players! I really like Fae too and would like to work with Fae, Franco, Rain, and Elle post-merge. That being said, once the merge comes, who knows what will happen! Trusting people is really hard for me :/ I hope rain and fae feel like they can trust me because I do want to have their backs!! 
I feel really bad about Erick! I would have voted off Dusty if there werent an idol at stake. Time to lie to dusty and start a fake trio with him and eliza to gain his trust.....
Eliza try to get dusty’s trust back challenge! (More details coming later)
Well uh that tribal didnt go as planned. I thought that I would be able to hold some trust in Eliza, but it seems she cares more for her relationships with other people in the game. Now moving forward I have to figure out if I can still rely on Eliza, because having the power of the super idol is a big advantage. Hopefully she doesn’t stop seeing value in that advantage before i do. 
I hate that we have a disadvantage. I do not need to go to tribal council. I am sad that Erick got voted out. That means that OG Plati is coming in at a numbers disadvantage once we get to merge if another Plati gets voted out. Best case scenario, an OG Vathis gets voted out and we can be even in the merge. However, there is always redemption to consider. So many factors!! I just want to be safe!
The early tribals signal to me that these people do not want any scrambling of any kind. These people are a tight ship, and merge is going to be crazy. 
We lost. Again. I don’t want to vote for anyone, but I’m letting Elle campaign to me. I’ll be back. 
wow oh wow. we're going back to tribal. I hope me and rain continue to stick together. I have no clue what is going to happen though. I never feel safe. 
So we lost, it’s really sad. My paranoia had already set in. I’ve been inactive for a while, I might play my idol or atleast tell Rain. I’m flipping for mo reason. But generally when I think it’s me it is. 
ok so loving the fact that we don’t have to go to tribal. but i’m not loving the prospect of merging into one tribe from three. that’s kinda scary. i think i’d be fine. i have been building good relationships when i can and i have my idol in my back pocket if my back is against the wall. if we merge after this vote, i think i’ll be able to maneuver.
I have to do hardcore campaigning in order to stay. I want Fae gone because they have already proven themselves to be a backstabber. I do not need that type of person in my game. Also, now I have to campaign to Lenny (barf) and Rain. God my life has just gotten 10x more difficult and I am going to lose my hair. These are the campaigns I've made. The first is to Rain and the second is to Lenny. So, I think it would be better to keep me because of my challenge ability. That sounds counterproductive, but think about it: Shields are needed in the long run of this game. Let me be your shield. I feel like I would become a target because I am good at challenges, so that takes the heat off of you. If you were to keep me, I would also be 100% loyal to you. I will tell you everything that I know and everything I hear. I will be in your debt. I have also shown that I am a loyal person in the short time we have been together (I think?). I did not turn my back on Maxyne and Fae, but, at the same time, I was honest with you and Lenny (at least the most I could have been to Lenny). I know lying and scheming are a part of this game, but I like to play honestly and with integrity. So, you know that I will do everything in power to make sure we get through the rest of the game together. Finally, I think the better option (even though I would vote someone else if you wanted) would be Fae only because they have proven themselves to be sneaky and a liar. They were the first one to stab someone in the back in this game (as far as I know). So, having someone on our side is not good for us in the long run since, if it were to suit them, they will backstab us in a heartbeat It is! I really want to work with you in this game because I feel like you are a good person and I feel like we have easy and nice conversations together. I want to work with people who I connect with emotionally and I feel like you are one of those people. That means that I want to target Fae. I love Fae, but they have already shown what kind of player they are last time we went to tribal: a backstabber. If it suited them, they will definitely vote against you if you keep them long enough. If you keep me, I will be a good and loyal ally. I have already shown that I am loyal and honest because I tried to stay loyal with Maxyne and Fae. I told Rain that I was voting you, and I did not want to bullshit you nor have the awkward "I am voting me out." That's why I did not talk to you before tribal. It would make me feel yucky to lie to someone like that. But either way, I have shown that I am honest and loyal. I pledge 100% loyalty to you if I am to stay which is a promise I intend to keep all the way until the end. Finally, my challenge prowess can be beneficial to you because it paints a massive target on me at the start of merge which keeps the heat off of you and your allies. I guarantee that keeping Fae will not have the same effect. I am praying to God that Fae does not have the Plati idol because that would just send my ass to Redemption. But, you can bet your ass that I will be the returning castaway if I do get voted out. Then I will seek my revenge on those who have crossed me. 
I already miss Tristin, the tribe is so dead without him. He was super active and I could always rely on him to have an actual meaningful conversation with me. Despite my personal feelings, I still think it was the smartest move game wise I'm REALLY happy we won immunity!! But everyone else is still.... Just so quiet. No celebrating or anything. Kinda ruins the tribe dynamic. Oh well. Im praying for merge next round!!!
I really think Plati should take out Elle while they have the chance! This being the last tribe round, they need to take out their strongest for the weaker to have a chance after merge!
Fae wants me to throw out a name which is something I am not going to do. I am on thin ice, and I cannot get either Rain or Lenny to hear that I said their names. Otherwise, I would definitely get voted out. Perhaps I should lie and say Fae said Lenny's name. But that could come to bite me in the ass. It would definitely be a last resort if I did feel like I was in danger. That would ruin my image, but I just need to do this so I can make merge which is definitely happening next round. 
Rain definitely does not want to vote for me which means I have to go talk to Lenny about it. All I need to do is flip Lenny. Honestly, I would settle for Fire at this point because I know I can beat Fae. Making them go to fire would probably be easier than flipping Lenny entirely. But that would mean making Rain comfortable enough to vote for Fae. My chances are increasing, but I am in no way comfortable. Time to pull out all my charms!
i really really really can’t have frank coming back. i kinda snaked him by making him feel comfortable and i hate that so much bc i had to do what was good for the order which was the majority alliance but i didn’t not like frank he was nice so i hope if he does come back i can talk to him and be like hey i’m sorry this is why i had to do that and he won’t come for me as much as he would for like say anyone else who voted for him aka every og plati left.
I pulled out my trump card with Lenny and told them everything about the alliances. The one thing I lied about was that Fae created those alliances. Hopefully that is enough to push them to vote Fae. It would be a dumb move to keep Fae because they are in those alliances and they are one of the heads of those alliances, not me. So, at the end of the day, keeping them in this game is a terrible idea because they will just turn their back on Lenny and Rain. Personally, I have not decided whether or not I want to betray them, but it sure as hell is better if they keep me rather than Fae. I even promised to be a rat in that alliance. I am just so frustrated and nervous going into this tribal. I hope they at least give me the decency to go to fire. 
I'm going to MERGE! It's such a nice feeling for over stressing myself. It kind of lets me know that even though this game has taken me out of my comfort zone, I still have the basic ability to make it to merge. Nothing crazy has happened on our tribe so I'm just using the rest of my time in tribes to connect closer to my current tribe mates. I really do hope that Elle doesn't get voted out tonight. She is looked at as a physical threat and I feel like if she gets eliminated then I might get looked at as the biggest one with me doing really well in a lot of the challenges. If she does survive and make merge then I want to align with her to have as a meat shield for a couple rounds. Going into merge though I have been preaching keeping loyal to tribal lines. Maybe for the first round I would do so but after that I want to mix it up cause I feel like there are so big threats that I am aligned with, like Eliza. Eliza seems like a huge social threat that seems to have great relations with everyone and that is a huge red flag as we head further into the game. I hope I can make it far enough in the game to make that happen.
here's what you missed on glee. So, I am in an alliance with Rain and Fae (closer to rain tho). Fae betrayed their old tribal lines and now Rain and I are trying to decide if they are toying with us again. According to elle, Fae told her that she was going to vote me out but fae told me that they were voting for elle. Elle has been campaigning hard to me and Rain, exposing old alliances, pledging allegiances, etc. She is really making a case for herself. I am SO FLIPPING ANXIOUS. I just want to make the merge. this is wild. I don't know who to trust in this case. If we betray Fae, then we look like backstabbers, but they could do it to us again. I am trusting elle a little more rn, but she could be messing with me!!
I think my odds have significantly increased. My social skills came in handy, and Fae told me that they were going to vote Lenny which I used against them. Hopefully Lenny sees the merits in keeping me and we avoid fire. But I am absolutely ready for it if it comes down to that.
0 notes
survivor-guyana · 6 years
Episode 9 - "I have a bad idea......" - Tim
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ummmmmmmmmmmmmm okay. so yk how i said I had a bad feeling? my bad feeling came TRUE klajdflskfajsdfa APPARENTLY when I thought everyone was on board for the Dani thing, all of my closest allies (Except for Tim, love that bitch) wanted to blindside SAMMY!!! in the process,,, blindsiding ME!!! so lets backtrack a lil,,, the dog emoji alliance (consisting of myself, Sammy, Tim, Chelsea and Devon) got exposed by Devon to Alyssa and Jess, and suddenly everyone knew about it lmao. AND Devon exposes the plan to get Alyssa and Jess out to alyssa and jess, and APPARENTLY there was a plan to get Maynor out??? no bueno for me. not at all. Alyssa/TJ/Maynor/Jess all explained why they did what they did,, and honestly? I totally get it lmao. as long as I'm included and I know about why they did it, I totally get it. I MEAN I may or may not have cried,,, but i'm at peace. ALSO,, i'm gonna try and give alyssa the benefit of the doubt and say she's on my side? it might not,,, seem smart sklafjdslfk BUT but but BUT,, I know I have the numbers and will keep having the numbers if Jones's Angels continue to thrive, yk? we just have to make sure that we're all on the same page from now on,,, then we'll be good!! Knowing that Jess and Alyssa were able to explain everything to me,,,, i really appreciate that yk? I appreciate when people are open with me, and I try to be as open as I can be too. so knowing that they did that made me feel a lot better about it :) but devon,,, oh devon. he's being super sketchy?? like he's trying to make it seem like he's the innocent one that DIDN'T flip on me when I know full well that he's the one who snitched on the alliance? like,, he doesn't know I know, but I can't get a good read on him, and that's p sketchy to me. I think I handled the exposure well though,,, I can't just blow up at people and cry, yk? which I didn't (except to alyssa but she understand why I cried skaldkjf) so yeah!! F11 baby!! guess i'll die!!
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Samuel leaving was honestly amazing for my game. His goodbye message not so much. However, if people will strike I just hope it's not this round. I do see people trying to take me out over Alyssa. She's way more connected and people love her.
Devon put himself into such a hole right now and I'm kind of living for it? I think him being the one to make this move happen will put a giant target on his back or at least put some seeds of doubt into others about him. I don't think I'd use my idol on him though.
Jones not telling Alyssa or myself about knowing Sammy was coming for us is her official first strike. It has put her on "Jess's Watchlist" officially. I don't CARE if she was "waiting" to tell us or if it "Wasn't that serious" you fucking tell us. That just proved to me I can't trust Jones and she's acting in her own self interest.
The MOST concerning thing about this current Jones situation is.... how easy Alyssa is dismissing the current situation and all of its red flags. Am I missing something? Because someone who we thought we trusted and have an ALLIANCE WITH.... knew about a plot to get us out, didn't either of us tell us, and is now mad at us for leaving her out of a vote to get out Sammy? LIKE WHAT? This just fucking proved to me that those two are mega-close and I'll be dropped the INSTANT I become useless. As soon as I threw a little bit of Jones doubt Alyssa's way she wanted to call with Jones? LIKE GIRL. I WASN'T BORN YESTERDAY.  RED FLAGS EVERYWHERE. THESE HOES AIN'T LOYAL.
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Tisk Tisk Tisk. I come back to the game and I see to my genuine surprise that Sammy has been eliminated from the game. I am genuinely shook. To my knowledge, Jones, Devon, Sammy, and I are the only 4 that voted for Dani. Someone who I have no idea is, voted for Chelsea as a security plan. The other 7 votes went to Sammy.
To my knowledge, Chelsea flipped on the group?? Which to me is super dumb and no benefit at all??? But then again it could be Devon who is lying to me.
Devon you lying mothertrucker lmaooo. I am so disappointed in Maynor and TJ especially for not informing me or Jones about the plan. Now we look like Boo Boo the fool. I am pissseddddd lmaoooo and I wasnt even that close to Sammy its just the principle behind it all. Aidan disappointed me too because I had told him that the vote was Dani ahead of time in order to gain some trust with him and this mothertrucker didn't even tell me what was going on.
What is even more funny to me is the pathetic damage control that these people call themselves doing. I am.... disgusted. But DEVON is literally lying to my face and I am on the verge of confronting himmmmmmmmm.
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That was HUGE for my game! Sammy was playing a huge role, but I dealt with the circumstance poorly afterwards.
I am afraid that Tim, Jones, and Chelsea may lead a strike against me next round. If TJ and Maynor were smart, they would join that strike and knock me out.
My gameplay has been aggressive, but to the point where I may be losing jury votes. Hopefully I can lay low and keep the target off my back....who knows.
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I want to win this immunity because everything is still up in the air. It may not be me leaving but at the same time it can be. Im just nervous from last tribal.
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Well, this should be a fun round; not only for rebuilding but for strategizing the next move. How do I position myself correctly.
General groups that I have: Me, Alyssa, Jess, Devon, Jones, Maynor Me, Jones, Maynor, Tim Me, Dani, Aidan (with the help that came with last round)
So obviously my target should be Chelsea or JD because those connections are as easily there, but I feel as if there are divisions I need to make in other groups like Jones, Maynor, Alyssa (even though Maynor just told me he would go for Alyssa). So is this the round to cut those ties, or is there a different plan... I'm glad I'm not the center of attention right now, but damn.
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I am so sad that i messed up this challenge, I have full faith that I would have been able to do it too lol all well, shit happens. I feel like my name will be tossed around cus it would be an easy one I think. We'll see if I decided to play my idol or not :) 
Also, im not sure if I brought it up here or not but I am playing the game different then i ever have before. Rather then  ... Caring about the game I am just doing what I want. Telling people what they want to know, or basically if they ask me a questions I am gonna tell them the answer to the best of my knowledge. Including, who said what :3
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This round one of the angels will go home. I promise you that. I feel like it could be either me or Jones but Maynor and TJ are also on the table. Me and Jones had a talk about what we think we should do this round and we mentioned blindsiding Devon. All we need is 6 votes and we think we can get them. TJ, Maynor, Chelsea, JD, Jones, and myself would be that 6. All we have to do is try and get Chelsea and JD on board which is gonna be the hard part.
Jones wants to hold out on the Devon plan but I reallly dont want to. The time is NOW.
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I am pushing for JD to go. She called me a threat in comps and i dont need that to be in anyone’s ear right now. I hope this works cuz need her gone.
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JD or Chelsea?!?! Idek.
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This round is so messy....JD is the biggest nut case in the history of Orgs....Let's pray for tonight
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Damn, Maynor really got over 2000 on his counting score. He did THAT. I swore my 1200 was going to beat everyone but he killed it. Anyway, I'm pretty sure Devon, Alyssa, and Jess want me out because we have not talked in the alliance chat since Sunday, when Sammy got voted out. Alyssa has reached out, but Jess and Devon had not, which leads me to think that they want me out. I am incredibly disappointed if this ends up being true. Tim brought up voting Jess and at this point I am not against it. I would like to work with JD, Jones, Tim, Aidan, and TJ, even Maynor if possible. Even though we haven't talked much, none of them give me any vibes of being total sneaks. *shrugs* idk, im probably gonna go home tonight so oh well. This has not been the best game for me but since I just got voted out of my other game, I'm willing to be more focused and make alliances if I do happen to stay another round.
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If I could describe this round in one word it'd be: MESS My name is being thrown out so in the words of Devon "Uhhhhhk". I'm not too sure if I'm in trouble. I don't even know. I want soooo many people out at this point.
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Omg. All chaos broke loose. JD finally coming out to play huh. It looked like Chelsea was leaving this round but JD may have caused her own downfall. I hope because i want JD to go.
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So listen up here's a lot of Tea on this messy round:
I have a bad idea... If the two inactive people came online I swear I could make something shake sjdhs but Chelsea and JD are in and out like they're doing the twin twist.
(Tim approaches JD about voting out Dani by using her vote along with Chelsea, Jones, TJ, Maynor, and Tim ofc to get her out. JD then decides to say "fuck all that lmaooo" and runs back to Dani.)
Like JD are you DUMB why would you run back to Dani and tell her I said her name when IM making an effort to play the game with YOU especially considering that you're on the chopping block???
So I came to JD about maybe voting out Dani instead of her and Chels and she went back and TOLD Dani. Now Dani thinks Im pushing her name. She then runs back and tells TJ and TJ tells the Angels and then the Angels do damage control ajdhdbs.
Chelsea made a group chat of Me, Jones, Aidan and TJ with JD IN ITTTTT to talk about the vote tonight after I've told her that the vote is JD. Sis..... She then REMOVES JD and creates a big ole mess lmaoooo. I expose Devon to her and warn her about where Aidan's loyalties lie. The angels DIE of laughter and insanity. JD aka Justgonna Digmyowngrave is hopefully going home and thats tea.
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This vote is a fucking MESS and so many things happened and changed but I think Tim might be going home? or JD? But I don't want Tim to go home but I guess I have to learn how to be a good ally and not always get my way.
Honesty I'm just taking the game a few rounds at a time and really trying to situate myself comfortably.
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okay,,,, JD is cracked right now. lemme see if I can list what she did in the past 4 hours? hmmmm okay: - she told Tim that she wanted to vote Jess - told Dani that Tim, TJ, and myself are voting for Dani - called Chelsea and TJ a final two - according to Dani she's still being shady skskksks
AND JUST SO YOU ALL KNOW,,, I haven't talked to JD this entire day??? so like??? IDK WHERE SHE'S GETTING THIS INFO,, BUT clearly there's at a printer or something bc these aren't fax. likee,,,,, you really can't just show up to the game 10 rounds late JUST BECAUSE your name's getting thrown out. like,,, play the game or don't sign up for it, ok? it's not fair for the other people who actually came to play ig. idk. she's really making this easier for everyone else tho,,,,
ALSO okay, so i love Chelsea. but she made an alliance and added me (without asking me btw) AND LIKE,,, ahhhhhhh!! she also added aidan,,,, like,,, I love aidan,,, but of all the people to add to that groupchat,,, she chooses aidan? isn't he like, not trusted?? idk??? um but yeah now i'm in a new alliance with chelsea and aidan so that's nice :) more coverage on my entire ass. TJ and Tim are also in the alliance so that's cool too, and Maynor knows it exists this time, which is gucci. so yay :) hopefully everything works out? who knows, time to cry!!
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Please tell me something isn't going on... I'm shaking in my fucking boots... or socks at the current moment.
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