#((while Marinette just throwing the script behind her is satisfying))
miraculouscontent · 4 years
Season 4 should just start with Marinette flipping off the camera, tossing the script away, and riding off into the sunset with Luka and his bike.
That’s a beautiful mental image, anon, but we know it won’t happen so I hope this will do!
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
“Queen Banana” episode summary:
- The episode begins with the kwami watching Marinette finished a cape for the "superhero of creation," already done with one for the "superhero of destruction." Xuppu assumes she means Chat Noir and Ladybug, but Marinette explains that it's for a movie. Orikko asks if she'll become famous and Marinette replies that she's the costume designer and won't play along, though everyone will be on the news. She then panics that she's going to be late and hurries out while grabbing everything she needs.
- Later, Nadja is on the news, talking about the movie project, and Clara (a reporter, not Nightingale) is in the art club of the school, explaining that Thomas Astruc (an apparently "famous director" now) came thanks to the art teacher and he's supervising the students, who have made the script, storyboard, costumes, and chose to use their holiday time to make a movie. Marinette also comes into the art room in the background while the camera is rolling and trips. The reporter goes to give credit to the mayor's involvment, and he starts to talk about him directing a film, but she cuts him off to say that the film will release in the theater, thanking Bob Roth as he's the producer.
- Mylene is the villain of the story while Zoe is the hero. Chloe sees this over the news and throws a banana peel at the screen, angry that her half-sister is the star. Sabrina offers Chloe a bowl of bananas, asking if she wants another as "potassium lifts spirits." Chloe snatches one and rambles angrily about showing them how things are done in real life - her life - as she storms off. Sabrina follows.
- Cut back to the class, where Zoe (in character as her hero role) is talkng to Mylene (also in character as her villain role) and says that she (Zoe's character) loves her even if she (Mylene's character) hates her. Before she can finish, Chloe storms in and expresses how appaled she is that they gave the role to her half-sister "who came out of nowhere," and with her dad's money at that. Andre tries to say that it's the city's money, but Chloe insists that that's the same thing. She yells at Zoe and reminds her about the threats to send her back to New York if she got in her way, and now she's both in her way and on TV.
- Marinette encourages Zoe to stand up for herself because she deserves the role. Thomas says that it's too late to change things because they're meeting the translator tomorrow. The art teacher reminds Chloe that she turned down the chance to participate, including all the insults to people she threw, to which Chloe doesn't even remember. Still, she confirms that she still thinks that but won't let her sister have the role if the movie's going to the theaters and might make someone a star, as it should be her. She demands Zoe's role because everything Zoe has is hers. Chloe then leaves with Sabrina offering her another banana, and Andre insists he'll talk to her so everything will be fixed by tomorrow while nervously backing out of the room.
- Cut to later where Thomas is showing the students Bob Roth's office. However, the chair turns around to reveal a devious-looking Chloe. Marinette asks what Chloe is doing there and Bob Roth comes in with a nervous Andre, explaining that Andre said they wouldn't mind changing the script so Chloe could be in the movie as well. Marinette says that's impossible because everything's prepared already, and Bob talks about compromise and protecting one's interests, though corrects himself to say the movie's interest. Regardless, Chloe's going to be the lead now. Marinette talks about how perfect Zoe is for the creation superheroine and Chloe mentions that the next flight to New York is in 30 minutes. Marinette is seething with anger and Zoe grabs her shoulder, saying that she doesn't mind doing something different since there are other open positions in the crew. Chloe agrees to that so long as Zoe doesn't appear in the movie. Bob states that they've got a deal and they'll see Chloe tomorrow morning and Chloe tells the "losers" goodbye on the way out. Bob shoves them out the door, slamming it behind them. Marinette complains about the unfairness and Zoe sulks.
- Later in the park, things are set up and Andre is in the dressing room rambling about the movie he made (Solitude). Chloe complains that she's trying to concentrate, then yells at Marinette to stop with the "atrocious costume" Marinette's trying to put on her. Sabrina laughs at Marinette for Chloe's comment, then Marinette says that that's why it fits so well, which makes Sabrina laugh again until Chloe glares at her, at which point Sabrina awkwardly offers another banana.
- Nino is explaining that the whole population has been put into a deep slumber in the scene, hence all their extras. Marinette goes and lays down with the other students, but Chloe comes out and complains that they made her the supervillain while Mylene is the superheroine. Chloe insists she gets the main role - as she's "the good one" - but Nino argues that both roles are equally important. Chloe doesn't care and starts eating a banana. Marinette argues that they don't have time for changes, to which Chloe cries out for her father, who looks nervous. The scene quickly cuts to Nino revising the script and Thomas explains that it's not unusual to change the script last minute for production reasons. He goes to say what it's called when Marinette interrupts to say that it's nonsense, a waste of time, and giving up one's dreams. Thomas merely says that it's called "an update," while Nino tells Marinette that it's all in favor of the movie.
- They try to shoot the scene again, but Chloe throws the script away and starts talking about how they need a true superhero, baiting them with hints about a "black-and-yellow" superhero until Marinette interrupts to ask if she means Queen Bee, who she calls a "supercatastrophe" more than a "superhero." Chloe says that she wasn't talking about Queen Bee and rather a "more original character," then makes up the name "Queen Banana" by noticing the banana in her hand. Alix laughs and Chloe cries out for her father again, the scene quickly cutting to the script getting changed again.
- Chloe is now dressed in a yellow cowboy hat, boots, and a skirt, with her Queen Bee costume layered underneath (excluding the mask) and her hair down. Chloe talks about how her costume is way better than what Marinette had, but notes that something is missing: a vehicle. Marinette says that their superheroes fly, and Chloe asks what she even knows about superheroes. She cries out for her dad again, and then Chloe has a banana-themed car. However, she doesn't feel any desire to save any of the students, more a desire to throw them in the trash. Nino says they don't want to change everything again, but Chloe just says that she needs a bigger challenge. Andre sighs as Chloe cries out for him again.
- Brief moment of stuttering Marinette as Adrien (who hasn't shown up before now) is put into a cage for the part of the movie. Adrien assures her that his father said this was in the movie's favor, then is lifted up by a helicopter. Chloe is satisfied with this, as Adrien is worth rescuing, and Nino asks if they can film now. Chloe claims they need a new villain and Nino clams his head against the camera in exasperation. The students go back and forth on who the villain can be until Chloe cuts in to say that she wants a gigantic yellow gorilla who throws exploding bananas. Nino mumbles about the interest of the movie as he rewrites the script yet again.
- The villain is just a cardboard cutout with movable arms and legs. Chloe is insulted by the pathetic display, as she wants a real dynamite-throwing gorilla, but Marinette reminds her that those things don't exist. Chloe says that there's a gorilla who does something in all good movies and demands that they get some, then walks off after saying that she's had enough of them. She goes off to get beauty sleep (it's daytime), telling everyone to solve the monkey problem by tomorrow, and gets into her limo with Sabrina chasing after the retreating vehicle. Kim suggests that the zoo will lend them a monkey if they take good care of him, but Marinette rejecting the idea of actually looking for a gorilla. Max claims that it's in the interest of the movie, but Marinette snaps and yells that it's not; it's Chloe's fantasy. She says that they should get Adrien out of the cage, then she stands on the vehicle to say that they're going to film the actual story they made. Everyone cheers and there's a timelapse as the day passes by.
- Chloe arrives the next day and is confused why everyone's gone and her gorilla isn't there either. She approaches someone who's packing boxes to ask about it, but he explains that everything got filmed yesterday and the movie is probably playing in theaters now. The limo is shown hurrying to the theater and Chloe and Sabrina open the door just in time to see the ending of the movie, with Mylene as the villain and Zoe as the hero once again. The two are fighting onscreen while the class is in the theater seats (Kim in particular in awe) until Zoe manages to zap Mylene. The movie continues as on-screen Zoe then goes over to Adrien, who's unconscious, and she heals him (Marinette is briefly shown to be watching with extra excitement). Zoe's character then goes and heals everyone else in quick succession, using an imitation of Ladybug's line about freeing them from evil. Mylene's character is upset and talks about how people destroyed the earth and didn't deserve to be awakened, and Zoe argues that all of them have hope to make a better world. Mylene says that Zoe's just like them and that she hates her, while Zoe says that she loves her even if Mylene hates her, and she'll always loves her even if the whole world hates her. She also calls Mylene "sister" as the movie's plot twist and they hug as the civilians cheer.
- Everyone is clapping at the movie (barring Chloe and Sabrina), then Chloe storms down who demands to know what's going on and why none of what she wanted was in the movie. Adrien approaches with a tablet, where Gabriel explains that they convinced him to watch their first scene and he thought it was captiving; plus "Adrien was incredible," hence his supporting the movie's original script. Chloe cries out for her dad, who looks down awkwardly, and Bob Roth repeats what he said before about movies being about compromising. Marinette apologizes to Chloe, but says that it was for the benefit of the movie. Sabrina tries to offer a banana to Chloe, but Chloe shoves Sabrina away and leaves in a huff. Gabriel is then seen in his lair (the background was clearly his office earlier and there was no time transition so... ???), holding the tablet as he monologues about how this was part of his plan and Chloe is always an excellent source of "inspiration." He takes of his ascot (the disguised peacock is gold with orange accents) and unifies his two miraculous to turn him into Shadow Moth.
- Chloe is leaving the cinema when Adrien hurries after her, telling her to wait. Chloe says that it's nice of him to want to comfort her, but she's fine and she'll get her revenge in addition to sending Zoe back to New York. Adrien says that he actually was going to suggest that she apologize to everyone, which Chloe is apalled by as everyone "destroyed her movie." Adrien says that it was everyone's movie and reminds Chloe that she promised to stop being rude to everyone, adding that he told her they couldn't be friends otherwise. Chloe calls him "as ridiculous as the movie" and storms off, denying him of the title of her "Adrikins," then runs to her limo and gets inside to start crying. The amok and akuma enter the bedazzled banana clip on her hat and she gets akumatized. Shadow Moth does his usual speech about giving her what she wants and Chloe talks about wanting the gorilla she'd asked for. Shadow Moth insists that everything's prepared and goes to say what he wants in return, but Chloe handwaves it as she already knows. The limo transforms into a banana-themed vehicle, Chloe turns into Queen Banana, and her sentimonster is a giant yellow gorilla named Banana Boom Boom. Queen Banana pulls out a banana-shaped gun, shooting a civilian and turning them into a banana. The vehicle underneath Queen Banana then flies up and fits perfectly onto the sentimonster's head, and said sentimonster prepares to attach the cinema at Queen Banana's orders.
- Adrien is walking sadly through the threater when it shakes, knocking him down. The scene cuts to Adrien opening the door to the room where everyone was watching the movie, revealing that the sentimonster had broken through the roof. Queen Banana demands her half-sister, then commands her sentimonster to start attacking. Marinette and Adrien run off and Marinette grabs Zoe on the way. Adrien hurries into the boys' bathroom to transform.
- While Marinette is taking her upstairs, Zoe says that she might be able to reason with Chloe since Chloe is mostly angry with her (no, I don't get it either). Marinette points out that no one can reason with her, then tells Zoe to stay there while she looks for an exit. Marinette goes up to the roof and transforms from behind a wall.
- While the sentimonster is on a rampage, Queen Banana threatens to turn everyone in Paris into banana if she doesn't come out, adding that it'd be all Zoe's fault. Zoe looks guilty, repeating the line about it being her fault, and is shown starting at the door for the exit.
- Chat Noir shows up and mocks Queen Banana. She shoots at him, with her vehicle firing too, and Chat runs across the rooftops to avoid the beams, also twirling his baton as a defense. Ladybug then snags him with her yoyo, pulling him to her and briefly dipping him. She and Chat hide briefly as Ladybug explains that Shadow Moth was "very generous" with Chloe, Chat commenting that he's a little jealous of her armor. Ladybug talks about "nothing being better than Chat Noir and Ladybug" and Chat agrees by saying that they make a perfect duo. They go to face Queen Banana for a bit, then Ladybug decides to use Lucky Charm, transforming her into her Charm form and giving her a motorbike. She checks under the seat and finds helmets, glue, a cartridge, and an air bump. She peeks out to look at Queen Banana, her Lucky Vision spotting Queen Banana's weapon, then the glue, but nothing else. Something is missing.
- At that moment, Zoe shows up, and Ladybug has an epiphany; the missing piece is Zoe, of course. Zoe meanwhile, is giving herself up to Queen Banana, but only if she spares Paris. Queen Banana agrees, but then shoots someone immediately. Zoe accuses her that she won't keep the promise, which Queen Banana confirms and promptly commands the gorilla to grab Zoe. Ladybug saves Zoe just in time, both on her motorbike, and tells Chat Noir to protect them. Chat Noir goes for Cataclysm, but Zoe moves her vehicle out of the way and Chat Cataclysms the sentimonster, making it lose control. Ladybug facepalms and Chat Noir can only rub the back of his head sheepishly. The sentimonster pursues Chat Noir and Queen Banana is unphased, as he gorilla will just cause more destruction that way. She flies off in her vehicle after Ladybug, who rides off on her motorbike. They flee until Ladybug drives the motorbike into the subway area, where Queen Banana's vehicle doesn't fit. Queen Banana yells that she'll have to come out sooner or later, especially if she doesn't want a banana smoothie made out of "her kitten."
- Ladybug stops the motobike and tells Zoe that she needs her help. Zoe is surprised and Ladybug pulls out the bee miraculous from her yoyo. She gives the usual speech and Zoe grabs the miraculous, Pollen emerging and greets her with a bow. Zoe protests because Chloe will be mad since she was Queen Bee, and Ladybug points out that Chloe will never know since Zoe will keep her identity a secret. Zoe insists that she's not strong enough, but Ladybug grabs her shoulder and says that she knows Zoe can do it. Pollen tells Zoe the transformation phrase and Zoe pulls herself together enough to snmile and put on the miraculous. Zoe then transforms.
- Queen Banana, meanwhile, is waiting outside the subway, extremely bored. Ladybug then comes up suddenly and Queen Banana pursues. Zoe, as the bee, leaves outside another exit and runs across rooftops. Chat Noir is still facing the sentimonster, who manages to grab him when Zoe shows up just in time, making a quip about picking on someone his own size (missed opportunity to say "pick on someone of your own color" instead but I digress). She uses Venom and the sentimonster throws Chat off into the distant, causing him to splat ungracefully against a nearby surface. The gorilla throws large bananas at Zoe that poof into purple dust upon impacting with anything, but she dodges every one of them. It tries to punch Zoe in rage, but she runs up its arm and stabs it in its head, freezing it in place. Zoe lands next to Chat Noir, who calls her "Queen Bee" in a confused tone, but Zoe introduces herself as Vesperia. Chat Noir is in awe, but hears his ring beeping at him. Vesperia tells him that Ladybug needs them, and Chat Noir grabs her hand, telling her that it's nice to meet her, then kisses the back of her hand. He asks her to wait, then they both run off to recharge.
- Adrien gives cheese to Plagg, who compares Vesperia to Queen Bee using cheese metaphors, basically saying that Vesperia is sweeter, more refined, and nicer. Adrien then transforms again and meets back up with Vesperia so they can run out after Queen Banana.
- Ladybug is still fleeing Queen Banana, dodging all attacks. Queen Banana then fires at her heel, which somehow causes Ladybug to trip. Queen Banana monologues a bit, but Chat Noir shows up with his Cataclysm, hitting Queen Banana's car just as Queen Banana jumps away. Queen Banana lands next to Ladybug, grabbing her and pointing her banana weapon at Ladybug's neck, demanding that Chat give her his miraculous or else she'll fire. Vesperia then lands, asking about a fair fight versus the new bee miraculous holder, which enrages Queen Banana, who says that she's the only real Queen Bee. Vesperia smugly states that she was, but now Vesperia herself is the right Queen Bee, while Queen Banana is just the queen of bananas. While Queen Banana is watching Vesperia smacktalk her, Ladybug pulls out the glue her lucky charm had given her, pouring it into the slot where Queen Banana kept her weapon.
- Vesperia continues to taunt Queen Banana, saying that Ladybug chose her to defend Paris because Queen Bee couldn't. Infuriated, Queen Banana throws Ladybug aside and fires, Vesperia letting herself get hit and thus turned into a banana. Queen Banana steps on the banana (not squishing it or anything somehow) and taunts her, then slips her weapon back into the slot and turns to Ladybug and Chat Noir to say that that's what happens to people who have a different opinion to her. She demands their miraculouses and goes to pull out her weapon again, but it's stuck due to the glue. Ladybug talks about her glue being good - as good as Vesperia - and teasingly asks Chat Noir if he agrees. Chat Noir taunts Queen Banana and Queen Banana attempts to flee ("not again!"). Ladybug snags her leg with her yoyo ala "Miracle Queen" and trips her up, and Chat hits the banana clip off with his baton into Ladybug's waiting hand. The object is smashed, the akuma and amok are purfied, and Miraculous Ladybug brings everyone back.
- Ladybug and Chat Noir fist bump, then Chloe cuts in to say that she hates Ladybug and Vesperia, calling the latter a fake version of Queen Bee. Ladybug tells Chloe that she has to learn about controlling her anger, offering help with the amulet, but Chloe smacks it away before she sees it, not wanting anything from Ladybug and saying she doesn't exist for her (she earlier called Adrien "Adri-no one" and now calls Ladybug "Lady-nonexistent"). Chloe then runs off and Shadow Moth monologues in his lair about how "the script will be rewritten soon," sending another akuma.
- Ladybug suggests that they recharge before Shadow Moth akumatizes Chloe again. Chat Noir bows to the two of them and batons himself away, then Ladybug explains to Vesperia that the magical charm would've protected Chloe but she has to want it. Vesperia assures Ladybug that she knows what to do.
- Back at the cinema, Chloe storms in and demands her movie be made. However, Zoe shows up and tells Chloe that that's enough, and she won't play the supporting role in the family anymore even if Chloe sends her back to New York. Chloe cries out for her father, but Andre puts his foot down, saying that Zoe is right. He adds that Chloe can ask for a new phone or painting the limousine pink, but not hurting her sister. Chloe tells him not to call Zoe her sister, as she's less than a half-sister to her; she's nothing to her. She turns to Zoe and yells in Zoe's face that she hates her, but Zoe responds calmly, reciting the line from the moving about loving Chloe even if Chloe hates her and even if the whole world hates Chloe. She hugs Chloe, who looks confused, and Zoe tells her not to forget that they have the same mother. Marinette is shown watching from a hidden spot in front of the cinema as Zoe tells Chloe that their mother gave her a present, which she claims is the magical charm. Chloe demands it since she believes it's from Audrey and Zoe hands it over, saying that what's her is Chloe's since they're family. Chloe pulls away smugly and puts on the magical charm, which puts a shield around her that repels the akuma. Shadow Moth is confused, claiming that this is impossible.
- Chloe tells Zoe that she'll see that the real world is different from the movie, insisting she'll get revenge, then stomps off. Adrien passes by on Chloe's way out and he asks if she's okay, but she yells at him to leave her alone. Marinette, watching Chloe leave, talks to Tikki about how Zoe did it, and Tikki suggests that the charm may help Chloe be a better person. Marinette says "let’s hope so," and the episode ends.
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