#((okay admittedly im not entirely sure which direction to go buuut go crazy with what you want?))
just-a-normal-crow · 4 months
In the city's nightlife, where the stars seemed to dim beside the luminous glow of the opera house, she was a celestial body in her own right. The famed soprano, Talia, whose presence commanded the stage, walked with an elegance that belied the weight of a secret as deep as the ocean itself.
To the world, she was the diva with the voice of an angel, but beneath the surface, she was something far more ancient, far more mystical. A Lemurian, whose songs were not just of this world but whispered of the depths below. Talia had mastered the art of concealment, her dual existence hidden behind a veil of sequins and arias.
But tonight, as she strolled through the throngs of admirers, a peculiar sensation prickled at the back of her neck. Eyes were upon her, yes, but these were not the adoring gazes she was accustomed to. They were invasive, probing, as if trying to peel away the layers of her carefully crafted persona. It was a gaze that seemed to know, to see through her, to the very truth she guarded so fiercely. It was not the usual gaze of fans or the paparazzi's flash; it was something colder, more precise.
With a heart that beat a rhythm akin to the most suspenseful crescendos, Talia continued her path, her mind a whirlpool of thoughts. Who could be watching her with such intensity? The night air felt charged, and the city's symphony played on.
Beneath the dark of the nighttime sky, the crow stalks its target with confidence more befitting a lion than a bird. It takes advantage of the shadows and the urban cosmos of bright lights to stealth its way from perch to perch, not once losing sight of the Lemurian its tasked to follow. Glowing red eyes focus on the singer, recording her every move, taking note of every stop and turn she makes.
When the prey is a fish out of water, there is little need for hesitation.
Still, the crow takes care to ensure it remains hidden each time Talia so much as turns her head the most slight of angles. With no lack of hiding places, such evasion was of no issue, and it’s able to continue its silent pursuit until Talia reaches her place of lodging. It is only then that it slows down, hindered by physical walls it is not equipped to see through without the aid of a… Well, a window.
No matter. It simply finds a perch close to a window and waits; listens with its enhanced hearing for any windows she might open, or conversations spoken loudly enough for it to record and decipher.
Or it may even settle for complete silence—all that meant was a chance to find a way in through its own efforts.
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