#((i think she'd still ask philippe if he wanted to do this; if he was sure he wanted to be a pace))
theheadlessgroom · 27 days
This humble answer made Susannah blink rather owlishly at him, tilting her head a little as she mulled over his response with a small sigh, trying to work out this puzzle in her mind, the riddle of why he would help her: There was no glory in rescuing someone like her, of course...and there was nothing that she could possibly offer him, if he were fishing for some kind of favor for him coming to her aid...
...could it really be that...he was being genuine when he said that he had only helped her because...it was the right thing to do? That he did it not for praise or to get something out of her, but just because...he saw a woman in distress and came to her aid?
It was a hard pill to swallow, but she did her best to do so, to will herself to believe in a selfless desire to help someone, class or race be damned, as she gave the tiniest of smiles at his comment about the awful morning awaiting her attacker come daybreak. It was true, that man would no doubt wake up feeling as if he'd been beaten over the head with a sledgehammer...
Still, the idea that he would selflessly risk his well-being for her sake sat on her stomach like a stone, and in an effort to ignore it, to put it out of her mind, she asked softly, "H-How are you feeling? Y-You don't hurt too much, d-do you...?" She had some salve and some painkillers in the first aid kit here somewhere, if need be...
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apinchofm · 3 years
Writing Prompt: Since Mathew didn’t approve of Marcus choosing a human as a mate. Marcus turns to Baldwin to ask for help about proposing to Phoebe.
(Mathew behaviour to Marcus in the tv show and the books really annoyed me. The blatant favouritism towards Jack and that he barley praised or thanked Marcus for all he did during the second season/books. Marcus definitely needs more love).
Matthew needs to read a few parenting books and see a good therapist because he fully traumatised his eldest child lol. Baldwin reluctantly has to take care of his nephew.
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"Uncle?" Marcus popped his head in Baldwin's office.
"What?" Baldwin asked, not looking up from his work.
He clapped his hands, whilst leaning back and forth on his heels, and Baldwin finally looked up, sensing his impatience and hesitation.
"I need your help." Marcus finally said.
"Dear God, what have you done now?"
"Must you always think the worst of me?" Marcus frowned.
"Over 200 years of history leads me to."
"Well, I want to ask Phoebe to marry me. Officially." Baldwin looked surprised as he absorbed, "You weren't expecting that, were you?"
He always was the wildcard.
"Frankly, no. Wow." Baldwin put down his pen and looked at his nephew. He had met Miss Taylor a few times. She was brave for a human surrounded by creatures. An intelligent and diligent historian and researcher, knowledgeable in the art. A worthy addition to the family.
Even Philippe would've tried to turn her. Depending on when she had been born, of course.
"Why do you need help?" Baldwin asked curiously, "And why are you asking me?"
"Well, I am not sure exactly how to do it." Marcus said, "And well, you are the head of the family."
"I've never mated. Your father just got married." Baldwin pointed out.
"To a witch. Not exactly a traditional vampire relationship." Marcus retorted, then took a seat, "Help? Please?"
"What were you thinking?"
"I mean, doing the whole brooding, devotional thing that we traditionally do, I don't think will work."
"That is how vampires love," Baldwin said.
"Yes, but Phoebe isn't a vampire yet. And she's a 21st Century woman. I doubt she wants a speech about how I want to possess her for eternity." Marcus said.
"No." Baldwin agreed. Considering she seemed to think most vampire relationship customs, such as not shaking the hand of other vampires were strange, he doubted that would work.
"Why not be honest with her? Most humans do that, just tell her that you love her. She's agreed, for some reason to change for you. So be honest."
"Why do we keep all of this?" Marcus asked as he led him to a room full of de Clermont artefacts from over the centuries.
"Some of its of value, most of it sentimental," Baldwin said.
"Phoebe would have a field day in here," Marcus mused, picking up a dusty powdered wig, "I remember this wig! My first."
Baldwin huffed what one might call a laugh, before opening one of the safes. He pulled out a few boxes and placed them on a small table.
"Oh, I remember this," Marcus said, looking over the lot with interest. "It was part of a prize I won in a card game." It was at a gentlemen's club. London, from what he can remember. He emptied a small velvet bag. Emeralds, still worth a small fortune.
"Yes, I think she'll love it." Marcus smiled, holding the gems in his palm.
"I know a jeweller we can take it to. They did a lot of the jewellery Philippe had made for Ysabeau." Baldwin said, "You may also get a necklace, some earrings out of it."
"She hates me spending a lot of money on her, " Marcus said.
"So don't tell her." Baldwin shrugged, "And you own the stones, so it isn't as extravagant as she fears."
"Oh, Marcus?" Baldwin handed him a jewellery box, "For Phoebe." He opened it curiously.
"Those were set aside for when you found your mate, by Philippe. Phoebe can pick and choose which ones she'd like to keep, though I suspect she may find more interest in the box than the contents."
"Philippe set these aside for me?" Baldwin nodded. Marcus was confused. When Philippe was alive, he was a notorious lothario, the opposite of his restrained father. He didn't think Philippe believed he would mate.
"Of course he did." Baldwin said gently, "He was optimistic about all of us, even if he didn't show it."
"Thank you, uncle," Marcus said sincerely, with a small smile.
"Don't thank me yet. Miss Taylor may come to her senses and agree not to marry you." Baldwin replied with a faint smile.
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theheadlessgroom · 19 days
"We...we were."
Susannah was very surprised to hear he was envious of her friendship with Doreen growing up: In many ways, she expected he'd have a host of friends by his side, that he'd never been lonely a day in his life, unlike her...to hear that that wasn't the case, that he'd never had as close a friendship, a bond as she did with Doreen...it was so strange to think about. Frankly, she couldn't understand why-even in just this short time she'd spent in his presence, she really was enjoying his company! It seemed just...odd to think someone so warm could be so lonely, in some ways.
For a moment, she felt herself relax, and for the briefest of moments, she toyed with asking if he'd be interested in being friends with her...
...only to discard that notion as quickly as it came. Sure, he was being nice tonight, he was being polite now, but would he feel the same way in the daylight hours? Would he want to be seen with the likes of her? Not likely. No one else did; why should he be any different?
She tried to ignore that nasty feeling swirling around in her gut as she fidgeted with her fingers for a moment, a little unsure of what to say now. A part of her was greatly curious to know more about him, to get to know him further, but she also resisted out of shyness. Instead, she replied, "I'm...I'm just glad to hear Doreen is doing well. I-Is Belle, the head maid, i-is she still working for the Gracey's?" She was always very maternal towards Susannah, just as much as she was Doreen...
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