#((i have no doubt that he was thrilled when he met randall and emily again in death; i think he was over the moon))
theheadlessgroom · 1 year
“​O-Oh, it’s like anything, really,” he shrugged affably with a smile-he was unused to being asked about his art, so this question briefly caught him off-guard as he looked up to face her, giving a little shrug as he said, “Y-You know, practice makes perfect and all!”
He’d been drawing for a lot of years: Although he was never formally taught, in some ways, Randall picked up this skill from his father, who was a casual sketch artist himself, having come to the States with a sketchbook in one pocket and a guidebook to the English in the other, oftentimes sketching his surroundings when he wasn’t practicing a new language and, later on, sketching his wife and son when he had a free moment. When Randall was a boy, and Wilhelm was in recovery, he would sometimes sketch things (at least, when the shakes had stopped) between sips of iced tea, and so, Randall himself found himself following in his footsteps, first drawing little pictures in the dirt with a stick, before graduating to sketchbooks of his own the older he got. He still had some of his old ones kicking around in his room, and still carried one with him to work on between customers.
As for painting, well, that was a bit more of a recent thing: He’d managed to save up for a paint set (a relatively cheap one, but he didn’t mind), and had been practicing off and on during the weekends; he wasn’t exactly sure how good he was at it, honestly, but Emily seemed to like it, and that was enough for him.
After giving it a moment of thought, he then looked to her with a smile, asking, “W-Would you like to give it a try?”
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