#((he's very rabbit coded I think his rabbit teeth are cute :3((
revrads · 1 year
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FlemHamish Linklater!
Wanted to draw some rabbit furs but it went overboard so here’s furry Hamish and my favourite characters played by him!
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tsvkishma · 4 years
wall of jealousy
bakugou katsuki x f!reader
5.2k words
warnings: SMUT!!! rough sex oops, sliiiiiight toxicity if you couldn’t raging jealousy toxic, cursing, semi-public sex
Bakugou couldn’t help but feel jealous when his girlfriend would interact with other guys. But, he also couldn’t do anything because their relationship was supposed to be a secret.
a/n: I made this for my good friend, cristina’s bday yay! hope u like it! also this is my first fic in a while so feel free to leave feedback! also, i did not prood-read. oops <3
It was the start of a new school day at UA and y/n couldn’t help but feel tired. She accidentally stayed up all night binging some new romance anime that Yaoyorozu told her to watch. It was about two high-schoolers who were in love with each other but kept it a secret from everyone else. ‘How ironic...’ thought y/n. She was in a secret relationship with her new boyfriend Bakugo Katsuki. They’ve been dating for about a month now and have yet to tell anyone about it. It all started when Bakugo couldn’t help but admire y/n’s dedication to class and especially her drive to become a top hero. Uncharacteristically, he worked up the courage to ask y/n out after training one day. Y/n was shocked at his confession, but when she saw him all flustered and blushing she couldn’t say no. As the past month went by, she learned more and more about this worked up, hot-headed boy. She learned that even though he seemed very confident, he was also a bit insecure. By learning that, she also found out that he got jealous easily. Very easily.
And she had to learn it the hard way. One day, y/n was just asking Midoriya for the notes for the homework since she knew that he was very organized and detailed with notes. They were just having a casual conversation about class, then Midoriya said something funny and y/n laughed. What y/n didn’t notice, was Bakugo fuming in his chair as he stared daggers into Midoriya’s back. “Dude, what’s up...?” said Kirishima as he followed Bakugo’s eyes to y/n and Midoriya talking, “Did Midoriya do something to piss you off again, dude?” “That damn, Deku... always trying to piss me off and trying to be number one for everything. I’ll show him who’s number one,” Bakugo said with his arms crossed and smoke practically coming out of his ears. Kiri gave him a look of confusion, “Number one for what? He’s just talking to y/n, bro.” “WHAT DO YOU MEAN FOR WHAT? HE’S TRYING TO FLIRT WITH MY-” says Bakugo as he caught himself slipping up, “I mean, ergh... he’s just trying to prove he’s better than me by bragging to y/n about stupid shit. Tsk.” Kiri raised his brow at him, but he looked away, avoiding eye contact. Kiri just shrugged it off by thinking it was just another one of Bakugo’s pointless rampages. The reason that Bakugo wanted to keep his relationship with y/n a secret was because he didn’t want to be seen as weaker and having a weak spot when he gave himself a tough exterior. You could say that this connected to his issue with his insecurities. Later that day, y/n tried to explain to Bakugo that her conversation with Midoriya was just innocent and only about school, but he didn’t listen. He was never good with words, so he just put his feelings into action. He definitely taught y/n a lesson that day. The thought of getting Bakugo all riled up like that had y/n excited. A scene from the romance anime she watched last night still imprinted in her brain gave her an idea of how to toy with her boyfriend. Plus, y/n was kind of annoyed of keeping her relationship with Bakugo a secret anyways. She never wanted to do so in the first place, but she found his reasoning of being all tough stupid. Though, she respected his decision.
When lunchtime came around, y/n grabbed her lunch and walked to the table the Bakusquad usually sat at. Right beside her was Bakugo. “Suki, do you think you could go grab me a drink? I forgot to grab one with my food,” y/n pouted. Bakugo gave in, giving a little grunt and walking off to do what she asked. She made her way over to the table and sat right next to Kirishima, instead of her usual spot across from him. “What’s with the new seating arrangement? I mean, I’m not complaining,” he said. “What, I can’t sit next to you? Do you bite or something?” y/n teased and that comment earned a chuckle from Kiri. “Also, before the next period do you think we could go over the homework answers together? I think Cementoss is gonna grade the answers or something,” he offered. Y/n smiled, “Yeah, of course! How about leave lunch a little early so we have enough time to check answers with each other?” “Sounds good,” Kiri smiled back with a hint of blush on his cheeks and y/n gave him a friendly nudge in his side. Kiri and y/n’s conversation continued and Bakugo came back shortly and sat across from Kiri and y/n with a confused look on his face. “Why’re you sitting there, y/n?” he said with a slight annoyance in his tone. “Don’t worry I was just wanted to sit next to Kiri for today. We were just talking about how training yesterday had us all sore,” y/n said innocently. Bakugo tried his best not to show it, but his face was getting more red by the second. During the whole lunch period, he just picked at his food and didn’t jump in any of the conversations that his friends had. When he occasionally glanced up, he would just see his best friend and his girlfriend laughing their heads off. If he didn’t know any better, he would think they were a couple. He wanted nothing more at that moment than to drag y/n away and show her who her actual boyfriend is, but no. He had a reputation to uphold, right? Suddenly, y/n and Kiri stood up from the table. “Sorry, to leave you guys hanging, but y/n and I are going to go to the classroom early to check homework and stuff. See ya,” he said waving goodbye to the rest of the group and y/n waved as well. They were off and disappeared into the hallways of the school. ‘Tch. Checking homework, my ass,’ Bakugo thought. For all he knew, his girlfriend and his best friend could be sneaking off to the janitor’s closet and be fucking like rabbits right now. And he still couldn’t do anything about it. At least, without causing suspicion. All he could do was trust that his girlfriend wasn’t swapping spit with his best friend. The next class passed by and Kirishima was right about Cementoss grading the homework, which made putting in the extra minutes to checking the answers worth it for y/n. Although, Bakugo didn’t spend a single second paying attention in class. His mind kept racing at the thought of his girlfriend and best friend potentially having something going on behind his back. His eyes always ended up staring at y/n during the entire class. He couldn’t help but notice how good she looked today. She was emitting a glowing aura. Her hair was just so silky and he wanted to run his hands through her hair all day. Although, he was pissed at how her skirt looked a bit shorter today and it was definitely against the dress code. Little did he know, y/n rolled up her skirt in hopes of Bakugo noticing. ‘Such a fucking tease’ he thought. His girlfriend could get him so worked up without her actually trying. He couldn’t help but smirk at the thought of her right under him in his room and their bodies working in-sync with each other. His daydream was interrupted by the quiet giggles falling from y/n’s lips. She was looking at Kiri as he mouthed something to her. Bakugo’s blood started boiling again. Since when did y/n and Kiri get all buddy-buddy with each other? Were they always this fucking close? The thought of his girlfriend with someone other than him just made him rage. He needed to let his anger out before he went crazy. He needed to teach y/n that she was his and his only. Bakugo couldn’t wait until the next class which was training. When the bell rang, he stood up immediately and made his way over to his girlfriend to get in a word with her. She was in the middle of a conversation with Bakugo seethed through his teeth, “Y/n. Let’s talk outside. Now.” “What’s up? Next period is the last one, can you wait until after then?” said Y/n innocently. She was batting her eyelashes and had the eyes of a doe. Bakugo couldn’t help but melt a little looking at her cute face. He quickly shook off the thought. He had to talk to her about all of this after all. Any hints of anything less than a tough appearance left his face. “No, I need to talk to you now. Come on,” he said roughly grabbing her arm and tugging her away. Y/n stood her ground and resisted and for a quick second Bakugo had a hint of hurt written on his face, but it quickly left as fast as it came. This didn’t go unnoticed by y/n. “Look, Mina and I were in the middle of a conversation and you just interrupted us. If you have something to say, just say it right now,” y/n said sternly. Bakugo was taken aback. Usually, y/n would just do what he said and follow his lead, but this was the first time he saw y/n go against him. Y/n stood there staring into his eyes without any hesitation or a hint of an opening for discussion. Bakugo just grunted and walked off to the training room. He was furious, but a little turned on from the dominance that y/n showed. Bakugo was sitting against the wall in the gym making small explosions in his palm just trying to kill time until class finally started. He could finally vent all of his anger into fighting. All of his frustration was just pent up in his brain and he couldn’t wait until he could vent it all out with his punches. He heard a familiar laugh nearing as y/n walked in through the big doors of the gym. His heart ached a little at the sight of y/n smiling and laughing. His expression immediately dropped when he saw who y/n was looking at and laughing with. Kirishima followed right behind her and laughing along to whatever y/n said. Bakugo’s blood was boiling at an even higher temperature now. He couldn’t take seeing his best friend and girlfriend flirting with each other anymore. Anger filled his crimson eyes and he stormed towards y/n and Kiri. It was a scary sight. Midoriya saw Bakugo with the rage in his eyes storming toward his two classmates. Being the good person he was, he tried to stop Bakugo. He knew this wasn’t gonna end well. “K-kacchan! Slow down! What are you doing?! You look like you’re gonna kill someone!” said Midoriya as he stepped in front of his friend in an attempt to stop him. Bakugo violently shoved him out of the way, “Get out of my way, you damn nerd! This has nothing to do with you!” “I know that look in your eyes, Kacchan! You look like you’re going to murder Kirishima! Just calm down and take-” said Midoriya as he stepped in front of Bakugo again. Bakugo aggressively grabbed Midoriya by the shirt and towered over him, “This doesn’t concern you, Deku! You’re always trying to get into my business like you’re better than me or something! Who do you think you are?!” Rage was all that filled Bakugo’s eyes. The bottled-up anger needed to be released soon or he would explode. And he didn’t mind personally taking it out on little Deku over here. Just as Bakugo raised his arm to land a punch, something pulled Bakugo back, and almost instantaneously he was restrained by the all-too-familiar scarf. Aizawa restrained Bakugo with his scarf as he was struggling and still trying to attack Midoriya. A feeling of Deja vu wafted through the air of the gym. “Calm down. Training hasn’t started, yet. Unless you want us to put you in a muzzle again,” said Aizawa. Bakugo grumbled and walked off to the rest of Class 1-A standing in a group. He made eye contact briefly with y/n and he saw a smirk on her face before she looked away to talk to Mina. ‘Tch,’ he thought, ‘Always a fucking tease.’ Aizawa walked towards the group of high-schoolers and they instinctively quieted down in anticipation for his instructions for the class. “So, today we’re going to be doing our regular training, but this time I want you guys to-” he said and stopped to stare straight at y/n and Kiri giggling and not paying attention. The whole class turned and stared at them. They soon realized that everyone was staring at them, including Aizawa who had a less than pleased expression. “Since you two don’t show interest in what I have to say, you both have to go fetch the mannequin opponents for today. Go and hurry,” said Aizawa as he tossed the keys to the equipment room at Kiri. “Do we have to? We’re sorry for what we did,” pleaded Kiri. “Yes. Now go,” said Aizawa as he continued his lecture. They both let out a groan of compliance and Bakugo watched as the two of them went through the giant gym doors that led to the hallway. As y/n was walking down the hallway with Kiri, she said, “I don’t know why Aizawa was on our ass like that... calling us out in front of the class and shit.” “Well, it was kind of our fault for laughing so loudly. Actually, scratch that it was YOUR fault for making us laugh so loud,” joked Kirishima. Y/n’s gaped open in shock and amusement at his jab and she nudged him in the side and he groaned as if he was in actual pain. They both were laughing until they heard a familiar voice interrupt them. “Oi, shitty hair. Don’t worry about the mannequins. Aizawa told me to get it with y/n instead,” said Bakugo with a straight face. Kiri raised a brow, “Really? Why you and not me-” “I said, he told me to get it not you. Alright?” said Bakugo irritably. Kiri raised his hands in surrender and tossed the keys to his hot-headed friend, “Okay, okay, I get it. Y/n, make sure this one doesn’t murder you. The equipment room seems like an awfully quiet and isolated place.” Y/n laughed at his remark, “Don’t worry. This angry boi won’t lay a finger on me, anyways. I’m too quick for him to even catch me.” And with that, Kiri waved a peace sign and walked off. Before y/n had a chance to do something, Bakugo stormed past her and towards the equipment room. “Wait up, Suki! Why are you walking so fast?” she said trying to catch up to him. He just let out a huff in response. They neared the equipment room and the second he pulled the keys from the doorknob and opened the door, he pulled y/n into the room, shut the door, and slammed her against the wall. Y/n was pinned against one of the walls with Bakugo towering above her with a look in his eyes that she couldn’t quite pin what it was. His face was mere inches away from hers and she could feel his hot breath on her face. His left hand has ahold of y/n’s shirt while his right hand is pressed against the wall near y/n’s head. Y/n was slightly scared of what Bakugo was about to do to her because she knew she took it a little far this time, yet she was getting excited over the different things her boyfriend could do to her in this state of rage. The subtle scent of his cologne intoxicated y/n. She once told him that it smelled real good on him. ‘I guess he took note,’ she thought. Bakugo was breathing hard, but not saying a word. He kept constant eye contact with y/n and she was getting a little intimidated and sinking further down ever so slightly. “W-what’s up with you...?” said y/n timidly. “Hmph... what’s up with me? How about you explain the shit you’ve been pulling today. Huh?!” said Bakugo roughly and breaking eye contact for the first time. Y/n shrugged innocently, “I actually don’t know what you’re-” Bakugo slammed his fist against the wall and moved closer to her face, “Don’t pull that fucking innocent shit with me, dumbass. You’ve been ignoring me all day and hanging out with that stupid fucker, Kiri...” “Look, I think you’re just imagining things. Can we talk about this later? We’re in the middle of training, Suki-” started y/n. She tried to move past him but then his grip on her shirt tightened and he pulled her closer and used his free hand to pull her hair backward. Almost instantly, he attacked her neck right then and there. He started sucking on her weak spot, which earned him an unintentional moan from y/n. Y/n could tell that Bakugo felt a bit cocky because his lips grazed her skin to form a smirk against her neck. “S-suki, stop, please... we’re literally in school right now...” stuttered y/n. She was trying her best not to make noises, but it was just so damn hard with how Bakugo was using his tongue against her neck. “Come on, princess... what’s wrong with having a little bit of fun, yeah? Plus, I need to teach you a lesson for being such a tease today...” groaned Bakugo against your neck in a low tone. Y/n couldn’t help but let a moan slip from her mouth. It just felt way too good. He knew her weaknesses and used that against her. “Shh... princess, we don’t wanna get caught do we? Just be a good girl and stay quiet, yeah?” said Bakugo. Suddenly, he started using her teeth against her while simultaneously sucking on her neck. The mix of the slight pain with the pleasure was euphoric for her. He hadn’t even touched her yet and she was already soaking. She wouldn’t ever say it to his face, though. It would only boost his already inflated ego. She ran her hands through his hair and tugged at it so he would look up and face her. Y/n only wanted to give Bakugo a slow and passionate kiss, but like his fighting nature, his lips met hers aggressively and let his tongue slip through meeting hers. Y/n’s fingers gently scratching on Bakugo’s scalp made him give out the lowest groan which signaled y/n to keep slightly tugging on his hair. As their lips moved in sync with each other, Bakugo’s firm grip on her hips gradually made its way between the waistband of y/n’s pant. His fingers pressing against her heat through her panties. “Damn, princess. Already this wet for me, huh?” he teased and moved to her whisper in her right ear, “Was this your end goal this whole time? Get me jealous and fuck me in the school’s equipment room? Such a naughty girl.” Then, his fingers pressed harder against her clothed folds and she whimpered in response. Y/n looked up at him and the sight of her under his control and batting her eyelashes made the bulge in his pants grow harder. This continued for a few more seconds until he swiftly removed his hands from under her and shoved her down by the shoulders, pushing her to her knees. She was met face-to-face with his very prominent bulge. She gulped knowing what was going to happen next. “What? You’re scared to take my dick in your mouth or something? I thought girls liked it when their boyfriend’s dick is down their throat, no? Or am I just too big for you?” he teased. “Oh, don’t get too cocky now, Suki. We both know I can handle it,” y/n snapped back. She was lying and Bakugo knew that too. Whenever his dick would be down her throat, tears would most definitely be streaming down her cheeks. “Yeah, yeah. Lie all you want dumbass. But at the end of the day, no one who can make you cum like I do, princess,” he said in a low tone. His words just made y/n clench her thighs closer together to try to create some friction. Bakugo pulled down his shorts and briefs to reveal his very hard dick that sprung out. Y/n’s eyes widened at the sight. Even though this wasn’t the first time she’s gotten intimate with him, she still gets surprised at how she lucked out by getting a boyfriend with such a big dick (not that that’s the only thing that mattered to her). Bakugo only smirked at her surprised expression and it most definitely fed his ego a bit more. Y/n took his dick in her hands and started to lick the tip and Bakugo rolled his head back at the sudden pulse of pleasure. Y/n started moving towards the length of his dick, but Bakugo couldn’t wait anymore and forcefully grabbed her hair and pushed her further down his dick while thrusting simultaneously. Naturally, y/n gagged hard and tried to take his dick out of his mouth for a quick second to cough, but Bakugo’s hand roughly pulled y/n’s mouth back onto his dick. Tears were starting to form in the corner of her eyes. “Awe, is this too much for my princess? Well,” said Bakugo getting increasingly aggressive and angry, “With that fucking shit you pulled today, I think this should be your fucking punishment, yeah? I need to teach you a real fucking good lesson.” His thrusts getting all the more faster and y/n’s tears streaming down her cheeks. The feeling of his dick hitting the back of her throat was starting to get a bit unbearable. Like a miracle, there were some noises outside of the door and in the hallway. Both y/n and Bakugo stopped what they were doing and looked towards the door. Y/n listened carefully and realized that it was the sound of footsteps coming their way. Bakugo attempted to pull his pants back up quickly and dragged y/n to a corner of the room where a bunch of items was piled up next to a cabinet. They hid behind a few larger items and crouched down to be below eye level of anyone that they suspected to come in. There was a sound of the doorknob turning and y/n couldn’t see clearly with objects covering some of her view. She didn’t expect to hear a familiar voice. “Y/n? Bakugo? You guys here?” said Kirishima as he tried to investigate around the room. He did a quick glance and concluded that they weren’t here. Though, he walked dangerously close to where the two of them were hiding. Balugo pulled y/n closer into him and used his hand to cover her mouth in case she made any sounds. Kiri grabbed the dummies that were supposed to be used for training. Then, he left just like that. Y/n let out a breath that she didn’t know she was holding in. They waited a few seconds before making any more movements. Y/n stood up first to fix herself and arrange her appearance. “Come on, let’s go before they start getting suspicious-” said y/n but she was pulled backward by Bakugo and (yet again) pushed up against a wall. Bakugo smirked, “So you think I was done with you? You’re soaking and you think it’s okay to let yourself go out like that? Even though you got me all riled up, I have to repay you for that mind-blowing blowjob, princess.” Bakugo attacked her neck again and began sucking hard. There was definitely gonna be a mark left on her neck when this was all over with. “I gotta show everyone that you don’t belong to anyone, but me,” he said. Y/n started pulling his pants back down and followed suit with undressing herself as well. Bakugo moved his lips to meet hers and they intensely connected tongues while undressing their lower halves. He grabbed the band of y/n’s panties and lowered them. He started moving his fingers across her slick folds. “Suki, hurry. I need you in me,” pleaded y/n while giving her signature innocent, doe-eyed look. Bakugo couldn’t say no to her when she looked like that under his touch. He complied and positioned himself to enter her. Without a moment’s hesitation, he pushed up against her and almost bottoming out instantly without giving her a moment to adjust. “Ahh! Suki, s-slow down, please,” said y/n, but her words were to no avail as he didn’t let up his intense thrusts. Bakugo grunts, “Just because I let you off easy, you go and think you get to tell me what to do... tsk, tsk, tsk. And here I thought you were gonna be a good girl for me.” Y/n was going to give a snarky reply back, but her thoughts of saying anything were clouded with the burst of pleasure that Bakugo was giving her right now. She couldn’t help but let out moans and she instantly tried to cover her mouth. “Don’t cover your mouth, let them hear how good I’m making you feel,” he said. His hands were under y/n to hold her weight up against the wall and her arms were around his neck. His rough thrusts made y/n’s eyes roll to the back of her head. “Shit, Suki. You make me feel so good...” y/n managed to get out between her heavy breathing. Y/n started dragging her nails down his back just added to the high amount of ecstasy that Bakugo was feeling. He increased the power in his thrusts which drove y/n up the wall a bit. The textured walls were scratching y/n’s back which gave the smallest amount of pain. “Yeah, you fucking like that, huh, princess? You like my dick inside you?” Bakugo said breathily. “Mhm...” was all that y/n could manage to get out. With the slightest change in Bakugo’s angle, he managed to hit her sweet spot. “Ah, shit! Right there, Suki... just hit it right, shit, there,” screamed y/n. Bakugo listened and kept his position. Low groans came from his mouth as he was nearing his climax. Instinctively, his quirk decided to show and y/n could feel a slight sting on her ass. Bakugo let out a laugh at the surprise mini-explosion, but it was quickly interrupted by a low moan. “Shit, shit, shit,” groaned Bakugo as he was trying to hold onto the high wave of pleasure he was feeling. Their bodies were so in-sync with each other he couldn’t help but feel lucky that they had such good chemistry with each other. ‘Suki,” y/n let out, “I’m gonna come. Shit.” “Come for me, princess. Let it all out,” said Bakugo as he tried to keep his thrusts strong, but falling a little bit short with each new movement. Y/n’s walls were convulsing against Bakugo’s dick and he couldn’t hold back any longer. Her screams of pleasure filled the room as well as his loud groans. She was riding out her orgasm as Bakugo tried thrusting a few more times to help her out, but soon followed suit and released inside of her. Their movements slowed and they both dropped to the floor in exhaustion and they tried to catch their breaths. “I think that counts as our training for today,” joked y/n which earned a chuckle from her boyfriend, “Maybe I should make you more jealous often. You fuck better when you’re jealous.” Bakugo’s expression instantly dropped and he looked pissed again, “I’m still mad at you, idiot. Don’t go flirting with stupid fucking Kiri again, got it?” “Hm... I don’t get it, actually. Maybe you have to teach me another lesson later tonight,” she teased. “Just you wait,” he smirked. Bonus Y/n and Bakugo exited the equipment room and headed back to the gym and tried to act as if nothing happened. When they finally reached the main gymnasium, no one was in there. ‘That’s odd,’ thought y/n. It even wasn’t the end of school, yet. The two of them left to go check the dorms and lo and behold, the rest of Class 1-A was there. The expressions on their face were priceless. Collectively, they all looked a bit shocked. Kaminari walked up to Bakugo and patted him on the back. “Hell yeah, Bakubro. I see you scored yourself a good one,” said Kaminari about you. “What the hell are you talking about?!” grumbled Bakugo and his usual expression of casual anger returned. Kirishima walked up to Bakugo and rubbed the nape of his neck in embarrassment, “Sorry, man. I didn’t know you and y/n were together and I just kind of ignored you when you were being extra angry today when I was talking with her.” Bakugo was seething, “The hell are you guys talking about?! Y/n and I are not together!” “Nice try, buddy. We all know what happened between you two. It’s okay but kinda gross,” said Kiri cheekily. “I never thought you would be one to get tied down, Bakugo! Let alone with someone as hot as y/n,” said Ashido jokingly. Bakugo’s facial expression was mixed with embarrassment and anger. Y/n just laughed at the whole situation. “Well, I guess the cat’s out of the bag, Suki. Sorry,” laughed y/n, “So... uh how did you guys find out we were together, anyway?” “When you two didn’t come back with the fighting dummies after a while, Kiri went to go find you two. Then, when he didn’t find you guys he went to go tell Aizawa that you two were nowhere to be found. Aizawa went to go investigate himself and we’re guessing he found you two. He went back to the gym to tell us bluntly that class was dismissed for the day, which was weird. We all realized it probably had something to do with how you guys disappeared out of thin air,” explained Sero. “Yeah, but,” said Kaminari, “Us being Class 1-A and wanting to help our friends... we investigated the situation and we heard you two fucking like rabbits, bro!” Y/n’s face instantly went red at the thought of her entire class hearing her and Bakugo doing the dirty. Bakugo was not having it, though. He regretted letting y/n and him make so much noise. How careless of him. But, he wasn’t going to let his entire class talk down to him. “That wasn’t us. Are all of you really that fucking stupid to assume it was y/n and me? You guys have no proof, do you?” said Bakugo, “See. That’s what I thought.” He started to walk off when Shouji said, “Just look at y/n’s neck, dude.” Everyone stared at her neck and she tried to cover the mark with her hand in a casual manner, but the deed was already done. Bakugo grumbled. He lost and there was nothing he could do to convince his peers otherwise. “Fuck it,” said Bakugo as grabbed y/n’s arm roughly and dragged her to his room. You can guess what happened from there.
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garden-ghoul · 7 years
two blogs, part 8
“feeling pleased with myself because I own multiple vegetables AND a jam right now”
Just like me, the hobbits are thinking of their next meal:
I’m jazzed because I think my boy Faramir is gonna be in this one. The Shigeo to Boromir’s Ritsu. Anyway, there is supposed to be food and water for the scavenging in the place where our heroes are going! They have to go through Ithilien to get to Cirith Ungol, which we all must agree has a much more pleasant and scavenge-able sound than blasted hell-plains of ultra-despair. So they set off on their way! It says "a single red light burned high up in the Towers of the Teeth,” which is kind of ominous considering I don’t remember those being mentioned, ever. Maybe it’s because I was practically asleep last chapter.
Our heroes find their hearts much lightened to see trees again, and they realize that they’ve come so far south that it’s already spring here. Mm I want to figure out what the actual latitude difference is between the Shire and Cirith Ungol. Hold on a sec. It’s a north-south distance of about 800 miles (nice going guys!!), which is about the same as Boston to Charleston, SC, or from London to Madrid. In ANY case, it’s spring in Ithilien, and “Ithilien, the garden of Gondor now desolate kept still a dishevelled dryad loveliness.” What a great phrase!  really good aesthetic. Tolkien goes in an amazing amount of detail about exactly which kinds of plants there are--one assumes this is Sam POV again, because Frodo probably knows the names of about 12 kinds of plants. Gollum breathes in the strong perfume of the flowers and chokes, which is another relateable Gollum feeling. 
We also observe that even in this beautiful land there are signs of the Enemy; apparently orcs just go around carving random shit on trees, which is kinda endearing. The text describes it as “evil runes,” but come on it’s probably mostly “Yalbakh is a wanker.” “7th company rulez.”
Sam had been giving earnest thought to food as they marched. Now that the despair of the impassable Gate was behind him, he did not feel so inclined as his master to take no thought for their livelihood beyond the end of their errand; and anyway it seemed wiser to him to save the waybread of the Elves for worse times ahead.
My logistics son. He asks Gollum very politely to catch something hobbits can eat; while Gollum is out hunting, Sam just stares at Frodo’s Beautiful Chiselled Sleeping Face and mutters “I love him.” Gaaaaayyyy. Then he starts thinking of how to cook the rabbits Gollum has brought back. Hobbits learn to cook before they learn to read! This delights me greatly. I want to live in a culture that prioritizes having everyone able to cook! Gollum comes back with water and realizes Sam is going to cook the rabbits. Horror of horrors!! This is one of the cute... ish.... Sam and Smeagol interactions, because there’s barely any threats of maiming at all! Just good old fashioned cultural misunderstandings. Sam tries to get Smeagol to find him some herbs or root vegetables, by which Smeagol is Bewildered. What the fuck is taters, precious?? He huffs himself away into the forest somewhere, indignant.
Sam and his master sat just within the fern-brake and ate their stew from the pans, sharing the old fork and spoon. They allowed themselves half a piece of the Elvish waybread each. It seemed a feast.
A little later Sam realizes his fire is smoking, and that someone in the forest is sloppily imitating bird calls. He hurries to Frodo’s side, and they hear some people who sound like they’re discussing Gollum. You’d think Gollum would be the stealthiest, the least likely to be spotted, but I’m guessing the Gondorians (Gondorrim?) have seen him before.
‘Nay! Not Elves,' said the fourth, the tallest, and as it appeared the chief among them. 'Elves do not walk in Ithilien in these days. And Elves are wondrous fair to look upon, or so 'tis said.'
'Meaning we're not, I take you,' said Sam. 'Thank you kindly. And when you've finished discussing us, perhaps you'll say who you are, and why you can't let two tired travellers rest.'
At least we still have Sam to be passive-aggressive to gently bewildered humans who may or may not be about to kill him. But Captain Faramir has no choice to believe that they’re from his brother’s company when they share his own prophetic dream with him. Faramir goes, I guess, somewhere, leaving two men to guard the hobbits. The guards turn out to know some kind of elven language! How exciting! Frodo realizes they must be Dunedain. Awww haha and one of them is named Mablung. Faramir’s men are here to harass a company of Haradrim who apparently serve Sauron. It’s a good thing Faramir is captain, Mablung intimates; he leads a charmed life! Nothing unlucky can possibly happen to him! ...well, depending on whether you count his brother dying unlucky. But I guess Frodo and Sam don’t actually know Boromir is dead. Faramir... might, actually? Just now, Faramir is coming back in pursuit of some guy, and--yep--he’s shot him dead full of arrows.
It was Sam's first view of a battle of Men against Men, and he did not like it much. He was glad that he could not see the dead face. He wondered what the man's name was and where he came from; and if he was really evil of heart, or what lies or threats had led him on the long march from his home; and if he would not really rather have stayed there in peace.
::( Same. Nobody wonders whether orcs are really evil at heart, though. Wonder, damn you! The battle ends and Sam goes to sleep immediately. Okay.
When Sam wakes up, everyone is sitting in a circle for story time, I mean, watching Faramir interrogate Frodo. Faramir is like, trying to trick Frodo into... admitting he killed Boromir? Maybe? Frodo is just shocked to find out that Boromir is dead, but Sam is having none of this rudeness.
'See here, Captain! ' He planted himself squarely in front of Faramir his hands on his hips, and a look on his face as if he was addressing a young hobbit who had offered him what he called ‘sauce' when questioned about visits to the orchard.
SAUCE. FARAMIR, YOUNG HOBBIT. No I’ll bet Sam is actually a good bit older than Faramir. Also Faramir’s men are kind of delighted to see him being told off by this 3-foot-tall super indignant guy. But Faramir tells Sam off right back and then goes right on, though he’s marginally more polite to Frodo. He tells about finding Boromir’s body in the funeral boat. Frodo fears that this means everyone else is dead too ::( ::( “Will you not put aside your doubt of me and let me go?” says Frodo. “I am weary, and full of grief, and afraid. But I have a deed to do, or to attempt, before I too am slain.” TFW honestly. Our heroes walk with Faramir to a safehouse nearby (actually ten miles away, a long distance for short legs!) and he makes an incredibly good guess at why it sounds like Frodo and Boromir weren’t BFFs. He totally understands that Frodo can’t say any more:
'Alas! it is a crooked fate that seals your lips who saw him last, and holds from me that which I long to know: what was in his heart and thought in his latest hours.’
I love that thing where... there is something someone Absolutely Cannot Say, and everyone knows they’re talking in code and they’re in trouble over that thing. It’s not that common? Right now I can only remember it happening in Full Metal “hostage situations everywhere” Alchemist. Anyway it’s my jam. Faramir talks wistfully about how warlike Boromir always was, and how Faramir just wants to see the White Tree bloom and to see Minas Tirith at peace. I am just CONSTANTLY thinking to myself “Faramir is going to die!” and then I remember he actually survives and is happy and I’m just, utterly astonished. This happens like 3 times a minute. It’s incredibly stupid.
They get to the safehouse, which is Very Beautiful. Faramir’s men prepare some food. “Sam, not used to being waited on, looked with some surprise at the tall man who bowed, holding a basin of water before him.” [begins chanting] Wait on Sam! Wait on Sam! After eating Faramir comes to question Frodo some more, but, like, friendly. Frodo wants to please him so he talks about how Valiant Boromir was. For some reason this is kind of heartbreaking to me. That feel when you are trying hard to remind yourself that you are not safe and never will be again, that you cannot trust anyone... Also when Faramir is talking there’s this sense that Gondor is slowly dying. Maybe that’s why I absolutely can’t believe Faramir survives this trilogy. Rohan is still young and strong though, so that’s good! Gondor’s history is just too long. It’s tired. The civilization is too old and is overdue to crumble. 
‘As the Rohirrim do, we now love war and valour as things good in themselves, both a sport and an end; and though we still hold that a warrior should have more skills and knowledge than only the craft of weapons and slaying, we esteem a warrior, nonetheless, above men of other crafts.’
Faramir does not love war, and he doesn’t want to be a warrior. He’s a good man and I like him. These harsh days make everyone wary and sharp. Sam accidentally gets going on the subject of Galadriel and reveals that Isildur’s Bane is the Ring, and Faramir gets a Weird Look on his face. “A chance for Faramir, Captain of Gondor, to show his quality! Ha!” But don’t worry, my dears, he’s only quoting some nasty thing his father said to him, I think. He doesn’t want to even see the Ring. He’s a stronger man than his brother. Go to sleep, my good friends, and have no fear he’ll try to take it from you. Frodo suddenly blurts out exactly what their errand is... and then faints. Faramir carries him gently to bed.
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xistuck · 6 years
Kids pre scratch are based off the 4 horsemen in doomed timelines and the four temperaments (Choleric, Melancholic, Sanguine, and Phlegmatic) in the one that manages to win(figure out where bambi fits into these two) TROLLS: based on fairy tales with a tarot card and star sign to influence them
Rust - little red riding hood. Wolf lusus. Awoos!!!!! owo what’t this. talks in furry slang. Very cute but a little naive. jade harley vibes. super into robotics, though she doesnt have the money to buy things herself. salvages what she can from a dump near her hive and builds little helper robots for basic tasks. sometimes sells them for money on the side when she can or uses them to complete chores that she’s supposed to as a lady in waiting to fushia heiress. Hates this job big time.  Umber - shreaded as hell dorky loser trans boy. really loves hip hop dancing Yellow - Ursa Minor. goldilocks and the 3 bears. 3 headed bear lusus that stands on two legs and has 2 sets of arms. yellow streak in hair. gold colored blood. psionics. Flarps on a ship she makes herself out of her psionics though it’s known to tire her out pretty quick. She’s a perfectionist that needs everything to be Just Right Lime - the white rabbit from alice in wonderland. he’s always late to everything. Basically stefan. adores his jade blood older brother. time player or blood player (the second one would be a good reference to stefan but i also dont think he’d like an aspect called blood and would feel like the game is taunting him....)  rabbit dad. albino. has the lime blood emotion power thing. likes  Olive - fox and the hound. fox lusus rust blood acts as hound here. olive and rust are morails. A playful forest trickster who wears a mask all the time like his ancestor. really into coding and lowkey into arson (fire fox joke) is the one that creates a virus that kills fushia by blowing up her laptop. is only a little sorry for it.  Jade - puss in boots. beautiful as hell. a lot of his friends have crushes on him. oh no he’s hot. basically what happens when will is a troll. dreams of using his empathy to become a detective (interested in taking down purple’s crime syndicate on derse when given the chance) but knows he has a job in keeping mutants safe. Older brother figure to the mutant pink and lime blood. Teal - based on the girl in one grain of rice fairytale. is a lawyer in training and will take no shit. is always looking to exploits in everything, rather that’s the law or extreme couponing, if there’s something that’s overlooked, she’s gonna find it and use it to her advantage. Vitiligo. really into speedrunning video games as a result. breath player. has a black rom with blue blood that started with her taking her lusus to him for a check up and then getting out of paying anything for it. He’s still pissed about it to this day. Cerulean - loved larping until... the incident. aka they were trapped in a fire that almost killed them like the phantom of the opera. ironically, they love musicals now. and are Over Dramatic. think hannibal self mixed with metaton. Blue - tooth fairy. asshole doctor boy. he’s forced to feed his lusus other trolls or be eaten himself. fills a good guys dont have to be good people role of vriska. collects the teeth of the people he’s had to kill and hides them in his yard, since his lusus wont eat them. works as a “vet” of sorts for lusii. wants his 15 boonbucks, teal. Purple - ugly duckling to swan lake bitch. TRANS AS HELL. the black swan is when she goes grimdark. she has to alchemize her own estrogen. really idolizes trollian beauty bloggers. Cant do her hair worth shit but her makeup is always on point. online friends with brown blood. still takes gamzee’s place as part of lord english. becomes aware that shes part of a story and unable to do anything about it and as such destroys everything to set about her own death and the creation of LE her own religion’s god. Violet - rupunzel.  lives in a tower overlooking the city his mobish activities happen in. stole lettuce for his lusus when he was young and is missing a hand for his crime then. decided that if no one was going to watch out and keep younger trolls safe, he would. rejects the hemospectrum, because hes better than everyone for who he is, not because of how he was born. owns a casino. very prolific in money making. a dersite and tries to take over derse in both troll and kid sessions. mobfell sans. depressed and nihilistic. pretends to only care about money and sopor, but when something he loves is threatened, he goes murder crazy.
Fushia - light princess. starts the session dead. princess of light godtier.  Pink (mutant) - Cassiopeia. the frog princess because i think im funny. Frog dad. obviously knight of space. very into fashion and textiles, but blames herself for all of their troubles. feels she needs to protect others the way others have protected her.
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