#((figure fordsy out exploring and maybe morty ended up there via portal or something idk))
fordsixerpines · 3 years
A Chance Encounter || closed RP
Stanford Pines was out and about in the forests of Gravity Falls, hunting down the illusive hide-behind, after his 5th cup of coffee of the day. Journal in hand, the man had walked for hours in the depths of this forest, yet any close call he’d had had proven to be a false alarm.
Ford was just about to turn back when he heard a noise from just outside of his line of sight-- a rustling of leaves. A footstep, perhaps? The young researcher took a breath and moved toward the source of the noise.  “Come on Stanford-- it’s likely just a Plaidypus, or another gnome, get a hold of yourself-” He gave himself a pep talk as he persisted toward this unknown noise.
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