#((and constance is *DEFIDENTLY* gonna underestimate emily; who is gonna be an absolute hellcat during their face-off!))
theheadlessgroom · 2 years
“I do,” he admitted, brow furrowing from behind the mask: Why was that the diva’s go-to threat? La Constance, having such a hair-trigger temper, was no stranger to screaming her lungs out, of course, and certainly threw out a variety of threats whenever that temper really boiled over, but honestly, he hadn’t given much thought to why decapitation was her most oft-spoken threat to those who displeased her. Until talking with Emily about it now, he hadn’t thought too hard about it, but now, he was genuinely wondering why that was. Did she have a guillotine in her home somewhere she was itching to try out? An ax she kept sharpened for such an occasion? It was sort of funny to think about, in a dark sense, La Constance wielding an ax against someone...
Still, he chalked it up to an empty threat in the long run-if she really meant it, she would’ve done it by now, he was sure (he supposed, since she couldn’t exactly take a swing at a ghost, she might take that anger out on someone else, which he hated to think about, honestly, not wanting someone else to take the brunt of her rage...), saying, “She certainly is determined...that, or she just can’t say no to the paycheck...” 
The fame and the money must be too irresistible to her, he supposed, all the attention, the lavish gifts heaped upon her by her patrons, it all kept her coming back-at least, it did, he hoped; hopefully, this had all been the last straw for her, and she had decided to leave for good, allowing Emily to take up the spotlight. That’s what he hoped, anyways-his angel deserved it far more than the diva did, and would no doubt skyrocket to greater fame than La Constance could ever even dream of.
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