#((also he is curious about the janitor))
pinkthrone445 · 3 months
-Baila conmigo- Part 2
(Dance with me)
Part 1
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Pairing:Melissa Schemmenti x Reader
Gender:Fun, soft, first time knowing someone, slow burn
Warnings:a little bit of insecure Mel (future smut)
Summary:Mel finds you sad in a bar and decides to step in, not knowing that life will bring you back together again. When she sees you again, she doesn't know how to react.
What a way to start your first day, with the firefighters emptying the school and finding out that the woman you had kissed the night before worked there.
On the other hand, the kids were perfect, ready as a sponge to absorb everything you had to teach. They were well-educated and learned children, you could tell that their previous teacher was really interested in them. The school also had some glitches and problems, but you didn't plan to complain now that you finally had a job.
At lunchtime, the children went out to eat and you stayed in your classroom drawing on the board to encourage them when they returned. Also, you hadn't brought food and you didn't know if going to the staff room for coffee would be the right thing to do since Melissa would be there.
-"Hey sweetheart..."-one of the oldest teachers got in your classroom with a big smile on her face-"I'm Barbara, nice to meet you. I'm the fist grade teacher..."-She stretched out her hand to greet you and you took it smiling too
-"Hi, I'm (Y/N), the new second grade teacher" - You said irrelevantly since you were in your classroom and it was obvious that you were the teacher, the oldest laugh
-"I can see that... Do you want to have lunch with us? It will be nice to know the others and also see if you have any thoughts about the smoking kid" - she offered and you got a little bit nervous
-"I don't have any food and don't want to interrupt you all, I don't mind staying here drawing for the kids" - You said quickly trying to avoid going to the teacher's room since the redhead would be there
-"Oh that's no problem at all, Melissa always has extra food, she surely will share with you and also, we teachers also deserve a break... Let's go" - she took your hand giving you no room for arguing and guiding you to the teacher's room.
As soon as you entered, you could hear how everyone was talking about the student who had smoked and what to do about it. But the subject quickly turned when everyone began to accuse each other because some of them vaped or ingested an edible from time to time, Barbara quickly intervened to add her comment
-"Don't these children know that smoking kills?" - a young teacher said and one of them scoffed
-"Jacob, you literally vape" - Janine, the teacher you were subbing for spoke
-"Okay, that's different, that's..."-Jacob,now you knew his name, added but got interrupted
-"Yes! And that is worse because you can vape anywhere" - Janine added and you stayed standing in the doorway, being invisible to everyone
-"You inhale thousand of toxins, yuck" - another young teacher added
-"Yeah, well...Janine smokes weed every day" - Jacob replied and everyone gasped, you included to not feel left out
-"Daamm afroman" - Ava said and you silently laughed
-"No! Not every day... Every night..."-Janine said a little bit ashamed
-"The devil's lettuce" - Barbara said
-"That's why your feet are so big" - The janitor said and you looked at her feet curious, they were a little big for her high...
They started to acuse her, specially Ava, but the teacher you didn't knew his name yet, stood up for her
-"Ava you can't talk,okay? you are a hookah head" - He said and the principal nodded
-"Mhhh hhhm, facts. And micro dosing, I just eyeball it and said, yes that's enough" - Ava simply said
-"Now, I don't smoke, but I do enjoy a protein bar edible on the weekends. Research actually shows..."-The guy who defended Janine started talking again and Ava rolled her eyes
-"Wooow, this man just made drugs boring"-she nodded
-"I suggest that you all drop your vices, and take a hit of my drug of choice J-E-S-U-S, street name Christ! - Barbara said and everyone put a boring face on, Melissa scoffed this time lifting her finger
-"Uh, you've been known to demolish those little bottles of Chardonnay" - The redhead said pointing at her friend
-"And you snort that liquid Marijuana" - The friend quickly replied to her
-"You don't snort it, it's CBD oil, and I rub it on my joints" - You listened to her and couldn't avoid thinking about helping her rub that oil in her soft smooth skin, a small whimper escaped your lips, everyone kept talking but the redhead listened and looked at you, turning a little bit red.
The janitor was about to speak but Janine stoped him
-"Don't finish that sentence" - she quickly said pointing at you and it was your turn to blush thinking that someone else heard your little whimper, but everyone stood and walked right out, chasing a student that was hiding behind you and recording all the conversation. You quickly ran after him like everyone else, and you were the first to get him
-"Nice work speedy" - Ava said. Everyone began to interrogate the boy about the video, but before anything could be done he had already shared it and many people had seen it, so the school district immediately took the matter in their own hands, again.
A few hours later, everyone in the school already had seen the video and F.A.D.E came to the school to give a talk about substances and drugs, to make some damage control.
After taking your children to the gym, Barbara invited you to sit with her and Melissa since there was a free space next to the redhead, and you had no choice but to accept since there were no more free spaces around.
You spent the whole talk giving her not so discreet glances out of the corner of your eye, a little overwhelmed by not knowing how to talk to her without making her feel uncomfortable. After torturous hours of listening to meaningless rhymes and bad advice, the meeting ended and still neither you nor she had spoken a word to each other.
Before you knew it, the day of school was over and your new students had gone home. Without thinking much about things and concecuenses, you went to the teachers' room to ask the redhead if the plans of the night before were still standing. Thank heavens, the redhead was in the teachers' room packing some of her Tupperware and none of the other teachers were there.
-"Hola Mel" -You said and she looked at you with a little bit of annoyance in her face
-"Tell me the truth please, what are you doing here?" - she asked and you frowned
-"I was looking for you, to ask..."-you started talking but she interrupted you
-"No, I don't mean here in the teacher's room, I mean in the school" -she barked at you
-"I have a job here..."-you answer and you saw fear in her eyes-"Look, I applied for the job way before we find each other in that bar, I'm not stalking you or anything and I'm sorry if it makes you feel uncomfortable to see me here, but I really need this job and I'm not gonna let it go"-You answered confidently and she sighed
-"I'm really sorry, I've dated people who weren't very stable and I was scared when I first saw you... I thought maybe you were a little obsessive."-She whispered embarrassedly, avoiding looking at you and playing with the lid of one of her tupperware containers nervously
-"Don't take it the wrong way, you're beautiful Melisa, but it would take more than one kiss from you to drive me crazy for you" - You joked and she barely laughed, still embarrassed. You carefully approached her side, delicately taking one of her trembling hands, immediately she raised her head looking at you and you smiled- "Look, last night I had a very nice and fun night with you but I thought we would never see each other again since we didn't share our numbers and I was a little embarrassed to ask your brother for your contact, but this morning the universe gave me another opportunity to see you again and that makes me very happy. But if you don't feel comfortable with me being here, it's okay and I understand, I'll keep my distance. You don't need to feel scared or helpless, you can choose what you want to do"-You whispered looking at her trying to calm her down and she smiled at you with a little embarrassment
-"I want to... I want to go on with our previous plan and go out with you, if you think that's okay... Maybe go to dance to a good bar if you know a Latin one with good music?" - she said and you smiled more. You gave her a chance to walk away but she didn't and that made you happier than you wanted to admit.
-"Hey guys, you are still here!"-Jacob entered the teacher's room and you immediately let go of the redhead's hand-"Ready to go home Mel-Mel?" - He asked and she looked at you, you looked at her smiling a little bit-"Am I interrupting something?" - He asked and the redhead got nervous again
-"Not at all... I just invited her for a few drinks to make some friends since I'm new here" - You quickly said and he nodded
-"Can I join? I'm fun to be around. I know some pretty good bars" - Jacob offered
-"You can if Melissa wants to... But I already picked the bar, a gay latin bar" - You said and his smile grew a lot
-"You are gay?" - He asked and you nodded - "I'm gay too! Oh- my - god, are we best friends already?" - The young guy asked and Mel looked at him a little embarrassed for his behavior
-"Not yet, but we are off too a good start"-You said making the redhead laugh-"let's go, it's too late and my body needs a glass immediately after a day like today"
Melissa and her roomate followed you, but along the way the others found you and also joined in, including the school's cameramen, which you were not yet used to seeing.
When everyone entered the bar, the music was playing with a good beat, the food was delicious and there were many friendly people. Quickly everyone settled down and ordered drinks and food, you were about to sit next to the redhead but Ava beat you and sat next to you
-"Hi, I read your file, so you're latin... I know a little bit of spanish..."-she tried to remember and smiled looking at you in a flirtatious way-"Está muy caliente y deliciosa(It's very hot and delicious), they used to tell me that when I went to Cuba, they kept telling me I was hot and delicious every time I went to any restaurant or bar" - She said proudly and you smiled trying no to laugh, maybe they told her that because they were serving her food, not talking specifically about her but you will not burst her bubble
-"That's a very good accent Ava" - You said smiling and kept talking to her. Meanwhile, the redhead was looking at you with squinting eyes, she knew that you and she barely knew each other, but she also knew how Ava was and how much she liked to flirt and she wouldn't let that happen with you, your attention was better when it was directed at her, Ava could find herself another person to flirt with.
-"Hey honey, do you want to dance?" - The redhead asked standing next to you, her jacket was slightly open and as you were sitting, her cleavage was right in front of your eyes when you looked up to look at her and answer, which made you blush
-"Y-yeah, sure, let's go" - You took her hand and headed for the dance floor a little confused, she immediately placed her hands around your neck and directed yours to her waist - "I thought you were going to eat first" - You said and she looked at you frowning
-"Be careful with Ava, she is a flirt" - she said with annoyance in her tone
-"And you are not?"-You asked and she frowned more-"I'm a flirt too, you don't like when I flirt with you? Maybe I should go flirt with Ava" - You teased and she pulled you closer
-"Don't you dare" - she said threatening
-"What is this Mel? I thought you were going to take this slow now that we work together" - You kept teasing
-"This means nothing, we are nothing, I just want your attention on me" - she confessed and blushed when she heard herself - "I mean that is better that you have your attention on me that on the dangerous Ava" - she tried to correct herself
-"I never picture you as the jealous tipe" - You said
-"I'm not, just shut up" - she said anoyyed
-"Make me" - You replied and she gave you a little very short peck that made your brain stop working, you never expected that to happen with her coworkers being there, you knew the low lights and the people dancing around you made a cover, but anyways it made your brain short circuit
-"I thought that might work, now keep your mouth shut and let's keep dancing" - she said proudly looking at your shocked and lost face.
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plistommy · 6 months
Eddie ’The Freak’ Munson is known to fuck cheerleaders inside the janitors closet, under the bleachers and even inside the bathroom stalls during the school hours.
All the girls were curious about him. He was different, intimidating and that attracted them. They wanted to know how it was like to be fucked by the known freak.
And he never seemed to disappoint.
Especially not when he’d gone down on them and fuck them with his bigger than average dick that every girl seemed to not shut up about once they had had their fun with him.
Stacy, one of the most popular girls in school and the cheer captain, had even said it almost wouldn’t fit inside her because it was so long and thick.
At least that’s what Steve had heard the girl giggle about at Tina’s birthday party earlier that winter.
It wasn’t like Steve cared. The guy was a dick, too loud for his own good and into some weird fucking shit that he showed off with his creepy band shirts and attitude.
He had laughed at Steve one time too, saying ’Don’t guzzle, King Steve. It's not a dick.’ when Steve had been eating a banana at lunch and it had made him a laughing stock.
Tommy had promised he’d beat him up for Steve, make him bleed, but Steve had brushed it off. It was no use and he’d rather not give the freak the attention he so desperately wanted.
But… even after some time had passed, Steve still hadn’t been able to forget about that damned joke.
It kept bugging him, but also making him more curious whenever he kept hearing about Eddie and his marvelous fucking cock and tongue.
Steve wanted to test it out as well. Be part of the little clique the cheerleaders were in so he’d know what they were talking about, how they felt.
He hated not being included, after all.
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merakiui · 2 days
We've talked about Prisoner Floyd, but now that Promising Young Man Riddle is behind bars, let's hear about Prisoner Riddle. Just when he thinks he can never find someone to replace his former teacher, here is...
Jailor Darling who is the highlight of Riddle's day. The few minutes you stop to chat with him behind his cell bars while you do your rounds stay in his mind long after you go.
Janitor Darling who secretly chats with the charming prisoner Riddle. Maybe she even indulges him in impossible daydreams like "someday when your out of here we'll start a new life." If Riddle is lucky, she'll sneak a strawberry tart in among her cleaning supplies.
Councilor Darling who is in charge of Prisoner Riddle's psych evaluation. Riddle always has had mommy issues, so women in positions of authority just make him want to submit.
AAAA YES YES!!!! All of these are so good,,, I think Riddle would fall for you if you're someone he can have an intellectual dialogue with! It was one of his favorite things to do with his professor. He just loves chatting about academic subjects with someone who will understand, and you're just that kind of person. Not only are you sweet and treat him like another human (and not as the man who killed his classmate in a fit of rage), you also take time to genuinely have a conversation with him. Riddle adores it! He falls head-first into another obsession, and you quickly become the highlight of his days.
In Riddle's mind, the prideful part of him is fully convinced he's different than the rest of the people in here. Sure, he's wearing a jumpsuit just like everyone else and he's serving his sentence dutifully, but he's different. He's delusional, and whenever you talk to him it feeds into the narrative he's crafted that he truly is better than the other prisoners. To Riddle, a murder of one is much better than the other heinous crimes and kill counts other prisoners have committed.
When you stop by to conduct his evaluation and have a chat, Riddle desperately wants to exchange thoughts on various subjects that interest him (psychology, criminal law, your favorite sweets, etc). You try to keep him on track because you have a job to do and you can't indulge him all the time. You need Riddle to talk about what happened; he needs to answer the questions you're asking. Riddle does that; he's obedient most of the time. It's in his blood to be a good student, after all. But sometimes he just can't help it. He wants to pick your brain in the same way you pick his, asking you what you think of his crime. Not from a psychological or professional viewpoint, but from your own personal perspective. He's genuinely curious.
I feel like Riddle's case would have a cult following almost...... he was so composed and articulate during his trial, looking just like a pristine businessman in his pressed suit and leather Oxfords. :) so put-together and respectful,, it does hurt when his mother refuses to look him in the eyes when she sits there in the audience. It does hurt when she refuses to visit or even write to him. It does hurt, but it feels better when he's sat in front of you and you're telling him he can be honest about everything.
And this time he doesn't have to worry about someone else trying to win your heart. This time, it's just you and Riddle. You may have other patients you see, but Riddle knows none are more fascinating or intelligent than him.
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b0ther · 11 months
it's your typical story: the bully and the loser. you don't mind, though. not when yuuta's taking you in this good.
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pairing : okkotsu yuuta x reader (masculine pronouns. amab) rating : explicit, not safe for work (sexual content) type : headcanon & short drabble(s) hehe tags : reader is your typical BULLY and yuuta is your typical LOSER who gets BULLIED, depiction of violence (please be mindful of the tags), high school AU, yuuta gets off from the bullying, reader has a giant cock as per usual, yuuta displays some obsessive behaviours, usage of the words "slut" and "baby" and "whore" and "idiot", dry humping, blowjobs, spitting, anal sex, slight dub-con word count : 1,962
author's note : all my kings who believe in sub yuuta supremacy. . . this one's for you. also i wrote this half asleep. sawry. will def write more for this prompt in the future. love u ol 🫶
( masterlist │ ask/request │ ao3 )
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♡ you have never really paid much attention to LOSER!YUUTA, of course. why would you? you have shinier friends and your reputation allows you to trample on people in his class. you don't need him—you don't need to know him.
♡ oh, but LOSER!YUUTA? he pays attention to you. he pays attention hard. he watches your strides, heading to the cafeteria or the bathroom or out the school gates. he breathes in the air every time he gets the chance to indulge himself from being close to you. his cock throbs every time you just so much as elbow his shoulder in malice. 
♡ LOSER!YUUTA is such a nice boy—he crosses his heart and swears to himself that he doesn't enjoy seeing his peers getting their heads slammed onto the chalk walls along the hallway by your sturdy hands. in fact, he hates it so much that he would rather you kick his stomach and press your cigarette butts on his cheeks. the sacrifices he would make for his classmates are immeasurable.
♡ and soon enough, one of your friends would start pointing out how LOSER!YUUTA peeks at your direction constantly behind his book. his small and slender frame as if nonexistence between whatever the hell he is reading. you shake your head, laughing. "you can't name anyone in this school who doesn't want a taste of my dick," you wave your friends off, "especially not some fuckin' loser like him."
♡ you forgot about LOSER!YUUTA for a hot moment—ransacking school bags to find cash you can claim on your own; stepping on the feet of anyone who dares to tell you no. when everyone looks away, you find one pair of eyes occasionally stealing glances your way.
♡ curiosity, as curiosity does, eventually finds itself making its way to you. you love the attention, and when there is the opportunity to fuck something, what proper response are there but to chase it?
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“Arent’cha curious of me?” You ask, backing him up against the wall.
Yuuta shakes as you tower over him, eyes darting back and forth between your face and the door that you won’t allow him to leave. 
“Hey,” annoyed, you grab his jaw after taking a deep breath of the smoke between your fingers, forcing him to look at you. “Look at me when I’m talking to you.”
“Sorry,” he stutters out, almost as quick as the moment your sentence ended.
You scoff—Yuuta feels your hot breath on his skin. It smells like cigarettes, but mostly, it’s his first whiff of you. His eyes turn wide at his body’s awful timing of letting his cock go rock hard.
He prays that you won’t notice his cock practically peeking from underneath his pants. You never noticed his hard on, after all. But that day, in the cramped janitor’s closet, you are given no choice but to notice. Especially with his little grunt, clearing his throat like he’s slick.
“See,” you let go of his face, shoving his head against the wall. “I got you this hard, and what did I do?” You rub your leg against his crotch, intrigued at how his face crinkle in sudden pleasure. You killed the cigarette on the wall next to his head—Yuuta can hear it die, and he can almost feel the heat too.
He whimpers.
“Oh, quit being so whiny.” Your hand reached over to palm his ass, still rubbing your knee up and down his clothed length. “You like me this much? Show me.”
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♡ LOSER!YUUTA is not proud that he came all over his uniform pants just by rutting his cock on your thigh. well, maybe he is. no matter how he feels about it, he manages to pique your interest and make you come back to him for more.
♡ you don’t pretend to hide it. you’d pull him over in the middle of a crowded hallway, arms snaking around his waist where the whole school can see. words begin to spread, but you don’t care. neither does LOSER!YUUTA.
♡ LOSER!YUUTA would have to work for your cock, though. you aren’t letting him get to you that easy. besides, it’s fun getting him to jack himself off under the showers as you watch him squirm like the pathetic slut that he is.
♡ you’d take him right then and there—the more you do this, the harder it becomes to resist him—but you control yourself. there’s gotta be someone on their right mind in this exchange, and with all his good grades and straight a’s, LOSER!YUUTA is definitely too dumb when it comes to you.
♡ it’s a surprise when LOSER!YUUTA lets you into his room for the first time. it was just how you expected his room to be—simple, plain, boring.
♡ “my parents aren’t home,” he says as he fiddles with the hem of his uniform, not daring to look you in the eyes.
♡ LOSER!YUUTA, eyes wide when you instructed him to suck you off. you snicker at his stupid expression, and nodded at your crotch as you sat on his bed. “go on, i’m not gonna cum on my own.”
♡ but he is so eager to please you. so so excited. he sits between your thighs and marvels at the size of your cock compared to his face. you do not disappoint.
♡ “aren’t you gonna suck it?”
♡ LOSER!YUUTA is so good at sucking you off. you should have made him give you a blowjob earlier. he is gentle at first, kissing the tips of your cock, slobbering up the rest of your length for his taking, before eventually using his hot throat to welcome you in.
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You don’t even know where the fuck he learnt how to give a blowjob this good—who the fuck wants to get blown by a loser like Okkotsu Yuuta?
For some ungodly reason, he lets you in his room. And for some ungodly, too, he lets you place a pillow between your head and the wall as he sucks you off like he spends his days practising his jaws to accommodate your length.
He’s probably expected you to come on him like this, huh?
Both of his hands are squeezing the base of your cock, continuously pumping, and his pretty lips wrap themselves nicely around your tip. You watch the top of his head between your spreaded thighs as he drags the top of your dick in and out of his wet mouth.
“Yuuta,” you groan, gathering the strands of his hair with your fingers. All that you can hear is the sound of his chokes—at your call, he looks up at you under his long lashes, his cheeks hollow as he continues his slobbering mess. “Fuck,” you breathe, tugging on his hair tighter, “aren’t you pretty like this?”
His already flushed cheeks became redder—there is a sense of pride blossoming in his chest. You complimented him. Yuuta’s vision blurs as he becomes more dizzy—he just wants to make you feel good. 
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♡ you wouldn’t have guessed that if LOSER!YUUTA was to have a hobby, it was to suck you off.
♡ LOSER!YUUTA would never initiate anything first, of course. but a slut like him just needs a push—he’d beat your meat anywhere you want. the school rooftop, the karaoke room you took him to once. under a restaurant desk or in a hidden library corner.
♡ the vulnerability of it all turns LOSER!YUUTA on. and his neediness, his little whimpers and cries—he turns you on.
♡ you wonder how you never notice LOSER!YUUTA in his gym clothes: shorts and a shirt that is a little too tight for his body frame. he is full of sweat whenever he has to run the mile or throw some sort of lame spike across the volley net.
♡ eventually you find yourself fucking him.
♡ tight, tight hole. tightest hole you ever seen. you had to breathe to stop yourself from cumming when you first tried out his hole.
♡ you fuck him in the shower room, you fuck him in the gym storage, you fuck him on the teacher’s table on an empty classroom. he’s always bent over somewhere: ass up for you to take, and dick hard for you to jack off and leave him on the edge.
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“Don’t— Don’t stop—” he begs, prettily. You’ve grown a soft spot for him by now. His moans titter like melodies, echoing in the empty classroom as you dick him down—you press both his hands on his back as you drill yourself harder into him.
“Giving me instructions now?” You grunt, and Yuuta whines. A chuckle escapes your lips as you raise your hand to give his full ass a hard slap. "Shut up and just take my cock."
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♡ LOSER!YUUTA just wants you to kiss him.
♡ he reaches his arms around your neck whenever you press his knees over his chest, pulling you in.
♡ “no, no,” you chuckle, grabbing his jaw. “you don’t get to fucking kiss me, alright? i don’t kiss whores like you.”
♡ and LOSER!YUUTA knows how weak you are to his little whines. he claws at your chest, caresses the side of your face—”please,” he sobs, “kiss me, kiss— nghh—” your cock gets him so drunk that he can’t even finish a coherent sentence—he can’t even beg.
♡ his eyes roll back, nails digging into the blades of your shoulders. “i can’t, i can’t—”
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“You can’t what?”
His little hole feels like it’s scraping your dick every time you pull out and slam yourself back in. He’s so wet, so messy, so tight, just for your cock and even after fucking into his asshole this many times, you wonder how he can still be so fucking tight.
“You’re t’big,” Yuuta closes his eyes, hand blindly grasping for your neck, desperate for something to hold on to. “I can’t—”
“Aww,” you coo, faking empathy as you grab his face. “Sure you can take it. You’ve done this a million times.”
Yuuta lets one of his eyelids fly open, and he is greeted with your lips, lazily grinning down at him.
“It hurts,” he cries softly, knees becoming sore as you continue to bend it over his torso. His dick aches at your lack of attention to it, oozing precum all over his uniform and on the floor where you were fucking him. “Fu– fuck. Please, please.”
You watch the way his hair sticks against his forehead with his sweat, cheeks billowed and chest heaving. He just doesn’t know the things he does to you.
“Little slut can’t take it?” You manage to keep your voice steady, as if you aren’t close to fucking his brains out. “Want me to kiss it better?”
As if he has his ears perking at your preposition, he shoots both his eyes open. Excitement flashes through his pupils, and between his grunts, he manages to ask, “Can… can you—?”
You laugh, “Of course not, idiot.” You let go of his face and stand on your knees, ready to pummelled into him even harder. “Here,” you lean down at his sweaty face, kissing the skin under his eye before spitting on his face, “You can have a taste.”
Yuuta squirms. You use the back of your hand to wipe the spit off your mouth and laugh again when you see Yuuta with his mouth open, tongue hanging out.
“God. Want me to spit in your mouth this time?”
Yuuta nods, wrapping his leg around your body as best as he can, and weakly tugs for you to lean down. Every taste of you is divine—he wants everything you offer him, and he wants so much more.
“You’re so hot, baby,” You rub his face. “Beg for my spit. Use your words. You can do it, right?”
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Random Obey Me! Headcanons Part 3
Asmo collects plushies, he finds the little things absolutely adorable and has tons of them in his room. And yes, you'll see Asmo's eyes lit up like a kid if you ask him about them and their individual names. He will also be glad to explain each one's little story and how he got them, and you would be endeared to find that a good portion of the plushies were given by the other brothers themselves, who have known about his love for collecting for a long time now.
Belphie is one of those people who when you ask them for something will ALWAYS blatantly say no at first but then proceed to nonchalantly do the exact thing you asked with no ounce of shame whatsoever, maybe even smirk a little as they finish doing whatever it is you asked. It's a little annoying at first, but you eventually get used to it. He's just likes being a brat, really.
Satan had an emo phase as a teenager, he would dye his hair black, only wear dark clothes, paint his nails regularly ( with the help of Asmo ), listen to typical emo music, the whole nine yards. And of course, he was more rebellious than ever, refusing to listen to his brothers and just any authority figures in general. He's ashamed of it now and cringes hard seeing pictures of himself back then. As any good father older brother would though, Lucifer always manages to embarrass him by bringing up that phase and even showing the "cursed pictures" to friends/potencial partners Satan brings home.
Levi likes to hide in small spaces when he's anxious, overwhelmed, or just doesn't wanna deal with something ( social interactions more often than not ). Oh, you're at a party and you can't find Levi anywhere? Check the less crowded room, more specifically under the tables, he's probably there playing games on his phone. Hm, it's lunch break at RAD and the third born is nowhere to be seen? Inside his locker, or maybe the janitor's closet. He doesn't know exactly why he does it, but it's a habit that's been with him ever since he was a small angel. Those places just comfort him, somehow. And don't worry, he's pretty flexible so it works out just fine. I mean, why else would he be okay sleeping in a bathtub?
MC and Mephisto didn't meet for the first during S4. In fact, these two first met only a week into the exchange program, with Mephisto interviewing MC for the RAD Newspaper. Because of course, the public was dying to know more about the newest exchange student who had just entered the academy, and multiple news outlets were covering MC's arrival and curious situation, given that they had been placed with the seven brothers at HoL, and had gotten into a pact with Mammon so quickly. Being aware of all of this, Mephisto knew that an exclusive interview with MC would give everyone in the kingdom something to talk about, and so he sought to be the first one to get his hands on one. ( Also he was very intrigued and eager to known more about MC, but of course he'd never admit that. )
Belphie and Mammon both have piercings around their bodies. Mammon especially likes the golden and grey ones that match his rings, while Belphie prefers them black ( because of course he would ).
For the first 2-3 months of the exchange program, MC genuinely thought Diavolo and Lucifer were a couple. This happened because ever since day 1 they were hearing "funny comments" about the two of them and just assumed they were in an actual relationship. And no one ever bothered to correct them because they found it hilarious, and wanted to see how long it'd take for them to find out the truth. Some of the brothers even went as far as purposely making up stories to lead MC to believe that Lucifer was out on dates with Diavolo when he wasn't at home and they came looking for him ( and the bastards would immediately start laughing the moment MC left the room ). MC only found out the truth when they were talking to Lucifer about Diavolo one day and casually replied to something he said with "But that's not really surprising since he's your boyfriend" and Lucifer just went ???? "Excuse me?? What did you just say?" and proceeded to explain that he and Diavolo were in fact not in a relationship. ( the punishment he gave his brothers after finding out about this "little prank" of theirs was no joke, but none of them regretted it, it was "just too funny", in their own words )
Lucifer's voice changes DRASTICALLY depending on his mood. Like, the more serious/stressed he is, the deeper it goes, and the more relaxed/content he is, the softer it becomes. You can hear it cleary when you compare the way he sounds on a regular basis when lecturing the others, speaking about work, giving speeches as RAD's vice president, etc, to rare occasions when he's talking about music and art, playfully teasing the others, or recalling a nice moment from the past. It's like there are 3 stages to his voice: usual deep, furiously deep ( that iconic "Mammooon" ), and ACTUALLY SOFT. The ones who get to hear his "nice voice" the most are MC, Diavolo, Barbatos, Luke, and Beel.
One that's already been discussed by other players but that I'd like to add on: demons ( and angels as well ) give humans "uncanny valley feeling" and MC could tell there was something ""wrong"" with brothers ( they aren't humans ) the moment they first laid their eyes on them in the council room. And my addition to this is: although the brothers all give off this feeling, it's to varying degrees that depend on how much they can blend in as a human. And Satan is the only who can bypass this "filter" almost completely, because remember when Lucifer first introduced him by saying something along the lines of "He might look nice but don't fall for it because it's an act"? Well, I like to think that Satan also looks the most "normal" out of his brothers when it comes to the "uncanny valley feeling" because of this too, since he has pretty much mastered the art of appearing trusting to deceive humans back in the day and is still the best at disguising himself as human to not to scare people away when visiting the human world and such.
Solomon has a hobby of solving jigsaw puzzles, like, you know those huge ones that take over the entire table or floor? He absolutely loves them and will gladly spend a whole day focused on completing them if needed. And if you offer to solve one with him? Oh, he'll get so excited it's actually kind of adorable. So do it, it's the road to his heart, even if you find it boring.
Lucifer leaves Beel on charge whenever he has a work-related trip, or simply intends on spending more time out of the house than usual. It's easy, as long as the second youngest keeps everything in order, Lucifer promises to take him to any restaurant he wants ( no matter how expensive ), and to let him eat to his heart's content when he comes back. Oh, Mammon is trying to sneak out of the house to gamble all their money away? Nuh-uh, Beel's not letting him leave through that door! Asmo's planning to take advantage of the fact that Lucifer is out to throw a party? Nope, Beel's stopping him. Satan & Belphie are trying to get into Lucifer's room to prank him? Yeah nah, Beel's dragging them back to their own rooms. Really, it works wonders, not only because Beel has the most physical strength out of everyone and can overpower them, but also because none of them have the heart to actually argue with him.
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lilac-rose-writes · 5 months
also she's a lunch lady now bc she knows nothing about teaching <3 girlie got demoted on her first day <33
the new characters look interesting! i think it's very curious that davey is the "former principal's son"- we see no principal at all throughout the trailer. where the heck are they??? what happened?? and why is davey's mission to "stop the janitor"?? which janitor???? the one with the murder hole or the one with the bloody mop?????
checked the character descriptions again and it turns out the new janitor has a NAME and is also the principal now. my bad. go regis. dubious kinggg. i wonder how the past principal disappeared,,
ms lovelett is so me-coded. i too would put on a play for five year olds and rhyme everything
can't believe they mashed up monty. AGAIN. at least he got to chuck food at the janitor first :))
HE'S IN A DRESS???? and he hates it. who put him in a dress??
who's been trying to hurt the crocodile? i just wanna give it a lil boop. regis did u try to hurt the crocodile??? for shameee
duck riddle's in the cafeteria this time! but whERE is jerome to tell us what it is??? D:
the nurse is smoking,,, right next to a big "no smoking" sign,,,, in her medical room,,,, that she presumably but there
it's gonna say "ducks", isn't it? we'll take off the odd sheet of paper and it will say "ducks". calling it now
ted-nugget friendship in the cafeteria???
bob,, bob i miss u bob,,, bob come bACK
genuinely though where the heckadoodle is felix?? he's like. the most popular character in the fandom. what HAPPENED?
more green goo here,, hmmm. applesoft is so shady, maybe felix'll be back later?
the timeline stuff is really weird. it seems like random events from each loop pass over while one timeline stays mostly the same. how is applegate not dead? she got really stabbed. like that was a whole thing. she should be very stabbed and dead right now. is felix dead from the cain's not able alt?
we're not done with monsters or bloody bags just yet! what are they doing in the principal's office..????
PLEASE tell me the twins are just investigating in secret again. there is SO MUCH to investigate. they would be in their ELEMENT here
the dustbin looks very suspicious. like why does it look like that. i don't trust it
some things never change <33 just like our inability to read <333
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xthe-writing-vampirex · 4 months
Hi I have a question! Um I know you wrote it like a while ago, but do you think you will do a part 2 of the mechanic y/n with the animatronics? The one where she has a fear of them. If you do a second part do you think you can tag me?
Mechanic Y/N Part 2
Word count: 1,732
Finally got around to actually writing another part to this! It's looking like my brain is actually letting me write again and I couldn't be happier. I hope this went in a direction you like. I figured I'd try to give Y/N some one on one time with Chica since I don't think I've ever actually written that. I'll probably try to do the same with Roxy at some point as well but I figured Chica would be the most likely to be able to actually calm Y/N down. Anyway I hope you like it!
Your brush with a very grumpy Monty left you shaking and desperately trying to find somewhere you could actually be alone and try to calm down. Being around your bosses or coworkers like this would definitely not bode well for you. You honestly doubted they would fire you due to something like this but they would question your ability to properly do your job and you just couldn't let that happen. Spotting a nearby janitor's closet you rush over, opening the door and stepping into the surprisingly large space. The closet is full of the typical cleaning supplies and back up parts but it also opens up to what looks like a walk way that could serve as a back way to get from place to place. Closing the door behind you, you move forward, curious about the odd space you've found. When you round the corner however you notice a charging pod, blue lightning bolt glowing to signal someone is in it. You look up towards the little window that lets you see inside and your eyes land on the familiar face of the papa bear himself, Freddy. He doesn't notice you at first, eyes closed as if he's sleeping. It stands to reason that recharge is sort of like sleeping for them so it makes sense he would treat it like that. Curious, you step closer, watching the bear for any sign he might wake up. Unfortunately for you, with your focus so intently on Freddy you don't notice a piece of metal tubing haphazardly placed against the nearby wall. Your foot hits it, causing it to fall down with an audible clank. You flinch, looking up towards the bear again hoping it didn't alert him to your presence. Unfortunately for you, Freddy is a light sleeper.
“Y/N? What are you doing back here? Most of the staff don't come back here unless they're looking for something. Is there anything I can help you with?” The bear asks, stepping out of the charger and causing an audible hiss when the door opens. He steps down, looking down at your small frame and waiting for you to respond to him. Meanwhile you can't get your mouth to actually open and form words, too terrified by the sight in front of you. You're extremely close to the bear, face only coming up to his stomach hatch area. “Uh…..Y/N? Are you alright?” He asks, noticing you seem completely frozen and unable to talk. He's not sure what's going through your head but he's certainly not used to this sort of reaction from people, even in the past you'd never done this. Then again you'd avoided ever actually being this close to him. Eventually the bear gets down on one knee so he's more eye level with you, trying to snap you out of whatever trance you're currently in. “Superstar?” He says worriedly, moving to put a hand on your cheek. The movement knocks you out of your trance and you immediately move away from the bear, leaving him stunned with his hand still in the air.
“Y-Yup! I'm totally fine Freddy! See you later!” You reply quickly, wanting nothing more than to get away from the animatronic. First Monty and now this? God could you really do this job if you were this scared? Freddy pauses, bringing his hand down and trying to figure out what's going on here.
“Y/N. Wait a moment. I know something is wrong. Your heart rate is elevated and you seem to be going through a panic attack. How can I help?” The bear asks, causing you to stop and give him a rather rushed and fake smile.
“N-No no! No panic attacks here! I don't know what you're talking about Fred!” You reply, still frantically trying to think of a way to get out of this situation. “Gotta go check in on some of the staff bots! See ya!” You reply before quickly moving away from Freddy and out of the janitor's closet, leaving the bear still down on one knee and completely stunned by the whole interaction. Was it something he said?
After that ‘terrifying’, at least in your mind, interaction you head towards an out of place little hallway, shaking all the way there and trying to catch your breath. Freddy hadn't done anything scary persay but just being that close to that big of an animatronic scared the absolute shit out of you. Again you question how the hell you're going to do this job if you can't even get close to these robots without having a panic attack. Letting out a sigh you let your back fall against a nearby wall, sliding down it until your butt hits the ground. Should you just quit now? You'd been able to handle taking care of the simpler robots around the place but maybe that's just because they're closer to the size of normal people and unable to really do what the main four could. Sighing once again you put your head in your knees, trying to calm yourself down so you can go back out and actually do your job.
Just then you hear the familiar sound of an animatronic as they walk, getting closer and closer. Your head pops up immediately, eyes landing on the relatively short form of Chica, who thankfully is around the same size as a typical human female being the shortest of the group. Before you can protest the chicken comes and sits down next to you, smiling warmly at you.
“Hiya rock chick! Freddy told me what happened. I figured I'd try to find you and see if I could help ya out!” The chicken says cheerfully, You sit there nervously eyeing her and she eventually puts two and two together. “Would it help if I move away a bit, sweetie? I don't want to scare you or cause you more anxiety.” She explains, your look of confusion at what she says answers quite a few of her questions without you even having to say a word. The chicken moves away a bit, sitting with her legs closed and to one side. “Look sweetie. I'm not sure what we've done to scare you but none of us are out to get you. We just want to make sure you're okay. Freddy is worried sick about you and is convinced he did something wrong.” She explains, earning a confused look from you once again. You can't get over just how lifelike these beings are. They're unlike literally anything you've worked on before and they seem to have their own thoughts and feelings. Biting your lip nervously you try desperately to think of something to say to her, feeling kinda bad for worrying Freddy like this. Though to be fair you weren't even aware he could actually worry like this.
“You don't have to talk if you don't want to Rock Chick. I don't want to make this any more scary for you.” Chica states, keeping her movements slow and visible while monitoring your heart rate and breathing. “I do want to know though. Did we cause this in some way? You can just shake or nod your head if you want.” She explains, smiling when you shake your head no in reply. “Oh good. I was scared maybe Monty did something that freaked you out, or Roxy. I love her but she can be so blunt sometimes.” She rambles, which surprisingly is actually helping to calm you down. Despite knowing Chica is an animatronic she's actually extremely like a normal human in size and personality, like a bubbly friend who loves to talk. “Is it the whole size thing? Seems to make the parents a bit nervous too.” She continues, pausing to see if you'll shake your head in reply which you eventually do, a nod to be exact though the size thing isn't the only thing about them that scares you.
“I-Its a lot of things….” You manage, Chica playfully gasping in response.
“It speaks! Well I can't say I blame you for being nervous Rock Chick. Those boys make even me nervous sometimes. Especially when Monty gets angry and messes up his room. I think that would scare anyone. We really don't mean any harm though…..well me and Freddy don't. He's just a big teddy bear…..and I don't think Roxy or Monty do either, they're just difficult sometimes.” She replies, still smiling warmly to try and reassure you. “It's totally okay to take a while to get over this too Rock Chick. But I'm happy to help however I can!” She finishes, smile still bright as the sun. She puts a hand out for you, waiting for you to make a move to actually grab it. She doesn't have the sharp claws like the others do and her hand more or less just looks like a humans for the most part, like you can still tell she's an animatronic but at least they tried to make her more human like. You pause, staring at her hand for a few moments while she patiently waits to see if you're willing to take it. Eventually, albeit hesitantly, you put your shaky hand into hers and the happy little smile that she gives you when you do makes you smile a bit in response. How could you not? She just seems so happy that you actually gave her some trust.
“There you go sweetheart! Well done, I'm so proud of you!” She praises, making you blush a bit in the process. “Awe, you're so cute when you blush! You should do it more often, cupcake. Do you want to come hang out in my green room so you can calm down? We can get you some sweets and have some girl time hm?” She suggests, causing you to pause for a moment. You're worried about being seen by the others but are hoping maybe Chica will send them a message and tell them to leave you be for a bit, actually the chicken thought to do just that as soon as you nodded your head in response to her question. She bounces happily before carefully standing and starting to help you up. “Yay! Let's get to it, Rock Chick!” She states happily before beginning to lead you back towards rockstar row and to her room.
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oneforthemunny · 7 months
evieeeee i’m not sure if this has been asked before but i was just curious — how would the different eddies react to reader dropping the L bomb first, and who among them do you think would actually drop it first? ahhh sorry i’m just in a fluffy and silly mood <333
ooh ok let me think.
edited bc no fucking way i forgot rockstar!eddie
for the eddies who would say i love you first:
modern!eddie says it balls deep inside of you bc that's who he is. also very early on. just can't help it. he's sure he's found his soulmate after the first date and it just comes out when he's fucking you.
bouncer!eddie too. i feel like he'd be a little drunk, a little flirty, and you say something that makes him giggle and he's just like "i fuckin' love you" "what?" "nothing..." he didn't mean to say it really, not them anyways, but he can't help that he did.
mafia!eddie is definitely saying it first, though i feel his is in the heat of a fight or a tense moment. maybe something similar to the fight in the struggles we face. where you're mad he's always just missing stuff and doesn't tell you and you get scared. maybe a retaliation where you ignore him and it goes wrong. heat of the fight, he just blurts out, "i care where you're fucking at because i want to keep you safe. i love you and i want you to be safe."
hockey!eddie says it first. literally just nonchalantly one day is like "no i love you so much" and it's kinda shocking but also very on brand for him and very sweet.
i mentioned boxer!eddie is very possessive and so is reader, so i think he says it first but under circumstances similar to her accusing him of cheating. "why the fuck would i look at someone else? why am i lookin'? i'm not. i'm only looking at you. i only love you." because let's be real, she would never say it lol, so he has to first.
as for the reader who would say it first:
cowboy!eddie's sweet girl would say it first. a little tipsy, when they were more established and steady, but they both just hadn't said it. eddie didn't think he needed to, he just assumed you knew, and you were always a little scared to say it first. until he took you to the bar and you're just dopey and hugging all over him and it slips. he'd just grin, kiss the corner of your mouth, mutter a "love you too, baby." to your skin.
teacher!reader said it first with janitor!eddie because truly, he's so fucking scared to say it on his own. like shaking almost. and she can tell he really wants to. he'll start and then it's like his words are strangled completely. so eventually she's like fuck it, and says it to him.
older!eddie did not say it first, kinda for similar reasons as janitor!eddie, but he's also very uneasy about how to navigate a relationship period but especially one with someone younger. he doesn't want to scare you off, so he shows it more than says it. until one day you've just had it, and you say it. "you know i love you, right? like i really do love you, and i want this to be a thing for a long long time." and he's over the moon about it.
dom!eddie also does not say it for the first time, which is not all that surprising. i feel like it would be during a vulnerable moment, maybe after sex and you're just a little hazy. he's being extra sweet and it just slips. he'd just smile, not make a huge deal out of it, "yeah? love you too."
nepo baby!reader says it first to rockstar!eddie, which really is shocking. when they start getting closer, it just kinda comes out. is supposed to be backhanded and mean, but kinda falls short. "i mean, obviously i love you. i wouldn't be with someone like you if i didn't. do you know how this is going to fuck my reputation?" and eddie can't even get mad at the insult bc you just said you loved him?? him???
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eiilese · 1 year
Love the designs and descriptions you did for the straw hats!! I do want to ask, since they all have different roles and skills do they meet the crew at different points in the story? Like, since Robin is the shipwright would she have met the crew at Water 7 or would it still be Alabasta but under different circumstances? Since she’s not an archeologist she wouldn’t have been raised on O’Hara, right?
Just curious to see what your thoughts are😊 - thanks.
thank you so much for the ask!! sorry this took so long to answer it took awhile to gather my ideas. i’m so happy with how well this au thing was received ;u; TY to people who left tags and replies!! i read everything 🫶
here is the original post for role swap! this post has explanations for backstories! i really did try to have drawings to go with everything but i burned out as this month went on so not every character has doodles :(
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i kept everything mostly the same in terms of when the strawhats meet each person. i didn’t want to change too much to avoid changing important character moments that happen in canon
this isn’t a super heavy rewrite, there’s a lot of backstory to juggle and i’m not equipped to write such an in-depth au rn 😭 but i might make separate posts for arcs like water 7 or wci!! though i kept a lot of backstory the same theres a lot of rewrite potential for those sagas
i hope these are fun to read about nonetheless ^_^ i included some stuff from @flute-of-pan pan and @onethousandsunnies because they left tags on the original post that were cool ideas
nami, vice capt.
not much changes!! instead of forcing her to chart maps, arlong might just have her around as a servant girl. regardless, the deal to buy back cocoyashi village still stands and nami works hard for it
generally i think her selflessness and loyalty to her village makes her fit to be a vice captain. she looks out for people at her own detriment and was willing to take the fall for such much ahhh
in my opinion she’s good vice captain material!! perhaps a cowardly one but still reliable. also a good treasurer for the crew as always
zoro, cook
zoro grew up training to be a swordsman and competes against kuina, but he also has a knack for cooking as a hobby. he’s mostly the same but sanji’s “stuck on a rock in the middle of the ocean with zeff” happens to him instead (flute-of-pan suggested the cook always suffers the fate of starvation)
kuina decides to run away and zoro is roped into her plans. it goes wrong and they get stranded on a rock, eventually arguing and ending up on opposite sides of the rock with the little food they brought
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zoro finds out kuina gave him everything they had soon after she stops replying to him. he’s rescued thanks to kuina’s dad, who tracked them down with vivre cards. kuina’s had long since burned up
similar to canon, zoro continues striving to become the world’s strongest after her death. i think this backstory coupled with him eating those stomped riceballs at the very beginning of the story is so….(GESTURE) it’s very reminiscent of sanji’s no-waste-policy which he would absolutely also have
sanji, sniper
germa 66 has a mafia aesthetic now 👍i only have the willpower to draw reiju here she ended up kind of cluttered but i like my vision
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sanji’s backstory is mostly the same: he and his siblings are genetically modified to be the perfect soldiers, but he had a kind nature that made him the target of abuse. after reiju helps him escape, he ends up with zeff and worked as a janitor. zeff loses his leg while trying to save sanji in a maritime accident; though they don’t get stranded anywhere, sanji has to be indebted to him somehow
when the baratie is opened, he works as a busser/guard against unruly guests. flute-of-pan mentioned that he could fire the canons of the ship
when the strawhats meet him on the baratie, sanji still gives don krieg’s crew food. i don’t think his kindness around that would disappear just bc he doesn’t have a whole starving incident
usopp, navigator
on top of bluffing about being the leader of a huge pirate army, he would create fake maps and brag to everyone in syrup village (especially kaya) about these places he so evidently visited. kaya loved his drawings even if the places weren’t real
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his dream is to create a Real map of the whole world, not a fake map that he makes up out of stories. drafting the real world makes him a brave explorer of the seas, which he also wants to become :)
when the strawhats meet him, they were basically relying on nami’s limited sailing skills to get around. not only do they get the going merry but they have a real, reliable navigator now! AND he’s multitalented B)
chopper, helmsman
from a young age he set his sights on sailing the seas to escape from the isolation he faced on drum island. he would routinely make little boats for himself to escape the island on, failing each time, and hiriluk would always nurse him back to health
instead of studying to be a doctor, chopper has a general desire to be helpful and acted as an assistant to hiriluk’s medical endeavors
both flute-of-pan and onethousandsunnies pitched that chopper studied stuff like ocean currents!! overall he studied the ocean real hard but would never leave the island without hiriluk
hiriluk’s death would glue him to doctor kureha’s side and it isn’t until the strawhats come that he has the courage to embark on a new journey
franky, muscian
bro grew up running around water 7 trying to get people to join his band. tom and iceberg are still his family. his shipbuilding skills don’t go past an amateur level in this au. he would develop a line of dinky guitars (or instruments in general) that also had lasers/canons/confetti in them. his dream is A FRANKY WORLD TOUR 🤞FREE ADMISSION
many of his weaponized instruments littered the shipyard, spandam uses them in his attack
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after the whole tom/spandam situation unfolds, iceberg is the one to find and reconstruct franky into a cyborg after getting run over by the sea train. but he won’t implement piano key abs no matter how much franky asks 🙄
the newly formed franky family protect the city and throw unsolicited concerts in the middle of the street B)
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robin, shipwright
though she’s not an archeologist, she still grew up on ohara! instead of archeology, she’s a gifted engineer. her devil fruit made her an outcast and her strange, misunderstood inventions did not help her case
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when jaguar d saul gets stranded on ohara, robin constructs the raft for him :) the buster call unfolds the same as canon except this time, everyone’s actually not lying when they say robin can’t read poneglyphs! she never learned!! again flute-of-pan had the cool idea that she is wrongly accused. still, she’s pursued and branded as a devil child
she ends up with crocodile, who believes she can read poneglyphs. she takes advantage of this and earns his protection from the government but her ruse is uncovered when she lies to croc about what alabasta’s poneglyph says (girl cannot read that!)
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robin dreams of creating a ship that can carry her and the friends she wishes to have. after meeting robin in alabasta she joins the strawhats!!
brook, doctor
he was the doctor of the rumbar pirates. an injured laboon came to like brook after he nursed him back to health!! when yorki became sick from disease brook tried his hardest to cure him, but failed :(
he was doomed to watch his crewmates die to poison that he cannot hope to cure because he himself was also dying. when he came back thru his fruit it was already too late :( the rumbar pirates Do record a song for laboon though this event cannot be edited 🤞
met in thriller bark; ik that’s a long ass time to go without a real doctor on board
by the time they meet brook everyone’s already so battered that he has to go to town on them with gauze and stitches. the company delights him ^_^
jinbei, archeologist
i mentioned this in the first post abt this au but his interest in history sparked thanks to the history of joyboy and fishman island being so intertwined. at some point in his youth, jinbei frequently visited ohara (prior to the buster call) and grew a strong relationship with the scholars there (i’m just assuming they wouldn’t be racists 🤪) he runs into robin a handful of times
he secretly learns how to read poneglyphs here leading up to the buster call. he wasn’t on the island when it happened so he managed to avoid robin’s fate
his story proceeds the same from there with the neptune army, joining fisher tiger, meeting koala, etc…
i enjoy the idea of getting invited to be a warlord by the government while simultaneously being one of the most wanted people in the world for knowing poneglyph secrets
also i’m sorry if there are things i forgot about or details that don’t make sense >—>o
the anime’s pacing has ruined my enthusiasm for awhile lol and i’ve consumed a lot of media since catching up!! everyone’s backstories/canon events aren’t too fresh in my memory but i did some researching to remedy it 🫡
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twst-drabbles · 1 year
Jack 13
Summary: Today was just too hot and Mr. Crowley came over to your house to complain about it. He almost drank Jack, who was soaking in your large cup of water.
(I was actually going to write about Baul or Bal or whatever the fuck, because I was entertaining the thought of the time-traveling Janitor being his first human crush, which would be hilarious, but for some reason my brain is just??? Not working with me??? Anyways, have this funny little thing.)
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Your AC wasn’t broken by any means. The thing works pretty great but it is also very old. There’s only so much cold air it can pump inside your home. Even as you stand directly in front of the vent on a chair, it’s just not enough to shed this heat from your house.
You’re baking and so is everyone else in this house.
Right now, you’re in as little clothing as possible, on a spot where the vent’s air hits, surrounded by a bunch of plug-in fans you had in storage for such as day as this. You stretched out your arm as far as you could and tapped your nail against the glass of your water. Well, it was your water.
“You doing alright Jack?” Poor little guy joined you with a very lethargic crawl, almost a drag if you’re being honest. Could’ve melted right there with you but then Jack saw ice in your cup of water and dove right in. Now he’s just soaking, head propped on the rim, but ears still flat as you both baked.
Jack gave a very lazy whine. As though he couldn’t hold it anymore, Jack became a formless wisp of smoke, overflowing lazily to the floor like a block of dry ice.
“Yeah, right there with you, buddy,” you shifted just an inch to the right and sighed at the newly found cold. Maybe you should take some notes and run and ice bath? But then again, you don’t exactly like the thought of getting sick. A moment of cool could easily turn into a burning fever the next day, and you just know that would kill you.
The door to your room burst open, knob knocking against the wall as you heard a voice cry out, “Great Seven this heat is unbearable!”
You didn’t even have the energy to flinch.
“Uh-huh,” you nodded but even that was a bit much, “you might feel cooler if you take off that mask, Crowley.”
You’ve pretty much given up on Crowley actually knocking on anything that isn’t his drunken head on the panes of windows.
“Nonsense, this is part of my identity. My charm point, if you will.” Crowley popped into view and you almost laughed. Reminded you of those curious doves that would look down when you laid down in patch of grass, “Though, what you say tempts me so. If only my own cooling system would actually work as intended!”
Because there was enough room in your circle of fans, Crowley sat right next to your spread eagle self. Yeah yeah, just sit right next to you. It’s not like his body heat is gonna make this any better. You closed your eyes and hoped the darkness would somehow make this heat bearable. Moving just doesn’t sound pleasing at the moment.
“Oh, don’t mind if I do!”
You opened your eyes, “Do what?”
You heard ice clink against glass. You shot up just as Crowley’s lips touched the rim. With an echoing yelp, Jack reformed his chosen self and bashed his head into Crowley’s nose. Crowley gave a cry as he dropped the glass right onto his lap, only to give out an even weirder, almost vibrato-like shriek as he spilled ice water all over his crotch.
“…Jack was in there,” you snorted out. You should probably get a towel so he can get all that puppy water out.
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kitorin · 1 year
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003. perfect
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5:01 pm
"Fucking hell."
Normally, you'd have more shame, but given your current circumstances it was understandable for you to curse loudly in the middle of the hallway on your way home from the school library. All of this was so irritating, the rumours and all the attempted manipulation, both which, were from the exact same source; Kira Ryosuke.
It should be fine. That's what you've told yourself for a long time. But you've been corrected. Because rumour after rumour, it kept accumulating now it's consumed and become your school life, until your identity is once again established as one that only revolves around some guy who likes you.
"You better drop dead next time I see you."
"May I help you?" You pull yourself out of your livid trance, looking up from staring at your feet as you walk and realizing with horror that you say that right in front of someone else. What's even worse, is that you recognise who it was, possibly one of the worst people to unintentionally curse at. It's Chigiri Hyoma. Rising star of the jpop and jdrama industry, who also happens to be a member of one of your best friend's favourite band.
"I am so sorry. I swear it wasn't directed to you- A lot had been going on recently." You prayed, begging that he wasn't one of those celebrities who enjoyed tormenting regular people with their obsessive and toxic fanbases, or liked exploiting their fame to ruin others.
Despite being apprehensive of the social power he holds, Meguru was right every time he called Chigiri attractive. It was evident through photos, but they don't capture his beauty fully. There wasn't a blemish on his pale skin, his tied up hair seemed perfect, it was obvious people would die for his skin and hair care routine. Long eyelashes compliment soft features and his rose coloured eyes clouded with what seemed like concern.
Even though his features weren't inhumanely perfect or complied to the beauty standard to a T, everything just synergises together, curating his natural charm.
Visually, he embodies perfection.
"Ah I see. I understand." Just when you thought he couldn't look any better he smiles, teeth perfectly white and shiny, which were adorned with dimples. It made sense why he was an actor and idol, he pulls off school uniform and even makes it look fashionable, heck his school photo probably came out gorgeous too. "So, what happened?"
You were too busy admiring his visuals to realize you were going to reveal your current struggles to a total stranger. "Well it's just- wait, I don't even know you?"
"Neither do I. All the more better to open up to, no?"
He's kind of weird. No wonder why Meguru loves him so much.
Instead of addressing and responding to his statement, you take advantage of this opportunity, since he's always surrounded by fans. "Then, how do you deal with rumours? You're apart of that band egoism, right? You'd know a lot about this"
"Well. I'm not apart of the PR team, so I don't know the full details. But rumours don't have some sort of secret formula or trick to getting rid of them. Hence why most celebrities have a PR team."
If only you had one too.
"Are you the one everyone assumes is dating Kira? I'm guessing you're referring to all the gossip related to you too." Chigiri continues, seeming genuinely curious regarding your situation.
You nod, and barely process being dragged into a janitor's closet by him, the complete shock taking too long to register.
"Oi Chigiri, what're you doing?" Ending up in a janitor's closet with one of the most popular artists of your age was not expected.
"Dating rumours, you say?" He breaths out, dismissing your question, a chuckle soon rises in his throat. "We're not too different, no? I have the perfect solution for you."
"Which is?" Once again, he ignores your questions, slowly coming closer towards you, face close in proximity to yours.
"Date me."
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PAIRING. chigiri hyoma x reader
SYNOPSIS. school gets overwhelming with constant rumours and accusations, thankfully someone is willing to help. but what happens when this mutually beneficial agreement escalates into something more?
GENRE. social media au, fake dating, idol / actor au
TAGLIST. @izzylovestnbhd, @angelchigiri, @punkhazardlaw, @silly-ez, @y-sabell-a
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© kitorin : do not repost, plagiarize, change, or translate
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priderock-inc · 8 months
Welcome to Pride Rock Incorporated!
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Welcome to Pride Rock Incorporated: a human!AU of The Lion King where the circle of business never ends, and the only thing getting trampled is the competition.
Mufasa, the charismatic CEO, whose roars in board meetings are the only things louder than his impeccable (or, depending on who you ask, atrocious) tie collection.
Scar, the ambitious VP, whose scheming mind is as sharp as his wardrobe, turning every boardroom into a stage for his dramatic power plays.
Sarabi, Mufasa's efficient secretary (and beloved wife), who handles the chaos with grace, effortlessly managing schedules and reigning over the office like the queen she is.
Zazu, the slightly uptight chief advisor, who embodies punctuality and protocol, bringing order one morning report at a time.
Rafiki, the mysterious head of HR, who weaves the threads of office harmony with a touch of enigmatic wisdom.
Timon and Pumbaa, the happy and hapless IT duo, bug-squashers extraordinaire whose motto is "Hakuna Ma-data" until the server crashes yet again.
Simba, Mufasa's curious 7-year-old with a penchant for exploring, who turns the office into his personal playground and treats every memo as a canvas for crayon masterpieces.
And more!
Questions or requests for headcanons or fics are always welcome (:
My main blog is @reine-du-sourire.
Confession time: This entire escapade originated from a series I'm crafting on AO3, in which Scar turns up the charm dial to eleven and flirts incessantly with Zazu while Zazu fails spectacularly in his attempt to remain unflustered.
WIP list that you may feel free to bother me about actually finishing:
-karaoke night
-Simba and Nala coming after school and discovering The Graveyard (janitor's closet)
-Business lunch with HathiCorp
-Subsequent hotel shenaniganry
-Scar's foray into Shenzi's makeup channel
-Team-building exercise at the rock wall
-Simba gets ahold of the PA
-Mufasa institutes "Casual Fridays"
-Business networking dinner at a fancy hotel
-Scar and Zazu find themselves stuck in an elevator during a power outage
-The gang heads to the Triton Royale
-Photo shoot
-Bring Your Parents To Work Day
@onemeh asks for:
-Mufasa and Iago bonding. Considering Iago's last boss was less than ideal, I'd love to see that dynamic
-Scar and Mufasa. Just a bit of bantering/hanging out/not having to deal with family trauma for one second, please and thank you (here's one! Here's another!)
-Shenzi, Banzai and Ed hanging out. Maybe a brief Scar cameo. (With a bit of luck, the house won't even end up on fire at the end.)
-This one taps into Hurt/Comfort a bit but maybe Zazu comforting Scar (or maybe the aftermath of that? That would also be an amazing read), since I believe there was only the Elevator Incident and we've seen it happen a few times the other way around? And they have definitely gotten a bit closer since that.
-Simba in the office again. Being courious about anything and everything, even Zazu's paperwork. Anything with him is bound to be tooth rotting fluff.
-Lastly, Scar using Zazu's greek name more often, now that he knows it trips him up.
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merakiui · 3 days
Every day I wonder about the CEO of Tiddies, Secretary Leech, and Moody Janitor. Like these three combos vs the vanilla combo (Riddle, Trey and Cater…)
Need crumbs so bad sobs
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(⸝⸝⸝- ᴗ -⸝⸝⸝ ;) aaaa these fish are so demanding,,, (I can take all of them and it’s not in a fight hehe.) It’s impossible, Riddle. I’ve become a yes-man for them just as he feared…. T^T
Working for the tiddy ceo and his sleazy secretary comes with the added bonus (curse) of indulging them in office sex and all manner of other very nsfw business behind closed doors. 🫣 and the diligent (when he feels like it) janitor Floyd will happily clean up….. but not before he makes even more of a mess out of you. The only good thing is that he’ll also clean you up when all is said and done. There! Shrimpy is pretty and prim just like before!! :D he uses his mouth and fingers to clean the cum from inside and on your body, straightening your collar, smoothing down your skirt. He’s so…sweet??? You can never get a solid read on him. ;;; if he has a snack on hand (a pastry or a candy) he’ll offer it to you. <3
What if,,,, roommates with Riddle and Cater!!! The three of you visit Trey’s bakery often because it’s right around the corner from where your apartment is. They all care about you in such kind ways. Riddle worries the most. He just wants to make sure you’re happy at your new job and that everything is going well and you’re being treated fairly. You don’t get into the not-so-sweet details about your job, if only because you don’t want to cause trouble. You know very well that nothing is holding Riddle back from storming into your office to chew out the lot of them in a lecture that will surely last at least three hours. ^^;;;
For now, you just enjoy your cake alongside your three friends. Maybe one day you’ll confide in them, or maybe your boss or his secretary or even that janitor leaves a mark on your neck that’s visible and won’t escape the curious eyes of Cater, Riddle, and Trey. :)
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nymphadora7 · 1 year
yuri and kitty make sense. it did not come out of nowhere. the rom com meet cute? all of the tension while yuri was “dating” dae and how easily that tension transfers to romantic tension after kitty’s dream? that doesn’t come out of nowhere. kitty and yuri in the beginning of the show are two people who are at odds but don’t really want to be at odds. once the dae situation is mostly resolved, they become fast friends, which it’s foreshadowed they can be in episode 1. moreover, kitty has been with dae since she was 12. she clearly has been focused on him and not herself, and her interest in yuri is allowed to flourish because she is not with dae when it begins. she does not think she will be with dae. and she is in fact actively looking for someone to kiss. moreover, even if it was out of nowhere (which it isn’t) kitty is 17 (16?). at that age, crushes appear out of nowhere all. the. time. and while it might not have been the best idea to tell yuri about her feelings, kitty thought she would never see her again. sometimes the right thing for you, the thing that will let you keep going, is going to hurt someone else. doesn’t make it okay, just is. and on top of that, she didn’t fully confess anyway. and kitty’s not known for making good decisions, since literally the first tatbilb movie. it’s up to yuri now to decide what to do with this information. she clearly has wanted juliana to come back, and it is unlikely she will drop juliana because of kitty’s aborted confession. additionally, the few times we’ve seen juliana have been 1) the flashback, 2) the kiss in the janitor’s closet (neither of which reveal much about her), 3) the phone call in the tent, 4) the phone call in kitty/yuri/q’s room, and 5) the scene at the airport. in 2 and 3, juliana seems to have resigned herself to a life without yuri, and seems honestly shocked that yuri cared enough to go to such lengths to find her. what does that say about what juliana thinks of the relationship that yuri is so invested in? in 4 and 5, 4 explicitly, juliana is worried about yuri’s friendship with kitty, and jealous of it, and pushes the fact that she doesn’t quite trust yuri’s telling her the truth about the platonic nature of their friendship. to be clear, i have absolutely nothing against juliana. i am interested and curious to see her as a full character in season 2, and i do, in fact, desperately hope that they do not villainize a black queer female character. on the other hand, black queer women can be toxic partners. limiting othered people to only heroic, savior-like, positive roles, is also not great. and exhibiting jealous and mistrusting behavior already when we have so few, brief scenes of her is to me an orange flag. i’m not worried about it yet, but i have noticed it. and often, people who imply that they don’t trust their partner not to cheat, have already cheated themselves. once again, i hope this is untrue, i hope i’m wrong. finally, kitty was not in the right to almost confess to yuri, but it is not the cardinal sin some people are pretending it is. yuri and juliana may continue, they may not. whatever happens, it won’t be kitty’s fault. it is not inherently homophobic if you don’t ship kittyuri, or if you ship minty. it is homophobic to perpetuate this idea that the ship came out of nowhere simply because you don’t ship it and have refused to see what the show is explicitly showing.
in this same vein, min ho and kitty make sense. it did not come out of nowhere. and while min ho might not have had the best timing with telling kitty his feelings, he did in fact wait until he had confirmation that she was no longer with dae. he might have said something further had the PA not interrupted, but he did not appear to expect anything from her in return after he told her (just as kitty did not appear to expect anything in return from yuri when she almost confessed). kitty is shocked, but very clearly not upset about the information. to us, it is clear that min ho has liked kitty for a while, probably longer than he knew or let on. sometimes so called “hatred” for someone is genuinely that, but as demonstrated in xo kitty, it is often the exact opposite. (i am of course talking about disliking someone interpersonally for muddled reasons, not disliking someone for genuine reasons, i.e. they’re a harmful person.) dislike for someone is often based on someone protecting themselves for whatever reason. based on all that we know about min ho, he has a lot of family related issues, and a lot of reason to put up walls in order to protect himself. he is initially “anti-kitty” because he thinks dae should explore his options with someone he is in the same country with and then because he thinks yuri is a better option. a lot of this quite clearly stems from the way he was raised, the fact that his father is on wife #3, and the classism that very much exists in korea (as it does in many places) and honestly probably because kitty is half-white (i am not saying there is racism against white people, there isn’t. i’m saying that there is often unfortunate biases against mixed kids from both/all of their communities). in the chuseok episode, he says “my parents thought they were true love, and then had the messiest divorce ever” (or something to that effect). that line is so telling: min ho doesn’t believe in true love, or maybe even love at all. he looks at it as transactional, what can i get from them and what can they get from me? it’s evident in his failed (i think?) tryst with the k pop star whose name is escaping me, and in his situationship with madison. but spending so much time around kitty specifically changes his mind about these things. slowly, at first, and then much more rapidly. he’s still cocky, arrogant min ho, but he chills out a lot over those first few episodes. i think he appreciates that kitty actually responds to his teasing and one ups him oftentimes. and when he calls her his saesang, it’s so funny bc he is so clearly the one obsessed with her at all times throughout season 1. also, the dream happens after the chuseok episode, where they noticeably get closer. there is buildup! he thinks she’s beautiful when she enters his party, and is actively trying to resist his crush on her (because he thinks he shouldn’t have a crush on his friend’s girlfriend) when he reacts to it being her. he respects that he thinks she and dae are still into each other and moves his attention to madison. he knows her order in the detention episode. he is upset for her when he finds out yuri and dae lied. he saves her from the fireworks. he does not fight back against dae after dae attacks him because he thinks dae has the right to. he looks visibly shattered when kitty says min ho isn’t the one she was talking about. also, min ho would not have made the effort to sweet talk some flight attendant to find kitty’s seat and sit in coach because of nothing. 
with both kittyuri, and with minty, they are one sided crushes (at least at the moment) with potential to be reciprocated, and i think people are misinterpreting them because of that. neither of them came out of nowhere, neither of them are toxic, and neither of the two ships involving teenagers include characters who are morally bad.
in conclusion, let people ship things. ship things yourself! and most of all, do not take things that seriously. shipping should never be a war. even if you personally don’t like a ship, it is shitty to go and actively hate the ship, especially if the ship is not doing you any harm, especially if you go into the positive spaces for that ship to spread your hate. if you don’t ship something, do not interact with content for that ship. it is not that hard. it is 2023, not 2013. ship whatever the hell you want.
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crimeronan · 2 months
But on an uhhhhhh slightly-more-serious note I can picture a lot of the everyday cleaning/laundry being done with either spells or abominations - there'd still be people for that but fewer than you'd need if everyone was dusting by hand. I wonder if cleaning spells would be something anyone would cast as-needed or you'd still have someone who's job is just to go room-to-room and cast cleaning spells every morning? Still need people in the kitchen. Still need housekeeping. The BI seems to mostly do transportation via flying staff or vehicles without animals involved so no need or a reduced need for stable staff.
The coven heads and other important people would probably have various assistants/flunkies. You already talked about Kikimora filling that role for Belos. What I'M curious about is whether Luz ever had a nurse or governess when she was younger. i can sorta see it either way - obviously there's no one in that position now but there's probably some shenanigans that would arise in either scenario. Re: your post about Luz having a maidservant or maidservants maybe there's someone who does her up for very fancy or ceremonial occasions but I can't picture her having someone in that position regularly. Most clothing on the show (even fancy or highclass clothing) looks like things you don't really Need a second person to help you wear. Luz and Hunter probably fill that role for each other on most days, which could be another reason people think they're weird especially if it is the norm for other important people to have a valet or whatever. It would also make it more difficult for Luz to hide her glyph scars and various mental issues if there was a third party around helping her change clothes and draw her bath and all that kind of thing, and I can't imagine it would help Hunter's blood pressure either.
HOWEVER. Imagine the contributions to the castle rumor mill :3c
("fuck them witches i'm living in a dirt pit" is also pretty good yeah. luz's first act as empress is hiring a janitor.)
YEAH THESE ARE GOOD THOUGHTS. hunter is way too paranoid and way too much a barking guard dog to let anyone besides amity and camila near either of them. and neither luz nor hunter has a problem with casual nudity around the other, so it makes sense to me that they'd just help each other.
castle gossip voice "you know some people say he even acts as her maidservant...." meanwhile luz is securing the hard-to-reach buckles on hunter's armor like. It's Equality
cute tbh. i'm love them.
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mistyresolve · 2 years
| Talking To The Void - Simon “Ghost” Riley x Reader (Edited)
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Word count - 2k
Summary - While Simon is away on missions, it’s hard on everyone. Especially his significant other. So he’s discovered a loophole, the only issue is that it has its downfalls. 
Warning/Tags - mentions of the dirty, 
A/N - this is something short to introduce my version of Simon “Ghost” Riley. i like the idea that both Simon Riley and Ghost in a sense are the same person with the same goals and values but he has defined separation between the two.
Masterlist  ❤︎  Tag List Form
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It no longer came as a shock when you didn’t hear from Simon for weeks on end when he was away on missions. You understood the reasoning behind the strict no contact rule; gave him grace because the cards were never in his hands. With him having to fly under the radar, and lower still, he had to vanish from the living world. You being a part of the living world involved vanishing from you too. Sometimes it was the fact that he just never had the time or means to make a phone call. Even still, the normalcy of it never quelled the anxiety and fear that plagued you—it followed you around like a predator stalking its prey. It lurked in the shadows and breathed down your neck when your back was turned. It followed you into your dreams, forcing you to awake in a panic and drenched in sweat. 
You had absolute, unequivocal faith in him to come back to you. He always did. But the silence that replaced his presence was always filled with overthinking and rumination. 
You tried your best to distract yourself. Sometimes with work of your own, staying later than the janitors, and when you drove home the streets and highways were desolate. You also spent a considerable amount of time at your parents' place, eating your mothers home cooked meals while you chatted about the new family gossip. You used to stay the weekend at her house because coming back home to an empty house was sometimes too much. A chilling reminder of what you were trying to forget. The nights that you did spend in your bed you slept in his clothes and on his side of the bed. Anything to get a little closer to him. Anything to trick yourself into thinking he was still there.  
You never held it against Simon though. It took you the first five missions he was ordered onto to finally come to terms with the unusual lifestyle. Each time he returned he brought with him an immense amount of guilt. A guilt that ran so deep even you couldn’t soothe. He did everything he could on his end to find alternative ways to support you through his absence. When he found out about the occasional sleepovers at your parent's house, he brought you to an SPCA to adopt whatever animal of your choosing. Something to bring warmth and life into the home in his stead. Simon wasn’t the least bit surprised when you picked the sassy tabby cat with one eye named Ginger Spice. 
The other alternative was phone calls. Always from a burner phone. Always an unknown number. Always silent on the other end. 
Every time your phone rang and you picked it up, there was always a deflation when a phone number or name was attached to it. 
That wasn’t the case this time. You fumbled and shook as you slid your finger across the screen to answer the call. Hesitating before you open your mouth, the word scared it would be returned, “Hello?” you closed your eyes, hoping, praying, pleading, that the caller didn’t reply. 
When you were met with nothing, heard nothing, the half sob half sigh of relief that you let out was heartbreaking. Even Simon on the other end of the line had to lean his head against the wall for support, his lips pressed into a thin line.
“I miss you,” the words are laced with grief and torment, “I miss you so much it hurts.”
Ginger Spice who was previously lounging on the divan across from you perked up at the sound of your teary voice. He let out a curious trill as he leapt off the seat, pranced to your spot on the couch, and jumped into your lap; making a few laps back and forth before settling in between your legs. The tabby cat was providing the support that Simon was striving for. Simon silently thanked the cat.  
“Ginger came to say ‘Hi’,” You laughed through the tears, your vision momentarily going blurry. You wiped furiously at your eyes. You didn’t want to waste this stolen time on crying. 
The first time he made one of these calls and you had hung up on him not realizing who it was. When he returned, he very bashfully confessed to you that it was him. You had given him endless apologies, absolutely mortified. He had laughed and pressed kisses into your hair, telling you it was okay and he expected that that would be the most probable outcome. 
You didn’t know how long you had with him before the line would be severed and you’d be left wondering. Your fingers were kept busy by tracing the pattern on Ginger Spices markings, who immediately erupted with purrs in response. 
“I don’t know if you hear him, but he’s purring,” you relayed, a soft smile dancing on your mouth. 
Simon could, very faintly, and only when you spoke. The sound floated in the background of your words. A smile of his own formed under the mask. The moment was shared from thousands and thousands of miles away, and yet in the same room. 
“He misses you too,” and the cat did, you would occasionally find him curled in the sheet on Simon's side of the bed. Other times he was sitting on the bench next to the door, waiting for his dad to enter, “Sometimes he takes it out on me. Which, by the way, I don’t deserve, and you’ll have to make up for that when you get back” also a true statement. Ginger Spice had developed a horrible habit of ignoring you and giving you blatant attitude. Just this morning when you filled his food bowl he meowed at you until you sat at the island and drank your tea. All because Simon would get up at buttcrack dawn, feed the cat, and drink tea while he read over reports and documents while he waited for you to start to wake up so he could climb back into the sheets and be there when you open your eyes. 
“And that brings me to the next point of discussion. Your mother-in-law wants you to help move the couch in the basement to the garage so she can sell it. Dad wants to turn it into some sort of lounge, den, bar, thingy,” you waved your hand in dismissal despite the fact that he couldn’t see the action. 
He might not have been able to see, but if he closed his eyes and listened, he could imagine you. Knowing your mannerisms and idiosyncrasies as if they were his own. Every moment he spent with you he filed away and studied. A talent that also came in handy when it came to those lonely nights away from you. Visualizing his hand was yours. Smaller and softer. Gentle and caring. A fact that he had no qualms telling you about, or explaining to you in great detail. And he was very good at explaining, and it usually led you to enact his visualizations. All so he can “confirm his creativity was close to the real thing”. He is very tongue-in-cheek about it too.  
“She wants me to help her paint and redecorate. But I’m having a hard time thinking up a theme so you’ll have to help me out,” and he would, he was good at helping you organize your thoughts and ideas. He enjoyed any task that was thrown at him, taking them head-on and with fervent no matter how pointless it was. He claimed it kept him limber. He liked being needed and valued. He especially liked it when you praised his ideas. 
He listened contently as you talked to him about everything you could. What you had for lunch, the book you recently finished, the hairball you had to clean up, the “bitch two offices down”. He would have to bite the inside of his cheek and focus on controlling and steadying his breaths to keep from laughing. He loved how your voice dropped to a whisper when you got to the nitty gritty of the gossip. As if you were sitting at the back of a coffee shop with him, and talking about people as they sat right in front of you. He’d never admit it, but he lived for the drama. Thrived off it. But only if it came from you.
You filled him in on the drama, removing names and identifiers in the rare case that someone was listening in. The same reason you wouldn’t say his name or call sign. The same reason he couldn’t talk.
He never voiced it to you for the fear that if he spoke it out loud it would come true, but the possibility of something happening to you because he got too comfortable in his anonymity, scared the shit out of him. An issue he never had to deal with before you. He always kept his identity close to his chest but his seriousness about it only increased by a tenth-fold when you crept into his life. It was not only his life on the line but yours too now. He was doing everything he could to protect you. To make sure you remained an enigma to his enemies. To which he had a lot of. A lot of them would have no issues using you to get to him, and all of them would kill for that kind of opportunity. He also wanted to give you some ounce of normality when he returned, and he didn’t have to conceal his identity. Where he could take you out, and show you off without the fear that someone will recognize him. His only regret was that he could only give that to you for half the time.
He sometimes wished he could burn the world just so he could get some peace with you. He wished he could put you in a jar and carry you with him everywhere he went. That’s all they were though, wishes and selfish daydreams. 
Right now, he was sitting in the stairwell of an apartment building. He and Price were monitoring a target, building a routine for them. They were stationed on the roof of said apartment with snipers. He had switched off the main shift with Price about six hours ago. He spent those six hours getting sleep and food, before making the phone call. A phone call Price had no idea he was making. A phone call to someone, not even Price knew existed. He would rejoin Price after the call to help with comms and to give him some company. Lord knew Simon knew staring into a scope at someone watch TV and order room service for a 12 hour shift was deathly boring. Not that he’d ever complain. It allowed him time to sit with his thoughts. He would probably do a couple of rounds around the area too. Secure their exits and entrances. 
You loosed a sigh, suddenly sad again, “I’ve kept you longer than I should have.”
He looked at the timer on the phone screen: 1:23:09. 
It hadn’t felt that long. And it sure as hell didn’t feel long enough.  
“Come home to me soon, please,” the earnestness in your voice was palpable. He could almost taste it on his tongue. The twisted heart in his chest felt like it dropped a couple of inches, and a zip of pain shot down his arm.  
“I love you,” you whispered so sweetly he thought he’d get a sugar high from it. That or the blood was leaving his brain and travelling south. You left enough time after you said it that if he could respond he would have enough time. Then reluctantly hung up. 
He tapped the phone in the palm of his hand, pulling his mind back into his body. Switching back to Ghost he rolled his shoulders, shaking off any remaining unwanted thoughts and feelings. 
He dismantled the phone, removing the battery, the sim, the camera, the screen. Everything. He would toss the individual parts in different locations as he did his patrols. He’d be damn thorough. The sim card he would burn. He would destroy any evidence and connection to Simon Riley. 
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