perne · 2 years
@entomophobiccleric​ from here!
      IT'S ENTERTAINING TO HIM, the way she grows red with anger. He wonders if she knows how little sense she makes— hearing her say she'd rather be taken by the Loptr sect makes him think that she's just as much of a nutjob as they are. But that's not to say that her feelings are entirely unjustified. Her mention of Salem brings a thoughtful hum to his lips.
      "Ah yeah, I'll admit I didn't really think about gettin' ya home…" he says with a nod, "but, hey, ya got back home eventually, right?" he wags a finger at her, "Don't think ya'd be alive to see that day were it not for me keepin' ya in line."
      Perne adds, "Besides, ya had a talent for stealin' shit. Ya helped a lot of people with that staff of yours! Ya probably stole enough shit to feed a family. Ain't that somethin' sweet?"
      He waves a hand, signaling the end of the discussion. Perne's not in the mind to argue for such things, anyways. It doesn't matter whether or not Tina thinks he's some villain— all that matters is that he did what he could. And he'd say he did a decent job of it, all things considered. But perhaps the Tahran is too young to understand nuance quite like that.
      Hearing her comments, he certainly thinks she is.
      "Ya think I care about what the knights think of me?" Perne says with a laugh, pushing her finger away with his hand, "Listen, kiddo. If they really gave a rat's ass about breakin' the law, I'd say that they'd see more depravity in those cushy noble families they serve more than they do me." 
      He knows whose gold lined their pockets; all he ever did was return those riches to their rightful owners. That Seiros lady they worship would enjoy that, he thinks. 
      Perne gives Tina a smile— one without a hint of strain behind it. "'s not like I bully kids on the regular, anyways. Like I said, I only do that sorta thing when it's necessary."
      And with Tina? IT ALWAYS WAS.
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