#((Good schoolin hahah!))
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Peaky Blinders Sentence Starters (still accepting)
@bountyman​ said: ❝ he’ll wake up. granted he won’t have any teeth left but he will be a wiser man for it. ❞ 
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“Truth is, some folks just don’t deserve teeth.” Samuel laughs, staring down at the man who, in their company, dared announce that all bounty hunters are scoundrels just as cheap and crooked as the outlaws they capture, then started threatening the other customers with his colt.
Bending down, Samuel relieves the gentleman of his wallet, slipping out the dollars and placing it back.
“Good schoolin’ don’t come cheap.” He smiles, digging his elbow into Randall’s ribs and pointing back to the Saloon they’ve just exited. “Guess drinks are on old gummy here.”
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