#((*wipes brow* phew! anyway i know i say this every few months but i rlly am gonna try and be more active here esp. as i))
sunnychoir · 5 years
Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted.
Be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, and repost, don’t reblog! Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. Template here.
Mun name: Andy OOC Contact: Tumblr IM’s, askbox, or discord!
Who the heck is my muse anyway:
Miriam Price. Evil southern belle, psychic witch, roller derby champ, big meanie, wild child, former golden child of the Price family, and the polar opposite of a mom friend
Points of interest:
bioluminescent eyes (like this, but bright turquoise)
all kinds of magic. Hexes, telekinesis, pyrokinesis, a touch of hypnotism (see here for how that works), mediumship,
heavy accent, unlike her brother who went through speech therapy to make it all but disappear 
Huge sweet tooth
Can and will butt in and make rude ass comments, has no respect for anyone who doesn’t stick up for themselves 
What they’ve been up to recently:
roller skating 
staying out all night, and spending the next day hungover, rinse and repeat
pretending that she doesn’t miss Marion now that he’s keeping his distance (as per her request, btw)
Friday Night Majohng with the coven
Just driving around in her pickup truck to pass the time
Where to find them:
roller rink
clubs/bars/especially ones specifically lgbt+ or just for wlw
really anywhere out and about, Miriam rarely spends time at home
Current plan:
to leave town forever, but for now she’s content to keep doing what she’s always done: complain about things are and expect everything else to change instead
Desired interactions:
FRIENDSHIP (Miriam is..picky though, so good luck)
or really any relationship where Miriam gets called out on her bullshit
i’m actually a picky shipper but...i would not mind some gals being pals 
Offered interactions:
flawed relationships, Miriam is...not the ideal date
gimme ur lady muses, Miriam is extroverted, very chatty when she feels like it, and while she’s a real nasty bully she’ll still look out for her fellow ladies
^^^ which means ur lady muse being harassed? Don’t mind if she steps in
pasted this from Marion’s version of this post but horror/supernatural themes? Got you covered. Your muse a paranormal investigator? Enthusiast? The twins are pretty well-known in the southeast, so feel free to have your muse know who they are!!
Current open post/s:
literally any post tagged #on stage ❤ | ic can count as an open if you’d like, so long as it’s not clearly for a specific muse. (i.e: closed starter,Miriam is specifically talking to a muse) Go wild, my friends.
Seriously idc that we’ve never interacted before slap urself right on my ic posts
Anything else?:
feel free to make dashcom on stuff, I love it
even if i followed you ages ago, i’ll definitely still take a greeter if you do them!
I do both online and face-to-face roleplay on this blog, if you only do one or the other I’m still game either way.
I can struggle with plotting rp’s out, THEN actually rp-ing it. I do like discussing how it goes, and then using that as a backdrop for current interaction!
one-liners/asks usually will get answered to way faster than para threads
my time zone is eastern time! I live in Ohio
discord is open for mutuals!
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