#(( yes; i still love yihanmun
syxhenry · 7 years
(( all of these are in chronological order, but clearly a lot of time passes in between the first and the last one. under a read more because there’s just too many of them. *side-eyes* ))
“who’s this guy again?”
“probably another one of those passengers. they come and go so quickly i can hardly be expected to keep up.”
“his face looks familiar.”
“have i seen him before?”
“who’s this guy??”
“oh wait, wasn’t he the new pilot?”
“seriously what a weird fellow, that new pilot guy.”
“i swear on my baby if he harms a single part of her he is going down.”
“damn that guy looks familiar where do i know him from?”
“oh… the pilot. again.”
“want me to tell you how to fly a ship?”
“you should try and get jaewon’s job if you’re gonna keep telling me what needs fixing.”
“gorram him.”
“it’s been a while since i last saw the pilot.”
“maybe jaewon got sick of him too and flushed him out the airlock?”
“oh, hey, look there…. it’s the pilot. …….grand.”
“i hope next time we’re planetside he gets left behind ‘accidentally.’“
“who in their right mind eats salad every day?”
“he can’t be serious.”
“is that… salad? again?”
“yes i heard you loud and clear, beltbuckle.”
“if we would have proper, knowledgeable pilots, i bet i wouldn’t have to patch her up so often.”
“………………. fucker.”
“okay, i’ll admit it, the pilot doesn’t look half bad either.”
“nvm that, he’s an ass.”
“i should make a secure comm line to him alone then yell into it really loudly. something unintelligible.”
“isn’t he the one with the bunny?”
“if that bunny nibbles on any of my cables it’s dead to me.”
“haven’t heard from the pilot in a while.”
“i hope he’s directing all his complaints to audrey.”
“has that bunny been at my stash??”
“i bet the pilot’s having salad again tonight.”
“i wonder if he’s wearing anything under those robes.”
“that’d be it; a flasher priest.”
“he actually kind of looks the part.”
“creepy flasher priest.”
“who in their gorram right mind is yelling at me over comm again in the middle of the ni- oh it’s the pilot. of course.”
“if he doesn’t let me have a proper night’s sleep tomorrow i’m going to hang him upside down by his toes.”
“damn that was some nice flying.”
“he got us out of there quite well, actually. not even a scratch on my baby.”
“does this guy seriously eat nothing other than salad? how can he live?”
“this is unacceptable!”
“i should give him some proper food.”
“rutting piece of ……”
“i’m bored. i wonder if the pilot’s busy.”
“what’s his name anyway?”
“is that sal- oh wait, eph told me he doesn’t eat meat. right.”
“poor soul.”
“doesn’t know what’s good for him.”
“maybe we should cook him up his bunny.”
“he looks a little down tonight, hope he’s alright.”
“i hope no one actually cooked him up his bunny?”
“next time we go planetside i should get the priest a companion.”
“see what he does then.”
“too bad i don’t have the money to acquire him a proper companion.”
“maybe i should just elbow him into a hooker bar.”
“it’ll be fun to watch him talk his way out of there.”
“that’d be a story to tell!”
“it’s been a while since i heard from the pilot. i hope he’s bugging audrey with his complaints.”
“i still don’t know his name, do i? i should ask ephy.”
“i should also get him some decent vegan food.”
“he can’t still enjoy eating salad after a million of them.”
“maybe i should talk to the priest about these issues.”
“and then have him use it against me later on? better not.”
“mhm, heard jaewon complaining about the pilot recently.”
“i wonder what he did to minseo to set jaewon off like that…”
“ah, there goes yihan.”
“very weird to call him by name.”
“i think i’ll go back to priest. just to keep things easy to remember.”
“i have plenty of things to worry about without adding proper names to the list.”
“sometimes i wish the priest would hold sermons. at least then i’d have a few minutes of peace and quiet aboard this ship.”
“maybe i should bring up the idea.”
“oh hey it’s the priest’s bunny. let me pet it for a while.”
“that guy’s bunny is actually quite adorable.”
“i wonder how someone like him ended up owning a bunny.”
“i mean… who looks at a rabbit and thinks: well that’s good company!”
“probably a priest.”
“admittedly that bunny hopping around is quite a relaxing sight.”
“maybe it helps the priest with his meditation or whatever.”
“ahaha, i can already see the bunny sitting cross-legged next to him. that’s funny.”
“i should ask the priest some time if the bunny meditates with him.”
“i bet he’s going to give me one of those looks of his that declares me insane.”
“he tends to give me those often, i wonder why.”
“has he never joked around back where he’s from?”
“ah, no, i bet priests don’t joke around. they’re always too serious like this guy.”
“i bet when you get trained to be a priest the first thing they teach you is how to never laugh again in your lifetime.”
“good thing the religious life has never been my calling or i would’ve ended up like him.”
“what a relief to know i didn’t. can’t imagine myself so gloomy and … composed. ew.”
“wonder if the pilot ever sleeps. feels like his voice comes over comm all the time.”
“wonder what his parents would’ve been like, raising someone like that.”
“ah, or was he raised by the priests?”
“that would make priests a generally shitty bunch, damn.”
“don’t eat meat, but be a dick.”
“or maybe the latter is just a consequence of the first. wouldn’t surprise me.”
“what type of person do you have to be to willingly give up on eating meat?”
“wonder what else he gave up on….”
“i bet i know.”
“i should stop thinking about this guy and start thinking about my work again.”
“was that the priest running away from me?”
“nah, can’t have been….. can it?”
“why would he be avoiding me?”
“he probably forgot something on the bridge.”
“i really haven’t seen the priest in a while anymore.”
“did he get off at jiangyin?”
“no, can’t be, i saw him after we left there.”
“when he ran. right.”
“what’s he muttering every time i see him these days?”
“it always sounds like the same thing.”
“wonder if he’s quietly insulting me in his mother tongue every time he passes by?”
“oh, hey, look, he’s eating something other than salad.”
“must be nice after all that rabbit food.”
“and he even got some dressing this time around.”
“it can’t be.”
“that’s impossible.”
“no, i must be mistaken.”
“i must be.”
“i can’t…”
“that’s not possible.”
“i’m seeing things. that’s it. i’m just seeing things.”
“it’s a déjà vu type of moment, that’s what it is.”
“but why do i feel like they’re familiar?”
“no, no, that’s impossible.”
“dear verse! henry, stop thinking about his lips.”
“you’ve got nothing to do with them.”
“i hope….”
“gorram it.”
“i should try and remember it properly.”
“let’s just imagine it, then i’ll know it’s nonsense!”
“i…….. i kissed???? the pilot?????”
“dear verse, not the damn pilot!”
“how can this have happened?”
“why did i have to kiss the priest of all people?”
“you know damn well why him, henry.”
“but still, that’s impossible, right?”
“why would he let me kiss him?”
“okay, okay, i should just confront him with the facts and see what he says.”
“he’s going to declare me insane if it’s not true, i better not.”
“jeez, how many times can i decide to have some food at the exact same time when yihan’s here too?”
“and how many times can a person look up straight at another person’s mouth without intending to?”
“apparently more than ten times, thank you very much for that, self.”
“like i didn’t have clear image of his lips in mind yet.”
“this is absolutely insane, i should get myself together.”
“you’re a grown man, henry lau, act like one.”
“i would definitely kiss him again.”
“that’s not what i meant!”
“but, look, it’s a nice memory. good kiss.”
“i should try that again when i’m actually sober. or whatever i wasn’t back then..”
“i still don’t know what happened, i should really ask him about this.”
“i need to catch him alone, so i can ask him.”
“but what really happened for me to do that?”
“all of that.”
“he was naked!”
“… i was too.”
“… i’m doomed.”
“but why did he let me????”
“it’s all his fault, really.”
“clearly i was intoxicated in some way, but he must have been perfectly fine!”
“otherwise why would he be avoiding me?”
“or maybe he’s avoiding me because he was intoxicated as well and thinks i was fine?”
“damn this would all be a lot easier if i could actually properly remember something, rather than all these flashes i’ve been having about him.”
“no, no, that was not a call to remember them again!”
“rutting hell, henry, audrey’s talking to you, stop thinking about yihan!”
“when did i start calling him by name?”
“i’m so doomed.”
“well, i guess i can just openly admit it to myself now, no reason to pretend it’s not true anymore ….. what a fine looking dude.”
“still feels weird to admit that even in my head.”
“hello henry, welcome to the world where you’re into a guy and apparently you already kissed him but you hardly remember.”
“i hope i’m not imagining all of this i’m going to feel so embarrassed if that’s the case.”
“luckily no one can ready my thoughts … i hope.”
“damn what if priests have some sort of way to read minds?”
“no, that’s complete and utter nonsense it can’t be, otherwise he would have long hit me over all the thoughts in my head!”
“how many times have i insulted him in my mind after all?”
“exactly. too many times. even yihan would not have let that pass.”
“okay, he can’t read my mind, that’s good.”
“sit yourself down and think about this properly henry.”
“you can’t do anything without knowing what the truth is.”
“or what he thinks about the entire situation.”
“so i’m going to have to talk to him about this.”
“better sooner rather than later before you go entirely insane.”
“but i haven’t seen him in so long by now.”
“wonder what he’s been up to…”
“oh wow, you’re entirely lost, henry.”
“why don’t you just draw a big ass heart with your initials in it on your wall, then throw yourself out the airlock? please.”
“alright, today’s the day. i’m going to talk to him.”
“… need to find him first, gorram it.”
“where is this robed totem pole?”
“what? on another ship? who? where? when? what did i miss?”
“a new job?”
“well shit, guess today is not the day after all.”
“just keep serenity afloat and hope he returns, then.”
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