#(( wheezes ))
ebiemoon · 5 months
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wherever, as long as it's with you
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gomzdrawfr · 4 months
that one time when Ghost had to babysit Magpie
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amethyst-halo · 8 months
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yet another au on my mind lol what if everyone stays
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khytal · 1 year
read “aromatic chicken” as “aromantic chicken” on a menu and my brain went “let’s goooo happy pri—wait”
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ladybugkisses · 27 days
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kellysketches · 2 months
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The rooftop party is in full swing!
Read this page // Archive // Read from the beginning
What is Vainglorious?
A comedy adventure webcomic for readers Teen and up! When the young dragon Rei challenges his Queen for the throne, he doesn’t expect to get exiled and cursed into human form. Now he’s left to explore a world much bigger than expected, making friends, discoveries and headaches along the way. Updates Mondays.
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ruelin024 · 5 days
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yoo i heard he won ✨but him losing again would've been so funny fr
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u3pxx · 1 year
imagine seeing Pheonix as a Inkling omg
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well, what if i drew it already with miles too long ago, what then!!!
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redbeersake · 1 year
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I'm making this mostly for myself.....
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movie night
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gomzdrawfr · 4 months
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velvetwarfare · 6 months
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It was better to just simply get it out of the way.
Betty’s eyes cast downward, the color dulled from them. There was no anticipation to follow — no spark to derive from what’s to come. She already knew the truth — and wanted to embrace the sting that would be rewarded from it in order to move on quicker.
“ Val…I was only meant to trauma bond with you. I never meant to gain feelings in the process — but I did. And I fell pretty hard for you. “
The vampire croaked, unable to meet his eyes,
“ Just get it over with. Tell me I am one of many, to join the club of worshippers. That this is your thing.
Tell me how foolish I am to fall for someone so far out of my league. “
Love was such a cruel, cruel mistress.
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khytal · 11 months
i hate ace attorney my dad was watching a show and someone said "OBJECTION" and I immediately looked up from my phone
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ladybugkisses · 5 months
wakes up from a cold sweat
i need to design Ari's parents
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amethyst-halo · 6 months
got dam.............villain viva au
viva gets separated from the pop trolls like in canon, and after a while, she starts to stew on what led her to get stranded from her family. she starts plotting to unite all the trolls as one unit, and establish them as someone that other people don't want to mess with. her focus falls mostly on the bergens, but she's aware of other bigger species that she applies this to as well.
she begins rallying the putt putt trolls with her, promising safety and prosperity. pretty much all the putt putts are all for it, wanting safety with their families and friends without fear of bigger species like bergens.
she learns about the other troll kingdoms, and this only enforces her ideas. she finds an old map showing the golf course and bergentown, and clay helps her estimate about where the troll kingdoms would be in relation. she and a small patrol head out and, after like a week, find the rock troll territories. they quickly meet barb who's plotting her strings heist, and viva makes a deal with her, offering her and her group's assistance in return for shared power, which barb agrees to.
meanwhile, poppy and branch do the whole first movie thing pretty much on script; chef takes her friends, they go save them, creek betrayal, bridget saves them, poppy teaches them how to be happy. it all pretty much runs as expected up until poppy is about to be crowned, when they're interrupted.
rock trolls swarm them, catching everyone off guard, and scoop up all of the pop trolls. poppy, branch, and peppy end up meeting barb, who is very smug. they demand to know what's going on and who she is, and barb basically is like "your savior, obviously. you're welcome." they're confused, and barb tells them she knows the bergens were going to eat them. when poppy tries to correct her, she won't listen, waving her off.
barb then holds up the pop string, saying she took the liberty of grabbing it while they were gone. peppy blanches, but poppy is confused, and barb explains the strings and how pop ruined everything for everyone. branch asks why they would save them, if she seems to hate them so much, and barb shrugs and says she got a special request.
theyre taken to volcano rock city, where they're kinda locked up and watched closely by rock trolls. branch notices quickly that some of the trolls look different, specifically that they look like pop trolls and aren't dressed like rock trolls. poppy doesn't think much of it, saying they have other things to worry about.
it's a little later that there's a commotion. and then someone comes in and spots poppy, getting excited. peppy recognizes her, and asks "viva?" viva is ecstatic to see them, saying she wasn't sure if they'd still be alive. poppy doesn't know who she is and is confused, and viva slowly clarifies that she's her sister. when poppy is shocked by the info, viva sends a look to peppy and asks why he hadn't mentioned her.
she doesn't let him answer, letting poppy and peppy out. when branch is mentioned, she perks up, and lets him out too. she leads them away from the prison and starts explaining that she came looking for them and has big plans, but doesn't really tell them what the plans are. she leads them into a room where clay is, and clay and branch stare at each other for a second before clay absolutely lights up.
clay very excitedly starts looking branch over, talking about how much he'd grown and how he'd missed him. poppy, confused, asks branch who this is, and viva and clay put together that he's branch's brother. poppy gets excited and asks why he never mentioned a brother, and then puts together that it's clay from brozone and gets even more excited. branch literally tells her to slow down because she's about to pass out from all the revelations.
branch then asks why viva and clay seem to be on barb's side, and viva explains that it'll be explained in due time, but she promises they're going to be safe no matter what. viva then explains she intends to keep all trolls safe, so that stuff like trollstice won't ever happen again. she urges poppy and branch and peppy to trust her, and poppy and peppy agree. branch is a little hesitant, but agrees as well after looking at clay for a moment.
all the while, barb is running around gathering the strings and the other trolls. as they're brought to volcano rock city, poppy is meeting the other leaders, who mostly aren't that thrilled to see her. she assures that everyone is safe, though it doesn't really assure them. branch is still skeptical that viva is going to help them, and voices his concerns a couple of times, but poppy is insistent.
eventually, all of the trolls are gathered, and barb starts her show. she reveals the leaders and her guitar, and is about to begin transforming them when viva appears behind her, telling her she's done enough.
viva takes the guitar, changing the rock strings into pop. barb demands to know what she's doing, saying this wasn't part of the deal, but viva counters that she never agreed to make everyone rock. barb tries to take her guitar back, and viva uses the power chord on her, making her a pop zombie. everyone else is alarmed, and viva takes over, explaining her intention to unite them to protect them. she basically says to join her or she'll transform them too. some trolls try to refuse, but get changed. everyone else nervously agrees.
viva takes the trolls to pop's village, as it's in the middle of the territories. she starts making the village larger to handle the increase in trolls, while also working to make sure she has all of the trolls where she can protect them. poppy is pretty sure she only has good intentions, but branch dislikes how things are going and is trying to insist that this isn't right.
viva eventually starts working on gathering up trolls outside of the troll kingdoms, set on protecting them too. some of her trolls manage to find and catch john dory in the neverglades, which neither branch nor clay are super thrilled about. jd is excited to see them, though, and is eager to catch up. when branch expresses his dislike of viva's plan, jd agrees with him, stating that protecting everyone was overkill and she wasn't going about it in the right way.
john's post card leads them to finding bruce, but bruce is managing to avoid getting brought back. eventually, clay himself goes to get him, and bruce is excited to see him at first. but then he notices the star on his arm, recognizing it immediately. he asks clay not to do this, and clay shrugs and apologizes but still takes him back, away from his family.
viva figures out somehow that floyd is at mount rageous, and when her trolls go to get him, discover he's trapped in the diamond bottle already. they manage to get him out of there regardless and bring him back, where he reunites with his brothers. viva talks to him alone, explaining her intention to protect trolls from stuff like what he'd gone through, and offers to free him if he helps her. after a little convincing, he agrees.
she gets his brothers to free him with the perfect family harmony, and floyd joins clay in helping viva, much to their other brothers' dismay.
all the while, branch and also poppy are slowly gathering up a rebel group against viva, meeting in branch's bunker since viva doesn't know its there. trolls like bruce and john dory, the snackpack, riff, prince d, and a variety of others are a part of it, all trying to come up with a way to stop viva. poppy is adamant about viva having good intentions, which some of the rebels agree with.
the group debates what viva's goal is; poppy is pretty sure it isn't a grab for power, which branch agrees with. theyre pretty sure she is genuinely trying to protect them from harm and is just going about it weirdly. poppy points out that she had barb "save" them from the bergens despite the bergens being their friends now, and it could be simple enough to just tell her things are different than she thinks. branch hesitates, unsure if talking will get them anywhere, but agrees to try.
a small group approach viva; poppy and branch go to talk with her, with a few others as backup in case things get weird. poppy explains that she knows viva just wants to keep everyone safe, but things have changed, that the bergens don't eat them anymore. viva doesn't believe her, calling it a dumb joke. the more poppy tries to reason with her, the more tense and angry viva gets- viva snaps that she's protecting her, and poppy says she doesn't need protecting.
it sort of spirals into an argument where viva feels cornered, telling poppy to stop and leave her alone. branch and the other rebels join in to try and reason with her, which only makes it worse. poppy sees this and tries to reach out, to offer comfort, but viva lashes back completely on instinct, knocking poppy away.
everything stops then as viva realizes she'd just hurt her sister, and poppy is a little stunned but clearly doesn't blame her. viva, overwhelmed, kicks them out and tells them not to bother her or she'll change them with the power chord. poppy doesn't want to leave her alone, but branch pulls her out of there.
with their plan having gone completely sideways, branch states talking it out isn't going to work, and poppy is too subdued and upset to argue. they start trying to figure out how to physically stop her, and riff points out the guitar, saying if they can get it away from her, that stops a significant threat as she can't change them anymore.
they plot to steal the guitar, certain that if they take it viva will slow down enough for them to reason with her. poppy insists on helping because she wants to help viva.
viva has plans for a presentation or concert or something, because she's gathered all the trolls she can reach, in order to rally them against people like the bergens. the rebels sneak around and manage to interrupt viva's thing, poppy getting hold of the guitar. viva again insists she's protecting them, and poppy insists they don't need protecting. viva basically pleads with her, stating she won't lose anyone again, that she can't lose anyone again. poppy says she won't, that things have changed and it's better now, but viva hasn't even looked to see it. she points out that she's done damage, having forced the trolls into essentially one genre and tore some away from their families, like bruce. viva says she isn't listening, none of them are, its for the better, it has to be for the better, because their music is what keeps putting them in danger with other species.
before poppy can react, viva grabs the guitar from her again. and then, she smashes it, destroying the strings and music along with it.
as everything falls silent, viva stands straight and says basically, "there. now no one has a reason to hurt us anymore."
everyone kinda just stops, those changed into pop zombies slowly understanding what happened. it's a lot like the end of world tour, where they start making music anyways.
poppy tells viva that life has risks, and that there are bad people, but it isn't worth changing who you are. being yourself brings joy to both yourself and others. their music isn't something she can take away and she shouldn't do so anyways. viva's a little freaked out, pointing out bergens ate them for their happiness, and people like velvet and veneer used them for talent like they had with floyd, and she just doesn't want that to happen to anyone else. poppy says that's why they have each other, to protect one another as they go around being themselves.
i don't know how to word the last message and i don't know how to wrap it all up nicely but YEAH!
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hack-n-slasher · 13 days
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My favorite scene of the whole damn series, the cinema scene! xD
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