#(( this gtot so fucking LONG ))
machinesandman · 3 years
Can we have a glimpse of Robert Jonez and how he handled keeping the blueprints of the shaska armor?
Colors blended together. Reality shifted, and time rewound...
The year, 20XX... Location, classified. Meeting between scientists, military, and various world leaders. Not all of them which heavily suggested that this had been a disagreement between them. The subject wasn't secret or a mystery.
Ever since the public reveal of the new break through iof replacable organs, the medicine, to save the Jonez child, they had shown the suit and armor there as well. For full honesty. It had been secret for many years, hidden under the guise of study. But it couldn't stay that way. So that the World Robotics Convention, they had to come clean. How this shuti protected their daughter, regulated her health and vitals, while also giving her so many abilities that could help in the field. What it was meant to do, for safety finding new ruins, delving into dangerous places most can't handle. The way it can keep the organic material of a living being safe from most outside elements, go anywhere. The Jonez family had wanted to give these break throughs for medical sciences to save lives, for archaeological study, as well as search and rescue. Everything in one... While that had been met with stunned awe and praise, there had been many who were concerned about the spiral it might start. 'The road too hell is paved with good intentions'. That saying seemed to follow everyone, didn't it? Through out history...
Their discovery and study of new science, of Atlantian things, had been meant to better the world. Uncover the past, learned from it, grow from what was left. A bastion of hope! Not a bulwark of battle...
Robert stood at the end of a large table, hands on the surface as he was hunched, brown eyes on fire with burning determination. They had been around this song and dance before, a tango of intimidation really. And now it had come too a head. Nothing they could do legally would affect them, and anything underhanded had been opened too public eyes instantly. So now things had to be extreme...
"Surely you see the reasoning of why we need those blueprint designs?" One larger man spoke, his accent thick. A russian from the sounds of things. He'd not been able to get Cossack on his side either. "We need those for our own safety, the soldiers could help defend us all with that."
"That's rich coming from one of the global super powers that holds some of the most nuclear armaments." Robert shot back sharply, eyes flicking over with a blaze of barely contained anger. "What on earth would anyone need that for, when it comes to so called protection and defense? Sounds more like a power grab." The man was no longer going to be polite, no longer playing nice. It had the individual sitting on his high chair fall silent. Only for a different voice across the room to speak up. An american perhaps? One of the military men, a general probably.
"If we had this during the Stardroids, maybe we could have done something!" He shouted. "Robotics can not hold the front line, not when they could-" The older man cut himself off and went quiet.
"COULD WHAT, GENERAL?! Go on, finish your sentence! I'd love to fucking hear it, sir!" Two seconds, and Robert knew what was going to be said, standing straighter with shoulders squared. He was am American, and a Jonez, they always felt so strongly, and wouldn't put up with anyones shit. Especially after the harassment they had been getting. The others in the room muttering among themselves at the outburst. Until finally another voice across the room, an older woman somewhere in the back, decided to say it. "The Robot Masters, esp-ecially those of Doctor Albert Wily-" Robert cut in. "THE ONES WHO HELPED SAVE US?! They all worked together to stop the Stardroids, for christs sake!" The woman lifted her hand, motioning him to be silent as she continued, "-could easily turn and wipe us out with a single command. Or baring that, perhaps even their own choice. We do not know."
"Exactly, you don't know. Aside from that, you would condemn all Robot Masters? Really? With that line of logical thinking, you may as well condemn the soldier who follows the orders of their commander, of their government. Have NONE of you ever learned from history?! Basic high school CIVICS CLASS?!" Robert shouted. He was getting off track, he had to reel it in, use his mind's more debating and intelligent side, instead of feeling with his heart that could run so blindly. That was something he was always chided for even at home. So, slowly, he took a deep inhale, and exhaled slowly. Voice lowering again. "There needs to be different changes in the world, not a frantic grab for power or counter strength. That would only start another new arms race and end up with a world war. Mankind needs to look back on history, and learn from it. Or, we are doomed to repeat it. As a historian, and archaeologist, I know this perhaps most of you in this room. There will be a Revolution coming, be that for good or worse, depends on all of you."
Another flurry of muttering ranged across the room. It was impossible to tell who might take the next stance, the next move in this proverbial game of chess, as messy as it was. And everyone was bearing down on Robert Jonez. His eyes darting back and forth in careful calculations, taking note of who he could recognize here, what governments had decided to stay for this. Anyone he'd need to be careful of, even if many under their command never agree'd with the methods.
Someone stood across the room. "Is that a threat?" He asked. A british accent, an odd uniform. Dark, golden accents, badges, white hat- Navy. Commander probably. Robert kept his stance tall and head held high. "Nothing of the sort. Just a fact. Look back at the history of the world. Tensions rising bit by bit, until something gives, or something breaks." That was just a fact, that left the two standing men quiet. The Navy Commander spoke up again. "Then you know exactly why we require those designs. We could protect our men and women who fight for our countaries, our lives. These are the people who keep you safe, Doctor Jonez."
They wouldn't move on from what had stuck out so much. Just caring about one portion, not the lives behind it, not the true functions... "Don't keep me safe, sir, with all respect. They keep you and your leaders safe. The citizens are what get caught in the cross fire."
"Are you insulting us?! We fight to protect people like you! We keep you safe! We give the people hope!"
"No! You protect your ways of life! And I will NOT endanger the innocent lives of this world, nor MY OWN DAUGHTER, by handing this over! It is patented and Jonez work only! any move against it will have a legion of Lawyers, as well as the entire Robotics committy, down your throats! You scavengers!" He would have kept going but-
"ROBERT!" A female's voice rang out, silencing the entire room in surprise. A woman walking in from the side door that had just opened. It made the man immediately calm down and step back in surprise. "Moira? But... why are you here?" His voice suddenly soft, subdued, like he was tamed. The woman didn't stop, looking like she had been ready for a fight, long brown hair tied back in a braid, green eyes sparking with defiance. "Here to protect our family. You don't do this alone, dear."
He tried to get her to calm down, but it was too late. The woman had joined him at the table, standing there unflinching while staring down the rest of the gathering individuals. "With respect, gathered members, I shall also speak for our creations." Her voice carried an air of collected calm, but would be taking no bullshit. Moira Jonez was a woman who did not play nice when things got messy. And it seemed everyone else knew this, and wouldn't even try to remove her. Robert merely stood at her side. Equals in this.
"Ma'am. With all due respect, surely you understand the needs requires for these scientific breakthroughs?" Once more, the Navy man was speaking. He seemed Adamant. Moira didn't so much as flinch as she began speaking with an air of commanding control. "The medical side? Absolutely. It can save lives. The robotics side of new parts? Indeed. Being capable of the search and rescue functions? Many out there in the world could put those to good use finding those caught in collappses, rock slides, avalanches, and so on. This is all just the immdediate sense of it. The perfect designs for finding new discoveries the world over alone could become a boon for the scientific and hostorical communitties."
"That... Is not what I meant."
"I'm aware how you meant sir, and that is not the intended purpose or function. Would you take away the safety of our only child, her hope, and turn it into a new menance in this world? Ruin the chance of a future for every other child that comes after any of you? Not a single one of your number has taken into consideration the implications. Let me educate you." Moira's voice maintained that eerie line of calm as she placed one hand on her hip. Green eyes narrowing in a vicious gaze. Almost predatory.
Her arm raised then, pointing at the Navy man. "Is there anyone among you here, who would stand on the front line with those men you arm? Would you take the risk of untested science for so called safe keeping?" Her arm lowered then. "None of you get that this will do exactly what you do not want. Blur the lines you are so intent on keeping. Aside from that, struggling for this and claiming it's for peace and safety? That's a poor excuse for merely trying to acquire the next means of war weaponry. Don't try to use the excuse of Robotics coming after you. You want to go after them." It was a heavy realization. "We're done here. No, you are not going to acquire our blueprints or designs for that suit." She turned to leave, pulling Robert along. "The descision is final."
Another voice shouted aloud, German this time. So many hadn't actually given their opinions. "You'll regret this! You and your Robots!"
At the door Robert stopped, and he finally felt his patience snap. The scientist of many talents slowly turning his head, eyes wide and pupils small. Expression was schooled into a calm nature, but the sheer fury in his gaze could set fires. "Do not threaten my family. Man, or machine, we are family. And we do not bow too you. We are free. My daughter is not your play thing. Robot Masters are not your tools, nor your scape goats. I hope you learn histories mistakes, before you make them anew."
The door slammed behind them then, marching away with fury boiling in their veins. But the fear, the worry, settled deep inside their bones...
Hours later, on the long drive, Robert held his steering wheel with a white knuckle grip. It had been tension in the car since they left. He took a heavy deep inhale. "Did we do the right thing?"
"Of course. We can't let this fall into the wrong mans hands, hun." Moira responded, softening quickly as she reached over, placing a hand on his shoulder. Robert released a shaken laugh. "No, not that. I know we did in there, but..." Brows furrowed then. "... For our daughter. did we do the right thing, what we did? Or did we condemn her?"
The thick silence that followed held the weight of desperation and heart break. The same sort that had pushed them in the first place, when Shelly had been diagnosed as a baby. Had struggled to live and clung so tightly onto life despite all the odds. The entire family had pitched in, Mother, Father, uncles, aunts, cousins, it went on... They translated the Atlantis codes, the medicine discovery. Then better robotics and replaced organs as they failed from the normal elements of every day. But they didn't know where or when to stop. Jonez just never did anything at half. They kept going until... Until the suit was there, the armor- the impossible designs, back too Atlantian technology.
It was a blessing, and a curse.
The woman sighed deeply. "We will never know until the future is here, love. Our DJN family will help us along the way. They care as much as we do, Robert. No matter what happens. She won't be alone." Moira smiled, making the man ease up with a soft breath, sitting a bit more comfortably. "You're right. But I can't help but wonder if... We saw that we could, but didn't stop to ask if we should."
"Only time will tell. We do not know the future... We can just do our best and be there."
If only the two of them would know what would happen a few years down the road, and the fate that waits for them.
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