#(( the gospel of dismay and instrument of cyanide are my two favorite bendy songs
just-bendy · 2 years
Can you give us some headcannons?
(( oh my own headcanons for bendy? uhhhh sure! lets see...
he is 3ft tall, his ink demon form is 7'7", and his ink beast form is 8ft on all fours
very talkative. he talks a lot in general but even more so when hes excited, flustered, and happy
he speaks with a transatlantic accent and basically sounds like the gospel of dismay bendy because im very unoriginal
talks with his hands and gestures a lot. he also expresses with his tail
animalistic traits include purring like a cat, and growling n snarling like an animal. when hes feeling happy, excited, etc. he wags his tail like a doggy
his tail is pretty sensitive near the base since it got pulled a lot in the studio. it hurts him when it gets pulled so he hates it. used to have a wound on his tail in the studio from when he tried to cut it off but it healed when he got fused with 66
hates when strangers touch his tail. he is more tolerable when friends and family touch his tail. loves when his romantic partner touches his tail, especially the base and tip
also like a cat, he loves attention and will come up to you to just hang out, maybe even try to get your attention so you can give him some love; expect him to rub his head on you too. of course, he will also cause mischief if hes bored, just like a cat. his ink spikes up when hes surprised like a cat as well
(( sorry it gets kinda long so im gonna put the rest under here ))
he just likes to be with his loved ones or romantic partner, even if theyre not doing anything, he likes to sit by them or even on them, lean on them, lay by them, curious about what theyre up to
loves to be held and carried. sitting on your shoulders is also fun for him. he isnt too heavy either
loves being touched, it makes him feel nice. just a pat on the head, a rub on the back, or a gentle stroke of his tail (if youre his romantic partner) will bring up his mood
very clingy, loves to be shown affection. gets jealous if his romantic partner is giving attention to someone other than him
loves to also cuddle, nuzzle, and canoodle
he loves attention and being in the center of it. he gets frustrated if hes ignored
made of ink but can be solid, like hed just have regular skin until he starts melting. hed be a little shiny as you could see in my older posts. he is also very smooth because he is hairless
very squishy, he is so squishy, everything is squishy but his teeth and shoes. i am unsure of the hardness of his hooves but ive always thought of it as two big toes in terms of flexibility. i cant decide if they should be two big squishy toes or two big hard toes
doesnt really have insides since he is 100% made of ink. this also means he has no bones. his bowtie, gloves, and shoes are also made of ink
he is very flexible
he can melt into a puddle to squeeze through small gaps. if hes wearing anything that isnt his normal bowtie and shoes, he'll have to bring it with him or leave it behind
if you are in a room with the door closed without him, he will make his way in by squeezing through the gap under the door. if there is no way in he will beg you to let him in if theres no one else around to bother
he has full control of his ink and can use it to stretch himself out to reach something or transform into anything
has nightmares of the studio a few times every year and every time he wakes up, hed need comforting. if theres no one around to comfort him, he will curl into a ball and hug himself
protective of his friends and especially his family and partner. he will not hesitate to hurt people that dare hurt someone he cares a lot about
dealing with someone thats abusive and hurts others will make him see red
doesnt like anyone touching his bowtie including his friends and family except for someone hes deeply in love with. fiddles with his bowtie a lot
has a long and stretchy forked tongue
bad at playing videogames :(
kind of messy
is ok with spicy food but not unaffected by the heat
doesnt smell like anything
loves watching horror movies even if he gets scared. he also loves comedies with dumb humor
he loves jokes, puns, dad jokes, and bad jokes
likes to get drunk and party
he can juggle and is very good at it
loves to dance, sing, show off, and dress up
likes to be praised as in complimented and admired
collects merch of himself. toys, posters, shirts, whatever there is, he will collect it
loves to kiss and be kissed. cheek kisses, mouth kisses, head kisses, body kisses, french kisses, he loves kissing
if hes in a relationship with someone he really likes, hed go out of his way to do romantic things for them like buying flowers and taking them on dates to fancy places. he will also call them all sorts of cute names like "sweetheart", "sweetie", "honey", "toots", "doll", etc. he will also show them all sorts of affection like hand-holding, lots of kisses n cuddles, and other stuff i cant mention here
a good chunk of my headcanons are very unmentionable actually
uhh,,, this is kind of excessive huh,,,, sorry about that,,,
is,, is this what you even asked for,,,? ))
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