#(( some wholesome Subaron for all of you shippers :p ))
strawberry--bride · 3 years
DIABOLIK LOVERS Haunted Dark Bridal ー Sharon’s Route [MANIAC 01]
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Location: Sakamaki Manor ;;  Bathroom
Sharon: Haah...It’s one of those days again, huh?
( I suppose it’s due to the recent rise in humidity, but my hair hasn’t been working with me. )
( It looks like bomb exploded in there... )
She grabs her brush.
Sharon: I better try to fix this before we have to leave to school.
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Sharon: ...!!
( W-What was that? It came from the hallway, right...? )
She opens the door slighty, taking a peek outside.
Sharon: ( Ah. It’s the triplets... )
Location: Sakamaki Manor ;; Hallway
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Laito: Eeeeh~? No need to get so upset, baby bro. I’d say you look quite cute.
Kanato: Exactly. ...Like a soft, fluffy cloud.
Ayato: Pfftー! More like he put his finger inside a socket! Hahaha!
Subaru stomps towards the bathroom.
Location: Sakamaki Manor ;;  Bathroom
Sharon: ...!!
( O-Oh no! He’s coming this way! I better hide! )
She gets behind the shower curtain.
*Rustle rustle*
Subaru: ...Those jerks! They’re catchin’ these hands after I’m done fixin’ my hair!
He slams the door shut.
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Sharon: ( Uu...He’s enraged. I wonder what has gotten him so upset...? )
Subaru: Do they think I did this on purpose or somethin’...!? 
God, I hate summer...
Sharon: ( Huh...? Could it be...? )
She quietly moves the curtain a little to the side, trying to catch a glimpse of Subaru by the mirror.
Sharon: ...Ah!
Subaru: Haah...?
Subaru looks to the side as they lock eyes.
Sharon: ( ーー !! )
( Shoot! I accidentally let my voice slip! )
...Ahaha...G-Good morning~!
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Subaru: ...You!?
The fuck you doin’ in there!? ...Are you takin’ after Shuu and takin’ showers while fully clothed now!?
Sharon: N-No...! Let me explain!
( Uu...Now that he saw me, I better be honest. )
Sharon: ーー And that brings us to the present.
Subaru: ...
Sharon: ...So. Bad hair day, huh?
Subaru: Fuck off!
Sharon: Same here.
Subaru: ...Oh. Now that you mention it, you really look like shit today.
Sharon: ( Uu...Somehow hearing it from someone else’s mouth makes it hurt twice as much. )
Subaru: Pft.
Sharon: Eh?
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Subaru: Haha...It kinda looks like a bomb exploded in there.
Sharon: ( Ah. I thought the exact same thing earlier. )
( Howeverーー )
( This might be the first time I’ve seen Subaru-kun smile like that... )
Hehe~ Right?
A-Anyway! I think I can fix this! Yours doesn’t look half as bad either. Why don’t you sit down and let me handle it?
Subaru: ...Hah? I-It’s fine! I can do it by myself!
Sharon: Tut-tut. I’m not taking no as an answer right now. Come on.
She forces him to take a seat in front of the mirror.
Subaru: O-Oiー!
Sharon: Let’s brush it first to get rid of the knots. Then we’ll try and do something about the frizziness. 
She grabs a brush and starts combing his hair. 
*Rustle rustle*
Subaru: ...
Sharon: Tell me if it hurts, okay?
Subaru: ...’s fine! I’m no crybaー Ow! Oi! Be careful!
Sharon: Whoops! S-Sorry. I’ll be extra gentle.
Subaru: Che...
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Sharon: ( Fufu~ Despite his complaints, he’s actually letting me fix his hair. )
Sharon: All done!
Subaru: ...
Sharon: What do you think?
Subaru: Hmph. It’s fine, I guess. 
Sharon: That being said, you have really soft hair. I was a little surprised~ 
Subaru: Haah!? T-The fuck you sayin’!? 
Sharon: Eh? That was a compliment, you know?
Subaru: S-Shut up! ーー Just keep quiet and sit down.
Sharon: ...Sit down?
Subaru: You’re up next, right? Or are you gonna go to school lookin’ like that?
She switches places with him and sit down.
Sharon: Subaru-kun, are you perhaps offering to...?
Subaru: Shut it. Just behave before I change my mind.
ー He picks up the brush and starts combing her hair.
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*Rustle rustle*
Sharon: ...
Subaru: I can see you grinnin’ in the mirror, you know?
Sharon: Ehehe~ It just feels kind of nice to have someone brush my hair, you know? 
I wonder how long it’s been...
( The memories are becoming more vague with each day, but I’m pretty sure I remember mom doing this for me when I was little. )
Subaru: ーー My mom.
Sharon: Eh?
Subaru: ...She also has ridiculously long hair like yours. 
When I was still a kid, I’d brush it for her from time to time, that’s all.
Sharon: Heeh...How sweet of you. I’m sure that must have made your mother very happy!
Subaru: ...B-Beats me!
He puts the brush down.
Subaru: There. I’m done.
Sharon: Waah~! It looks perfect! Thank you so much, Subaru-kun!
Subaru: ...Don’t mention it.
Sharon: Ah! Look at the time! I have to get ready for school!
She rushes towards the door.
Subaru: ーー Oi.
Sharon: Hm?
Subaru: Aren’t you forgettin’ somethin’?
Sharon: Eh?
Subaru steps closer, reaching one hand forward.
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Sharon: ( ...!? )
*Rustle rustle*
Sharon: ( ...Huh? )
( Did he just put something in my hair...? )
Subaru: Your hair clip. This thing’s important to you, right? You left it layin’ on the counter.
Sharon: Ah. T-Thank you.
Subaru: ...Che.
Sharon: W-Well, time to go then! ...See you later!
She quickly leaves the bathroom.
Location: Sakamaki Manor ;; Hallway
Sharon: ...
( What’s wrong with me...? )
( For some reason... )
She places one hand on her chest, feeling her heartbeat.
Sharon: ( No, no, no. I’m sure I just got a little startled because he suddenly stepped closer, that’s all! )
Anyway, better get ready for school now!
Location: Sakamaki Manor ;;  Living Room
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Reiji: Everyone is here, it seems. Very well.
Laito: Oh my, oh my~? Subaru-kun...Your hair, it’s back to normal!
Kanato: What a shame. I thought the cloud look fit you very well.
Ayato: Darn! I was lookin’ forward to seein’ you make an absolute fool out of yourself at school today.
Reiji: Oh? Now that you mention it, your hair actually looks properly styled for once. What has caused this change?
Sharon: Ah, actuallyーー
Subaru: Oi! Idiot! 
He leans in, whispering.
Subaru: If you tell them what happened, you’re dead. Understood?
Sharon: ( ...! )
Laito: Hmm~~? Could it be...~~?
Subaru: ...!!
Arghー! In that case...!
Subaru uses both hands to ruffle up his hair again.
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Reiji: Wha...!?
Shuu: Haah...
Laito: Oh dear~
Sharon: Ah...!
( Uu...All my efforts wasted... )
( Oh well, I got to see a different side of Subaru-kun today, so I guess it’s fine... )
ーー MANIAC 01: END ーー
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