#(( ma'am- thats kinda rude. ))
Just played Lesson 13. Still don't like Lilith's presence much but DAMN we got World Building and Diavolo characterization- That's pretty good. ( Won't elaborate for spoiler reasons but yeah liked it enough I suppose. )
Kinda been waiting to get some stuff on Diavolo and Barbatos so eager to see what comes next.
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pinky-in-blankets · 7 months
Hello and please can you make my and your oc interact with each other
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Well I was gonna but now I don't wanna.
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kenmasgameboy · 4 years
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a kuroo x gangmember!reader
" you like to cause a bit of trouble, pipsqueak?"
" pipsqueak? seriously?"
Life for you got turned upside down after your first year at Nekoma high. Realizing it was too dangerous, your parents sent you back to live in Miyagi and attend Karasuno with your old friends. Kuroo Tetsuro, the Police Chiefs son, comes into contact with you in the most unexpected way possible, bringing trouble wherever you both go.
      High school was never that interesting to you. Though, you'll admit that it was a good way to help the days pass. You always found different games to help.
At first, games to you meant sneaking out of the house, slashing tires, almost getting arrested, going to parties. You had a bad reputation. You had been mixed up with all the wrong people before at your old school. But now you were going to turn your life around. Even if that means that now games to you would mean studying. Kind of.
         The closest you'd probably get to your new life would be getting in trouble for minor things at school. For example, falling asleep in class was a specialty of yours. Truly, an art form. Waking up to that sweet slap of a ruler against your desk was better than any alarm clock you'd ever hear. The rush in your chest, the heat to your cheeks, the sweaty palms. Incredible. But that is it. You promised your mother that this year you would be making her proud at Karasuno. You wouldn't be hanging out with those "thugs" as she liked to call them. You would keep up, maybe pay attention, and maybe make some more real friends.
       The truth was that school never felt like a real challenge to you. Sure there were plenty of difficult subjects that made you feel stupid but you always kept out of the drama, minded your business, and kept your head down. It was fine. There really was a target on your back now that you were the new girl at school though, and you had adjusted week by week meeting new people and reuniting with some old ones, too. But ultimately you decided the social system just wasn't made for you. There wasn't really a good place for you to fit in, or maybe it just wasn't comparing to the kind of family you made before.
      Today was one of those days where your motivation was at its peak, you were taking good notes. Studied for a quiz, been overly diligent. Then that sweet beautiful sound of the lunch bell rang, you pulled out your food, grabbed your skateboard, and left the classroom in a bit of a hurry. As you were leaving you started to hear a conversation:
      Dude, don't worry, I have it completely handled. Watch...
      "(Y/N)!" Narita, your classmate called for you once you exited the room and into the hallway. He stood next to Ennoshita who looked like he would explode any second. You knew Narita, him and Ennoshita were in Class 4 with you and you really didn't have that many real friends at school but you wouldn't mind calling them that. They were some of the friends you were reunited with from middle school, they were a big comfort to you when you transferred in.
      "Hey, how's it going?" You slowly walked over, trying to find your excuse to leave and take a nap without seeming impolite.
      "Great, good. Thanks, yourself?" Narita answered for him and Ennoshita. He also seemed in a hurry for some reason but was much worse at covering it up.
      "Pretty tired, but uh, for the most part—" You started but your sentence didn't last long.
      "You should come to my party! Uh— Our party. We're having a party it would probably wake you up. It's in Tokyo! I mean—" Narita came in strong.
       "Nice, buddy. You really do got this handled." Was all Ennoshita followed it up with, "Gotta go, see you guys in class."
       "A party?" You laughed a little, just because these guys were anything but the partying type. You started walking and Narita was following you like a hawk, "Don't you guys have volleyball practice or something?"
        "Yeah, of course. But not this Friday night! I mean technically we do but we'll be done at 6:30. Party can start at 7:30." Narita followed up, "All the volleyball guys will be there, too. We have a summer training camp in Tokyo starting on Monday so this is kind of the only day we can get everyone together. We already had our friends from Nekoma invite pretty much everyone they knew."
       "N-Nekoma, huh?" Your smile wavered, "That sounds like it'll be really fun for you guys. Thanks for the invite, but I don't really know anyone on your team. Plus, I can't get to Tokyo by 7:30." You said, declining as well as you could without making your answer too suspicious.
       "Well, yeah about that. Um, by 'it's in Tokyo' what I meant to say was Tokyo guys will be there. They're volleyball players, too, actually." He explained, rubbing the back of his neck and adjusting his satchel, trying his best to act cool and lean against the vending machine you were using.
       "So, it's a Volleyball mixer with you guys and a bunch of guys from Tokyo but it's not in Tokyo? Where is it, then?" You asked for the elaboration, kind of liking this dancing way to get to the point.
        "Yes, well and other schools in Miyagi, too. It's a lot of schools, I mean I'm talking Nekoma, Fukorodani, Aoba Johsai, Johzenji, Date Tech, Shiratorizawa.. maybe.. Inarizaki.. and more.. again maybe. But it's at Kinoshita's house. Which is still kinda far, but it has a pool! His family is loaded and they'll all be gone this weekend." Narita finally got to the point.
        "Sounds like it'll be a good time for you guys. I'm happy for you, sounds like you've made a lot of friends from other schools." You cheers'd your milk to him and started walking again to find a place to eat.
        "No, no. Girls will be there, too. It's kinda the whole point."
        "You really have to work on your pitch." You said plainly.
        "Please, I need your help (Y/N). I was put in charge of getting girls to come to this party." Narita begged, you couldn't help but let out a laugh at his desperation. In all your years of knowing him and being in the same classes you had never seen him talk to a single girl who wasn't in a group project or something related to it.
        "Why you?"
        "It was either me or Tanaka."
        "Oh, then definitely you are the better choice." You agreed, having known just from the previous stories he's told you. "Interesting proposition. I'll think about it."
       "You'll think about it and say yes?" He tried, "Every time I talk to a pretty girl I feel like I'm going to throw up, I can't talk to groups of girls and invite them to a party. But you're likable, more well known now since you're the new girl."
       "First of all, rude that I don't make you want to throw up. I'm pretty, sometimes."
        "How about, I'll say yes if you tell me who it is you have a crush on, which girl you most want at this party then I'll help out." You offered. Narita thought for a minute as you started eating your lunch.
       "Fine." He nodded, "This is my duty to my boys." Then he leaned into your ear and whispered the name of the prettiest and smartest girl in your class: Ichika Yua. Ichika was going to be a tough sell.
       "Alright. A deals a deal. You've given me a secret and I will do what I can do. How many girls do you need, anyway? Are we going for a 1:1 ratio or..?"
       "No, these guys need a much higher chance I think. Let's try a 4:1 ratio."
       "Yeah, actually you're gonna take what you can get."
       "Yes, ma'am."
        "Now give me the rundown on your team. I don't really know any of them and I need to know for my pitches I have to do this week. And don't think because I'm doing some work means that you can slack off okay. I really only know 2nd-year girls, if you want 3rd year or 1st you have to go to them. You need to try too. Also, will there be alcohol?" You listed off your demands and were straight forward. Narita made a slow nod,
        "Oh, I almost forgot. Do you know any girls from Nekoma who could come?" He asked you the dreaded question.
        Yup, you were originally supposed to spend your high school years at Nekoma High School. When you were entering high school your dad got a job offer in Tokyo, forcing you to move out there after middle school. Then after everything happened, your Mom knew it was too risky to let you live out in Tokyo still and she shipped you back here to go to Karasuno and live in a small apartment by yourself. You have family friends who come to check on you and your parents visit when they can. It's not horrible, at least now you get to come back to streets more familiar.
      "Um, I think the girls I knew from Nekoma aren't exactly the girls you want at a party. Besides, you should just ask your volleyball brethren to ask some girls and pull their weight. Or are they too pretty for you to talk to?" You teased Narita and knocked his head.
      "Hey, girls are girls." Narita held his head from where you knocked it.
      "Sure, if thats the case then the next time you see me I better be seeing some chunks."
     You and Narita continued to eat lunch together that day. Until you realized you only had a limited amount of time left and had to use the bathroom before class so you excused yourself. You skated away around the outside of the courtyard with a bun in your mouth and around some of your other classmates, waving.
        "Dude, uh. Who was that?" A guy with an aggressive appearance walked up to Narita, having walked past a few minutes before but stayed just to gawk.
        "Huh? (Y/N)?" Narita clarified, innocently.
        "(Y/N)... wow. What a beautiful name." Tanaka sighed in simp, "Is she our year?"
        "Yeah, man. She's in my class. You never noticed her before? I'm surprised she was the talk of Karasuno guys for like the whole first week of this year." He laughed. "She is technically new to Karasuno this year. But she's from Miyagi, I've known her since grade school."
        "My babe sensor has been reserved for Kiyoko only recently. Trying to be loyal." He humphed, "You guys a thing?"
       "What? No, no." Narita laughed, "No, we've just been friends for a while. She's helping me get girls to come to the party on Friday."
       Tanaka jumped up with optimism, "Yes! This is going to be the best party of our high school lives!"
       "I hope so." Narita rubbed his neck to try and tame his nerves again.
       "(Y/N).." Tanaka sighed again, "You know who's gonna go nuts when they get a look at her, right?"
       "I know."
Thank you so much for reading!! Please let me know what you think and keep reading!!
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17 and 2 bc I’m tired and I can’t read rn
2. Jonah, Samantha, Lee or Diana. Jonah sounds so good?? Idek why, it just sounds like a sick name to have and its just soft. Samantha has so many potential nicknames like sammy, sam, MamammanTha (fuck dude a spider just came from the ceiling AND I KILLED IT BUT GODDAMN I SCREAMED- that little shit came from the heavens to vibe check me), okay anyway lee is a cute name for a boy or girl, short n sweet, maybe even a nickname for like liam or leanne. Diana is cause thats what my parents originally wanted to name me, nope not after the princess or the Roman goddess, but after WONDER WOMAN. Ngl kinda powerful vibes.
17. Listen ma'am i have many many insecurities but the thing is u really cant vocalize them and expect people to continually validate you. Verbalizing them even just by yourself is just kinda reinforcing the idea. Sometimes u just gotta leo vibe it up and tell yourself "goddamn im the hottest ive ever seen myself!" Even if you're feeling as if you're lying to yourself itll make you feel better. I assure you nobody is inherently "ugly" till they act like they are, its all about the confidence mate. I got bad self talk too sometimes picky about how my face looks or double chin in a picture or whatever, but youre truly the only one whos so self critical about yourself, everyone else sees just a human. Simple as that. Though thats just on physical insecurities. Similar stuff applies to insecurities in how folks speak or carry themselves, it truly do be a game of fake it till it becomes a habit and youve become who you think the best version of yourself is. Regardless of all of this theres something so incredibly human about what peoples personal insecurities are, and sometimes those insecurities are what others really like about them. Im always worried i talk too much and im loud and rude sometimes but hey yall tolerate the hell outta me and enjoy it so i wont stop bein a big dummy just cause i feel anxious about it sometimes. Long story short; despite it all humans are beautiful.
Hdhdhdhfhfh bitch me too its sleepy hours 🤧
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dead-oaps-demon · 6 years
story time
i know no one will actually read this but only few so im just gonna throw it for whoever wants to hear that story
befor yestday like 4th August
my mom woke me to go with her to the mall and my my u can say i enjoed my day in my way
there was me my mom my bros my sis my aunt and lastly my cousin she's kinda an adult lesbian gal i respect in my way
since we got into the mall my mom and my aunt and cousin went to buy some fancy clothes cuz female stuff ya know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
so my bros sis and i NYOOMED to the candy places so we can be more hyped for vid games and those stuff
my FAT BRO BOUGHT A BLUE TOUNGE AND IM HERE BOUGHT A PINK ONE I WAS SO SAD:( (cuz its blueberry my fuckibg fav )
we went to my mom for some money like
and she said here have some money now shoo away
my siblings and i made a race like daUH CHILDREN XDXD
til we r there and oh boy oh my i stole the card thingy and RAN AWAY
til my bro and i found a cool game that can make us milkshake ya kno xdxd
and seriously he was praying so fucking h a r d and im here weeeing cuz thats what a stupid gay shit does
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and we played more games with others til we r out
and my bro just came to me yelling
i followed him with others and he was no lying for real
but seriously we were out :(((
so we called our precious momma for ya know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
and then we find her and she give us some and GOES BACK TO THAT COOL RAD ASS ROOM
there r like three shits one vr thingy with some kind floating broad
and one with gun
and lastly there was a cinema one were u can wear a glasses and see like 3d shits
my fat bro started with the gun one and I OF COURSE RAN TO THE BROAD ONE i was really enjoying it
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the first ride was meh
when my bro tying to play the gun one i was feeling more hunger about those shits so i told my fat bro to join me cuz i dont wanna have fun alone thats selfish >:(((
so there was something called toy ride and thats what were we in ya can watch it from here its really amazing no lies
and then my bro cAME TO ME BEGGING TO DO IT WITH HIM CUZ HE WASNT WITH US so my fat bro went to eat some McDonalds stuff and i was in the cinema thingy with my bro and we both choosed a spooky one like YEAH WE R OLD ENOUGH TO WATCH SOME CREEPY STUFF WHO SAID WE R YOUNG FOR THIS ?? b((
and the bEST PART FOR NOW IS THERES LIKE SOMETHING LIKE STICK THAT POPS ON UR FOOT LIKE WOW 9/10 cuz the air wasnt so cold enough>:((((
when we r done we realized that our smol sis didnt come with us cuz 5 yrs xdxd so my bros and i knew that our mom wont let us play the thrid time nO MATTER HOW U BEG OR CRY NO MEANS NO :(((((((((
we called our mha so we can stay with her since we r out like ya know doing nothing so we went to many stores and i found one THAT SALES THEIR CLOTHES WITH $69
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i was crying in laughing way so bad and said those people r amazing with those prizes
when my mom bought many clothes i was holding all bags cuz yeah i dont have shit to do til i found a TROLLEY IN THE CORNER I YELLED TO MY FAML
i took that trolley and i put those bags with my sis
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Til a security guard came to me saying
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i was laughing inside so bad til my aunt came and complain that im not the only kid who plays with trolleys and let teens have their rights to have fun befor they got old for this ya know
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i love her she's nice
before we go back home we bought some McDonalds stuff and i was vERY HAPPY u have no idea
and then i saw my other cousin with her kids telling me to take care of em i was like look I KNOW IM NOT THAT RUDE AND IM NICE WITH EVERYONE SO I CANT SAY NO TO UR DAM REQUEST:((
so when r almost i was with the trolley kust bored ya know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ DRIVING AND STUFF and seriously many people compliments my skills like wHOA THERE DOOD U R SO COOL AT DOING THIS MAY I JOIN UR RIDE??? like in joke of course
til i realized that im lost with my sis
my mom knows i can find her so fast without even worrying or shit like yeah he can come to at any min dont worry he used with that shit
i was in the 2nd floor and they r at 1st floor like dang it man i cant be fast
so i ran to the elevator and saw a spanish woman with another trolley i bet she had fun
we both had smol cool fun conversation like her english was pretty good ya know
so when the elevator came there was people on it and i ask with no shy is ur station here??? with very hurry voice ya know
one of em said the 2nd floor ?? <:0
and i yell FUCK YEAH IT IS NOW CAN U PLEASE GO MY FAML IS WAITING >:((((( in nice hurry way of course
the spanish woman liked me and then whrn those people went the elevator was so clean like 0 people out there
the spainsh ma'am came with me to the 1st floor i was surprised tbh and she was a good friend no lies sO I WAS RUNNING TO THE FIRST DOOR AND MY MY what i have just seen my aunt and lesbian cousin CHEERING IN YELLING WAY WHERE THE FUCK ARE U??? in their nice worried way
i told em long story my bad :(
and my aunt just said
god dam it jab now I LEFT THE TAXE FOR U U WILL PAY THIS FOR ME jk just dont this again okay????
like yeah she's an amazing aunt
i thought my mom went back home bUT NOPE she is still there worried
and i said the same answer with my aunt
and my lesbian cousin just ordered an uber and she said she will go with her sis and kids back to their apartments and my aunt agree like yeah they r lucky:(
so i jumped on the car just looking at the cars cuz i left my phone on my bag and my bag in the home :( so fuck off sey i couldn't say shit to u when i was there
and while i was looking a big surprise on my eyes
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i was in gay dam mood cuz sey and her idea of mks army u piece of shit ilysm kiddo
so guess wha
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olivias-cardigan · 6 years
100 Questions!
Tagged by the best @bitchin-promises, love ya ally!!
1. What is your nickname? lex lol
2. How old are you? 16 
3. What is your birth month? november!!
4. What is your zodiac sign?  freakin scorpio
5. What is your favorite color? mustard 
6. What’s your lucky number? 9
7. Do you have any pets? no i wish
8. Where are you from? texas🤠
9. How tall are you? barely 5′3
10. What shoe size are you? 6.5/7
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? probably like 10 but like i only wear my birks and prime knit superstars
12. Are you random? i dont know what this question means but no ??
13. Last person you texted? my friends jess, miah, and katie!! katie is visiting and we are going to the mall later :)
14. Are you psychic in any way? nope ha
15. Last TV show watched? orange is the new black
16. Favorite movie? my sister asked me this the other day and i said hercules so we are just gonna stick with that
17. Favourite show from your childhood? hannah montana, suite life of zach and cody, KIM POSSIBLE, that’s so raven, drake and josh 
18. Do you want children? not for a WHILE but yeah
19. Do you want a church wedding? i haven’t thought about it, i’m technically christian but not really that religious ( i'm keeping ally’s answer bc thats me)
20. What is your religion? ^ (like my preschool was at a church and i went to vbs every year as a kid but like my family has never been to church)
21. Have you ever been to the hospital? for myself? no *KNOCKS ON WOOD*
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? alMOst
23. How is life? pretty decent my dude
24. Baths or showers? showers all the way my mom kinda ruined baths for me. she was like “it’s kinda like just sitting in your own filth” and now i can't 
25. What color socks are you wearing?  dark gray
26. Have you ever been famous? BAHAHA no
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? um it’s not like i want it but its not like i would hate it, ya know?
28. What type of music do you like? pretty much everything -- rap, pop, 70s/80s, indie 
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? nope
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? 3
31. What position do you usually sleep in? on my side but then i wake up on my stomach so i dont know man
32. How big is your house? two stories
33. What do you typically have for breakfast? nothing whoops
34. Have you ever left the country? no :(
35. Have you ever tried archery? its seems so cool!! but no
36. Do you like anyone? not at the moment except for joe keery
37. Favorite swear word? shit probably i say that 24/7 and in all these different accents
38. When do you fall asleep? its either like 9pm or 4am no in-between
39. Do you have any scars? yeah volleyball and softball are a bitch
40. Sexual orientation? straight
41. Are you a good liar? i don't think so 
42. What languages would you like to learn? spanish
43. Top 10 songs? I CAN’T DO THIS
44. Do you like your country? yep!
45. Do you have friends from the web? yes and i love them all dearly 💓
46. What is your personality type? well i'm estp so 
47. Hogwarts House? when i took the test on pottermore i got hufflepuff but like i feel like i am more ravenclaw so i dont know 
48. Can you curl your tongue? yes ma'am 
49. Pick one fictional character you can relate to? stanley uris
50. Left or right handed? right
51. Are you scared of spiders? they are my favorite but like i can kill them
52. Favorite food? salad DONT @ ME
53. Favorite foreign food? pupusas are SO GOOD OMG
54. Are you a clean or messy person?  super messy
55. If you could switch your gender for a day, what would you do? oh jeez i dont know??
56. What color underwear? blue
57. How long does it take for you to get ready? 10 minutes for school like an hour if i want to look nice
58. Do you have much of an ego?  i wouldn’t call it an ego as much as stubbornness
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? suck biting is just wrong
60. Do you talk to yourself? all the time
62. Are you a good singer? no like i am probably the worst singer you have ever heard 
63. Biggest Fears? rats
64. Are you a gossip? um little i guess
65. Are you a grammar nazi? i can be it depends. like their, there, and they’re C’MON
66. Do you have long or short hair? its like medium its at my collarbone so 
67. Can you name all 50 states of America? yeah
68. Favorite school subject? math all the way
69. Extrovert or Introvert? extrovert
70. Have you ever been scuba diving? no i wish
71. What makes you nervous? public speaking like i'm fine once i get up there but i will worry about it for like a week
72. Are you scared of the dark? if i'm outside then yes
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? sometimes but not to be rude
74. Are you ticklish? very!!
75. Have you ever started a rumor? i hope not
76. Have you ever been out of your home country? no
77. Have you ever drank underage? like a sip
78. Have you ever done drugs? nah
79. What do you fantasize about? one day going to different countries
80. How many piercings do you have? three on each ear
81. Can you roll your R’s? yes and let me tell you, my spanish class is impressed
82. How fast can you type?  tumblr has made me a much better typer omg
83. How fast can you run? I'm not super fast but extremely competitive 
84. What color is your hair? light brown
85. What color are your eyes? hazel
86. What are you allergic to? peanuts, sesame seeds, basically every type of tree and grass
87. Do you keep a journal? i tried but i have the worst issue of never sticking to things
88. Are you depressed about anything? not right now
89. Do you like your age? i would if i COULD DRIVE OMG I WANT MY LICENSE
90. What makes you angry? when people try to argue about things they know ZERO about (fun fact: in english we got to write a persuasive article on whatever we wanted and i did mine on limiting ignorance)
91. Do you like your own name? sure
92. Did you ever get a foreign object up your nose? no but my sister was like three and my brother and i were playing life and she shoved one of those little people that go in the cars UP HER NOSE OMG
93. Do you want a boy or a girl for a child? both!!
94. What talents do you have? i don't know you tell me
95. Sun or moon? sun
96. How did you get your name? my parents just liked it i guess
97. Are you religious?  not really
98. Have you ever been to a therapist? no
99. Color of your bedspread? oh jeez its like all these patterns with different shades of blue and purple (I want a new one)
100. Color of your room? light blue/mint
tagging: @holyhollland, @kylokiwi, @leahs-anxiety, @stanleysbird !!
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cauldronoflove · 7 years
Ok so this is really obscure, but I've had this idea for a while now, and I'd love to see you work with it? Headcanons for a time travel AU in which Peter Parker is messing with Stark Tech and gets sent back to the 1940s? He could work with Peggy Carter in the SSR to solve the case and pretend to be her little brother. Plus in 2017 Tony and Steve working together to get him back. If you think it's weird or want to skip it no worries! If not, then thank you so much, I love your headcanons!!
i love this concept so much you dont even know?? but also okay i realized abt halfway through these 2.5k+ words that this wasnt exactly what you asked for and i feel kinda bad about that but i hope you still like it all the same!! also i wanna say thank you for thinking of me for this prompt im super flattered????
- peter wasnt technically supposed to be in the 4th basement of stark tower
- technically he was on his lunch break and was supposed to be using said time to both eat and work on his spanish homework
- but he'd heard these whispers from a couple of the older interns about some of the old stuff that mr. stark had thrown down there because he never had time to finish them and peter had an idea
- see, he's been wanting to move up a bit, have mr. stark trust him a little more, and what's better then maybe taking one of his old designs and making it better and making it work
- so thats why he's in the fourth basement of stark tower, trying to remember if he's had his tetanus shot because some of this stuff is seriously Old
- and then he stumbles onto this little pyramid shaped....doohickey
- its the only thing in 4 floors of Things that doesnt have a label or a file or a crude drawing taped to the front of it so now peter is Officially Curious
- he kinda fiddles with it for a few minutes until his phone beeps with his 'hey pete youre gonna be super late getting back to work again' alarm and he about drops this thing on the floor because like everyday the alarm scares him to death
- but because hes clumsy and because hes pete he actually does drop it and everything goes black
- but everything's fine because he wakes right back up and he's pretty sure that he electrocuted himself but thats happened dozens of times so he picks himself up and brushes himself off and realizes that he may have been out longer than he thought because theres fewer boxes in the room than before and geez his head hurts
- "are you quite alright?"
- oh god he mustve hit his head harder than he thought because that looks like
- "m-miss carter, no sorry, ma'am? oh, oh god i'm so sorry that was so rude, agent? agent ma'am?"
- "this is howard's fault isnt it"
- "howard? as in....oh god oh god"
- "do you know where you are?"
- peter parker loved a lot of things and one of those things was museums and one of those museums in particular had an exhibit on a certain mr. rogers and adjacent to that exhibit was a small plaque about the woman standing in front of him and oh god he was going to hyperventilate and throw up in front of a literal legend and hero at the same time
- "remind me to kill him later. right now lets get you something warm to drink, yes? maybe some new clothes, youre looking a little singed"
- flash forward half an hour and he's sitting in front of the agent carter sipping at some terribly bitter coffee while she pursed and unpursed her lips a few times
- (annnnd time skip back to present day)
- friday: mr stark theres a woman downstairs beating on the door asking for youtony, 47 names going through his head: ...go on
- enter may parker, in her pjs, fire in her eyes, carrying on the legacy of brunette women ready to end a stark's life
- "it is ten o'clock on a school night, i've talked to ned, i've talked to mj and liz, i've talked to every corner sub shop owner, i even had a nice long chat with pepper, yet no one could tell me anything so you better have answers as to where my nephew is anthony"
- and in that moment, tony stark's life flashed before his eyes
- "hey, friday, where is the kid?"
- "peter's vitals havent been detected since 1:32pm on floor D"
- tony: fu-
- (back to pete and peggy)
- so he's quickly caught her up on the gist of whats going on (aka he told her he's from 2017 ny and hed really just like to go home) and she's taking it surprisingly well, all nodding and hmm-ing and cursing howard stark under her breath, kinda how may is when tony does like.. anything
- but now shes leading him through their super secret base and he's trying not to stare because, has he mentioned, hes literally standing next to peggy carter
- "right, well, here's your cot. if you need anything, dugan can help you. he's that one, there, with the cigar. you get some rest and i'll find howard and see if we cant get your...issue squared away. oh, and whatever you do, dont accept anything dernier tries to give you, you've already blown up once today, i dont think you can afford another"
- present day
- tony's been working through the night, a marginally-more-than-slightly disgruntled may beside him, and an even-more-than-marginally-more-than-slightly peeved happy beside her
- ("how do you lose a teenage boy, tony" happy moans to his phone when he wakes up and sees all the missed calls and texts he has)
- good news: it only took like 2 1/2 hours and three shots of espresson for tony to figure out what happened to peter
- bad news: it wasnt even a Tony Stark Exclusive Design, it was a Howard Stark One-Time Use That Was Actually A Malfunction Design, he'd had several more coffees that werent even close to being strong enough, and he had a growing black eye from the punch may landed before happy could pull her away and calm her down (maybe that last part should be in the good news column)
- "so he's just stuck in the 40s alone, then" may surmises, rubbing at the tension headache in her temples
- tony doesnt respond because at this point he needs his other eye for miracle working and depth perception
- "well, probably not alone," happy begins. "i catalogued everything in that level, and that stuff came from one of howard's london facilities, so it was probably calibrated for that time, so he's probably with-"
- tony: "hap, please dont finish that sentence"
- may: "1940s london. so he's with steve, then, safe. with captain america. okay, i can handle that."
- tony: "no, ah, a little later than capsicle, probably"
- may: "so not safe with captain america"
- happy: "safe with agent carter, more likely"
- pete and peggy
- good news: pete made it through the night without being blown up by the howling commandoes
- bad news: once howard was finally located and sobered up, he explained that he hadnt built that particular device yet, so peter was kinda stuck
- peter wasnt coping well
- "i have a spanish test tomorrow! and a trig test on friday! and i'm supposed to hang out with ned on saturday, and then may's gonna kill me when i dont show up for sunday dinner, and shes gonna kill me in general because i never checked in because holy shit i never checked in!"
- howard: peggy he's crying what do i do
- peggy: do i have to do everything myself
- she advances on peter and takes his chin in her hand, locking eyes with him: peter, you know who i am, dont you?
- he nods as best as he can
- "then you must know that i'm going to do everything in my power and then some to get you back home, dont you?"
- "yes ma'am"
- "good. go take a walk while i talk to howard, and if anyone asks, youre my american brother in for a short visit." and then she pats him on the cheek and his soul kinda ascends then and there because agent carter just patted him on the cheek AND gave him permission to tell people he's her brother
- so he goes to take his walk but the thing is when he gets anxious, he likes to fiddle with the loose legos he keeps under his bed, building and rebuilding tiny structures to help ease his nerves
- needless to say, he's an Absolute Nervous Wreck while he waits for some kind of something from peggy or howard and there arent any legos to keep him busy
- so he kind of takes that walk right on down to the lab and starts poking around because even if he is a certified nervous wreck he's also thr most inquisitive little shit that ever did walk the earth
- peggy finds him two hours later with a pair of loose fitting goggles on his forehead, his sweater sleeves pushed up to his elbows, and some . substance on his hands
- "please dont tell me youre somehow howard's long lost son too," she says, taking his appearance in
- he shakes his head as the beakers in front of him emit a puff of green smoke directly into his already scrunched up face "no ma'am; it's just that mr. stark kinda has me on desk duty and never lets me get my hands dirty so i like to take every oppurtunity i can get"
- she nods, "good, because howard needs you to describe what you remember of the device, and then you and i are going to begin the slog through the logistics of it all"
- "ooooookay"
- which is how peter parker ends up sitting across from peggy carter, the both of them scribbling extremely advanced mathematics onto yellowing sheets of paper as howard stark tinkered with some spare parts he had lying around as he tried to construct a crude rendering of the device
- peggy mostly doesnt talk, actually, she hasnt spoken since explaining that shed picked her math skills up on an assignment shed once had where she learned she actually loved numbers and then howard had been letting her do calculations for him in her free time
- peter was too impressed to respond bc from what he gathered she'd only been on that mission for six months and she didnt have much free time which meant she'd had to pick it all up FAST
- anyway, they got at that for hours, until peter cant keep his eyes open and even howard is dwindling; peggy waves them both off to bed but stays and keeps scribbling away
- they repeat that routine for 3 days
- on the 5th night, after she waves them off, peter goes to his cot and he tosses and turns for hours, listening to the commandoes play poker and crack jokes, but he cant sleep
- finally he gets up and just starts walking, anywhere his feet take him
- coincidentally, his feet take him past what he quickly realizes is peggy's room
- "peter why are you still up? is everything all right?" she asks, pulling off these big hulking glasses that made him incredibly homesick because she reminds him so much of may in that moment, big glasses on, hunched over a book in her lap, hair pulled back out of her face
- and he apologizes, but she Knows something's terribly wrong, so she gets up and ushers him away from her doorway, and leads him down a hall or two and then theyre standing in an open space, and she's looking at him like shes trying to solve one of her equations
- "do you know how to throw a punch, peter"
- " whatever youre thinking i dont think its a good idea we dont have any gear and i dont want to get hurt-"
- she shakes her head and asks again, and he finally answers with a kinda
- "'kinda' will get you hurt; watch me" and she begins to demonstrate a few slow punches and he follows her movements and tries to copy them but hes a little sloppy but its ok because she corrects him and finally theyre just standing beside one another counting out punches when she asks "whats on your mind"
- and he doesnt even hesitate he just lets loose everything, how much he misses may and how terrible he feels that he cant get in touch with her, how much he misses ned and mj and liz, how much he misses his fire escape and the deli on the corner and the buildings and then he's crying again, but she gracefully doesnt point it out
- once he's done spitting out everything thats bothering him she gets this kind of sad smile and says, "you remind me of a man i knew. he cared so much about his friends, sometimes to the point of not even worrying about himself, whuch meant he was always in some sort of trouble, as you can imagine. but he always found his way out of a problem, even if he was the one who created it." she laughs slightly then. "i guess what i'm getting at is even if i cant get you back home, even if howard cant, i believe that youll figure it out."
- "are you comparing me to captain anerica right now because i'm already crying and i dont think i can take much more" he says through sniffles, his arms slack by his sides now
- she smiles and nods, keeping her stance, and peter feels an overwhelming sense of gratitude for this amazing woman who immediately helped him without much of a pause and who's made sure he was okay for the past 5 days and who's up at god knows what time showing him how to throw a punch and being his borderline therapist and he just wants to give her something in return
- "im not sure if im supposed to do this, because for all i know it could tear a hole in the fabric of time and space but i really want to show you this," he begins, pulling his wallet put of his pocket.
- he flicks the little photo holders out and theres may, and theres ned and mj and liz, and theres that cat he found that one time, and theres him and tony, and there, at the bottom, is the time he officially met steve after the whole fight thing and all
- "this was taken a couple months ago; well, a couple months for me, it's decades from now, but here," and he holds out his wallet for her to see and she looks over the photo curiously before she understands and a tear slips down her cheek and she smiles the most grand smile
- "thank you, peter" and she passes the wallet back and puts her hand on his shoulder and says "i promise i'll have you home in time for sunday dinner"
- and she does
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bogb0ng · 7 years
Excuse me ma'am, we're going to have to see you answer 1-100.
1. I always have more milk than cereal! (i’m basically a child) 
2. I love the cold on my cheeks but 9i don’t like th burning sensation after too much 
3. Scraps of papers sometimes i just fold the page corner
4. I take my coffee with just creamer and my tea i take black! 
5. Absolutely not! i love my smile and i’m very happy 
6. i do! i have a cactus at home and I have an aloe plant in my dorm room 
7. not really thats a lot to remember 
8. I use poetry, drawings, and writing to express myself. sometimes song lyrics 
9. fun fact I hum all the time if you listen really closely! if im really comfortable i’ll sing 
10. I sleep on my Tum! also wrapped around a body pillow because i get lonely at night 
11. we don’t have any yet! 
12. PLUTO! (viva la pluto fuck you!) 
13. talking to my friend Hunter 
14. it’s probably your typical open concept brick warehouse type flat 
15. a shot glass filled with neutron star matter would weigh as much as mount everest! 
16. I really like cajun chicken fettuccini 
17. either blonde or ginger 
18. I used to pretend to be married to my best friend in kindergarten... i guess thats one 
19. I’ve been wanting to keep a journal for a while, but i just can’t 
20. oddly enough I really like deep brown/hazel eyes, but also blue!
21. sadly that bag was retired long ago after the straps broke years ago, but i had a green turtle backpack with spikes all over it! 
22. NOOOO I’m very much the person who convinces you to get back in bed and snuggle 
23. walk around pantsless eat yummy snacks, binge watch netflix and  play video games all day! 
24. Yes, but sadly she’s in Alberta and we rarely get to talk, but she knows everything 
25. oddly enough i trespassed into my cousins old property to hot tub. 
26. A pair of brown boots my mom bought me (they look like hiking boots) 
27. Spearmint!! 
28. sunset! because then i get to watch the moon rise 
29. they check up on me
30. yes. petrified 
31. I love really fuzzy socks! i sleep with them when my feet are cold (which is apparently always right now) i have tons of wool socks, but like 2-3 pairs of normal socks.
32. I’m like never awake past 2 am so i don’t have any stories im sorry!
33. I really like cupcakes!! 
34. I still have him!! I named it Bubby.. it kinda looks like a mouse crossed with a bear?? and it has this rattle inside it.. idk i still have it somewhere and i love it 
35. I love them! but i don’t buy them ever because my writing is very messy and I don’t have anyone to send my pretty stationary 
36. City and colour mostly
37. my rooms a mixture of messy and clean at times 
38. I hate rude people! especially when people fake not knowing who i am or ignoring me.... and petty people 
39. black... most of my wardrobe is black lol
40. I have a bracelet from pandora that i lost and never found..... I’m really sad because it had all these charms that were sentimental to me :( 
41. the new harry potter cursed child book!! I was so into it!
42. I don’t but i guess timmies is cool
43. no one. i watch the stars alone most nights because no one will with me 
44. actually i’m feeling serene and at peace right now for some reason! 
45. yes. but also no because they can lead me astray 
46. I’m not very good with puns sorry!!
47. any kind of animal testicles 
48. Heights and falling from them.... yes i’m still terrified 
49. I never actually bought a CD 
50. I collect teeth... like the metal ones i’ve made in lab! (i work in dental) 
51. Slow hands.... (don’t ask me why) 
52. hewwo (i hate and love it) 
53. LOVEEEEEE rocky horror is my fave
54. myself....
55. straight up chugged some hot sauce 
56. a heart of gold, a sweet smile, a good sense of humor and a sense of the world 
57. It makes me feel good and of course~! go hard or go home 
58. Julians the vodka (aunt) and Ash is the wine (mom) 
59.the lochness monster actually! 
60. Anything from Neil highborne 
61. an already owned batman figurine i gave to my brother when i was 5 and i received a selfie stick.... 
62. yeppers!! either orange juice or cranberry raspberry juice 
63. i just leave em be 
64. pitch black right now 
65.Yeah I’d love to see Devon tbh 
66. probably big yellow sunflowers because i’m happy rn 
67. I love them! i feel at home oddly
68. very cold and covered in snow. YAY CANADA
69. i actually don’t like board games i prefer card games! 
70. no and i dont wanna 
71. I really like a tea called sweet lime 
72. yesssss!!! 
73. i bite my nails when i’m extremely anxious 
74. lets see they’re very kind and caring. they care about me no matter what mood i’m in they don’t talk with me often, but i always feel safe when i talk to them. 
75. i have a golden retriever! his name is crash and he’s a goofball!! 
76. studying 
77. PINK! OMIGOSH!!!! 
78. hateeeee
79. told me i was cute
80. white :( no i didn’t get to choose 
81. the dark spot/circle where a knot used to stick out of a tree on a stained coffee table 
82. not the greatest, but i try 
83. everything from imagine dragons 
84.yess!!! i want tree rings and plants 
85. i used to! archie comics all the wayyyy
86. eh no
87. rocky horror, a clock work orange, lord of the rings
88. banksy i like a lot 
89. i was a lot more when i was younger, but i’m struggling since we butt heads from time to time it feels 
91. scotland!! i want to see my heritage 
93. hair in a bun or down in my messy curly mop 
94. chris was! 
95. i’m going on a halloween haunt friday night and studying the rest of the weekend!! 
96. procrastinateee lol i hate updates 
97. ISFP, Capricorn, Hufflepuff 
98. it’s been a long time, but i love hiking so much!! i love being alone in nature 
99. hunter, chris, robin, brendan, josh, katie
100. probably 5 years into the future? im always wondering what the future holds for me so  yeah! 
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
from asakusa craziness to family drama
Tool: O____o; "...He cannonballed into my pool--and bashed my head six feet under! Aren't you gonna reprimand his ass for that?!" setsuna: *tiny chop* bad. Tool: >_< -elsewhere- juria: *chewing on some gum* Kishiri: "...Get. Away." juria: nyeh? vivian: but torryyyy~ i want to get crepes together~! Kishiri: "...One crepe. Then your crazy ass leaves me alone." vivian: yay~! ^w^ juria: oi, aint you that helvitz girl? Kishiri: "???" ("Holy crap--hot girl!") vivian: hmm? yes, im vivian helvitz. juria: whats with the uniform? vivian: oh? its a customized special fire brigade uniform. i wanted to look stylish on the job~ juria: heh... AHAHAHAHAHAHA ARE YOU FUCKIN WITH ME AHAHAHAHA!! Kishiri: "...??? What the heck is with you?" juria: nyeh? whats it to you punk? just look at her, she's just a pampered little princess. little rich girls like her arent fit to be in brigades, *mocking voice* dey're just too dewecate! HAHAHAHA vivian: you wanna try me b*tch? juria: nah, i'd squash you like a bug, it wouldnt be a fair fight. Kishiri: -_-; "Vivian isn't delicate. Believe me." juria: you her boyfriend? vivian: *shiny eyes* you have that much faith in me torry~? Kishiri: -_____-; "I have faith. No, she is not my girlfriend..." *then takes Juria's hand* "Which means I'm single, babe~" juria:....do you want me to beat you to a pulp you little low rank yankee? Kishiri: "Kinky...And I like a little girl on girl--" juria: *KNEED IN THE JUNK* no. Kishiri: Q______Q *whimpering* "My progeny..." vivian: OUR BABIES!! D8> juria: wow. you are pathetic. Kishiri: *crying* "Vivian...KICK HER ASS." vivian: *takes out fan* Kishiri: *crying, clutching his groin* "Why should a cat fight be so painful..." -elsewhere- Relan: [tummy ache?] shinra: [i'm used to spicy food, so i'll live, haha] Relan: [ :) and you have the festival tomorrow] iris: [be sure to have fun ^^] shinra: [can and will do!] shinra:......[still, we have to remember its a mourning for the ones who passed on...] iris: [right]..... Relan: [...oh. yeah...] -elsewhere- Konro: *stretching* -knock knock- Konro: "Enter." katarou's wife: good evening commander. Konro: *nods* "Ma'am. How are you?" katarou's wife: surviving....*sigh* toshio's...been rather difficult about all this. Konro: *nods* "I can understand...Might it help for someone to speak with him?" katarou's wife: perhaps... Konro: *nods* "...Will you and Toshio be at tomorrow's event?" katarou's wife: if i can get him out of his room, yes.....otherwise, we'll be at the shop... Konro: "I'll let Benimaru know as well." katarou's wife: thank you commander. i'll be returning home now… Konro: "Until then. And again, my condolences." -elsewhere- Arthur: *groaning* "Ugh..." tamaki: easy there... Arthur: "My tummy...Why?" tamaki:...*getting him a cold compress* Arthur: "Thank you, Tamaki...My...My..." tamaki: hmm? Arthur: "...My...um..." -\\\\\- "My thanks to you..." ("My nurse...") tamaki:....no problem....*hesitant small smooch on the forehead* Arthur: -\\\\\\\- "Th-Thanks...I l--" tamaki: d-dont go telling shinra! he'd never let me live it down 7-7; Arthur: "..." *sad eyes* tamaki:.....*small smooch on the forehead for real now* .////. Arthur: "..." *nods* "Th-Thank you for...you." tamaki:....*small smile* Arthur: *lies down, struggling to breathe through the pain* -elsewhere- Kid: *lies in bed* stocking: zzzz... Kid: *looks a little worried* stocking: zzzz..... Kid: *inhales* ("One day...I can do this.") stocking: *still asleep* Kid: "..." *hugs her gently and tries to fall back asleep* -elsewhere- tsuyu: *watching tv* samidere: hey sis, phone for you. tsuyu: *picks up* yes? Izuku: "Um...Tsu? It's me...Izuku?" tsuyu: oh, hey izuku, whats up? Izuku: "I, um...I'm fine. I wanted to see how you were." tsuyu: im doing well. Izuku: "That's good. Um, I went to the hospital today--not for any injury! Just to see Iida." tsuyu: ah, how is he? Izuku: "...He wasn't there. He got released." tsuyu: i see. Izuku: "You haven't heard from him, have you?" tsuyu: not yet. maybe we can visit him tomorrow? Izuku: "I'd like that. Morning or afternoon?" -elsewhere- Anya: *filling up a glass of water* layla: trouble sleeping? Anya: *nods* "Yes." Anya: "I take it you cannot sleep either." layla: just needed something to drink... Anya: "How are classes?" layla: doing good. and you? Anya: "Could be better. There's one technique I'm having some difficulty with." layla: oh? Anya: "It involves wielding Tsugumi's halberd forms." layla: ah. she's a triple bladed weapon, right? Anya: *nods* "So I have been trying to focus on wielding some of those other forms." layla: ah. i see. you're pretty good with the spear part, and hoshino uses the scythe part, right? Anya: -_-; "Yes..." layla: ah, i see. Anya: "I would love to master her scythe form...Scythe meisters are less common." layla: yeah...... Anya: "How is your training going?" layla: it's been doing good. i've been trying to learn how to use a bowstaff. chidori and kimiko are doing well too. Anya: "Hmmm...Bowstaff? Wait, who is your partner?" layla: havent found one yet. ^^; Anya: "Perhaps a social meeting with new students?" layla: maybe. *she smiles* Anya: *smiles back, then yawns* "I better try for more sleep...You should as well." layla: ok then. night. Anya: "Night." *walks back up stairs to room...hears snoring* "???" mio: *at her desk, asleep* Anya: -_-; *takes blanket from Mio's bed, puts it over her shoulders* mio: *muttering* meme... Anya: "???" ("...Jeez, those two...") -elsewhere- Arthur: *tosses a little in bed* tamaki: zzzzz... Arthur: *knocks into Tamaki a bit* "Hmmm..." tamaki: *nuzzle* Arthur: *holds her in his sleep, letting out soft sigh* tamaki:....*small smile* Takehisa: *getting a glass of water...his stomach growling* "Ugh..." serina: good evening commander. Takehisa: "Evening...How are you?" serina: doing well. Takehisa: *stomach growls* -\\\\\\- "...Are there leftovers?" serina: i think so. Takehisa: *opens fridge, removes leftovers* "...Don't tell Obi I took these." serina: i wont. Takehisa: *heats up some* "Want some?" serina: im good. Takehisa: *after heating his meal* "...How was everyone at dinner?" serina: it went well...i think the commander has forgiven you now... Takehisa: "That is good to know...I will have to make it up to Shinra, however." serina: im sure he'll forgive you too....he's a good kid. Takehisa: "Yes..." *groans* "I was a fool." serina: its ok, *pap pap* Takehisa: -\\\\- *small bite of food* "...I did so many stupid things today. What is wrong with me?" serina: perhaps its nerves? or maybe a lack of sleep? Takehisa: "Both, likely. I can imagine the nervousness's causes..." Takehisa: ("Why did I behave so awkwardly around Maki? That's out of character for me.") serina: ah, i see. maybe you should sleep in tomorrow, see if it helps? Takehisa: "..." *nods* "Thank you. Please let the Commander know I was feeling ill." serina: understood…. miss oze......do you have feelings for her? Takehisa: o\\\\\\\\\\\\o "Um...Yes?" serina: ah. well, its best to come to terms with those feelings sooner rather than later, i guess. Takehisa: "...Easier said..." serina: *she nods* the 8th's fraternization rules arent too strict, are they? Takehisa: "No, although Akitaru does tend to see us as a family, and can be rather insistent for everyone's well-being." serina: ah, i see.....i suppose its different for each brigade.....the 1st is far more strict in that regard... *she seems sad* Takehisa: "...Someone you are thinking about in the 1st?" serina: O/////O w-well....i-its rather complicated. Takehisa: "More complicated than Maki and me?" serina: well..... serina: one of the company commanders, foien li... i guess it was during collage that we met and dated for a while....unfortunately, due to being a company commander for the 1st, as well as a priest, we couldnt be together like that. even so, we're still close. *sad smile* Takehisa: "I'm sorry. I imagine this is difficult. Did you break up before he became a priest?" serina: well, thats the complicated part. sometimes in his off hours, we still see each other from time to time... .///. Takehisa: " 'See each other'? For dates or something platonic?" serina: somewhat like that. Takehisa: "Hmm...Have you directly asked him whether he would consider pursuing a more consistent romantic or sexual relationship in the future?" serina: ..... O/////////O Takehisa: "...I assume no, then." serina: i'll have to think about that one... *steam coming from her ears* Takehisa: *nervous laugh* -\\\\\- "Yes, I know the feeling." -elsewhere- Wes: *turns in bed, as Ghost Dog is sleeping right on top of him, tries to pet him* dog: =w= Wes: *petting* "Good puppy..." -elsewhere- mephisto: zzzzzz..... felisia: *sleeping next to him* Amaimon: *somehow in bed with them, spooning with Mephisto* mephisto: *YAAAWN*... ?? Amaimon: "...Hi." mephisto: ammy, do you mind not drooling on my neck? its rude. Amaimon: "Oh..." *wipes his mouth* "Sorry." mephisto: thank you. Amaimon: *back to spooning* "Good night." -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: -w- "So nice, peaceful at this hour..." kabuki: indeed. Tsukiyo: "Kinda glad I got night-watch with you. So...What should we talk about?" kabuki: perhaps how we got here....do you want to start or should i? Tsukiyo: "Why don't you start~?" kabuki: oh, well, its quite an unusual story. before i joined the brigade, i worked as a circus performer. Tsukiyo: "...For real? What did you do?" kabuki: i used my ignition ability and played the role of a trickster fox. Tsukiyo: "Kind of like a circus performer doing fire dance and stuff?" kabuki: indeed. to be quite honest, i've never been much of a fighter. i just wanted to see people smile. Tsukiyo: "D'awwwww!" :3 "Did they like your performance, then?" kabuki: i would like to think so. *he smiles* Tsukiyo: "So, after the circus, you came to the 7th? How did that go?" kabuki: it went fairly well. i guess i learned to fight from konro. Tsukiyo: "I can see that. He's so beefy~!" kabuki: now what about you miss usada? Tsukiyo: *shrugs* "I didn't have much going on back home. Parents just let me do what I want, play where I want...weren't home much..." kabuki: *listening* Tsukiyo: "...Not many friends...School was boring...Then--" *holds up small flame* "This happened. And that's when I met..." <3 "Beni-Chan..." kabuki: ah, i see. ^^; Tsukiyo: "I didn't get to be very personable with many people, but here feels...fun! Get to goof around, have excitement in my life!" kabuki: ah. but you do have friends here, like miss huo, right? Tsukiyo: "Yep! And she's awesome, right? A bit serious, though." kabuki: im sure she's just looking out for you. she worries about your well-being and doesnt want you to get hurt. Tsukiyo: "...Yeah." T~T kabuki:....are you ok? Tsukiyo: *wipes face, puts on smile again* "Yeah...Just emotional about friendship and corny stuff like that..." kabuki: understandable. Tsukiyo: "...And she's cute, too, huh~?" *struggling to keep up the act* kabuki: well she isnt unattractive. but then again i usually dont pay attention to those things. Tsukiyo: "..." :3 *she's back in her previous mode* "You telling me you don't scope out any of the fine booty around here?" kabuki: not often. but i've had some...interesting encounters in my life ^^; Tsukiyo: *leans closer* "Do tell~" kabuki: as told by my appearance, i've often been mistaken for female. Tsukiyo: *nods, listening* -elsewhere- Emine: "..." lin: *handing him a towel* going up to the roof after the rain? Emine: *nods* lin:....want me to come with you? Emine: "..." *nods* lin: ok. Emine: *opens window, sets down towel, exits, then holds out hand to Lin* lin: *she follows him* its nice and cool out.... Emine: "Yes. The rain smells clean." lin: *she smiles* Emine: "...I don't see your hair down this often. You look good." lin: o///o um, thank you emine. Emine: "..." *lets a hand pass through her hair* lin: *blushing* e-emine... Emine: "Yes...?" lin: ....n-nothing... *a bit flustered* Emine: "...I want to kiss you." lin: o...ok...*leans in* >////< Emine: *small awkward peck on her lips* lin: *smooch*..........*she soon relaxes* Emine: "...I was bad, wasn't I?" lin: .////////. it felt nice.... Emine: "...Your lips are soft. I liked how they felt." lin: *blushing*.....*small smooch* >////////< Emine: o___o *slowly closes his eyes, returning the small smooch* lin: U/////U Emine: *sigh of relief* "That was...better. You're good at kissing." lin: *she smiles* i....really like you a lot.... Emine: "...You are so supportive, loving...have been there for me." lin: you've been there for me too.... Emine: "...May I hug you?" lin: of course. Emine: "..." *awkward hug* lin: *hugs back* Emine: *awkward pat* "You feel...good." lin: y-you do too..... Emine: "I can feel your heartbeat..." -\\\\- lin: *blushing and petting his head* Emine: *small purr* lin: *smiles* (thinking: too adorable for words) Emine: "I...feel a lot right now, from my body down to my soul. I don't know what to say." lin: if you dont want to say anything, you dont have to.. Emine: "..." *small kiss on her cheek* lin: ^///^ Emine: *another small kiss on her lips* -inside- nea: *soft sigh* u///u Shinoda: "This okay?" nea: y-yeah. Shinoda: *holds her in his arms, kisses her cheek again* "So..." nea: hmm? Shinoda: "Shall I...I mean, should I..." nea: should you what? Shinoda: "..." *kisses behind her ear, as his hand slides along her hip* nea: ahhh~ U///U Shinoda: *kisses down her neck...as his hand gropes one of her breasts* nea: *soft moan* Shinoda: "You feel excited...Your skin has goosebumps..." *slides a fingertip just under her panties* nea: a-ahhh~! *shuddering* Shinoda: "Nea, I don't want to hold back..." *starts to pull down her panties* nea: .//////. c-can you even eat out? g-given your condition... Shinoda: "??? I had my apple today..." *smirks* "Just want a taste of you to complement it~" nea: .///////. maybe not risk it? Shinoda: "...Shall I pleasure you another way?" Shinoda: "Whatever you want." nea:.....maybe just straight up fuck me? Shinoda: o\\\\\\o "Nea...I've been wanting to for so long..." *pulls down her panties* "...So beautiful." nea: *blushing* its been a while since we did this.... Shinoda: "And you look the same as you did then: so pretty..." *strokes a hand along her face, as he kisses her neck again* nea: ahhh.... Shinoda: *he straddles her, tugging at her top to pull it off* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *returns to her room with a glass of water* kim: *asleep* Jacqueline: *sips water, then walks to her bed--and trips* o___O kim: ?? *wakes up* Jacqueline: *falls* "Ow." kim: are you ok? Jacqueline: *rubs her face* "I tripped over something..." *picks up a jacket* "...Yours, I assume." kim: *she examines it* oh, my old letterman, remember this? *she holds it up* Jacqueline: "...Very much so." *walks up to her bed, sits on the side of it, and hands the jacket to her* kim:...if you want to borrow it from time to time, its fine.....you arent hurt or cut are you? Jacqueline: "..." *clutches the jacket, hugging it* "Thank you...My face is just bruised..." *rubs her nose* kim: let me see.... *turns on the light* Jacqueline: *faces her...it's a small bruise* kim:....it doesnt look too bad.... *she looks for the glass* Jacqueline: "You sure? It hurts a little." kim: want me to kiss it and make it better? *she says in a half joking tone* Jacqueline: o\\\\\\o "Uuuuuuuuuuuuh..." kim: ?? well, seems the glass didnt break. Jacqueline: *pouts* "Hmph. First you toy with me, then you make fun of me." kim: .....did you really want me to kiss you? Jacqueline: "...Kim. I like you. A lot." kim: well, i like you too, we are partners, right? Jacqueline: "..." -\\\\\- "Yeah. Partners..." kim: i should get some paper towels for the spill, brb. *goes to get them* Jacqueline: "..." *buries her head in Kim's jacket* (muffled voice when Kim leaves) "I'm an idiot." kim:....(thinking: i should make it up to her somehow....) Jacqueline: *falls sideways onto Kim's bed, still clutching the jacket* -elsewhere- Mifune: *sipping tea* ("Just can't sleep...") yuma: *yaaawn*... Mifune: "Oh. Hello." *offers chair* yuma: *sits down and drinks her milk* yuma couldnt sleep.... Mifune: "Dreams?" yuma:...thirsty.... *sips her milk* .... Mifune: *nods* "Otherwise, you feel okay?" yuma: *she nods* yuma's gonna go back to sleep now... Mifune: "Sleep well." yuma: *goes back to her and angela's room* Mifune: *stares into his cup of tea, sighs* "Long night..." -silence. takane's picture is still placed on the butsudan- Mifune: *sets tea aside, approaches butsudan, bows his head* -there is no response- Mifune: "I will always keep you in my thoughts...Watch over me..." -a small feeling of warmth can be felt- Mifune: "..." *small smile* "Thank you." -elsewhere- Relan: *tosses in bed* "N-No..." -phone rings- Relan: "P-Please, leave me alone..." *seizing the sheets* "LEAVE ME ALONE!" *falls out of bed* "...Ouch." Relan: *hand reaches up, picks up phone, looks at it* shinra: [you ok?] Relan: "..." [no. nightmare] shinra:....[want to talk about it?] fuck.... Relan: [bad memories of the past. bullies. some self-harm] Relan: [sorry. tw] shinra:....[its ok]..... [its stuff like this that makes me wish you were in the 8th with us.] Relan: [i do. but i also like the 3rd. not that i don't want to be with you and iris. it's confusing] shinra: [i understand. you're more than welcome to spend the night if needed...] Relan: [i'd like that. thanks. are you not sleeping?] shinra: [i got worried about you....instinct i guess.] Relan: [that's adorable, you know that, right?] shinra: *blush* [yeah, haha ^^] Relan: [it suits you, down to that adorable smile of yours] shinra: [god i wish i could be holding you right now...] Relan: [same. when you get home. <3 ] shinra: [night. love you so much] Relan: [love you too. night] *crawls back into bed, smiles at Buttons* Relan: *snaps a pic and texts it* -elsewhere- shinra: ?? *he checks his phone* *Pic of Relan, smiling and winking at the camera* [love u] shinra: *sends a pic of himself smiling* [love you too <3] Relan: -\\\\\- [handsome man] -early morning- Hibana: *yawn* *squish* gabriella: zzzzzz..... Hibana: "Hmmm..." *she's behind Gabriella in their bed...in her sleep, her hands reach from behind her and cup her breasts* gabriella: >//////< Hibana: *yawn* "You have the world's best ta-tas..." gabriella: h-h-hibana! >//////////////////< -elsewhere- Arthur: *strokes Tamaki's back* tamaki: mmmmm..... Arthur: *small laugh* "You purr like a kitten." tamaki: oh shush -.- ..... thanks for letting me sleep here... Arthur: "Any--" *yawn* "--time. Was it okay? Did I snore or anything?" tamaki: its was warm... Arthur: -\\\\\- "So were you...I was worried my feet would be cold or something." tamaki:...im glad you were here with me. Arthur: "..." *nods* "Same...Tamaki? I had a bad dream. And you being here...helped." tamaki:...arthur.... Arthur: "...It was when I was kidnapped." *small hug* tamaki:.....*hugs him* Arthur: "...I missed you." -elsewhere- chie: zzzzzzzzzzz...... Yohei: *carrying in a tray of breakfast* chie: *yaaaawn* awww, yoheiiii! *smooch* Yohei: *chuckles* "I tried to make it how I thought you'd like it...Anything I'm missing? Sauces? Fruits? Sardines?" chie: hahaha... ^^ Yohei: *smiles, hands her the tray and sits at the foot of the bed* "...You're so beautiful." chie: *smiles and blushes* Yohei: "Sleep okay?" *picks a grape off her tray and eats it* chie: yeah. Yohei: "That's good...Hey, what would you like to do today? Rain stopped, we got the day ahead of us." chie: maybe we could stay in and watch a movie? Yohei: "That sounds great..." *crawls up, careful not to knock the tray, to lie beside her* -elsewhere- Kid: *hugging Stocking* stocking: *smooch* hehe~<3 lord death: morning kiddos~! Kid: -\\\\\- "Morning, Father." stocking: hey da-death! Yumi: *carrying Shiori to her high chair* shiori: ^0^ Kid: *waves* "Morning, Mother, Shiori." kirika: *yaaawn* murnin.... Yumi: "Kirika? Sleep okay?" kirika: yeah, just was up late last night. Yumi: "Perhaps nap later." Kid: "What kept you up?" *hands her a glass of orange juice* kirika: training a lot. visited oriko, usual stuff....she's really getting better in terms of talking. Kid: *smiles* "Progress." lord death: *reading the paper* hmm, seems an austrian/japanese pianist is going to be playing in death city later this month. Kid: "Oh?" *takes plates for him and Stocking to the table, next to Death* stocking: *reading the article* huh. i actually play some piano myself, with a bit of electric guitar on the side. Kid: "And you play very well, too~" stocking: hehe~ Yumi: "Perhaps we can get tickets?" liz: maybe. Patty: "Could be fun!" stocking: i'll see if i can get us tickets... Kid: *smiles* -elsewhere- Shinoda: *cuddle* nea: ^w^ Shinoda: "Was last night okay?" nea: yes, it felt good. Shinoda: "It did for me as well...It meant a lot to me." nea: *small smile* i really missed you, dummy. Shinoda: "I missed you, too. And I am going to do whatever I can to earn your trust." nea: *she smiles* Shinoda: *holds her, kisses her forehead* nea: U///U Shinoda: "...Would you like to go out for dinner tomorrow?" nea:...i would love that.... Shinoda: *smiles* "Okay. I know a place with excellent cold meals." -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: *sprawled out on floor* "Zzzz..." *snoring* fang-hua: tsukiyo? Tsukiyo: *tosses over* "Wha--?" fang-hua: its morning. Tsukiyo: *groans* "I had night-watch..." *rubs her face* "Did I just fall asleep on the floor?" fang-hua: *helps her up* Tsukiyo: *yawn* "Thanks...I'm still exhausted." *cute rubbing of her eyes* fang-hua: want some tea? Tsukiyo: *nods* "Tha--*yawn*nk you." fang-hua: *she smiles* now come on, we have the mourning festival today... -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *out of the shower, brushing her hair* kim: *streeeeeetch* ha... -knock knock- kim: *she answers* ya? Jacqueline: "???" *she's in her robe* Kana: "Good morning. I have letters." kim: awesome. *she takes the mail for them* thanks. Kana: *holds out hand* "What about my tip?" Jacqueline: *looking over Kim's shoulder at letters* kim: *sigh* fine, here. *hands her some candy* Kana: -W- *skips away* Jacqueline: *small laugh* "Cute...Any mail for me?" kim: *sorting* you...you...junk mail....letter from ox, oh, seems my magazine subscription went through! Jacqueline: "Neat." *looks at the letters* Jacqueline: *opens one envelope, starts reading it...* "Hmm." kim:.....you ok? Jacqueline: "..." *nods, trying to keep it together* kim:...jackie? Jacqueline: *starts crying* kim: jackie?! whats wrong? Jacqueline: "M-My p-parents...w-want me to visit..." kim:..... Jacqueline: *covering her face with her hands* "No...No!" kim: its ok jackie, im right here! *puts the letterman over her shoulders* Jacqueline: "Why now...?" *clutches the jacket around herself* kim: well, thanksgiving is just around the corner... Jacqueline: "That's the problem...I-I don't want to...but I can't get out of this. No..." kim: its ok, no one is forcing you to go, right? Jacqueline: "...Mother is." kim:............*she hugs her* Jacqueline: *cries in Kim's arms* "I can't get out of this." kim:......i have an idea. Jacqueline: "Wh-What?" -jump cut to...- eibon: oh? miss kimial, what do i owe the pleasure? kim: two things, one just call me kim, two is gopher here? Jacqueline: *nervous* eibon: oh, why yes, he should be- Gopher: "Hello! I--" *spots Jacqueline* o_o Jacqueline: o_o kim: heeeeeeey gopher~ mind if we borror him for something, we'll give him back later. eibon: oh...um... *sweatdrop* kim: hey jackie, you still have your old uniform, right? Jacqueline: "...Yes." Gopher: o^o kim: perfect! Jacqueline: "..." *blushes, smiles* "Thank you, Kim." Gopher: T^T -elsewhere- Emine: *holds a water balloon* -elsewhere- Relan: *panting* "T-Time? How did I do?" ryuuko: 6 minutes. Relan: *small sigh of relief* "That's a little better." mikami: congratulations! Relan: "Hee hee...I think that's all for training. I'll cool down, shower, then maybe we can get something to eat?" mikami: sounds good. ryuuko: i hear there is a festival in asakusa today... Relan: -\\\\\\- "That's where Shinra is right now..." mikami: maybe we can visit him? Relan: "...I would like that." *smiles* -and so- Relan: *dressed up* tamaki: this doesnt feel too overly festival like, but at least there is food. Arthur: *yum* "Tasty, too..." Relan: *nervous* shinra: ?? !!! REL! *hug* Relan: o\\\\o "H-Hi..." *hug* shinra: come to see the festival? Relan: "Yes..." *holds his hand* "...and to see you." shinra: *he smiles and stands on his toes to smooch him* Relan: -\\\\\- *kisses back* tamaki:.....(*screaming of adorableness*) Akitaru: ("D'awwwwww...") -elsewhere- Black Star: "Hello, sunny day!" tsubaki: *streeeetch* Black Star: "Ready for a run?" tsubaki: *she nods, getting her training gear on* Black Star: "..." -\\\\\- "Let's see how long you can last out there!" *grabs some water bottles and energy bars* tsubaki: right! Black Star: "On your marks...get set...GO!" -elsewhere- Izuku: *at Iida's front door* "..." maid: yes? Izuku: "H-Hello...Is Tenya Iida in?" maid: ah, he should be in his room. i'll walk you there. *levitating and shows him in* Izuku: o___o *scribbles something quick in his notebook and follows* -knock knock- maid: young master? you have a visitor. Iida: "Yes?" Izuku: "H-Hi, Iida...It's me, Izuku..." tsuyu: hey. *waves* Iida: "...Hello." *small smile* "How are you?" Izuku: *enters* "Alright..." *pulls out a chair for Tsuyu, takes one for himself* "...You have a nice room." tsuyu: it's very clean. Iida: "I try...Well, the staff does, now..." tsuyu:...... Izuku: "...Bed looks comfortable! And I heard that--" tsuyu: *examines the ignium action figure on the desk.... with a smaller figure resembling a young iida next to it made out of play doh* Izuku: "--you're thinking about additional surgery?" Iida: "...I want my eyesight back." tsuyu: *she nods and examines the bookshelf* Izuku: "...Hey." *pats Iida's hand* "We'll support your decision." *smiles* Iida: "..." T______T -elsewhere- Rino: "Okay..." *wipes grease off her hands* "I tightened the bolts on the furnace--all repaired and up and running." iris: *polishing tools* Rino: "...Um, thanks, Iris? But I'm probably going to get grease on those again soon anyway." iris: oh... q.q Rino: "!!!" *nervous laugh* "I mean, it's the thought that counts, right?" *nervous laugh* "...Don't tell Hibana I said that to you. Please?" iris: i wont. ^^; Rino: *sigh of relief* "Thank you...Jeez, she scares me..." -elsewhere- Shotaro: "And now, to finish it..." *puts the cherry at the top of the sundae* nea: *nom* *shiny eyes* Shotaro: *GOOD DEED COMPLETE pose* Shinoda: -\\\\\- "So cute..." *bites into his slice of apple pie* akaderu: *watching tv* Kepuri: *cuddles* "Wait 'til you see the new improvements I made on the TV." akaderu: oh? Kepuri: *smiles* "HD, 3D, all the D's." mana:....*struggling not to laugh* Kepuri: "??? ... !!!" >\\\\\\< "Sh-Shut up!" mono: i wouldnt stoop to such childish jokes. mana:....mono, you're a year older than me -_-; Kepuri: -\\\\- "You're both childish--and far less mature than I. I'm too smart for such immature humor." akaderu:...*sipping his cherry slushie* Shotaro: "Oh, I know plenty of childish jokes! How do you make a tissue dance?" -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "Do you think it'll work?" kim: its so convincing, it just has to. with some hair extensions and sand in special nylons and a specialized bra, he's good to go! Jacqueline: "But how to explain the voice?" (" 'Specialized bra'?") kim: im sure he can imitate it. Gopher: *nods* "I've had practice!" *clears throat--and speaks in Jacqueline's voice* "Hello, Father, Mother! How are you?" Jacqueline: o______O kim: holy crap that's impressive. (thinking: then again he isnt human and could probably just be that......but then on the other hand he already sounds pretty feminine...) Jacqueline: T_T "This wounds my ego, that a boy can impersonate me so easily..." kim: but at least its something. Jacqueline: T_T "I guess...I don't look mannish, do I?" kim: no of course not! ao:........... kim:....!! i didnt mean anything offensive- ao: it's alright. Jacqueline: Q~Q "S-Sorry!" ao: i forgive you, miss du pre. Jacqueline: "Thank you." Gopher: *playing with his skirt* "This is quite fashionable~!" kirika:......its cute i guess 7////7; Gopher: "...You think it looks good on me?" .w. kirika: y-yeah, i mean, whatever floats your boat, dude. 7////3////7; Jacqueline: *crying on Kim's shoulder* "I'm so confused..." Gopher: "Yay!" .W. -elsewhere- Takehisa: *looking at festivities* Benimaru: *standing, arms crossed, next to him* katarou's wife: hello commanders. Takehisa: *nods* Benimaru: *bows to her* "Hello." *looks at her, offers a hand* "Please let me extend my condolences." katarou's wife: thank you *she smiles*....toshio still wont leave his room... Benimaru: "...Would you like me to visit, right now? I would be happy to speak with him." katarou's wife: i would appreciate it... Benimaru: "I will go now. Hinawa will be here to support you." *pats her hand before walking towards Katarou's home* Takehisa: "..." *nods to her* -inside- toshio: *curled up in the futon, crying to himself* Benimaru: *knocks* "Toshio? It’s me, the Commander." toshio: *no answer* d....dad... Benimaru: *enters* "...We are beginning the mourning ceremony for your father. You should be there." toshio:.....the people are holding it like a festival, they arent even sad! Benimaru: "Because they are celebrating your father--his life, his contributions, all that he accomplished." *pats Toshio's head* "You." toshio:...*sniffling with ghibli tears* Benimaru: *hugs* "Let it out..." toshio: *crying* Benimaru: "You're going to be okay. You are never alone, Toshio. You have this village." -elsewhere- Relan: *munching on red bean pastry* >~< "Tasty..." shinra: these arent that bad! misora: *nom nom nom* >w< Arthur: "One Tamaki for taiyaki!" *flustered* "I mean, one taiyaki for Tamaki!" tamaki: *chuckles* thanks. Arthur: -\\\\- *small bite on his own taiyaki* Konro: *bowing at the memorial for Katarou* katarou's wife: *praying* toshio: *whimpering* Benimaru: *hand on Toshio's shoulder* toshio: *hic* Benimaru: *bows his head, prays* misora:.......... Tsukiyo: *peeps up behind Misora* "O.M.G." misora: EEP! O.O Tsukiyo: "Cee-uuuuute outfit!" *she's in moon-theme yukata* misora: thaaanks~! ^^ Tsukiyo: "Who does your do, girl? 'Cause it is hare-raising!" misora: i have my sources~ tamaki: *sweatdrop* Tsukiyo: *takes Misora's arm* "Do share! We can talk about it during a walk-sy around!" *winks at Tamaki* fang-hua: -__-; misora: we- *sees some* KYAAAAAAAAAAAAA! BENI-CHAAAAAAAN~!!<3<3<3 tamaki: ow my ears!! Tsukiyo: "!!!" *joins Misora in glomping Beni-Chan* Benimaru: -____-; Relan: "...What's up with those girls?" shinra:....they're very....very strange *sweatdrop* Relan: "Hmm. I don't know why they are crawling all over Benimaru..." *blushes* "You're cuter..." Tsukiyo: *squish squish* "Want to walk with Misora and me for a bit?" shinra: *blush* t-thanks. Benimaru: "Sorry. I have other responsibilities, so--" *FLAME PUSHES TSUKIYO BACK* Tsukiyo: "Owie!" Benimaru: *stares at Misora* misora: O////w////O Benimaru: *sighs* "Fang-Hua, please remove Misora...and do something about Tsukiyo." Tsukiyo: Q~Q "Beni-Chan..." fang-hua: *drags them off* come on... Tsukiyo: *pouts* "Fang-Hua, I'm just wanting to be gracious to our commander..." Relan: "..." *holds Shinra's hand* Arthur: *small laugh, looks at Tamaki* "That Tsukiyo girl is weird, huh?" shinra: *smooches relan's hand* tamaki: thats a delicate way to put it. Relan: o\\\\\o *steam out of ears* shinra: love ya. Arthur: "..." *scratches his cheek* "...Have you talked with her recently? Because she talked with me..." Relan: "I-I-I-I l-l-l-love you, too..." tamaki:.........you could say that. Arthur: "...She gave me some advice." tamaki: really? Arthur: *takes Tamaki's hand* "She said to let you take the lead..." *brings her hand to his lips for a gentle kiss* tamaki: O////O n-not in public yet.... 7////7 Arthur: *small chuckle* "Sorry..._Not in public_, then..." tamaki: jeez... u///u; maki: ta~ko~ya~ki~tiiime~! *nom* Takehisa: "...Is it good?" maki: delish! want some? Takehisa: "..." *nods* maki: here you go~ *holds one to his mouth* Takehisa: o\\\\o *tentative bite, quickly pulls back, munches* "Delicious..." maki: glad you like it ^^ Takehisa: "...Yes. Thank you." -\\\\- Akitaru: (looking at the happy couples, smiles) padma: *slurred* love'as, com'te'tooown *hic* Akitaru: "Wow, there..." *takes the liquor out of her hand* "Easy..." padma: miwaaaa im goooood to gooooo. Akitaru: -_-; "...How about a good meal, some coffee, and plenty of water?" Relan: ._. padma: yes miwa, a breakfast date sounds looovleyyyy. *hic* Akitaru: "..." *praying* "Someone, help me...I don't know what to do..." T_T serina: h-here let me. *helping padma back to the ryokan* Takehisa: "..." *small smirk watching Padma drunk* Akitaru: *sigh of relief* Arthur: "...I think we all learned a valuable lesson now about drinking." tamaki: (thinking: i think we learned something about padma too...) Relan: "...Interesting colleagues." shinra: yeah. Relan: "...You haven't had alcohol before, have you?" shinra: no...at least not to my knowledge... Relan: "M-Me neither...Some bullies tried to force some onto me, but I managed to run..." shinra:....*holds his hand* Relan: *small squeeze* -elsewhere- Kid: *hug* "I'll miss you..." stocking: it'll only be for two days kiddo, and i wont be going on the trip until tomorrow. Kid: "I'll still miss you..." *pulls back, still holding her hands and smiling* stocking: i know, i'll miss you too. but i'll survive two days i think. Kid: *nods* "You're strong..." stocking: *she kisses his forehead and smiles* Kid: -\\\\- "Do you know where you are heading?" stocking: i think camping in a national park not far from here. Kid: "Do you have bug spray?" stocking: yes. Kid: "Change of clothes for the hikes, outdoors?" stocking: yes kid. Kid: "Okay..." *smiles* "Then I guess you need your rest today." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: "What would you like for dinner? And dessert?" -elsewhere- Black Star: *panting, collapsed on grass* "Good run..." tsubaki: yeah....*looking around her surroundings* Black Star: *takes off his shirt, waving it to get out the sweat* "...Sense something?" tsubaki: hmm... Black Star: "Hey, sushi!" tsubaki: hungry? Black Star: "Definitely!" *finishes fanning shirt and puts it back on* "Let's go!" -inside- tsubaki: how nice. rather big on the inside. Black Star: "~AH~ Air conditioning, too..." *sniffs* "Tasty meals..." tsubaki: *waiting for a seat* Black Star: *looking for seats as well* "What you going to have?" *looking at customers* *One customer dining on a meal behind Tsubaki, looking at her* tsubaki: i think i might have the salmon roe. Black Star: "Oh, that's tasty! I can't decide on just one...Any seats yet?" ???: *watching Tsubaki intently* *sneer* tsubaki: ah! there. *she points to an empty booth* Black Star: "Awe-soooome!" *follows her to the booth* tsubaki: *checking the menu* Black Star: *looking at his...and still feeling something chilly around him* "Hmm...Fiery shrimp roll...Yum..." tsubaki: *looking around the large room* ???: *still looking intently at Tsubaki* tsubaki:....?? ???: *sneer* tsubaki:....?! *rubs her eyes and looks* *Gone* Black Star: "???" tsubaki: n-nothing... Black Star: "..." *small shrug, as he goes back to menu* tsubaki: *suddenly a lot more chilled, but keeping it together* Black Star: *peeks up, frowns* "Okay. What happened?" tsubaki: just a bit chilly today. Black Star: "...Shit, I should've brought a jacket...Um...I could give you my shirt?" tsubaki: oh, i-its fine. im not dying, haha. Black Star: "...Maybe hot tea?" tsubaki: sure. Black Star: "Awesome! I'm going to try this cola..." -elsewhere- Hibana: *checklist* "Furnace is fixed, bathroom remodeled, new furniture is here--" iris: oh my... Hibana: "???" miwa: its not bad....the furniture i wasnt expecting. Hibana: =w= "I simply want to share my divine image with everyone~" *There is a poster now hanging up with Hibana in her fire uniform, winking at the viewer* Rino: -_-; "Pretentious as fuck." gabriella: O//////////O Hibana: -\\\\\- "My mistress is so cute when she blushes~" *pats Gabriella's shoulder* -elsewhere- Wes: "A concert?" soul: yeah...leetcht...light...how do you say that?? Wes: " 'Licht.' German?" soul: ah....says he's from austria?? Wes: "Interesting...I'll have to check that out!" soul: yeah... Wes: "Up for going? Maybe after the trip to Mom and Dad's?" soul: yeah, it should be after then... Wes: *smiles* "Well, alright then..." *pulls out a box* "I also got you something..." soul: oh? *Inside is a framed photo of Wes and Soul as kids...and also in the box is a really corny piano-key tie* soul: *small smile* thanks, bro. Wes: *smiles* "You're welcome, bro." soul: *pressing the tie* oh my god. Wes: *giggles* soul: well, good to see you have a sense of humor. Wes: *small pout* "I have a sense of humor." -elsewhere- Yohei: *cuddling with Chie on the couch, watching the movie* chie: zzzzzzz....... Yohei: "???" *smiles, bundles her up and sits with her on the couch* chie: =w= Yohei: *whispers* "Love you..." *yawns* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *wearing Kim's jacket, washing dishes* tsugumi: need any help? *putting away groceries* Jacqueline: *smiles* "I'm almost done. But thanks! How was shopping?" tsugumi: it went well. Jacqueline: *nods* "Any plans for your Thanksgiving break?" tsugumi: not sure. we dont really celebrate it in japan for obvious reasons...but anya did mention wanting to invite us to her home country! Jacqueline: "That should be a fun trip!" tsugumi: *she smiles* Jacqueline: *finishes washing plates, dries her hands* "You have your passport, Tsugumi?" tsugumi: *she nods* it's in my room. i think they speak english in yngling. Jacqueline: "...Huh. Does Anya speak Japanese?" tsugumi: she's been learning. Jacqueline: "Ah. That must be exciting. Soon, you'll be able to hold conversations with her!" tsugumi: you say that like i dont already -_-; Jacqueline: "!!!" *nervous smile* "I just meant in Japanese!" -w- tsugumi: maybe ^^ Anya: *sheepishly enters the kitchen* T_T tsugumi: hey anya! Anya: "..." *bow* "Kon'nichiwa." tsugumi: hehe <hello to you too anya!> Anya: "Um..." <How healthy are you?> -She butcheredly asked "How are you?"- tsugumi: im in decent health ^^; Anya: "Oh...Um..." <Glad to hear.> -elsewhere- Benimaru: "...So, what nicknames do you give to each other in your Brigade, Kusakabe?" shinra: well- Arthur: "Shinra's nickname is Bed Wetter." Relan: -_-; shinra: ARTHUR! jeez! *embarrassed* tamaki: and there's the time you called commander oubi 'dad' shinra: TAMAKI! Arthur: "Ha ha! That was pretty funny." Relan: -_-; "And what nicknames do you two have? One of you has a knight complex, the other one a cat fetish." Benimaru: *snort* shinra: *snickers* tamaki: funny. Arthur: "I am a knight! There is no shame in that!" shinra: yeah. Relan: *holds Shinra's hand* "His nickname isn't Bed Wetter. It's 'Hero.'" Benimaru: *eyebrow raised* shinra: yeah! *beaming smile* Relan: -\\\\- *whispers* "So cute." tamaki:....so whats the 'kohana story'? Benimaru: *small smirk* tamaki:... *slight blush* d-do you like her?! shinra: !!! that's a pretty bold question!! Benimaru: "...You are in no position to ask me such a forward question, and I owe you no answer to my private thoughts and feelings." Relan: "..." *growing smile* "That's not a 'no'!" tamaki: *sigh* figured as much.... shinra: i wont even ask... Benimaru: -\\\\\- "Hmph. Are the Cat and the Knight a couple?" tamaki: ./////////////////. shinra: its a long story. Arthur: o\\\\\\\o Benimaru: "I figured as much, especially when Tsukiyo was getting involved." -elsewhere- misora: so they've arrived then? *talking on the phone* Joker: "Yep. How about you give them a tour?" misora: *she grins* -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "Hey, have you seen Cute Lolita Dress?" serina: she went on a walk, but i havent seen her for a bit...im worried she may have come down with something... Tsukiyo: "Well, that's no good. Want to help me cook some soup for her~?" serina: i could try. Tsukiyo: *claps hands* "Yay! I know a quick carrot soup recipe we can prepare!" serina: that sounds lovely. Tsukiyo: *opens cabinet, removing potatoes, bowls* "Just need some milk..." *pulls up her sleeves* maki: do we have any milk? Tsukiyo: "...I hope so. Check the fridge." *her sleeves slip down* *pouts* maki: *checks* Tsukiyo: *pulls out rubberbands from a drawer, puts them along her sleeves to hold them up* "Any milk?" maki: nope, doesnt look like it... Tsukiyo: *pouts* "D'aaaaw...Well, we could substitute with coconut milk, unless anyone else here has an idea." maki: commander oubi! commander hinawa! want to go with me to buy some milk? i found a nice shop to go to! Akitaru: "Hey, sounds great!" Takehisa: -\\\\\- "Sure." maki: come on, i'll show you the way! Tsukiyo: "..." *light bulb* "Have fun, Captain Hinawa and Maki! Oh, and you too, Akitaru." *pulls him down by the ear, whispers, angry* "Listen here, you gorilla--get those two together, alright?!" Akitaru: Q___Q "What the hell?! I'm a commanding off--" Tsukiyo: "Do it!" Akitaru: "Okay, okay!" -later- shinra: see you later relan! be safe! Relan: *nods, shuffling awkwardly* "Okay...G-Good night..." tamaki: *she smiles* Arthur: "...Cute couple, huh?" tamaki: yeah.... Arthur: "..." *brushes hand along hers* tamaki: *blush*....oh! c-commander shinmon, didnt you mention wanting to speak with the commander about something? Arthur: *stabbed in the chest with an arrow: TAMAKI-BLOCKED* Benimaru: "...Yes. I wanted to speak with your commander: I am prepared to speak with him about an alliance between our brigades." shinra: that's great! Benimaru: -_-; "Don't get too excited. This is just to talk. Where is Obi?" shinra: not sure, but he should be somewhere around the town. Benimaru: "Hmm...I'll make my rounds then. Please let my staff know..." shinra: sure thing. -on the roof as the sun sets, hiding in the dark is...- misora: he's coming this way! the show's about to begin....ah~ my heart's pounding just thinking about it~<3 "Akitaru": "Easy...Just give a good performance..." "Takehisa": "Don't screw it up." misora: i'll just be an observer for this...... "Akitaru": *nods* "Takehisa": "Hmph..." *crosses arms* Benimaru: *walking within sight* misora: *watching as benimaru comes down the street* "Akitaru": "We succeeded." Benimaru: "???" ("The Commander?") *follows the sound* *Benimaru peeks around the corner--and spots them* "Akitaru": "We managed to turn that old coot Kantaro into a Flame Being." Benimaru: "?!!!" Takehisa: "We can proceed with the next phase, transforming more villagers..." misora: *from the darkness....smirks* Benimaru: *stays hidden (so he thinks)...clenches his fist, grits his teeth* "Akitaru": *smiles* "Indeed. Let's get back to the festival...We'll take a short-cut." misora: *follows from the rooftops* *Akitaru and Takehisa disappear into the shadows* Benimaru: "..." *follows them, struggling to keep an eye on them from an alternate alley...* -the two seem to have vanished- Benimaru: "..." *clenches his fists, furious* -chatter can be heard in the street from two people...- Benimaru: "???" *furious, marching towards the location of those two people... -oubi and takehisa are talking, coming down with bags in hand- Akitaru: "I can't wait to try out this new protein powder!" Takehisa: "As if you need more muscles..." *spots Benimaru* Akitaru: "Commander! I wanted to compliment you on those desserts! I hope you don't mind that I tried one--" *BOOM* tamaki: !!! what the heck was that?! serina: fireworks? Arthur: "Awfully loud--and no light..." *BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!* *Akitaru and Takehisa are seen running* Akitaru and Takehisa: Q____Q "AAAAAAAH!" shinra: commander! what's going on?! tamaki: is it a flame human?! Takehisa: "BENIMARU IS ATTACKING! IT'S BECAUSE THE COMMANDER ATE ONE OF HIS DESSERTS!" Akitaru: "Shut up! I only ate one!" *Benimaru fires another blast--Akitaru tackles Takehisa out of the way, but the fireball explodes a building* maki: COMMANDER!! Takehisa: "Ugh...What is wrong with him?" Benimaru: *marching forward, charging up another blast* "...Traitors..." tamaki: HEY! WHAT'S THE BIG IDEA?! shinra: *running to kick the fireball away* HYAH! Benimaru: *does not flinch, as the fireball sails past him and explodes in the sky* shinra: h-hey, come on now, im sure that granny can make you more daif- Benimaru: *aims, and fires at Shinra* shinra: !!! *kicks up* WOAH!! maki: this is bad... Tsukiyo: "Beni-chan! What the hell are you doing?!" *NOT!Akitaru and NOT!Takehisa look down from the roofs, in cloaks* Benimaru: "Those two...The 8th...They transformed Katarou into that monster!" tamaki:..........*looks up, getting a glimpse of their faces*.....!!! *mutters* what the fu- fang-hua: ?!?! shinra: !!!! what?! *Hoods leap away* Akitaru: *holds up his hands* "No we didn't!" Takehisa: *shakes his head "no"* "We would never do--" *Benimaru picks up a potted plant and hurls it at Takehisa* Takehisa: "...A plant?" *The plant catches on fire* Takehisa: O______O fang-hua: !!!! shinra: !!! COMMANDER! maki: TAKEHISA!! Takehisa: *pulls out his pistol and fires shots at the plant, causing it to explode--but knocking back him and Akitaru* Akitaru: "Oomph!" Benimaru: "Asakusa residents! These two--they were the ones who transformed our friend Kantarou! Do not let them escape alive!" maki: *taking position* i dont know where you got that idea, but we have nothing to do with what happened to katarou! Benimaru: *marches towards Maki* "Out of my way..." tamaki: yeah! where's your proof?! maki: *taking stance* Villager: "Kick her ass, Commander!" -from the roof, a woman watches- ???: "Progress?" misora: he's so angry.....such beautifully burning rage.....*squirming* ahhhhh.....that destructive fury....this much chaotic power.....that's what i love most about you, benimaru shinmon~<3 ???: "..." ("Jeez.") tamaki: *nekomata mode and charges* NYAAAH! Benimaru: *grabs Tamaki by her leg, swinging her* tamaki: !!!!! *bends forward and slaps him smack in the face* Benimaru: *smacked...turns slowly, fire burning in his eyes* tamaki: O-O;;;; oh boy. Benimaru: *pulls back his fist, clenches his jaw, and--* *SLASH* Arthur: *slices at Benimaru, who releases his grip on Tamaki* tamaki: !!! Arthur: *catches Tamaki, leaps back* "Are you okay?" tamaki: yeah...thanks. Arthur: *sets her down* "The Commander seems to favor his right side. Take him on the left, I'll take him on the right..." tamaki: right. Arthur: *takes Benimaru on the right* Benimaru: "..." Akitaru: *getting back on his feet* "Ugh, my head..." tamaki: *rushing for his left* Benimaru: *slams his foot down, knock up a piece of earth, which he hurls at Tamaki's face, before his fist slams into Arthur* tamaki: what the fu- *The ground explodes around Tamaki, knocking her back* *Arthur is slammed against the building's wall, a potted plant from above slamming onto his head* tamaki: uuugh.... Benimaru: *picks up a potted plant, hurling it at Maki* shinra: *charges forward and tries to kick it away* Benimaru: *while Shinra tries to kick, Benimaru rushes at Shinra, aiming for his other leg* shinra: !!!!! maki: !!!!!! Benimaru: *reaches Shinra, taking his leg and spinning him, tossing him at Maki* shinra: ack!! -CRASH- shinra: maki! you ok? maki: y-yeah, barely felt it. shinra: *frowns* Benimaru: *tosses another plant at Shinra and Maki* Takehisa: *aims his firearm at the plant...* *BANG* *Plant explodes just before reaching Maki and Shinra* maki: O-O; shinra: 0-0; Takehisa: *fires point-blank at Benimaru* *BANG BANG BANG* Benimaru: "A pea-shooter? Really? That's the best you have? So useless." Takehisa: "I know it is useless..." Benimaru: *redirects the bullets back at Takehisa, who barely moves yet still dodges each bullet* Takehisa: "..." *smirks* Benimaru: "???" *Someone is rushing at Benimaru from behind...* *Benimaru is tackled* maki: ?! Akitaru: *tackled Benimaru, having changed into his fireproof outfit* "Never." *punches Benimaru's face* "Touch." *punch* "My." *punch* "Team!" *punch* Benimaru: *catches the last punch, clenches his teeth...fire burning in his eyes* Akituar: O_O "Oh shi--" *PHWOOSH!* Akitaru: *knocked back across the ground* shinra: commander!! *Villagers have gathered to watch this fight--and are cheering on Benimaru* Villager #1: "Kill 'em, Beni-chan!" Villager #2: "Show them what we're about, Commander!" Tsukiyo: Q____Q "Not good not good not good..." hinata: where did big sis kohana go? hikage: last i saw she ran to the shrine... hinata: big sis bunny girl! go get konro! Tsukiyo: T_T "O-On it!" *hops up and away towards the Shrine...* tamaki: ....... Arthur: *holding his head* "Ugh..." Benimaru: *furious at Akitaru* "You killed Katarou...transformed him into that monster!" Akitaru: "We didn't! I didn't! We're trying to stop whoever is doing that!" Benimaru: *aims two fingers at Akitaru, charging an attack* Akitaru: "...So, I'll have to beat that answer into you, then..." *arms himself with a shield* shinra:...*grips fist* COME ON COMMANDER! YOU HAVE TO WIN! Arthur: "Defeat him, Sir Obi!" Benimaru: *fires his flame at Akitaru--who blocks and sends the flame up to the sky to dissipate* Benimaru: "??? How do you intend to win if you don't try to kill me?" Akitaru: " 'Kill you'?" *rushes at Benimaru* "I'm only human! I couldn't kill you if I wanted to!" Benimaru: *kicks into the shield, running up it--and kicks Akitaru in the head, knocking him to the ground* maki: oooh, that has to hurt! Akitaru: *struggling to stand up* Benimaru: *holds matois in the air, each one flaming and pointed at Akitaru* *Matois fire--but Akitaru blocks them with his shield* Akitaru: "Good aim...But I can still stand up to you..." *gets back on his feet* "...Because I train all day, every day!" *Akitaru pulls a grenade from his sleeve, tossing it at Benimaru--coating him in fire extinguisher foam...that solidifies around his body until he can't move* Takehisa: ._. "Um...That tech is still only in the developmental stage..." Akitaru: "...'Developmental'?" o_o; "Oh no..." *BOOM* *Benimaru explodes out of the foam, rushing at Akitaru and tackling him down, punching one fiery fist after another into Akitaru's chest* *Akitaru screams in pain* shinra: COMMANDER!! Benimaru: "I can't stand someone like you! Murderer! Weakling! You let another human transform like this! You sicken me, you bastard!" *pulls back one last fiery fist...* ???: commander, wait. *a soft, calm, but firm voice can be heard* Benimaru: "..." *holds back his punch* kirei: i understand you're angry, but wouldnt it be wise to hear their side of the story first? fang-hua: yeah. Konro: "...Benimaru...Young Master..." *disappointed dad voice* "What have you done?" Akitaru: *struggling to get up, smoke coming off his chest* serina: *rushing over* Akitaru: "Ow...Thank goodness for fire-proof clothes..." *small laugh--then grimaces in pain* Benimaru: "Konro! I heard them discussing, in the alley--they transformed K--" Konro: "Did you ask for their side?" *points at Maki* "Is this true? Was your commander in that alley?" Tsukiyo: Q___Q "Beni-chan, why...?" maki: of course not, he went to get milk. katarou's wife: it's true, toshio and i spoke with them in the shop. toshio: mr oubi showed me pictures in his wallet. Benimaru: "...That can't be true--" Konro: "You are calling Katarou's wife and son a liar...Young Master?" *glare* Akitaru: *struggling to stand, needing Shinra, Takehisa, and Maki to hold him up* tamaki:............i saw..... Takehisa: T_T "Too...heavy..." Konro: " 'Saw'?" tamaki:....two hooded figures on the roof....they...had commander oubi and commander hinawa's faces.... shinra: ?! misora:.......*vanishing into the dark* (thinking: she didnt mention me.....good girl...) Benimaru: "...People, who look like Four Eyes and Gorilla Face?" Akitaru, Takehisa, and Konro: -____-; Benimaru: "None of this makes any sense...Escort the Commander to medical. Keep him and Hinawa under arrest until we get answers..." shinra:......... maki: guess we're staying a little longer..... Benimaru: "Tsukiyo, escort the remaining members of the 8th back to their inn." *turns to depart...not even looking at Katarou's widow and son* Tsukiyo: *looks ashamed* "...Follow me..." tamaki: i'll go with the commander....to give my alibi. maki: if they're going, we're all going. shinra: right! Arthur: *nods* Tsukiyo: "Um...I think you have to break a law or something first, right?" Arthur: "..." *picks up a potted plant, smashes it against the ground* "I smashed a plant!" maki:......*PUNCHES TSUKIYO RIGHT IN THE FACE* Tsukiyo: *knocked to the ground* "Motherfucker! What the hell?!!!" shinra + tamaki: >->;;;; we're just gonna go in.... *follows* Arthur: "Your walls can't hold me in, man! Attica! Attica! Attica!" Tsukiyo: Q____Q "Why me?!" fang-hua: *drags them in* please stop... you're just embarrassing yourselves... Tsukiyo: *her nose is bleeding, as she follows them in, pushing Maki* "I'll get you for this, you ogre!" maki:........*sharp inhale* its not worth it maki Akitaru: "...I am so sorry--" Konro: "Forget it. We get this kind of thing all the time..." Konro: "After all, look at Tsukiyo--" Tsukiyo: "COULD EVERYONE JUST GET OFF MY CASE?!!" kabuki: *yaaaawn* what's all the commotion? *Buildings demolished, Tsukiyo's bleeding face glaring at him, Konro looking confused* Konro: "...You slept...through all of that?" kabuki: *he nods* Tsukiyo: "Benimaru tried to straight up kill the 8th, their commander and captain are under arrest, the rest of them demand to be arrested with them--AND MY NOSE IS BLEEDING! WAAH!" kabuki: oh? -and so, everyone gives their alibis- Arthur: "--And then I saw Benimaru running after Obi and Hinawa!" soldier: i see... soldier 2: *has a map of asakusa out* now commander, you say you saw them in this alley...*points* at what time did you see them talking? Benimaru: "The clocktower had said 7:15." soldier: and commander oubi, you were at the store for how long? and when did you enter? Akitaru: "The clock said 6:50 PM when we entered...We took maybe 5 minutes to get all items...Then I was comparing photos for about 10 minutes...I don't know when we exited." soldier: *looks at takehisa* Takehisa: "We exited at 7:22 PM by the clock in the shop. _He was showing photos for far longer than 10 minutes_." soldier:...i...see... Akitaru: "I-I have a lot of photos!" -later- soldier: we spoke with the shop keeper and katarou's wife, and the story checks out. Arthur: *blowing on a harmonica in the jail cell* Benimaru: "Hmph...Shape-shifters, now? That's the story we are to believe?" tamaki: i dont know if i believe it either....but i know what i saw! Benimaru: "...How reliable is the word of someone who left the 1st for the 8th?" Arthur: *stops playing, glaring* soldier 3: COMMANDER! WE FOUND SOMETHING! Benimaru: "???' Akitaru: "What is it?" Takehisa: -_-; "Wrong commander, sir..." soldier: we found this in the alley. *places a red, cross like object on the table* Akitaru: "!!!" Benimaru: "..." *puts on a glove, then picks it up* "...From one of our factories..." shinra: !!! fang-hua: commander?? Akitaru: "This was the same type of cross found on one of the 8th's first missions..." Arthur: "..." *shudders* "Oh no..." maki: yeah, noz- Akitaru: "Our investigations here were to find the location of this cross--the factory that made it, whether someone here was involved in the artificial creation of Flame Humans." Benimaru: "...You withheld this information from us..." maki:.... Akitaru: "I'm sorry. If the factory associated with these Flame Beings was located here, we had to vet you as well." Konro: *nods* "Sounds reasonable." Benimaru: "Hmph." kabuki: what will we do now commander? shinra: if you need time to consider helping us, we'll leave you be and let you call us back if needed. Benimaru: "...I want guards outside their inn..." shinra:......*looks at oubi* Akitaru: *nods* "Very well. I am sorry all of this is happening..." -at the inn- shinra: i guess we're going home until further notice then? Takehisa: "It is for the best...We'll return when they are ready for us to do so." shinra: understood.... tamaki: will we be taking classes again then? Takehisa: "Yes...although judging by this brigade, I would not be surprised if its members kept a close eye on you." tamaki: *sigh* -morning- iris:..!! commander! shinra! *she hugs him* shinra: hey iris, i missed you! nozomi: commander, welcome back. Akitaru: *deep breath, a little wheezing* "Hey...Good to see you safe." *smiles* miwa: oi! akitaru! great to see you!...now, im gonna warn you, hibana did a bit of....'redecorating' but i made sure to fix a lot of it so it isnt as bad as it was....your office is safe, dont worry. Akitaru: "Um...Thanks? ...How bad are we talking in terms of damage?" Takehisa: "...Oh boy." shinra: *goes in......* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!!! *faints, foaming* iris: SHINRA!! *goes to get him some ice* Akitaru: "!!! Shinra!" *runs into the room* "...You have to be kidding me." tamaki:.....wow. my words fail me. maki:..... 0-0;;;;; *Mural of multiple Hibana's on the wall, worshipping her, her face on all the pillows, a chandelier...* Takehisa: "...The chandelier is nice, though." shinra: this is terrifying. Q____Q Akitaru: "...THAT DAMN PRINCESS!!!" maki:....commander....you miiight not want to see your bedsheets.... *Takehisa moves a lamp--which causes the chandelier to pull up and be replaced by a disco ball and loud music* Akitaru: "..." *storms up to his bedroom* "...OH GOD!" Arthur: "...Please tell me no one went into my bedroom...or looked under my bed..." iris: at least the rest of our bedrooms are untouched. *A loud sigh is heard, as someone walks out of the bathroom in a robe* Rino: "Man, after all that clean up work, I'm--" *spots the 8th* "...Oh, you're those guys." shinra: *darts to his room and hides* Q-Q maki:...is she a new recruit? Rino: *spots Maki* "..." -_-; "I'm Hibana's new whipping girl. You. You have weird tasks, ma'am." maki: ???? Takehisa: "???" Rino: "Hey, Iris, I finished recalibrating the furnaces. Did the 5th already leave without me?" iris: they should be back soon.... miwa: i'll keep akitaru from murdering her. Rino: "Okay, I'm going to change..." *poins at Maki* "Keep that one away while I do! Sick fuck!" *goes back into the bathrooms* maki: ?!?! what did i even do?! ..oh.... OH CRAP!!! *goes to her room* Hibana: "I'm back~ Oh! And so are you all! How was your trip?" *looks around* "Where are Shinra and the Gorilla?" shinra: *cowering under his bed clutching his action figure* Q~Q Takehisa: "..." *turns off the disco ball and music* "Hibana, these decorations...You are not charging us, are you?" Hibana: "No...Not unless you all want to pay--" *Everyone*: "No!" Rino: *comes out, fully dressed* "Hey, Boss Bitch. We done here?" Hibana: *slaps Rino across the head* iris: sister!! Rino: -_-; "I mean...What ever can I do for you, Princess?" Hibana: *smiles* "Please carry my bags out to the limo~" Rino: *growls, mutters* "I'll carry your bags, you old bag..." *grumbling* Hibana: *smiles at Iris* "It was good to see all of you again~ Enjoy the decorations! Tell Shinra to enjoy the special gift I left for him, Relan, and Iris~" gabriella: i feel like i forgot something- Akitaru: *tearing sheets off the bed* "I'll just burn these and--" *something falls off the sheets...and onto his head* "...I am going to light my head on fire now...* *LOUD SCREAM FROM AKITARU'S ROOM* tamaki:.........................................???? iris:...... O_____________O sister, you didnt. Hibana: "You'll remember it when we're back home, dear~" *pats Gabriella's bottom--and notices...* "Oh, my~" Hibana: "Hee hee...Just a little fun, Iris." *winks* tamaki: ugh, get a room. and not the commanders -_-; Arthur: "...This used to be the normal brigade..." shinra: *notices something with a card* Card: "A small gift for you, Relan, and Iris, courtesy of your 'Mama Hibana'--your 'Hi-mama,' if you will. xoxo" shinra:............*he opens it*..................................... *Inside are various items, including Hibana Brand furry handcuffs* shinra:.......*puts the lid back on*..................... *single tear* -later he buried the box, had iris bless the ground, and spend 30 minutes in the shower and 30 minutes in confession- -at school- Kid: T_T stocking: it'll only be two days kid, i'll be fine, i promise. *kiss* Kid: *nods* "I know...These are tears of happiness for when you get back..." stocking: try to be safe while im gone, ok? Kid: *nods* "I will keep up on my medication, I will stay calm, and I will be here when you return. I love you." stocking: *smoooch* hehe~ -at the bus- stocking: rin! hey! *high-fives!* Rin: *high five back* "How's it going?" stocking: good, looking forward to the trip, what im not looking forward to is- Mr. Angel: "Demon 1. Demon 2." stocking:....triple A batteries. *forced smile* how. nice. to see you. ^^ <3 *on the inside, she is so pissed* Rin: -_-; "Douche Lord." Mr. Angel: "I expect you two to be on your best behavior--or you'll have to contend with me." Rin: *pats Stocking's shoulder* "We're not going to let this jackass ruin our week, right?" stocking: of course not! *thumbs up* luna: they're rather close. student: i think they're cousins? stocking: o-o; *is technically rin's niece* sure.....cousins.....yeah... Rin: -__-; "I feel old..." stocking: we'll you're two years younger than me, so... ^^; Rin: "Yeah...I mean, I wasn't saying you're old or anything..." *small smirk* "Although, I am wondering when I get to call Kid 'Mr. Stocking'." stocking: oh shush you! *chop* Rin: "Ha ha!" -elsewhere- Yohei: "...Well, everyone seems more lovey-dovey around here..." Shinoda: -\\\\\\- setsuna: *not even bothered* -elsewhere- Black Star: "Feeling better?" tsubaki: yes, much better. ???: *shuffling along the halls* Black Star: *spots someone* "Hey, who's that?" tsubaki:....chrona? lilac: *nervous* Black Star: "Maybe...CRONA! LOVE THE NEW HAIR!" lilac: *trembling and curled up* mami: ??? Black Star: "??? Mami, what's up with Crona?" mami: chrona's right here. *points* Black Star: "...Crona, you got a twin?" lilac: *trembling* Crona: "??? Oh! I met you early!" *holds out hand* "I'm Crona." lilac: um....i-im..i-im lilac...*meekly shakes* Crona: "You're new to the school? I-It's kinda scary, but there are some kind people here." lilac: i-its big....lots of p-people... tsubaki: my name is tsubaki, nice to meet you. lilac: !!! that's.....a very nice name, ma'am. Black Star: "I'm Black Star! If anyone is harrassing you, just let me know--I'LL KICK THEIR ASSES!" lilac: o-oh..ok -later- Kid: *stirring spoon through his soup* ):> liz: cheer up kiddo, she'll be back tomorrow night! Kid: *nods* "A long 24 hours..." liz: why dont we go to the library and look at butterfly books? Kid: *twitch* "...I...would like that." liz: ..... Kid: "??? Are you okay?" liz: of course, come on, eat up kiddo. Kid: *smiles, his appetite returning* -elsewhere- mana: opening more rooms? chie: that's the plan. Yohei: "Doesn't hurt to have a few more dollars coming in, and another few hands to help with chores." mana: ah, i see. Yohei: "Anyone reply to the housing ad yet?" chie: not yet, but maybe soon. Yohei: "Well, I'll be around to help interview. Mana, I'll need some help with cleaning out some rooms we were using for storage..." mana: *salutes* on it! chie: i also made some 'house rules/warnings' so they know what they're getting in to... Yohei: "...Shotaro and Emine will require at least two pages. Each." chie: ^^; Yohei: *looking over rules* "How you feel about people bringing pets in?" chie: maybe, but im worried emine might do something to them...if we do, we'll have to make sure there are ground rules for emine to follow too. Yohei: "Don't now how to convince him to follow them. Maybe have to do a reward/punishment system, like a carrot and the stick..." -elsewhere- Hibana: "Hello, you lowly worms! Your goddess has returned!" Kishiri: *holding ice over his groin, weakly waves* "Hey, boss..." angels: welcome home princess!! Hibana: *smiles* "Ladies, good to see you...Kishiri, what happened to you?" Kishiri: -_-; "Crazy girl got into a fight with me and Vivian." gabriella: let me guess, you doing your usual thing? Kishiri: *anger twitch* "I DIDN'T START THIS! That crazy former gang member did!" Hibana: *sweatdrop* "...'Gang member'? Gabriella...It's them..." gabriella: them? as in- Hibana: "Those crazy blaze gangsters!" *slams fist against a wall* "Those bitches!" gabriella: hibana!! *making sure hibana didnt hurt her fist too much* Hibana: T_T "Those gangsters piss me off..." *pouts* "Kiss my knuckles and make them feel better?" gabriella: of course! angels: *sweatdrop* (thinking: so much for fraternization rules....) Hibana: -\\\\- "Kishiri, you will give a full report to Gabriella. Let's keep an eye on these fuckers..." -elsewhere- Relan: *waves at Shinra and Iris in library* iris: hey relan! shinra: hey rel! how're you doing? Relan: "Okay. Can't wait to see how I do in gym!" shinra: we'll be rooting for you! Relan: *smiles* "Thank you both. How has everything been in the 8th? How was the festival? I texted but--" shinra: ah! *checks his phone* iris: we'll check right now! Relan's text: [how was the festival? you coming back to classes soon?] Relan: *shy head scratch, smile* "I just wanted to check in with you both. Back to classes, then?" shinra: yeah. had fun at the festival too. Relan: "That's good. So, the meetings there went well?" shinra: more or less. Relan: *smiles* "The Commander Benimaru seemed to really like you." shinra: yeah, although nothing's concrete yet, so we'll have to wait and see. (thinking: i shouldnt worry him...) Relan: *nods* "Iris, I heard that...um...the 8th was redecorated?" iris:......*excalibur face* to an extent..... Relan: "??? I'm not that great at interior design, so I imagine someone as fashionable as Hibana didn't do terribly..." shinra:......*triggered* *screaming on the inside* QwQ;; Relan: "!!! Shinra?" shinra: im okaaaay. -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "Hmm...It's those new students again." kim: ?? Jun: "Yo." yumikage: hey. Tsurugi: "How are you, Jackie and...Kimberly?" kim: just kim. Tsurugi: "Well, Jackie, Kim, where were you two ladies heading?" -in the woods- stocking: *pitching a tent* Rin: "Got it okay?" stocking: yeah luna: nice job! Rin: "Well, better get to cooking. Stocking, I made sure to figure out something sweet to cook on campfire." stocking: thanks ^^ Mr. Angel: "...Tent is crooked." *keeps walking* Rin: -_-; stocking: *studies it* perfectly symmetrical i think... Rin: *smiles* "Kid would be pleased." Mr. Angel: "Fufufu...The reaper...Such a silly fixation..." stocking: *glares* shura: come on artie, lay off. *bwap* Mr. Angel: *frowns* "Fine...Okumura, finish the meal and make it palatable." Rin: "..." *sneers* "Of course..." stocking: *whispers* you're gonna spit in his food, arent you? Rin: *whispers* "Please...I'm not gross..." *pulls out a small box of "X-Lax"* stocking: *griiiins* -elsewhere- Akitaru: *grumbling* "Now I have to order a new bed..." maki: it's ok commander. *pats back*.....at least your pictures made it out unscathed. Akitaru: *horrible thought of Hibana putting her face over the image of his daughter and wife* Q_Q "Indeed...I'll just have to wait for replacement bed to arrive. I guess I'm on the couch tonight or bunking with Takehisa--" Takehisa: -_-; maki:......*shuddering with joy* Akitaru: "??? You two okay?" Takehisa: "...I have clean-up to do, including dealing with that mural..." maki: huehuehuehuehue~ Akitaru: "Well, when you're done with that, I'll help you with the inspection...bunk mate!" Takehisa: "Oh, lord..." -elsewhere- Anya: *stretching for gym* ochako: *streeetch* Izuku: *bouncing in place, ready to run...* EF: on your marks....get set.....go! Izuku: *keeping a good pace, but well behind Ochako* Anya: *keeping up with Izuku* Relan: *just right behind the two of them* iris: you can do it relan! Relan: *pacing himself until the final stretch...and starts to push himself further* ("I can do this!") *Relan is catching up to Anya...* -and so- shinra: you did great! Relan: *panting, smiling* "Th-Thanks...Woo, that was a challenge." Izuku: "Great work, Ochako!" ochako: thanks ^^ Izuku: "That was one powerful burst of speed!" Anya: *pouts* tsugumi: 4th isnt that bad, anya. ^^; Anya: "I wanted to be further along than that..." ao: there's always next time ^^ Anya: "Hmph..." Relan: "??? She seems...annoyed. Did I do that? Oh no..." iris: it's ok relan Relan: *nods fervently* "I-I better go shower and change..." -elsewhere- Konro: *groans* fang-hua: feeling any better, commander? Konro: "A bit...I'm just glad I didn't get too involved in that battle..." fang-hua:....commander shinmon's really been on edge today.....after last night, i cant blame him, but i cant blame the 8th either....i just have this gut feeling they're telling the truth... Konro: *nods* "Something is not right...but you know how stubborn the Commander is." fang-hua: perhaps........you've really known him a long time, havent you commander? Konro: *nods* "Long before we even had a fire brigade." fang-hua:....ah. Konro: "..." *looks at his ashy skin* "It was a battle that gave me this...and made Benimaru the future commander." fang-hua: ...... Konro: "I gave up my safety, and my ability, to prevent Benimaru from being attacked by that...demon. And now, the very creation of such a Flame Being may be from our own home..." fang-hua: that's a pretty scary thought.... Konro: "The red cross...any indication where it was made?" fang-hua: not to my knowledge, no... Konro: "Then we keep searching. Please try to keep morale up among the village, but tamp down on the threats...A lot of people here are less trusting of the 8th now." fang-hua: i'll see what i can do....tsukiyo and i...still believe in them.... Konro: *nods* "I know you will go where your heart and mind takes you." -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: (in class) Q____Q tamaki: usada? why're you here? keeping an eye on us? Tsukiyo: "..." *nods* "I'm sorry. It's just...this is all confusing." shinra: how do you think _we_ feel about this?..... Tsukiyo: "..." *looks down, ashamed* "I know...I didn't want this to happen...You all seem fun and friendly..." shinra: thanks...i think... Tsukiyo: "Who do you think could be behind this? Why would someone want to turn the 7th against the 8th?" shinra:.... -he explains the situation about the preacher, but leaves out the part about his brother- Tsukiyo: "...I'm sorry...What you two [Shinra and Tamaki] have gone through...Good thing you have each other." tamaki:....you implying something? Tsukiyo: "...Well, you're siblings, right?" tamaki + shinra: NO! Tsukiyo: "...Oh. But your hair, faces, and that creepy twin simultaneous speech thing--" tamaki: *elbows shinra* shinra: god why! Q-Q Tsukiyo: "..." *loud sigh of relief* "Good...'Cause I am so not into twincest..." tamaki: *headlocks shinra* shinra: GRK- TAMAKI LET GO!! D8> Tsukiyo: O____O Relan: *calm voice* "Is there a problem here?" iris: *chops tsukiyo* bad tsukiyo, bad. Tsukiyo: "Ow! What did I do?! Why is everyone in the 8th now hitting me?!" -elsewhere- Kid: *looking at photos of butterflies* "This one looks just like her..." liz: ...... Kid: "..." *goofy Charlie Brown smile and hearts appearing over his head* "I am going to marry that girl..." liz: we know kiddo, we know -__-; Kid: "Cupcakes with butterfly decorations served at the reception..." *he is now literally floating in the air...* liz: KID! *Other people are staring* Everyone else: o_o; Kid: *suddenly collapses onto the floor* "...Ow." liz: *sweatdrop* honestly kid.... Kid: "..." *awkwardly crawls back into his seat, tries to resume dignified posture and poise...and fails to notice his hair is a mess and that he is holding the book upside down* -elsewhere- Rin: "Alright, food's ready!" stocking: awesome! -several students eat- student: so delicious~! Rin: -\\\\- "Aw, it was nothin'..." Mr. Angel: "Hmph. Flavor is lacking, over-cooked..." *Stomach gurgling* student: wow, you're tongue musnt work, teach. cause this is really good! Rin: "Thanks, Stocking!" Mr. Angel: *looking pained* "My...tongue is fine...This food is...is..." *groans* stocking: no problem. Mr. Angel: "..." *clutches his stomach* "I HAVE TO GO!" *stumbling to get up and run into the forest* shura: jeez, what a baby. Rin: *struggling to hold in laughter* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "Those new students still seem...bizarre." kim: yeah... Jacqueline: "...Kim? I didn't get to thank you for...helping me with Thanksgiving issues..." kim: its fine, anything for my partner, right? Jacqueline: *nods* "I just...feel like I owe you. I was so scared..." kim: its ok. Jacqueline: "..." *pats her hand* kim: *smiles* Jacqueline: "Maybe...I could treat you? Dessert?" kim: sure, that sounds good. Jacqueline: "Then let's get going..." *takes Kim's hand to lead the way* -elsewhere- Emine: "...Why do we need more tenants? And why should I have to change my behavior to accommodate them?" chie: we have plenty of rooms... *she looks at yohei* besides, we arent asking you to change completely, but try not to go _too_ overboard in your bad deeds, ok? Yohei: *nods* "I already had to disable some of your 'tricks' around here..." Emine: "Like the bubble gum bomb?" Yohei: "...The what?" *BOOM* mono: GET ME OUT OF HERE!! Assi: "Mono! I'll save you! ... Um...Now my hands are stuck..." Yohei: -_-; "...I think freezing the gum may make it easier to shatter it off..." -elsewhere- Black Star: "Pumpkin pie, pumpkin fries, pumpkin cupcakes, pumpkin coffee..." tsubaki: still quite a bit left over from halloween ._.; Black Star: "But so tasty!" *giggles* "Can't wait for Thanksgiving." tsubaki: so what did you want to do for it? Black Star: "Anyone staying around Death City in need of a dinner?" tsubaki: i'll have to see. Black Star: "Maybe Mifune and his kids? Or Kilik?" tsubaki: sounds good. -elsewhere- Hibana: *seated at her desk, underneath piles of late paperwork* T_T "I didn't realize how much I missed having to cover for the 8th, too..." gabriella: would you like some assistance? princess? Hibana: *nods* "Yes. I don't even know which papers are due first, so let's sort them..." *hands half to Gabriella* -elsewhere- Relan: "..." shinra: you ok? Relan: "Just worried...for you and Iris. I worry a lot about things." shinra: well, we're here for you, ok? *holds his hand* Relan: *nods* "I just...want you both to keep being there...overall. Not hurt or...worse." shinra:.....*hug* i understand. Relan: *hugs back* -at the campground in the tent- stocking: zzzzz..... *A small clicking sound is heard* stocking: mmn? *A silhouette of a fox can be seen outside the tent, in the moonlight* stocking: a fox? well, it is a park....*she goes back to sleep* Fox: "..." *pulls up the zipper to the tent...* stocking: ?! what the fu-?! Fox: *nuzzles against Stocking's hand, licking it* stocking: um.....hi? .w.;;;; Fox: *panting like a puppy, nuzzling against her* stocking:...*awkward petting* Fox: *rests head along her lap* stocking: ^^; Fox: >w< "...Mr. Mephisto was right--you are kind." stocking: !! oh...i see ^^; Fox: "He asked me to come here to make sure you were safe. Are you okay? And can you rub my belly?" stocking: im doing fine *pet pet* ....*sad smile, remembering her pet cat from private school*........... Fox: "...You seem a little sad." stocking: just remembering something from the past..... Fox: *nods* "Do you want me to leave?" stocking: i do have to go to sleep. but im glad i had some company. *she smiles* thanks, and let my dad know im doing well. Fox: *smiles* "On it! Good night, ma'am." *exits* -morning- Mr. Angel: *groaning in his tent* "Damn these brats..." Rin: ^_^ stocking: *streeetch* morning everyone~! Rin: "Morning! Sleep alright?" Mr. Angel: *glaring at Rin and Stocking from his tent* stocking: yeah. Rin: *notices something on Stocking...plucks a bit of fur off her shoulder* "The heck?" stocking: yeah, one of dad's familiars visited. ^^; Rin: "Really? Was it a cat?" stocking: a fox actually. Rin: "Cool! A guardian angel for you!" stocking: i guess, haha ^^ Rin: "I was just making campfire coffee--want some?" stocking: sure. -elsewhere- liz: kid? you up? Kid: *praying before shrine* liz: kid? Kid: O-O "I'M NOT DOING ANYTHING!" liz: O-O;;;;; i'll just....let you do your thing..*closes the door* O_O;;;; Kid: o________o "...I should lock that door..." doll:......................................................... Kid: "..." *picks up Stocking doll, gives it a small kiss on the forehead* "Be safe on your return, my love." -elsewhere- Arthur: "Maki, you see the Commander? His bedroom is empty--not even a bed." maki: he's bunking with commander hinawa.....*drools* shinra: he's replacing his bed....i'd have done the same thing. tamaki: since most of it was worth a lot, we're auctioning the 'hibana furniture' online. we've made quite a bit with it! Arthur: "Really? What're you doing with the money, you know, aside from replacing stuff in the Commander's room?" *handing a tissue to Maki for her drool* tamaki: maybe fix some stuff that's still broken, maybe get more stuff for ourselves too! Arthur: "SUIT OF ARMOR, SUIT OF ARMOR!" shinra: -_-; Akitaru: "Morning, everyone!" *beaming happily* Takehisa: *exhausted, looking ready to murder someone* shinra: morning commander! maki: morning~ Arthur: "...Hinawa, sir? Are you o--" Takehisa: *death glare* Arthur: o_____o *hides behind Tamaki* tamaki: commander? O-O; Takehisa: "...Coffee. Donuts. Lots of coffee and donuts. Now..." tamaki: right away! maki: *goes with her* nozomi: good morning everyone. Akitaru: "Good morning, Nozomi. How was sleep?" nozomi: it went well... shinra:...was it me, or was my room a bit spacier? iris: sister expanded your bedrooms too. shinra: seriously? Arthur: "...How? Wouldn't that compromise the load-bearing walls and cause the roof to fall in on...us?" *looks up, scared* tamaki:....what? shinra: *kick kick* looks pretty sturdy.... Takehisa: >__< "If the rooms were bigger, why did my bed still feel so cramp?" Akitaru: "I thought it was comfy and cozy--" Takehisa: "Your big arms knocked me out of the bed--five times!" Arthur: (" 'Bigger room'? I could get a bigger bed...one big enough for me and...") >\\\\\\\\< maki: *NOSEBLEEDS* Arthur: -_-; *holds up another tissue to Maki* -later that evening- stocking: kid! im home! Kid: *kitten leap into her arms* "Angel!" *hug* stocking: hehe~ you really missed me, huh kiddo? Kid: *nods* :3 "Did you have a good trip? Are you okay?" stocking: yeah. *she tells him about the trip* Kid: *serving tea to her with a cupcake* "A fox familiar?" stocking: yeah. im glad to see my dad's looking out for me in little ways like that. *she smiles* Kid: *smiles* "Sounds like Rin as well. I wish I had been there to see Mr. Angel's face when his 'stomach problems' began." stocking: *evil grins* Kid: *chuckles* "...I missed you. A lot." stocking: aww *kiss* Kid: -\\\\\- *holds her hand* stocking: *hug* Kid: *returns the hug* "Mmm...You're so huggable." -elsewhere- Shinoda: "Okay, I finished re-painting the room. Amazing the power of apples~" ((referring to his speed and strength at painting so quickly)) mana: not bad. nea: must this room be so....dark? chie: the tenant prefers darker places... Shotaro: "I bought the black-out curtains! And I got the low-light lamps they wanted!" chie: *she smiles* good job showtaro *hair ruffle* Shotaro: "Hee hee..." Assi: *hair is noticeably much shorter* T_T "Stupid bubblegum..." mono: 7n7 *in a change of clothes* Zuno: *waves at Mana* "Hi, Mana!" *sees Mono* "...Why are there two Mana's?" mono: im mono! MO-NO! >n< Zuno: "...Oh. Right...You just look a lot like her in her clothes...Why _are_ you in her clothes? Is it clothes-swapping day?" Emine: "..." *devlish grin* "Yes..." -elsewhere- Hibana: *stretches* "Paperwork...complete!" gabriella: phew, im beat. Hibana: "I want a hot shower, a hot dinner, and sleep." -some days later- Wes: *in limo, being driven...* "...Ready for this?" soul: *sighs* yeah, as ready as i'll ever be.... *looks at stein* liz: you're gonna be ok, soul... Stein: "...You'll get through this." soul: *he nods* Wes: *sees the mansion approaching* "...We're here." Stein: "...Damn. Big." soul: *breathes* Wes: *pats Soul's back* soul: ok...im ready. *Limo pulls into the mansion...The chauffer opens the door, as quartet exit and approach the door, where a butler welcomes them inside* soul:...... Stein: *looking at the artwork...musical instruments under glass* soul: not much has changed about the place... Wes: "Yeah...but we have..." liz: even after years of living in gallows manor, i feel so out of place.... Stein: *shudders a little* "Chilly." soul:....... Butler: "Young Masters...Your parents are ready to greet you." soul:..... *looks at wes* Wes: *nods* "Thank you." *looks to Soul and Liz* "Ready? Or do you need a little longer?" liz: im ready. soul:.....yeah, no more running. *They follow the Butler into a large den, with a framed family painting over the fireplace...Their parents are seated there* nora:......... James: "Wes...Soul..." soul: dad. Wes: *gulps* "H-Hello, Mother. Father." nora: ......!!!! my...my baby boy....*she hugs him tightly, practically hysterical* my baby boy my baby boy my baby boy.... Wes: o___o soul: !!.... *hug* hey mom... James: "..." *awkward walk up to Soul...pats shoulder* "Hello." soul:........ James: "...Soul." soul:......hey. liz:....*ahem* Wes: "!!! Um, Mother, Father? This is Liz Thompson, my girlfriend." liz: hi. *meek wave* nora:.....hello.... James: "...Hello." *looks at Wes, his eyes looking rather hard* Wes: "!!!" liz: a pleasure to meet you, mr evans. *extends hand, nervous* James: *firm handshake* "Quite." liz: ^^;;;; (thinking: god please let this go smoothly!) -meanwhile- mephisto: so whats new with you, kiddo? Kid: "I have been preparing for the next steps in helping Father lead the Academy, after graduation. And other steps..." mephisto: ah, i see. interested in telling me? Kid: o\\\\\o "Um..." Kid: "...I intend to propose marriage to your daughter." mephisto: well it's about damn time! in otherwords, yes, but _after_ graduation! Kid: "O-Of course! yes!" *takes Mephisto's hands* "Thank you, sir! Thank you!" *kisses Mephisto's hands* mephisto: oh my~ it's my daughter you're marrying not me! Kid: o\\\\\o "R-Right!" *lets go of Mephisto's hands* ("...Jeez, now I know where Stocking's soft hands come from...") -elsewhere- Black Star: *wearing a "Kiss the Chef" apron and finishing up sweet potatoes* angela: yay! they're ready! Black Star: "Yep! Just need that bird...Tsubaki, how's the turkey looking?" tsubaki: it's doing well. -later, elsewhere- Akitaru: "Mmmm~ Tasty!" shinra: *nom nom* tamaki: so yummy~ =u= Arthur: *scarfing up potatoes and gravy* nozomi: i heard a school concert is later in the week... Arthur: "Oh?" *gravy dripping down his face* iris: *hands him a napkin* Relan: "Th-That should be entertaining." Arthur: -_-; *takes napkin* "Thank you." *pats his mouth* tamaki: hmm, nice. Takehisa: "Doesn't the concert feature that musician, Licst?" maki: licht todoroki, SQUEEEEEEE~!! Takehisa: "...???" *jealousy alarm going off* Arthur: "Who?" Relan: -\\\\\- "Licht Todoroki..." iris: oh! he's that piano player, right? Akitaru: "Huh? You mean that boy with the sharp teeth who looks like Shinra?" shinra: no, that kid with the sharp teeth is someone else. nozomi: *looking it up on her phone* Licht Jekylland Todoroki, no relation to Enji Todoroki, is a half japanese half austrian piano prodigy. it's said his preformances are enough to bring its listeners to tears. Relan: "His music is quite moving..." *flashbacks to listening to it alone in his room* maki: and he's sooo dreamy~<3 >///< shinra:.... 7///7; i guess he's attractivish.... Relan: -\\\\\- Takehisa: "..." ("No one even complimented my yams...") shinra: .... (thinking: stupid sexy piano player! >//////< ) iris:...the yams are delicious sir! Relan: "!!!" *holds Shinra's hand* Takehisa: "..." *serious face, loud voice* "Thank you! I am glad the meal was satisfactory!" shinra: *flustered* thanks rel. Relan: *smiles* "How about you, Iris, and me go to the concert, enjoy some music?" iris: that sounds lovely! Takehisa: "..." Takehisa: "...Maki! Would you be interested in going with me to the school concert?" maki: sure! Takehisa: -\\\\- "Very good, then!" Relan: ._. *whispers to Shinra and Iris* "He has it _bad_." shinra + iris: no kidding. Akitaru: "Okay, I hope you all made room for dessert!" -elsewhere- Patty: *playing with Julie* "What sound does a turkey make?" julie: *gobbling* hehe! shiori: gabu gabu! Patty: *claps hands* "Correct!" *giggles* Yumi: *patting her belly* "So full..." lord death: *cleaning dishes* kirika: *playing games with riley* Yumi: *smiles* "Big family, huh?" lord death: indeed. Patty: "I haven't heard from Kid, Liz, or Stocking. Hope they're alright." lord death: i'm sure they're fine. Patty: "Hope so..." *smiles* "At least they'll have leftovers when they get home!" -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *relaxes in chair, content* "Good meal." kim: yeah. Jacqueline: *smiles at Kim* "I wonder how 'Jackie' is doing with her parents..." -elsewhere- Gopher: .w. "Enjoyable meal. Thank you, Mother, Father." papa du pre: likewise. Mama DuPre: *sipping on wine* "Hmm. The meat was a bit dry." *studying "Jacqueline"* Gopher: .v.; papa du pre: so how have your studies come along? Gopher: "I'm doing well! I received highest marks in all classes last semester!" ("Thank goodness I memorized Jacqueline's report cards.") papa du pre: excellent! Mama DuPre: "...What rank are you in your class?" Gopher: ("...Crap!") "T-Top five percent, Mother." Mama Dupre: "But not Number One?" Gopher: .w.;;;;;;;;;; -elsewhere- James: *staring at Soul* "..." soul:.... *not saying anything* James: "...You're tall." soul: yeah, that's kinda what happens when you get older. James: "Indeed. Wherever you are living must be keeping you healthy." soul: it sure is. James: "Hmm...Which continent?" soul: ..... James: "Your accent sounds American." soul: really? i never would'a guessed. James: "...Are you someplace safe?" soul: the safest place i know.... James: "...Are you happy?" soul: happier than i ever was. James: "...Then I am happy for you." soul:...*weak smile* how's grandma? James: *small laugh* "Vacationing in the Bahamas, of all places." soul: ah. James: "...Are you healthy? Are you getting regular check-ups?" liz: *struggling to find a topic to discuss* soul: yes dad. nora: *still hugging soul, trembling* James: -_-; "Please, Nora, this is unseemly and overly emotional..." Wes: Q_Q; "Such a beautiful family reunion..." *sniff* maid: mr evans, please understand, it's been a while since young master soul has been here, let her at least enjoy this.... James: "...I am not heartless. I just want to be reasonable." Wes: Q____Q *holds Liz's hand* liz: ^^; James: *glances at Wes and Liz, sees the hand-holding* "How long have you been dating my son, Elizabeth?" liz: about 3-4 years now. James: "Hmmm...How is Wes behaving? Appropriately?" Wes: ._.; liz: of course! Wes: "...Where did you meet?" liz: well... liz: i go to a very exclusive private collage! OwO *looks at wes* Wes: *nods* "I teach there." James: "You are dating your student?" liz: IMALEGALADULT! soul: >->;;;; Wes: o____O liz: ..... *sinks into her chair* ./////. James: "...What is the name of your school?" soul: *sweats* Wes: "The...Star Academy for Exceptional Students?" James: "..." soul: *excalibur face* James: "I've heard of this school. It's in the northwestern United States, right, Elizabeth?" liz: yeah..... owo James: "Nora and I have an estate up there. We will have to visit your school the next time we are there. Perhaps for Christmas." liz: that sounds...lovely. OwO;;; soul: sounds great.... Wes: "...Yes." *screaming internally* James: "Soul, tell me a bit about this school." soul: some of the brightest minds of this generation attend! *mentally laughs as he mentally digs his own grave* James: "Then I'm happy students like you and Elizabeth are in attendance, and that Wes is a teacher. But if this is such an important school, why have I not heard of it?" liz + soul: *forced smile* *sweats* Stein: *returns, with drinks* "The Academy is very exceptional, so few know of it." *hands out drinks* "Sorry, I got lost in this labyrinthine estate." nora: ???? Stein: *hands a drink to Nora* "I am a teacher there as well, and your children are in good hands." *twists the screw in the side of his head* James: ._. *staring at the screw* nora: doesnt...that hurt? Stein: *sneer* "Immensely..." Wes: "..." *nervous laugh* "Oh, Professor--you are such a laugh riot!" *nervous laugh* James: *glaring at Stein* soul: OwO;;;;;; -music is playing from the screw?- James: "What the devil?!" Stein: "...Not a fan? I could switch to classical..." liz: ._____.;;;; Wes: "...Could you just turn it off, _Professor_?" *death glare* Stein: "..." *twists screw to turn off music* James: *deep, loud inhale* soul:...........dad- James: "Professor Stein, what exactly do you teach?" Stein: "...Biology." James: "Soul. Why did you bring this man here for Thanksgiving? Is he your lover?" soul: HE'S MY TEACHER! D8< James: "Who brings their teacher to Thanksgiving, except for evidently your brother's girlfriend?" Wes: *anger twitch* soul: *scythe blade* knock it off! nora: !! James: "What the hell?!" Wes: "Soul, no!" Stein: *grips Soul's wrist* "Revert. Now." soul:.....*changes back*...........*he doesnt take his eyes off james* James: *shrinking away from Soul, fear on his face* soul: yeah...that's right...i'm a goddamn weapon! what the fuck were you expecting, some kind of monster?! James: "...H-How is that even possible? You don't have weapons for...parents..." Wes: "..." *struggling to take a step forward to intervene* nora: *hyperventilating* Wes: "!!! Mother!" Stein: *doctor mode* "Relax, ma'am. I'm a doctor." nora: its all my fault.....all my fault...all my fault..... James: "Nora!" *rushes to her side* soul: mom!!! Stein: (" 'My fault'? ...Oh no...") Wes: *immobilized* nora: m...my...my mother....my mother was.... Wes and James: "..." *slowly realizing* soul:...mom....*hugs her* its ok mom, just breathe.... nora: *she breaks down* James: "Nora..." *holds her hand* Wes: "..." *losing balance* liz: wes! *goes over to her* Wes: *steadying himself* soul:....guess we outta tell him, eh? Stein: "..." Wes: "It-It's up to you, bro..." -soul explains everything. and i mean _everything_- James: "..." *stunned* Wes: "..." *holding onto Liz's hand* liz: yeah, that's basically what's been going on... *she told the truth about herself....including her son* James: "...Soul...I...I'm sorry." soul:.......you're going to have to be more specific. James: "I-I'm sorry for what you have gone through...To...To lose...her." soul: *bites his lip and grips his fist*....... James: "The pain you have had to go through..." Wes: *spotting Soul's reaction, whispers...* "Oh no..." soul: ......... James: "You didn't deserve any of that." soul: oh, so i did deserve all the times you cut me down for not trying hard enough? James: "...Soul, I...But that...A-Are you seriously bringing _that_ up, right now?" soul: not sure when im gonna get another chance, but may as _fucking_ well! liz:.... soul: i was born into the evans family, a family of status, and i had to push myself to my very limits to be considered worthy of the name, even when it affected my own health, and did you care? no. no you fucking didnt! James: "Th-That's not true! I wanted the best for you! You just needed the right push--" soul: PUSH WHERE?! TO THE POINT OF NEAR DEATH?! even with talent, we're only human! we make mistakes! we screw up! thats what makes us who we are! and she helped me to realize that. she gave me a reason to live, and she still does. James: "..." *opening his mouth...but he can't speak* soul: thanks to her, i know i found my own path in life; to become a death scythe, and take destiny into my own hands. the name is soul eater. dont forget it. James: "...This is what you want to do, then?" soul: yes. if you plan on disowning me for this, i dont really care. the way i see it, you disowned me a long time ago....im going to be in the limo.... *exits* James: "..." *stunned, looking around at everyone* "...Isn't anyone going to talk to him? Suddenly, he's a weapon and wants to be a...What even is a Death Scythe?" liz: stein? you're the teacher here, teach him! Stein: "...'Death Scythe.' The highest rank a weapon can achieve, upon consuming the souls of 99 humans, and one witch's soul. It is a task few weapons accomplish--and live to brag about." *stares at James* "Your son, and his meister, went far in that task. And Soul is going to be one hell of a Death Scythe--like he is already one hell of a student, person, and son." *stands and leaves, following Soul* Wes: "..." *holds Liz's hand" " 'Anyone going to talk to him'? You mean like his dad?" liz: ....*smiles* James: "...Wes? How long have you known about this? We were worried for years about Soul, and he was running around...He could have been killed! Like that--that--that girl!" Wes: "..." liz: *aims gun arm* dont. underestimate. my friends. ok? James: o_o "Jesus Christ! What are you?! Wes?! You gallivant around with this--this thug?!" Wes: "..." *lets go of Liz's hand, marches up to James* James: *steps back, seeing how much taller Wes has become* Wes: "..." *glares daggers...then wraps his arms around James, hugging him tightly* James: "...???!!!" liz:.....*observing, arm reverting to normal* Wes: "Take care of Mom, Dad. Because I'll be back to see you both--and you better treat her better than you ever treated Soul." *lets go of him, crying* "...I love you, Dad..." *turns and faces Liz* Wes: *looks back at James* "And don't you ever talk that way about Liz again." liz:...*she smiles* Wes: *approaches Liz, looking ashamed, whispers to her* "I am so sorry." liz: its fine... Wes: *sobbing* "It...isn't..." James: "..." *staring, having broken his two sons...* maid: young master, wait!...please, make sure soul gets this. *its a box filled with his old belongings* Wes: *wiping his tears, nods* "Th-Thank you...Is Mother...?" maid: she's....she's fine, she's just asleep right now. Wes: "...I'll be back in the morning to see her. Please, if her condition worsens, get her to a hospital." maid: understood. Wes: *looks to Liz, smiles weakly* "Let's blow this joint." -elsewhere- Relan: *asleep on the 8th's couch, from turkey* shinra: *puts a blanket over him* *he smiles* hey, commander... Akitaru: "???" shinra: in a few days, i'll be a year since nozomi joined. Akitaru: "...What you got in mind?" shinra: we should do something for her, especially considering what she had been through... she's important to us, like everyone is. Akitaru: *nods* "That is a good idea. Host it here, or maybe Nozomi's favorite restaurant?" shinra: im not sure where she likes to eat the most, but lets have it here, just to be on the safe side. Akitaru: "Okay, then." *small laugh* "I guess the new disco ball will have some decent use...And we can get her some gifts." shinra: *he smiles* one more thing....about relan....if he, for whatever reason, decided to join the 8th, could he? Akitaru: "..." *pats Shinra's head* "Of course." shinra: glad to know. *he smiles and looks at relan* Relan: *drooling in his sleep* shinra: *smiles and wipes his mouth* Relan: *smiles in his sleep* -elsewhere- stocking: *yaaaawn* so tired~ Kid: *nods, rubbing his eyes* "Good food, good conversations..." *yawn* "Accomplishment." stocking: yeah. good to be *yaawn* back home... Kid: *yawns* "Turkey is tiring..." *collapses in bed* stocking: *she smiles* good night, kid. *kisses his forehead* -a few days later- kirika: school concert's tonight! what a way to spend a birthday! yeah! Gopher: "A super-happy birthday!" *...He is still in a skirt* kirika: yeah, im actually going to be preforming too! Gopher: .w. "I will be cheering after your excellent performance!" student: is that a boy? student 2: its so convincing! student 3: i'd still hit that! Gopher: *twitch twitch* "BOYS CAN WEAR SKIRTS, TOO, YOU HETERONORMATIVE BASTARDS!" Relan: *from far away* "..." *thumbs up* student 3:.....i'd still hit that. Gopher: .\\\\\\. "...I'm not used to being treated like a piece of meat." kirika: *kicks them in the dicks* FECK OFF YOU WANKER FUCKS! kim: just ignore them and enjoy yourself. Jacqueline: Q_Q "...The resemblance is still uncanny..." kim: speaking of, how did it go? Gopher: "Quite well! ...I mean, Jacqueline's mother was...Um..." Jacqueline: " 'Strict'?" Gopher: "Yes, let's go with that word." -elsewhere- stocking: *practicing guitar* Kid: -\\\\\- "So wonderful~" stocking: thanks ^^ im going to be wearing one of the new outfits my mom made. Kid: o\\\\\o "Wonderful...I look forward to its premiere~" stocking: hehe! -elsewhere- Yohei: "How's the new tenant working out?" chie: she...spends a lot of time in her room. Yohei: "She seem friendly, or...?" chie: i guess 'introverted' is the appropriate term here? ^^' Yohei: "I think I know that feeling. Well, as long as rent is on time, not giving trouble to anyone...and as long as no one is troubling her..." *looks around for Emine* -elsewhere- Wes: "..." liz: you ok? i brought you some coffee. Wes: *weak smile* "Thanks...I called Mother." liz: how is she? Wes: "Better...It's going to take her more time. Nerves shot." liz:...... Wes: "..." *puts his head in his hands* liz:.....*she hugs him* it isnt your fault, wes. Wes: "...I didn't say anything for years...I didn't know Mom was..." liz:........ Wes: *holds onto Liz* "I'm sorry for not stopping my dad." liz:..*rubs his head* Wes: "..." *sigh of relief* -elsewhere- Kishiri: *doing inventory* "So, Gab, how many more of these do we got?" *gestures to cloning tank* gabriella: quite a lot. Kishiri: "...So, you could say these cloning tanks are...replicating as we count them?" gabriella:...................did you just....? Kishiri: ‎( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) -elsewhere- Black Star: "...How you holding up?" tsubaki: doing good. Black Star: *nods* "I think the dinner went well. The kids seemed to like it..." tsubaki: *she smiles* looking forward to the concert tonight? Black Star: "Hell yeah! Could use some music!" *pauses* "...Do I have to dress up?" -later that evening- kirika: *preforming screamo metal* liz:...wow. O-O Gopher: .w. "So...metal..." Kid: *covering his ears* >_< -backstage- marie: *answering phone* yes? ah! mr kranz.......oh....i see.....ok then.... *she hangs up* well this isnt good. Spirit: "What's wrong?" marie: that was rosen kranz on the phone, looks like licht todoroki wont be arriving until later in the month or even early december... Spirit: "What?! What happened, travel delay?" marie: yeah...now what? shinra:.... !! excuse me for a moment. *he exits to someplace* Spirit: "I don't know...We set aside all that time for Todoroki..." -minutes later- tamaki: you sure about this? shinra: you're our best hope for this! soul: not used to a keyboard, but im sure it wont be too hard. -the curtain rises, tamaki takes a deep breath, and begins her song- Black Star: *headbanging* Arthur: *jaw drop, in awe* nozomi: *listening* Kid: *listening to Soul's playing* ("Outstanding...") stocking: *guitar solo* Kid: ._. *Instant heart-boner* -when the song, concludes, there is a wild applause- Relan: *applauding* Arthur and Kid: Q_Q *loud cheering* maki: yeah! way to go tamaki!! tamaki:...*she smiles* -in the after party- nozomi: you did great, miss tamaki! tamaki: thanks. ^^; Arthur: *awkward shuffle* o\\\\\o "...You're an incredible singer." tamaki: umm 7///7 thank you.... shinra why did you even volunteer me? shinra: well i heard you doing it in your room and i thought it wasnt too bad. tamaki: thank you too....i think. shinra: ^^;
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