#(( he cant not poke fun at Daisuke using his full name when asking dfjkgnfdfjkgd ))
not-bcring · 1 year
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"I.... was just w-wondering.... I mean, we've been, uh, 'dating' for a while now... but we've never been on an actual date before... And I know! I know that's mostly my fault.. with the keeping it secret and all... but now that it's out in the open, I just thought.... maybe we could..." Daisuke blabbered nervously, looking anywhere but at his boyfriend as he spoke.
Letting out a deep breath to clear his nerves, he stared deep into the other bright green eyes, smile spreading across his lips just getting to see the other. Finally, he mustered up the courage to reveal the flowers he had been hiding behind his back and ask, "Ayumu Arata, would you like to go on a date with me?"
(Daisuke had to be the biggest sap in the world for their first official date. He is soooo in love with Ayumu.)
-  ✩   「 @nickelsdrocs 」   ✩  
「 ☆ 」   Daisuke’s nervousness doesn’t take Ayumu by surprise as much as one might expect, considering how supportive and shameless their relationship is. No matter how close they may be, Daisuke is an anxious sort. Self-confidence being one of the things the more outspoken male tries to assist with. Not that Ayumu judges Daisuke for having reservations even around his partner; people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones, after all. However, he is curious about what brought about the demure demeanor, head tilting quizzically as Ayumu sets aside his phone so that his boyfriend could have his complete attention.
Nodding with an encouraging—  ❝  Uh-huh...  ❞  —as Daisuke mentions the nature of their relationship, Ayumu does have to agree that their circumstances have been- unique. Despite taking longer to develop a genuine bond with Daisuke than Ayumu has with anyone else he’s ever slept with, they had somehow still managed to sort of speed-run their relationship. Going from mutual pining to a LITERAL fuck-fest of a confession— from a first kiss straight to taking Daisuke’s virginity —Ayumu can recall how the majority of that night, and the next day, had been a confusing and overwhelming whirlwind of uncertainty and yet understanding.
Knowing it was a terrifying prospect, for both of them. Allowing themselves to feel THIS deeply for another person... To take the risks that come with love. And yet also knowing that, as much as either might have wished otherwise ( however much ) there was no living without one another after the connection they experienced. Not just the sex— although it was the best Ayumu ever had —but the genuine comfort that came from simply being around each other. They had gone from admitting they wanted each other to slipping into the roles of boyfriends as naturally as breathing. All without so much as a single date to test the waters.
Frankly, Ayumu thinks they should feel pretty proud of that.
Not that he isn’t still ecstatic at the chance to have his first date now. 
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Eyes widening alongside his bright smile at the reveal of flowers— actual first date flowers —green hues sparkle with unrestrained joy at the romantic gesture. With Daisuke being the only person to feel a desire to treat Ayumu with any shred of sappiness, it’s no wonder the petite male basks in it with an adorable eagerness. Before meeting Daisuke, and even a while after considering the secretive nature of their relationship, being treated to THIS felt like an indulgent fantasy. Not that Ayumu ever held it against Daisuke; he was already being treated far better than he deserves. With a delighted gasp and an unwitting snatch of the flowers, cheeks flush to match the bouquet as the sweet scent washes over his senses. 
Pressing his face into the smooth petals with a deep breath, he giggles,  ❝  Yes! Yes, yes yes—  ❞  Acting as if he’s accepting a proposal rather than a date, Ayumu jumps up to wrap his arms around Daisuke’s neck, fully expecting his boyfriend to support the surprise shift in weight. Flowers held in one hand as he hugs Daisuke, soft lips crash against his partner’s, Ayumu’s smile slipping into a more comfortable kiss with a happy hum. Thanking Daisuke with the bubblegum-flavored warmth of his kiss, gloss is left behind when Ayumu pulls away, acting as faint proof that he was there... Peppering some more proof across Daisuke’s mouth and cheeks, he then pulls away so he can look Daisuke in the eyes and playfully say,  ❝  I'd love to go on a date with you, Daisuke~  ❞  
❝  And please, feel free to call me Ayumu.  ❞      「 ☆ 」
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