#(( gosh i almost could write a novel based on these headcanons xD ))
yuriko-mukami · 2 years
vampire Yuriko / human Ruki
Vampire Yuriko and Human Ruki Headcanons
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In the latter half of the Edo period (about 200 years ago), Yuriko was born to a human father and a kitsune mother. She lived a few years in the human world with her family until her relatives found them.
Her mother was punished with the death penalty and the siblings were both dragged to the Demon World, living with the kitsune.
Her brother adapted and found his place in society but Yuriko was too timid and missed her old life, never forgiving what happened to their mother.
One day when Yuriko was trying to find to way to get her freedom from the kitsune, she met a man who promised her better life and a chance to avenge her mother. She decided to go for it.
The man was no one other than Karlheinz himself. He turned Yuriko into a vampire and raised her as his daughter. He was curious to have a hybrid of kitsune, human, and vampire by his side, being sure that one day he would have use for her.
Eventually, Yuriko got her revenge, but it didn’t bring her joy. She was slowly sinking into the desperation in Eden, spending most of her time in the library.
In the early 1900s Karlheinz took Yuriko to Transylvania with him, telling her she should go by the name Lilie.
While the world went into chaos during Word War I Yuriko stayed in the castle and didn't give attention to what was happening around her. However, after the war, the area became part of Hungary and in the 1920s was assigned to Romania. While Yuriko didn't care about this, Karlheinz enjoyed the situation a lot and became invested in his own schemes, leaving his daughter even more alone time.
After some years had passed, Yuriko got bored just hanging out in the castle. Everything felt dull and meaningless.
Yuriko tried to distract herself, wandering to the nearby town where she met a young aristocrat, Ruki, who was following in his father's footsteps to success. They ran into each other in a local bookstore and something clicked.
For the longest time, Yuriko started to feel alive. Ruki was well-mannered and good-looking and for a human widely read. It was possible to have meaningful conversations with him, so Yuriko started to spend more time with him whenever Karlheinz was busy with other matters which was often.
Whenever possible they met in secret, sometimes during the daytime but usually in the evening or even at night. Ruki was somewhat bothered by this fact. While he found Lilie intriguing he had to admit that behaving like this was anything but decent, even though they only discussed literature, authors, and poetics.
Yuriko held back and avoided touching Ruki. She only fed on random people, making sure he didn't know her secret. If Ruki ever suspected something, he didn't ask.
But Ruki tried to find out more about Lilie. Yuriko told him vague details and mentioned Karlheinz as her father, requesting Ruki not to reveal their relationship to anyone as she feared Karlheinz would put end to it.
Eventually, Ruki wanted to make their relationship official anyway since these kinds of secret meetings were improper in his position and there was already pressure to marry someone. Putting aside Lilie's odd time schedule and secretive behavior, she seemed to be a proper lady whose father was in a high enough social position for Ruki to marry her without stirring trouble and questions.
So, Ruki wanted to meet Lilie’s father, putting Yuriko in a tough spot. They got into the argument and Ruki decided to kiss her to show the true depth of his feelings. That was too much for Yuriko who felt the same way and she ended up biting him, revealing her true nature.
It took a while for Ruki to recover from the shock and accept the facts but in the end, he decided that he wanted his Lilie no matter what. He became composed and stubborn about the matter, not willing to let her go.
After tasting Ruki’s blood, Yuriko struggled a lot with her self-control. It was the first time in ages, that she felt like she could lose something valuable if she slipped. Ruki did his best to help her keep her bloodlust in check but he also wanted to be the only human she would feed on.
Ruki read every book about vampires he could get into his hands. He went through with Yuriko how much of each story held truth in it.
"Drink enough so that you stay strong," Ruki kept reminding her. And Yuriko did. She savored his intoxicating blood whenever possible. Karlheinz being busy with his schemes, the couple had plenty of time to entangle their destinies.
Eventually, Ruki’s human schedule got ruined but at that point, he was ready to give it all up for his Lilie. His homeland was in the Great Depression, his father's business going downhill and the signs of another war started to linger in the air slowly but surely.
Ruki’s father lost his business, and his mother left the family which led to his father's suicide. Ruki lost everything but the love of his life, his very own Lilie. He decided to give his human life up to be with her and looked for Karlheinz himself.
Not wanting to lose Lilie too, Ruki promised to serve Karlheinz if he turned him into a vampire and gave him Lilie’s hand. Karlheinz saw potential in this desperate young man and granted his wish.
Now both of them were in debt to Karlheinz but they had each other and their forever, and it was all that mattered to them.
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These headcanons were written with the help of @ask-ruki-mukami's Admin who also edited the vampire sprite of Yuriko for me. Thank you so much, honey 🥺🥰
I also used Ruki's admin's post about Ruki's age as source material for the headcanons.
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