#(( cheated a smidge both getting the song and the lyrics
Someone Special - A Harry Styles Christmas Series (Part 2)
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Part 1 
This Year 
It was that time of year again, the holidays were soon approaching and so where the memories of what happened last Christmas. Even though it was only November, you had already made a promise to yourself you were going to do everything you could to make it even better. The past year you were really on an emotional rollercoaster. 
Going through a breakup was bad enough, but knowing there was cheating involved made it even worse. There were countless of times where you had questioned what was wrong with you and if you would ever find love, especially when your career was to be gone for months at a time. But that didn’t really matter to you in the moment because you wanted to focus on your career and yourself. 
You spent many hours in the studio or with your guitar or piano in your living room writing down all the feelings you were feeling inside. Many of them weren’t the best, but getting them out and seeing them written messily on a piece of paper made you feel better. 
You know longer blamed yourself or felt even a smidge of heartbreak over what had happened with your ex. You still weren’t ready to jump back into the whole dating scene despite your close friends and family thinking you should. While you were over your ex and what happened, you weren’t ready to possibly relive another heartbreak when you just got in a good place. 
Your new album was close to be finished. You still need to write two more songs for it and a few songs that were recorded needed some production on it, but you had a good feeling that the album would be pretty closed to finished by the end of the year. 
Currently, you were in New York, needing a change of scenery. You pulled your coat tighter around you as the cool wind blew on your walk to the small theatre show you were attending that night. When you got to your seat, you took off your coat laying it across your lap as you sat down. You checked your phone as  you passed the time waiting for the show to begin.
You were a few rows from the stage and you couldn’t wait for it start. You had looked forward to this show ever since you booked your flight to NYC. The lights had dimmed, singling the show would start soon, when you heard someone needed to get by to their seats. 
When you looked up you noticed the person looked familiar, but due to the bad lighting and them wearing a hat, you couldn’t pinpoint on who or why you appeared to have known them. You got up from your seat, letting them pass by, they mumbled a thank you before sitting down two seats from you. 
You knew it would bug you the entire time, not knowing who this person was, so you tried to discreetly peek over in their direction to see if you could get a better look. Just before the lights went completely dark, you finally figured it out. 
He was Harry Styles. 
The last year for Harry had been one of the best. Of course, there were plenty of times he felt like utter shit, but everyone had their bad or sad moments. However, throwing himself into his work and some traveling was exactly what he needed. He needed the time by himself to just decompress over everything and just live his life. Being in the studio and working on his second album also helped him get through it. 
Just last month, he released his first single for the album, and now he was currently in New York to not only perform on Saturday Night Live, but also host. While he was excited about the opportunity, he was also really fucking nervous. He had been so focused and working so hard the past few days, he decided he would give himself a little break by attending a play at a small venue in the city. 
He spent sometime backstage before the show, so he got to his seat just a bit before the curtains opened. When he got to his seat, which was towards the middle, he hated having to make everyone else get up from there seats, but there was no other way to go about it. 
“Excuse me, pardon me,” he said softly as he made his way through. 
However, he found himself stop in his tracks for a moment, when he recognized one of the other audience members. She looked up at him and he knew it was you. He had always wanted to meet you, having been at the same award shows before, and also being on the same label there were plenty of times he could have, but he never found himself getting the courage to make the move to. 
Knowing he was holding up the entire row, he quickly mumbled a sorry and thank you before finally taking his seat. Harry bit his lip as soon as the lights went out, making a promise to himself that if you were still there at the end of the show, he would finally introduce himself. 
The play was absolutely incredible. You loved every second of it and couldn’t wait to see another one. When the lights came up, you got your coat and stood up before making your way out of the row. As you walked towards the door, you heard someone calling your name. You knew this was a possibility wherever you went, you just hoped it was going to cause a huge scene with everyone leaving. 
However, when you turned around, you didn’t expect Harry Styles to be the one calling your name. 
“Hi, I’m uh so sorry,” he said. “I don’t normally do this.” 
The crowd of people were walking around the two of you, so you both walked over to the side to be mostly out of the way. 
“You don’t normally come to plays?” you laughed. 
He blushed, “No, I mean, huh, be so.. outright in introducing myself,” he said. “I noticed you when I came to my seat... and I wanted to introduce myself.” 
You smiled, “Well, it’s nice to meet you, Harry. I thought about introducing myself too.” 
“What did you think of the show?” He asked. 
“I loved it,” you smiled. “You?” 
“It was incredible. I actually met with the cast before the show,” he said. 
“Oh, so that’s why you were so late,” you smirked. 
“Yeah, I wasn’t planning on being that late,” he laughed. 
You giggled, “It’s fine, you made it in time.” 
“Um, I hope I’m not being too forward with this, but if you’re not doing anything.. would you like to maybe go out for a drink or something? Like just.. to up talk about the show or whatever,” he said. 
The fact that you were even debating going with him shouldn’t have even happened. You should have simply declined his offer, but you found yourself smiling with a nod and replying with a yes. 
You both walked down to a small bar that was near the venue. It was very quaint with only a few tables, booths, and chairs. Music played on jukebox located in the very back. Only about maybe twenty of the possible fifty or so people who could fit inside occupied it currently. You both sat down at a booth in the very back and you had no idea why you had agreed to this. 
You looked at the menu before ordering a small drink and an appetizer while Harry did the same. 
“Sooo,” you said. “Do you usually do this when you first meet someone?” 
“Yeah, no,” he laughed. “Not really.” 
“Just something about me then?” You joked. 
He blushed again, clearing his throat. “Sorry, this is probably really awkward.” 
“A bit, yeah,” you laughed. 
“I don’t want to come off as like a fanboy, but I’ve really enjoyed your music for ages and I’ve wanted to introduce myself, so when the opportunity arrived...” he said. 
“No, it’s okay,” you smiled. “I’ve been a fan of yours for a while too. Even back during the One Direction days.” 
“Good to know,” he laughed. “But thank you for not being weirded out about this.” 
“Oh, I didn’t say that,” you joked. 
“Funny,” he laughed. “So, if you don’t mind me asking what brought you to New York?” 
“Um, well, I just needed to get in a bit of change of scenery,” you said. “This year I’ve been working on my next album and I’ve hit a bit of a block with my writing, so I thought maybe coming here for a few days might help give me some inspiration.” 
“I’ve been there,” he said. “Has it helped at all? 
“A little,” you said. “I’ve got a melody going for one, but not any lyrics yet.” 
“I’m sure they’ll come,” he said sipping his drink. 
“Now, I briefly know what brings you to the city,” you said. “SNL, huh? That’s pretty fucking huge.” 
“Tell me about it,” he laughed. “Yeah, I got here last Saturday and I’ve been working with the writers and the cast for the last two days. It’s been crazy, but I’m loving it so far. Don’t get me wrong, I am nervous, but I’m really looking forward to it.” 
“I know exactly how you feel,” you laughed. 
“Oh, that’s write, you’ve pulled double duty before right?” He asked. 
“I have,” you nodded. “A few years ago.” 
“I remember that,” he said. “Got any advice for me?” 
“Honestly, don’t worry about it too much,” you laughed. “I know, I know, easier said than done. I went into the show thinking I had to be perfect, that I couldn’t fuck up at all and that if I ended up doing a shitty job everyone would hate me and then like no one would like me anymore. But the minute I said fuck all that, I’m just going to go on that stage and have the time of my life, all the pressure and weight just lifted off of me.” 
“Again, easier said than done,” he laughed. “Yeah, I keep trying to tell myself that I just want to have fun and do my best, but it’s still such an iconic show, I don’t want to be known as someone who fucks it up.” 
“Well, if it makes you feel any better, I’m sure if you do, it wouldn’t be the first or the worst one who to do it,” you laughed. 
“Yeah, that doesn’t exactly help or make me feel any better,” he laughed. 
“Sorry, I tried,” you giggled taking another sip of your drink. 
What started out as a simple going for a drink and talking about the show, ended up lasting over two hours. You couldn’t believe how much time had actually passed until the last call came around. 
“Oh, I uh, I guess we better go,” Harry laughed. “Sorry, to uh, keep you out this long.” 
“No, it’s fine,” you said. “All I would have done was go back to the hotel and watch Christmas movies while stuffing my face with pizza.” 
“Christmas movies already? It’s November,” he joked. 
“Hey! Don't judge me,” you laughed. “To be honest, I’m just trying to get a jumpstart into the Christmas season this year. Last year wasn’t the best, so I want to make this year the best it can be, you know?” 
“I’m sorry to hear that,” he said. “but yeah, I understand... and if it makes you feel any better I’ve been blaring the Mariah Christmas album all weekend, so...” 
You laughed standing up and putting on your coat, “It does actually.” 
“How long are you here for again?” He asked. 
“Through Sunday morning,” you said. “Why?” 
“Oh, um, I was just uh, wondering if uh, maybe you’d want to spend some more time during your visit. I uh, I liked talking to you tonight and I don’t know I’d like to do it again,” he said. 
You contemplated your answer. Again you should say no, just stop it at the night’s conversation, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy your time with even if it was only for a few hours. It had been so long since you could just have a genuine conversation with someone, who didn’t know what you had been through in the past year. 
So, maybe that’s why you happily agreed, yet again to his offer. At least, that’s what you were telling yourself. 
“Yeah, sure,” you nodded. “I’d like that, too.” 
He smiled, “Um, want to exchange numbers, so we can plan another time?” 
“Oh, right, yeah,” you nodded. 
You told him your number and he sent you his in a text message.
“Got it,” you smiled. 
“Cool,” he nodded. 
You both made your way out of the bar. There were very few people out in the streets due to how late it was. Since your hotel wasn’t very far, you decided to walk. 
“You’re walking?” He asked. 
“Yeah, the hotel is just across the street,” you said. 
“Well, let me walk with you,” he said. “I’ve got a car coming to pick me, so I can get it over there.” 
“Oh, you don’t have to do that,” you said. 
“No, I don’t, but I want to,” he said. 
“Thank you,” you smiled. 
The short walk to the entrance of your hotel building was spent in silence, but there was nothing awkward about it. When you got to the lobby door, you looked to Harry. 
“Thanks again,” you said. “I had a nice time tonight.” 
“Me too,” he smiled. “Thank you for taking up my offer.” 
“You’re welcome,” you smiled. 
“So, I uh, I guess I’ll see you around, soon?” He asked. 
“Yeah, I guess you will,” you smiled. “Good luck on your rehearsals tomorrow.” 
“Thank you,” he smiled. 
Right then,  a black SUV pulled up to the building. 
“Well, that’s my car,” he said. 
“Right,” you said. “Um, goodbye, then?” 
“Yeah, goodbye, Y/N,” he said with a wave before getting into the car. 
You watched as the driver drove off before heading into the hotel. You weren’t sure what you were doing, but in that moment everything felt right. 
And that was part 2!! Thoughts? Let me know! 
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acemenagerie-a · 4 years
♬ for jonah & maxwell, perhaps?
music starter meme || ACCEPTING   song:  OAKLEY - Ugliarchy   @chondritics
Jonah is younger, ginger hair not yet even entertaining being streaked with white.  His Institute is little more than a song he hears in his dreams and one he has yet to be able to hold onto firmly enough upon waking.  His bright green eyes are sharp and inquisitive, yes, but naturally so.  They do not yet strip every sense of privacy away, do not yet shine such that it does not matter from within what face they sit.  He still blinks these days.
So he sits across from Rayner with a certain level of respectful caution, well-aware of how truly outclassed he is in this particular sphere.  He simply needs more than Smirke’s incessant particulars with architecture and balance and geometry.
“Should I open up my mouth a little wider?  So you see my faith in you, my faith in....  Don’t you trust me, friend?”
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