#(( Nazaire is just. a big ass piece of shit and deserves the fucking worst
lilytear · 3 years
There’s something I’ve been wanting to add to Matthias’ bio after thinking over it for a few days, but considering how distressing the topic can be for some people, I’m putting it under a readmore. It’ll be added to his bio, and given I already put a big warning sign at the top of my blog regarding upsetting topics, I won’t have to do it again on his caard.
Nazaire has always despised having a special-needs child. The moment a private physician had confirmed that Matthias appeared delayed behind other children, the knight’s whole demeanor changed towards his son, becoming distant and stand offish. It caused few fights between him and his wife, but upon Lucette’s death being brought about due to the Seventh Umbral Calamity, Nazaire became verbally and even physically abusive towards Matthias.
Rather than letting the Durendaire family know that Matthias was alive and allowing them to take care of him, Nazaire instead kept him inside the house and a once blissful childhood became nightmarish. Matthias would be constantly berated by his father, beaten whenever having a meltdown, and even being locked in a closet with Nazaire banging on it when the child wouldn’t quiet down.
Nazaire would eventually resort to leaving his son home alone for long periods of time, hoping he’d starve to death and perhaps even freeze --- for he couldn’t simply take the child out through Ishgard and into Coerthas to accomplish what he desired. Thankfully, Matthias managed to survive in thanks to the part of Mateus that was voidsent, and at the time, had yet to become one with his reincarnate.
When Matthias survived to nineteen summers old, Nazaire took a different alternative and allowed his son outside for the first time, convinced the boy would get lost and die that way, and was thankful when there was no sign of Matthias at the end of the day.
It is because of these events that Matthias becomes distressed at the idea of enclosed spaces like closets or bathrooms, and why his meltdowns become so violent because the Elezen is expecting the worse. He becomes unexcited when his birthday and Starlight roll around, and seeks comfort in objects rather than people. Infact, upon his return to Ishgard, Matthias was deathly afraid of crossing paths with Nazaire and hid behind the protection of Haurchefant, and it was then the Durendaires were made aware of his status and the atrocities Nazaire committed while hiding his son from them for all those years.
Unfortunately, Nazaire never received the punishment he deserved, for he ended up being killed by a dragon that happened to be charging at Matthias during the Dragonsong War.
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