elsaellaelys · 3 months
Queen Conch
summary: bestfriend!JJ sitting outside Y/N's bath, taking care of her while she's sick.
pairing: bestfriend!JJ Maybank x bestfriend!fem reader
'I was too lazy to count' words
a/n: is a short one. hope y'all like 3>
JJ arrived Y/N's house happily, patting the shell he saved in his pocket just to make sure it was still whole, he brought it to complete her collection and so she could listen to the sea till she fell asleep like she always do, but the sounds of pain groans coming from the bathroom put a concern expression on his face, setting down the shell and his keys, he makes his way to follow the cries.
"Hey, Y/N, whats wrong?" he asks, kneeling next to her on the bathroom floor. She whines in answer, leaning her head on his chest like the clingy ill she is. "Come on, tell me what's wrong so I can do something."
"I was painting my book's shelf, the paint smell so bad, now my head hurts." she tells, closing her eyes and sighing to soothe the pain.
"Why you didn't used a mask?" JJ asked the obvious, his hands run through her hair slowly. She looked so small in his arms, he thought about telling her how he wished to put her in his pocket, but it sounded weird even in his thoughts.
"I didn't think it'd hurt so..." She leaned over the toiled, spilling her guts. JJ frowed, disgusted, but hold her hair back, one of his hands caressing circles in her back, he pouted, feeling sorry for her, feeling the need to care for her like a child.
"I'll run you a bath, come on." He said, standing up and turning on the bath faucet. Y/N flushed the toilet, leaning against the closet seat, she watched him furrowing his eyebrows at the soap bottles as to try to decide which was the right one. "You won't like this with... Patchihouly?"
"Patchouli." She giggles softly, her brain pounding against her skull "Urgh, just drop anything there."
"Right, right." he poured the soap on the water, bubbles filling the bath. "Get in." he turned around while she took off her robe, open the door to head out and give her privacy.
"You're not staying?" she whines inside the bathtub. He turns around, careful to not look to any place he shouldn't.
"Uhm..." He chuckles "Do you think that's a good idea?"
"Don't be silly. I just don't wanna be alone." Y/N pouts at him. "See?" Her hands shake the water, creating foam above the surface, hiding her body under the soap bubbles.
"Right." JJ sits besides the bed, on the floor. She is laid back with her head against the wall and a pain frown on her face.
"You're a great friend, Jay."
JJ just smiles in answer, his hand brushing the hair out of her face. His mind wonders, not about her chest is half above the bubbles, but about he would do anything to take all her pain away, and see her beautiful smile and shining eyes. He notices the corners of her mouth turning up a bit. "What?" He asks.
"You're staring. Stop."
"I'm not staring. I'm looking out for you. Feeling better?" He asks, brushing her hair off her face. "How's your head?"
"Gorgeous." She jokes, JJ sees its true though, her wet hair, tired eyes, red cheeks, wet and sweat skin...
"Of course" he chuckles brushing it off.
She whispers. "Just talk me away. How did you do today?"
The memory pops on his mind and he runs to the coffee table, coming back with the shell he reaches out for her. "Oh! Is for me? Thank you." she says excited, holding with appreciation the brown and white queen conch. He watches her put it over her ear like always, smiling like a little child. He chuckles. It was so easy to make her happy.
"Is so easy to cheer you up." He points out.
Her cheeks are red, he doesn't know now if that's cause of the hot water, her headache or his words.
"Guess is your superpower."
Her delicate fingers playing with the shell, running throught the stripes, lips blowing softly the drops of water. It's his turn to become burgundy like a school boy.
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chiefdirector · 6 months
Birthday Wishes | Tim Bradford | The Rookie
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"Wishes are crap," Tim grumbled as he looked down onto the candle adorned cupcake (Y/N) had presented him with. The wax had started to drip down the singluar candle with how long ti had been lit. Tim had half the mind to let it extinguish itself, but he couldn't, not with (Y/N) pouting at him the way she was. But not even her best pupp-dog eyes could get him to not whine "Do I have too?"
"Yes!" She said, almost bouncing where she stood. Tim's negativity, whilst it was infamousmous throught the Mid-Whilshire devisiona nd across the LAPD as a whole, never overpowered (Y/N)'s undying positivity, especially when it came to bithdays. "You have too!"
"Right, can I wish for no more birthday wishes?"
Tim grumbled again, closing his eyes as he tried to think of something - anything to wish for. But only one thing came to him, something he knew that couldn't happen; it would go against so many rules, rules he had sworn not to break, But at least he could wish for it
Quickly, he drew his breath and blew out the candle. His eyes remained shut for a moment before (Y/N)'s cheers caused him to look at her.
"I know I shouldn't ask," she started placing the cake down on a nearby desk, "but what did you wish for?"
"It's stupid," Tim tried to deflect.
"Come on, tell us, Bradford. Unless you're scared too…"
"I'm not scared, it's just…" He trailed off, trying to find the words. Deep down he knew that he could try to make his wwish come true right here and now, but it could all come crumbling down too. He just had to say it out loud.
He could laugh of the iront of it, vocalising wishes ensured they wouldn't ome true, and yet his wish relied on him speaking about it. Looking back at (Y/N)'s eager expression, he knew he had to say it.
"I wished that you would join me for dinner."
"Oh." She said, momentarily looking away from Tim.
The second her eyes left his, Tim almost felt sick. he knew that he shouldnt have ask, he had mess everything up and it would never be the same. He should have kept-
"I'm free Friday."
Tim swallowed air as her words set in. He barley managed to splutter out a reply before (Y/N) placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Is that okay, Tim?"
He smiled as he got his bareings back. "I'll pick you up at eight. But I have to go, Chen and I are on patrol.'
"I'll catch you later," (Y/N) said, looking down at her own watch to check the time. When she looked back up, Tim was already halfway across the bullpen. Quickly, she called him back. "Tim! You forgot your cake!"
@rookietrek @kmc1989 @augustvandyne
(i tagged people i thought may like, let me know if you wasnt to be added and/or removed)
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igotanidea · 11 months
Crawl back to you: Jason Todd x reader
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Summary: Mexican!reader celebrating dia de los muertos, going throught the process of grieving after Jason's dead and her process of getting better through the years with a little plot twist at the end.
Thank you @thefandomdiaries07 - I played with the idea somewhat, hope you'll like it.
Disclaimer: this is not, in any way, a hate on religious belief, the reader's attitude just fit in the plot. (no offence to anyone meant here, truly)
Dia de los muertos.
Day of the Dead.
Despite her origin and upbringing Y/N never really felt connected to this celebration.
Remembering people who died and who she was too young to remember in the first place felt just … weird.
Of course, her mother, aunts and grandmothers got her involved in preparing the ofrenda and preached her about the importance of preparation for the souls’ arrivals but she always did it only half-heartedly, putting on a fake smile and pretending to enjoy the festivities.
But deep down she felt like a freaking hypocrite, while in fact not feeling anything.
And when her family moved to Gotham, out of all places, it got even worse. Poor girl felt conflicted, unaccepted, unsure of who she was and dealing with identity crisis, going as far as renouncing her ancestry to fit in the crowd. She was a teenager what else could you have expected.
A few months passed and she got used to that god forsaken, lawless hole, keeping herself a bit away from her family, even if technically she was still living the same house. But with her struggles with ethnicity and traditions, she was a bit of a black sheep of the family, having not many true friends and spending most of the time alone,
recklessly wondering alongside the streets, pretending to be a freaking globetrotter. 
 And that was how one day she got involved with the batfamily, starting from being saved from an assault, by the Batman sidekick, Robin.
Jason Todd.
Whose name she learnt a few weeks later, having lost all the hope to see that red, green and yellow bird boy ever again.
However, surprisingly, those two clicked fast enough and even though they were technically still young  teenagers something bigger than friendship started creeping in.
He kissed her for the first time when they were 15.
And it was magical, romantic and send her into a spiral of love and dreams and worries and thoughts about future.
It was pretty much prefect for a whole year, as they somehow managed to make it work despite being forced to keep their relationship a secret from both families.
Imagine the panic that would spread in her family if they knew she was in love with a vigilante.
Imagine the panic that would spread in his family if they knew he told his identity to a girl he fell for.
That was obviously a no go.
So they kept on meeting in secret.
Almost every night she sneaked out of the house to check out on him after patrol and he was escaping Batman’s watchful gaze to have at least a few hours together alone with .
But one night changed everything.
He went to search for his biological mother.
And she should have stopped him or tell him how reckless he was being or do anything to dissuade him from this idea. Instead she laid her head on his shoulder, holding onto him tighter, kissing his lips briefly and making him promise he’d report to her the second he gets back.
A promise he never kept.
 “Hello? Who’s this?” she picked up her phone, blissfully unaware of the news that was about to fall upon her.
“Hey… um… is this Y/N?” an unrecognisable male voice reverberated on the other side
“Yes” she frowned “Who is this?” the girl asked again.
“My name’s Dick Grayson. I’m Jason’s older adoptive brother. We’ve never met but… I know you two were close…”
Wait. Did he just say were close?
“What – what happened…?”
The receiver fell from her hand, tears flooded her face and her heart broke in half.
His funeral was probably the worst day of her life, even though she couldn’t remember much more than the see of blackness, plenty of people she knew from Jason’s stories but saw for the first time and some meaningless words of consolations.
It had been eight months since his death and she was still grieving, unsure if the pain in her chest would ever subside or the tears would ever dry.
In that short time, she had become very close to Jason's brother, Dick, who was the perfect definition of an eldest child and had sort of taken her under his wing (pun intended). After everything with Jason and everything in between, she couldn't and didn't want to stay in Gotham, a place that was a painful reminder of the past.
Y/N took a different route every time she came across the places where they hung out or where they first kissed and where they secretly met at night and considering the fact that Gotham wasn't that big, it was slowly becoming impossible to move. And going to school and seeing couples and happy people was like a shot to the heart, making her a walking fountain almost every school break.
She felt a sudden need to get away from everything and moved to Bludhaven, where she started a new school and where Dick made sure she was safe and (as much as possible, meaning not much at all) happy.
It was October and dia de los muertos was right around the corner, of which her family was kind enough to inform her, inviting the girl to the family celebrations, and mentioning the resulting obligations of the living.
Making her angry at first.
Angry and with the sense of unfairness and stupidity of life. You’re there one second, enjoying the presence of the loved ones, and then, in another second you are just gone and it’s like you never really existed.
What was the point of life, apart from constant suffering and uncertainty of tomorrow?
 This whole celebration freaking sucked, and she was not going to celebrate the death, having loved and lost the most important person in her young life!
Once she got herself into that spiral of thinking, Y/N slowly started feeling something more than annoyance at her nation’s cultural habits, overwhelming depression and lack of any motivation to move on. Maybe…
It was the first time she had someone she knew to remember. And to hope that maybe, on this special day, his soul  were walking amongst the living and watching her from the other side even if she could not do the same.
And if he was, maybe it was her only chance to somehow communicate with him, tell him all the words she kept hidden in her soul, that never found a way out. Perhaps from the silent beating of her heart he would feel the love that was still there, the longing, the needing and the fact that despite being gone, he wasn’t and would never be forgotten by her.
Her eyes grew wide and she jumped off the bed, gathering all the necessities and beginning her work.
“Y/N?” Punctual as always Dick entered the apartment, carrying the box with her favourite takeout. It was their Thursday tradition to have some good food and hang out together and he was not going to be a breaker. But he definitely did not expect to see his friend kneeling on the floor in front of something that looked like a tiny stairs, painted in red, green and yellow ending with an arch. It was decorated with something he recognised as salt, candles, water and marigold flowers. And the whole apartment smelled like lavender for some reason. “Y/N? What are you doing?” he put the food on the table, seriously concerned by her mental state.
“Oh!” she almost jumped at the sound of his voice, turning around to face him. “Hey, Dick. It’s just a little celebration.”
“Of what?” he frowned, not understanding a thing. “What is this?”
“ofrenda” she explained, like it was the most obvious thing in the world, but his confused gaze made her realise that maybe not everyone were familiar with the festivity. “an offering.”
“An offering? Of what? To who? And why?”
Y/N almost rolled her eyes.
“I thought Bruce made you go the private school. Don’t you know anything about dia de los muertos?”
“I thought you were done with your national customs?”
“I was…” she sighed deeply reaching for the picture she was about to hang in her little altar. Jason, smiling, happy at some point back in time, that was never supposed to go back. She took the photo at one of their walks in the park in the autumn, with the sun shining and colourful leaves falling down from the trees. “but things have changed…” Y/N whispered, caressing Jason’s cheek on the photo, her eyes still shining with love and affection, but also tinged with sadness. “I miss him…”
“I know, Y/N. I miss that little prick too.”
“Yeah, he was a prick, wasn’t he? And an asshole, sometimes.” She chuckles as Dick sat on the floor next to her. “I bet if he’s around he’s annoyed at us bad-mouthing him.”
“If he’s around?”
“Yeah, the whole point of this day is that the souls come back to earth to visit us.”
“so it’s basically something like Halloween.”
“ more or less so. But cut the haunting part.” She smiled a little “We can’t see the deceased but we can feel them…”
“do you?”
“do I what?” Y/N frowned at his question. “Do I feel him?”
“Yeah. Sorry if it’s too soon or too bold thing to say, Y/N…”
“It’s not. It’s okay. I can’t exactly feel him, but it doesn’t mean he’s not here. We both agreed he was a prick sometimes, maybe he’s just hiding from me. Just to tease me. But that won’t stop me from calling upon him even from beyond the grave.”
She stood up and put the picture at the top stairs.
“Hey Todd, if you’re somewhere there, I’m not gonna go easy on you. See you next year, you little asshole.”
“Hey, Y/N, I dropped by decorating store and bought some things for your ofrenda this year, wanna take a look at them?”
You know, Dick, I’m not sure if Jason would appreciate us using the cape here….
“Your limiting my imagination….”
“I don’t care. I’m in charge. Remove it, now”
 Did you make the ofrenda without me, Grayson!?
No way in hell she was going to let Dick take charge this year. For the past four of them he was growing more and more fond of the day of the dead, starting from assisting and doing shopping ending on going behind her back in finalising his own crazy concept. And finally, the tide had changed and Y/N had to put her foot down.
“What do you mean  you want me to leave?!” Dick cried out the second she told him what punishment she chose for him “Y/N! Why?! It’s so unfair, I – “
“You hijacked my preparations last year. And two years ago. And to tell the truth, three years ago as well!”
“I didn’t – ok, fine…” he raised his hands in surrender “but you can’t blame me for that! It’s really fu-“ he stopped in the middle of the sentence.
“You wanted to say funny, didn’t you?” Y/N raised an eyebrow and Dick blushed a little. Maybe it was a bit inappropriate and unfortunate word to use.
“NO! No I wanted to say… um…” Dick was desperately searching for more accurate wording, also starting with fu, but obviously the alternatives were even worse.
“See that’s the whole point. You kind of missing the message of the day. Yes, sure, it’s supposed to be fun way to honour the dead and tame death in some way, but still it’s also supposed to be at least a little bit of an opportunity to stop for a second and think about things and people.  I really appreciate your positive attitude and it’s not like I’m kicking you out, but...”
“but you do.” Dick smirked and nodded with understanding.
“I just feel like I need to be alone for a while, ok? It’s been five years and at his point I feel like I sometimes need to focus to even remember his face without a photo. It’s all becoming a blur, lost in the joy and amusement. And I don’t want that. I want to remember.”
“Is that why you never gave any boy any chance to –“ he cut out again without really thinking what he was saying.
“Grayson… “ she trailed warningly.
“I’m out! I’m out! Don’t hit me!” he rushed towards the exit. “Just call me when it will be safe to come back, ok?”
“Got it. Now get out!” she chuckled, closing and locking the door behind her friend.
Every little word she said was true.
She wanted to remember.
She had to remember.
It was the only way to fill that little dent in her heart, that Jason left when he died. She couldn’t just let go of him, even though Dick was probably right, and after so many years she should have moved on.  But both her heart and her soul refused to do so.
Maybe you only get one chance to meet your soulmate and Y/N was close to sure that  Jason has been hers.
”It’s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all" she whispered the quote to herself while reaching for Jason’s photo she chose for this year’s decoration, turning them over in her hands for a while, looking at the face of a 15 year old she used to know “I wonder what you would look like now. Bet you’d be even more handsome and all the girls would be jealous I got such a catch.” She laughed a little “Hope you don’t hear me now, cause god damn, that would be such an ego booster for you.”
“You don’t look so bad yourself.” The sudden male voice coming from behind her made her jump (almost the mirror situation to the one that occurred five years ago when Dick found her preparing the ofrenda). But this time it was not Dick standing in her apartment.
“What the actual fuck!?” she yelled taking a fighting stance she learned from Grayson, knowing it would not help her at all due to the shaking of her body at the view in front of her.
“Handsome, huh?” Jason Todd in the flesh, absolutely not dead, brushed some unruly hair from his forehead, looking at her with a playful expression
“¡Estas muerto! ¡Eres un fantasma! ¡¿Qué está pasando?! Cómo –?“ as usual when she got nervous she started using Spanish. (you’re dead! You’re a ghost! What’s going on?! How-?)
“Baby…” Jason took a step forward, hesitantly. “Baby…” he opened his arms “I;m not dead, I swear to you. I-“
She cut him off by diving into his embrace, holding him tightly, wanting to make sure that he wasn’t just a friction of her imagination and needing to feel his warmth, the beating of his heart and his breathing.
“You’re really here!” she cried out, tears falling down her cheeks like a waterfall when she nuzzled into his chest. Honestly, she didn’t need any explanation, at least not at this point. She only wanted him close, afraid that if she let go for as much as a second he would disappear again. “Swear to me this is not a dream…” she muttered, against his shirt. “Swear to me.” Her entire body shook from the shock, she felt so small in his arms, but also safe as never before. It was like after five long years she got home again, that this missing part of her heart was found, and immediately jumped into the place reserved solely for him, unrepleacable. She was whole again and that was what count.
“Baby…. Oh, my sweet girl…” Jason wrapped his arms around her, caressing her back and hair, pulling her even closer, wanting to comfort her, to give her all that love and peace she was deprived of for what felt like ages. “I’m really here. I’m here. My baby… I’m back to you.” He whispered, closing his eyes, feeling equally, if not more emotional than her. He’s been through hell but the only though that made him keep on going was her. His angel. His joy. His only source of light in the eternal darkness that seemed to surround and swallow him. His grip on her tightened and he hoped to convey all these unspoken words to her through hugs and caresses and the gentle brushing of his lips against her temples.
“I love you…” she sobbed desperately, blurting out the only thing that was on her mind at the moment. “I missed you and I love you and –“
“I know baby. I love you too. And I promise you, you’ll never have to worry about hanging my picture in your altar ever again. Ever. I’ll crawl back to you every time and not even death can stop me from being with you. ”
And they just stood there, next to something that was supposed be an tribute to not-so-dead Jason Todd, holding and hugging each other tightly, creating the little bubble only for them two and being so very happy cutting out the entire world and reality, lost in daydream that happened to be the upcoming future for two people that have loved, have lost, and luckily, have found a way back to each other.
Talking could wait.
Silence, in the company of the only person that mattered, came first.
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bbrissonn · 1 year
𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐞 - 𝐥𝐮𝐜𝐚 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢
little fall blurb + insta edit with my fav at the moment... luca !! warnings: not proofread wc: 1.01k
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“Babe!” Luca called out, walking into your off campus apartment. A bag full of your favourite fall treats along with a special activity he had planned, in his hand. 
“In here!” You answered from your living room. You had brought every blanket you owned into the room, throwing them on the ground as all your pillows were laying on the floor. 
“Jesus.” Your boyfriend mumbled under his lips as he walked in. He knew you had lots of them, but he never realized just how many you truly had. Your face light up as you saw him walk into the room, quickly walking over to him and hugging his body. 
“I missed you.” You mumbled against his chest, making him chuckle a bit as he dropped the bag and wrapped his arms around you. 
“I missed you too, baby.” He whispered against the top of your head, pressing a small kiss. The two of you stayed like that until the sound of thunder made you jump slightly. 
“Come on, it’s fort building time, bubs.” You said excitedly as you took his hand and dragged him to where you had put everything. Your fall playlist was playing in the background as the two of you started on your build. Luca wasn’t very good at it, the blankets always falling, so you did most of the work. But, that didn’t matter to you. You were spending time together, and you couldn’t ask for anything more. 
“How was practice?” You asked, now sitting inside the fort as Luca went to grab the bag he had dropped. Meanwhile, you were scrolling throught Netflix, finding Harry Potter and the Philosophy’s stone. 
“Fine, I guess. Duker kept falling all the time.” He answered, joining you under the fort. Thankfully, you had baked the cookies before he arrived, and they were still a little warm. A smile grew on your face as you saw him pull out your favourite snacks and drinks from the bag, but confusion soon grew on your face when you saw him pull out paint brushes and fake pumpkins. 
“I saw this thing on tiktok, I looked cool.” He admitted when you looked over at him. He had a shy look on his face, most of the time it was always you coming up with things to do during your date nights. 
“Painting pumpkin?” 
“Pumpkin carving is messy.” He added, his cheeks growing a little as you smiled. You pressed a long kiss to his lips before mumbling something. 
“I think it’s a wonderful idea, love.” You said before pressing another kiss to his lips. The two of you prepared your whole set up, and then finally hit play. It was Friday, and Luca had the weekend off and the two of you had made the irresponsible decisions of starting a Harry Potter marathon at four pm. There was a good chance you would both fall asleep before finishing all of the, but you didn’t care. 
Truly, the film was more of a background noise as the two of you painted, but you often took breaks to just cuddle and watch the movie while eating. Your evening was perfect, really, the rain drops hitting your window making the whole night feel even more comfy and welcoming as the scent from your candles filled your noses. 
“Mine’s the best!” Luca exclaimed, half way through Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. You rolled your eyes at his state. 
“Nu-uh. Mine is, yours is only cute because I added the bow.” You responded as you grabbed your second pumpkin and started painting again. 
“Fine then, we can ask our friends. But, now, shut up and watch the movie.” You mumbled as you cuddle closer to him, making sure not to make any paint go on your matching Halloween pijama pants and hoodies. 
“I love you.” The boy mumbled against your ear a couple of minutes later. You looked up at him, a soft smile on your face as your eyes stared into his. 
“I love you more.” Your eyes slowly closing as sleep took over. 
It was fully dark outside the next time your eyes opened, but the light from your television was still shining bright. One of Luca’s hand was rubbing your head, which was resting on his shoulder as the other played with your fingers that were on his lap. 
“Hi, bubba. Did I wake up?” He asked, his voice calm and soft. You nodded no slightly, cuddling even closer into him. That’s when you realized a couple of blanks were now covering the two of you. 
“What time is it?” 
“6:30. The sunrise is soon.” He answered, the tone in his voice the same. You slowly opened your eyes, the Half-Blood Prince now playing on the screen.
“Did you sleep?” You asked, pulling your head away from him so you could look at him. 
“An hour or two maybe.” The boy answered, looking down at you before pressing a small kiss to your lips. For the next thirty minutes or you, you were snoozing in and out of sleep, the movie always waking you up. 
“Babe, the sun is rising.” Luca said eventually, making your eyes shoot open. You looked over him with a wide smile before walking over to the window of your living room. You loved sunrises, not as much as sunset, but enough to the point where you put a couch facing your window so you could watch it. 
“Coffee?” Luca asked as he sat down, pulling out his phone from his pocket and ordering your every day starbucks order once you nodded. The two of you sat in silent, his arms wrapped around you as the sun slowly appeared in the horizon. The light hitting the yellow and red leaves, making you sigh in happiness. 
The two of you enjoyed your last moments of peace for a while, knowing your roommate would be back soon, and eventually you’d find yourself in one of the hockey homes. Yelling and screaming would be the only thing you’d hear during the whole night.
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liked by luca.fantilli, rutgermcgroarty and others
yourusername we need your opinion peoples!! who did it best? me (original and cute idea as seen on slide 1) or lu (who stole my idea and only looks cute because i added a bow)?
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luca.fantilli ME
dylanduke25 @/luca.fantilli how dare you steal her idea !! yourusername @/dylanduke25 THANK YOU
rutgermcgroarty you for sure
yourusername @/rutgermcgroarty this is why you're my fav luca.fantilli @/rutgermcgroarty i see how it is bud
seamuscasey26 be original dude... @/luca.fantilli
luca.fantilli @/seamuscasey26 WHY IS EVERYONE TURNING ON ME?? yourusername @/luca.fantilli cause they love me more babe
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wordsarelife · 9 months
get him back!
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pairing: jj maybank x fem!reader
summary: after breaking up with jj you weren't sure if you would like to burn his house down or heavily make out with him
warnings: fighting, break up, toxic relatinship
a/n: the ending is a bit serious, but i wanted them to do it the right was :)
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poguelandia, summer of 2022, bonfire night
the night was warm and you were wearing your favorite dress, one your mother had gifted you, as you were watching the ocean with your red solo cup in hand. you had lost your friends a few minutes ago, but you weren't as drunk, so you didn't worry.
"beautiful, isn't it?" a voice next to you asked. you turned your head to look at the blonde boy.
you just shrugged. "it becomes boring after all those years"
he smirked. "you from around here?"
you just nodded, not really interested in a conversation with a stranger, hoping he would get the hint
"weird" he said "normally i know the people from here"
"cool" you took a sip from your cup
"not really interested in a conversation, huh?" the boy leaned forward to catch a glimpse of your face "what's your name?"
"at this point you purposefully ignore my desinterest, right?" you turned your body to look at him. he was handsome, you had to give him that. his hair was a bit too long and would occassionaly fall before his eyes, then he would push it back with a quick gesture. his eyes were even bluer than the ocean and under different circumstances you had probably found him cute, but now you were only annoyed.
"i'm jj" he didn't even acknowledge what you had said "and you are surely not a pogue"
"bye, jj!" you smiled at him sarcastically
"i bet i can guess your name" jj looked you up and down and you crossed you arms "you kooks only have those fancy names. is it abigail? or chicago? ashlynn? it's often something with lynn at the end"
you shook your head at each of his guesses. "listen" you said, finally having enough of this game "will you leave me alone if i tell you my name?"
he smirked, proud of his success, and nodded
"it's y/n"
jj's smile grew even bigger "what a truly beautiful name"
"bye, jj!" you repeated your words from earlier and gently pushed him in the direction of the singing crowd
"my last name is maybank, that would go so well with y/n, don't you think?"
and that was the end of the story, well.. not quiet. jj did leave you alone after you had just rolled your eyes at him once again, but you had found each other later in the evening, and you weren't sure what it was, but somehow he was charming and drunk enough to convinve you to go on a date with him and the rest was history.
poguelandia, 15 months later...
"at this point you're just disagreeing to disagree with me!" your screams rolled over the island and made the rest of the pogues turn their heads in your direction
"do you even hear yourself?" jj screamed back in the same volume "what you say doesn't even make sense"
"you well understand what i'm saying, you asshole"
"i'm literally not!" he raised his arms, a hint of innocence flying over his face, before it returned back to anger "do you ever not want to fight with me?"
"i want to fight?" you repeated angrily "you are the one that never voices what he wants!"
you saw him open his mouth to say something in protest, but didn't let him lose a word
"you get jealous as hell just to stare at some girl's ass half a second later!"
"come on, baby" he said, a lot calmer now "don't blow this out of proportion"
"don't call me baby, right now, jj" you freed your arms from his hold "don't call me in general, we're done"
"what the fuck, y/n?" jj looked between you and his friends. you did not react to his calling and just continued your way off the beach
"i think she said everything" said pope and kie, sarah and john b nodded as well. "you're not good for each other, jj"
"fuck" jj kicked the nearest thing he could find. making the beer can fly throught the air and empty over the sand
once you had left the beach behind you, you had walked to your car, getting in quickly and driving off to meet with your best friend. you searched through the list of contacts that your car displayed, until you could click on her name.
"y/n?" she asked confused "are you alright? i thought you were with jj? did something happen?"
you dragged your hand through your face, wiping away the streak of tears. "we broke up"
"oh, sweetheart!" amanda breathed
"i'm on my way to you, are you free?"
"of course" you could hear her walk through the room "drew is here, but i'll tell him to leave"
"it's fine" you said "he doesn't have to leave because of me"
"are you sure?"
"can i still come?"
"of course, as long as you don't mind him being there, i don't want you to be even sadder"
"i'm not sad" you shook your head "i'm so fucking angry"
"o-okay" she said quickly
"i'll see you in ten" with that you ended the call, turning at the nearest street. "and he always picks fights with me, just because he wants to disagree on something"
drew and amanda were sitting on the couch while you paced in front of them. drew was your best friends long term boyfriend (long term as in almost five years) and had grown to be like your brother.
"he's amazing when we don't fight, but apart from that it's just.." you stopped, not sure how to call it
"toxic?" drew raised his hand
"yes, thank you" you pointed at him "he exactly knows which buttons to push"
"yeah alright and what do you want to do now?" amanda asked
"i say you have two options for tonight: either we can stay here, watch a few movies and eat ice cream or we go to the beach party, get wasted and find someone you can make out with"
"ha!" drew called "i'm in favour of the second option!"
"me too" you smiled "but i need something to wear"
"amanda" drew turned to his girlfriend "get the slutty emerald dress you got last year"
amanda smiled brightly and quickly left the room to fetch the dress. "it's amazing" drew smiled "and it'll fit good with your hair"
amanda walked back into the room, presenting the dress to you, smiling. drew watched her attentively. it was in these moments that your friends reminded you of lily and marshall from how i met your mother. "go put it on" amanda encouraged and you did as you were told
the dress was gorgeous, was the first thing you thought. it was pretty short and looked fancy, but at the same time casual enough to wear to a beach party. apart from that it emphasized your figure and gave you a beautiful cleavage.
"wow" both of your friends said, once you had returned. "look at you" amanda touched your hip and quickly pulled her hand back, as if she had just burned herself
"that's what i was thinking" drew nodded and the couple high fived. he turned around to grab a bottle from the shelve "time for you two to get drunk, i'll drive"
"thanks drew" amanda and you chorused, while she grabbed the bottle to fill both of your glasses "let's turn up some taylor swift and get ready"
it was two hours later, when you and your friends arrived at the beach. amanda and you were pretty tipsy, but not totally drunk yet. it didn't take you long to catch sight of the group of pogues you knew all too well. jj was standing with his back in your direction, until pope nudged him at the arm, which caused him to turn around and look at you.
it looked like he wanted to talk to you, but john b held him back. you were thankful. it wasn't the first time jj and you had fought and he often made it hard for you to keep being angry at him.
"what are you looking--oh" amanda notice the sad look on your face. she knew that you loved him, in your own way, just like he loved you. but she knew even better that you weren't good for each other. this back and forth was only breaking you more day to day and she couldn't bear and watch it anymore. "you have to let him go. get him out of your head, make out with some boys, just-" she paused and you regonized the sincerity in her eyes "do something, please"
"i can't help it" you said, turning your head back to look at him "i hate and love him so much. i think he ruined me for anyone else" "and you think that is healthy?"
"far from it" you shook your head
"it's not always easy" amanda said softly, trying to cheer you up
"i know"
"can you promise me something, y/n?" amanda asked and you nodded "when you go back to him, and i know you will, try to work on it, for the sake of the both of you" she smiled gently "jj is a good guy, and neither of you deserves this"
"i know" you said once again, catching jj's eyes over the fire "i promise"
"good" amanda nodded in contentment and waved you off.
"hi" you held your cup in jj's direction "can you fill it up?"
"hey" he said, nodding "of course"
"can we talk?"
he nodded once again, leading you away from the crowd.
"i'm sorry" you said "this is the last time"
"what are you talking about?"
"do you want to get back together?" you put your hands around his neck and he nodded. "okay, me too. but this is the last time i'm coming back"
"what does that mean?"
"that means that if we break up again it's over" you explained
"it will only take a week, you know that, y/n" jj sighed
"no" you shook your head "if we're doing this again, we will do it right"
"we can never do it right" jj shook his head "we tried"
"i know" you nodded "but we need to try harder. i can't keep doing this and i know that you can't either"
"so what's the plan?"
"we fix it" you assured "we talk. we did way too less of that all those times. i want to make this work, jj"
"i want too"
"we need to be honest to each other" you smiled "we have to promise that to each other. i don't want to lose you. i love you"
"i love you too" he sighed "but sometimes you drive me crazy"
"i know" you admitted "you drive me crazy too. but we can't keep running away from our problems. in the future we need to discuss them"
"okay" jj breathed and then after a second "can i kiss you now?"
"you can"
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What will bsd react when you were drunk
!WARNING : mention of self harm and do the non existing!
Idea : bsd react if you are drunk [ft. Traumatized reader
Couple : dazai x gn! Reader
Part (1/?)
You, a joyfull and loving figure to them.
you, the smiling image in theyre dreams.
you, the calm and resposible one even if the scenerio is cruel.
You, the one who knows theyre moods, jokes, theyre likes, dislike, theyre feelings.
And you, whom have shattered into million pieces and was held by your own hand. And that hand sadly slip because of a drink.
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It was odd, atleast for you. dazai have invited you to go on a drink after a rather dificult mission.
You dont want to accept it really–you've been mentally and physicly tired, but yet you gladly accept.
Many suicidal thoughts was running throught your head as your changing in your apartment, it was hard to brush it off as you were, and utterly, tired.
You and him met at small yet calming in some odd way bar.
You and dazai sat in a comfortable silince, occasionally taking a sip and do a little small talk.
"Why did you invite me?" You ask casually, gaze was front to the closets of bottles. Your hand was swirling the glass at hand that was half way finish
"Hm? Because i can!" Dazai answer with a grin, he turn to look at you expecting your ussual soft smile looking at you or your adorbly cute annoyed face that also grace dazai by your gaze.
But no, he was met by a unusual sceen.
Your cheeks was dusted pink from alcohol, you forgot you dont have a high tolarence.
Your eyes seem so dull, so dull it hurt dazai. It reminds him of his old self, your usual resting face now look empty– cold and unforgiving in some way
It wound him that his grin falter– that his usual careless posture tighten. His eyes that seem to gleam when he saw you was dull.
Dull like yours.
"Did you invited me because kunikida say no?" You started out again, your mouth seem like it was moving on its own.
Your hand stop from swirling the glass "if you did...than im a second choice than...hah..." your body slump to the table, the negatuve thoughts you felt startes to came back to you, harshly.
"..." dazai kept quite, didnt know what to do, why? Why cant he do something? Is it because..
You remind him so much like himself?
His mind began to panic–no. Not another him. One is already horible and traumatize enough, he–no, everyone in this fuck up world doesnt need another him.
He hate those dull eyes of your that infront of everyone was gleaming so bright it blinds him, he hates those lips that easily lifted for everyone even if its an enemy or a foe, he hate those aid kit that you like to carry for some reason, he hate how your hair shines in the beutufull moonlight.
He hates how you tricked him into beliving you were alright.
"Maybe....maybe i should...kill myself" as you utter that word, that slash dazai thoughts. He stand up making your drunk state confused.
You stare at the eyes that was attach to his bow head.
His bangs shifted as he raise, revealing his eyes that filled with so much overwhelming emotion that makes you sick and confused.
"Dont." He utter.
He looks angry, sad, confused all at ones.
It amuse your jumbled mind for some reason. You chuckle, yoy snicker you laugh.
"Pwuahahah! W-who...pfft! Who do you think you are? Buahahah!" You laugh, you dont know why but you laugh at his worriedness.
But in the darkest pits in your heart you felt disgusted. Him, dazai, commanding you to not kill yourself? Who does this hypocrite think he is?
You felt guilty. Guilty for laughing. Guilty for making dazai worried. Yet you fekt disgusted, disgusted about yourself, disgusted about the cuts in your thight that you. Didnt even relizing it. Was lining them with your finger.
You want to puke. Oh wait, you already did.
When you spills the content inside of you, you think this is a normal sight. But to dazai its a horror.
He tremble and catch your disgusting, tears from laughing (or crying), stained with puke clothes body into him.
As his tremble hand patted your head your breathe quicken and your sobs incorrect words
"Isamso taried. I want too–i weant to jwust dissapear....i...hate i hate it!!! Why cant i be someone first choice...why am i always the second? Why cant people appreciate mu effort? My feelings? Why cant they just–" you rsmble you scream you weep and let yourself cracked in dazai hands.
As you calm down (and dazai recovering) you faint.
'Ah,' you thought. 'This is better from cutting'
-mf will be so fucking confused and scared because of how well you hide it and how you absaloutely shatter from just a half glass of alcohol😭
-will not know what to do and just, hurt him self (repeatedly) from picking your shattered pieces.
-probably will not let you touch alcahol since this accident and with appointed you to EVERY THERAPY he ever encounter,
-funny thing, kunikida catch a glimpse of dazai making a therapy appointment and was absalouteky livid and proud that he told the agency to trow a party, and when he arrives and they surprise him. He told that "oh, its not for me its for [name]"
-very out of characther for him ngl lol☝️
-if you got comfused by the end, you (as in reader) used self hsrm as a way to cope your pain
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fiveredlights · 15 days
matthew and callan is literally the reincarnation of maxiel i'm so curious about them so like the monza really happened because of that jealousy incident? TELL ME MOREEEEE
long response under the cut, thank you for the ask anon! love rambling about my fics, if it was a full time job i would excel at it! (plus a little snippet from the bonus scene i’ll probably post from monza)
matthew and callan are really interesting because i had full intentions to seperate them from maxiel as much as possible—i thought it would be very boring to just have max and daniel and then their next gen counterparts in a fic—but then they grew legs and ran away from me. like i promise i wasn’t trying to make them maxiel 2.0 but i guess maxiel is just too strong sometimes… i think i truly realised this chapter when michelle texted daniel and she was like “oh me and max text sometimes” and i was like wait……. why does that sound familiar….. then i gave up and fully leaned into it
now anon one thing about me is that i have shit poor memory. like i am the human equivalent of a goldfish so when you said monza jealously incident i was like “what jealously incident???” and honestly i am still not exactly sure what that means…. i think (maybe) you’re referring to the authors note where i mentioned that matthew was unreasonably upset over callan’s new partner and i now realise that i should’ve given more context in that this happens after monza. matthew does not hit callan because he’s jealous that callan has a partner.
i’ll give you the texts but like i’m really emphasising that they’re deleted for a reason… to me it is just incredibly out of place and it was never gonna make it in
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there are no real motivations (that we know of) that cause the monza incident. i think it’s sometimes the case that teammates just crash, you know? but also from callan’s perspective, he’s had a bad start to the second half of the season, a q1 knockout, a dnf throught his own doing, and also why the fuck was matthew with his sister??? and also he hasn’t beat matthew in the head to heads since monaco (of the ones that i’ve shown) and that was back in may.
matthew has slowly started to infiltrate into his walls even more, and he doesn’t NOT know how to deal with it… here’s a little bit from the bonus scene:
“I know what it’s like to…care about someone who's destined for greatness or whatever,” Daniel carefully says and Callan isn’t stupid.
He’s seen the times. He knows Matthew is slowly creeping up on his laps, taking a tenth here or there and it’ll only be time before those tenths mean being ahead of Callan.
(Depressingly, he suddenly realises, Matthew has been ahead of Callan. It’s been like that since Monaco.)
The media says they’re siblings, they say they’re friends but sometimes it doesn’t feel like it. Sometimes he’ll catch Daniel looking between them like he’s expecting something there, searching for some invisible thing Callan quite can’t define yet.
Sometimes, he thinks Daniel knows exactly what’s running through his mind when he looks at his teammate.
Sometimes, Callan thinks he’s right.
at this point callan knows there’s ~something~ there but does not want to open that door. he wants that door BOLTED. matthew has no clue. all teammates must surely act like this and if you remember, he specifically states that he watched max and daniel as his drivers growing up and we know how batshit insane they were in 2016-2018 so… in a roundabout way this could be daniel’s fault if you think about it
matthew’s also been pretty lucky. he’s only had one bad season with the team, his first one where callan has had to sit through bad cars and bad decisions since 2025. this is the first time in four years things have started to work. so yeah, maybe he’s a little bit annoyed that the matthew gets to reap all the benefits whilst he’s been labouring away for years on how to get this car moving.
i don’t know if that answers any of your questions i just came back from dinner and blurted it all out…
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sun digs its heels | sanji x reader
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word count: 656
warnings: some mentions of crying! nothing explicit mentioned, this is just my own comfort thing lol
not much else other than that cus this is short as hell but yeah, enjoy some angst/comfort with my wife 👍
i lied, im also on ep 37 of one piece so this is on the merry and not the sunny bc i refuse to get some kind of spoiler (sweats)
this is pretty mcuh a drabble just shhfhshfhfhfhfha shut up shut up /lh
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soft smoke billows out from the ship's chimney, hazy against the night sky just beyond the lit kitchen of the sunny. waves crash almost soothingly against the ship as a sizzling sound leaves the kitchen's open doorway; someone's making what smells like dinner. sanji steadily stirs something in a pot, cigarette lit and tucked into the corner of his lips as he stands by the stove. the ship was unusually quiet considering dinner time was on the rise, but the resident cook wasn't about to complain; truthfully, he preferred it this way. he could listen to the symphony that came in the form of his own cooking and the breeze of the ocean, the waves, the small creaks of age of the ship. everything was perfect. almost. he feels your presence before he sees you, perfection seemingly manifesting itself when he sees you. he has to do a double take when he hears the padding of your feet stop in the doorway leading out into the deck. almost instantly, he's reduced to a melting mess; his smile relaxes into something of an affectionate smile, his cheeks warm almost on instinct and he can't help the feeling of his heart practically swelling in his chest. he (unwillingly) turns his attention back to the food he's preparing in front of him, smile still etched on his face; "good evening, cheri. here to be my sous chef?" he starts, only able to get out the first half before he's suddenly pulled into an embrace by you.
sanji is forced to drop the spoon in his hands, arms hanging uselessly in shock as you wrap your own around him. his first reaction is to return the hug, his smile growing as his heart does a flip in his chest; he'd find any excuse to touch you. he's about to say something, something that he was sure would send you into the fit of giggles that he's heard from you before. for a moment, he even thinks you've already begun to laugh with the way your frame shakes against his own. but suddenly, your fingers are digging into the back of his suit, clenching so hard and pushing him even closer. all in one moment, he recognizes it all. he hadn't seen your tired, swollen red from crying, eyes. he hadn't seen the tear tracks or the way you were practically holding yourself when approaching him.
his heart sinks at the realization, half blaming himself for not having caught on to your mood when first seeing you; your beauty had a habit of making everything around him suddenly stop. without much thought, sanji wraps his arms around you into an embrace and pulls you impossibly closer. he buries his face in the crook of your neck, one hand slowly rubbing circles into your back and the other secure around your waist. he closes his eyes as he relishes in the feeling of you so close to him but doesn't ignore the feeling of your tears wetting some of the skin of his own neck, his eyebrows furrowing as he wordlessly asks you what's wrong with the rubbing of your back: he had a feeling you didn't want to talk about it just yet.
sanji tries to pull away but you don't let him, your hold still firm on him as he leans against the counter a bit. dinner has long been forgotten now, his one goal being to kiss the tears from your eyes, hold you even until the both of you were nothing but dust in a dying world. it's quiet between the two of you, words (if any at all) being shared throught your embrace, a feather light kiss on your neck or cheek from sanji. the ocean is still the same. the breeze is still the same. something has upset you and it's impossible to know what, but sanji could stay here forever trying to figure it out.
˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗ THATS THE END!! :D ˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗
please do not look into this too much, i had a really bad mental health day a couple fo weeks ago to the point that i wanted to write this but was physically unable to from how upset i was 😵‍💫
BUT NOW IM MUCH BETTER AND HOPE THAT YOU ALL ENJOY THIS :3 this was on the shorter side just bc of how sudden it was but maybe one of these days, i can make something a bit more extensive
FOR NOWWW, i hope that you all are having a wonderful day/night and that you all are staying safe! to any college students starting a new semester, we got this! don't forget to take breaks! <3
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pianocat939 · 2 years
Hi I just wanted to say that I love your blog !! I especially love your rottmnt ones (I adore the Yandere HCs one , you did an amazing job on them ) 💗 I was wondering is it ok to request Yandere HCs for the turtle brothers (separate please ) falling for the reader who acts motherly to them (if that’s to many then I’m fine with Leo , since you mentioned that he wants the reader to rely on him ?) also hope your doing ok and drinking plenty of water ! 💗🀄️
Thanks for enjoying my work~ Even if I'm sleep deprived half the time I'm writing.
I'm going to assume you're going by 🀄️ anon.
This is romantic btw
Yandere ROTTMNT Turtles with Motherly MC
Tw: SO MANY INSECURITIES, Mikey tries to start a cult, Implied violence, implied kidnapping, I think that’s it
(As someone who's an only child I don't exactly understand Raph's situation but I tried my best)
I think it would take him a bit of time to get adjusted to (because of how he's always been the responsible one), but in the end finding it comforting.
Since he's the eldest one, he's always had to do all the mature things for his brothers (Splinter was kinda there, but in some cases not).
So it feels foreign for him to rely on someone that wasn't himself.
But after he gets adjusted, he's obsessed.
It's such a warm feeling, something he missed out a lot. Feeling doted on and worried over, it's addicting.
He loves it so much that he clings onto it. Now if we are to refer back to this it would only make sense that he's dependent on it.
He's guilty, but at the same time he feels he deserves to be loved after dealing with the eldest child syndrome for so long.
He's basically glue at that point. Just following you around like a duckling.
"Can I have headpats? *proceeds to be big softie*"
He doesn't enjoy it when his brothers or someone else gets the same treatment too. Like sure you can be motherly towards others but he's the main point of your attention, right?
If it's an enemy or an unfamiliar person he'll go threaten them. Which eventually turns into a cold rage and he gives them a good beating or two (think of it the same way he acts when he feels he's all alone).
Overall wholesome big boy.
I feel like this man would go either two ways; either he internalizes the happiness and just acts all cocky, or he feels immature because of how he's treated.
If he interalizes the emotion and becomes egotistic snarky boy then I think he'll react to a smiliar way Raph does except less intense and more subtle about it.
He'll try to spend a lot more time with you, asking if you want to hang out more (he always picks more dangerous areas like the Hidden City for some reason).
So by the chance that he's injured (nothing major ofc) he'll go up to you with puppy dog eyes. Basically manipulating you to baby him.
On the other hand, and I feel like the more likely one, he'll feel even more useless. Like the fact you being motherly to him makes him feel more of a child who can't do anything.
What does he do? Why he pushes himself to prove that he should be the one relied on. Not the other way around.
He'll train his swordsmanship until he's forced by his family to rest, he'll take on villiains himself, and might even try to teleport enemies/unfriendly people of yours to another dimension (after he's done with them).
Praise him and rely on him for safety. That is probably the only way that'll calm down his antics.
If you don't, he'll manipulate you.
"Let me do this. Don't worry about me, I've trained my Kenjutsu for this." Kenjutsu = swordsmanship btw
(Now unlike Raph I understand Donatello to the max lmao)
You, my good friend, may be in trouble.
As canonically shown throught the ROTTMNT series he eats that praise up. So if you're a motherly type person you're fucking screwed.
He's obviously going to love it, since his father never quite showed such affection to him. My fellow Asian kids I'm looking at you.
He'll do anything for more praise, constructing advanced technology, showing his capabilities, all of it.
It's like he almost brags just to get that small ounce of love. Literally shoving his inventions into your face.
Sure he knows he's smart but to actually be told that he's smart? Confidence +100.
It's to the point he drags you into his lab and is like, "watch me do work :p". He hogs your attention and may be very offended if you try to interact with someone else.
If you push him far enough he'll kidnap you and force you to give him all your love.
He doesn't show it but he's extremely self-conscious about his intelligence and technology, kinda like how Leo is. So to be given the reassurance of love it feeds into his brain in a not so good way.
"Aren't I the most intelligent person ever? Look at my work, doesn't it make you proud?"
Ok again, referring to my general yandere Hcs that I did earlier, I think he would just become more cult-like.
His brain's is like "This person loves me, cares for me, makes sure I'm ok, they must be god." (If you get this reference I love you)
He solely believes that you must be the reincarnation of angels who came down to adore his tiny little self.
He starts writing little notes to himself about your antics and thinks it's the perfect example of an ideal human.
He pulls reverse card in a way; but still wanting to worship your kindness.
Which may end up him trying to pull people into his cult. He'll try to convince them that you're the epitome of adoration and love.
If they try to turn down his offer he gets pissed. Like really pissed.
He'll hunt them down, ties them to a chair, and forces them to watch a slideshow about you for hours straight (or until they've converted to the belief).
"I'm sorry, did you just say that you don't believe they're the most perfect deity to exist? Looks like Dr. Delicate Touch needs to give you a check-up!"
You guys remember in the library episode that one scene where he's like a king or something and says "New Toy"? It's basically that except you're the one on the chair and he's ordering people around lmao.
I feel like he's the most terrifying one out of the bunch.
I feel like compared to other Hcs writers I’m like some weird conspiracy theorist who makes a prediction and tries to prove it’s possible lmao.
Anyway hope you like it
- Celina
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hedgiwithapen · 1 year
Prompt: Khaji Da and things not regretted/things regretted/things not regretted that should be
It was hardest on nights like this, when the brine of the ocean didn’t carry far enough, and the smell of smoke lingered in the air. New smoke, different smoke, but that didn’t make a difference. Flame was flame, and char was char. Jaime couldn’t sleep.  He kicked at his covers until he was free of them, and stood. The room still felt too empty, missing years of posters and trinkets.  It was easy to navigate, even in the dark, with Khaji Da’s help, but he wouldn’t have needed it, anyways. He climbed the ladder built into the side of the bookshelf to the hatch Rudy had installed in the new roof, an easy way up and out. Jaime stared at the lights of the city until they blurred.
“I’m sorry,” Kahji Da said in his head, breaking the quiet. It hadn’t been real silence, of course, not with the breeze carrying sounds of late night tourist nonsense, city traffic, a neighborhood still awake at the unholy hour of 3 AM. “Hmm?” Jaime asked, only half listening. “For what?” “I cannot regret choosing you.  I should. My choice caused your family incalculable grief.  But I cannot. I am sorry.” Jaime closed his eyes. Somehow it was easier, that way.  “It wasn’t your fault.” he said, repeating the mantra he’d told himself every day since his father’s death. “It was her.” “Because of me. Because I chose you. Because I did not choose Ted Kord. If I had, he would have lived.” Two families might still have had fathers. Jaime  swatted the throught from his mind. “You can’t know that.” “I cannot. I am very good at calculations.  It would have been… favorable. I know you wish I had not chosen you.” “I don’t wish that.” “A part of you does. A part of you will. And for that, I am sorry.” “But not sorry that you chose me,” Jaime clarified, keeping his eyes closed. He’d missed the stars, living in Gotham. He’d remembered seeing more of them than there were. “No.  I was not made to experience regret.” A long pause.” Nor was I made to experience guilt.” “Oh.” Jaime tried to think what his father would say. The words wouldn’t stay in his mouth. He tipped his head back, and opened his eyes, trying to find constellations drowned out by groundlights.
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seynne · 2 months
About the AU ask :-)
Classic coffee shop AU 💖
Let’s play a game. Send me a potential AU and I’ll tell you five fun facts that would happen in a story.
Coffee shop AU:
Lellar is the owner of a nice book-coffee place with soft music in the background, that she inherited from her dad, a scholar who went abroad and disappeared while travelling. She works there with Shiinah, and while she's terrified at first, she slowly is getting how to work best.
The rest of the companions crew (Astarion, Gale...) are students in the nearest university complex who keep coming to this coffee shop nearby the campus, who allows people to come and read whatever they want.
The Emperor is the overworked boss of a security company whose mind is always brimming with calculation about safety and danger zones, and this is the only place he can rest mentally when his company isn't on duty. Cue, long hours he spends at it and sometimes he falls asleep half-way (see bottom)
Marcus and Tala are part of the Emperor's company (Marcus is his son) and childhood friends, but Marcus momentanely got hired by another company who manipulated him on his desire of proving himself, and spied on his home for them. He reformed later though, when Lellar saw right throught it and convinced him to talk about it with Tala and his dad. Both forgave him, but Tala is still wary.
The Absolute, Gortash, Ketheric and Orin, are the chaotic mind of the other company, they're known for recruiting their agents to undermine their rivals from the inside, playing on said agents insecurities, offering them what they THINK is the right thing.
(because fuck it) Withers is the university dean.
Shiinah (DURGE) is one of the initial founding member of the rival companies, but she hurt her head and has not been the same since she woke up. She ended up resigning and going to help Lellar at the coffee.
Now, for the five situations.
The Emperor has stayed more than once to help Lellar with paperwork and counting when she was overwhelmed. She learned his order by heart, and will always serve it perfectly, it's like the thing she's taking the most care of. She's even doing a brain on latté because she always calls him so smart. She very much has a crush on him and it's reciprocated.
Gale stays so long here, he sometimes skips lessons to help at the coffee a bit while he's reading.
Marcus has been slacking off a bit at work since he realized he was being manipulated, he'll come and work at the coffee after some time, since he feels too bad about it. It's a good thing because they get along incredibly well.
More than once, you'll see both of them, Marcus and the Emperor, in the morning, one working on the laptop and the other cleaning the coffee nozzles, and both stop when Lellar brings a coffee to Tala, and they're very much both completely in love and deep in thoughts.
Lellar very often stops baking to peak an eye through the door leading to the kitchen, and she's gazing at the Emperor when he thinks he doesn't notice, and she's got such a look of love everyone teases her about it. The truth is, they have been flirting for a long while now.
Withers is the strangest client you can ever think of. He remains polite but it's like one word at a time.
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cheesiestburger · 3 months
a/n: brain in permanent rot for this- just grrrr bark bark, also, sorry for not replying to this eirlier lol, brain fog is killing me. ngl hes a little ooc in this, idk why i wrote his like this but its what my brain demanded soooo (also aslo, this is not proof read. apologies for any spelling mistakes of just flat out missing letters.)
Characters: Alpha! Katsuki bakugou x Omega! Reader
Warnings: suggestive towards end
Summary: Pro-hero Dynamight catches a glimps of you as he walks by on his patrole, and wants to know more about you.
Katsuki Bakugou is all that an alpha should be. He's years spent working to be a hero, working to protect, climbing the ranks to the top 10 after only a few years in the feild- earning his title an Alpha- and it shows.
The man is built like a god, strong arms made for carrying heavy loads, thighs like treetrunks, always working to push him forward to where he needs to be. The area surrounding him exudes pure power, that, and his scent. He could have anything, anyone, he wants- whether he asks for it or he takes it himself.
You, however, work at a local bakery, usually behind the cash register, or waiting tables with all kinds of sweet treats and coffee- whatever was needed at the time. A few weeks ago, Pro-Hero dynamight had a change to his schedule, with a new patrol route that just happens to pass by your workplace.
He saw you through the window on the first day of his new route, as he grumbled away to himself about 'how stupid this is' (he was a creature of habit, after all), and he was struck at first by your face. He thought it was beautiful- intricate lines making up your eyes, the creasse in your brow as you lost yourself in thought- and then he walked past, and you were gone. He had half wanted to turn around and see more, maybe go inside and ask your name, but of course that would seem strange- stupid, even, he told himself, so he continued walking, with you at the back of his mind.
The next day, as he bagan partol, he passed your bakery again, this time looking for you, but only to become slightly disgruntled when you werent there- only for you to walk direnct past him from behind and rush into said bakery, giving him a facefull of your scent.
As you rushed inside,accidentally running into what felt like a wall, you were hit with the smell of orange zest and caramel, with the slightest undertone of a burnt or smokey smell. It smelt amazing, calming even, but as you turned to see who it belonged to, you were met wiht Dynamight. The Dynamight. you would spontaniously combust on the spot if you could. Katsuki Bakugou was standing outside your work and you not only ran into him, but only turned around because of his scent.
Katsuki, on the otherhand, was floored. Immediatly addicted to your scent, taking a deep inhale through his nose, and locking eyes with you. He could feel his alpha clawing at his chest to get to you. you just looked so cute! Standing there, face beet red, awkwardly fidgeting as you just stared up at him.
'uhm.. im sorry,.. i didnt mean to bump into you-' you began to babble but got cut off as he smirked down at you, beefy arms crossing across his chest. 'yeah? well how about you be more careful? wouldnt want that pretty face getting hurt, would we?' he teased, your face getting redder by the second. 'okay- sorry, again' you muttered to him, eyes still locked on his. moments pass, the both of you just sort of staring at eachother, before you remeber you do infact have a job and are now running late.
As you turn around, walking back into the bakery, you hear him chuckle and begin to walk away. For the rest of the day, you cant stop thinking about him; his scent, the rippling muscles on his arms and shoulders, so strong you though he was a wall. Katsuki's thoughts are much the same throught the day, except the are directed at you; the way your hair blew slightly in the breeze, the way you smelt like cinnamon and honey, about how your apron sat on your waist, about how good you would look in nothing but your apron.
Katsuki shook his head, trying to rid himself of any more thoughts about you, but to no avail, and decided he might stop by for a coffe tomorrow.
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angel-lopes2000 · 11 months
Romantic Date
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February, 14th. Valentine's Day. A romantic season for love, Brick wanted to give Carrie the most special night. Will things work for our couple in love? Follow down the story:
04:00 am. Saturday. No time to work, which it was great for Brick - once he doesn't need to work on woods, tons of papers and anything for almost whole day. He has a great time for his loved Carrie. He sat from bed and yawned, stretching his whole body - then, he decided to check on Carrie.
"Poor girl. Looks like she also had a busy time as me." He thought. Brick grinned gently and slid his hand at her hair. Usually, it's Carrie who use to get up first, but this time, it's Brick who did. Carrie was asleep, low breathing, her face almost hidden throught the pillow and covered on warm blanket. Even during the sleep, her countenance remained calmness and peaceful feeling.
"So beautiful.. She look like an angel when sleepin'..'' He thought again, still sliding his first finger, touching against her cheek. The girl responded as smiling and having her face red blushing. The dark-haired boy giggled and shared a little kiss into her lips. Then, with the silence, he walked on tiptoe, leaving the bedroom.
Downstairs, to the kitchen's way - he prepared their breakfast. Half-hour later, while he was distracted to boiling the coffee, he felt tender and small hands wrapping between his chest.
"Carrie, honey! Good morning!'' He giggled while found Carrie hugging his back and he patted her head.
"Good morning, Bricky!'' She stared him like a puppy wishing for some caring. Her eyes were shining - too brighty that anyone can see their reflect like mirrors. The boy grinned and embraced back.
"Did you sleep well?'' He asked, removing a strand from her eye.
"Hehehe like a baby." She answered, hiding the right arm behind her head. "You know.. I had such a beautiful dream..''
''And could I know which happened in your dream?'' He approached his face against hers. She blushed so hard, tried to say but couldn't stop smiling and stuttering like a broken machine.
"Hahahaha Okay, sweetie. Maybe later or another time, 'right?" She nodded in agreement. "Now, just wait for few seconds, okay? Our break' will come ready soon.''
Carrie nodded and left the kitchen to sitting on table. When the food got ready, Brick prepared some on tray - walking to dining room, he sat next from his woman and started to eat. It was some pancakes, coffee and fruits, after the meal, Carrie took the dishes and put on sink, with her powers, she washed all of them and put back to places.
"Honey, wouldn't you want me to help you? It could be a lot for you.'' He asked, worried about his wife.
Giggling about his concern for hardworking, Carrie kissed Brick's cheek and massaged his other cheek with a kind smile ''It's okay, dear. In the end, it was just some dishes and thanks to my powers, I can make all home clean in few seconds."
"Okay, but yet, remember to always call me, everytime you need. 'Right?"
"Of course, love." She responded gently. Then, Brick warned the girl about leaving to work. But her reaction wasn't that positive, she watched by calendar and sighed a bit melancholic. The boy wondered about the happening but the freckled girl faked a smile and the couple said goodbye.
Watching by the window, she looked to boy walking away.
"Job. job. job... He had been so busy these times that sometimes I wonder if he still has the same feelings for me..." But for thinking as she's wondering about his love for her, she waved, refusing to these thoughts. "No, No, Carrie! You shouldn't be so ungrateful. Bricky still has the same love for you and it won't never change. That's it." However, she couldn't stop sighing for missing the times together. Then, she closed the window and sat on couch to read some romance books.
"Woof Woof!" She jumped from scary after finding an excited Benji holding a collar, indicating as he's calling Carrie to walk with him.
"Oh, Benji.. Don't scary me this way hahahaha" Said Carrie, scolding the Beagle playfully. The dog jumped to her lap and licked her face most times, the girl laughed a lot and agreed to walk with her pet.
Leaving the book back to couch and walking to brush the hair and slide some soft lipstick, she took the Beagle and they left their residence and started to walk. The neighborhood looked sunny and cheerful, with most kids playing from many games since baseball or hide-n-seek. Benji watched around, excited for a new adventure like a real kid.
Downtown, Brick was counting dollars to buy a great gift to Carrie and plan her a surprise. He looked to many stores. Clothes, jewelry, books, flowers, anything that would win a woman's heart easily. Humming some song, he decided to start for clothes store, inside, he looked to all clothes. Skirts, bell bottoms, coats and dresses.
"Carrie always wished for a dress. I think I'll gonna make her wish." He grinned for imagine how happy would she feel. There was a lot of dresses from different colors, he kept looking to one by one until found a soft green dress with some small crystals on necklace. Simple but classy.
"I think she would love it! Aahh.. Can imagine my Queen wearing when I take her to dinner on the most fancy restaurant.. Oh baby, can't wait for!!" He took the dress and walked to the cashier. The older woman was smoking some cigarette and watching soap opera on TV.
"Excuse-me, lady! But how much is this dress, please?" The lady focused her attention to Brick and apologized for distraction.
"Sorry, sir. It cost 1.200,00 dollars." His reaction was like, almost having a heart attack and faint during the store.
"My God! It comes with a ultra modern TV and futurist control, Jetsons' car from year 2000 and more a robot with highly technologic AI that cook, clean the house and act like a friend to gossip?" The older lady laughed from Brick's over-exaggerated and creative comparisons based to sci-fi and others futuristic movies.
"No, sir. It's just a dress." She took off the cigarette and threw it to trash can.
"Okay... Hope this card help me." He whisper to himself the last sentence. With his left hand to his pocket, Brick took a credit card and gave to the cashier. The cashier slid the card on machine and saved the dress inside a bag and gave back to the boy.
"Thank you, kind gentleman!" He nodded slowly and left the clothes' store. "Gonna make sure to never return to this evil witch again.'' Then, he went to the bank to take more money for their night. After leaving the place, Brick went to buy simple things as flowers bouquet and chocolate heart box. To the way to his home, Carrie recognized Brick carrying a lot of gifts.
"Bricky??" When he heard her sweet voice. He got blushed and fell down, dropping all things accidentely. Carrie ran after him and helped her husband to take all stuff and get up.
"Awww honey..." She said happily.
"Y-y-yeah. It was for you and-" Before he finished to explain, Carrie jumped from his lap to hug him tighty and kiss his whole face enough to make him completely reddened. But then, both found they were on streets and most people were watching, confused. The couple got more blushed than normal and both got up quickly, with Carrie hiding behind Brick's back and the boy pretending as it was an accident. People got a bit confused yet, but left the couple to walk to their way. Some were laughing hidden, others just watching embarassed.
Later, to that night, Carrie's on bedroom, wearing her makeup. This time, her expression was cheerful and passionate, she couldn't stop blushing and thinking to know that he didn't forget the special day. But her thoughts were interrupted to Brick knocking down the door.
"Excuse-me, princess?" He asked politely, grinning softy and hiding something on his back. Carrie smiled and allowed the boy to come in, when he did, she just noticed about how shy he looked - exactly like the time he came to take her to prom. But this time, he was like hiding something special.
"Hehehehe Bricky, what are you hiding it?" Brick tried to make a surprise, but he couldn't pretend his excitement anymore. Gave up, Brick showed her a pink box with red lace and white balls.
"It's for you, honey." Carrie took the box excitedly and kissed his face in gratitude, then she opened it, revealing the green dress he bough from downtown store.
"So, you liked it?"
"Bricky.... I loved it!! Thank you, love!! This dress is so beautiful!!" Brick smiled for happiness and told her to wear it because he will take her to dinner. He was close to leave, but Carrie ordered to wait for her in bedroom. Then, she started to wear the dress, Brick kept watching and admiring his wife' beauty.
"Awwww girl. How come you never fail to mess with my heart..?" He thought, hypnotized by her natural look. Now, wearing the new dress, Carrie laughed and tried to remember Brick they should leave. The boy apologize and they walked to outside to their car.
"Bye, Benji! Papa and Mama will come soon." The puppy waved as goodbye and walked inside to get protected and see some TV.
On car, first he allowed Carrie to enter and then, he did the same. Driving from some miles, they arrived to the fanciest restaurant - however, the restaurant was already full and couldn't allow no more customers in, which made the boy to get frustrated. Carrie conforted him and explained she didn't have problem to an average restaurant - in the end, she wasn't never to expensive things. It was easy to Brick get accustomed, but with patience, he would try his best.
Then, the couple left the place and mocked from the arrogant people there and drove away to the usual as they do to have lunch during Sundays. It was calm but yet funny and classy, after dinner and paying very cheap than he would do on fancy restaurant, Carrie and Brick drove to watch the moon by their car. The radio was playing "How Deep is your Love" by Bee Gees, both were completely in love for each other - even after married, living together and no longer at school, Carrie and Brick never stop being like two passionate teens.
And during the line "And you come to me on a summer breeze. Keep me warm in your love, then you softly leave" The romantic couple looked each other, sharing passionate stares and smiles. On the rhythm from the song, Carrie and Brick embraced each other and kissed deeply. Expressing all their deep love. With the tongues dancing during the song, Carrie and Brick laid slowly.
"I love you, Bricky." She said, smiling to the boy and sliding her fingers on his cheek, making him to get blushed as usual.
"I love you too, Carrie." He kissed her hand delicately and then, they returned to kissing lovingly and "having more deep romance" for that special night.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ The End ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
And this story comes for my one of my special Tumblr friends @horror-blog-78, who sent me a last ask to write a romantic story about Carrie and Brick. Thank you for asking, dear! 😊❤
And if you're also interested to send me more asks, please feel at home to come in my box! 😊
And also, sorry for taking it longer - my life had been so messy that I needed to breath and relax my mind after a lot of things happening in the same time hehe 😅
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Ninjago Season 9, Episode 6: Two Lies, One Truth
I'm not going to do this for every episode but I'll likely return to some past episodes depending on what comes to me.
Two things:
First - what are the two lies and one truth of the episode.
While discussing this with my watch buddy (my mum, Leona Dawn), I came to this conclusion.
We have three main groups to focus on for this episode, specifically; Wu and the Ninja, Lloyd and the Resistance, and Garmadon with the SoG.
So my throught is to divide it, one per group.
Wu, Faith and the Ninja: Two options, one - learning the truth about how Iron Baron controls his people OR two - (Because of how much focus Cole gives it) Wu telling the truth that he doesn't know were they're going but, he is going on faith.
Lloyd, Mistaké, and the Resistance: One could say that Mistakés revealing herself to be an Oni was the truth, but like I said - with the emphasis Cole puts on Wu to tell the truth - I'm fairly certain that this group has one of the lies. Specifically, I believe the lies is when Mistaké pretends to be Lloyd to help the Resistance capture Harumi.
Garmadon, Harumi, and the SoG: Finally, the second lie I believe is Harumi's attempt to take Lloyd's place as Garmadon's child. One of the biggest parts of the show has always been the fact that Lloyd is the name written on Garmadon's heart, his light leading him out of the darkness, that which gives him strength to break past all his weaknesses. Ever since Garmadon's partial resurrection (partial since Harumi only wanted the destroyer - more on that in a moment) Harumi has been working to mold Garmadon into who she thinks he is rather than who he actually is. Her lie is that Lloyd makes Garmadon weak when the reality is that the only reason Garmadon had the strength to fight the Devourer and the Venom was because of Lloyd. Harumi, in trying to replace Lloyd in Garmadon's heart is calling Lloyd the opposite of what he is and calling herself the opposite of the effect she will have on Garmadon. Lloyd made Garmadon stronger, Harumi literally made Garmadon weaker by cutting him in half by only resurrecting part of him. Harumi's lie is that she will make Garmadon stronger by being his child but she has made him weaker by placing a divide between Father and Son.
As to my second point of the episode:
The Nature of Harumi's "adoption"
There is a reason I refuse to legitimately call Harumi a Garmadon child; why I refuse to call her Lloyd's sister.
Going past the fact that realistically (realistically she said while talking about Lego people) someone needs to be of sound mind and body when discussing legal matters, which includes adoption, and literally being half of yourself is not being of sound mind or body
The Garmadon that Harumi brought back is practically a decaying corpse.
(Garmadon is missing enought of himself that you can see almost a quarter of his rib and bodily fluid is leaking between the kinks of his armor)
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But beyond that is something I'm not sure even Harumi realized (or if she did then she's crazier then I thought).
Garmadon and Wu were ment to protect and defend Ninjago, their Father's creation. Before the bite, Garmadon was the perfect elder son. It is because of the bite of the Devourer that Garmadon slowly became The Destroyer.
By that understanding, Garmadon The Destroyer can thus be called Garmadon The Devourer, because the Destroyer is the creation of the Venom of the Great Devourer.
When Harumi ask to be the daughter of Garmadon The Destroyer, in a way she was asking to be the daughter of the Venom of The Great Devourer, she was asking to be the daughter of that which was created by the monster that killed her parents.
The man that helped the Ninja save Ninjago City from the Devourer is the man that spent thousands of years fighting the Venom that command him to become the Destroyer. The man that helped the Ninja would fight wars to save his Son.
The true Garmadon, is not the Destroyer
The Venom of the Devourer is the Destroyer
The Venom is the creator of the Destroyer.
Harumi resurrected the Destroyer.
Harumi had herself be adopted by the Destroyer.
Lloyd is the Son of Garmadon
Lloyd is the Grandson of the The First Spinjitzu Master
Harumi is the Daughter of the Devourer
Perhaps Lloyd and Harumi are siblings after all - but not in blood (literal and adoption) but rather in Venom, after all Lloyd was born in the last years before the venom caused Garmadon to go after the four weapon (before ending up in the underworld).
But that's a post for another day.
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ubyr-babaj · 1 year
Dracula Mischaracterization Drinking Game, Black Chest edition
And here's another one on the "Renfield" 2023 fic, because why not:
Is combined with Jonathan/goes to Transylvania instead of Jonathan That's the 2023 movie we're talking, my dudes.
Is the secondary villain/straight up evil ...dude. That's a half-rusalka guy with NPD who spent the last century in a society of other low empathy creatures that kill people to survive. He's sweet and much uwu, but you're not safe with him, also sometimes he feels the deep need to start shit.
Is way older or way younger than his original age He stopped aging at 26, he's technically around 118?
Remains loyal to Dracula throughout the whole story and never fights/turns on him Cheats on him so much it's not even funny, literally kills him at some point.
Never interacts with Mina Since he's half-Jonathan, he was married to her before he ditched her.
Is shown as "sane" at the beginning He had C-PTSD/NPD long before he met Vlad.
Becomes a vampire at some point Our boy goes bigger.
The narrative tries to justify his mistreatment at the hands of Jack He doesn't spend that much time with Seward, thank fuck.
Is not "evil," just """misunderstood""" Idk, dude, he wants to keep himself and his loved ones safe and does a lot of fucked up shit to get to it.
Is actually the protagonist
His first name is Vlad
Appears and regularly interacts with the other characters throught the story Duh?
Is young/handsome/suave He's a hunchback with needle teeth, who swears like a sailor and looks in his early 60s.
Is here to "liberate" Mina from her "toxic"/"boring" husband
Is combined with Vlad the Impaler/some historical figure He's a fictionalized version of Vlad the Impaler.
Is obsessed with Mina specifically
Has all queer undertones stripped from him Dude he's so fucking gay, his own mother cursed him for being gay.
Is not Romanian/his actor makes no attempt to sound Romanian Half Romanian, half Lithuanian. Overall a cultural salad of man.
Is basically just a characature of Bela Logosi That's Nic Cage, baby.
Only kills the characters who "deserved" to die
Is hurt/killed by exposure to sunlight His flavor of vampirism means he will burn faster than an omlette.
Is Van Helsing's arch nemesis
Is friends with Frankenstein's monster
Never turns into anything other than a bat Vlad normally turns into a snake. His wolves suck, please don't ask him to turn into a wolf.
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seriouslysam8 · 7 months
I think there are many reasons for many people not being a fan of the fact you dislike Hermione. First off, I would just like to say you are an amazing writer! I enjoy reading your works and I totally get that you dislike her and we all have our own preferences so it doesn't actually matter. To each their own. For me one of the reasons why I love Harry Potter is the characterization of different characters, like it's just soo good! I don't think you'll see this in any other dystopian books! All characters are so flawed, even the protagonist. It's what makes it so real. The flaws. But at the end of the day despite their flaws, they are good people and that's why I just love every single one of them. And just like everyone, Hermione also has a lot of flaws but she is very loyal. She can be quite strict and tends to rub people in the wrong way and has very strong moral views but she is willing to over look those for her friends. That is her character arc throught the series and if u notice carefully each one of the characters have one of those. Character development✨. One of the reasons people are so pressed about it (I think, idk for sure) is because if u ask people why they like Hermione more than half of the times it's coz they are like her or they feel like they can relate to the character. And for me, you really are one of the best fanfiction writers and I love to read your fics but tbh sometimes I just can't help but wish u liked her too because I would get to read her in your fics. And I really wish you liked her just so I could see her in your works and from your point of view. But I am very aware that I DO NOT have any right to ask you to write them according to mine or anyone else's taste because its YOUR work and you do it for fun and you are not paid to do it. So we cannot demand things from you or ask you to write things in a certain way. So if there are people who are hating you for just disliking a character then they are wrong. I really do not mean to come off as mean or condescending (Sorry if I do) and I really do appreciate your works. I just wanted to mention something and to also add that I appreciate your stories and for the effort you put into them. (And do forgive me if my English isn't perfect bcoz it is not my first language) Tysm for ur time💖
I am glad that are enjoy my stories.
I appreciate that you like Hermione, but I appreciate more your mature attitude that everyone can like who they like. I’m sorry, but you will never see me include Hermione in any meaningful way in my stories. She may make one more small appearance at the end of Brumous, but that’s about it. In the Blackinnon raises Harry AU series, she won’t make an appearance at all.
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