#('Schutzfunktion' des Anzugs weil ein Waschbär eingebrochen ist oder so 🙈)
shieldretired · 2 years
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development tea room halloween prompts
Weekly Prompt: It's late at night, and you hear footsteps in the cellar, but you're definitely home alone…or so you thought. @dereiserne​ gets a surprise
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                         STARK IS OUT FOR DATE NIGHT WITH MISS POTTS, so Steve is all alone in the huge mansion, happily lounging on the huge couch with the StarkPad in hand because it has a paint app and he thinks he still prefers real paper and a pencil, but it's good for some quick sketches. He's engrossed in drawing the flowers on the coffee table when he hears a noise from downstairs. Nothing too loud — he might not even have picked it up without his super hearing. The thing is: It sounds a little like footsteps. And Steve knows for a fact that he's alone because he wished Miss Potts a lovely night and gave Tony the finger for telling him not to burn the place down, so who on earth could it be? He sits up, puts the tablet down, frowns. It's pitch black outside (it's nearly 11 P.M., after all), and fat raindrops drum against the floor-to-ceiling windows. It's a little creepy, to be honest. Or maybe that's just Steve's imagination — Stark made him watch The Shining the other night, and that has been a truly terrifying movie.
                          "Hello?" he yells like a real idiot that gets killed first in a horror film. No answer. For fuck's sake. Steve decides to investigate because it's probably just some robbers or something. He gets up and walks down the stairs to the workshop but only after grabbing the shield out of his bedroom. It's dark here, too, but the noise is way louder. He enters the code for the door, then steps inside. Before his hand finds the light switch, two eerily glowing eyes appear in the darkness right in front of him. Steve might yell a little — he definitely hurls the shield at the thing, hears metal crash and groan, then the lights turn on and reveal — a knocked-over Iron Man suit, loose screws and other metal parts, the shield almost innocently amid the chaos. Steve thinks his heart reverted back to before the serum: it's pounding nearly out of his chest. 
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